The software RDPOL based on random walk method is used for calculation
of turbidity transport in Dinh An-Tranh De coastal zone. Turbidity has been
calculated and compared with the observati-on--data at HJ--stations. The resu-ltsindicate that:
- In general, the computed results are in acceptable agreement with the ob- -.,
served data.
- In October, at 5 stations including 20, 24, 26, 27 and 28, the calculated
results are in acceptable agreement with the observed data. This can be explained
that these stations are situated very close to ·Dinh An and Tranh De mouths,
therefore, the observation data of them are weakly influenced by other turbidity
sources from river mouths of Mekong River System. In opposite, the rest stations
25, 29, 30, 31 are located at further sites and at smaller density plume so it is
strongly affected by turbidity flow flushed from other rivers in the region.
- Most of the computed values of turbidity are smaller than the observed
data, which can be interpreted that turbidity distribution in this coastal zone is
not only affected by turbidity flow flushed from 2 rivers considered in this paper
but also from other rivers in the region including other rivers of the Mekong River
System and of Sai Gon-Dong Nai River System as well. Therefore, for the further
calculations, effects of other river mouths in the region have to be taken into
-Some maps of turbidity distribution have been carried out. These maps show
that the sediment is transported in the SW direction as far as to the Ca Mau Caps
and so on. But in order to obtain better ones, it is necessary to have synchronously
and continuously observed data at different stations used for verification.
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Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, NCNST of Vietnam T. XX, 1998, No 4 (52 - 63)
Institute of Mechanics
ABSTRACT. In the paper, the results of the calculation of turbidity transport in Dinh
An coastal area by using the software named RDPOL based on random walk techniques
developed by CMERCS are presented. In previous study, the carried out numerical model
has been verified well by remote sensing images for classification of the turbidity distri-
bution of Red, Thai Binh, Han, Thu Bon, Sai Gon-Dong Nai and MeKong estuaries. In
this study, computed results, that the complexity of the bathymetry, the river flow of the
MeKong River system and seasonal monsoon winds are taken into account, are compared
with the observed data at 19 stations including 10 stations in March and 9 stations in
October, 1997 in Dinh An coastal zone and show its reasonable agreement. Some maps
of turbidity distribution in the area have been carried out and several remarks have been
§l. Introduction
In this report, the results of the calculation of turbidity transport in Dinh
An coastal area by using the software named RDPOL based on random walk
techniques developed by CMERCS are presented. The Dinh An coastal area's
water body is located at the South Coast of Vietnam, between the 9°-10°N. In
this study, the complexity of the bathymetry, the river flow of the Mekong River
system and seasonal monsoon winds are taken into account. The computed results
are compared with the observed data at 19 stations including 10 stations in March
and 9 stations in October, 1997 and shows its reasonable agreement. Some maps
of turbidity distribution in the area have been carried out.
2. Mathematical background
2.1 Calculation of currents
In order to simulate the sea water level oscillation and circulation caused by
tide propagation and wind stress, the Tide-2D software developed by CMESRC
has been used. The model is based on the 2D nonlinear shallow water equations.
The software Tide-2D has been calibrated and verified for different Vietnam sea
areas including Dinh An coastal area. See [5] for more details.
Boundary condition
At the ope.n boundary, the water level is given and at the solid boundary, the
velocity components normal to walls are null, i.e. Un = 0.
Initial condition
At the initial time t = 0, current velocity and water level are set to zero:
u = 0, v = 0, z = 0.
The realistic current field is obtained after as many as 7 days of calculation, and
they will be used in turbidity transport calculation, see [5].
Current fields have been calculated for 2 cases with 2 representative speeds
in March and in October as follows:
+ NE uniform wind in March with average speed of 7mjs
+ NE uniform wind in October with average speed of 8m/s
2.2 Calculation of turbidity transport: Random walk model [1,2]
Governing equation
It is well known that the track of a contaminant particle in convection and
turbulent field can be calculated from the following equation:
dfi .... .... dt = ui + ui (i = 1,2, ... ,N), (2.1)
where, r; is a radius vector of a contaminant particle, oi is a mean velocity, which
can be given from solution of the 2D shallow water model for the tide and wind
drift currents with some effects of wave motion taken into account, Ui is a turbulent
velocity or velocity fluctuation, which can be described as a random value.
Counting the polluting particles contained in fixed boxes, the concentration
of pollutants can be estimated.
