This study has shown the concrete process
of developing a KPIs system for the Hanoi
master plan by utilization of the logic model,
and by the identification of the relationship
between planning resources and results. The use
of a KPIs system in urban planning is not new,
and generally functions to assist in measuring
the planning process until goals/objectives are
met. However, the utilization of the logic model
to develop a KPIs system is less common in the
urban planning field.
From the illustration of a physical urban
plan, it can be seen that the development of a
KPIs system is essential to provide a basic set of
criteria to evaluate the urban planning process.
Indeed, the KPIs system can be beneficial in
monitoring and evaluating planning projects; in
measuring the results of the urban planning
process and the implementation of policies; and
in supporting decision-making. Furthermore, a
KPIs system is not just used to measure
processes but as a reminder of the scope and
definition of sustainable urbanism. For the
development of a KPIs system in urban
planning, the logic model has been shown to be
a powerful tool in order to identify the logical
linkage from planning goals to outputs and
outcomes, and measure the outputs and
outcomes by suitable KPIs.
Each of the results presented in this study
has been analyzed, but still needs to be further
investigated and answered. For a more precise
KPIs system for the Hanoi master plan, it is
necessary to investigate over a long period, with
more contributions and feedback from both
academic and practical perspectives. Importantly,
the KPIs system is built based on the availability
and quality of the urban data system which can
assist local authorities and stakeholders in
monitoring and evaluating the urban planning
process until achieving the final goals/objectives.
The scope of the study is limited to the
development of an overall KPIs system for an
urban plan, rather than evaluation of those KPIs.
For further research, to achieve the
goals/objectives of the urban plan based on the
logic way, the KPIs system needs to be
calculated and compared to the actual
development. The target value of each policy will
be predicted to reflect the desired policy goals or
objectives, by specific KPIs and available
performance data quality and availability. This
step shows how far the planning goals have been
achieved by checking the deviation,
appropriateness, and completeness between the
actual and expected results
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Vietnam Journal
of Agricultural
ISSN 2588-1299 VJAS 2018; 1(1): 21-34
Received: November 16, 2017
Accepted: April 19, 2018
Correspondence to or
Phuong Quyen Thi Lan
Development of a Key Performance
Indicators System in Urban Planning by
Utilizing the Logic Model
Quyen Thi Lan Phuong
and Matsushima Kakuya
Faculty of Land Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi
131000, Vietnam;
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 615-8530, Japan
This study proposes the methodology and process to develop a Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) system in urban planning by utilizing
the logic model. Firstly, the study introduces the role of KPIs in
urban planning for measuring the performance of the whole
planning process, and the logic model as a powerful tool for
selecting KPIs, as well as the ability to apply it in urban planning
issues. Secondly, methodologies are given, including: building a
KPIs system from the logic model‘s components, data collection for
KPIs, and data analysis. Thirdly, the case of the Hanoi master plan
is presented, to investigate how the logic model works for KPIs
development. The process of the logic model application includes:
identification of planning policies; zoning Hanoi for the simulation
of the policies‘ effects; utilizing the logic model for selecting KPIs;
analysis of logical linkage between the logic model‘s components;
and Hanoi urban data availability for KPIs.
Urban Planning, Logic model, KPIs, Hanoi
―Urban planning‖ is a technical and political process concerning
a whole set of social activities aimed at anticipating, representing,
and regulating the development of an urban or a regional area
(Pinson, 2007), while ―urban plan‖ is a product of economic
negotiation between land-owners and the local planning agency
(Pradoto, 2012). According to Breuer (1999), planning
implementation fits well with the view of planning as a process
rather than a product. Wapwera et al. (2015) also mentioned that
implementation is a continuous process, with no clear-cut endpoint.
Inside the field of urban planning, a master plan is a tool to guide
and manage the future growth of cities in a planned manner and the
soul of a master plan lies in its implementation framework (Hameed
and Nadeem, 2008).
