Conclusions and Recommendation
By adopting a qualitative approach, the
manager, CEO and visitors’ perceptions about
the problems of Ha Long Bay in terms of
garbage disposal, water distribution, security and
order, and accommodation were explored in this
study. Overall, the findings revealed that Ha
Long Bay manager, CEO in general highly
valued Ha Long tourism services in terms of
garbage disposal, water distribution, security and
order, and accommodation but raised some
concerns about classification waste, providing
relevant information related to garbage disposal,
development integrated with local environment
and local culture, quality of drinking water,
making available the allocation of water at
satisfactory pressure, providing continuous
delivery of sufficient volume of potable and
palatable water at adequate pressure, providing
details regarding services and products offered
from staffs, providing accommodation insurance,
assistance for disabilities or limiting long term
illness, and physical facilities and equipment are
visually aligned and in good condition etc.
To maintain sustainable tourism, Ha Long
bay tourism planners and operators should seek
to understand manager, CEO and visitors’
perceptions and attitudes before commencing
development, and keep listening to manager,
CEO’ thoughts rather than laying down top–
down plans and programs. A long–term plan and
solutions to improve the drawbacks of tourism
services in term of garbage disposal, water
distribution, security and order, and
accommodation should be taken into account.
The results of the study also indicated that it is
essential to include local manager, CEO in the
decision–making process as well as in tourism
activities themselves so that they can voice their
opinions and share their active roles in the
development of Ha Long Bay tourism.
This study only assesses the quality of
tourism infrastructure and conditions in Ha Long
Bay through the awareness of managers, tourists
and businesses. The study does not analyze the
economic contribution of the tourism sector and
the efficiency of using tourism resources in Ha
Long Bay.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Đánh giá chất lượng dịch vụ du lịch ở vịnh Hạ Long tỉnh Quảng Ninh, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
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Trần Trung Vỹ1, Nguyễn Xuân Quỳnh2,
Eriberto Casino
T m tắt
Nghi n cứu được thực hiện nhờ vào sự hảo sát nhận thức của các nhà quản lý, các hách du lịch và
những người đang sinh s ng Vịnh Hạ Long, tỉnh Quảng Ninh để đánh giá thực trạng ch t lượng du
lịch, phân tích những tác động của của du lịch tới sự phát triển inh t của tỉnh Quảng Ninh và sự đóng
góp của nhà quản lý, của người dân và hách d lịch đ i với phát triển du lịch của địa phư ng S liệu
thu thập trong năm 2017 thông qua các cuộc phỏng v n sâu, câu hỏi bán c u trúc đã được thực hiện với
909 người trả lời bao gồm: 177 người quản lý, 341 giám đ c điều hành doanh nghiệp và 391 lượt hách
về vai tr của Vịnh Hạ Long đ i với phát triển inh t xã hội của tỉnh Quảng Ninh, về ch t lượng xử lý
rác thải, phân ph i nước, an ninh và điều iện hạ tầng du lịch cũng như huy n nghị phát triển du lịch
Vịnh Hạ Long K t quả cho th y, thực trạng xử lý rác thải, phân ph i nước, an ninh và trật tự, và hạ
tầng du lịch tại Vịnh Hạ Long vẫn tồn tại những hạn ch do nhiều nguy n nhân hác nhau Dựa tr n
đó, bài báo gợi ý một s ý tư ng và giải pháp để nâng cao ch t lượng dịch v du lịch tại Vịnh Hạ Long
Từ h a: Vịnh Hạ Long, ch t lượng dịch v du lịch, phát triển inh t - xã hội, tỉnh Quảng Ninh.
