In this work, streaming potential measurements are performed for five rock samples
saturated with six different electrolytes. From
measured streaming potential coefficients, the
zeta potential is deduced. The theoretical
model is then used to explain the experimental
data. Based on the model, the surface site density for different rocks and the binding constant for different cations are found and they
are in good agreement with those reported in
the literature. It is also shown that (1) the surface site density of Bentheim sandstone mostly composed of silica is the largest of five
rock samples while it is in the same order of
magnitude for the rest of samples that are
made of a mixture silica, alumina and Ferric
oxide and (2) the binding constant is almost
the same for a given cation but it increases in
the order KMe(Na+) < KMe(K+) < KMe(Cs+) for a
given rock. Additionally, the variation of the
zeta potential with the binding constant is also
predicted and the prediction is consistent with
published works.
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Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(2), 109-116, Doi:10.15625/0866-7187/40/2/11091
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
A study on the variation of zeta potential with mineral
composition of rocks and types of electrolyte
Luong Duy Thanh*1, Rudolf Sprik2
1Thuy Loi University, 175 Tay Son, Dong Da, Ha Noi, Vietnam
2Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Received 11 February 2017; Received in revised form 11 September 2017; Accepted 13 January 2018
Streaming potential in rocks is the electrical potential developing when an ionic fluid flows through the pores of
rocks. The zeta potential is a key parameter of streaming potential and it depends on many parameters such as the
mineral composition of rocks, fluid properties, temperature etc. Therefore, the zeta potential is different for various
rocks and liquids. In this work, streaming potential measurements are performed for five rock samples saturated with
six different monovalent electrolytes. From streaming potential coefficients, the zeta potential is deduced. The exper-
imental results are then explained by a theoretical model. From the model, the surface site density for different rocks
and the binding constant for different cations are found and they are in good agreement with those reported in litera-
ture. The result also shows that (1) the surface site density of Bentheim sandstone mostly composed of silica is the
largest of five rock samples; (2) the binding constant is almost the same for a given cation but it increases in the order
KMe(Na+) < KMe(K+) < KMe(Cs+) for a given rock.
Keywords: streaming potential; zeta potential; porous media; rocks; electrolytes.
©2018 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction1
Streaming potential has been used for a va-
riety of geophysical applications. For in-
stance, the streaming potential is used to map
subsurface flow and detect subsurface flow
patterns in oil reservoirs (e.g., Wurmstich and
Morgan, 1994); in geothermal exploration
(e.g., Corwin and Hoovert, 1979) or in detec-
tion of water leakage through dams, dikes,
reservoir floors, and canals (e.g., Ogilvy et al.,
1969). The key parameter that controls the
degree of the coupling between the ground
*Corresponding author, Email:
fluid flow in rocks and the electrical signals is
the streaming potential coefficient. The zeta
potential of a solid-liquid interface of porous
media is one of the most crucial parameters in
streaming potential coefficient. Most rocks
made of various types of mineral composition
are filled or partially filled with natural water
containing different electrolytes. The influ-
ence of the mineral composition of rocks and
electrolyte types on the zeta potential has been
studied (Luong and Sprik, 2016a). However,
the surface site density for different rocks and
the binding constant for different cations have
not yet obtained in Luong and Sprik (2016a).
In this work, the similar approach is per-
Luong Duy Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
formed for other types of rock to obtain those
parameters. Measurements of streaming
potential are performed for five consolidated
rock samples (one sample of Bentheim
sandstone, two samples of Berea sandstone
and two samples of artificial ceramic)
saturated by six monovalent electrolytes (NaI,
NaCl, KI, KCl, KNO3 and CsCl). The reason
to select five rock samples used this work is
that they are silica rich rocks. Therefore, the
experimental data can be analyzed and
compared to a theoretical model developed for
silica surfaces. The electrolyte concentration
of 10-3 M is used in this work because that
value is comparable to the groundwater as
stated by Jackson et al. (2012). From
streaming potential coefficients, the zeta
potential is obtained for different systems of
electrolyte and rock. The measured zeta
potential is then compared with the theoretical
model. The surface site density for different
rocks and the binding constant for different
cations are then obtained.