Development of a key performance indicators system in urban planning by utilizing the logic model
22 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences
How do you measure the performance of the
urban planning process during the
implementation of an urban plan? And which
factors can be used to measure the effects of
policies? The solution is to have a key
performance indicators (KPIs) system for
monitoring during the planning process until
goals/objectives are met, to measure the planning
process, and to test and incorporate feedback
before being committed to implementation. From
this point of view, it raises the question of how to
develop a KPIs system for a physical urban plan
in a logical way.
KPIs are utilized in both urban development
plans and government policies and initiatives.
Indeed, many ideas and research articles have
shown the benefits of KPIs in city development.
The use of KPIs is critical to measure and to
quantify efficiency improvements in city
services through the implementation of master
plans (Bertuglia et al., 1994). Mega and
Pedersen (1998) supposed that KPIs are based
on policy principles and goals, so KPIs are
meaningless without specified objectives, and
they cannot contribute to the improvement of
the urban quality of life if there is not a policy
framework. A similar idea shows that KPIs have
to be measured and relevant to urban planning
outcomes, in that they reflect local objectives
and priorities or processes (Zhang et al., 2008).
In general, the development and implementation
of KPIs are essential to provide a basic set of
criteria to evaluate existing cities and to
measure the results of different projects, with
the aim of increasing sustainable urban
development. KPIs can be beneficial in
measuring the results of the urban planning
process and the implementation of policies, and
in supporting decision-making. However, the
development of a KPIs system is definitely not a
simple process and will have to be checked and
updated periodically.
The logic model, as known for several
years, is a tool for program planning,
management, and evaluation (Chen, 1990). A
logic model can be used for telling the
program‘s performance story by describing the
logical linkages among program resources,
activities, outputs, customers reached, and short,
intermediate, and longer term outcomes
(McLaughlin and Jordan, 1999). Figure 1
illustrates the simple logic model. Accordingly,
resources include the inputs that are dedicated
to or consumed by the program; activities show
the way the program is working; outputs include
the products from the program; and outcomes
indicate benefits resulting from activities and
outputs (Figure 1).
The logic model has been popularly used in
health and community-based programs to
support development and evaluation. In the field
of evaluation and program planning in recent
years, the process of developing a logic model
will clarify the project‘s goals and assign
responsibility of participants for tasks and
outcomes by guiding program participants in
applying the scientific method to their project
development, implementation, and monitoring
(Kaplan and Garrett, 2005). One of the
important purposes of using a logic model is
developing KPIs to check performance and
measure success for evaluation. It is useful to
translate the logic model‘s components into
indicators to check progress in inputs, activities,
outputs, outcomes, and goals, and to provide
necessary feedback to the management system
(Jody and Ray, 2004). However, there are
limited studies that have brought the logic
model into urban planning issues, although it is
completely possible to apply measuring
planning policies‘ effects, in order to develop
KPIs system.
The idea of developing KPIs system in urban
planning field is not new. Indeed, KPIs are built
for cities in development, mostly focus on
Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) and sustainable development (European
Commission, 2014; Candiello and Cortesi, 2011).
Figure 1. The Logic Model
Quyen Thi Lan Phuong and Matsushima Kakuya (2018)
Henning et al. (2011) developed indicators system
in urban transportation for performance
measures. Hanoi master plan (MOC, 2009) only
selected a few KPIs in the field of land use.
Generally, many studies and projects did not
cover all KPIs of cities in development. Also,
they used several ways, except the logic model,
to develop KPIs. To the best of our knowledge,
the logic model has been used popularly in
health and community-based programs with an
important purpose of developing KPIs.
However, it has almost been ignored in urban
planning utilization.
In Hanoi urban planning and development,
evaluation in urban planning is still a rare
consideration, from which the KPIs
development is generally weak. In addition,
urban plans normally focus on giving planning
products, rather than on the process and
implementation. The newest master plan
―Hanoi Capital Construction Master Plan to
2030 and Vision to 2050‖ (MOC, 2009;
Decision No. 1259, 2011) is considered the
largest-scale plan in recent history and gives
Hanoi the opportunity to become a megacity in
Asia. To achieve new goals and visions for
Hanoi, it is necessary to evaluate the
implementation process of the plan to identify
the way the government and organizations
achieve their goals/objectives. For the
successful implementation of an urban plan, at
the initial step, it is crucial to propose a
comprehensive KPIs system in different areas
of development.
