Ẩm thực - Chapter 21: Salads and salad dressings
Cold salad plates are popular with luncheon and diet-conscious customers.
They should be large enough to be a full meal and contain sufficient protein.
They should offer variety and a balanced meal in terms of flavors, textures, and color.
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Chapter 21Salads and Salad Dressings 1Chapter Objectives1. Identify and describe five different salad types, and select appropriate recipes for use as an appetizer, accompaniment, main course, separate course, or dessert salad.2. Identify a dozen popular salad greens; list six categories of other salad ingredients, and recognize several examples from each category.3. Judge the quality of fruits and complete the pre-preparation procedures for fruit.4. Identify the four basic parts of a salad.5. Prepare and arrange salads that achieve maximum eye appeal.6. Set up an efficient system for producing salads in quantity.7. Prepare the following types of salads: green, vegetable, bound, fruit, combination, and gelatin.8. Set up a successful salad bar and buffet service.9. Identify the major salad dressing ingredients.10.Prepare the following: oil and vinegar dressings, mayonnaise and mayonnaise-based dressings, cooked dressings, and specialty dressings.2Salads and Salad DressingsBefore refrigeration, the pantry was where food products were kept before going into the kitchen.It was especially suited to production of cold foods.It was called Garde Manger.Garde manger chefs have to master a wide range of cooking techniques and have artistic judgment.3The SaladThe definition of a salad: A single food or a mixture of foods accompanied or bound by a dressingA salad can contain meat, grains, nuts, or cheese and contain no lettuceIt can be an appetizer, entrée, side dish or dessertThe color, texture, and flavor should compliment each other4Appetizer SaladsMany establishments serve salads as a first course.Takes pressure off the kitchenSatisfies the customer with something to eat, quicklyAppetizer salads should stimulate the appetite with tangy, flavorful dressings and look good. Appetizer salads should not be too fillingAttractive arrangements and garnish are important.5Accompaniment SaladsSalads served with the main courseServe the same function of other side dishes (vegetables and starches)Must be harmonious with the rest of the mealLight and flavorful, not too richHeavy salads with macaroni or potatoes are less appropriate6Main-Course SaladsCold salad plates are popular with luncheon and diet-conscious customers.They should be large enough to be a full meal and contain sufficient protein.They should offer variety and a balanced meal in terms of flavors, textures, and color.7Separate-Course SaladsThe European version of a salad.A refreshing salad after a wonderful entrée to cleanse the palate and get ready for the dessert.It should be in no way filling.8Dessert Salads Usually sweet and may contain fruits, sweetened gelatin, nuts, and cream.9Salad GreensLettuceBibb or limestoneBostonIcebergLeafRomaineEscaroleChicory or Curly EndiveFriséeBelgian EndiveRadicchioChinese Cabbage or Celery CabbageSpinachDandelion GreensWatercressArugula MesclunTatsoiMâcheMicrogreens or Baby lettucesBrune d’HiverLola RosaRed SailsPirateSproutsEdible flowersFresh HerbsMache10Salad GreensLettuceBibb or limestoneBostonIcebergLeafRomaineEscaroleChicory or Curly EndiveFriséeBelgian EndiveRadicchioChinese Cabbage or Celery CabbageSpinachDandelion GreensWatercressArugula RadicchioMesclunTatsoiMâcheMicrogreens or Baby lettucesBrune d’HiverLola RosaRed SailsPirateSproutsEdible FlowersFresh Herbs11Vegetables RawAvocadoBean SproutsBroccoliCabbageCarrots CauliflowerCeleriacCeleryCucumbersJerusalem artichokesKohlrabiMushroomsOnionsPeppersRadishesScallionsTomatoes12Vegetables, Cooked, Pickled, and CannedArtichoke heartsAsparagusBeansBeetsCarrotsCornCucumber picklesHearts of palmLeeksOlivesPeasPeppers, roastedPimentosPotatoesWater chestnuts13StarchesDried beans PotatoesMacaroni Products Grains Bread (croutons)14Fruits, Fresh, Cooked, Canned, or FrozenMangoesMelonsNectarinesOrangesPapayasPeachesPearsPersimmonsPineapple PlumsPomegranatesPrickly pearsPrunesRaisinsApplesApricots BananasBerriesCherriesCoconutDatesFigsGrapefruitGrapesKiwi FruitKumquatsMandarin oranges and tangerines15Meats – AllPoultry – AllFish and ShellfishSalami, prosciuttoBaconEggs, hard-cookedCheese, cottageCheese, aged or curesProtein Foods16Miscellaneous Salad IngredientsGelatin (plain or flavored)Nuts - all varieties17Arrangement and PresentationThe Structure of a SaladThere are Four basic parts of a salad:Base or underlinerBodyGarnish Dressing18Use a cold plateKeep the salad off the rimStrike a good balance of colorsHeight keeps a salad attractiveCut ingredients neatlyMake salad ingredients identifiableKeep it simpleGuidelines for Arranging Salads19Preparing Salad GreensWashingDrainingCrispingTearing and cuttingMixingPlatingGarnishingDressing (immediately before service)20Vegetable SaladsVegetable salads are those whose main ingredient are vegetables other than lettuce or other leafy greens.Some vegetables can be raw like celery, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, and