Although Giap Lai pyrite mine has been
closed down for many years the ARD still
occurs and negatively impacts on quality of
water and soil in the mining area.
Surface water in the mining area usually
has relatively low pH (<5.5) and does not
meet the Standard for irrigation water
(QCVN08-MT:2015/BTNMT). The levels of
Fe and Mn in surface water are very high, especially in the rainy season, in wich somePham Tich Xuan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
samples have Fe content up to 300 times,
or/and Mn content up to 30 times higher than
the Standards on irrigation water. Surface water shows slightly pollution of Ni and As,
while other heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Cd,
Pb, Hg are lower than allowed limits. However, metal levels of surface water in mining area are much higher compared to the Bua River
water, indicating metal contamination of surface water.
Generally, well water in Giap Lai mining
area has pH and metal concentrations
within the limit for groundwater (QCVN09-
MT:2015/BTNMT). However, compared
with standards for drinking and
domestic water (QCVN01:2009/BYT and
QCVN02:2009/BYT), the most of the well
water have pH below the limit. Some samples
show concentrations of Mn, Fe, and Ni exceeding the drinking water standards
Soil in mining area is polluted with Cu, Zn,
Pb, especially in the rainy season. The geoaccumulation indexes show that soil in the
study area is contaminated with Ni, Cu, As
and Hg.
Pyrite-rich tailings and waste rocks are
sources of ARD, causing elevated metal levels
in downstream water bodies and soils, so
samples located closely to these sources usually show contamination with metals.
Regardless of the fact that the mine is at an
uncontrolled state after its closure with no
post-closure remediation measures having
been applied. The ARD originated from waste
dumps and tailing ponds leaks out and flows
into the nearby surface water bodies. Therefore, the risk of ARD and heavy metal contamination in this area remains high and will
continue to affect the environmental quality.
The research provides a series of evidence to
suggest that the Environmental Protection
Law should be fully implemented not only
during mining but also after its closure
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Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 210-224, DOI: 10.15625/0866-7187/39/3/10267
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
Assessment of heavy metal pollution in abandoned
Giap Lai pyrite mine (Phu Tho Province)
Pham Tich Xuan*, Nguyen Thi Lien, Pham Thanh Dang, Doan Thi Thu Tra, Nguyen Van Pho,
Nguyen Xuan Qua, Hoang Thi Tuyet Nga
Institute of Geological Sciences (VAST)
Received 30 March 2017. Accepted 31 May 2017
Giap Lai pyrite mine had been exploited in the period 1975 - 1999, and abandoned after the mine became closed.
This work is conducted with the aim to evaluate the impacts of the abandoned mine to the environment. 23 surface
water, 15 ground water and 20 soil samples from the mining area were collected for experiments. Acid production
potential and metal leaching of waste materials from tailings were tested. Results show that acid rock drainage (ARD)
in the old mining area still occurs, with sulfide-rich tailings and waste rocks being sources of ARD, causing elevated
metal concentrations in downstream water bodies. Surface water shows significant pollution of Fe, Mn, Ni and par-
tially As. In the rainy season, the percentage of surface water samples having low pH values as well as metal contents
in samples is higher than in the dry season. Metal concentrations in ground water are generally low, but many sam-
ples have low pH values, indicating the influence of the ARD. The geo-accumulation index reveals that soil from
mining area is moderately contaminated with Ni, Cu, Hg and partially As. Most of the polluted samples are located
near old mining pits, waste dumps and tailing ponds. The study also shows that negative effect of Giap Lai pyrite
mine on the surrounding water and soil has been ongoing. However, no post-closure remediation measures have been
applied at the mine, so there must be appropriate solutions for the acid mine drainage treatment before its being dis-
charged to the environment. Given the facts revealed by this study, it is recommended that the Environmental Protec-
tion Law should be fully implemented at mining sites not only during the exploitation but also after their closures.
Keywords: pyrite mine, abandoned mine, acid drainage, metal pollution.
©2017 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction1
Mining and mineral processing can cause
many negative impacts on the environment.
The formation of acid mine drainage (AMD)
and acid rock drainage (ARD) and associated
contamination has been described as the larg-
est environmental problem in sulfide- bearing
*Corresponding author, Email:
mines (INAP, 2009). The generation of acid is
due to oxidation of sulfide minerals existing
in ore, especially pyrite (FeS2), when they ex-
posed to air and water. Already formed acid is
able to dissolve metals and these contami-
nants, once dissolved, can migrate to local
surface water causing environmental pollu-
tion. These processes occur during the opera-
tion of a mine and can continue for a long
Pham Tich Xuan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
time, even hundreds of years after the mine
closing (Ziemkiewicz et al., 1991). Due to the
impact of acid mine drainage and heavy metal
pollution, water quality, especially mine land
usually was seriously degraded, even impos-
sible to recover and most of the land so often
become fallow.