A study was conducted on the awareness of managers, tourists and people living in Ha Long Bay,
Quang Ninh Province, to assess the quality of tourism services, to analyze the impact of tourism on the
economic development of Quang Ninh province and the support of managers, tourist enterprises and
tourists to the development of tourism in the locality. Primary data was collected in 2017 through in-
depth interviews, structured questionnaire with 909 respondents including: 177 managers, 341
enterprise’s CEO and 391 tourists about the role of Ha Long ay for socio-economic development of
Quang Ninh province, the problems of Ha Long Bay in terms of garbage disposal, water distribution,
security, and accommodation as well as their recommendation for tourism development in Ha Long Bay,
Quang Ninh province. The findings showed that, on the whole, respondents viewed that garbage
disposal, water distribution, security and order, and accommodation in Ha Long Bay still existed
drawbacks due to many different causes. Based on that, the article suggests a number of solutions and
recommendation to enhance the quality of tourism services in Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh province.
Keyword: Ha Long Bay, quality of tourism services, socio-economic development, Quang Ninh province.
1. Introduction
Ha Long Bay is located in Quang Ninh
province in Northeast Vietnam, 160 km east of
Hanoi. With a total area of 1,553km
, the bay
contains 1,600 islands, 90% of which are
monolithic limestone karsts. The site includes
775 islands, 411 of which are name-accredited.
Ha Long Bay was first inscribed as a natural
property on the World Heritage List in 1994 for
its exceptional beauty [3], [4]. This was extended
in 2000 to include recognition as an outstanding
example of the earth’s geology and geomorphology.
Ha Long bay is an ideal place for tourism
industry along with the preservation of the
unique values of the heritage during the two
decades. Tourism to Ha Long Bay has boomed
over the past 20 years. The area is a major
national, regional and international (65% of
visitors are foreign) and core visitor activities
include cave visits, sightseeing, swimming,
hiking, kayaking and appreciation of nature and
culture. Ha Long Bay has been recognized twice,
in 1994 and 2000, by UNESCO as a World
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018)
Natural Heritage area for its universal value of
landscape and geology [8].
However, recent years, the quality of tourism
services not meet needs of visitors, affecting
negatively the effectiveness of tourism activities,
tourists attracting and promotion of the image of
Ha Long Bay to the world [8], [7]. With the policy
of developing tourism of Quang Ninh province,
improving the quality and professionalism of
tourism services in the direction of upgrading the
class, the tourism services in Ha Long Bay will be
prioritized for development.
Tourism resources include components and
combinations of natural landscapes and human
landscapes that can be used for tourism services
and to satisfy the needs of visitors for rest, visit
and treatment [9],[4].
The sustainability of tourism is dependent on
an adequate water sup-ply of sufficient quality and
quantity but there is little research on the
significance of water in tourism development
(Essex, Kent, & Newnham, 2004) [5]. This paucity
of research into the tourism and water nexus has
made it difficult for the tourism industry to engage
in the policy debate (Crase, O’Keefe, & Horwitz,
2010) [2]. A distinction has to be made between the
consumptive and non-consumptive relationship
between tourism and water.
Rouse and Ali (2009) discussed the
sustainable livelihoods approach in relation to
waste pickers (collectors), whose aspirations
were ranked into four core concepts. Firstly,
―vulnerability context‖ which is related to
environmental conditions affecting waste
collectors’ activities. Secondly, ―asset profiles‖
which consist of various forms of capital: human
capital; social capital (waste pickers’
relationships with dealers); physical capital (poor
living conditions); and financial capital (low
income levels) [10].
Safety and security have always been
indispensable condition for travel and tourism.
But it is an incontestable fact that safety and
security issues gained a much bigger importance
in the last two decades in tourism (Anna, 2017).
Accommodation is one of the basic needs
for any tourism activity. Travelers and tourists
need lodging for rest, while they are on a tour.
Accommodation in the form of low budget
lodges/hotels to world class luxury hotels is
available at all the major tourist destinations to
provide the tourist a home away from home
(Zhou, 2009)[11].
This paper represents preliminary findings
from a study of accessing tourism services
quality in Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh province,
Vietnam with two main objectives:
i. To explore managers and visitors’
perceptions about the problems of Ha Long Bay
in terms of garbage disposal, water distribution,
security and order, and accommodation.
ii. To make recommendations promoting the
tourism development for the study area.
