In this paper, a robust method of ground plane
detection using GDM algorithm is proposed. The
results demonstrate the effective depth map-base
approach of ground plane detection with lower
complexity. By a comparison with RANSAC và
Enhanced V-Disparity algorithms, the average of
recognition rate for ground plane detection always
higher than the compared methods in most cases. The
proposed approach’s R1 is greater than the compared
methods 2%, while the R2 of the proposed approach
is smaller than half of the compared method’s R2.
The experienced results are also consistent with the
actual environment certainly. This work could be
used for autonomous vehicle driving in off-road
environment in the future.
Next work will focus on removal of non-ground
areas which are possibly appeared due to the camera
sensors by utilization of combined smoothing
windows at different sizes.
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Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 019-025
An Effective Ground Plane Extraction using Depth Map Estimation
from a Kinect Device
Dang Khanh Hoa*, Pham The Cuong, Nguyen Tien Dzung
Hanoi University of Science and Technology, No. 1, Dai Co Viet, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Received: August 24, 2016; Accepted: November 03, 2017
This paper presents a new approach to extract ground planes from a depth map which is provided by Kinect.
The proposed system applies an robust algorithm to calculate the depth gradient maps (GDM) with high
accuracy. Then the correct partition provides a set of candidates for the selection of ground. Last, it uses an
efficient filter to find out the truth ground planes. The results prove the certainty of the algorithm in both
cases consisting of the perfect data and actual scenes. For first case, the percentage of truth ground pixel
detection R1 is common over 90%. The percentage of incorrect ground pixels detection R2 is lower than 5%.
For the second case, the process of implementing the proposed algorithm on a depth map from Kinect also
is compared with RANSAC algorithm and Enhanced V-Disparity algorithm. The result demonstrates that the
proposed method’s R1 is usually greater than RANSAC method and V-Disparity method 2%, while R2 of the
proposed method is less than half of R2 of the compared methods, respectively. The experimental results
show the ability to respond in real time when this work is deployed as a stereo vision-based navigation
Keywords: Depth map, gradient, ground plane, Kinect, vehicle
1. Introduction*
In recent years, visual-base navigation field for
robots is more and more interesting. Many
researchers propose new approachs to extract
infomation from images for controling a mobile robot
or a wheel vehicle. The results are usually evaluated
by two basic criteria including implementation time
and accuracy. The calculation speed are often
improved when the system select a compact data such
as single image or applies an low complexity
algorithms. But if it requires to increase the accuracy,
the approach is a lot more complicated. Some recent
results are amazing in specific cases. Several papers
base on the classic algorithms such as improved
RANSAC algorithm [1-4] or Hough transform [5].
Even there is an conjunction of both algorithms to
distinguish flat land certainly. It is clear that the high
complexity is still a difficult issue which is not be
solved. It is hard to implement these works on an
embedded system. So a navigation system could only
work in real time condition easily if it is equipped
with a powerful hardware. High accuracy of results
depend on the optimized parameters of RANSAC
algorithm. In fact, they are not stable when a vehicle
is put into an fast variable environment. Moreover,
the method of Probabilistic Hough transformation has
a pretty criticism with large volumes of 3D point
* Corresponding author: Tel.: 0989123114
cloud data [6-7]. An image homograph method has
been demonstrated in [8-9] with an simple
calculation. But this method’ results is only suitable
for environments with non-complex ground. The
works using a data stream collected from a single
camera are quite outstanding [10-12]. They only
demand a simple image acquisition system without
depth data. The proposed process take a 2D color
image sequence as an input which consists of three
RGB basic color channels. Therefore, the actual
number of operations is three times larger than case
of gray image input.
The articles [13-15] focus on exploiting the
difference map to reduce the volumes of input data.
[13] The proposed method compares the difference of
disparity values on each line in a disparity map. So
the robustness of the algorithm is not high if the
source is probably affected by the context of scene. In
a real difference map, it is evident that there is always
noise that are appeared by many external and internal
factors. Moreover the results are only shown in the
limited context with non-obstructions. The improved
V-Disparity algorithm [14] lead the rate of detected
ground point higher than but it was compensated for
by the complexity of the handling process which is
integrated one kind of Hough transform or RANSAC
algorithm in order to filter the raw results. In
addition, the results can only be assessed well in
outdoor limited environments with no sidewalks.
Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 019-025
In our previous work [16] the GDM algorithm
has been successfully applied to some input data.. In
this paper, the GDM will be modified to achieve the
ground extraction from depth maps which are
supported by Kinect. The experienced results is
compared with other classic and recent approachs,
such as RANSAC algorithm and Enhanced V-
The paper is structured in five sessions where
Section 2 introduces some basic mathematical
fundamentals in differential depth problem. Section 3
then illustrates the implementation of proposed
method. Section 4 discusses the experimental results
and performance evaluation and followed by
conclusion and future work in Section 5.
2. The basis mathematics theory of system
Capture devices with focal length f are placed
at O with height h from the ground and its direction
is parallel to the ground which is considered to be flat
absolutely (Fig. 1.) [16]. Let 'O be the perpendicular
projection of O on the ground plane and "O be the
projection of O on the image . Let 1M be a considered
ground points and p denotes a distance from "O to
the projection of 1M on the image. Assuming that
"OO is parallel to 1'MO , we have the distance
z from O to 1M :
fhz += (1)
Taking the differential both sides of formula (1), it
leads to (2) as below:
−= (2)
From (2) and the actual figures of the camera we
can approximate the differential z∆ follow p∆ .
Suppose there is one more point 2M that is also
located on the ground plane and 21MM is
perpendicular to the direction of the camera’s view.
Then the images of 21MM is a horizontal segments.
The length of that segment:
zzMz −+∆=∆ 22 (3)
From (3), the differential of horizontal direction
∆z will be smaller than z. Now, assuming the depth
images obtained from the camera horizontally x axis
(direction from left to right), the vertical axis is
y (direction from top to bottom); depth value is
quantized and only get a finite value. Considering the
obtained image, it is a digital image so from (3) we
find that the depth difference of the ground along x
axis (called xgradient _ ) will be 0 and the other
only be kept within near zero.
Fig. 1. Principles of calculation the
differential depth.
From (2) and going over a few simple changes,
we can see the differential depth along y axis (called
ygradient _ ) is different from zero for the pixels
which have a depth value greater than a certain value
T . And it maybe get zero if the point’s depth is less
than T .
Thus, we can assume that adjacent pixels belong
to a region if both x-axis gradient and y-axis gradient
are equal, respectively. The set of regions with
0_ =xgradient and 0_ ≠ygradient (maybe be nix
if the depth of the plane is small or scope lies entirely
in the bottom of the images. The size of this area
compared with quarter-size images) will create shape
the ground in the images.
3. The system implementation
The block diagram of the ground extraction
system is depicted in Fig. 2, where the GDM plays an
important role to detect planes captured by the
Kinect’s camera sensor from the input block. The
candidate planes will be finally detected after refining
process to remove unreliable planes.
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the
implementation system.
3.1 Kinect Sensor
Kinect [17] is a device that provides input data
for a system of self-propelled vehicles, where
multiple sensors are mounted in the device. One of
the input data that the Kinect can support is the VGA
monochrome depth video stream with 11 bits to store
the depth values. The frame rate of video stream is up
to 30 Hz that shows a relative smooth motion. The
GDM Ground
Plane Detection
Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 019-025
angular field of view is 57° horizontal and 43° for
vertical angle. As the geometric parameters of the
Kinect's camera are shown in Fig. 3, the distance
from the camera O to a given object P is 0.8m. The
image size obtained by the camera then is
approximately 87 cm in horizontal and 63 cm in
vertical, respectively. It's equivalent to 1.3 mm per
pixel in the resolution point of view.
Fig. 3. Geometric parameters of the
Kinect’s camera
3.2 Ground Plane Calculation based on GDM
The block diagram of the proposed method is
presented in Fig. 4. The first stage calculates
xgradient _ and ygradient _ for each pixel using
the depth map as an input to construct a gradient
depth map. Then, the second stage groups the
adjacent pixels that have a similar gradient into a
range. The candidate ground plane is then formed by
the ranges that meet the ground hypotheses. Since the
candidate ground plane typically are affected by
sporadic and random noise, the final stage will have
to refine noise to construct the final ground plane by
splitting the input image into blocks of size B.
