The adsorption and photolysis of n–LDA and CA with TiO2–P25 catalyst were not
substantial. The nature of reactant played a decisive role in determining the optimal reaction
condition. Photodecomposition of CA occurred more hardly than n–LDA and higher catalyst
concentration was needed. n–LDA with pKa = 8.7 should be photodecomposed favorably at
pH = 9, when CA with pKa = 4.4 so it’s photodegradation occurred favorably at pH = 3.8. TiO2–
P25 catalyst performed high activity in photooxidation of persistent organic compounds such as
n–LDA and CA and it enables to decompose completely these compounds after 20−40 minutes
at a temperature of 25 °C. The results were contributed to the affirmation that TiO2–P25 catalyst
had high activity in the treatment of cyclic organic compounds and persistent surfactants.
Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the HCMC University of Technology (VNU–
HCM) under the grant “Investigation of photo–degradation of phenolic compounds in water using TiO2
catalyst” and grand PCATDES 309846 of Seventh Framework Programme – European Commission.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Application of tio2–p25 in the photodegradation of n–lauryl diethanolamine and cinnamic acid in presence of oxygen, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Journal of Science and Technology 55 (xx) (2017) 249–256
Loc L. C. 1, 2, *, Anh H. C. 2, Anh N. P. 2, Tot N. T. N. 2, Quy N. N. 2, Tri N. 1,
Cuong H. T. 1, Van N. T. T. 1
1Institute of Chemical Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1 Mac Dinh Chi Street, Ward 1, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University of Technology–VNUHCM
268 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Ward 14, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Received: 30 December 2017; Accepted for publication: 9 March 2017
In this paper, the activity of TiO2–P25 in the photodecomposition of recalcitrant organic
compounds such as n–lauryl diethanolamine (n–LDA) and cinnamic acid (CA) solution in UV +
BLED light in presence of oxygen was investigated and the optimum conditions of reaction were
determined. With physicochemical characteristics such as anatase/rutile ratio of 80/20, the
crystallite size of 23 nm, BET surface area of 43.6, the light absorption wavelength of 390 nm,
band gap energy of 3.17 eV, and point of zero charge of 6.3, TiO2–P25 catalyst is able to
photodecompose more than 95 % of LDA and CA after 90 minutes in presence of oxygen under
irradiation of UV–B light.
Keywords: cinnamic acid, n–lauryl diethanolamine, oxygen, TiO2–P25.
Pollution of persistent organic compounds (POCs) is one of the primary concerns. In
wastewater, POCs are usually aromatic hydrocarbons, condensed polycyclic compounds,
organochlorines. These matters are highly toxic to organisms and humans and derived from
various sources [1]. Until now, photocatalysis is considered as a capable method to degrade
thoroughly POCs [2], reusable treated wastewater [3]. Currently, TiO2 – Degussa P25 (TiO2–
P25) is one of the commercial photocatalysts that is highly active and commonly used. TiO2–
P25 is used in treatment of phenolic compounds and pesticides in wastewater [4–6] such as
phosphamidon [7], dephenamid [8], indole–3–acetic and indole–3–butyric acid [9], dimethoate
[10], propham, propachlor and tebuthiron [11], 4–chlorophenol and 2,6–dicholorophenol [12];
substances in urban wastewater (acetaminophen, antipyrine, atrazine, carbamazepine, diclofenac,
flumequine, hydroxybiphenyl, ibuprofen, isoproturon, ketorolac, ofloxacin, progesterone,
Application of TiO2–P25 in the photodegradation of n–lauryl diethanolamine and cinnamic acid
sulfamethoxazole and triclosan) [13, 14], textile wastewater (reactive red 4, methylene blue [15–
17], reactive red 222 [18], crystal violet [19], remazol black [16], methyl orange and congo red
[20]), herbicide (picloram [21] and imazethapyr [22]),...
Cinnamic acid (C9H8O2) of phenolic acids is a very persistent unsaturated carboxylic. It
usually presents in wastewater of processing plant of vegetables and vegetable oils, mostly in
wastewater of processing plant of palm oil and olive oil (105.3 mg/L) [23]. Cinnamic acid (CA)
is processed by advanced oxidation processes by H2O2 [24], Fenton reaction Cu2+/H2O2 [24]
Fe2+/H2O2 [24, 25] or Fe2+/H2O2 combining UV [25]. However, the photocatalytic reaction of
TiO2 using various oxidizing agents to degrade CA wasn’t studied.