2. Hypothesis
The are no relationship between the type of
respondents and their perception on quality of
tourism service of Quang Ninh province in terms
of Garbage disposal, Water distribution, Security
and Order, and Accommodation.
3. Methodology
3.1. Place of the study
The site selected for this study is Ha Long
Bay in Quang Ninh province, which is located in
the North-East of Vietnam. It is an area of
superlative natural beauty. It is also a treasure
house of unusual and unique geomorphic
features, ecosystems and bio-diversity. There are
many sites of historical significance and
archaeological remains in and around the Bay,
and it is strongly represented in myths and
legends of the Vietnamese people (Galla, 2002)
[6]. In addition, it has been recently voted (2011)
as one of the new seven natural wonders of the
world. Ha Long Bay is an important site both
economically and culturally for Vietnam, and has
played a significant role in the development for
the country as an international tourism
destination. It is one of Vietnam’s premier
tourism destinations (Hien, 2011)[9].
3.2. Sampling technique and sample size
There are 2356 tourism enterprises in the
locality and the number of visitors to Ha Long
Bay is an average of 2.6 million people per year.
Each month average 433.333 turns of visitors (by
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018)
the number of tourists to Ha Long about 6
months). The study will be conducted during the
week of July (this is the month with the most
tourists). The number of visitors in the week of
July is expected to be 18.055; the number of
tourism managers of Ha Long Bay is 320 people.
To find out the limitations of tourism services in
Ha Long Bay as well as analyze the factors
affecting the quality of these services, thereby
propose solutions contributing to improve the
quality of services in traveling points in Ha Long
Bay, in 2017, the study used the Slovin (1988)
formula to select the sample. As follows:
N = N/(1+N*e
N = population size; n = sample size; e is
level exactly (set e = 5%).
The sample size and the number of
respondents, all are working at Ha Long city, in
which: 177 respondents are managers, 341
respondents are enterprise’s CEO and 391
respondents are visitors. The study employed
random sampling for manager and enterprises
and convenience sampling techniques (apply for
selecting visitors)
3.3. Research instrument
To evaluate perception of respondents on
quality of tourism service at Ha Long ay’ in
terms of Garbage disposal, Water distribution,
Security and Order, and Accommodation,
aspects, the research used Likert – scale with 5
range as follow:
Table 1: Scale to measure respondents’ perception
Scale Point Range Verbal Description Interpretation
5 4.20 – 5.00 Very satisfied (Vs)
It means that the given problem is 81%
- 100% and predominant, widespread
of rampantly encountered.
4 3.40 – 4.19 Satisfied (Ss)
It means that the given problem is 61%
- 80% and always encountered to a
certain extent.
3 2.60 – 3.39
Neither satisfied or
dissatisfied (Nd)
It means that the given problem is 41%
- 60% and sometimes encountered to a
certain extent.
2 1.80 – 2.59 Dissatisfied (Sd)
It means that the given problem is 21%
- 40% and seldom encountered.
1 1.00 – 1.79 Very dissatisfied (Vd)
It means that the given problem is 0% -
20% or hardly ever encountered.
Source: Survey, 2017
The variables were tested through the One
way –ANOVAto analyze and conclude the
relationship between the type of respondents and
perception of respondents on quality of tourism
service at Ha Long ay’ in terms of Garbage
disposal , Water distribution, Security and Order,
and Accommodation.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Respondents’ profile
Table 2 presents the respondents’ profile in
terms of age, monthly income and nationality
among three groups. It is clear that there are
majority of respondents who had age from 31 to
40 years old accounted for more than 34.2
percent followed by nearly 25.5% of respondent
had age from 41 to 50. Therefore, the distribution
of respondents in term of Age might make their
responses to the social economic development
factors more reliable. The survey also indicates
that while the distribution of the age of managers
and enterprises belongs to higher age than that of
visitors. Specifically, the majority of respondents
who are managers had age blanket more than 41
years olds equivalent to more than 50 percent,
followed by the age blanket between 31 and 40.
