From the results, in Upper Cau River system, it includes that the total annual runoff
tends to increase compared with the baseline
under the climate-change scenario B2. The
change's rate of the later periods is bigger than
the previous ones, appropriate with the changing tendency of evaporation and rainfall,
which are the most important factors affecting
on the flow regime (rainfall increases much
but evaporation increases less leading to annual runoff increase). The impacts of climate
change in the flow regime are presented apparently inflow variation in flood and dry season in future periods. The imbalance in the
flow distribution throughout the year is shown
in the considerably increasing trend of flow in
flood season and decreasing trend in dry season. It means that floods occur more frequent
ly with the larger amount of discharges in
rainy season, while water shortage and
drought would be more serious in dry season.
Moreover, increasing in total annual runoff
also affects the erosion status in the basin. It
would in general increase the total annual sediment load (soil loss). At Gia Bay station, the
total annual soil loss (tons) tends to increase
steadily compared with the baseline under the
climate-change scenario B2. Especially, in the
flood season, greater variability in daily precipitation distribution led to increased occurrence of large storms and therefore, greater
stream discharge and soil loss, leading to at
Gia Bay station; the soil loss has been increasing trend. On the contrary, in dry season, it
decreases gradually compared with the period
of 1980-1999. With regards to the erosion status classification during the base period
(1980-1999), the annual soil loss was divided
into four erosion levels, which are distributed
in different areas. The effect of climate
change on soil erosion is also not homogeneous throughout the basin. The soil loss distribution is different among 35 sub-basins.
Through the analysis, the results from the
study revealed that under the climate-change
scenario B2, the climate trends in Upper Cau
river basin are leading to severe conditions for
runoff generation as well as erosion status due
to an increase in evaporation and rainfall during the period of 2020-2099. Additionally,
applying SWAT model and GIS technique is
fairly accurate helping managers easily identify severity levels of flow regime and areas
having high possibility of soil erosion in the
basin in the context of climate change, thereby, making appropriate measures in the future
in order to limit the effects of these processes
on daily life and the production and business
activities of the local people
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Assessment and Simulation of Impacts of Climate Change on Erosion and Water Flow by Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool and GIS: Case Study in Upper Cau River basin in Vietnam, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 376-392, DOI: 10.15625/0866-7187/39/4/10741
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
Assessment and Simulation of Impacts of Climate Change
on Erosion and Water Flow by Using the Soil and Water
Assessment Tool and GIS: Case Study in Upper Cau River
basin in Vietnam
Tran Hong Thai*1, Nguyen Phuong Thao2, Bui Tien Dieu3
1National Hydro-Meteorological Service, No. 4 Dang Thai Than street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam
2Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate change, No. 23, Lane 62, Nguyen Chi Thanh street, Dong
Da district, Hanoi, Vietnam
3Geographic Information System Group, Department of Business and IT, University College of Southeast Norway,
Gullbringvegen 36, N-3800 BøiTelemark, Norway
Received 27 May 2017. Accepted 01 September 2017
The Upper Cau river basin that plays an important role in socio-economic developments the North of Vietnam is
sensitive to changes of climate influencing flows, erosion, and water resources. The main objective of this study is to
assess and simulate impacts of climate change on erosion and water flow in the basin. Using a GIS database, and Soil,
and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, the water flow, and soil loss assessed with data in period 1980-1999
called the base period, then simulated until 2100 considering the medium emission scenario (B2). The simulation re-
sults showed that the total annual runoff and soil loss tends to increase compared to the base period. For flow, the
change rate of the simulation period is higher than the base period; the water flow rate will increase by 0.22% (2020-
2039) and up to 1.37% (2080-2100). The total annual soil loss of the simulation period at Gia Bay station tends to
increase steadily compared to the baseline, namely by 6.2% (2020-2039) and 25.5% (2080-2100). Overall, the result
in this study shows that effects of climate changes on the basin are severe enough under the scenario B2 that is useful
for authorities for basin management.
Keywords: Water flow; Erosion; Soil loss; Climate Change; Upper Cau River basin.
©2017 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction*
Changes in climate have been observed in
the past decades and have significant impacts
on hydrologic cycles and affecting water re-
sources systems (Ali et al., 2012; Arnell,
2004; Beare and Heaney, 2002; McBean and
*Corresponding author, Email:
Motiee, 2008; Ouyang et al., 2017; Vargas-
Amelin and Pindado, 2014). It has proven that
more changes will be projected for the coming
decades and will cause negative effects to
many areas in the world (IPCC, 2007).