Our survey is carried out within 7 Framework Programme of the European Council
“Photocatalytic materials for treatment of persistent organic industrial waste”, it showed that the
wastewater of some seafood processing plants in Ho Chi Minh City contained persistent organic
compounds in which n–lauryl diethanolamine (C16H35NO2) had the highest concentration from
50 to 100 μg/L. n–Lauryl diethanolamine (n–LDA) is a surfactant discharged from the cleaning
stage of processing tools as well as floor after every workday. By conventional biological
treatment used in all plants, it is impossible to decompose this surfactant. Up to now, no study
about treating of this substance has been announced.
Therefore, the scope of this work is to apply TiO2–P25 catalyst in the photodegradation of
n–lauryl diethanolamine and cinnamic acid under UV light (λ = 365 nm) using oxygen as
oxidizing agents and propose the optimum reaction conditions.
Before reaction, catalyst TiO2–P25 (Degussa, Merck) was activated at 450 °C for 2 hours in
the air flow of 3 L/h. Photoactivity of catalyst in the decomposition of n–LDA or CA
(concentration ~ 50 mg/L) was surveyed under the light of 365 nm in wavelength. n–LDA and
CA were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich. All chemicals were used without further purification.
The reaction was conducted in batch, reaction volume of 250 mL and stirrer speed of 250 rpm.
To determine optimum conditions, the influence of initial pH, solution temperature,
concentration of oxygen and catalyst was studied.
n–LDA concentration in solution was determined by high–performance liquid
chromatography HPLC (Scharlau – Spain) in Faculty of Chemistry, University of Science –
VNUHCM. Stationary phase: ACE3–C1 column (diameter of 4.6 mm, length of 150 mm, the
particle size of 3.5 µm) was stabilized at 40 °C. The mobile phase has ratio phase A: phase B of
20:80 (v/v) with the flow speed of 0.5 mL/min. In which, phase A is deionized aqueous solution
containing 0.1% formic acid and phase B is a MeOH solution containing 0.1 % formic acid. CA
concentration was analyzed by a spectrum analyzer UV–1800 (Shimadzu, Japan) in Institute of
Chemical Technology – VAST at a wavelength of 272 nm [26].
TiO2–P25 catalyst used in this study has anatase/rutile ratio of 80/20, crystal size of 23 nm,
pore diameter of 3.3 nm, pore volume of 0.037 cm3/g, specific surface area of 43.6 m2/g,
absorbable light wavelength λ = 390 nm, band gap energy Eg = 3.17 eV, and point of zero
charge PZC of 6.3.
Loc L.
. Adsorptio
Survey re
hts) (Figure
more than
ducting pho
ount of n–
stances are
gure 1. Conc
. Photodegr
s presented
Figure 2a
LDA conver
0.1 g/L, t
centration w
reased, and
centration w
cause when
ht adsorptio
erate light s
the optimum
Figure 2b
ution was in
OH* and H
iting electr
0 L/min) n–
sorption of t
the surface
d leading to
C., Anh H. C
n and photo
sults of ads
1) showed t
20 mg/g an
LDA and C
difficult to d
entration vari
adation of n
of reaction
in Figure 2.
showed th
sion reached
he time of
as increase
the stable co
as increase
the concentr
n coefficien
hielding eff
showed tha
creased from
OO* radica
LDA degra
he solution.
of liquid and
decrease in t
., Anh N. P.
orption (wi
hat CA was
d adsorption
reaction, the
A metaboli
ecompose u
ation of n–LD
λ = 365 nm)
–lauryl die
at with low
stable valu
reaching s
d from 0.025
nversion w
d to 0.1 g/L
ation of TiO
t would be
ect that redu
ion of 0.05 g
t n–LDA co
0.5 to 0.7 L
ls, oxygen a
dation was
On the othe
air bubbles
he treatment
, Tot N. T. N
th catalyst,
adsorbed ve
reached sa
zed in pho
nder UV rad
A (a) and CA
at T = 25 °C;
n–LDA or CA ~ 5
on photodeg
e after 60 mi
to 0.05 g/L
as increased
, the n–LD
2 was too h
ced the surfa
/L was chos
nversion wa
/min. This
lso played a
n. Howeve
decreased d
r hand, with
, reducing t
., Quy N. N.,
no lights) a
ry little on T
turation afte
should be i
tolysis is v
(b) in adsor
pHinitial = 7,0;
0 mg/L.