Up to now, in the world literature, there are
a huge number of publications on abandoned
mines. Many countries have special agencies
or programs for research of closed mines
(EPA, 2000; MCMPR/MCA, 2010; Mhlongo
and Amponsah-Dacosta, 2015; Newton et al.,
In Viet Nam, studies of the post-mining
environment are limited. Recently, there is on-
ly one report by Tarras-Wahlberg and Lan
(2008) on the post-mining environment at
Giap Lai pyrite mine. According to these au-
thors, at Giap Lai pyrite mine the ARD is still
leaking and metal concentrations in affected
surface waters have been increased since the
mine closure, suggesting that the impact is be-
coming progressively serious. The authors al-
so suggest that the present situation is due to
the failure in post-mining management.
Mining of pyrite in Giap Lai occurred dur-
ing the period 1975-1999 and had been closed
since 1999. Currently, the old mining pits
have turned into acid lakes, and acid drainage
continues to form from waste rock dumps and
tailings ponds, causing pollution of some
heavy metals (Tarras-Wahlberg and Lan,
Environmental pollution in the Giap Lai
mining area has caused anxiety among the
people and led to numerous complaints. Pollu-
tion is believed to be the main cause in rising
fatal diseases in the commune in the recent
This paper presents new findings of acid
rock drainage phenomenon and heavy metals
pollution in the abandoned Giap Lai pyrite
mine area to provide the scientific basis for
the management of the closed mines and min-
ing environmental protection in general.
2. Study area
Giap Lai pyrite mine locates in Giap Lai
commune, Thanh Son District, Phu Tho Prov-
ince, about 80 km northwest from Ha Noi
(Figure 1). The area is a valley-shaped run-
ning in the northwest - southeast direction at
an altitude of about 70 m, among low hills,
which reach 200-400 m high. The mining area
is drained by Dong Dao stream, which emp-
ties into the Bua River about 6.5 km to the
Like all of North Vietnam, Giap Lai is lo-
cated in the tropical monsoon climate. There
are two distinct seasons: The rainy season co-
incides with the hot season starting from April
to the end of September, the average tempera-
ture is from 27°C to 31°C and the highest is
30°C - 39°C; The dry season starts from Oc-
tober to the end of March next year, the aver-
age temperature is 20°C - 22°C and the
lowest is 6°C - 15°C. Annual rainfall is about
2500 mm, mainly concentrated in the rainy
season, especially June, July and August.
The vein type massive ore bodies were dis-
tributed in metamorphic rocks of the Thach
Khoan formation (NP - Є1 tk) consisting of
two mica - garnet - quartz schist, mica - stau-
rolite - disten schist, quartzite and marble.
The ore mineral compositions comprised
mainly of pyrite (FeS2) with minor pyrrhotite
(Fe (1-x) S) and a very small amount of other
sulfide minerals such as chalcopyrite
(CuFeS2), galena (PbS), sphalerite (ZnS). The
sulfur content (S) of ore ranges from 15 to
30% and average about 24.45% (Tran Xuan
Toan, 1963).
Mining of pyrite in Giap Lai mine
occurred during the period 1975 - 1999, after
which these operations ceased. The pyrite
mine included 3 open pits which recently
became 3 lakes (hereafter referred as lake
No.1, No.2 and No.3) (Figure 2 and 3). Dur-
ing pyrite mining, a total of over 5 millions m3
of overburden was removed. Approximately,
1 million m3 of waste rocks were put into the
waste dump, which located northeast of min-
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 210-224
ing pits, and a significant portion of rest waste
rocks was used to backfill mining pits them-
selves. There are also 2 tailings deposits
located in the north of mine (Figure 3). The
first tailing dam was active until the late
1980s and contains approximately 200,000
tons of tailings. The second dam operated
from the late 1980s until mining ended and
contains approximately 880,000 tons of tail-
ings (Tarras-Wahlberg and Lan, 2008).
Figure 1. Map showing location of Giap Lai mine in Northern Vietnam
1- Roads, 2- Rivers and Lakes, 3- Provincial boundaries, 4- Giap Lai mine
Figure 2. a) Three lakes are formed from old mining pits; b) view of Lake N.2 (open pit N.2)
Pham Tich Xuan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 3. Map of sampling sites at Giap Lai mining area
1- Water bodies, 2. Road, 3- Lakes (old pits), 4 - Tailing deposit, 5 - Waste dumps, 6 - Surface water sampling point,
7 - Ground water sampling point, 8 - Soil sampling points
3. Material and methods
The sample collection included 23 surface
water samples (12 samples were taken during
the rainy season and 11 others during the dry
season), 15 samples of well water and 20 soil
samples. Locations of sampling points are
shown in Figure 3.