Fig. 4. A block diagram of the GDM
Ground Plane Calculation
3.2.1 Construction of Gradient Depth Map
The task of this stage is to create a map of depth
difference, also called a gradient map from the depth
map input performed by calculation of gradients in y
and x directions using equations (2) and (3) between
two successive points, respectively. The resulting
gradient depth map is further smoothed by
consideration of depth difference of a point within a
given window of size w, because of possible presence
of noise in the input depth map.
3.2.2 Filtering and grouping
The goal of this stage is to group the points
having similar gradients in the gradient depth map
into a homogeneous region called range, and then
eliminate inappropriate regions which do not satisfy
the following constraints of the ground plane:
• The number of pixels of the region must be
greater than a predetermined threshold;
• 0_ =xgradient and 0_ ≠ygradient ; or if
0_ =xgradient and 0_ =ygradient then the
region must be located completely in the quarter
area from the bottom of the input image for
higher accuracy in ground plane detection.
The grouping and elimination algorithms are
illustrated in the pseudo code in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. The grouping and elimination
As the result, the ground plane from the
acquired image would be roughly determined.
3.2.3 Ground Selection
In order to extract more exact and smooth
ground plane, this correction stage starts dividing the
initial difference depth map into square blocks of size
B and then estimates the ratio R between the ground
pixels inside each block and the block size. This is an
important parameter used to classify the blocks into
ground or non-ground ones and then generate the
final map which includes ground and non-ground
regions. If R is greater than a given threshold θ, then
the block is considered as ground, and vice versa. In
order to evaluate the value of θ, the smallest
rectangular bounding the detected ground regions is
determined, and the ratio between the number of all
ground pixels Pground_of_ranges over the square of
the rectangular Prec as depicted in equation (4).
p∑= __θ (4)
//Algorithm: Grouping.
//Input: Image.
//Output: Ranges
for each pixel do
if this pixel is not in other Collection then
Range add this pixel
Range add all pixels satisfying Range’s
end if
if number pixel of Range > Range threshold
and Range satisfies Ground Plane’s conditions
Ranges Add Range
end if
Renew Range
end for
63 cm
87 cm
80 cm
Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 019-025
Obviously the non-ground areas which belong to
obstacles appearing with large enough size would be
detected. The pseudo code illustrates the algorithm is
shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. The ground selection algorithms
3.3 Ground Plane Refining
This is a mandatory work that aims to make the
ground plane with higher reliability. In fact, the depth
map calculated by Kinect is not perfect because the
noise always appears while capturing. This
interference has two kind of forms. The first
interference is in the form of small pieces where their
distribution is scattered on the ground. And the
second interference is in form of a large array. Both
of them appear at the locations where the reflectance
infrared signal is too weak for Kinect’s receiver. The
proposed solutions is going to fill fully error black
holes using smoothing windows B. The program
experiments with some appropriate smoothing
window size for the purpose of looking out a most
suitable window size value. Continuing with the
second case of the black clusters error where Kinect
cannot be determined in depth, there is no a feasible
algorithm to remove them because of the depth map
loses a lot of convergent depth information. However,
these errors usually occur in remote locations which
are quite far from the vehicle mounted a Kinect.
Moreover, this phenomenon can be reduced or
disappear when vehicles move cause the change of
the signal’s angle of reflection to the receiver on the
Kinect sensor.
4. Experience Results And Discussion
Firstly, the proposed algorithm is tested on the
depth maps with high quality from the Middlebury’s
library [18-19] as depicted in Fig. 7. In the ground
plane refining step, the algorithm uses three
smoothing windows denoted by B with different sizes
to compare the results with each other as shown in
Fig. 8. On a visual assessment, as larger the
smoothing window B is, the error detected ground
pixels are higher increased in non-ground zones.
Fig. 7. The gradient maps of the tested Midlebury
From left to right, the first colum is color images, the
second colum is depth images, the third colum is x-
gradient maps, the fourth colum is y-gradient maps;
From top to down, the first row is Art image, the
second row is Bowling1 image and the last row is
Wood1 image, respectively.
B=8x8 B=16x16 B=32x32
Fig. 8. The results of the tested images in the
plenty of case study.
From top to down, the first row is Art image, the
second row is Bowling1 image and the last row is
Wood1 image, respectively.