radation of
ons of TiO2
nutes. If cat
reduced to
, treatment e
from 74 to
A degradati
igh, reaction
Besides tha
ce area of th
s increased w
was because
n important
r, when ai
ue to foam
strong distu
he catalyst a
Tri N., Cuon
nd photolys
iO2–P25 wh
r 40 minute
ery low. Th
ption (Ccat = 0
Vstirrer = 250
n–LDA ove
–P25 (0.025
alyst concen
30 minute
fficiency of
~ 100%. Ho
on was redu
solution ha
t, residual
e TiO2 expo
hen airflow
oxygen sup
role in the
rflow was
rbance, cata
mount direc
g H. T., Van
is (no catal
ile n–LDA
s. Therefor
for 40 minu
is proved b
.5 g/L) and p
r catalyst T
and 0.05
tration was i
s. When T
n–LDA sign
wever, when
ced to 71%
d high turb
TiO2 particl
sed to light
supplied to
ported the g
capture of e
increased t
, this preve
lyst particle
tly involved
N. T. T.
yst, with
e, before
tes. The
oth two
g/L), the
. This is
idity and
es could
[27, 28].
oo high
nted UV
s moved
plication of T
Figure 2c
ed of reacti
and 20 min
−100 %. Ac
catalyst surf
gatively cha
n PZC of ca
Figure 2. Inf
Figure 2d
version inc
out 25 °C −
a) Effe
(Qair = 0.
c) Ef
(Ccat = 0.05 g
iO2–P25 in
showed tha
on was incre
utes, respec
cording to th
ace. When s
rged, adsorb
talyst, cataly
to analysi
sition of n–L
luence of vari
showed w
reased not
the same a
common tem
ct of catalyst
7 L/min; pH =
fect of initial
/L; Qair = 0,7
the photode
t when initia
ased, the tim
tively. How
e authors [2
olution pH w
ed cationic c
st adsorbed
pH < PZ
pH > PZC:
s, PZC of T
DA occurre
ous factor on
hen reactio
much and
nd reached
perature of
7; T = 25 °C
pH solution
L/min; T = 2
gradation of
l pH solutio
e of reachin
ever, the co
9], solution
as greater t
anionic com
C: TiOH +
iO2–P25 w
d favorably
n–LDA conv
en on TiO2–P
n temperat
after 60 m
~ 99.8 %.
water sampl
5 °C)
n–lauryl die
n was increa
g stabilizati
nversion in
pH had an
han PZC of
and convers
pounds acco
⁻ TiO⁻ +
as 6.3 and
at pH = 9 w
ersion (X) ov
25 catalyst.
ure increase
inutes, the
Therefore, r
e at weather
(Ccat = 0
d) Effe
(Ccat = 0.05
sed from 5
on was redu
three cases
impact on th
catalyst, cat
ely, when so
rding to the
n–LDA had
as suitable.
er photodecom
d from 20
eaction tem
condition in
b) Effect of a
.05 g/L; pH =
ct of reaction
g/L; Qair = 0.
and cinnam
to 7 and 9, t
ced from 90
was the sam
e electrical
alyst surface
lution pH w
pKa = 8.7
position tim
to 30 °C,
ns of n–LD
perature wa
7; T = 25 °C
7 L/min; pH
ic acid
he initial
down to
e about
as lower
[30] so
e with
A were
s chosen
= 9)
Loc L.