For the case of Vietnam, changes of cli-
mates and unequal distribution of water re-
sources are a pressing issue in many basin ar-
eas (Liem et al., 2011). Particularly, the Upper
Tran Hong Thai, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Cau river basin, which has a significant socio-
economic role in the North of Vietnam, is fac-
ing water resource problems both the quantity
and quality due to flood problems in the wet
season and drought problems in the dry sea-
son. In addition, soil erosion is another prob-
lem in this area. In general, these problems
seem to be more severe in the future (Phan,
D.B. et al., 2011). Therefore, assessment and
simulation of impacts of climate change on
erosion and water flow for the basin are an
urgent task. This is considered a key issue that
assists local authorities in decision-making
and management in the basin.
Thus, the objectives of the study are to
give the quantitative assessment of the chang-
es of the surface water flow and the level of
erosion of Upper Cau river basin under the
impacts of climate change. Thereby, some
policy management based on the results could
be proposed for the study area. This study ad-
dresses this issue by assessing and simulating
impacts of climate change on erosion and wa-
ter flow in the Upper Cau River basin
(Vietnam). According to ICCP (IPCC, 2000),
40 climate change scenarios could be assessed
and simulated considering relatively diversi-
fied possibilities of GHG emissions in the 21st
century. These scenarios could be grouped in-
to 4 categories namely A1, A2, B1, B2 (IPCC,
2000), (MONRE, 2009). In which, B2 scenar-
io is the one that has continuously increasing
population, but at a rate lower than A2; the
emphasis is on local rather than global solu-
tions to economic, social and environmental
sustainability; intermediate levels of economic
development; less rapid and more diverse
technological change than in B1 and A1 fami-
lies (medium emission scenario, in the same
group of A1B). Moreover, the reports of
Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources &
Environment (MONRE, 2012) state that the
scenario B2 that is the emphasis on local solu-
tions should be used. Though this is not the
latest version of climate change scenario
(MONRE, 2016), because of the limitation of
data availability, the study chose the scenario
B2 to simulate the impacts of climate change
on erosion and water flow for the study area.
It is noted that the simulation and prediction
were carried out using the Soil and Water As-
sessment Tool (SWAT) and Geographic In-
formation System (GIS).
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Description of the study area
The study area is the Upper Cau river basin
that belongs to the Hong-Thai Binh river ba-
sin, a big basin in the northern Vietnam (Fig-
ure 1). The Upper Cau river basin restricted at
Gia Bay station with the total area of
2,835 km2 is located in Bac Kan and Thai
Nguyen provinces. The basin has varied and
complex terrain in the direction of northwest -
southeast, characterized by two types of
mountainous and midland. It has some major
soil groups including rocky-inert erosion,
boggy and slope-convergent, yellow red, and
mountainous red yellow humus. Stream and
river networks are quite developed with the
network density reach 0.7-1.2 km/km2. The
main tributaries distribute evenly along the
main river.
The Rainy season lasts from May to Octo-
ber, while the dry season is from November to
April of the following year. In the rainy sea-
son, rainfall accounts for 75-80% of the total
annual rainfall and months with the heaviest
precipitation are July and August with rainfall
distributed over 300 mm/month. The months
having the lowest rainfall are December and
January. Rainfall is unevenly distributed and
dependent on the topography of each region.
Due to unevenly rainfall distribution, two sea-
sons are recognized. Flood season is from
June to October and accounts for 70-80% of
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 376-392
the total annual flow. The dry season lasts for
7-8 months, from November to May of the
following year and accounts for only 20-30%
of the total annual flow. The groundwater
source is not rich. The water quality of the
Cau River in most of the local areas is unsatis-
factory for domestic purposes. Still, the water
quality of upstream rivers is relatively stable.
