Since its inception, SOM has had applications in
various majors, facilitating artificial intelligent to
become key factor in the fourth technology
revolution. To take the advantages of SOM, this
study focuses on applying this tenichque to
construction and geology engineering.
In geological aspect, SOM aids in clustering
different facies based on logging data, allowing the
form of geology maps for construction major
(determine compaction of areas), petroleum major
(determine which layer contains oil and gas) and
environment major (determine which layer
contains water in order to avoid contaminating that
layer) and a majority of other professionals.
Details level of the result depends upon the
number of cells (nodes) in Konohen network as
well as iteration number N of algorithm. The
higher this number can be, the more exact SOM
algorithm can be, but the longer it takes for
calculation. Thus, the problem relating to
optimization the figure for nodes and iterations is
the one that bares much consideration.
Turning to the issue regarding economical
construction, SOM helps obtaining groups of core
materials that have similar tendency in price
changing. From that analyzer could predict the
change in price of one object if the properties of
others are known. This will facilitate contractors
and investors in making different decisions in
order to optimize their investment.
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30 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4- 2017
Abstract— In recent years, Artificial Intelligence
(AI) has become an emerging subject and been
recognized as the flagship of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. AI is subtly growing and becoming vital
in our daily life. Particularly, Self-Organizing Map
(SOM), one of the major branches of AI, is a useful
tool for clustering data and has been applied
successfully and widespread in various aspects of
human life such as psychology, economic, medical
and technical fields like mechanical, construction and
geology. In this paper, the primary purpose of the
authors is to introduce SOM algorithm and its
practical applications in geology and construction.
The results are classification of rock facies versus
depth in geology and clustering two sets of
construction prices indices and building material
costs indice.
Index Terms— Self Organizing Map, Hierarchical
Clustering, Geology, Well logging, Construction
OM (Self-Organizing Map) is a result of
Unsupervised learning algorithm – this
algorithm bases on the structure of input data
in order to reduce the quantity of data dimensions
or to cluster this data into different sections
without precise result at the output [1, 2]. SOM’s
result is a clustering map including a number of
nodes (cells) with similar characteristic into the
same field or section [2, 3]. The biggest advantage
of SOM is that it illustrates visually multi-
Manuscript Received on August 7th, 2017. Manuscript
Revised December 25th, 2017
Pham Son Tung - Faculty of Geology and Petroleum
Engineering, Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology –
VNU-HCM (e-mail:
Truong Minh Huy- Faculty of Geology and Petroleum
Engineering, Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology –
Pham Ba Tuan - Faculty of Geology and Petroleum
Engineering, Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology –
* Corresponding author: Email:
dimension (multi-characteristic) input data on two-
dimension map but still retains the essence of
original data. SOM prevails over traditional
algorithms on clustering functions [4].
Specifically, kinds of data having similar tendency
or symptoms are grouped together by SOM while
traditional algorithms just determine average
values, variance, standard deviation and data
frequency. Thus, thanks to SOM, readers will have
more visual assessments in order to give more
suitable conclusions. The primary purpose of the
paper is to introduce SOM algorithm and its
practical applications in geology and construction.
In geology, geophysical surveys are conducted to
determine rock formation characteristics versus
depth such as density, sonic travel time, and
gamma rays. After well logging, a substantially
large data sheet containing these rock properties
with respect to every depth is obtained. From this
logging data sheet, the rocks at specific depth will
be categorized into different facies. The
conventional interpretation process would take a
large amount of time and efforts. SOM is
definitely a solution to this problem because it
eliminates the time-consuming manual
interpretation. SOM will effortlessly characterize
rock intervals into particular facies simultaneously.