Each water sample was taken into 02 PE
bottles of 0.5 L capacity and was treated with
the ultrapure HNO3 solution to prevent precip-
itation. The water samples were filtered
through a 0,45μm filter paper.
The soil samples were taken in an amount
of 1-2 kg from the surface layer (15 - 20 cm)
and stored in PE plastic bags. In the laborato-
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 210-224
ry, samples were air-dried at room tempera-
ture. They were pulverized, then passed
through 1 mm sieve to remove grit and plant
residues. The fine fraction was well mixed,
and about 100 g was removed using the quar-
tered method, then was finally ground with an
agate mortar.
The pH is measured by handheld pH meter
HANA HI8424 with precision pH = ± 0.01.
Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb
were analyzed by ICP-MS at the Institute of
Geological Sciences, VAST, and concentra-
tions of As, Se and Hg were analyzed by the
same method using Vapor Generation Acces-
sory (VGA-77).
Concentrations of Cu, Ni, Co in the leacha-
tes collected from experiments were analyzed
by HACH DR2800 Spectrophotometer. The
analytical precision for Co, Cu is ±0.01 mg/L,
and for Ni is ±0.001 mg/L.
Experiments were carried out to evaluate
the acid production potential and metal leach-
ing of waste materials from tailings deposit
- Experiment No.1 was field test using
paste-pH method (Sobek et al., 1978). The
procedure is as follows:
The paste-pH test was performed in De-
cember 2015 (dry season). The samples for
paste-pH test were taken in waste dump No.1
in a 1.5m deep profile. At each given depth in
the profile a sample of ~ 100g (after removal
of debris) was taken, and was mixed with de-
ionized water at a ratio of 2:1 (solid: water),
stirred, waited for about 30 minutes then
measured for the pH.
- Experiment No.2 is leaching test per-
formed in the laboratory using the modified
procedure of AMIRA “Free Draining Leach
Column Test” (AMIRA, 2002). The waste
rocks from tailings deposit No.1 were taken
for leaching experiment. The samples after
removing soil and weathered, loosen parts
were dried and crushed to 1-2 cm pieces.
About 2 kg of chipped rocks were used for the
experiment. The analytical columns were PET
5-liter vessels having a tap at the bottom for
water draining. The experiment procedure is
described as follows:
Step 1 (wet step): fill the column with 1.5L
deionized water to submerge all of the test
materials for 24 h.
Step 2 (humid step): after 24 h drain off
water from the columns and leave still for 7
days (192 h).
After 7 days, repeat steps 1 and 2, this ex-
periment was repeatedly performed over a pe-
riod of 54 days (1344 hours).
At each draining, the leachates were meas-
ured for pH, Eh, Ec and analyzed for concen-
trations of some heavy metals using DR2800.
The impact magnitude is evaluated based
on the comparison with the reference stand-
ards from Vietnam National Technical Regu-
lations including QCVN03-MT 2015/BTNMT
(on soil), QCVN08-MT 2015/BTNMT (on
surface water), QCVN09-MT 2015/BTNMT
(on ground water), QCVN01:2009/BYT (on
drinking water) and QCVN02:2009/BYT (on
domestic water).
Metal contamination of soil is also evalu-
ated by Geoaccumulation index (Igeo). Geoac-cumulation index (Igeo) was originally intro-duced by Müller (1969) and has been widely
used since to assess contamination levels of
heavy metals in sediments (Muler, 1969,
Çevik et al., 2009, Ghrefat et al., 2011, Now-
rouzi and Pourkhabbaz, 2015). The geoaccu-
mulation index is also used to assess the con-
tamination of soil (Loska et al., 2003; Wei et
al., 2011; Zawadzki and Fabijan´czyk, 2013).
Geoaccumulation index Igeo is calculated
using the below formula (after Muler, 1969;
Loska et al., 2004):
Igeo = log2(Cn/1,5xBn)
with Cn is the measured concentration of ex-
amined element n in the soil sample, Bn - ref-
erence value of the elements n and the factor
1.5 is used because of possible variations of
the background data due to lithological varia-
tions. The quantity Igeo is calculated using the
reference data of trace elements in soil from
IAEA-soil-7 (IAEA, 2000).
Pham Tich Xuan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Muller (1969) determined 7 classes from 0
to 6 according to Igeo values and 7 correspond-ing contamination levels, which are given in
Table 1.
