The algebraic approach to term-domains of linguistic variables is quite different
from the fuzzy sets one in the representation of the meaning of linguistic terms and the
methodology of solving the fuzzy multiple conditional reasoning problems. It allows linearly establishing the Quantifying Semantic Curve through the points corresponding to the
control rules. It is obtained that HAFC is simpler, effective and more understandable in
comparison with FC. In fuzzy logic, many important concepts like fuzzy set, T - norm, S -
norm, intersection, union, complement, composition. . . are used in approximate reasoning.
This is an advantage for the process of flexible reasoning, but there are too many factors
such as shape and number of membership functions, defuzzification method,. . . influencing
the precision of the reasoning process and it is difficult to optimize. Those are subjective
factors that cause error in determining the values of control process. Meanwhile, approximate reasoning based on hedge algebras, from the beginning, does not use fuzzy set concept
and its precision is obviously not influenced by this concept. Therefore, the method based
on hedge algebras does not need to determine shape and number of membership function,
neither does it need to solve defuzzification problem. Besides, in calculation, while there is
a large number of membership functions, the volume of calculation based on fuzzy control
increases quickly, meanwhile the volume of calculation based on hedge algebras does not
increase much with very simple calculation. With these above advantages, it is definitely
possible to use hedge algebras theory for many different controlling problems.
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Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, VAST, Vol. 33, No. 2 (2011), pp. 79 – 94
Bui Hai Le
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Abstract. In this paper, conventional and hedge - algebras - based fuzzy controllers,
respectively denoted by FC and HAFC, are designed to suppress vibrations of a three -
story building against earthquake. The structural system is simulated against the ground
accelerations of the El Centro earthquake in USA on May 18th, 1940; the Northridge
earthquake in USA on January 17th, 1994 and the Kobe earthquake in Japan on January
16th, 1995. The control effects of FC and HAFC are compared via the time history of
the story displacements of the structure.
Keywords: Active control, fuzzy control, hedge algebras, earthquake.
Undesired vibrations result in structural fatigue, lowering the strength and safety
of the structure, and reducing the accuracy and reliability of equipments. The problem of
undesired vibration reduction is known for many years and it has become more attrac-
tive nowadays to ensure the safety of structure, and increase the reliability and durability
of equipment [1,2]. A critical aspect in the design of civil engineering structures is the
reduction of response quantities such as velocities, deflections and forces induced by en-
vironmental dynamic loadings (i.e., wind and earthquake). In recent years, the reduction
of structural response, caused by dynamic effects, has become a subject of research, and
many structural control concepts have been implemented in practice [3-7].
Depending on the control methods, vibration control in the structure can be divided
into two categories, namely, passive control and active control. The idea of passive struc-
tural control is energy absorption, so as to reduce displacement in the structure. Recent
development of control theory and technique has brought vibration control from passive to
active and the active control method has become more effective in use. An active vibration
controller is equipped with sensors, actuators, and it requires power [2,8].
Fuzzy set theory introduced by Zadeh in 1965 has provided a mathematical tool
useful for modelling uncertain (imprecise) and vague data and been presented in many
real situations. Recently, many researches on active fuzzy control of vibrating structures
have been done [2,7,9-11].
80 Bui Hai Le
Hedge algebras (HAs) has been introduced and investigated since 1990 [12-19]. The
authors of HAs discovered that: linguistic values can formulate an algebraic structure
[12,13] and it is a Complete Hedge Algebras Structure [17,18] with a main property is
that the semantic order of linguistic values is always guaranteed. It is even a rich enough
algebraic structure [15] and, therefore, it can describe completely reasoning processes. In
[19], HAs theory was begun applying to fuzzy control and it provided better results than
FC, but studied objects in [19] are too simple to evaluate completely its control effect.
That reason suggests us, in this paper, applying HAs in active fuzzy control of a
three - story building against earthquake.