In construction, catching up with and being able
to forecast the change in construction as well as
major materials cost are considered not only huge
advantages but also key factors affecting decisions
of contractors and investors. SOM algorithm
brings us visual look at the changing tendency of
one factor if other factors in the same section
2.1 Self – Organizing Maps (SOM) – Konohen
Self-Organizing map or SOM, initialized by
Professor T. Konohen since the early of 1982s, is
undeniably useful clustering tool. Since it was
introduced, SOM has been applied widely in
Application of self organizing map in
construction, geology and petroleum industry
Pham Son Tung, Truong Minh Huy, Pham Ba Tuan
Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ, tập 20, số K4-2017
various fields such as psychology, economy,
medical care, engineering and a vast majority of
other professionals [1, 3].
SOM algorithm helps simplifying data, reducing
dimensions (properties) of input data and thus
SOM results in a map with lesser dimension than
the former, usually 2-D map. SOM is built on a
foundation of Unsupervised Learning algorithm on
input data. An example pertaining to a simple
Konohen network with the size of 4x4 (16 nodes)
is shown in figure 1. Each node from the map
represent a vector with as many dimensions as
those of the input vectors (data); i.e., if the input
vector has n dimensions �⃗� (𝑉1; 𝑉2; ; 𝑉𝑛), then the
weighted vector of a node would contain n
dimensions �⃗⃗⃗� (𝑊1;𝑊2; ;𝑊𝑛) [2]. At the
beginning of SOM algorithm, weighted vectors in
the Konohen network have random values
associated with different properties ranging from 0
to 1. After each iteration, these random values will
be adjusted to a random input vector chosen from
the normalized input data [3]. The number of
iterations is usually 500 times bigger than the
quantity of network nodes [1]. The following
section describes how SOM algorithm works in
more detail.
2.2 Algorithm sequence
Step 1: Build Konohen network with
configuration of 𝑛 x 𝑛 (nodes) with random values
for each property ranging from 0 to 1.
Step 2: Normalize input data in order to
determine relative effect level between properties.
In other words, eliminating the unit of each
property with the following formula:
𝑏𝑖 =
Step 3: Choose randomly one input vector from
normalized input vector series. Determine the
distance from chosen input vector to each node on
Konohen network according to Euclidean distance
𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = √∑ (𝑏𝑖 − 𝑊𝑖)2
𝑖=0 (2)
Step 4: Obtain the node with the smallest
distance to chosen input vector and name this node
Best Matching Unit (BMU)
Step 5: From BMU, determine neighborhood
radius with formula 𝜎𝑜
2 = 𝑛 (3)
Step 6: Calibrate all the nodes within
neighborhood radius according to below formula:
𝑊′ = 𝑊0 + 𝜃0. 𝐿0. (𝑉0 − 𝑊0) (4)
With: 𝐿0 – initial learning rate (usually 0.5)
𝜃0 – initial effect level = exp (−
2 ) (5)
Step 7: After calibration, continue to conduct
iteration from step 3, with t increase by 1. This
step is repeated over again until reaching the desire
number of iterations N. With increasing t, these
below parameters change concurrently:
𝜎(𝑡) = 𝜎𝑜𝑒
With: 𝜆 – constant =
log (𝜎0)
𝑁 – number of iterations
𝜃(𝑡) = 𝑒
𝐿(𝑡) = 𝐿𝑜𝑒
𝑁 (9)
𝑊(𝑡 + 1)
= 𝑊(𝑡) + 𝜃(𝑡). 𝐿(𝑡). (𝑉(𝑡) − 𝑊(𝑡)) (10)
2.3 SOM algorithm’s results
From a network with nodes containing random
values of different parameters, after experiencing a
training progress with determined number of
iterations, SOM algorithm results in a network
with the same number of nodes but these nodes
have been modified so that the closer the nodes
are, the more similarity in characteristics they
would be [2]. Based on Euclidean formula about
distance calculated from a random input vector to
a node on Konohen network, a specific node
containing the interested elements could be
identified. We eventually know how each node in
the resultant map represents which input vectors
from initial input data. Thus, SOM algorithm not
only illustrates huge input data series into self-
organizing map with much lesser nodes but also
visually highlights similar behaviors or
characteristics of input data. Besides, SOM results
also facilitate Hierarchical clustering method in
reducing the amount of time for algorithm
calculation and number of iterations as well. In the
next section, the authors will present Hierarchical
clustering method and its application via SOM
Figure 1. 4x4 Konohen network
32 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4- 2017
2.4 Hierarchical clustering algorithm
Hierarchical clustering is an algorithm in which
normalized input data is clustered according to
Euclidean distance formula [5]. For instance, if
initial input data has 5 elements then the number of
segments created from 5 element is (5 − 1)! =
4! = 24, we then have to calculate the distance for
24 times. The result of Hierarchical algorithm is a
chart as shown in figure 2. More branches
represent more detail in clustering or more groups
we could obtain. Specifically, in figure 2, if an
interpreter just wants to divide the data into two
groups then he just needs to look in position 1 with
group (A, B, C) and group (D, E, F, G). On the
other hand, if the interpreter decides to divide the
data into five groups instead of two, then the
results will be (A), (B, C), (D, E), (F) and (G)
groups. Therefore, it is obvious that the advantages
of Hierarchical algorithm are simple theoretical
basis, easy computation and direct visual results.