The turbulent velocity Ui is estimated as random value by which a contam-
inant particle moves away a distance of ~X(x, y, z) that is defined according to
the statistical distribution as follows:
Ignoring the convection term, the lD-diffusion equation becomes:
Assuming that at the initial time, contaminant distribution has the form of Dirac
function, this means, that contaminant concentration in a small enough area is
C(x, 0) = M 6(x). The solution of equation (2.2) is
Setting u2 = 2Dt, replacing it into the above formula, it can be seen that, the
turbidity concentration has the normal distribution and its mathematical expec-
tation equals zero, its variance equals u. According to the theorem of the central
limitation in the theory of probability, the Gauss normal distribution is the limit of
the symmet~icalbh;.omialdi;t~ibuti~~whichd.emonstrates accidental .. movement
ofparticles. Assuming that particles move away in left or right direction for the
same distance of f:l.X with probability of u. Therefore, after n time steps, the i-th
contaminant particle can moves away for a distance of
f:l.X = ±f:l.x ± l:l.x ± · · · ± f:l.x(n times) : x = f:l.x(2p- n)
p = ncp(0.5)n.
The variance: u 2 = n f:l.x 2 / f:l.t, deducing
f:l.x = ±(2Dl:l.t) 112
Sign o((2.4) is defined in random. From (2.4), we can find out it;
Boundary conditions
In the case of limited area, the boundary conditions are given as follows:
- At liquid boundaries: if a particle reaches the liquid boundary, it will be
ignored in the following time steps.
- At solid boundaries: the effects of shore line and bed are taken into account
by assuming that the particles are able to be stranded or reflected.. It much
depends on the shore line type and the properties of the particles.
It can be noted that the crucial point of this method is the definition of water
Initial condition
At the initial time, t = 0: contaminant particles are located at the source's
position, that is, at the river mouth.
Ti=ro (i=1,2, ... ,NJ
A package of programmes named RDPOL has been carried out on FORTRAN-
77 and has been used for description of river water plumes in number of estuarine
regions of Vietnam Coastal areas. In this case, remote sensing images have been
used for calibration and verification of the capability of the software to predict the
boundary and the highest density area of turbidity plume. The obtained results
provided for 6 biggest river systems along the coast of Vietnam show that the
developed software is able to do this in an acceptable way. Calculation results
show that turbidity distribution can be used to compare with the observed data
after about 200h of calculation, [1]. ·
3. Application of the Model
3.1 Physical parameters and discretization~
The computational domain is extended from the latitude of 105°04' to 106°55'
and from the longitude of 8° 16' to 10°00' including Dinh An and Tranh De
river mouths. ·The domain is discretized _by a 137 x 136 uniform grid with the
longitudinal space step dx = 1463.978 m and the latitudinal one dy = 1474.391 m.
The time step is 1800s.
3.2. Input data
Current fields has been calculated from the Tide-2D software as mentioned
above and they are used as the input data for the model of calculation of turbidity
River discharge
The series of discharges in every hour from 27/9-17/10/1997 of Dinh An
and Tranh De mouths are collected from data bank of Cuu Long River .Survey
Department. In March, due to shortage of observed data, the constant discharges
are adopted.
Turbidity at 2 river mouths of Dinh An and Tranh De calculated from 2D
width integrated model of Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics, salinity intru-
sion and sediment transport in Hau river and its branches is used as input data
which varies from 50 to 150mg/l in dry season and from 200 to 300mg/l in rainy
season [3].
IV. Results and analyses
For verification, results of field survey in March and in October 1997 are
used. Turbidity at Dinh An and Tranh De estuary has been calculated for 2
seasons, from 7 to 17 March 1997 and from 4 to 14 October 1997. On the figs.
1-10, the comparison of turbidity at 10 stations in March and on the figs. 11-
19, the comparison of turbidity at 9 stations in October are presented (Location
of observation stations, see tables 1 and 2). Due to scarce data collected, this
comparison can provide only some conclusions with orientation character.
In these figures, in general, calculated results are in acceptable agreement
with the observed data, especially at stations 06, 07, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in March
and 20, 24, 26, 27, 28 in October. However, at some other stations such as station
14 in March and stations 25, 29 and 31 in October, computed results are still not
much coincided with the observed data, perhaps, due to several constraints to the
mathematical simulation._()fturbidity for __ l)inh An coastal zone as follows:
- Firstly, turbidity transport calculation has been carried out for only 2 sources
which are Dinh An and Tranh De mouths. In reality, the turbidity concentration
of this coastal area is affected not only by these 2 sources, but also by other river
mouths (located not far from this place) such as Co Chien, Ham Luong, Dai, Tieu,
Soai Rap and so on, especially, in October (in rainy season), when discharge of
last river mouths is quite great. Further more, the studied area has very soft plain
bottom of fine sand, mud and clay, and is very shallow. Under the action of waves,
in some conditions, the bottom materials may be involved in movement. All these
cause a considerable difference between calculated results and the observed data
at some stations.
- Secondly, there is no synchronously and continuously observed data of tur-
bidity of the 2 river mouths.