While the highest percentage of visitors belongs
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018)
to the age blanket from 31 to 40 years old, only
nearly 21% of visitors had age blanket more than
51 years old.
The distribution of nationality is
significantly different in all three groups that are
due to the position of respondents. The
distribution of nationality among three groups is
similar where the number of Vietnamese people
is two times than foreigners.
The table also presented the profile of
respondents in terms of monthly income. Data
showed that the distribution of monthly income
of managers and enterprises is much higher than
that of visitors. Most of managers and enterprises
have monthly income more than 10 mils VND
accounted for more than 50 percent. However,
the majority of visitors have monthly income
between 4 and 10 mils VND. That is because
most of respondent are Vietnamese people, thus
the salary quite below than 8 mils VND.
Table 2: Characteristics of respondents
Managers Enterprises Visitors Overall
Monthly income
1 - 3 Mils VND 0 0.0 0 0.0 43 11.0 43 4.7
4 - 8 Mils VND 25 14.1 11 3.2 115 29.4 151 16.6
8 -10 Mils VND 33 18.6 42 12.3 142 36.3 217 23.9
10-20 Mils
92 52.0 172 50.4 55 14.1 319 35.1
More than 20
Mils VND
27 15.3 116 34.0 36 9.2 179 19.7
Vietnam 121 68.4 236 69.2 259 66.2 616 67.8
Foreign 56 31.6 105 30.8 132 33.8 293 32.2
21-30 27 15.3 63 18.5 104 26.6 194 21.3
31-40 59 33.3 125 36.7 127 32.5 311 34.2
41-50 62 35 94 27.6 61 15.6 217 23.9
51 above 29 16 59 17 99 25 187 21
Total 177 100 341 100 391 100 909 100
Source: Survey, 2017
4.2. The assessment of respondents related to
tourism services of the Ha Long Bay
4.2.1. Garbage disposal
Table 3 shows Assessment of the three
groups of respondents on garbage disposal.
Overall, repondents give average score in term of
garbage disposal at 2.72 mean scores. Among
them they rated the highest score in term of ―
Information is easily available through Product
& Service rochures, leaflets, letters‖ at 3.11
mean score. While they are somewhat dissatisfied
in terms of classification ―Classification waste
make me fell confortable‖, ―Development
integrated with local environment‖, ―Information
centre provides relevant information related to
garbage disposal‖, and ―Development integrated
with local culture‖ with the averaged mean under
2.6 mean points. There are quite different among
three groups in term of garbage disposal. While
managers and enterprise rated higher scores in
almost items in term of garbage disposal than the
other group. Specifically, on average, while
enterprise and managers rated at somewhat
satisfied in term of garbage disposal, visitors
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018)
gave dissatisfied in term of garbage disposal at
only 2.4 mean scores. Among these items,
managers satisfied in term of ―‖Adequate
transport systems are available for collecting
waste‖at 3.54 mean scores. However, they rate
the lowest score in term of ―development
integrated with local environment‖ at only 2.36
mean points. On the other hand, enterprises gave
the highest score in term of emphasis on the
recycling and reuse of products at 3.48 mean
scores, while they rated the lowest score in term
of information centre provides relevant information
related to garbage disposal at 2.13 mean points. In
contrast, visitors rated the highest mean scores in
terms of emphasis on the recycling and reuse of
and development integrated with local
environment with similar mean scores at 2.83 mean
points. However, they rated the lowest score in
term of development integrated with local culture
at 1.88 mean points.