However, if the size of input data is relatively
large, for example 100.000 elements, the number
of times to calculate Euclidean distances would
increase substantially (up to 99.999! times) leading
to unrealistic computation time.
In order to solve the above problems of
Hierarchical algorithm, thenauthors have decided
to use SOM algorithm. First, SOM algorithm will
simplify the input data into a map (network) with
substantially lesser nodes, and then Hierarchical
algorithm will be applied on this map to cluster
these representative nodes. In this paper, we will
apply both algorithms in two fields: geology and
3.1 Application of SOM algorithm in geology
In geology, SOM algorithm is applied to
determine rock facies. From initial input data
containing different properties acquired from well
logging processes such as neutron log, sonic log,
density log, gamma ray, etc Groups of depth
associated with similar log characteristics are
located into the same node of a Konohen network
using SOM. Combining with Hierarchical
algorithm, the ultimate result will be a self-
organizing map with nodes divided into separate
sections representing different kinds of rock facies
(the number of rock facies will be determined
based on experience of the interpreter).
3.2 Input data
Figure 3 represents well geo-physical data of
four main properties with start depth at 1843.278 ft
and end depth at 4248.302 ft with an increment of
0.154 ft. The values in column DT, NPHI, RHOZ
and GR are the results of logging activity namely
sonic log, neutron log, density log and gamma log
(gamma ray).
3.3 Result
From initial input data, SOM algorithm has
clustered into nodes in Konohen network. Here,
authors have chosen a 30x30 (900 nodes) network
to represent the whole input data series (Figure 4).
Basic parameters that need to be set from the
beginning are iteration number N (60,000), initial
learning rate 𝐿0 (default 0.5). After Konohen
network has been built, Hierarchical algorithm will
be applied on top of this map with a size of 30x30,
Figure 2. Example Hierarchical algorithm result
Figure 3. Well logging data versus depth
Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ, tập 20, số K4-2017
and then there will be just distance calculation on
900 elements instead of over 15,000 elements.
Each node on the network contains four
different properties namely DT, GR, NPHI and
RHOZ which are the characteristics of input data
series. In the beginning period (t = 0), Konohen
network contains 900 nodes having random values.
After lots of iterations, node’s value has been
calibrated and nodes have been arranged more
discipline. SOM algorithm has successfully
reduced not only the number of dimensions but
also the amount of input data; this will reduce the
amount of work which Hierarchical algorithm has
to deal with. Depending on purposes and
experience of geological interpreter, the number of
rock facies will be decided. In this case, authors
choose to divide into six facies (Figure 5).
From the result in Figure 4 (below), at a specific
depth with corresponding properties, we could
determine whether that depth belongs to which
specific node in Konohen network. From the
clustering result in Figure 5, we could obtain a
random node and know which facies it belongs to.
