Magnetic susceptibility χ correlations
among two Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB)
successions, one at Lung Cam in Vietnam on
the eastern margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean,
and the second, Lukač in Slovenia on the
western margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean,
and at similar paleolatitudes, show the following similar trends: (a) time covered by deposited, mainly limestone sediment; (b) presence
below the PTB of the Lowest Observed Occurrence Point (LOOP) of Hindeodus parvus,
the boundary-defining fossil at Meishan, the
Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point
(GSSP) in China; (c) Black Carbon levels below the PTB, where agglutinated foraminifersLuu Thi Phuong Lan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
have incorporated carbon into their tests, possibly from fires generated globally by Siberian
Traps eruptions; (d) systematic time-series
analyses results that can be modeled by uniform floating-point time-scale climate models
centered on the PTB at ~252 Ma; (e) wellconstrained Lines-of-Correlation (LOC)s for
most of the intervals sampled; and (f) excellent correlation when χ data are directly compared.
Ash beds and δ18O abrupt shifts that appear
to be common to both the Lung Cam and
Lukač sections are useful in correlating
among the two successions, indicating that
ash, like dust from the Sahara, can be blown
over long distances and provide marker horizons for correlation.
δ18O data for the two sections indicate that
in the western Paleo-Tethys area below the
PTB, climate was generally colder in Slovenia
than in Vietnam, at least up to the time when
the Black Carbon was deposited. Immediately
after that time, climate became colder in Vietnam, and warmer in Slovenia. The observed
δ18O shifts represent some striking examples
of abrupt, but short warming climate pulses at
both localities.
The graphic correlation data, along with
occurrences in both sections of H. parvus, indicate that H. parvus arrived at the Lukač area
~128 kyr before it arrived at the Meishan PTB
GSSP area in China. In addition, H. parvus
arrived at the Lung Cam area ~9 kyr before
arrival at Meishan.
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Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 253-270, Doi: 10.15625/0866-7187/40/3/12617
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
Correlation and high-resolution timing for Paleo-tethys
Permian-Triassic boundary exposures in Vietnam and
Slovenia using geochemical, geophysical and biostratigra-
phyc data sets
Luu Thi Phuong Lan1, Ellwood, Brooks B.2, Tomkin, Jonathan H.3, Nestell, Galina P.4, Nestell,
Merlynd K.4, Ratcliffe, Kenneth T.5, Rowe, Harry 6, Dang Tran Huyen7, Nguyen Thanh Dung1,
Nguyen Chien Thang1, Nguyen Ha Thanh1, Dao Van Quyen1
1Institute of Geophysics (VAST), Hanoi, Vietnam
2Department of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University, USA
3School of Earth, Society, and Environment, University of Illinois, USA
4Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
6Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, University Station, USA
7Geological Society of Vietnam
Received 25 January 2018; Received in revised form 21 May 2018; Accepted 05 June 2018
Two Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) successions, Lung Cam in Vietnam, and Lukač in Slovenia, have been
sampled for high-resolution magnetic susceptibility, stable isotope and elemental chemistry, and biostratigraphic
analyses. These successions are located on the eastern (Lung Cam section) and western margins (Lukač section) of
the Paleo-Tethys Ocean during PTB time. Lung Cam, lying along the eastern margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean pro-
vides an excellent proxy for correlation back to the GSSP and out to other Paleo-Tethyan successions. This proxy is
tested herein by correlating the Lung Cam section in Vietnam to the Lukač section in Slovenia, which was deposited
along the western margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean during the PTB interval. It is shown herein that both the Lung
Cam and Lukač sections can be correlated and exhibit similar characteristics through the PTB interval. Using time-
series analysis of magnetic susceptibility data, high-resolution ages are obtained for both successions, thus allowing
relative ages, relative to the PTB age at ~252 Ma, to be assigned. Evaluation of climate variability along the western
and eastern margins of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean through the PTB interval, using δ18O values indicates generally cooler
climate in the west, below the PTB, changing to generally warmer climates above the boundary. A unique Black Car-
bon layer (elemental carbon present by agglutinated foraminifers in their test) below the boundary exhibits colder
temperatures in the eastern and warmer temperatures in the western Paleo-Tethys Ocean.
Keywords: Permian-Triassic boundary; Vietnam; Slovenia; time-series analysis; Black Carbon; magnetostratigra-
phy susceptibility; Hindeodus parvus.