. Photodegr
alyst TiO2–P
reased over
version cou
er than tha
taining arom
reased from
version wa
igure 3. Influe
CA degra
L/min (Fig
%. Howev
a) Effe
(Qair = 0
c) Ef
(Ccat = 0.25
C., Anh H. C
adation of
of reaction
25 was pres
to n–LDA
time (Figur
ld not reac
t of n–LDA
atic ring th
from 0.125
68 to 86 %
s not increas
nce of reactio
dation incre
ure 3b). Aft
er, if airflow
ct of catalyst
.3 L/min; pH
fect of initial p
g/L; Qair = 0.3
., Anh N. P.
cinnamic ac
ented in Fig
e 3a) but it
h a stable v
despite usin
at was more
to 0.5 g/L
. If conten
ed substanti
n factors on p
ased when
er 90–minut
was incre
= 7; T = 25 °C
H solution
L/ph; T = 25
, Tot N. T. N
on photooxi
ure 3.
ation, in CA
was slower
alue. In the
g higher cat
persistent th
, efficiency
t of catalyst
ally, follow
increasing a
e reaction, th
ased to 0.5
., Quy N. N.,
dation of CA
than the n–
other word
alyst amoun
an acyclic n
of CA de
was contin
ed by a decr
osition of CA
irflow supp
e conversio
L/min, tre
(Ccat = 0
d) Eff
(Ccat = 0.25
Tri N., Cuon
with oxyg
ation the co
LDA case,
s, the metab
t. This can b
–LDA. Whe
gradation af
uously incre
ease (down
with oxygen
lied to the
n of CA inc
atment effic
b) Effect of a
.25 g/L; pH =
ect of reaction
g/L; Qair = 0.
g H. T., Van
en as an ox
nversion of
after 90 mi
olic rate of
e explained
n increasing
ter 90 min
ased to 0.5
to 78 %) at
on TiO2–P25
solution fro
reased from
iency was i
7; T = 25 °C
3 L/ph; pH =
N. T. T.
idant on
CA was
nutes the
CA was
that CA
utes was
g/L, the
0.75 g/L
m 0.1 to
72 up to
Application of TiO2–P25 in the photodegradation of n–lauryl diethanolamine and cinnamic acid
slowly, and CA conversion was slowly increased from 82 to 85% after 90–minute reaction. So
the efficiency is highest with airflow of 0.3 L/min. Compared to n–LDA photooxidation, in CA
photoreaction the airflow supplied to the reactor was low (0.3 compared to 0.7 L/min) as the
complete oxidation of a n–LDA molecule (C16H35NO2) needed 25 O2 molecules, while a CA
molecule (C9H8O2) was fully oxidized with 10 O2 molecules.
When increasing initial pH solution from 3.8 to 5 and 7, the initial rate of reaction
decreased. At pH = 3.8 and pH = 5 the conversion was reached stable value (X ~ 100%)
respectively after 40 and 80 minutes, while at pH = 7 the conversion could not reach stable even
after 90 minutes (X ~ 80 %). This was explained that pKa of CA was 4.4, so low pH was
appropriate for reaction.
When temperature was increased from 25 to 35 °C, CA conversion was increased not much
and after 90–minute reaction, the conversion of CA reached approximately the same about 96 %
(Figure 3d). Thence, reaction temperature was chosen to be the natural temperature of water
environment 25 °C.
The optimum conditions to degrade n–LDA and CA is summarized in the following Table 1.
Table 1. The optimal conditions for photocatalytic degradation of n–LDA and CA on TiO2– P25 catalyst.
Reactant Oxidizing
Conversion after
90 minutes (%)
n–LDA O2 25 0.25 0.7 L/min 9 20 100
CA O2 25 0.25 0.3 L/min 3.8 40 96
The adsorption and photolysis of n–LDA and CA with TiO2–P25 catalyst were not
substantial. The nature of reactant played a decisive role in determining the optimal reaction
condition. Photodecomposition of CA occurred more hardly than n–LDA and higher catalyst
concentration was needed. n–LDA with pKa = 8.7 should be photodecomposed favorably at
pH = 9, when CA with pKa = 4.4 so it’s photodegradation occurred favorably at pH = 3.8. TiO2–
P25 catalyst performed high activity in photooxidation of persistent organic compounds such as
n–LDA and CA and it enables to decompose completely these compounds after 20−40 minutes
at a temperature of 25 °C. The results were contributed to the affirmation that TiO2–P25 catalyst
had high activity in the treatment of cyclic organic compounds and persistent surfactants.
Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the HCMC University of Technology (VNU–
HCM) under the grant “Investigation of photo–degradation of phenolic compounds in water using TiO2
catalyst” and grand PCATDES 309846 of Seventh Framework Programme – European Commission.
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