Thus, when combining two algorithms, we could
know what kind of facies there are in a specific
depth interval (Table 1). The result of this
application will facilitate geological mapping
which has critical effect on construction
(determining compaction of a particular section),
petroleum industry (determining depth that has
potential of oil preserve) and environment
(determining underground water field in order to
avoid contaminating activities) and other fields.
Figure 4. Self – organizing maps before (above) and after
(below) iterations
Figure 5. Six facies resulted from Hierarchical clustering
34 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4- 2017
3.4 SOM application in construction professional
Another application shown in here is in
economic evaluation in construction, SOM will
help clustering level change in cost of construction
and building material, facilitating contractors as
well as investors in choosing optimum way to
invest their money on. Here, SOM algorithm helps
analyzing data of construction price indices and
core materials price indices.
Table 2 and Table 3 list the data pertaining to
construction price indices and core materials price
indices, respectively. Price index is a parameter
describing how much the price of a specific period
has changed comparing to a chosen standard
period [7]. The chosen time here is year 2015.
Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16
Cement 100 100 100 99 96.5 94.5 96.67 96.67 96.67
Construction sand 100 100 100 100.5 101.5 102 103.36 102.35 102.85
Construction rock 100 100 100 100.6 101 101 101.88 101.37 101.67
Construction brick 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Construction wood 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Structural steel 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Asphaltene 100 100 100 76.13 72.9 74.84 77.59 78.71 78.71
Enameled tile 96 94 91 93.67 93.67 93.67 93.67 93.67 93.67
Roof materials 100 100 100 99.5 98.5 97 98.33 98.33 98.33
Construction glass and
aluminum frame
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Paint and architecture
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
VND/USD 100.16 100.16 100.16 99.8 100.13 99.98 99.98 99.98 100.23
Electrical materials 97 95 93.5 94.5 93.74 93.26 93.83 93.83 93.83
Water pipeline
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Gasoline 91.53 83.28 80.65 85.78 89.87 94.11 91 83.94 92.44
Diesel 0.05S 81.31 72.14 72.36 75.08 82.39 89.39 91.93 85.68 91.69
Depth (ft) Facies Depth (ft) Facies
2253.3865 2 2255.3677 5
2253.5388 2 2255.5200 5
2253.6912 2 2255.6724 5
2253.8435 2 2255.8247 5
2253.9961 1 2255.9773 5
2254.1484 1 2256.1296 5
2254.3008 1 2256.2820 5
2254.4531 1 2256.4343 6
2254.6057 1 2256.5869 6
2254.7581 1 2256.7393 6
2254.9104 1 2256.8916 6
2255.0627 1 2257.0439 6
2255.2151 2 2257.1963 6
Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ, tập 20, số K4-2017
3.5 Result
With the table containing data about
construction price indices, because the size of
input data is relatively small, authors will adjust
parameters of SOM algorithm to fit the input data.
Specifically, Konohen network chosen has the size
of 4x4 (16 nodes), iteration number N of 8,000 and
initial learning rate 𝐿0 of 0.5. After running SOM,
we obtain a map containing 16 nodes divided into
4 sections representing 17 objects.