Table 1. Contamination categories based on geoaccu-
mulation index (Igeo) (Muller, 1969)
Class Value Classification
0 <0 Uncontaminated
1 0 - 1 Uncontaminated to moderately contami-nated
2 1 - 2 Moderately contaminated
3 2 - 3 Moderately to strongly contaminated
4 3 - 4 Strongly contaminated
5 4 - 5 Strongly to extremely strongly contami-nated
6 5 - 6 Extremely contaminated
4. Results
4.1. pH measurements
Table 2 presents the pH values in Pit
(Lake) No.2 measured during the period 1995
- 2015. In 1997, when the mine was opera-
tional, thanked the applied control measures
pH value of the water was normally high pH =
6.7. However, 3 years after mine closure, in
2002 the pH dropped to 3.1 (Table 2). Varia-
tion of pH values with time is shown in Figure
4. Surface water has pH ranged from 3.63 to
7.42, and 7 out of 23 samples have pH lower
than the limit for irrigation water (QCVN08-
MT 2015/BTNMT) and all of them are col-
lected in the rainy season (Table 5). Water
samples from wells have pH varying from
5.16 to 6.63 and generally meet the standard
values for ground water (5.5 to 9 of QCVN09-
MT 2015/BTNMT), except for sample G15
having pH = 5.16, lower than the standard
(Table 6).
Table 2. pH value of water in lake N.2 (old pit N.2) in time
Time Site pH Source
1 9/1997 Lake N. 2 6.7 1
2 5/2002 Lake N. 2 3.1 1
3 1/2011 Lake N. 2 5.2 2
4 3/2011 Lake N. 2 5.16 2
5 9/2011 Lake N. 2 4.8 2
6 6/2013 Lake N. 2 5.49 2
7 10/2015 Lake N. 2 5.35 2
Source: 1 - Håkan Tarras-Wahlberg, Lan T. Nguyen
(2008); 2 - This study
4.2. Results of experiments
The paste-pH tests show low pH values at
all depths of the profile (ranged from 3.66 to
3.88), indicating that the pore water is acidic
(Table 3, Figure 5). The leachates in leaching
experiments have low pH values (<2), while
the concentrations of metals are very high. For
example, concentrations of Cu, Ni and Co
vary from 60 to 570 mg/L, 1.1 to 46.2 mg/l
and 0.9 to 64.4 mg/l respectively. With time,
pH values tend to increase, while the concen-
trations of metals decrease (Table 4,
Figure 6).
Table 3. Results of paste-pH test in tailing N1
Sampes Depth(cm) pH Sampes Depth (cm) pH
P-1 0 - 10 3.88 P-6 75 - 90 3.79
P-2 10 - 25 3.68 P-7 90 - 105 3.76
P-3 25 - 40 3.68 P-8 105 - 120 3.74
P-4 40 - 60 3.66 P-9 120 -135 3.76
P-5 60 - 75 3.71 P-10 135 -150 3.73
Table 4. pH and concentrations of some metals in leaching experiments
N. Leachat pH T (°C) Eh (mV) EC (mS/cm) Concentration (mg/l) Time (h) Cu Ni Co
0 0 7 0
1 TN1-01 1.77 30.9 260.2 130.2 570 46.2 59 24
2 TN1-02 1.72 30.5 266.7 123.9 232 20.6 64.4 192
3 TN1-03 1.77 30.8 268.2 90.3 104 4.8 14 384
4 TN1-04 1.86 28.4 254.3 67.1 78 2.8 7.4 576
5 TN1-05 1.82 29.8 258.4 62.5 70 2.2 4 960
6 TN1-06 1.85 30.7 264.5 56.6 64 1.5 2.8 1152
7 TN1-07 1.90 30.7 263.6 31.1 60 1.1 0.9 1344
Concentration of Fe, Cu, Ni, Co were analised by DR2800 spectrophotometry in Department of Geochemistry, IGS -
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 210-224
4.3. Heavy metal concentrations
Metal concentrations in the surface water
vary in wide ranges (Table 5). Samples col-
lected downstream of the lakes and the tailing
impoundments shows high in Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu
and As, but generally low in Pb, Cd, Hg and
Se in all samples. In general, samples collect-
ed in the rainy season have higher metal con-
centrations as compared to samples collected
in the dry season. Compared to the Standard
(QCVN08-MT:2015/BTNMT, B1: irrigation
water), in the rainy season, 10 out of 12 col-
lected samples have Mn content exceeded the
limit, but in the dry season, only one out of 11
analyzed samples have Mn content exceeded
the limit. Similarly, for Fe, in the rainy sea-
son, 9 out of 12 samples have Fe content
higher than allowed level, but in the dry sea-
son, only one out of 11 samples have Fe con-
tent higher than allowed level. Some samples
collected in the rainy season contain high Ni,
while other samples, for example, sample
M06 is contaminated by As (Table 5).
Heavy metal concentrations in the ground
water are generally low, except for samples
G3, G4 having high Mn (10.48 mg/L and
19.79 mg/L respectively) and Ni (0.065 mg/L
and 0.52 mg/L respectively) and samples G13,
G15 having high Mn contents (2.59 mg/L and
3.69 mg/L respectively) as compared to the
standard for ground water (QCVN09-MT
2015/BTNMT). The heavy metal concentra-
tions in other samples are met the standard
norms (Table 6).