2.2. Data used
For this study, monitoring data provided
by MONRE for the 1980-1999 periods at
three meteorological stations (Dinh Hoa, Thai
Nguyen and Bac Kan) and one hydrological
station (Gia Bay) in the Upper Cau River
basin were used. In addition, other data such
as a digital elevation model (DEM), land use,
and soil type were also collected and
processed. Consequently, a total of 10 input
factors were prepared including a digital
elevation model (DEM), land use, soil type,
rainfall, temperature, solar radiation, relative
humidity, wind speed, discharge and sediment
Figure 1. Location of the Upper Cau river basin (Vietnam)
2.2.1. Digital elevation model, land use and
soil type
In order to define sub-basins for the study
areas, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with
90 m resolution that is available at National
Map Seamless Data Distribution System
(USGS) was used. Based on the DEM, the
elevation map (Figure 2a) was derived. For this
analysis, the elevation map was generated with
8 categories (0-200; 200-400; 400-600; 600-
800; 800-1000; 1000-1200; 1200-1400; 1400-
1500 m). The elevation is compared to sea
level rise.
Because sub-basins may consist of
hydrologic response units (HRUs) that possess
unique land use/management/soil attributes
Tran Hong Thai, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
(J. G. Arnold et al., 2012) land use should be
used. For this research, a land use map (Figure
2b) was generated using Landsat 8 OLI images
(retrieved on 15 September 2013) with a
resolution of 30 m. The enhancement process
of sharpening (number) of the image to aid
interpretation and transformation process of
changing image including multi-channel data
combination to create a new image was
considered. Then, image classification was
carried out using the Maximum Likelihood
method in the ENVI 4.5 software. Accordingly,
the land use map with 9 classes were
determined: Forest-evergreen (FRSE), Forest-
deciduous (FRSD), hay (HAY), Rock (ROCK),
Forest-mixed (FRST), Agricultural Land-
generic (AGRL), Agricultural Land-close-
grown (AGRC), Agricultural Land-Row
Crops (AGRR), Residential-medium density
(URMD). The overall accuracy of the
classification is 5%.
The soil type map (Figure 2c) for this study
was extracted from the National Pedology map
at a scale of 1:100,000. Accordingly, five
classes were determined including Yellow
brown soil (FRx), Feralit grey soil (ACf),
Mountainous humus grey soil (ACu), Red
brown soil (FRr), and Rock (LPq).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2. Maps of Upper Cau River basin: (a) Elevation; (b) Land use in 1993; (c) Soil type
2.2.2. Climatic data
Climatic data for the period 1980-1999
were used in this analysis including: (i) daily
air temperature (maximum, minimum) (°C);
(ii) average daily rainfall (mm); (iii) daily so-
lar radiation (MJ/m²/day); (iv) daily relative
humidity (%); and (iv) daily wind speed (m/s).
All of these data were available at three mete-
orological stations: Bac Kan, Dinh Hoa, and
Thai Nguyen in the basin and were provided
by Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Infor-
mation and Data under the Vietnam Hydro-
Meteorological Service (VHMS) of MONRE
(Vietnam). In addition, the solar radiation was
generated to use based on daily maximum and
minimum temperature, humidity, wind speed,
hour’s number of sunshine using the CROP-
WAT software (FAO). Each factor has been
processed using the Microsoft excel software,
and then convert to the pdf file for the SWAT
In addition, daily temperature and rainfall
data under the climate change scenario B2 for
the period of 2020-2099 were derived through
simulation process using the SDSM and
SIMCLIM software (CLIMsystems; Depart-
ment of Geography) and the results of Global
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 376-392
Climate Models (GCM), and climate data
provided by (MONRE, 2012). The evapora-
tion was derived based on the temperature’s
increasing trend model that is available at
Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology
and Climate change (IMHEN).
2.2.3. Hydrological data
The average monthly discharge (m3/s) for
the period 1980-1999 (240 records) and the
average monthly sediment discharge (m3/s)
for the period 1980-1996 (204 records) were
collected. The sediment discharge was pro-
cessed and transferred to the sediment load
(tons/day) for each month in the form of the
column. There monitoring data were derived
from the Gia Bay hydrological station and al-
so from VHMS.
2.3. Methodology
Figure 3 describes the methodology used
in this study using the SWAT model that is a
river basin or watershed scale model devel-
oped to predict the impact of land manage-
ment practices on water, sediment, and agri-
cultural chemical yields in large, complex wa-
tersheds with varying soils, land use and man-
agement conditions over long periods of time.
Detailed explanations on the SWAT model
could be found in (J. G. Arnold et al., 2012)
and (Winchell, Srinivasan, Di Luzio, & Ar-
nold, 2013).