From Table 4, it is obvious that there are four
major groups and objects from the same group
have the similarities in price indices. For instance,
bridges and roads constructions, irrigation
construction and cultural construction have similar
tendency in price indices in the first three quarter
of 2016 compared to 2015. SOM is undoubtedly
useful tool for contractors because base on the map
provided, they could choose projects that have
similarities in cost change. Furthermore, assuming
this trend will continue in quarter IV of 2016,
Less than 8F building 99.57 99.33 99.19 99.32 99.3 99.27 99.52 99.4 99.5
9F to 15F building 99.61 99.4 99.29 99.33 99.22 99.12 99.39 99.29 99.39
16F to 19F building 99.54 99.31 99.21 99.25 99.19 99.12 99.4 99.27 99.39
20F to 25F building 99.51 99.24 99.12 99.15 99.03 98.92 99.23 99.11 99.25
1F building with brick wall,
aluminum roof
99.82 99.72 99.64 99.66 99.52 99.41 99.6 99.56 99.59
Closed 1F building, baring
brick, reinforced concrete roof
99.68 99.52 99.36 99.46 99.33 99.22 99.45 99.19 99.43
2F and 3F building, reinforced
concrete frame and roof
99.52 99.25 99.02 99.18 99.05 98.96 99.16 99.11 99.15
2F and 3F villas, reinforced
concrete frame and roof
99.62 99.41 99.29 99.38 99.32 99.28 99.46 99.38 99.45
Educational infrastructure 99.37 99.04 98.98 99.46 99.49 99.45 99.63 99.53 99.65
Cultural infrastructure 99.42 99.11 98.93 99.05 99.05 99.02 99.24 99.12 99.25
Office 99.63 99.43 99.3 99.37 99.33 99.29 99.47 99.38 99.46
Medical infrastructure 99.78 99.63 99.54 99.46 99.64 99.59 99.7 99.62 99.8
Urban technical network
99.56 99.32 99.16 96.71 96.41 96.62 97.22 97.17 97.3
Water resources infrastructure 99.28 98.92 98.92 98.97 99 99.03 99.56 99.23 99.51
Factory infrastructure 99.73 99.59 99.56 99.6 99.57 99.5 99.92 99.72 99.86
Concrete road 98.43 97.65 97.65 94.85 94.92 95.57 96.58 96.07 96.64
Bridges and roads infrastructure 98.28 97.44 97.45 97.57 98.15 98.72 99.14 98.52 99.1
Bridges and roads
Cultural infrastructure
Water resources
Urban technical infrastructures
Concrete roads
Medical infrastructure
Industrial building
The others
Bridges and roads
Cultural infrastructure
9F to 15F building
Urban technical
Concrete roads
Medical infrastructure
Factory infrastructure
Water resources
The others
36 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4- 2017
clustering will help contractors choose kinds of
construction with price indices lower than 100%,
facilitate them in optimizing economical problem.
In the upcoming table, authors will conduct
clustering on quarter IV of 2016 to check how
efficient the forecast could be. Result of this
procedure is presented in Table 5.
Table 5 shows the differences between
forecasting and real data in quarter IV of 2016,
there are two objects which have changed their
positions in four sections namely water resources
infrastructure and apartment building from 9 to 15
floors. The accuracy of the IV quarter price indices
prediction procedure is up to 89.47%. With this
result, forecasting price indices has proved to be
reliable and could be used for further calculation in
the future. In the similar vein, applying the two
algorithms on the data relating to core material
price indices has an outcome of a characterized
table of core materials grouping together. Table 6
is the result obtained from the input data series.
The results presented in Table 6 provide a visual
look into the change in core material price,
facilitating the determination of total price falsity
of construction. Specifically, we will conduct a
forecast of quarter IV depending on the three first
quarters. The result will be shown in Table 7.
In Table 7 resulting from the analyze of core
material price indices in quarter IV, there are four
object having the change in their positions namely
enameled tile, electrical materials, cement and
gasoline. The accuracy of the IV quarter price
indices prediction procedure is up to 75%, less
than in case of construction price indices but could
still be reliable on.
Since its inception, SOM has had applications in
various majors, facilitating artificial intelligent to
become key factor in the fourth technology
revolution. To take the advantages of SOM, this
study focuses on applying this tenichque to
construction and geology engineering.
In geological aspect, SOM aids in clustering
different facies based on logging data, allowing the
form of geology maps for construction major
(determine compaction of areas), petroleum major
(determine which layer contains oil and gas) and
environment major (determine which layer
contains water in order to avoid contaminating that
layer) and a majority of other professionals.
Details level of the result depends upon the
number of cells (nodes) in Konohen network as
well as iteration number N of algorithm. The
higher this number can be, the more exact SOM
algorithm can be, but the longer it takes for
calculation. Thus, the problem relating to
optimization the figure for nodes and iterations is
the one that bares much consideration.