©2018 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction1
Our understanding of the timing of events
*Corresponding author, Email:
in Earth history is seriously hampered by age
uncertainties for most of geologic time. This
problem becomes critically important in re-
solving the timing of significant events. It is
Luu Thi Phuong Lan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
possible that age uncertainties have actually
‘created’ distinctive changes in Earth history,
or the importance of some changes have been
missed because abrupt changes are not cor-
rectly identified within globally distributed
stratigraphic sequences, or changes are
thought to be different in age, when in fact
they are coeval. When looking at geological
boundary successions and developing data
sets that are useful for global geological inter-
pretations, it is very important that the bound-
ary of interest is known with only small un-
certainty. Because critical events recorded in
stratigraphic successions can easily be missed,
if sampling is too coarse or if the boundary
level is misidentified, tools to establish posi-
tion in time are critical in modern geological
The Global Boundary Stratotype Section
and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Triassic
is located at the Meishan Section D in China,
and is based on the First Appearance Datum
(FAD) at the GSSP of the conodont Hindeo-
dus parvus. This precise stratigraphic point
now defines the position in time of the Permi-
an-Triassic boundary (PTB). Elsewhere, H.
parvus may appear earlier or later, and there-
fore Ellwood et al. (2017) have argued that
other than at the GSSP section, rather than the
term FAD, the Lowest Observed Occurrence
Point (LOOP) should be used in identifying
the lowest appearance of H. parvus. These au-
thors used the Graphic Correlation method
(Shaw, 1964) to compare the Meishan D PTB
section to the Lung Cam section in Vietnam,
and showed that the LOOP of H. parvus at
Lung Cam lies at a level ~0.8+/-0.1 m below
the FAD as defined at the GSSP. In addition,
the extinction levels in Beds 10/11 and ash
Bed 13 at Lung Cam are well correlated to the
Meishan GSSP. The results of this work has
allowed development of hi-resolution relative
timing for deposition of the strata of the Lung
Cam section, using time-series analysis of
magnetic susceptibility (χ) data for the PTB
interval in Vietnam (Figure 1), where timing
is essentially the same as that developed using
radiometric methods for the Meishan GSSP
section (Shen et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2016).
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Magnetostratigraphy susceptibility
All substances are "susceptible" to becom-
ing magnetized in the presence of an external
magnetic field, and initial low-field bulk,
mass-specific magnetic susceptibility (χ) is an
indicator of the strength of this transient mag-
netism. In marine stratigraphic successions,
χ is generally considered to be an indicator of
detrital iron-containing paramagnetic and fer-
rimagnetic grains, mainly ferromagnesian and
clay minerals (Bloemendal and deMenocal,
1989; da Silva and Boulvain, 2002, 2005), and
can be quickly and easily measured on small
friable samples. In the very low inducing, al-
ternating magnetic fields that are generally
applied, χ is largely a function of the concen-
tration and composition of the magnetizable
material in a sample.
Low-field magnetic susceptibility, as used
in most reported studies, is defined as the ratio
of the induced moment (Mi or Ji) to the
strength of an applied, very low-intensity
magnetic field (Hj), where susceptibility is
given as
Ji = χijHj (mass-specific) (1)
or Mi = κ ijHj. (volume-specific) (2)
In these expressions, magnetic susceptibil-
ity in SI units is parameterized as κ, indicating
that the measurement is relative to a one cubic
meter volume (m3) and therefore is dimen-
sionless; or magnetic susceptibility is parame-
terized as χ and indicates measurement rela-
tive to a mass of one kg, and is given in units
of m3/kg.
2.2. Field Sampling
In the field a section is first cleaned using
scrapers and brushes, so that all beds and
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 253-270
lithologies are well exposed. Highly weath-
ered zones are cleaned by digging, chipping
and brushing, and these zones are noted in the
field notes for evaluation of possible alteration
effects. In the two studies reported herein,
samples were collected for χ and geochemical
measurement at ~5 cm intervals and returned
to the laboratory for study. In addition, bulk
samples (>1 kg) were collected for biostrati-
graphic analysis. The results of biostratigraph-
ic analysis have been reported elsewhere in
Ellwood et al., 2017 and related papers.
2.3. Laboratory Measurement of χ
χ measurements reported in this paper
were performed using the susceptibility bridge
at LSU. The bridge is calibrated relative to
mass using standard salts reported by
Swartzendruber (1992) and CRC Tables. For
each group of measurements - each day, la-
boratory standards are measured and com-
pared to previous measurement to insure that
the bridge is performing properly. χ is report-
ed in terms of sample mass because it is much
easier and faster to measure with high preci-
sion than is volume, and it is now the standard
for χ measurement. The low-field χ bridge at
LSU can measure diamagnetic samples at
least as low as -4 × 10-9 m3/kg. This precision
is illustrated by two relatively pure calcite
samples from a standing speleothem in Carls-
bad Caverns National Park, with values of -
3.37 × 10-9 and -3.46 × 10-9 m3/kg and stand-
ard deviations for three measurements of 7.64
× 10-11 and 8.69 × 10-11 m3/kg, respectively.