Step 1: Construction of the GIS database
First, a GIS database for the study area was
constructed the SWAT model including (1)
Spatial Datasets: Topographic map in the
form of DEM with 90 m resolution; Land use
map (in 1993); Soil type map. (2) Climatic
Datasets: air temperature (maximum, mini-
mum), average daily wind speed, radiation,
relative humidity, rainfall in present time
(1980-1999); temperature and rainfall of cli-
mate change scenario B2 (3) Hydrological
Datasets: average monthly discharge (1980-
1999) and sediment discharge (1980-1996).
Step 2: Determination of sub-watersheds
Using the DEM, the study area was divid-
ed into 35 sub-basins, and then, these sub-
basins were further divided into hydrologic
response units (HRUs) based on land use,
topographical and soil characteristics. Accord-
ingly, a total of 355 HRUs were derived.
Figure 3. Flow chart of the methodology used in this
Step 3: Model calibration and validation
The SWAT model for the study area was
calibrated and then was validated using
monthly-observed stream flow and sediment
discharge at the Gia Bay station. More specif-
ically, the data of monthly discharge of the
period 1980-1999 (base period) was divided
into 2 periods: 1991-1999 and 1980-1990 for
calibration and validation, respectively. Simi-
larly, for monthly sediment data, calibration
and validation processes periods were 1981-
1990 and 1991-1996.
The Nash-Sutcliffe and Percent bias
(PBIAS) method was used to validate the
Tran Hong Thai, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
model, and in general, the simulation model
can be judged as a satisfactory if NSE > 0.50
and if PBIAS ± 25% for stream flow, PBIAS
± 55% for sediment. Table 1 and Table 2
show the level of model simulations
corresponding to Nash and PBIAS index.
Table 1. The level of model simulations corresponding
to Nash index
R2 0.9-1 0.7-0.9 0.5-0.7 0.3-0.5
Simulation level Very good Good medium Poor
Table 2. The level of model simulations corresponding
to PBIAS index
No. Simulation level Value
1 Very good < ±15%
2 Good ±15% ≤PBIAS < ±30%
3 Satisfactory ±30% ≤ PBIAS < ±55%
4 Unsatisfactory PBIAS ≥±55%
Step 4: Results
The results of running SWAT model were
the simulated monthly river discharge and
sediment yield that would be further analyzed.
The average flow and soil loss by periods, the
changes of average flow and soil loss by peri-
ods under the climate change scenario B2
would be presented.
3. Results
3.1. Model Calibration and Validation
Tables 3 and 4 show the results of
calibration and validation of model parameters
for flow and sediment discharge. The results
showed that in both calibration and validation
process for flow, the values of NASH and
PBIAS indexes were with the simulation level
from fair and medium to very good. These
were considered to be acceptable for simulated
outputs of a river basin model like SWAT. The
overall adequacy of SWAT to simulate flow
and sediment discharge in the watershed
indicates its usefulness as a management tool
to predict the effects of land use changes in
mid-size watersheds. Figure 4 and 5 show the
results of observed and simulated discharge
and sediment correlation curves and
cumulative sum at Gia Bay station,
respectively, for both two processes
(calibration and validation).
Table 3. Results of calibration and validation of model
parameters for flow
Process Period Index Value Simulation level
Calibration 1991 - 1999 NASH 0.85 Fair PBIAS -3.68 Very good
Validation 1980 - 1990 NASH 0.81 Fair PBIAS -2.54 Very good
Table 4. Results of calibration and validation of model
parameters for sediment discharge
Process Period Index Value Simulation level
Calibration 1980-1990 NASH 0.66 Medium
PBIAS -10.86 Very good
Validation 1991-1996 NASH 0.58 Medium
PBIAS 11.81 Very good
Figure 4. Observed and simulated discharge correlation curves and cumulative sum at Gia Bay station for
(a) Calibration process; (b) Validation process
(a) (b)
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 376-392
Figure 5. Observed and simulated sediment correlation curves and cumulative sum at Gia Bay station for:
(a) Calibration process; (b) Validation process
3.2. Impacts of climate change on flow
regime and erosion
Using the SWAT model that was success-
fully calibrated and validated in the previous
section, the simulation of the flow and soil
loss at the Gia Bay hydrological station and
the sub-basins of the Upper Cau River basin
were carried out using the climate change sce-
nario B2. Four periods were considered in-
cluding 2020-2039, 2040-2059, 2060-2079,
3.2.1. Rainfall
The annual average rainfall at the three sta-
tions has the increasing tendency under sce-
nario B2. Compared to the base period, the
annual average rainfall in each period has the
remarkably increasing trend, the later periods
increase faster than the previous ones. In the
period of 2020-2039, in the scenario B2, the
average annual rainfall increases compared to
the base period with 6.4%, similarly, in the
periods of 2040-2059, 2060-2079, 2080-2099
with the average rainfall change rate are 7.9%,
9.4%, 10.6%, respectively. Rainfall has the
tendency of strong increase in rainy season
and decrease in the dry season. In the future,
the possibility of the flood appearance in rainy
season and drought in the dry season goes up
in the basin. Figure 6 show the monthly aver-
age rainfall by periods under scenario B2 in
Upper Cau River basin.