Table 3: Assessment of Respondents on garbage disposal
Managers Enterprises Visitors Overall
Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI Mean IV
I am satisfied with the set-
up of garbage disposal
2.75 Nd 3.05 Nd 2.61 Nd 2.80 Nd
Classification waste make
me fell confortable
2.55 Sd 2.67 Nd 2.54 Sd 2.59 Sd
Emphasis on the recycling
and reuse of products
2.99 Nd 3.48 Ss 2.83 Nd 3.10 Nd
Information is easily
available through Product
& Service Brochures,
leaflets, letters
3.26 Nd 3.72 Ss 2.41 Sd 3.13 Nd
Development integrated
with local environment
2.36 Sd 2.39 Sd 2.83 Nd 2.53 Sd
Information center
provides relevant
information related to
garbage disposal
2.94 Nd 2.13 Sd 1.96 Sd 2.34 Sd
Adequate transport
systems are available for
collecting waste
3.54 Ss 3.62 Ss 2.16 Sd 3.11 Nd
Development integrated
with local culture
2.38 Sd 2.22 Sd 1.88 Sd 2.16 Sd
Grand Average 2.85 Nd 2.91 Nd 2.40 Sd 2.72 Nd
Source: Survey, 2017
4.2.2. Water distribution
Table 4 shows assessment of the three
groups of Respondents on water distribution.
Overall, respondents give average score in term
of water distribution at 2.80 mean scores. Among
them they rated the highest score in term of
―Palatable water means the water is Safe for
human consumption‖ at 3.51 mean score. While
they are somewhat dissatisfied in terms of
quality of drinking water, the employment of
qualified operators for maintenance, make
available the allocation of water at satisfactory
pressure, and provide continuous delivery of
sufficient volume of potable and palatable water
at adequate pressure with the averaged mean
under 2.6 mean points. There are quite different
among three groups in term of water distribution.
While managers and enterprise rated higher
scores in almost items of water distribution than
the other group. Specifically, on average, while
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018)
enterprise and managers rated at somewhat
satisfied in term of water distribution at 3.04 and
2.78 mean scores respectively, visitors gave the
lower mean score in term of water distribution at
only 2.6 mean scores. Among these items,
managers satisfied in terms of ― Palatable water
means the water is safe for human consumption‖,
available of public water supply and adequate
water supply at 3.66, 3.62 and 3.62 respectively
mean scores. However, they rate the lowest score
in term of ―Make available the allocation of
water at satisfactory pressure‖ at only 2.08 mean
points. On the other hand, enterprises gave the
highest score in term of ―Palatable water means
the water is safe for human consumption‖ at 3.38
mean scores, while they rated the lowest score in
term of ―make available the allocation of water at
satisfactory pressure‖ at 2.14 mean points. In
contrast, visitors rated the highest mean scores in
terms of ―Palatable water means the water is Safe
for human consumption‖ with the mean scores at
3.51 mean points. However, they dissatisfied in
term of in term of ―Provide continuous delivery
of sufficient volume of potable and palatable
water at adequate pressure‖ at 1.78 mean points.
Table 4: Assessment of Respondents on water distribution
Managers Enterprises Visitors Overall
Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI
Adequate water supply 3.62 Ss 2.99 Nd 3.28 Nd 3.30 Nd
Quality of drinking water 2.85 Nd 2.35 Sd 2.01 Sd 2.40 Sd
Available of public water
3.62 Ss 3.44 Ss 3.07 Nd 3.38 Nd
The employment of
qualified operators for
2.84 Nd 2.35 Sd 2.18 Sd 2.46 Sd
Palatable water means the
water is Safe for human
3.66 Ss 3.38 Nd 3.51 Ss 3.52 Ss
Make available the
allocation of water at
satisfactory pressure
2.08 Sd 2.14 Sd 1.99 Sd 2.07 Sd
Provide continuous
delivery of sufficient
volume of potable and
palatable water at
adequate pressure
2.33 Sd 2.15 Sd 1.78 Vd 2.09 Sd
Provide water for fire
3.29 Nd 3.41 Ss 2.99 Nd 3.23 Nd
Grand Average 3.04 Nd 2.78 Nd 2.60 Nd 2.80 Nd
Source: Survey, 2017
4.2.3. Security and Order
Table 5 shows Assessment of Respondents
in term of Security and Order. Overall,
respondents give average score in term of
―Security and Order‖ at 2.93 mean scores.