Developing a system to measure the
performance of urban planning is not a simple
task; generally, it needs to manage the policies‘
effects quantitatively to determine planning
progress, formulate goals and outcomes, and must
reflect local realities. For quantitative
management of policies‘ effects by output-KPIs
and outcome-KPIs, the logic model can be an
extremely helpful tool to conceptualize the
planning process by an array of actions to achieve
specific impacts and goals. This study aims to
propose a concrete process of developing a KPIs
system in urban planning by the logic model, and
applying it for the case of the Hanoi master plan.
In more detail, the logic model will be utilized to
understand the plan‘s components and their
linkages, and then select KPIs based on the
model‘s outputs and outcomes, and based on
Hanoi urban data availability and quality.
Building a KPIs system from logic model’s
outputs and outcomes
In this methodology, firstly, the application
of the logic model will illustrate how planning
policies (inputs) work (through activities) to get
results (outputs) and benefits (outcomes), as
shown in Figure 2.
Secondly, outputs and outcomes will be
translated into measurable KPIs, as output-KPIs
and outcome-KPIs, respectively. Output-KPIs
and outcome-KPIs must be measurable and
observable, and linked to accumulated urban
data. The availability and quality of urban data
would bring useful information in order to set
up a comprehensive and transparent KPIs
system. For selection of KPIs, we use the
SMART principle (NAMS Ltd., 2007) which
can cover all of the criteria for performance
measurements, including: Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound.
Figure 2. The utilization of the logic model to develop KPIs
Development of a key performance indicators system in urban planning by utilizing the logic model
24 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Each KPI should meet all of these five
criteria, otherwise they will suffer and be less
useful. KPIs may be qualitative and
quantitative, however, in urban planning, we
enhance a simple and quantitative system, rather
than a completed qualitative one. When
selecting and systemizing KPIs, we may face
some cases such as more than one policy shares
the same outcome, so those policies will share
the same KPI; or, one policy can have more
than one outcome, so each outcome will have an
outcome-KPI. Therefore, developing KPIs
inevitably takes more than one try, and arriving
at the final set of KPIs will take time.
Data Collection
In the process of identifying urban data for
KPIs, we need to clarify what sources of
information can potentially supply relevant data.
Can data sources provide qualitative and
quantitative data? And can we access the data
source timely? Indeed, we only need to collect
the data items intended to be used in our project.
For example, for selecting KPIs in an urban
plan, the collected data must be related to urban
planning issues and their goals. In addition, data
can be directly collected by the organization or
secondarily outside organizations.
When we indicate data sources, we have to
clarify what methods can be used to collect data
(direct collection, survey, and technologies,
etc.). It is difficult to answer which method is
the best way to collect data because it depends
on the availability and time constraints of an
organization‘s resources. We may combine
different methods for the best result in building
an urban data system for KPIs.
Data Analysis
For the development of KPIs, the Hanoi
urban data has to be identified and organized by
units, periods, items, and sources. It will show
how to analyze the urban data for KPIs and how
available and qualitative the urban data are. The
urban data needs to be organized and analyzed
in terms of their relationship to urban planning
policies at the city and district levels, among
several areas of development from the Hanoi
master plan.
Results and Discussion
The newest construction master plan ―The
Hanoi Capital Construction Master Plan to 2030
and Vision to 2050‖ is considered the largest-
scale plan in Hanoi and gives Hanoi the
opportunity to become a megacity in Asia. The
Hanoi master plan has identified two big targets:
economic development and reduction of
overcrowding in the city center (by planning
satellite cities and promoting the development
of sub-centers). Following that, Hanoi will
achieve urban agglomeration including: the city
center, 3 sub-centers, 5 satellite cities, and 3
There are several studies that mention the
development of KPIs in Hanoi cases with
several ways of approaching the problem
(Dung, 2009; Hai, 2013). However, this study
illustrates the first time the logic model is
utilized to develop KPIs for a large-scale
project, such as the Hanoi master plan.