green peppersSometimes cooked pasta or a protein item is used along with cheese. Remember height makes the salads interesting.21Bound salads are mixtures of foods that are held together with a thick dressing, such as a mayonnaise type.Popular choices for cooked salads are: Chicken Eggs Rice Crab Salmon Turkey Potatoes Ham Shrimp Lobster Pastas Tuna Mixed VegetablesBound Salads22Principles:The history of gelatin salads started with aspics, the highly ornamented appetizers and elaborate pieces made with fish stocks in natural gelatin. Aspics are part of classical cuisine and part of modern buffet work.Purified granular gelatin and gelatin sheets are available for use in the pantryYou need to know how to prepare these salads using unflavored gelatin with fruit juices and other ingredients for flavor. Gelatin Salads23Composed SaladsComposed salads are made by arranging two or more elements attractively on a plate. Guidelines:Observe the guidelines for each of the salad components, such as greens, vegetables, cooked salads, and fruit saladsPrepare each component separatelyArrangements may be plated in advance if the components will hold wellPrepare and add hot or warm components immediately before servingObserve general guidelines of salad arrangement and presentation24Salad bars have become standard fixtures in restaurantsThey are popular with operators and customers. Customers like them because they can select from a large number of items and choose exactly what they want.To be successful with salad bars you should keep a few points in mindKeep salad bar attractive and well stockedKeep the components simple but attractiveProvide a variety of condiments for the customers to select fromSimple ingredientsPrepared saladsSalad Bars and Buffet Service 25Arrange the salad bar using the following format (see p. 720)PlatesMixed greensCondiments (the expensive last)DressingsCrackers, breads, ect., if desiredMake sure you adhere to the health codeChoose the right size plates and serving pieces to allow for some portion control.Salad Bars and Buffet Service (cont’d)26Salad DressingsSalad dressings are liquids or semi liquids used to flavor saladsThe basic salad dressings can be divided into three categoriesOil and vinegar dressingsMayonnaise-based dressingsCooked dressings27Because the flavors of most salad dressings are not modified by cooking, the quality of the dressings depends on the quality of the ingredientsMost dressings are an oil and acid like vinegar or citrus juicesIngredients28OilsKindsCorn oilCottonseed, soybean, canola and safflower oilPeanut oilOlive oilWalnut oilQuality FactorsAll purpose oils have a mild, sweet flavorWinterized oil should be used for dressings that will be refrigerated29VinegarCider VinegarWhite or distilled vinegarWine vinegarFlavored vinegarsSherry VinegarBalsamic vinegarOthers specialty vinegarsMaltRiceFruit flavored like raspberryLemon JuiceFresh lemon juice may be used in place of vinegar in some preparationsEgg yolkAn essential ingredient in mayonnaiseSalad Dressing Ingredients30Nearly any spice or herb can be used in salad dressingsDried herbs and spices need extra time to release their flavorsMost salad dressings should be made 2-3 hours before servingOther ingredients added for flavoring are mustard, catsup, Worcestershire sauce and various types of cheeseRemember if you use a Roquefort cheese dressing it has to be made with Roquefort cheeseSeasoning and Flavoring31Temporary EmulsionsSimple oil and vinegar dressings are called temporary emulsions because they will always separate after shakingThe negative side of temporary emulsions are they have to be shaken or stirred before each usePermanent EmulsionsMayonnaise is a mixture of oil and vinegar but the two are bound together by egg yolks which act as a emulsifierCommercial emulsifiers are gums, starches, and gelatinsEmulsions in Salad Dressings32Oil and Vinegar DressingsBasic vinaigrette or basic French dressing is a mixture of oil, vinegar, and seasoningsFYI, the thickened, sweet tomato-based dressing often served as “French Dressing” is unknown in FranceThe ratio of oil and vinegar in basic vinaigrette is 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegarSome chefs use a 2 to 1 ratio, others 4 to 1 ratio. The more vinegar or acid used the more tart the dressing will be.33Mayonnaise is the most important emulsified dressing. It can be served by itself or added to make a new dressingEmulsified French Dressing is similar to basic French dressing, except egg yolk has been added to keep the oil and vinegar from separating.Emulsified Dressings34You can make your own mayonnaise but remember it is not as stable as commercially produced mayonnaise and would not have as long a shelf lifeThe general ingredients are pasteurized egg yolk, oil, vinegar, and seasoningsMayonnaise35Other Salad Dressings Cooked salad dressing is similar to mayonnaise, but it has a more tart flavor. It is made with little or no oil and thickened with a starch thickener.36Clip art images may not be saved or downloaded and are only to be used for viewing purposes.Copyright ©2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.37
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