Table 5. pH and concentrations of some metals in surface water from Giap Lai mining area (mg/l)
Samples pH Mn Fe Ni Cu Zn As Cd Hg Pb
M1 5.2 1.98 0.23 0.0178 0.0037 0.0345 0.00032 0.00032 0.0002 0.00399
M2 4.08 26.27 10.43 0.6441 0.1114 0.4642 0.00171 0.00406 0.0003 0.02774
M3 5.49 0.43 2.03 0.0104 0.0062 0.0439 0.00603 0.00024 0.0003 0.03223
M4 4.14 31.05 25.15 0.4448 0.0898 1.1375 0.00023 0.00571 0.0003 0.01112
M5 5.95 4.74 4.29 0.0641 0.0183 0.1864 0.00053 0.00087 0.0003 0.00361
M6 3.63 1.56 477.05 0.2013 0.3978 0.2441 0.99428 0.00105 0.0003 0.00400
M7 5.03 8.49 41.20 0.1024 0.0653 0.1574 0.00687 0.00149 0.0015 0.0594
M8 6.6 0.14 0.62 0.0042 0.0055 0.0226 0.00127 0.00003 0.0019 0.00176
M9 6.5 4.71 7.66 0.0641 0.0183 0.1833 0.00048 0.00084 0.0003 0.00357
M10 6.57 3.98 2.03 0.0384 0.0099 0.1601 0.00064 0.00005 0.0002 0.00249
M11 6.71 2.96 1.48 0.0269 0.0010 0.1391 0.00071 0.00004 0.0002 0.00287
M12 6.72 1.78 0.92 0.0178 0.0011 0.1058 0.00075 0.00003 0.0010 0.00301
M13 5.16 0.007 0.13 0.0259 0.0052 0.1473 0.00435 0.00052 0.0144 0.01506
M14 6.06 38.05 48.15 0.4448 0.0898 1.1375 0.00073 0.00571 0.00029 0.01112
M15 7.38 0.006 0.33 0.0010 0.0119 0.0094 0.00307 0.00005 0.00198 0.0008
M16 7.42 0.004 0.31 0.0010 0.0028 0.0156 0.00217 0.00004 0.00073 0.00085
M17 7.42 0.004 0.29 0.0011 0.0023 0.0161 0.00226 0.00002 0.00043 0.00081
M18 7.38 0.003 0.26 0.0009 0.0030 0.0101 0.00220 0.00003 0.00029 0.00054
M19 7.24 0.006 0.17 0.0007 0.0032 0.0139 0.00212 0.00004 0.00022 0.00054
M20 7.32 0.003 0.17 0.0009 0.0020 0.0114 0.00200 0.00003 0.00016 0.00032
M21 7.32 0.002 0.15 0.0008 0.0021 0.0107 0.00204 0.00003 0.00014 0.00030
M22 7.28 0.003 0.18 0.0008 0.0023 0.0084 0.00227 0.00002 0.00013 0.00044
M23 7.29 0.002 0.16 0.0007 0.0022 0.0098 0.00229 0.00003 0.00012 0.00034
Bua River 7.40 0.0004 0.0007 0.001 0.00024 0.00001 - 0.00012
STD 5.5-9 0.50 1.50 0.100 0.500 1.500 0.05 0.01000 0.0010 0.05
Note: M1 - M12: collected in the rainy season; M13 - M23: collected in the dry season. All samples were analyzed
by ICP-MS in IGS - VAST. STD: Vietnam National Technical Regulations on surface water (QCVN08-
MT:2015/BTNMT - B1: irrigation water)
Pham Tich Xuan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Table 6. pH and concentrations of some metals in well water from Giap Lai mining area (mg/l)
Samples pH Mn Fe Ni Cu Zn As Se Cd Hg Pb
G1 6.63 0.01 0.37 0.0080 0.0014 0.0156 0.0007 0.0007 0.0001 0.0017 0.0012
G2 6.53 0.15 0.36 0.0057 0.0031 0.0336 0.0012 0.0012 0.0001 0.0010 0.0010
G3 5.78 10.48 0.64 0.0646 0.0149 0.2159 0.0014 0.0009 0.0021 0.0008 0.0043
G4 5.83 19.79 1.45 0.5149 0.0348 0.3456 0.0007 0.0044 0.0048 0.0006 0.0018
G5 6.29 0.09 0.14 0.0039 0.0018 0.0242 0.0000 0.0002 0.0001 0.0009 0.0004
G6 5.8 0.64 0.10 0.0120 0.0016 0.0203 0.0006 0.0002 0.0003 0.0009 0.0009
G7 5.57 0.04 0.14 0.0029 0.1545 0.0268 0.0005 0.0017 0.0001 0.0007 0.0051
G8 5.9 0.21 0.11 0.0062 0.0014 0.1784 0.0001 0.0005 0.0002 0.0008 0.0004
G9 5.88 0.02 0.22 0.0013 0.0021 0.0217 0.0000 0.0012 0.0001 0.0004 0.0005
G10 5.66 0.09 0.07 0.0128 0.0039 0.0750 0.0025 0.0000 0.0001 0.0006 0.0005
G11 5.75 0.01 0.05 0.0010 0.0010 0.0228 0.0005 0.0003 0.0001 0.0004 0.0003
G12 6.56 0.00 0.12 0.0029 0.0014 0.0141 0.0002 0.0001 0.0000 0.0004 0.0005
G13 5.65 2.59 0.09 0.0173 0.0041 0.7456 0.0003 0.0006 0.0009 0.0005 0.0010
G14 6.2 0.96 0.52 0.0094 0.0029 0.0358 0.0069 0.0027 0.0004 0.0003 0.0003
G15 5.16 3.69 0.40 0.0321 0.0064 0.1002 0.0018 0.0059 0.0006 0.0003 0.0073