This section investigates how the logic
model works for building a KPIs system for the
Hanoi master plan, and from that, the possibility
to reach the urban master plan‘s performance.
Accordingly, we identify planning policies to
support the planning goals. Then, the
application of the logic model for developing
KPIs is presented in detail, including: zoning
Hanoi based on the logic model simulation,
KPIs selection, and analysis of the logical
linkage between model‘s components.
Identification of planning policies
To develop a KPIs system, it is necessary to
clarify the goals of the Hanoi master plan.
Indeed, we have to identify the details of the
planning policies, as inputs, from the Hanoi
master plan in the strong relationship with its
general planning goals.
The planning policies of Hanoi master plan
were listed up to support the three general
planning goals. The full list of policies in the
Hanoi master plan are presented in a wide range
of development areas at different levels, so we
need to limit them by priority. While the goals
describe long-term and widespread
improvements in society, outcomes present
Quyen Thi Lan Phuong and Matsushima Kakuya (2018)
intermediate effects of outputs on users. In order
to identify outcomes to move closer to the goals,
the prioritization of selecting policies has to
focus on urban planning issues, goals of the
master plan, and availability of urban data
systems. We identified the list of planning
policies from the Hanoi master plan, as shown
below, with the type of policies consistent with
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd goals, as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
general outcomes, representatively:
1st general outcome: ―Ensuring the
sustainable development of the urban
structure‖ - policies focus on:
- spatial development orientation;
- spatial connection (transportation
- planning and development of strategic
areas (satellite cities and sub-urban centers,
etc.); and
- production (agriculture and industry).
2nd general outcome: ―Exploit the
potential value of geographic
landscapes/knowledge - technology/history,
culture, tradition‖ - policies focus on:
- landscape issues (open space and green
space, etc.); and
- history and culture (conservation and
tourism, etc.).
3rd general outcome: ―Using land
effectively and having a synchronous,
modern, and environment-friendly urban
infrastructure system‖ - policies focus on:
- technical and social infrastructure
planning; and
- environment protection.
Therefore, in this study, our hypothesis
suggested that KPIs must relate to Hanoi master
plan outcomes and policies, the number of KPIs
should be limited in urban planning issue, and
each KPI should be comprehensive and
observable enough to measure the correlative
The KPIs system will be developed by
filling the logic model in inputs, outputs, and
outcomes as shown in the next section.
Zoning Hanoi for simulation of policies’
As shown in Figure 3, the coverage area is
subdivided into 5 regions (within 29 districts)
by district borders for the logic model
simulation, including: R1-Central Region (7
central districts), R2-North Region (3 districts),
R3-West Region (8 districts), R4-South Region
(9 districts), and R5-East Region (2 districts).
This zoning system was based on the Hanoi
expansion and policies of spatial orientation
development from the Hanoi master plan, in
which, Hanoi has expanded mostly in the West,
South-West, and South.
In this section, it raises a question why we
do not use the administrative zoning system of
individual 29 districts? If using narrow district
borders, it is difficult to clarify the effects of
policies during their implementation process.
Thus, we have to cross the district borders to
evaluate the policies‘ effects by wider regions.
Utilizing the Logic model for selecting KPIs
For selection of the KPIs system for the
Hanoi master plan, a logic model was developed
to give an explanation between the resources
and results of the plan. The inputs were the
planning policies that provided support to the
three planning outcomes, and to the urban
planning and development issues related to
Hanoi urban data quality and availability. From
the inputs, activities were undertaken to
transform to outputs and outcomes.
Accordingly, outputs and outcomes were
observed as direct results and benefits for users,
communities, and organizations from those
policies, respectively. Finally, KPIs were
selected as factors to measure outputs and
outcomes, as shown in Table 1.