These samples are used as standards for addi-
tional calibration when very weak samples are
being measured. Note that in the Lung Cam
section (Figure 1), a large proportion of the
samples from the lower part of the section, up
to ~5.2 m of section, are diamagnetic, while
none of the samples collected from the Lukač
section (Figure 3) exhibited diamagnetic
2.4. Time-series analysis
After detrending the raw data, the spectral
power of χ for the two sections was obtained
using both the Multi-taper (MTM) and Fourier
Transform (FT) methods. Incidences of statis-
tically significant peaks (at the 90, 95 and
99% confidence limits) in the resulting spectra
are determined by employing the MTM (Ghil
et al., 2002), as calculated with the SSA-
MTM toolkit (Dettinger et al., 1995). A null
hypothesis of red noise was assumed (low
frequency high power in the spectrum, sloping
toward lower values at high frequencies). As
this method is prone to producing false posi-
tives, the use of statistical significance is lim-
ited herein to its role in supporting (or not) the
positions of multiple Milankovitch bands
within the data set. The positions of these
bands are fixed relative to each other, and so a
climate forcing mechanism is supported by
the spectral analysis when the Milankovitch
frequencies are also frequencies of high spec-
tral power. As this approach substitutes space
(length along section) for time, non-uniform
rates of sedimentation will introduce addition-
al noise into the spectral graph.
The MTM and FT methods are capable of
resolving high frequency features in the data.
Our approach is to (1) collect closely and uni-
formly spaced samples in the field, (2) report
both FT and MTM and comparing the two, (3)
apply confidence limits to the MTM data, and
(4) establish a uniform model using bar logs,
that can then be compared to the χ cyclicity as
a check on SAR uniformity, or lack thereof.
These four elements allow rigorous evaluation
of the time-series data sets developed herein.
Time-series analyses for the Lung Cam and
Lukač sections are presented in Figure 4a, b.
Luu Thi Phuong Lan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
Figure 1. Magnetic susceptibility (χ), precessional (P1) χ bar log, lithology log, SiO2 and δ 18O data with depth
(~21.23 m at a 0.05 m sample interval) through the Lung Cam section, Vietnam, and lithologic log with key beds
identified (some of these data are reported in Ellwood, et al., 2017 and referenced papes) in this mainly limestone
section and the Black Carbon zone that lies below the boundary herein. There is one zone where there are ankeritic
and sideritic components in the limestone
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 253-270
Figure 2. Paleogeographic map for the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) at ~252 Ma (Scotese, 2001; 2013; 2016,
personal communication) and modified by the authors. The location of the studied sections in Vietnam (Lung Cam
section; Figure 1) and Slovenia (Lukač section; Figure 3) are identified by the labeled black dots
2.5. Sample Preparation and Whole-Rock
SiO2 and δ18O Analyses
Following the geochemical determination
of SiO2 in the samples analyzed, ~0.325 mg of
sample was loaded into Exetainer vials,
capped and flushed with He, reacted with
phosphoric acid, and equilibrated for 13 hours
at 50°C. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic
compositions of the sample were analyzed in
continuous flow mode using a Thermo-
Finnigan Gas Bench II coupled to a Delta V
isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Reproduci-
bility (standard deviation) of the in-house
standards, NBS-19, NBS-18, and foraminifer-
al samples, is 0.1‰ for δ18O. Isotopic values
are reported with respect to V-PDB.
Stable isotope analysis of carbonate from
the Lukač section was performed in the Oxy-
Anion Stable Isotope Consortium (OASIC) at
LSU. 200 ± 20μg carbonate samples were
loaded in 12 ml borosilicate glass Exetainer
vials (Labco Ltd., Lampeter, UK) and left in
oven at 75oC for 12 hours. Sample vials were
sealed and flushed with 99.999% He for 2
minutes at a flow rate of 80 ml/minute. Sam-
ples were loaded into a 96-position Thermo-
Finigan Gas Bench II, which was kept at
72oC. Samples were then acidified with ap-
proximately 100μL of concentrated phosphor-
ic acid (density=1.92g/mL) by manual injec-
tion and kept in an oven at 75°C. Samples
were reacted for 3 hours prior to passage of
the CO2 sample stream through a Nafion wa-
ter trap and GC in the Gas Bench for analysis
in the Thermo-Finigan MAT 253 mass spec-
trometer. One working standard for every 10
samples was measured. The standard is mar-
ble calibrated to NBS-19 and LSVEC stand-
ards. The δ18O of working standard is -4.31‰,
(VPDB). The external precision (1σ) is better
than 0.1‰ for δ18O, for sample sizes >200 ug.