STD1 5.5-8.5 0.5 5 0.02 1 3 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 0.01
STD2 0.5 0.05
STD3 6,5-8.5 0.3 0.3 0.02 1 3 0.01 0.01 0.003 0.001 0.01
Note: STD1: Vietnam National Technical Regulations on ground water (QCVN09-MT 2015/BTNMT); STD2 -
Vietnam National Technical Regulations on domestic water (QCVN02:2009/BYT); SDT3: Vietnam National Tech-
nical Regulations on drinking water (QCVN01:2009/BYT)
Figure 4. Variation of pH in Lake N.2 (old pit N.2) with time
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 210-224
Figure 5. Variation of pH of waste material with depth in tailing N.1
Figure 6. Variations of pH and concentrations of some
metals with time in leaching experiments
Heavy metal concentrations of soil are
shown in Table 7. Fe and Mn have relatively
high contents raging from 40936.3 mg/kg (dry
weight) to 157147.6 mg/kg and 41.23 mg/kg
to 3309.29 mg/kg respectively. Concentra-
tions of As vary from 6.34 mg/kg to 370.63
mg/kg and 11 out of 20 analysed samples
have As contents exceeded standard for agri-
cultural soil (QCVN03-MT:2015/BTNMT).
Concentrations of Zn range from 56.89 mg/kg
to 420.61 mg/kg and 4 out of 20 collected
samples have Zn contents exceeded standard.
Other metals such as Ni, Cd, Hg, Pb have low
concentrations (Table 7), except for two sam-
ples D11 and D14 have high Pb contents
(146.92 mg/kg and 142.64 mg/kg respective-
ly), doubly exceeding the standard values.
5. Disscusion
5.1. Acid rock drainage
Although Giap Lai pyrite mine has been
closed for more than 10 years, the formation
of acid rock drainage can be still observed in
old pits and at many other places. Thus, 16
years after the mine closure acid drainage
continues to occur in the old pits with low pH
(Table 2 and Figure 4). Leakage appearing at
the foot of the waste dumps and the tailing
ponds is usually red in color and has very low
pH, especially in the rainy season (e.g., sam-
Pham Tich Xuan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
ple M6 with pH at 3.63, Table 5). In the near-
by rice paddies, where the acid leakage flows
into, the rice withers in large strips (Figure 7).
As mentioned above, acid mine drainage
or acid rock drainage formed by oxidation of
sulfides, especially pyrite, which is the main
mineral of the ore of Giap Lai mine, appears
as the main cause of heavy metal pollution.
High abundances of pyrite are still found in
the old pits, waste dumps, tailings and former
ore yards many years after the mine closure.
The high concentration of pyrite under hot
and high humidity tropical climate are viewed
as ideal conditions for the acid rock drainage
and heavy metal accumulation to form and
disperse to the environment. As mentioned
above, the sulfide minerals, especially pyrite,
at surface condition can be easily oxidized to
form sulfuric acid (H2SO4). A summary equa-
tion for this process is as follows (after
Nordstrom et all, 1999):
FeS2 + 15/4O2 + 7/2H2O = Fe(OH)3 + 4H +
Surface water receives acid drainage and is
directly affected, therefore many samples of
surface water have lower pH values than
a national standard (e.g., QCVN08-
MT:2015/BTNMT, B1: irrigation water). The
pH values of water in Dong Dao stream from
watershed after Lake No.2 to the confluent
with the Bua River vary from 4.14 to 7.42. In
the upstream part where stream water directly
receives acid drainage, the pH values are
mostly low, but toward the downstream, the
pH is rising because the stream water is dilut-
ed by other water sources unaffected by the
ARD (Figure 8).