- Finally, shortage of river discharges data for period for Dinh An and Tranh
De rivers as the sources of turbidity. ·
Table 1. Comparison of turbidity in March, 1997
Coordinate Average Computed Diff.
No observed(mg/1) (mg/1) (%)
41.33 41.26 0.07 0.2
68.33 48.18 20.15 29.5
03 9°27.60'S, 106°26.67'E 37.50 42.23 "4. 73 -12.6
42.17 42.63 -0.47 -1.1
70.67 48.77 21.90 31.0
35.67 47.18 -11.52 -32.3
06 9°17.23'8, 106°25.13'E 15.56 13.53 2.02 13.00
07 9°12.06'8, 106°17.07'E 14.44 16.24 -1.80 -12.45
08 9°08.00'8, 106°08.13'E 16.89 12.30 4.59 27.17
09 9°05.04'S, 105° 59.00'E 17.11 13.14 3.97 23.19
10 9°21.21'S, 106°24.35'E 53.50 45.43 8.07 15.08
11 9°15.94'S, 106°16.28'E 31.50 26.81 4.69 14.89
12 9°14.78'S, 106°06.10'E 25.17 28.93 -3.76 -14.94
13 9°12.88'S, 105° 55.38'E 22.67 20.21 2.45 10.83
14 9°31.40'S, 106°2·2.04'E 46.67 65.11 -18.44 -39.52
• •
• •
0 48 96 144 192 2'10
Comparison of turbidity at ST.03
__ : computed, • : Observed
0 48 gg 1+1 192 240
Fig. 9
Comparison of turbidity at ST .07
--,. :; computed, • : Observed
0 18 9/i 141 192 240
Fig. 5
Comparison of turbidity at ST.09
__ : computed, • : Observed
0 +8 96 !41 192 240
Fig. 2
Comparison of turbidity at ST:06
__ : computed, • : Observed
0 48 96 144 192 240
Timer h)
Fig. 4
Comparison of turbidity at ST.08
__ : computed, • : Observed
;:: 70 ~60 ~50
~40 ~ 30 -
r: 20 ~ 10
0 48 9/i f44 192 240
Fig. 6
Comparison of turbidity at ST.lO
_ : computed, • : Observed
>:: so ~
.fO ~
~ ]0 ~ ., 20 ~ ~ !U
u 48 g; 144 192 240
Fig. 7
Comparison of turbidity at ST.ll
-- : computed, • : Observed
+8 144 192 240
Fig. g
Comparis~n of turbidity at ST.l2
-- : computed, • : Observed
-':2. 240
'- fliO ~ ~ 120
~ 80 ~ 40
0 §6 144 192 2-fD
Comparison of turbidity at ST.20
·-- : computed, • : Observed
u 48 /44 f§Z 240
Time (h)
Fig. 8
Comparison of turbidity at ST.l3
__ : computed, • : Observed
0 f# !92 240
Comparison of turbidity at ST.l4
__ : computed, • : Observed
0 N+ 112 240
Comparison of turbidity at HV6 St.25
-- : computed, • : Observed
144 !92 240
Comparison of turbidity at ST.24
__ : computed, • : Observed
~ ~120
';J 90
~ ~ 40 f.:;
0 48 96 1-ft 192 2+11
Comparison of turbidity at ST.27
__ : computed, • : Observed
0 48 96 144 192 240
Comparison of turbidity at ST .29
__ : computed, • : Observed
. ~
~ ~
0 18 96 !44 t!Z
Comparison of turbidity at ST .26
_ : computed, • : Observed
0 1# 192 240
Comparison of turbidity at ST.28
-- : computed, • : Observed
0 96
!# !!2 240
v'me (h)
Comparison of turbidity at HV6 St.31
__ : computed, • : Observed
0 48 §'/j 141 f§'}! 240
Comparison of turbidity at ST.30
_ : computed, • : Observed
Table 2.Comparison of turbidity in October, 1997
Average Computed
observed(mg/1) (mg/1)
9°28.25'8, 106°23.42'E 86.67 84.86
9°20.30'8, 106°24.12'E 67.78 61.65
9°17.00'8, 106°25.00'E 55.89 35.98
9°15.93'8, 106°15.85'E 65.22 58.80
9°15.61'8, 106°06.33'E 56.11 54.65
9°11.37'8, 105°55.21'E 54.33 51.97
9°04.97'8, 105°58.77'E 57.00 29.48
9°07.85'8, 106°07.77'E 57.78 41.19
9°06.99'8, 106° 16.86'E 54.22 28.20
1. 81 2.1
6.13 9.0
19.91 35.6
6.42 9.8
1. 46 2.6
2.36 4.3
27.52 48.3
16.58 28.7
26.03 48.0
Numerical results are shown in tables 1 and 2. In these tables, two firsts
column are station numbers and its coordinates in longitude and latitude, the
next one is the depth-averaged observation data [4], the fourth column is calculated
results, the followillg one is the difference between the depth-averaged observation
data and computed result and the last column, the percentage of this difference
over the depth-averaged observation data.