Luu Thi Phuong Lan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
Figure 3. Magnetic susceptibility (χ), obliquity (O2) χ bar log, lithology log, SiO2 and δ 18O data with depth in the
Lukač section, Slovenia. Included are the bed and biostratigraphic labels (from Ellwood et al., 2017 and related pa-
pers) in this mainly limestone section and the Black Carbon zone that lies below the boundary herein and at Lung
Cam (Figure 1). There are two lithologic zones where there are dolomitic, and possibly ankeritic and sideritic compo-
nents, in the limestone
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 253-270
Figure 4. Time-series for (a) the Lung Cam χ data (Ellwood et al., 2017), and (b) the Lukač section. Time-series was
performed on the raw χ data points presented in Figures 1 and 3
Luu Thi Phuong Lan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
2.6. Graphic Comparison
Graphic comparison was used to evaluate
similarities between sections and climate
models for P1 precession data presented in
Figure 4a, which shows high P1 confidence
for the Lung Cam data, and O2 obliquity data
from Figure 4b, which shows high O2 confi-
dence for the Lukač section. These data were
used in developing floating-point time scales
for Lung Cam and the Lukač sections (X axis
in Figures 5 and 6). To do this, the bottoms
and tops of the χ zones from each section ana-
lyzed were plotted against a uniform P1 cli-
mate model for the Lung Cam section (Figure
5), and the against a uniform O2 climate mod-
el for the Lukač section (Figure 6). Once
these correlation points were established, a
best-fit Line-of-Correlation (LOC) tunnel was
fit to each data set through straight-line seg-
ments defined by the correlated data points.
The process is similar to that developed by
Shaw (1964) for Graphic Correlation.
Figure 5. Graphic comparison between the Lung Cam, Vietnam χ bar-log data and the P1 obliquity uniform time-
scale model for the Lung Cam PTB interval. Stippled dots represent the intersections between χ bar-log and P1 uni-
form zones. A Line-of-Correlation (LOC) tunnel is fit to the data with the exception of an offset at the top of the sec-
tion, due to an anomalously low χ zone at that level. Also shown is the Black Carbon interval common to both sec-
tions and the LOOP of H. parvus
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 253-270
Figure 6. Graphic comparison between the Lukač O2 χ bar-log data and an O2 obliquity uniform time-scale model
for the PTB interval. Plot elements as in Figure 5. A Line-of-Correlation (LOC) tunnel is fit to the data with some
deviation at the base of the section, due to an anomalously low χ zone at that level. Also shown is the Black Carbon
interval common to both sections and the LOOP of H. parvus
3. Results
3.1. Time-series analysis
Time-series analyses for the Lung Cam,
Vietnam and Lukač, Slovenia sections are
presented in Figures 4a and 4b. Note that E2
(405 kyr) eccentricity, O1 (~35 kyr) obliquity,
and P1 (~18 kyr) precession, have high MTM
confidence for samples from Vietnam (eastern
Paleo-Tethys; Figure 2), whereas E2, O2 (~45
kyr) obliquity, and both P2 (~21 kyr) and P1
precession have high MTM confidence for
Luu Thi Phuong Lan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
samples from Slovenia (western Paleo-Tethys;
Figure 2). Obliquity and precession for the
PTB have been calculated from values pub-
lished by Berger et al. (1992). Using the time
series data (Figure 4a and 4b), an SAR and
length of time represented by each section
was calculated: for Lung Cam, an SAR of
~2.53 cm/kyr (a relatively high marine rate)
and duration of ~0.84 myr; for Lukač, an SAR
of ~0.51 cm/kyr (more of a roughly average
marine value) and duration of ~0.82 myr.
Note that total time recorded is very similar
between the two successions.
Note that the Ellwood et al. (2017) paper
gave an approximate sediment SAR value for
a graphically correlated Lung Cam data set to
the Meishan GSSP only covering an interval
of ~2.8 m of section that allowed them to es-
timate an SAR value of ~4.6 cm/kyr. Howev-
er, in the current paper, using time-series
analysis, the SAR was calculated as ~2.53
cm/kyr. This new value included the entire
21.23 m of section sampled. The difference
between the values reported here, and those
reported by Ellwood et al. (2017) can be ac-
counted any of three possibilities: (1) 18.43
more meters of section are reported herein for
the Lung Cam section; (2) there are fairly
large uncertainties for an SAR in Graphic
Correlation when the LOC is very steep,
which is the case in the Ellwood et al. (2017)
paper, thus only allowing “estimates” for the
SAR; and (3) there may be unrecognized
missing section that would reduce the overall
SAR for the section reported herein. The time-
series analysis of a thick, densely sampled
section, allows much better estimates of the
total SAR for the section. We know of course
that SARs can vary a lot throughout a period
of ~840,000 years, and so in their 2017 paper,
Ellwood et al. were looking at only ~2.8 m of
section, where uncertainties were large.