Among them they rated the highest score in term
of ―The staff provides accurate information‖ at
3.84 mean score. While they are somewhat
dissatisfied in terms of the staff provides tourists
with personal attention, the staff understands the
specific needs of tourists, the staff provides
details regarding services and products offered,
and adequate transport systems are available with
the averaged mean under 2.6 mean points.
Regarding the difference among three groups, it
is evident that there are quite different among
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018)
three groups in term of Security and Order.
While managers and enterprise rated higher
scores in almost items in term of Security and
Order than the other group. Specifically, on
average, while enterprise and managers rated at
somewhat satisfied in term of Security and Order
at 3.13 and 2.98 mean scores respectively,
visitors gave the lower mean score in term of
Security and order at only 2.68 mean scores.
Among these items, managers satisfied in terms
of the staff provides accurate information, The
establishment provides adequate safety facilities,
and Tourists feel safe and secure at 3.92, 4.03
and 3.58 respectively mean scores. However,
they rate the lowest score in term of the staff
provides details regarding services and products
offered at only 2.49 mean points. On the other
hand, enterprises gave the highest score in term
of The staff provides accurate information at
3.88 mean scores, while they rated the lowest
score in term of The staff understands the
specific needs of tourists at 2.32 mean points. In
contrast, visitors rated the highest mean scores in
terms of the staff provides accurate information
at 3.571 mean points. However, they dissatisfied
in term of in term of the staff provides details
regarding services and products offered at 1.86
mean points.
Table 5: Assessment of Respondents on Security and Order
Managers Enterprises Visitors Overall
Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI Mean
The establishment
provides adequate safety
4.03 Ss 3.44 Ss 3.47 Ss 3.65 Ss
The staff provides tourists
with personal attention
2.38 Sd 2.86 Nd 2.07 Sd 2.44 Sd
The staff understands the
specific needs of tourists
2.55 Sd 2.32 Sd 1.93 Sd 2.27 Sd
Tourists feel safe and
3.58 Ss 3.42 Ss 3.26 Nd 3.42 Ss
The staff responds to
tourists’ question(s)
2.93 Nd 2.62 Nd 2.61 Nd 2.72 Nd
The staff provides details
regarding services and
products offered
2.49 Sd 2.56 Sd 1.86 Sd 2.30 Sd
The staff provides on-time
3.42 Ss 3.37 Nd 2.93 Nd 3.24 Nd
The staff provides
accurate information
3.92 Ss 3.88 Ss 3.71 Ss 3.84 Ss
Adequate transport
systems are available
2.85 Nd 2.34 Sd 2.27 Sd 2.49 Sd
Grand Average 3.13 Nd 2.98 Nd 2.68 Nd 2.93 Nd
Source: Survey, 2017
4.2.4. Accommodation
Table 5 shows Assessment of Respondents
on Accommodation. Overall, respondents give
average score in term of Accommodation at 2.94
mean scores. Among them they rated the highest
score in term of ― ringing vehicles‖ at 4.15
mean score. While they are somewhat
dissatisfied in terms of ―Rejecting an offer of
accommodation‖, having a guest to stay,
assistance for disabilities or limiting long term
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018)
illness, Providing accommodation insurance, and
Physical facilities and equipment are visually
aligned and in good condition with the averaged
mean under 2.6 mean points. Regarding the
difference among three groups, it is evident that
there are quite different among three groups in
term of accommodation. While managers and
enterprise rated higher scores in almost items in
term of accommodation than the other group.