Table 7. Concentrations of some metals in soil from Giap Lai mining area (mg/kg)
Sampes Mn Fe Ni Cu Zn As Cd Hg Pb
D01 3046.17 141226.1 59.68 62.23 327.56 370.59 0.51 0.33 33.24
D02 247.32 130236.4 54.61 59.72 321.41 362.48 0.48 0.3 28.76
D03 47.82 157147.6 47.4 45.03 69.72 58.61 0.28 0.38 4.51
D04 41.23 139672.3 37.45 40.09 60.21 50.36 0.3 0.28 4.2
D05 43.15 147357.2 43.02 41.42 63.46 38.73 0.21 0.3 4.35
D06 45.64 134341.7 42.13 39.46 58.74 16.16 0.2 0.3 4.2
D07 42.17 128530.8 39.07 37.52 58.61 7.44 0.2 0.31 3.94
D08 51.43 78432.56 37.61 36.58 57.43 6.63 0.21 0.37 4.02
D09 49.89 68456.32 34.61 36.58 57.43 6.63 0.21 0.37 4.02
D10 47.76 65024.72 35.47 36.35 56.89 6.34 0.2 0.36 4.1
D11 3309.29 123610.9 94.67 86.16 420.61 104.57 0.75 0.37 146.92
D12 344.11 141126.5 59.71 62.24 327.68 370.63 0.5 0.33 33.22
D13 47.82 157147.6 47.4 45.03 69.72 58.61 0.28 0.38 4.51
D14 329.76 40936.3 48.47 65.65 68.06 6.34 0.23 0.34 142.64
D15 42.38 146461.4 32.54 43.27 59.67 37.35 0.21 0.32 4.41
D16 46.47 154326.1 45.13 41.3 62.43 25.42 0.25 0.34 4.05
D17 43.05 149425.7 42.01 40.58 64.52 11.03 0.24 0.33 4.36
D18 52.34 78432.6 36.24 37.52 58.61 7.44 0.2 0.36 3.94
D19 51.43 65024.7 34.61 36.58 57.43 6.63 0.21 0.37 4.02
D20 49.36 68463.2 35.47 36.35 56.89 6.34 0.2 0.36 4.1
STD 100 200 15 1.5 70
Note: D1 - D10: collected in rainy season; D11 - D20: collected in dry season; STD: Vietnam National Technical
Regulations on agriculture soil (QCVN03-MT 2015/BTNMT)
Generally, at all the observed points, sur-
face water in the rainy season usually has
lower pH than in the dry season. This differ-
ence is explained by the mobility of acid
formed by pyrite oxidation. In fact, the for-
mation of acid is still ongoing even during the
dry season, which is proven by the paste-pH
experiments described above. However, in the
dry season, the generated acid mostly remains
in the pore water, whereas in the rainy season
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 210-224
it is mobilized by precipitation to the surface
flow, as a result, lowering the pH of surface
water. This phenomenon has also been noted
in many places (Pham Tich Xuan et al., 2011).
Notably, the samples contaminated with
heavy metal with relatively low pH are found
near waste dumps, tailing ponds or former
mining pits. Acid generation and metal leach-
ing potential of waste materials of Giap Lai
mine have been proven by the experiments
described above (Table 2 and 3). The negative
correlation between pH values and heavy
metal concentrations in surface water is
shown using the Ficklin diagram (Figure 9).
Figure 7. a, b: leakage from tailings and c: from former ore yards, d: the rice withers in large strips because of ARD.
Low pH leakage is red in color
Figure 8. Graph showing the pH of Dong Dao stream from watershed to the Bua River
Pham Tich Xuan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 9. Ficklin diagram showing the correlation between pH and concentrations of heavy metals in surface water
in Giap Lai mine area
5.2. Assessment of heavy metal pollution
5.2.1. Surface water
Except for Fe and Mn, which usually are
very high in content, concentrations of other
heavy metals in the majority of surface water
samples at Giap Lai are relatively low,
ranging from the acceptable levels (after
QCVN08:2015/BTNMT, indicators B1), but
the serious impact of acid drainage on the sur-
face water can be seen when compared with
the acid-free water from Bua River. Concen-
trations of metals in surface water at Giap Lai
mining area much higher than in Bua River
water (Figure 10).
Figure 10. Concentrations of some metals in surface water in Giap Lai mine area normalized to those of Bua River
water: a - rainy season, b- dry season
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 210-224
5.2.2. Ground water
The most of the samples of well water in
Giap Lai mining area have relatively low met-
al concentrations ranging from the standard
for groundwater. However, well waters in the
Giap Lai mining area are directly used for
drinking without treatment. Thus, compared
to technical regulation on domestic water
(QCVN02:2009/BYT), 11 out of 15 collected
samples are not met the pH standard values.