2. Theoretical background of streaming
The liquid flow in rocks is a reason for a
measurable electrical potential due to the
electrokinetic effect. The resulting electrical
potential is called the streaming potential.
Streaming potential is directly connected to an
electric double layer (EDL) that exists at the
solid-liquid interface. Solid grain surfaces of
the rocks immersed in aqueous systems
acquire a surface electric charge, mainly via
the dissociation of silanol groups - >SiOH0
(where > means the mineral lattice and the
superscript “0” means zero charge) and the
adsorption of cations on solid surfaces. The
reactions at a solid silica surface (silica is the
main component of rocks) in contact with
fluids have been well described in the
literature (e.g., Revil and Glover, 1997;
Behrens and Grier, 2001; Glover et al., 2012).
The reactions at the silanol surfaces in contact
with 1:1 electrolyte solutions are:
>SiOH0 >SiO− + H+, (1)
for deprotonation of silanol groups and
>SiOH0 + Me+ >SiOMe0 + H+, (2)
for cation adsorption on silica surfaces ( Me+
refer to monovalent cations in the electrolytes
such as K+ or Na+). It should be noted that
further protonation of the silanol surfaces is
expected only under extremely acidic
conditions (pH < 2-3) and is not considered.
Similarly, the protonation of doubly
coordinated groups (>Si2O0) is not taken into
account because these are normally
considered inert (e.g., Revil and Glover, 1997;
Behrens and Grier, 2001; Glover et al., 2012).
According to Revil and Glover, 1997 and
Glover et al., 2012, the disassociation constant
for deprotonation of the silica surfaces is d
termined as 0
, (3)
and the binding constant for cation adsorption
on the silica surfaces is determined
where 0i is the surface site density of surface species i (sites/m2) and 0i is the activity of an ionic species i at the closest approach of
the mineral surface (no units).
The total density of surface sites ( 0S ) is
determined as follows
0000 SiOMeSiOSiOHS (5)
Based on Eq. (3), Eq. (4) and Eq. (5), the
surface site density of sites 0 SiO and 0SiOMe
are obtained (see Revil and Glover, 1997 or
Glover et al., 2012 for more details). The
mineral surface charge density 0SQ in C/m2
can be found by
00 . SiOS eQ (6)
where e is the elementary charge.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(2), 109-116
Due to a charged solid surface, an electric
double layer (EDL) is developed at the liquid-
solid interface when solid grains of rocks are
in contact with the liquid. The EDL is made
up of (1) the Stern layer where cations are
adsorbed on the surface and are immobile due
to the strong electrostatic attraction and (2)
the diffuse layer where the number of cations
exceeds the number of anions and the ions are
mobile (see Figure 1). The distribution of ions
and the electric potential within the EDL is
shown in Figure 1 for a broad planar interface
(e.g., Stern, 1924; Ishido and Mizutani, 1981).
The closest plane to the solid surface in the
diffuse layer at which flow occurs is termed
the shear plane and the electrical potential at
this plane is called the zeta potential (ζ).
The electrical potential distribution φ in
the EDL has, approximately, an exponential
distribution as follows (Revil and Glover,
1997; Glover et al., 2012):
, (7)
Figure 1. Stern model for the charge and electric
potential distribution in the EDL at a solid-liquid
interface (e.g., Stern, 1924; Ishido and Mizutani, 1981)
where φd is the Stern potential (V) given by
d C
Tk w1010
3 (8)
and χd is the Debye length (m) given by
d CNe
, (9)
and χ is the distance from the mineral
surface (m). The zeta potential (V) is then be
calculated as
where is the shear plane distance - the distance from the mineral surface to the shear
plane and that is normally taken as 2.4×10−10
m (Glover et al., 2012).