3.2. Magnetic susceptibility (χ), SiO2, and
δ18O for the Lung Cam and Lukač sections
The χ, bar log cyclicity, lithology, SiO2,
and δ18O data for the Lung Cam and Lukač
sections are reported in Figures 1 and 3. In-
cluded in these diagrams is the PTB position
in Lung Cam as the solid red line (Figure 1),
determined using Graphic Correlation from
Ellwood et al. (2017), and the projected PTB
for the Lukač section (Figure 3) is correlated
by graphic comparison of the χ data between
the Lung Cam and Lukač sections as present-
ed in Figure 7.
Figure 5 presents the Lung Cam section,
Vietnam, uniform bar-log zonation for P1
precession cycles (the Y-axis in Figure 5 rep-
resents the high confidence peak P1 (Figure
4a), representing ~18 kyr cyclicity) that is
graphically correlated to the Lung Cam χ bar-
log zonation, where χ was adjusted by
smoothing using splines to conform to the
time-series results. The LOC for these two da-
ta sets (Figure 5) shows high consistency and
exhibits longer-term cycles within the LOC
tunnel. This Floating-point time-scale model,
developed from time-series of the χ zonation,
allows assignment of ages relative to the PTB.
The length of time represented in Figure 5 is
~792 kyr, but does not include the offset iden-
tified in Figure 5, that is caused by an unusu-
ally long, low χ interval existing between 18-
19 m in the Lung Cam section.
Comparison between the Lukač section,
Slovenia, and the high confidence O2 obliqui-
ty ~45 kyr cyclicity (Figure 4b), shows excel-
lent correlation through most of the section
with the uniform obliquity time scale model
(Figure 6). The model, when compared with
the PTB age assignment, shows that the Lukač
section represents ~900 kyr of time. It is im-
portant to note that the boundary interval in
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 253-270
both sections includes the Black Carbon found
in agglutinated foraminifers (Ellwood et al.,
2017 and related papers). The observed Black
Carbon is interpreted to be the result of possi-
ble global fires that preceded the PTB, and
clearly this interval is found throughout the
Paleo-Tethys Ocean. These fires are thought
to be possibly the result of Siberian Traps vol-
canic eruptions, where vast amounts of carbon
from these fires were incorporated by agglu-
tinated foraminifers into their tests (Ellwood
et al., 2017 and referenced papers). Also ob-
served in both sections are the occurrences of
H. parvus, where the LOOP of H. parvus lies
within the Black Carbon interval. These ob-
servations indicate that these two sections,
Lung Cam and Lukač, overlap, and are similar
in age and duration. Given that the equivalent
sampled portions at Lung Cam represent
~21.2 m of section and the Lukač section ~4.2
m, the Lung Cam section is expanded by 5
times relative to the Lukač section. The ex-
panded nature of the Lung Cam data set
allows higher resolution for the Lung Cam
data set.
In Figure 1, δ18O data were calculated
from 404 samples collected from Lung Cam.
The δ18O data show trends within the section
with values between -6 and -12 ‰, with some
apparent cyclicity, interpreted to be associated
with climatic variations. Therefore, at the top
of the δ18O column in Figure 1, a trend arrow
is placed indicating warmer versus colder cli-
mate variations recorded in the section by the
δ18O data. Independent negative δ18O shifts
toward abrupt warming, of >4 ‰, are identi-
fied between ~3.0 to ~3.5 m, ~13.2 and ~13.5
m, and ~17.0 and ~17.3 m height in the Lung
Cam section (Figure 1), and labeled ‘δ18O
shift’ in Figure 1. These δ18O shifts appear to
be correlated to similar abrupt shifts in the
Lukač section (Figure 3). There is one large
anomalous set of values at Lung Cam (stip-
pled in Figure 1) that at this stage in our re-
search are still being investigated.
3.3. Correlating Lung Cam and Lukač sec-
Graphic Comparison is used in Figure 7 to
correlate between the Lung Cam and Lukač
sections. Note that bar-logs used herein for
both sections are from the O1 obliquity results
from Figure 4a and b. The O1 cyclicity was
used for this comparison because the O1 data
sets from Lung Cam and Lukač are the best fit
climate cycles common to the two sections.
Added to the χ bar-log comparisons from
Figures 1 and 3, are ash beds physically iden-
tified and sampled at Lung Cam (Beds -18, -4,
and 13, orange lines in Figure 7), and the
same beds unrecognized in outcrop in the
Lukač section, but fingerprinted using geo-
chemical signatures (SiO2 in Figures 1 and 3).
Also shown are δ18O shifts identified in Fig-
ures 1 and 3, which appear to be correlated
between the two sections (light blue lines in
Figure 7). This correlation is expected be-
cause δ18O shifts variations represent global
climate changes. The projected intersections
of these δ18O and SiO2 peaks lie close to indi-
vidual LOC segments and within the LOC
Tunnel, although there is some systematic de-
viation. To characterize this observation, we
have placed a second line of correlation
(green LOC in Figure 7) drawn through the
ash bed and isotopic points, which are well
correlated up to and through the PTB point.