In this paper, the simple structure model in [6] is used to study the control effect of
HAFC in comparison with FC. The structure, which has three degrees of freedom all in a
horizontal direction, is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. The structural system
The equations of motion of the system subjected to the ground acceleration x¨0 (see
Fig. 2), with control force vector {F}, can be written as:
[M ]{x¨}+ [C]{x˙}+ [K]{x} = {F} − [M ]{r}x¨0 (1)
where, {x} = [x1 x2 x3]
T , {F} = [−f 0 0]T , {r} = [1 1 1]T . f is the control force,
the matrices [M ], [C] and [K], respectively representing the structural mass, damping and
stiffness ones, are given as follow:
[M ] =
m1 0 0
0 m2 0
0 0 m3
, [K] =
k1 + k2 −k2 0
−k2 k2 + k3 −k3
0 −k3 k3
[C] = 0.1× [M ] + 0.003× [K].
Active control of a three-story building using hedge-algebras-based fuzzy controller 81
Fig. 2. The ground acceleration x¨0, m/s
In this section, the idea and basic formulas of HAs are summarized based on defi-
nitions, theorems, propositions in [12-19].
By the term meaning we can observe that extremely small < very small < small <
approximately small < little small < big < very big < extremely big... So, we have a new
viewpoint: term - domains can be modelled by a poset (partially ordered set), a semantics
- based order structure.
Next, we explain how we can find out this structure.
Consider TRUTH as a linguistic variable and let X be its term - set. Assume that its
linguistic hedges used to express the TRUTH are Extremely, Very, Approximately, Little,
which for short are denoted correspondingly by E, V , A and L, and its primary terms
are false and true. Then, X ={true, V true, E true, EA true, A true, LA true, L true,
L false, false, A false, V false, E false ...} ∪ {0 , W , 1} is a term-domain of TRUTH,
82 Bui Hai Le
where 0 , W and 1 are specific constants called absolutely false, neutral and absolutely
true, respectively.
A term - domain X can be ordered based on the following observation:
- Each primary term has a sign which expresses a semantic tendency. For instance,
true has a tendency of "going up", called positive one, and it is denoted by c+, while false
has a tendency of "going down", called negative one, denoted by c−. In general, we always
have c+ ≥ c−, semantically.
- Each hedge has also a sign. It is positive if it increases the semantic tendency of
the primary terms and negative, if it decreases this tendency. For instance, V is positive
with respect to both primary terms, while L has a reverse effect and hence it is negative.
Denote by H− the set of all negative hedges and by H+ the set of all positive ones of
The term - set X can be considered as an abstract algebra AX = (X,G, C,H,≤),
where G = {c−, c+}, C = {0 ,W , 1}, H = H+ ∪ H− and ≤ is a partially ordering
relation on X . It is assumed that H− = {h−1, ..., h−q}, where h−1 < h−2 < ... < h−q,
H+ = {h1, ..., hp}, where h1 < h2 < ... < hp.
Fuzziness measure of vague terms and hedges of term-domains is defined as follow
(Definition 2 - [19]): a fm : X → [0, 1] is said to be a fuzziness measure of terms in X if:
fm(c−) + fm(c+) = 1 and
fm(hu) = fm(u), for ∀u ∈ X. (3)
For the constants 0 , W and 1
fm(0 ) = fm(W ) = fm(1 ) = 0. (4)
For ∀x, y ∈ X, ∀h ∈ H ,
This proportion does not depend on specific elements, called fuzziness measure of
the hedge h and denoted by µ(h).