Figure 6. Monthly average rainfall by periods in Upper Cau River basin under B2 scenario
3.2.2. Temperature
In general, the annual average temperature
in Upper Cau River basin has the increasing
trend in the period of 2020-2099 under the
impacts of climate change. Figure 7 shows that
the three stations have the temperature in the
future increased steadily. The Dinh Hoa station
(a) (b)
Tran Hong Thai, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
has the highest annual average temperature
with the temperature of 25.3°C (2080-2100),
followed by the Thai Nguyen station with
24.8°C and the least belongs to the Bac Kan
station with 24.4°C.
Figure 7. Annual average temperature at stations by
periods in Upper Cau River basin under Scenario B2
Compared to the base period 1980-1999,
changes of temperature trend is quite similar
at the three stations. By the end of the 21st
century, temperature rises highly at all three
stations, the difference of nearly 3°C com-
pared to the base period 1980-1999 under
scenario B2.
3.2.3. Evaporation
Due to the increase of temperature, poten-
tial evaporation in Upper Cau River basin
tends to increase in the period of 2020-2100
under climate change scenario B2, however
still increase much lower than that of rainfall.
Compared to the base period 1980-1999, the
changes rate of evaporation goes upward quite
steadily and strongest in the end of the century
(Figure 8).
Figure 8. Changes of evaporation in Upper Cau River basin under B2 scenario compared to base period (mm)
3.2.4. Flow regime changes over time
The total annual runoff in Upper Cau River
system tends to increase compared to the
baseline under the climate change scenario B2.
The changes rate of the later periods is bigger
than the previous ones, appropriate with the
changing tendency of evaporation and rainfall
of the scenario B2.
The changes of the annual flow in each
period are different. In the three periods (2020-
2039, 2040-2059 and 2060-2079) in the
climate change scenario B2 the flow increases
steadily but in the period of 2080-2099, the
flow has the little decreasing trend compared to
the other previous periods. Compared to the
base period, the flow increases by 0.15 m3/s
(0.22%) in period of 2020-2039 up to 0.96 m3/s
(1.37%) (2060-2079), then it increases only
0.73 m3/s (1.03%) (2080-2099).
Regarding the monthly average runoff on
Upper Cau River basin, at the Gia Bay station,
some months like III, IV, V and X, XI, XII
show a decreasing runoff tendency while the
runoff in VII and VIII has a tendency of
increasing. Especially, VI and IX have a
decreasing runoff trend in the early half of the
century but steadily go up in the last half. With
I and II, the runoff increases in the period of
2020-2039 but decreases in the remaining
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 376-392
Climate change effects on the flow due to the
changes of rainfall regime and evaporation.
The results of calculating the annual average
Rainfall - Evaporation -Runoff and the
annual flow coefficient (α=Y/X) under the
Scenario B2 in Upper Cau river basin
restricted at Gia Bay station are shown in
Figure 9 and Table 5. The flow coefficient of
the river system decreases a little in the
scenario B2.
Figure 9. Annual average Rainfall - Evaporation - Runoff by periods in Upper Cau River basin under Scenario B2
Table 5. Rainfall - Evaporation - Runoff calculated upto Gia Bay station - Scenario B2 (mm)
Period Rainfall Evaporation Runoff Flow coefficient
1980-1999 1692.03 787.69 805.65 0.48
2020-2039 1800.12 814.20 807.37 0.45
2040-2059 1825.95 825.33 810.76 0.44
2060-2079 1850.84 837.37 816.58 0.44
2080-2099 1871.65 853.39 813.86 0.43
The simulated discharge continuity curve at
Gia Bay station in the future periods and base
period under Scenario B2 is shown in Figure
10. Changes of flow in Upper Cau River basin
under B2 scenario compared to base period (%)
is presented in Figure 11.