Specifically, on average, while enterprise and
managers rated at somewhat satisfied in term of
―accommodation‖ at 3.123 and 2.95 mean scores
respectively, visitors gave the lower mean score
in term of accommodation at only 2.64 mean
scores. Among these items, managers highly
satisfied in terms of ― ringing vehicles and
satisfied‖ in term of ―The staff is willing to assist
tourists‖ at 4.31 and 3.95 respectively mean
scores. However, they rate the lowest score in
term of providing accommodation insurance at
only 2.37 mean points. On the other hand,
enterprises gave the highest score in term of
― ringing vehicles‖ at 4.19 mean scores, while
they rated the lowest score in term of having a
guest to stay at 1.91 mean points. In contrast,
visitors rated the highest mean scores in terms of
― ringing vehicles‖, followed by the item of
―The staff is willing to assist tourists‖ at 3.94 and
3.59 mean point respectively. However, they
rated the lowest score in term of in term of
having a guest to stay at 1.91 mean points.
Table 6: Assessment of Respondents on accommodation
Managers Enterprises Visitors Overall
Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI Mean
Rejecting an offer of
2.85 Nd 2.48 Sd 2.24 Sd 2.52 Sd
Arriving a few days earlier 3.61 Ss 3.55 Ss 2.86 Nd 3.34 Nd
Allowing pets in the room 3.01 Nd 2.89 Nd 2.75 Nd 2.88 Nd
Having a guest to stay 2.49 Sd 2.08 Sd 1.91 Sd 2.16 Sd
Extending the contracts 3.92 Ss 3.41 Ss 2.83 Nd 3.39 Nd
Facilities such as TV are
equipped in the rooms
3.63 Ss 3.44 Ss 2.81 Nd 3.29 Nd
Bringing vehicles 4.31 Vs 4.19 Ss 3.94 Ss 4.15 Ss
Assistance for disabilities
or limiting long term illness
3.07 Nd 2.35 Sd 2.06 Sd 2.49 Sd
The property in the rooms
is good
3.08 Nd 2.91 Nd 2.79 Nd 2.93 Nd
Providing accommodation
2.37 Sd 2.26 Sd 1.94 Sd 2.19 Sd
Comfortable facilities 3.06 Nd 2.83 Nd 2.66 Nd 2.85 Nd
The staff is willing to assist
3.95 Ss 3.82 Ss 3.59 Ss 3.79 Ss
Physical facilities and
equipment are visually
aligned and in good
2.64 Nd 2.09 Sd 1.89 Sd 2.21 Sd
Grand Average 3.23 Nd 2.95 Nd 2.64 SA 2.94 Nd
Source: Survey, 2017
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018)
4.3. Assessment of respondents related to the
problems of the Ha Long Bay
In the study, if any item has mean score
less than expected score at 2.6 mean points, it is
considered as an issue and lower than
expectation. The gap between expected scores
and assessment’s mean scores is higher it mean
that this problems need to intermediately solve.
This is also an important to identify the factor
that is lower than expected score, in order to find
the appropriate solution to meet the
requirements. Among the problems in term of
garbage disposal, the highest gap between the
lowest expected average score and perception
score is the term of ―development integrated with
local culture‖ which is the lowest mean score. In
term of ―Water distribution‖, the highest gap is
the term of makes available the allocation of
water at satisfactory pressure. In addition, in
term of ―Security and Order‖, the highest gap is
the item of ―The staff understands the specific
needs of tourists‖, followed by the item of ―The
staff provides details regarding services and
products offered‖. One of the biggest issues in
term of ―Accommodation‖ is providing
accommodation insurance which is the highest
GAP. Therefore, the governments in the Ha
Long bay should be applied several policies to
improve those problems to assist visitors in
quickly accommodated in the new spaces in
short run, as well as attract more visitors to visit
in the Ha Long bay in long-run
Table 7: Assessment of respondents related to Tourism of the Ha Long Bay
Problems Mean IV
Garbage disposal
Classification waste make me fell confortable 2.59 Sd
Development integrated with local environment 2.53 Sd
Information centre provides relevant information related to garbage
2.34 Sd
Development integrated with local culture 2.16 Sd
Water distribution
Quality of drinking water 2.40 Sd
The employment of qualified operators for maintenance 2.46 Sd
Make available the allocation of water at satisfactory pressure 2.07 Sd
Provide continuous delivery of sufficient volume of potable and
palatable water at adequate pressure
2.09 Sd
Security and order
The staff provides tourists with personal attention 2.44 Sd