Moreover, comparing to drinking water stand-
ards (QCVN01:2009/BYT), the figure is
much worse. Also, some samples show con-
centrations of Mn, Fe, and Ni exceeding the
drinking water standards. In conclusion, quali-
ty of the groundwater and the water supply in
the Giap Lai mine and surrounding area are
problematic, needed to be taken care of.
5.2.3. Soil
Soil samples show pollution with As, Cu
and Zn, especially heavy in the rainy season,
when 11 out of 20 collected samples are pol-
luted with As. Other metals such as Ni, Cd,
Hg have low concentrations (Table 6). Nota-
bly, two samples D11 and D14 have high Pb
contents, double exceeding the standard val-
ues. Most of the polluted soil samples are dis-
tributed near the old mining area and waste
Geo-accumulation index
The Igeo of soil samples from Giap Lai mine area are shown in Table 8. Ni has Igeo ranging from -0.26 to 1.28, classified as un-
contaminated to moderately contaminated,
while the average of Igeo = 0.22 suggests the soil samples are uncontaminated to moderate-
ly contaminated. The Igeo of Cu ranges from 1.14 to 2.38 suggesting that the soil is moder-
ate to strongly contaminated and the average
of Igeo = 1.49 indicates that the soil is moder-ately contaminated by this metal. Some sam-
ples have high Igeo values for As (up to 4.2), but the average Igeo for As = 1.96, indicating that the soil is moderately polluted by As. Hg
has relatively high Igeo and the average of geo-accumulation index of Hg (Igeo = 2.5) suggests that the soil is moderate to strongly contami-
nated by this metal. The Igeo of Zn, Cd, and Pb are low and the all of the averages of geoac-
cumulation index of these metals are negative
suggesting that the soil is uncontaminated by
these metals. The Igeo of soil samples from Giap Lai mining area show that soil in the
study area is contaminated with Ni, Cu, As
and Hg.
Table 8. Geoaccumulation indexes (Igeo) of some metals in soil from Giap Lai mining ares (n = 20)
Concentration (mg/kg)
Bn (IAEA-7)
Range of Igeo Igeo(Aveg.) X Min Max SD
Ni 45.37 32.54 94.67 14.16 26.0 -0.26 ÷ 1.28 0.22
Cu 46.48 36.35 86.16 13.51 11.0 1.14 ÷ 2.38 1.49
Zn 118.85 56.89 420.61 119.80 104.0 -1.46 ÷ 1.43 -0.39
As 77.92 6.34 370.63 127.59 13.4 -1.66 ÷ 4.20 1.96
Cd 0.29 0.20 0.75 0.15 1.3 -3.29 ÷ -1.38 -2.73
Hg 0.34 0.28 0.38 0.03 0.04 2.22 ÷ 2.66 2.50
Pb 22.38 3.94 146.92 43.05 60.0 -4.51 ÷ 0.71 -2.01
6. Conclusions
Although Giap Lai pyrite mine has been
closed down for many years the ARD still
occurs and negatively impacts on quality of
water and soil in the mining area.
Surface water in the mining area usually
has relatively low pH (<5.5) and does not
meet the Standard for irrigation water
(QCVN08-MT:2015/BTNMT). The levels of
Fe and Mn in surface water are very high, es-
pecially in the rainy season, in wich some
Pham Tich Xuan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
samples have Fe content up to 300 times,
or/and Mn content up to 30 times higher than
the Standards on irrigation water. Surface wa-
ter shows slightly pollution of Ni and As,
while other heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Cd,
Pb, Hg are lower than allowed limits. Howev-
er, metal levels of surface water in mining ar-
ea are much higher compared to the Bua River
water, indicating metal contamination of sur-
face water.
Generally, well water in Giap Lai mining
area has pH and metal concentrations
within the limit for groundwater (QCVN09-
MT:2015/BTNMT). However, compared
with standards for drinking and
domestic water (QCVN01:2009/BYT and
QCVN02:2009/BYT), the most of the well
water have pH below the limit. Some samples
show concentrations of Mn, Fe, and Ni ex-
ceeding the drinking water standards
Soil in mining area is polluted with Cu, Zn,
Pb, especially in the rainy season. The geo-
accumulation indexes show that soil in the
study area is contaminated with Ni, Cu, As
and Hg.
Pyrite-rich tailings and waste rocks are
sources of ARD, causing elevated metal levels
in downstream water bodies and soils, so
samples located closely to these sources usu-
ally show contamination with metals.
Regardless of the fact that the mine is at an
uncontrolled state after its closure with no
post-closure remediation measures having
been applied. The ARD originated from waste
dumps and tailing ponds leaks out and flows
into the nearby surface water bodies. There-
fore, the risk of ARD and heavy metal con-
tamination in this area remains high and will
continue to affect the environmental quality.
The research provides a series of evidence to
suggest that the Environmental Protection
Law should be fully implemented not only
during mining but also after its closure.
This research work was financed by VAST
Project (VAST05.05/15-16).
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