In Eq. (8) and Eq. (9), kb is the
Boltzmann’s constant (1.38×10-23 J/K (Lide,
2009)), ε0 is the dielectric permittivity in
vacuum (8.854×10-12 F/m (Lide, 2009)), εr is
the relative permittivity (no units), T is
temperature (in K), e is the elementary charge
(1.602×10-19 C (Lide, 2009)), N is the
Avogadro’s number (6.022 ×1023 /mol (Lide,
2009)), Cf is the electrolyte concentration
(mol/L), pH is the fluid pH, 0S is the surface site density (sites/m2) and Kw is the
disassociation constant of water (no units).
The different flows (fluid flow, electrical
flow, heat flow etc.) are coupled by an
equation (Onsager, 1931).
Ji =
Xj, (11)
which links the forces Xj to the macroscopic fluxes Ji through transport coupling coefficients Lij. Considering the coupling between the
hydraulic flow and the electrical flow in
porous media, assuming no concentration
gradients and no temperature gradient, the
electric current density Je (A/m2) and the flow of fluid Jf (m/s) can be written as (Jouniaux and Ishido, 2012):
Je = - .0 PLV ek (12)
Jf = - ,0 PkVLek (13)
Luong Duy Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
where P is the pressure that drives the flow
(Pa) , V is the electrical potential (V), 0 is the bulk electrical conductivity, 0k is the bulk permeability (m2), is the dynamic viscosity
of the fluid (Pa.s), and ekL is the electrokinetic coupling (A.Pa-1.m-1). The
electrokinetic coupling coefficient is the same
in Eq. (12) and Eq. (13) because the coupling
coefficients must comply with the Onsager’s
reciprocal equation in the steady state. From
these equations, it is seen that even if there is
no applied potential difference (V = 0), then
simply the presence of a pressure difference
can produce an electric current. On the other
hand, if no pressure difference is applied (P
= 0), the presence of an electric potential
difference can generate a flow of fluid.
The streaming potential coefficient (SPC)
is defined when the total electric current
density Je is zero, leading to (Jouniaux and
Ishido, 2012):
This SPC can be determined by setting up a
pressure difference ∆P across a porous
medium and measuring the electric potential
difference ∆V. In the case of a unidirectional
flow through a porous medium, this coefficient
is written as (e.g., Mizutani et al., 1976,
Jouniaux and Ishido, 2012)
where ζ is the zeta potential and σeff is the
effective conductivity which includes the fluid
conductivity and the surface conductivity. The
SPC can also be expressed as
where σr is the electrical conductivity of the saturated rocks and F is the formation factor.
3. Experiment
Measurements are carried out for five rock
samples with six monovalent electrolytes
(NaI, NaCl, KI, KCl, KNO3, and CsCl) at the concentration of 10−3 M. The samples are
cylindrical cores of Bentheim sandstone
(BEN), Berea sandstone (BS1 and BS5) and
artificial ceramic (DP46i and DP50). The
mineral composition, microstructure
parameters and sources of the rock samples
have been reported in Luong (2014) and re-
shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Mineral composition and microstructure parameters of the rocks. Symbols ko (in mD), ϕ (in %), F (no units),
α∞ (no units), ρs (in kg/m3) stand for permeability, porosity, formation factor, tortuosity and solid density of porous
media, respectively
Samples Mineral composition ko Φ F α∞ ρs
BEN Mostly Silica (Tchistiakov, 2000) 1382 22.3 12.0 2.7 2638
DP46i Mainly Alumina and fused silica
(see: )
4591 48.0 4.7 2.3 3559
DP50 Mainly Alumina and fused silica
(see: )
2960 48.5 4.2 2.0 3546
BS5 Mainly Silica and Alumina, Ferric Oxide
( )
310 20.1 14.5 2.9 2514
BS1 Mainly Silica and Alumina, Ferric Oxide
( )
120 14.5 19.0 2.8 2602
The experimental setup and the approach
used to collect the SPC are well described in
Luong (2014) or Luong and Sprik (2016a,
2016b). The electrolytes are pumped through
the samples until the electrical conductivity
and pH of the solutions get a stable value
measured by a multimeter (Consort C861).