The staff understands the specific needs of tourists 2.27 Sd
The staff provides details regarding services and products offered 2.30 Sd
Adequate transport systems are available 2.49 Sd
Rejecting an offer of accommodation 2.52 Sd
Having a guest to stay 2.61 Sd
Assistance for disabilities or limiting long term illness 2.49 Sd
Providing accommodation insurance 2.19 Sd
Physical facilities and equipment are visually aligned and in good
2.21 Sd
Source: Survey, 2017
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018)
Table 8: Testing of hypothesis
Null Hypothesis P_value
Garbage disposal
There is no significant difference in the
respondent's assessment of the quality of the
Garbage disposal
0.000 Rejected
There is no significant difference in the
respondent's assessment of the quality of the
Water distribution
0.000 Rejected
Security and
There is no significant difference in the
respondent's assessment of the quality of the
Security and Order
0.000 Rejected
There is no significant difference in the
respondent's assessment of the quality of the
0.000 Rejected
Source: Survey, 2017
4.4. Testing of hypothesis
Testing one-way ANOVA statistics of the
table provides evidence that there is a significant
difference between three groups of respondents
and their perception on the problems related to
garbage disposal, water distribution, Security and
Order, and accommodation.
5. Conclusions and Recommendation
By adopting a qualitative approach, the
manager, CEO and visitors’ perceptions about
the problems of Ha Long Bay in terms of
garbage disposal, water distribution, security and
order, and accommodation were explored in this
study. Overall, the findings revealed that Ha
Long Bay manager, CEO in general highly
valued Ha Long tourism services in terms of
garbage disposal, water distribution, security and
order, and accommodation but raised some
concerns about classification waste, providing
relevant information related to garbage disposal,
development integrated with local environment
and local culture, quality of drinking water,
making available the allocation of water at
satisfactory pressure, providing continuous
delivery of sufficient volume of potable and
palatable water at adequate pressure, providing
details regarding services and products offered
from staffs, providing accommodation insurance,
assistance for disabilities or limiting long term
illness, and physical facilities and equipment are
visually aligned and in good condition etc.
To maintain sustainable tourism, Ha Long
bay tourism planners and operators should seek
to understand manager, CEO and visitors’
perceptions and attitudes before commencing
development, and keep listening to manager,
CEO’ thoughts rather than laying down top–
down plans and programs. A long–term plan and
solutions to improve the drawbacks of tourism
services in term of garbage disposal, water
distribution, security and order, and
accommodation should be taken into account.
The results of the study also indicated that it is
essential to include local manager, CEO in the
decision–making process as well as in tourism
activities themselves so that they can voice their
opinions and share their active roles in the
development of Ha Long Bay tourism.
This study only assesses the quality of
tourism infrastructure and conditions in Ha Long
Bay through the awareness of managers, tourists
and businesses. The study does not analyze the
economic contribution of the tourism sector and
the efficiency of using tourism resources in Ha
Long Bay.
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018)
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Thông tin tác giả:
1. Trần Trung Vỹ
- Đơn vị công tác: Trường Đại học Hạ Long, tỉnh Quảng Ninh
- NCS tại khoa Quản trị Kinh doanh, trường Đại học Southern Luzon
– Philippines
- Địa chỉ email:
2. Nguyễn Xuân Quỳnh
- Đơn vị công tác: Tỉnh Ủy Ninh ình
- NCS tại khoa Quản trị Kinh doanh, trường Đại học Southern Luzon
– Philippines
- Địa chỉ email:
3. Eriberto Casino
- Đơn vị công tác: Đại học Southern Luzon – Philippines
Ngày nhận bài: 05/06/2018
Ngày nhận bản sửa: 20/06/2018
Ngày duyệt đ ng: 29/6/2018
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- danh_gia_chat_luong_dich_vu_du_lich_o_vinh_ha_long_tinh_quan.pdf