Map of turbidity distribution
Fig. 20 and 21 show the turbidity distribution in Dinh An coastal zone in
March and October after 234h of calculation. Fig. 21 indicates that with NE wind
8mfs, turbidity plume can reach as far as Ca Mau cap. The numbers on these
figures show the turbidity concentration in mg/1.
10fi n~ nn
Fig. 20. Turbidity distribution in Dinh An coastal zone in March after 234h
:::·::::.:: :-::::
....... ;:;:::·::··
0 ~· .. :. ::::::::: .. " ..
I"OtiJlA() l!IU!'It>
g SOl !TH cnmF: SF.
!5 00
Fig. 21. Turbidity distribution in Dinh An coastal zone in October after 234h
V. Conclusion
The software RDPOL based on random walk method is used for calculation
of turbidity transport in Dinh An-Tranh De coastal zone. Turbidity has been
calculated and compared with the observati-on--data at HJ--stations. The resu-lts-
indicate that:
- In general, the computed results are in acceptable agreement with the ob- -.,
served data.
- In October, at 5 stations including 20, 24, 26, 27 and 28, the calculated
results are in acceptable agreement with the observed data. This can be explained
that these stations are situated very close to ·Dinh An and Tranh De mouths,
therefore, the observation data of them are weakly influenced by other turbidity
sources from river mouths of Mekong River System. In opposite, the rest stations
25, 29, 30, 31 are located at further sites and at smaller density plume so it is
strongly affected by turbidity flow flushed from other rivers in the region.
- Most of the computed values of turbidity are smaller than the observed
data, which can be interpreted that turbidity distribution in this coastal zone is
not only affected by turbidity flow flushed from 2 rivers considered in this paper
but also from other rivers in the region including other rivers of the Mekong River
System and of Sai Gon-Dong Nai River System as well. Therefore, for the further
calculations, effects of other river mouths in the region have to be taken into
-Some maps of turbidity distribution have been carried out. These maps show
that the sediment is transported in the SW direction as far as to the Ca Mau Caps
and so on. But in order to obtain better ones, it is necessary to have synchronously
and continuously observed data at different stations used for verification.
1. Pham Van Ninh, Phan Ngoc Vinh. Mathematical modelling of turbidity water
plume at estuaries, Journal of Mechanics, No 4, T. XVII, Hanoi 1995.
2. Pham Van Ninh, Bui Minh Due, Pham Trung Luohg. Mathematical modelling
and remote sensing methods for assessment riverine pollution inputs to the
sea. Second Westpac Symposium, Malaysia, 1991.
3. Nguyen Kim Dan, Phan Ngoc Vinh, Guillou S., Barby N. Numerical sim-
ulation of hydrodynamics, salinity intrusion and sediment transport in Hau
river and its branches by a 2D width integrated model. Proceedings of the
International workshop on the Mekong Delta. Chiang Rai, Thailand, Feb.,
4. Hydrometeorological, morphodinamical and environmental conditions at the
Mekong Delta coastal zone. Technical report of the first field survey EU
CuuLong Project, Hanoi 7/1997.
5. Pharn Van Ninh, Nguyen Thi Viet Lien. Technical report of calculation of
current in Dinh An Coastal area. EU CuuLong Project, Hanoi 2/1998.
Received october 12, 1998
Bai bao trlnh bay kift qua tlnh toan ian truyen d{> dvc a vimg eli-a song Djnh
An b<lng phan rnlern RDPOL dva tn1n phuimg phap ngh hanh do CMERSC phat
trign. Tm&c day, da Str dvng anh vi~n tharn dg hi~u chlnh va kigrn chrrng mo
hlnh vll ranh gi&i d1fc trong va vung c6 d{> dvc cao nhat cho de vung bi€n etta
song Hong, Thai Blnh, Han, Thu Bon, SaiGon- Dong Nai va Mekong. Lan nay,
cac kift qua tlnh toan trong d6 c6 tlnh difn dja hlnh ph{rc t~p, !l.fU lm;mg ella h~
thOng song Mekong va chi! d{> gi6 mua dU''!C so sanh v&i so li~u quan tr;k (y 19
tr~rn trong d6 c6 10 tr~m vao 3 va 9 tr~rn vao thang 10, 1997 a vung bi€n
Djnh An va cho thay bu·c tranh tmrng doi phil hqp. Da xay dvng drrqc cac ban
do phan bOd{> dvc cho vung nay va nt so nh~n xet can chU y.
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