The equilibrium solution pH is measured in
the range 6.0 to 7.5. Electrical potential
differences across the samples are measured
by a multimeter (Keithley Model 2700).
Pressure differences between a sample are
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(2), 109-116
measured by a pressure transducer (Endress
and Hauser Deltabar S PMD75). The meas-
measured electrical potential difference is
then plotted as a function of the applied
pressure difference. Consequently, the SPC is
obtained by calculating the straight line slope.
4. Results and Discussions
Figure 2 shows three typical sets of the
streaming potential as a function of pressure
difference for the Bentheim sandstone (BEN).
It is shown that there is a very small drift of
the streaming potential over time and the
straight lines fitting the experimental data may
not go through the origin. The reason may be
due to the electrode polarization. The SPC is
then taken as the average value of the slope of
three straight lines. The maximum error of the
SPC is 10%. It is found that the SPC is
negative regardless of types of electrolyte for
all samples. From the measured SPC, the
variation of the SPC in magnitude with types
of electrolyte and types of rock is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 2. Streaming potential as a function of pressure
difference for the BEN sample saturated by NaCl
Figure 3. The variation of the SPC with types of
electrolyte and types of rocks
The electrical conductivity of the saturated
samples is deduced from the sample
resistances that are measured by an impedance
analyzer (Luong, 2014). Therefore, the zeta
potential will be determined by Eq. (16) in
which viscosity, relative permittivity of
electrolyte solutions and the formation factor
of the samples are already known. The
obtained zeta potential is reported in Table 2.
The variation of the zeta potential with
electrolyte types and rock types is shown in
Figure 4. The results show that types of rocks
and types of electrolytes have a strong
influence on the zeta potential. This can be
qualitatively explained by the difference of
the surface site density, the disassociation
constant of the surface sites from rock sample
to rock sample as well as the binding constant
of cations. For example, the binding constant
of Na+ is smaller than K+ (Glover et al., 2012;
Dove and Rimstidt, 1994). Therefore, at the
same electrolyte concentration, less cations of
Na+ are absorbed on the negative solid surface
than cations of K+. Consequently, the zeta
potential is larger in the electrolyte containing
cations of Na+ than that of K+. Among the
electrolytes tested in this work, NaI has the
most effect on the zeta potential, while the
CsCl has the least for all samples. This
observation is the same as what is stated in
Kim et al. (2004) for the zeta potential of
silica particles in electrolytes of NaCl, NaI,
KCl, CsCl, CsI.
Figure 4. The variation of the zeta potential with types
of electrolyte and types of rock
Luong Duy Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
Table 2. Zeta potential for different electrolytes and
different rocks (mV)
BEN DP46i DP50 BS5 BS1
NaCl - 78.1 - 46.5 - 36.2 - 40.0 - 26.1
NaI - 84.3 - 43.2 - 30.1 - 32.0 - 25.0
KI - 70.7 - 31.7 - 22.7 - 26.2 - 15.8
KCl - 65.9 - 41.5 - 33.9 - 33.0 - 22.4
KNO3 - 66.7 - 35.8 - 26.5 - 27.2 - 15.6CsCl - 61.4 - 26.5 - 20.3 - 23.5 - 10.8
To quantitatively explain the behaviors in
Figure 4, the theoretical model that has been
introduced in section 2 is applied. For Ben-
theim sandstone made of mainly silica, input
parameters available in Glover et al. (2012)
for silica is used. The value of the disassocia-
tion constant K(−) is taken as 10−7.1. The shear
plane distance is taken as 2.4×10−10 m. The surface site density 0S is taken as 5×1018 site/m2. The disassociation constant of water
Kw is taken as 9.22×10−15 at 22oC. The fluid
pH is taken as average value of 6.7 (between 6
and 7.5). The binding constant for cation ad-
sorption on silica is not well known. For ex-
ample, Glover et al. (2012) reported that
KMe(Na+) = 10−3.25 and KMe(K+) = 10−2.8.