The deviation of LOC segments within the
LOC Tunnel is due to variability imposed on
the data mainly by the E2 (405 kyr) eccen-
tricity band (Figure 4a and b).
The ‘black carbon’ interval seen in each
section is also plotted in Figure 7. Whereas
the intersection of the top of the Black Carbon
interval falls within the LOC Tunnel, the base
of the Black Carbon interval does not. This
discrepancy suggests that the beginning of the
deposition of the Black Carbon occurs earlier
in the Lukač section than at Lung Cam, possi-
bly due to environmental differences at that
time between the two sections.
Luu Thi Phuong Lan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
Figure 7. Graphic comparison diagram between the Lung Cam section, Vietnam, obliquity (O1) climate cycles, de-
termined from χ cyclicity and time-series analysis (Figure 4a), and the Lukač section, Slovenia (Figure 4b). Shown is
the Black Carbon interval common to both sections and the LOOP of H. parvus. A Line of Correlation (LOC) Tunnel
(dashed fill) is fit to the cyclicity data. The green secondary LOC is drawn through the ash beds and δ 18O peaks that
appear to be common to both sections. The range of the PTB interval for the Lukač section is based on the projection
of the PTB in the Lung Cam section that is projected to the Main LOC tunnel and the secondary LOC. The Lukač
section PTB is based on an oval through the main LOC tunnel that is then projected into the Lukač section, providing
uncertainties for the PTB pick in the Lukač section
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 253-270
4. Discussions
Isotopic studies of marine sediments/rocks
rely on the assumption that isotopic (and cy-
clic lithologic) changes are a proxy for cli-
mate cycles that are assumed to be global (i.e.,
Imbrie et al., 1984; Dinarès-Turell et al.,
2007). Tests of these hypotheses have shown
that time-series data can provide a much high-
er resolution for time scales than are available
using only biostratigraphic information. Such
data sets have not been documented for most
of the Phanerozoic, however, because strati-
graphic sequences are imperfect recorders of
time due to erosion, non-deposition, bioturba-
tion, alteration and other processes. As a con-
sequence of these processes, short-term
Milankovitch bands (Earth’s obliquity and
precession) are not as well developed in older
rocks as they are in younger sequences. How-
ever, it is now clear that time-series analysis
of cyclic geophysical (i.e., χ and gamma ray
spectroscopy; Ellwood et al., 2013; 2017) and
geochemical data sets are controlled by global
processes driven by climate.
It is well established that χ data sets in
both unlithified and lithified marine sediments
can be used to track climate cyclicity. There-
fore, the cyclostratigraphy recorded in these
sequences can be used for calibration of geo-
logic time scales (Mead et al., 1986; Hartl et
al., 1995; Weedon et al., 1997; Shackleton et
al., 1999; Weedon et al., 1999). In addition to
its utility in paleoclimatic studies, magneto-
stratigraphic susceptibility (Salvador, 1994)
can be used for high-resolution correlation
among marine sedimentary rocks of broadly
differing facies with regional and global ex-
tent (Whalen and Day, 2008). χ, when used as
a correlation tool, provides a robust data set to
independently evaluate and adjust stratigraph-
ic position among geological sequences. Rea-
sonable biostratigraphic control is required to
initially develop a chronostratigraphic frame-
work where distinctive χ zones can be directly
correlated with high precision among succes-
sions, even when biostratigraphic uncertain-
ties or slight unconformities are known to ex-
ist within sections (Ellwood et al., 2006). The
method is particularly useful for independent
age control because it can extract data from
sections that are not amenable to other magne-
tostratigraphic techniques, such as remnant
magnetization (Berggren et al., 1995; Grad-
stein et al., 2004), because χ does not require
that the rock or sediment analyzed be orient-
ed. χ works as a climate proxy because re-
gional and global processes that drive erosion,
including climate and eustasy, bring the detri-
tal components responsible for the χ signature
into the marine environment where its stratig-
raphy is preserved.
Because χ zones have been shown to rep-
resent Milankovitch climate cyclicity, χ data
sets can also be considered as floating-point
time scales, with each χ zone representing a
Milankovitch half cycle (e.g., Figure 1). Then,
depending on the absolute time scale used, it
is possible to assign specific relative ages to
each χ zone boundary and thus to estimate the
timing of any biostratigraphic zonation used,
bioevents identified in the sequence, overall
time represented by the section, and sediment
accumulation rates.
To plug into a specific time scale, an abso-
lute age must be used. If the time scale used is
different or changes, for example, if the decay
constants are redefined, then it is a simple
matter to recalculate the new relative age of
the χ zone of interest. Timing of these zones
can then be compared on a global scale to
other sections using the χ zonation identified
for those sequences, and high-resolution time-
series ages can then be calculated.