For each fuzziness measure fm on X , we have (Proposition 1 - [19]):
fm(hx) = µ(h)fm(x), for every x ∈ X, (6)
fm(c−) + fm(c+) = 1, (7)
fm(hic) = fm(c), c ∈ {c
−, c+}, (8)
fm(hic) = fm(x), (9)
µ(hi) = α and
µ(hi) = β where α, β > 0 and α + β = 1. (10)
Active control of a three-story building using hedge-algebras-based fuzzy controller 83
A function Sign: X → {−1, 0, 1} is a mapping which is defined recursively as follows,
for h, h′ ∈ H and c ∈ {c−, c+} (Definition 3 - [19]):
Sign(c−) = −1, Sign (c+) = +1, (11)
Sign (hc) = − Sign (c), if h is negative w.r.t. c, (12)
Sign (hc) = + Sign (c), if h is positive w.r.t. c, (13)
Sign (h′hx) = − Sign (hx), if h′hx 6= hx and h′ is negative w.r.t. h, (14)
Sign (h′hx) = + Sign (hx), if h′hx 6= hx and h′is positive w.r.t. h, (15)
Sign (h′hx) = 0 if h′hx = hx. (16)
Let fm be a fuzziness measure on X . A semantically quantifying mapping (SQM)
ϕ : X → [0, 1], which is induced by fm on X , is defined as follows (Definition 4 - [19]):
ϕ(W ) = θ = fm(c−), ϕ(c−) = θ − αfm(c−) = βfm(c−), ϕ(c+) = θ + αfm(c+), (17)
ϕ(hjx) = ϕ(x) + Sign(hjx){
fm(hix)− ω(hjx)fm(hjx)},
where j ∈ {j : −q ≤ j ≤ p and j 6= 0} = [−qp]
and ω(hjx) =
[1 + Sign (hjx) Sign (hphjx)(β − α)]
It can be seen that the mapping ϕ is completely defined by (p+ q) free parameters:
one parameter of the fuzziness measure of a primary term and (p+ q − 1) parameters of
the fuzziness measure of hedges.
To illustrate a close relationship between the meaning of terms and their fuzziness
measure and the way to compute semantically quantifying mappings, we consider the
following example.
Example: Consider a hedge algebra AX =(X,G, C,H,≤), where G = {small, large},
C = {0 ,W , 1}, H− = {Little} = {h−1}, q = 1, H
+ = {Very} = {h1}, p = 1. We assume:
θ = 0.5, α = 0.5. (19)
It means that the semantically quantifying mapping of the neutral element and the
sum of the fuzziness measure of the negative hedges are 0.5. Hence,
- Using Equation (10) with q = 1, we have fuzziness measures of the hedges:
µ(Little) = α = 0.5, µ(Very) = β = 1− α = 0.5.
- Next, using Equations (17) and (7), we have fuzziness measures of the terms:
fm(small) = θ = 0.5, fm(large) = 1− fm(small) = 0.5.
84 Bui Hai Le
- Then, semantically quantifying mappings of the linguistic values are computed by
using Equations (17) and (18) as follow:
ϕ(W ) = θ = 0.5, ϕ(small) = θ − αfm(small) = 0.5− 0.5× 0.5 = 0.25,
ϕ(Very small) = ϕ(small) + Sign (Very small)× (fm(Very small)− 0.5fm(Very small))
= 0.25 + (−1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.125,
ϕ(Little small) = ϕ(small) + Sign (Little small)× (fm(Little small)− 0.5fm(Little small))
= 0.25 + (+1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.375
ϕ(large) = θ + αfm(large) = 0.5 + 0.5× 0.5 = 0.75,
ϕ(Very large) = ϕ(large) + Sign (Very large)× (fm(Very large)− 0.5fm(Very large))
= 0.75 + (+1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.875,
ϕ(Little large) = ϕ(large) + Sign (Little large)× (fm(Little large)− 0.5fm(Little large))
= 0.75 + (−1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.625,
ϕ(Very Very small) = ϕ(Very small) + Sign (Very Very small)× (fm(Very Very small)−
− 0.5fm(Very Very small)) = 0.125 + (−1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.0625,
ϕ(Little Very small) = ϕ(Very small) + Sign (Little Very small)× (fm(Little Very small)−
− 0.5fm(Little Very small)) = 0.125+ (+1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.1875,
ϕ(Very Little small) = ϕ(Little small) + Sign (Very Little small)× (fm(Very Little small)−
− 0.5fm(Very Little small)) = 0.375+ (−1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.3125,
ϕ(Little Little small) = ϕ(Little small) + Sign (Little Little small)× (fm(Little Little small)−
− 0.5fm(Little Little small)) = 0.375 + (+1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.4375,
ϕ(Little Little large) = ϕ(Little large) + Sign (Little Little large)× (fm(Little Little large)−
− 0.5fm(Little Little large)) = 0.625 + (−1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.5625,
ϕ(Very Little large) = ϕ(Little large) + Sign (Very Little large)× (fm(Very Little large)−
− 0.5fm(Very Little large)) = 0.625+ (+1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.6875,
ϕ(Little Very large)ϕ(Very large) + Sign (Little Very large)× (fm(Little Very large)−
− 0.5fm(Little Very large)) = 0.875+ (−1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.8125,
ϕ(Very Very large) = ϕ(Very large) + Sign (Very Very large)× (fm(Very Very large)−
− 0.5fm(Very Very large)) = 0.875 + (+1)× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5× 0.5 = 0.9375.