KMe(Li+) = 10−7.8 and KMe(Na+) = 10−7.1 are
found for silica by Dove and Rimstidt (1994).
KMe(Li+) = 10−7.7, KMe(Na+) = 10−7.5 and
KMe(Cs+) = 10−7.2 are given by Kosmulski and
Dahlsten (2006). In order to obtain the bind-
ing constant for Bentheim sandstone used in
this work, the experimental data is fitted in
combination with the theoretical models (see
Figure 5). From that, the binding constants for
cations of Na+, K+ and Cs+ are found to be
KMe(Na+) = 10−5.0, KMe(K+) = 10−3.3, KMe(Cs+)
= 10−3.2, respectively.
For other samples, Luong and Sprik
(2016a) show that the disassociation constant
has much less influence on the zeta potential
than the surface site density and the binding
constant. Therefore, all input parameters are
kept the same as reported by Glover et al.
(2012) except the surface site density and the
binding constant. Using the same approach as
mentioned above for Bentheim sandstone, the
binding constants for cations of Na+, K+, Cs+
and surface site density for the other rocks are
obtained (see Table 3). The binding constants
deduced in this work for Na+, K+ and Cs+ are
in good agreement with those reported by
Scales (1990) in which KMe(Na+) = 10−5.5,
KMe(K+) = 10−3.2, KMe(Cs+) = 10−2.8. Table 3
indicates that the surface site density of Ben-
theim sandstone (BEN) mostly composed of
silica is the largest of five rock samples while
it is the same order of magnitude for the rest
of samples made of a mixture silica, alumina
and Ferric oxide. It is also shown that the
binding constant is almost the same for a giv-
en cation but it increases in the order
KMe(Na+) < KMe(K+) < KMe(Cs+) for a given
Figure 5. The value of the zeta potential as a function of
electrolytes for Bentheim sandstone (BEN) from both
the experimental data and the model
Table 3. Surface site density and binding constant obtained by fitting experimental data
BEN DP46i DP50 BS5 BS1
S (site/m2) 5×1018 0.7×1018 0.4×1018 0.4×1018 0.15×1018
KMe(Na+) 10−5.0 10−4.5 10−4.5 10−4.5 10−4.5
KMe(K+) 10−3.3 10−3.4 10−3.5 10−3.5 10−3.9
KMe(Cs+) 10−3.2 10−3.2 10−3.2 10−3.3 10−3.5
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(2), 109-116
The variation of the zeta potential with the
binding constant is predicted from the theoret-
ical model (K(−) = 10−7.1; = 2.4×10−10 m; 0
S = 5×1018 site/m2; Kw = 9.22×10−15; Cf = 10-3 M) for two different values of pH (pH =
6.5 and pH = 7.5) as shown in Figure 6. It is
seen that the zeta potential in magnitude de-
creases with increasing binding constant as
explained above. Additionally, the zeta poten-
tial in magnitude at the higher value of pH
(pH = 7.5) is predicted to be larger than that at
lower pH (pH = 6.5) and that is in good
agreement with what is reported in the litera-
ture (e.g., Kirby and Hasselbrink, 2004).
Figure 6. The variation of the zeta potential with the
binding constant at two different values of pH
5. Conclusions
In this work, streaming potential measure-
ments are performed for five rock samples
saturated with six different electrolytes. From
measured streaming potential coefficients, the
zeta potential is deduced. The theoretical
model is then used to explain the experimental
data. Based on the model, the surface site den-
sity for different rocks and the binding con-
stant for different cations are found and they
are in good agreement with those reported in
the literature. It is also shown that (1) the sur-
face site density of Bentheim sandstone most-
ly composed of silica is the largest of five
rock samples while it is in the same order of
magnitude for the rest of samples that are
made of a mixture silica, alumina and Ferric
oxide and (2) the binding constant is almost
the same for a given cation but it increases in
the order KMe(Na+) < KMe(K+) < KMe(Cs+) for a
given rock. Additionally, the variation of the
zeta potential with the binding constant is also
predicted and the prediction is consistent with
published works.
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