The Lung Cam section in Vietnam is an
expanded succession, where ~800 kyr of rec-
orded time through the PTB interval is ex-
posed over ~21 m of section (Figure 1). Given
that Lung Cam is well correlated to the GSSP
(Ellwood et al., 2017 and referenced papers),
it provides an excellent proxy to which other
Luu Thi Phuong Lan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
PTB sections can be compared. Herein, we
use geophysical, geochemical and biostrati-
graphic information to correlate between two
PTB successions, the Lung Cam section,
Vietnam, and the Lukač section in Slovenia
(Ellwood et al., 2017 and related papers.).
These sequences were deposited at opposite
ends of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean, but at similar
latitudes (Figure 2), and the results presented
here provide unprecedented, high-resolution
timing, time-series dates and comparisons for
both successions (Figures 1 and 3).
The two PTB successions studied are
shown to be well-correlated using conodont
biostratigraphy and χ bar-log graphic correla-
tion in conjunction with unique correlated ash
beds, black carbon in agglutinated foramini-
fers (Ellwood et al., 2017 and related papers),
and δ18O shifts showing approximately the
same magnitude of change. Using time-series
analysis for each of these successions, relative
to the PTB, high-resolution ages for event ho-
rizons in both successions were developed. As
noted above, although the Lung Cam and
Lukač successions were deposited at opposite
ends of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean, it is clear that
the processes identified and dated herein are
essentially global. These data argue that, as is
also the case for the modern Earth, where
low-latitude dust from the Sahara Desert is
distributed across the Atlantic Ocean in North
America, and from Asia widely across the Pa-
cific Ocean (Balsam et al., 1995; 2007), so al-
so during PTB time, volcanic dust (ash) was
deposited throughout the Paleo-Tethys area,
and this ash provides marker horizons that
contribute to data sets used for high-resolution
correlation and timing.
Given that excellent correlation has been
demonstrated for the Lung Cam and Lukač
successions, then oceanographic differences
within the Paleo-Tethys Ocean can be charac-
terized. For example, whereas δ18O ranges are
similar between the two sites (Figures 1 and
3), the trend in climate below the boundary is
different between the two localities, where
δ18O values appear to reflect colder tempera-
tures in Slovenia, located along the western
margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean at that
time. If colder, then this change is probably
associated with enhanced glaciation at that
time, driving sea-level and base-level change,
thus yielding enhanced erosion that is reflect-
ed in increased χ values. In the east in Vi-
etnam, in the latest Permian, temperatures ap-
pear to have been generally warmer. Howev-
er, above the PTB in the Triassic, climate ap-
pears to be similar and generally warmer in
both areas (Figures 1 and 3). The change to-
ward warmer climate happens in the Lukač
section at the base of the Black Carbon inter-
val, whereas in the east at the base of the
Black Carbon interval in the Lung Cam sec-
tion there is a change toward a cooler climate
that ends at the top of the Black Carbon inter-
Another similarity in the two data sets is a
lithologic change in the limestone beds in
both sections, where in the Lung Cam section,
~2.5 m below the PTB, the section contains
minor ankeritic and sideritic mineralization,
indicating a more reducing environment dur-
ing this time (Figure 1). This chemical reduc-
tion begins immediately after a significant ash
bed appears in the bed at ~9 m in the section.
There is a similar change in the Lukač section
at ~2.0 m in the section and up to the PTB,
where minor dolomitic/ankeritic/sideritic
mineralization occurs (Figure 3), again sug-
gesting a change toward a more reducing en-
To produce high-resolution time scales for
both the Lung Cam and Lukač sections, we
have used graphic correlation between the χ
zonation for each section (Figures 1 and 3)
and precessional and obliquity climate cyclici-
ties for the two successions sampled and
measured. For the Lung Cam data set, the χ
zonation for the P1 precessional cyclicity was
compared graphically to the P1, 18 kyr uni-
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 253-270
form floating-point time-scale climate model
centered on the PTB, with an age assignment
of ~252 Ma (Figure 5). The results define an
excellent Line-of-Correlation (LOC) tunnel
containing a slight but relatively uniform cy-
clicity that appears to represent eccentricity
variations in the data set, as well as some
noise. At ~18 m height in the section there is
an offset that is interpreted to represent a
missing χ zone at that level in the section,
possibly the result of local alteration or bio-
turbation. Figure 5 provides a time-series
floating-point time-scale for the Lung Cam
section, ranging from ~450 kyr below the
PTB, through the PTB and to ~342 kyr above
the PTB, if the offset is included. This result
means that each black or white segment of the
χ zonation represents ~9 kyr. Therefore, the
LOOP of H. parvus shown in Figure 5, ar-
rived at Lung Cam ~9 kyr before the PTB, in-
dicating that H. parvus arrived at Lung Cam
before arriving at the GSSP in Meishan,
For the time-series analysis for the Lukač
section, the χ zonation was graphically corre-
lated to an O2 obliquity uniform climate mod-
el, plotted relative to the PTB level extrapo-
lated for the section (Figure 6). In this case,
the section ranges from ~517.5 kyr below the
PTB at 252 Ma, to ~320 kyr above the PTB, a
range of ~840 kyr. Therefore, each black or
white segment of the χ zonation represents
~22.5 kyr. This timing can then be applied di-
rectly to each χ zone in the Lukač section.