The results obtained from above example will be used in the following section (see
subsection 4.2).
The fuzzy controllers are based on the closed-loop fuzzy system shown in Fig. 3.
where, f is determined by above controllers, x1 and x˙1 are determined by Eqs. (1). The goal
of controllers is to reduce displacement in the first storey, so as to reduce displacements
in the structure. It is assumed that the universes of discourse of two state variables are
Active control of a three-story building using hedge-algebras-based fuzzy controller 85
Fig. 3. Fuzzy controllers of the structural system
−0.03 ≤ x1 ≤ 0.03(m),−0.3 ≤ x˙1 ≤ 0.3(m/s) and of the control force is −2 × 10
7 ≤ f ≤
2× 107 (N). In the following parts of this section, establishing steps of the controllers will
be presented.
4.1. Conventional fuzzy controller (FC) of the structure
In this subsection, FC of the structure is established (establishing steps of a FC could
refer in Mandal [20]) using Mamdani’s inference and centroid defuzzification method with
fifteen control rules. The configuration of the FC is shown in Fig. 4.
Fuzzy Rule Base
(FAM table)
Fuzzy Inference Engine
(Mamdani Method)
Fuzzifier Defuzzifier
Centroid Method
Fig. 4. The configuration of the FC
4.1.1. Fuzzifier
Five membership functions for x1, three membership functions for x˙1 and seven
membership functions for f in their intervals are established with values negative very
big (NVB), negative big (NB), negative (N), zero (Z), positive (P), positive big (PB) and
positive very big (PVB) as shown in Figs. 5 - 7, respectively [7].
Fig. 5. Membership functions for x1 Fig. 6. Membership functions for x˙1
86 Bui Hai Le
Fig. 7. Membership functions for f
4.1.2. Fuzzy rule base
The fuzzy associative memory table (FAM table) is established as shown in Table
1 [7].
Table 1. FAM table
4.2. Hedge-algebras-based fuzzy controller (HAFC) of the structure
The linguistic labels in Table 1 have to be transformed into the new ones given in Ta-
bles 2 and 3, that are suitable to describe linguistically reference domains of [0, 1] and can
be modeled by suitable HAs. The HAs of x1 and x˙1 are AX = (X,G, C,H,≤), where X =
x1 or x˙1, G = {small, large}, C = {0 ,W , 1}, H = {H
−, H+} = {Little(L), Very(V )},
and the HAs of f is AF = (f, G, C,H,≤) with the same sets G,C and H as for x1 and
x˙1, however, their terms describe different quantitative semantics based on different real
reference domains.
Table 2. Linguistic transformation for x1 and x˙1
small L small W L large large
Table 3. Linguistic transformation for f
V V small L V small V L small W V L Large L V large V V large
The SQMs ϕ are determined and shown in Tables 4 and 5 (see section 3).
The configuration of the HAFC is shown in Fig. 8.