The KPIs proposed in this study allow for
performance measurements in the main areas from
the Hanoi master plan: spatial development;
transportation development; service and trade
network; housing development; open and green
space; university network; health network and
community healthcare; agriculture; industry; and
Development of a key performance indicators system in urban planning by utilizing the logic model
26 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences
In this study, we have proposed the full
KPIs system for an urban master plan to
measure planning policies. This is in contrast to
the previous studies that imply the current study
has been considered diverse areas of urban
planning and development for a whole city
master plan, and utilized the logic model to
develop KPIs from model‘s components.
Moreover, the model‘s outcomes have to be
selected based on intermediate effects or
benefits from outputs on users, not policy
Analysis of logical linkage between logic
model’s components
In this section, we will show three
illustrations from Table 1 to explain the logical
way to select KPIs from the planning policies in
four different areas: spatial development,
transportation development, health care
development, and industrial development.
In the first case, as shown in Figure 4, if 3
sub-urban centers are developed and 5 satellite
cities are planned, the demographic movement
will happen from the city center to the 3 sub-
urban centers and 5 satellite cities. As a result,
both the population and growth rate in the city
center (R1) will decrease, and the growth rate of
population in sub-urban centers and satellite
cities, regions 2, 3, 4, and 5 (R2, R3, R4, and
R5) will increase at a higher speed at the same
time. Those KPIs are close to the planning
objective of reducing population pressure in the
city center by planning satellite cities. In detail,
the output-KPI (the population in R2, R3, R4,
and R5) is used to measure migration from the
city center to sub-centers and satellite cities; the
outcome-KPI (population in R1) is used to
measure the population growth rate in the city
The second case illustrates positive impacts
of the UMRT system to Hanoi, measured by 5
KPIs. Indeed, the operation of UMRT lines will
attract users, and thus it will increase the
percentage of users using public transport in the
whole city. Further benefits for users include
that the UMRT system will help to increase
traffic safety, as well as decrease traffic
congestion, air pollution, and also growth rate of
population in the city center (by changing
household‘s choices of living). Those outcomes
can be measured by KPIs respectively as shown
in Figure 5. Accordingly, we measure traffic
congestion by travel time, traffic safety by
Figure 3. Zoning by regions
Quyen Thi Lan Phuong and Matsushima Kakuya (2018)
Table 1. KPIs selection by Logic model in the Hanoi master plan
Areas Inputs Outputs Output-KPIs Outcomes Outcome-KPIs
Planning 5 satellite cities and
development of 3 sub-urban
centers around Hanoi center
Increase migration from city center
to satellite cities and sub-centers
Population in R2, R3, R4,
and R5
Decrease growth rate of
population in city center
Population in R1
Development of industry and
aviation services (for Noi Bai
International Airport) in Soc Son
Increase population in Soc Son
and surrounding districts
Population in R2
Increase laborers in industry Number of laborers in industry
Increase laborers in service Number of laborers in service
Development of education,
science, and technology in Hoa
Increase population in Hoa Lac
and surrounding districts
Population in R3
Increase laborers in science
and education
Number of laborers in science
and education
Increase number of students Number of students
Development of small industries
and handicrafts in Xuan Mai
Increase population in Xuan Mai
and surrounding districts
Population in R3 and R4
Increase laborers in industry Number of laborers in industry
Development of cultural history,
ecotourism, and handicrafts in Son
Increase population in Son Tay
and surrounding districts
Population in R3
Increase laborers in industry Number of laborers in industry
Increase tourist visitors Number of times tourist visitors
stay in Hanoi’s hotels
Development of industry,
warehouse, and transport hubs in
Phu Xuyen
Increase population in Phu Xuyen
and surrounding districts
Population in R4
Increase laborers in industry Number of laborers in industry
Development of high-tech
industries, commercial services,
international trade, ecotourism with
Co Loa relics, Van Tri swamp, and
sport center of Hanoi (ASIAD) in
Dong Anh sub-center
Increase population in Dong Anh