Therefore, when the LOOP of H. parvus,
shown in Figure 6, is projected through the
LOC in Figure 6, and into the floating-point
time-scale, the result indicates that H. parvus
arrived at the Lukač section ~128 kyr before
the PTB, well before it arrived at either Lung
Cam in Vietnam or the GSSP in Meishan,
China. This result suggests that H. parvus ap-
peared first along the western margin of the
Paleo-Tethys Ocean and much later along the
eastern margin.
In an effort to directly correlate the χ zona-
tions for both sections (Figure 7), it was nec-
essary to use the same climate cyclicity for
both data sets. For this purpose we chose the
O1 obliquity zonation that is fairly well de-
fined in both studied sections in the FT data
sets (Figure 4). In Figure 7, there is a well-
defined LOC tunnel from the base of both sec-
tions and up to ~14.5 m in the Lung Cam sec-
tion, and to ~3.2 m in the Lukač section. Giv-
en that the PTB is well defined in the Lung
Cam section (Ellwood et al., 2017 and refer-
enced papers), we used the PTB position in
Lung Cam as the PTB standard, and extrapo-
lated that position from the Lung Cam section
through the LOC in Figure 7, and down into
the Lukač section. The oval of uncertainty de-
fined by the width of the LOC tunnel provides
the uncertainty presented. Correlated in Figure
7 from both sections are the SiO2 ash bed lev-
els and the δ18O shifts. Graphic correlation of
these two data sets from each section provided
a secondary LOC that correlates well with the
PTB pick for the Lukač section. Also shown
are the Black Carbon zones from both sec-
tions, where agglutinated foraminifers have
fixed elemental carbon in their tests
(Figure 7).
5. Conclusions
Magnetic susceptibility χ correlations
among two Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB)
successions, one at Lung Cam in Vietnam on
the eastern margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean,
and the second, Lukač in Slovenia on the
western margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean,
and at similar paleolatitudes, show the follow-
ing similar trends: (a) time covered by depos-
ited, mainly limestone sediment; (b) presence
below the PTB of the Lowest Observed Oc-
currence Point (LOOP) of Hindeodus parvus,
the boundary-defining fossil at Meishan, the
Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point
(GSSP) in China; (c) Black Carbon levels be-
low the PTB, where agglutinated foraminifers
Luu Thi Phuong Lan, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
have incorporated carbon into their tests, pos-
sibly from fires generated globally by Siberian
Traps eruptions; (d) systematic time-series
analyses results that can be modeled by uni-
form floating-point time-scale climate models
centered on the PTB at ~252 Ma; (e) well-
constrained Lines-of-Correlation (LOC)s for
most of the intervals sampled; and (f) excel-
lent correlation when χ data are directly com-
Ash beds and δ18O abrupt shifts that appear
to be common to both the Lung Cam and
Lukač sections are useful in correlating
among the two successions, indicating that
ash, like dust from the Sahara, can be blown
over long distances and provide marker hori-
zons for correlation.
δ18O data for the two sections indicate that
in the western Paleo-Tethys area below the
PTB, climate was generally colder in Slovenia
than in Vietnam, at least up to the time when
the Black Carbon was deposited. Immediately
after that time, climate became colder in Vi-
etnam, and warmer in Slovenia. The observed
δ18O shifts represent some striking examples
of abrupt, but short warming climate pulses at
both localities.
The graphic correlation data, along with
occurrences in both sections of H. parvus, in-
dicate that H. parvus arrived at the Lukač area
~128 kyr before it arrived at the Meishan PTB
GSSP area in China. In addition, H. parvus
arrived at the Lung Cam area ~9 kyr before
arrival at Meishan.
This work was partly supported by the Na-
tional Science Foundation, (grant number
EAR-0745393 to BBE), by the Vietnamese
Academy for Science and Technology
(VAST05.03/17-18), and the Robey Clark en-
dowment to LSU. We thank Sue Ellwood for
designing the sample method used and her aid
in sampling. Samples in Lukač were collected
with the help of Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek. We
thank C. Scotese for his help in designing
Figure 2.
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