Figure 10. Simulation of discharge at the Gia Bay station
for the future periods, 2020-2039 and 2080-2099 using the
scenario B2
The flow in flood season has the increasing
trend meanwhile it in dry season has the
decreasing trend in the entire Upper Cau River
basin in the future under the climate change
scenario B2. In the period of 2020-2039, the
flood-season average flow is 109.3 m3/s higher
than that in the base period (108.4 m3/s), and
increases up to 112.4 m3/s in the last century.
Compared to the flow of base period, it
increases from 0.88 m3/s (0.81%) to 4.07 m3/s
In the period of 2020-2039, the dry-season
average flow is 31.7 m3/s lower than that in the
base period (32.2 m3/s), and decreases down to
29.6 m3/s in the last century. Compared to the
flow of base period, it decreases from -
0.57m3/s (-1.78%) down to -2.62 m3/s
(-8.12%). Regarding the flow distribution in
the year, the flood-season flow has the
decreasing trend in the beginning month of the
flood season (May), then increasing strongly in
the middle months of the season (from June to
September), in the end, (October) it decreases
steadily again. While the dry-season flow has
the decreasing trend from the middle months of
the dry season (January, February) and
decreases strongest in the end month (April),
Tran Hong Thai, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
the beginning months have the considerable
decreasing rate. The changes rate of the annual
average, flood-season, and dry-season flow
compared to the base period at Gia Bay station
under the climate change scenario B2 is
presented in Figure 12.
Figure 11. Changes of flow in Upper Cau River basin under B2 scenario compared to baseline period (%)
Figure 12. The changes rate of the annual average, flood-season and dry-season flow compared tothe base period
at Gia Bay station under the CC scenario B2
3.2.5. Soil loss changes over time at Gia Bay
The total annual soil loss (tons) at Gia Bay
station tends to increase steadily compared to
the baseline under the climate change scenario
B2. Compared to the base period, the average
soil loss at Gia Bay station increases by 16642
tons (6.2%) in period of 2020-2039 and goes
upward to 68951 tons (25.5%) in the last
period of the century. Figure 13 presents the
changes rate of average soil loss by periods
compared to the base period under the scenario
B2 at Gia Bay station (%).
In flood season, at Gia Bay station, the total
annual soil loss (tons) tends to increase steadily
while in the dry season it has decreasing
tendency compared to the baseline under the
climate change scenario B2. Compared to the
base period, the changes of average soil loss in
flood season at Gia Bay station increases by
18249 tons (7.5%) in the period of 2020-2039
up to 72933 tons (29.9%) in the last period of
the century (2080-2099). However, in the dry
season, the changes of average soil loss
decreases by -1652 tons (-6.2%) in the period
of 2020-2039 down to -3982 tons (-14.8%) in
the last period of the century (2080-2099).
Figure 14 shows the average soil loss (tons) in
flood season (a) and dry season (b) by periods
at Gia Bay station under the climate change
scenario B2 in Upper Cau River basin.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 376-392
Figure 13. The changes rate of average soil loss by periods under scenario B2 compared to the base period
at Gia Bay station (%)
(a) (b)
Figure 14. The average soil loss in flood season (a) and dry season (b) by periods at Gia Bay station - Scenario B2
3.2.6. Soil loss distribution in sub-basins
Based on the classification regulations of
erosion status according to Vietnam standard
(Vietnam soil quality, TCVN 5299-1995), the
study area was divided into 4 erosion levels in
the period of 1980-1999 (Table 6). The results
showed that the erosion status of the basin has
uneven areas among erosion levels. The
erosion level I accounts for the most area with
61.2% of the total, twice times compared to
that of level II with 37.5%. Meanwhile, the
erosion level III and IV in the basin only makes
up 0.9% and 0.4%, respectively. The total soil
loss is 1164.6 tons/ha/year.