Turning to the issue regarding economical
construction, SOM helps obtaining groups of core
materials that have similar tendency in price
changing. From that analyzer could predict the
change in price of one object if the properties of
others are known. This will facilitate contractors
and investors in making different decisions in
order to optimize their investment.
[1] Dr. Saed Sayad, "Self - Organizing Maps", University of
Toronto, 2010.
[2] Sasinee Pruekprasert, Thatchaphol Saranurak, Tarat
Diloksawatdikul, "Self - organizing map (SOM)",
Kasetsart University, 2009.
[3] Pavel Stefanovic, Olga Kurasova, "Visual analysis of self
- organizing maps", Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and
Control, Vol. 16, No. 4, 488–504, 2011.
[4] L.V. Fausett,"Fundamentals of Neural Networks
architectures, algorithms, and applications”, Prentice
Hall, 1994.
[5] Orange Software tutorials on SOM.
Enameled tile
Electrical materials
Roof materials
Diesel 0.05S
The others
Enameled tile
Electrical materials
Roof materials
Diesel 0.05S
The others
Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ, tập 20, số K4-2017
[6] "Publication of construction price indices month 01, 02,
03 and quarter I in 2016", Hanoi Construction
Department, 2016.
[7] "Publication of construction price indices month 04, 05,
06 and quarter II in 2016", Hanoi Construction
Department, 2016.
[8] "Publication of construction price indices month 07, 08,
09 and quarter III in 2016", Hanoi Construction
Department, 2016.
[9] "Publication of construction price indices month 10, 11,
12 and quarter IV in 2016", Hanoi Construction
Department, 2016.
Pham Son Tung received the Master in Civil
Engineering in 2007 from UniverstéLibre de
Bruxelles, Belgium, the Master in Business
Administration in 2008 from UniversitéCatholique
de Louvain, the Ph.D degree in Civil Engineering
in 2014 from National Institut of Applied Sciences
of Rennes, France. He is Lecturer in Department
of Drilling & Production Engineering, Faculty of
Geology & Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh
City University of Technology – VNU-HCM.
Truong Minh Huy is a student in Department of
Drilling & Production Engineering, Faculty of
Geology & Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh
City University of Technology – VNU-HCM.
Pham Ba Tuan is a student in Department of
Drilling & Production Engineering, Faculty of
Geology & Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh
City University of Technology – VNU-HCM.
38 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4- 2017
Ứng dụng thuật toán bản đồ tự tổ chức
(self organizing map-SOM) trong các lĩnh
vực xây dựng, địa chất và dầu khí
Phạm Sơn Tùng, Trương Minh Huy, Phạm Bá Tuân
Tóm tắt—Trong những năm gần đây, Trí tuệ
nhân tạo đang ngày càng thịnh hành và từng bước
khẳng định vị trí đầu tàu cho cuộc cách mạng công
nghệ lần thứ tư. Trí tuệ nhân tạo đang len lỏi và trở
thành một phần không thể thiếu trong cuộc sống
hằng ngày của con người. Trong đó, khái niệm Bản
đồ tự tổ chức, một phân nhánh của lĩnh vực Trí tuệ
nhân tạo, là một công cụ phân vùng dữ liệu hữu ích
được ứng dụng rất rộng rãi và đã thành công trong
các lĩnh vực xã hội như tâm lý, kinh doanh, y tế và
ngay cả trong các lĩnh vực kỹ thuật như cơ khí, xây
dựng và địa chất. Trong bài viết này, mục đích của
tác giả nhằm giới thiệu thuật toán bản đồ tự tổ chức
và các ứng dụng thực tiễn trong lĩnh vực địa chất và
lĩnh vực xây dựng. Kết quả của nghiên cứu là phân
loại tướng đá theo độ sâu và phân cụm chỉ số giá xây
dựng và chỉ số giá vật liệu xây dựng.
Từ khóa— Bản đồ tự tổ chức, phân vùng dữ liệu,
địa chất, địa vật lí giếng khoan, kinh tế xây dựng.
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