Secondly, the results are performed on four
depth maps acquired by a Kinect in case with or
without obstacles, less and more obstacles, simple
and complex background, respectively as
demonstrated in Fig. 9. The boundaries of the
extracted ground are uniform all over the actual
ground of the given scene. In the illustrated results,
the ground areas are detected without confusion with
//Algorithm: Dividing Block.
//Input: Ranges.
//Output: Ground Plane
Divide gradient depth map into blocks of size B
Calculate threshold θ
for each block in Image do
Ratio R of this block = number of ground
pixel in a block / block size
if R > θ then
This block is assigned as Ground
This block is eliminated
end if
end for
Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 019-025
the surrounding obstacles at different sizes. As one
can see, the detected grounds are completely
matched with the actual ground areas. However, a
few small holes have appeared where the algorithm
has considered as non-ground areas from the depth
map due to the Kinect's sensors. In order to evaluate
the effectiveness of the proposed method, the
percentage rate of detected ground pixels R1 and the
percentage rate of incorrect detected ground pixels R2
are commonly determined within a given smoothing
window size B. In this framework, three windows
size 8 × 8, 16 × 16 and 32×32 respectively as shown
in Fig. 10. In case of non-obstacles depth map, the
proposed method outperforms with R1 greater than
96% and the value of R2 less than 2% (see Fig.11).
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 9. The results of the tested images in the plenty
of case study.
From top to bottom, the first row is color images, the
second row is depth images, the third row is x-gradient
maps, the fourth row is y-gradient maps, the fifth row is
detected ground planes, the sixth row is 3D RANSAC
algorithm’s detected ground planes and the last row is the
truth ground planes, respectively;
In series of depth map containing the obstacles
on the ground, the percentage of correct detected
ground pixels R1 is best and stable at window size B
= 16 × 16 (see Fig. 10). As complexity of ground
detection process is increased, value of R2 also
increased to around 5% (see Fig. 11.)
96,080 91,327 89,018
91,139 89,973
(a) (b) (c) (d)
f d
B = 8x8 B = 16x16 B = 32x32
Fig. 10. The rate of detected ground pixels R1
according to the smoothing window sizes B.
1,9237 1,7766
2,6232 2,8836
(a) (b) (c) (d)
f d
B = 8x8 B = 16x16 B = 32x32
Fig. 11. The rate of error ground pixels according to
the smoothing window sizes B.
95 92 90
887 87
8794 94
e o
f d
3D RANSAC Enhanced V-disparity O
Fig. 12. Comparisons of the percentage rate of truth
detected ground pixels R1.
Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 019-025
6.8 7.0
5.0 5.6
f d
3D RANSAC Enhanced V-disparity Our
Fig. 13. Comparisons of percentage rate of wrong
detected ground pixels R2.
Moreover, the R1 and R2 of this work are
compared with the results of that for 3D RANSAC
algorithm used in [1] and V-Disparity method used in
[14] as illustrated in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13, respectively.
The rate R1 of the proposed method is greater than
R1 of 3D RANSAC and Enhanced V-Disparity
methods. These comparisions are implemented with
the optimal size of window B = 16 × 16. Meanwhile,
the rate R2 of the proposed method is always lowest
among those performed by 3D RANSAC and
Enhanced V-Disparity, respectively.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, a robust method of ground plane
detection using GDM algorithm is proposed. The
results demonstrate the effective depth map-base
approach of ground plane detection with lower
complexity. By a comparison with RANSAC và
Enhanced V-Disparity algorithms, the average of
recognition rate for ground plane detection always
higher than the compared methods in most cases. The
proposed approach’s R1 is greater than the compared
methods 2%, while the R2 of the proposed approach
is smaller than half of the compared method’s R2.
The experienced results are also consistent with the
actual environment certainly. This work could be
used for autonomous vehicle driving in off-road
environment in the future.
Next work will focus on removal of non-ground
areas which are possibly appeared due to the camera
sensors by utilization of combined smoothing
windows at different sizes.
This work is supported by the grassroots-level
scientific project named “Research and development
of ground planes and obstacles extracting algorithms
based on the Kinect sensor system for supporting
mobile robot navigation applications” with code
T2016-PC-108 at Hanoi University of Science and
Technology (HUST).
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