Table 6. Erosion classification (1980-1999)
No. Erosion level Soil loss (tons/ha/year) Area (ha) Rate (%)
1 Level I 0 - 10 173473.8 61.2
2 Level II 10 - 50 106260.9 37.5
3 Level III 50 - 200 2673.0 0.9
4 Level IV > 200 1103.2 0.4
Total 283510.9 100
Figure 15 represents the annual soil loss in
35 sub-basins in Upper Cau River basin in the
period of 1980-1999. Figure 16 shows the
annual soil loss in sub-basins in Upper Cau
River basin in the four periods of the future:
2020-2039, 2040-2059, 2060-2079, 2080-
2099. Compared to the base period 1980-1999,
the erosion status of the Upper Cau River basin
has the increasing trend with more annual soil
The erosion status in flood season of the
basin under the impacts of CC has an
increasing tendency meanwhile in the
dry season it has a decreasing tendency,
Tran Hong Thai, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
appropriate with increasing trend of rainfall
and flow in the Upper Cau River basin in flood
season (Figure 17). The percentage rate of
flood season and dry-season soil loss in the
future compared to base period is presented in
Figure 18 and Figure 19.
Figure 15. The annual soil loss in sub-basins in Upper Cau River basin - Period 1980-1999
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 376-392
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 16. The annual soil loss in sub-basins in Upper Cau River basin by periods in the future:
(a) Period 2020-2039, (b) Period 2040-2059, (c) Period 2060-2079, (d) Period 2080-2099
(a) (b)
Figure 17. The soil loss in flood season (a) and dry season (b) in sub-basins in Upper Cau River basin - Period
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 18. Percentage rate of flood-season soil loss by periods in the future compared to base period:
(a) Period 2020-2039, (b) Period 2040-2059, (c) Period 2060-2079, (d) Period 2080-2099
Tran Hong Thai, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 19. Percentage rate of dry-season soil loss by periods in the future compared to base period:
(a) Period 2020-2039, (b) Period 2040-2059, (c) Period 2060-2079, (d) Period 2080-2099
4. Discussions
In recent years, application of models has
become an indispensable tool for the
understanding of the natural processes.
Dominantly, SWAT model is one of the most
widely used watershed-scale simulation tools
and bringing the most effective results when
studying in soil erosion and water resources
(Arnold J.G. and Fohrer, 2005) described the
expanding global use of SWAT which has
been employed widely to evaluate the impact
of climate change on soil erosion and sediment
flux (Li Y., et al., 2011) applied SWAT to
evaluate the effect of temperature change on
water discharge, and sediment and nutrient
loading in the Lower Pearl River basin, China
(Hanratty M.P. and Stefan H.G., 1998) have
also described the application of SWAT to
evaluate the impact of climate change on
sediments in an agricultural watershed in
Minnesota and in five European catchments.
Due to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity
in soils properties, vegetation, and land use
practices, a hydrological cycle is a complex
system (Rossi et al., 2009) evaluated in
hydrologic perspective the lower Mekong river
In Vietnam, there are series of studies
implemented on water resources in many river
basins and specific provinces aiming to
contribute to the government’s planning and
river basin management. Aspects of water
resources such as quantity and quality have
been mentioned (Son N.T. et al., 2011)
analyzed the changes of water resources on
Nhue-Day River basin under the impacts of
climate change, while (Nhu N.Y., 2011)
focused on the extreme of the flow in the same
study area. However, they only used the future
scenarios of 2020, 2050 compared to the
baseline period of 1970-1999. Using SWAT
model and GIS (Liem N.D. et al., 2011) had a
study on assessing water discharge in Be river
basin, which is an important hydrological
parameter that defines the shapes, size, and
course of the stream. The study focused to
quantify the impact of topographic, land use,
soil and climatic condition on water discharge.
SWAT in combination with GIS has identified
clearly the objectives of the study with the
capacity of enhancing the precision of flow
simulation results from rainfall and physical
characteristics of the basin.
Additionally, a wide range of studies has
been conducted on soil erosion issue in many
parts of Vietnam using lots of research
methods. Taking some examples such as in Vo
Nhai district in Thai Nguyen province; Da Tam
watershed in Lam Dong province (Tu L.H. et
al., 2011); Tam Nong Commune in Phu Tho
province (Thang, 2010); Tay Nguyen region;
Son La province; Dong Nai river basin, etc.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 376-392
(Binh N.D. et al., 2010) used modelling and
web technologies to assess the level of soil
erosion in northwestern region of Vietnam in
general. In Dakrong Commune, Quang Tri
province (Trong T.D. et al., 2012) used RMMF
(Revised Morgan-Morgan-Finney) model to
find out the soil erosion possibility. Utilizing
USLE, for instance (Chau T.L.M. et al., 2011)
implemented a study about soil erosion
management in Hue province.