Active control of a three-story building using hedge-algebras-based fuzzy controller 87
Table 4. Parameters of SQMs for x1 and x˙1
small L small W L large large
0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75
Table 5. Parameters of SQMs for f
V V small L V small V L small W V L Large L V large V V large
0.0625 0.1875 0.3125 0.5 0.6875 0.8125 0.9375
HAs Rule Base
(SAM table)
HAs Inference Engine
(Linear Interpolation)
Linear Interpolation
Linear Interpolation
Fig. 8. The configuration of the HAFC
4.2.1. Semantization and Desemantization
Note that, for convenience in presenting the quantitative semantics formalism in
studying the meaning of vague terms, we have assumed that the common reference do-
main of the linguistic variables is the interval [0,1], called the semantic domain of the
linguistic variables. In applications, we need use the values in the reference domains, e.g.
the interval [a,b], of the linguistic variables and, therefore, we have to transform the in-
terval [a,b] into [0,1] and, vice - versa. The transformation of the interval [a, b] into [0,1]
is called a semantization and its converse transformation from [0,1] into [a, b] is called a
desemantization [19].
Fig. 9. Transformation: x1 to x1s Fig. 10. Transformation: x˙1 to x˙1s
The semantizations for each state variable are defined by the transformations given
in Figs. 9 and 10. The semantization and desemantization for the control variable are
defined by the transformation given in Fig. 11 (x1, x˙1 and f are replaced with x1s, x˙1s and
fs when transforming from real domain to semantic one, respectively).
88 Bui Hai Le
Fig. 11. Transformation: f to fs
4.2.2. HAs rule base
We have the SAM (semantic associative memory) table based on FAM one (Table
1) with semantically quantifying mappings as shown in Table 6.
Table 6. SAM table
L small: 0.375 W : 0.5 L large: 0.625
small: 0.25 V V large: 0.9375 L V large: 0.8125 V L large: 0.6875
L small: 0.375 L V large: 0.8125 V L large: 0.6875 W : 0.5
W : 0.5 V L large: 0.6875 W : 0.5 V L small: 0.3125
L large: 0.625 W : 0.5 V L small: 0.3125 L V small: 0.1875
large: 0.75 V L small: 0.3125 L V small: 0.1875 V V small: 0.0625
4.2.3. HAs inference engine
The Quantifying Semantic Curve describing the HAs inference method is established
through the points that present the control rules occurring in Table 6 as shown in Fig.
12. Hence, fs is determined by linear interpolation through x1s and x˙1s. For example: if
x1s = 0.7 and x˙1s = 0.5 (point X1s) then fs = 0.2375 (point Fs).
Fig. 12. Quantifying semantic curve
The results include: time history of the storey displacements of the structure for both
controlled and uncontrolled cases in order to compare control effect of FC and HAFC.
Active control of a three-story building using hedge-algebras-based fuzzy controller 89
5.1. Results for the structure excited by the El Centro earthquake
In this subsection, the following data will be used: m1 = m2 = m3 = m0 = 4 ×
105(kg); k1 = k2 = k3 = k0 = 2× 10
8 (N/m).
Fig. 13. Time responses of the first storey displacements - El Centro earthquake
Figs 13 and 14 show the time responses of the first and top storey displacements,
respectively. The maximum storey drifts are shown in Fig. 15. Comparison of the effec-
tiveness of the two controllers is presented in Table 7.
Table 7. Comparison of the effectiveness of the three controllers - El Centro earthquake
Building Storey Maximum uncontrolled
Controlled to uncontrolled
displacement, m
displacement ratio (reduction ratio)
1 0.048 0.302 0.204
2 0.084 0.558 0.502
3 0.107 0.607 0.586
5.2. Results for the structure excited by the Northridge earthquake
In this subsection, the structural data will be changed as follow: m1 = m2 = m3 =
m0+ 10%m0; k1 = k2 = k3 = k0 - 10%k0.
Figs 16 and 17 show the time response of the top storey displacement and the max-
imum storey drifts, respectively. Comparison of the effectiveness of the three controllers is
presented in Table 8.
90 Bui Hai Le
Fig. 14. Time responses of the top storey displacements - El Centro earthquake
Fig. 15. The maximum storey drifts - El Centro earthquake
Table 8. Comparison of the effectiveness of the three controllers - Northridge earthquake
Building Storey Maximum uncontrolled
Controlled to uncontrolled
displacement, m
displacement ratio (reduction ratio)
1 0.070 0.224 0.166
2 0.125 0.481 0.467
3 0.156 0.575 0.574
5.3. Results for the structure excited by the Kobe earthquake
In this subsection, another structural parameter will be used as follow: m1 = m2 =
m3 = m0 − 10%m0, k1 = k2 = k3 = k0 + 10%k0.