Taking into account climate change, the
study of (Phan D.B. et al., 2011) also used
SWAT to assess its impacts on stream dis-
charge and sediment yield in Phu Luong wa-
tershed in Northern Vietnam. Results showed
that the stream discharge was likely to in-
crease in the future during the wet season with
increasing threats of sedimentation. Conduct-
ed by the same author's group with the same
model tool, another study of (Phan D.B. et al.,
2011) implemented in Cau River basin,
Vietnam. This study used three climate
change scenarios B1, B2, and A2 to assess but
only showed the seasonal values, not the
monthly though climate change is needed to
express the extent of more details. Additional-
ly, the study just gave the comparison of
stream discharge and sediment load change
between only 3 decades of the 2020s, 2030s,
and 2050s with the baseline period. To satisfy
those deficiencies in Phan’s research, this pa-
per used the data from the future from 2020
up to 2100 - a long enough period - focusing
fundamentally on just one scenario B2 to per-
form the changes of stream discharge and sed-
iment yield of the Upper Cau river basin and
went into details in each month and season in
year. Furthermore, the output of Phan’s study
just stopped at changes of sediment yield
without describing the process of surface ero-
sion with its levels that could have been
shown apparently in maps. The paper would
fill with it. Also, this paper would also com-
bine results from remote sensing with sur-
veyed land use map to make it more accurate
thereby create more precise inputs for SWAT
From the results of this study, the calibra-
tion and validation processes show that
SWAT is capable of simulating the flow with
the conditions of the study area with relatively
high accuracy. On the other hand, for sedi-
ment discharge, one of the reasons causing the
discrepancy between simulated and observed
sediment discharge may be attributed to chan-
nel erosion, especially during high flows and
instability of sediment yields. Other factors
include SWAT’s inadequate description of
channel scouring process and the presence of
temporary channel embankment used by
farmers to retard channel flow velocity.
Moreover, the small number of meteorologi-
cal stations in the basin is also one of the rea-
sons for that. Nevertheless, these results en-
sure the calibrated parameters are suitable to
be used to assess the flow and sediment
changes under the context of climate change.
The overall adequacy of SWAT to simulate
flow and sediment discharge in the watershed
indicates its usefulness as a management tool
to predict the effects of land use changes in
mid-size watersheds.
5. Conclusions
From the results, in Upper Cau River sys-
tem, it includes that the total annual runoff
tends to increase compared with the baseline
under the climate-change scenario B2. The
change's rate of the later periods is bigger than
the previous ones, appropriate with the chang-
ing tendency of evaporation and rainfall,
which are the most important factors affecting
on the flow regime (rainfall increases much
but evaporation increases less leading to an-
nual runoff increase). The impacts of climate
change in the flow regime are presented ap-
parently inflow variation in flood and dry sea-
son in future periods. The imbalance in the
flow distribution throughout the year is shown
in the considerably increasing trend of flow in
flood season and decreasing trend in dry sea-
son. It means that floods occur more frequent-
Tran Hong Thai, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
ly with the larger amount of discharges in
rainy season, while water shortage and
drought would be more serious in dry season.
Moreover, increasing in total annual runoff
also affects the erosion status in the basin. It
would in general increase the total annual sed-
iment load (soil loss). At Gia Bay station, the
total annual soil loss (tons) tends to increase
steadily compared with the baseline under the
climate-change scenario B2. Especially, in the
flood season, greater variability in daily pre-
cipitation distribution led to increased occur-
rence of large storms and therefore, greater
stream discharge and soil loss, leading to at
Gia Bay station; the soil loss has been increas-
ing trend. On the contrary, in dry season, it
decreases gradually compared with the period
of 1980-1999. With regards to the erosion sta-
tus classification during the base period
(1980-1999), the annual soil loss was divided
into four erosion levels, which are distributed
in different areas. The effect of climate
change on soil erosion is also not homogene-
ous throughout the basin. The soil loss distri-
bution is different among 35 sub-basins.
Through the analysis, the results from the
study revealed that under the climate-change
scenario B2, the climate trends in Upper Cau
river basin are leading to severe conditions for
runoff generation as well as erosion status due
to an increase in evaporation and rainfall dur-
ing the period of 2020-2099. Additionally,
applying SWAT model and GIS technique is
fairly accurate helping managers easily identi-
fy severity levels of flow regime and areas
having high possibility of soil erosion in the
basin in the context of climate change, there-
by, making appropriate measures in the future
in order to limit the effects of these processes
on daily life and the production and business
activities of the local people.
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