Active control of a three-story building using hedge-algebras-based fuzzy controller 91
Fig. 16. Time responses of the top storey displacements - Northridge earthquake
Fig. 17. The maximum storey drifts - Northridge earthquake
Figs 18 and 19 show the time response of the top storey displacement and the max-
imum storey drifts, respectively. Comparison of the effectiveness of the three controllers is
presented in Table 9.
Table 9. Comparison of the effectiveness of the three controllers - Kobe earthquake
Building Storey Maximum uncontrolled
Controlled to uncontrolled
displacement, m
displacement ratio (reduction ratio)
1 0.067 0.259 0.179
2 0.118 0.496 0.461
3 0.145 0.563 0.546
92 Bui Hai Le
Fig. 18. Time responses of the top storey displacements - Kobe earthquake
Fig. 19. The maximum storey drifts - Kobe earthquake
5.4. Discussion
As shown in above - mentioned figures and tables, vibration amplitudes of the
storeys are decreased successfully with FC and HAFC for the structure with the different
structural data excited by three different earthquakes. It allows partially evaluating the
stability and robustness capacities the proposed controller - HAFC.
With the case of the El Centro earthquake, the reduction ratios (ratio of the con-
trolled to uncontrolled response) for maximum displacement of the top floor of the struc-
ture are about 61% and 59% for the FC and HAFC, respectively (Fig. 15 and Table 7).
Therefore, it is seen that the HAFC is more effective than the FC in view of reducing the
displacement response of the structure.
Active control of a three-story building using hedge-algebras-based fuzzy controller 93
The effectiveness of two controllers in reducing the response of the structure due
to other two earthquakes (Northridge and Kobe) is also shown for comparison in Figs. 17
and 19 and Tables 8 - 9. Almost the same behavior as for the El Centro earthquake can
be observed for these earthquakes too.
From Tables 2 - 5, it can be conceded that the semantic order of HAFC is always
guaranteed. The semantization method (Figs. 9 - 11), the desemantization one (Fig. 11)
and the inference one (Fig. 12) of HAFC are simpler than the fuzzification method (Figs.
5 - 7), the centroid defuzzification one and the inference one (Mamdani method) of FC,
In order to describe three, five, seven,. . . , n linguistic labels by HAs, only two
independent parameters (θ and α, see section 3) are needed. Thus, there are two design
variables to establish an optimal HAFC. For an optimal FC based on n linguistic labels,
there are (n× 3) design variables (each triangular membership function needs three design
variables). Hence, an optimal HAFC is simpler and more efficient than an optimal FC
when designing and implementing.
The algebraic approach to term-domains of linguistic variables is quite different
from the fuzzy sets one in the representation of the meaning of linguistic terms and the
methodology of solving the fuzzy multiple conditional reasoning problems. It allows lin-
early establishing the Quantifying Semantic Curve through the points corresponding to the
control rules. It is obtained that HAFC is simpler, effective and more understandable in
comparison with FC. In fuzzy logic, many important concepts like fuzzy set, T - norm, S -
norm, intersection, union, complement, composition. . . are used in approximate reasoning.
This is an advantage for the process of flexible reasoning, but there are too many factors
such as shape and number of membership functions, defuzzification method,. . . influencing
the precision of the reasoning process and it is difficult to optimize. Those are subjective
factors that cause error in determining the values of control process. Meanwhile, approxi-
mate reasoning based on hedge algebras, from the beginning, does not use fuzzy set concept
and its precision is obviously not influenced by this concept. Therefore, the method based
on hedge algebras does not need to determine shape and number of membership function,
neither does it need to solve defuzzification problem. Besides, in calculation, while there is
a large number of membership functions, the volume of calculation based on fuzzy control
increases quickly, meanwhile the volume of calculation based on hedge algebras does not
increase much with very simple calculation. With these above advantages, it is definitely
possible to use hedge algebras theory for many different controlling problems.
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Received August 27, 2010
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