sub-center and surrounding
Population in R2
Increase laborers in industry Number of laborers in industry
Increase laborers in service Number of laborers in service
Increase tourist visitors Number of times tourist visitors
stay in Hanoi’s hotels
Development of services, and
clean, high-tech industries
associated with aviation services in
Me Linh sub-center
Increase population in Me Linh
sub-center and surrounding
Population in R2
Increase laborers in industry Number of laborers in industry
Increase laborers in service Number of laborers in service
Development of industries and
high quality services in Gia Lam
sub-center and Long Bien district
Increase population in Gia Lam
sub-center and surrounding
Population in R5
Increase laborers in industry Number of laborers in industry
Increase laborers in service Number of laborers in service
Planning new residential areas in 5
satellite cities and 3 sub-urban
Increase housing floor area Total newly built area of
residential housing in the
Increase housing floor space
Housing floor space ratio
Decrease growth rate of
population in city center
Population in R1
Construction and improvement of
main axes from the city center to
satellite cities and between
satellite cities
Increase travel demand Number of trips per day
between different districts
Decrease traffic congestion Travel time
Development of a key performance indicators system in urban planning by utilizing the logic model
28 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Complete the ring roads IV and V Increase travel demand Number of trips per day
between different districts
Decrease traffic congestion Travel time
Planning the Urban Mass Rapid
Transit (UMRT) system combined
with other public transport systems
to create an efficient and
interconnected network
Increase users of public transport Percentage of
passengers using public
Decrease traffic congestion Travel time
Increase traffic safety Number of fatalities and injuries
per year due to accidents
Decrease air pollution from
Air Quality Indicator (AQI)
Decrease growth rate of
population in city center
Population in R1
Planning the Bus Rapid Transit
(BRT) system
Increase users of public transport Percentage of
passengers using public
Decrease traffic congestion Travel time
Increase traffic safety Number of fatalities and injuries
per year due to accidents
Decrease air pollution due to
Air Quality Indicator (AQI)
Decrease growth rate of
population in city center
Population in R1
Construction of two-level roads Increase travel demand Number of trips per day
between different districts
Decrease traffic congestion Travel time
Increase traffic safety Number of fatalities and injuries
per year due to accidents
Planning network of trade and
service enterprises
Increase productivity in trade and
Gross domestic product
at current prices by
Increase laborers in trade and
service enterprises
Number of laborers in trade and
service enterprises
Planning and managing network of
establishments in private trade and
Increase productivity in trade and
Gross domestic product
at current prices by
Increase laborers in private
trade and services
Number of laborers in private
trade and services
Moving residents from the city
center to new towns in sub-centers
and satellite cities
Increase migration from city center
to sub-centers and satellite cities
Population in R2, R3, R4,
Decrease growth rate of
population in city center
Population in R1
Planning and improving new towns
in districts surrounding city center
and 5 satellite cities
Increase housing floor area Total newly built area of
residential housing in the
Increase housing floor space
Housing floor space ratio
Improvement of green spaces and
city parks: Co Loa, Den Soc, Ho
Tay, Thu Le, Thong Nhat, Yen So,
and Me Tri, etc.
Increase open and green spaces Area for open and green
Increase open space ratio Open space ratio
Quyen Thi Lan Phuong and Matsushima Kakuya (2018)
Building new clusters for
universities in Hoa Lac, Son Tay,
Xuan Mai, Phu Xuyen - Phu Minh,
Chuc Son, and Soc Son
Increase area and space for
colleges and universities
Number of colleges and
Increase number of students Number of students
Decrease growth rate of
population in city center
Population in R1
Construction of new general health
clusters in Hoa Lac, Soc Son, and
Thuong Tin-Phu Xuyen
Increase number of health
Number of health
Increase number of patient
Number of patient beds
Increase number of health
Number of health staffs
Decrease growth rate of
population in city center
Population in R1
Construction of surface water
factories in Hong and Duong
rivers; Improvement of surface
water factory in Da river
Increase fresh water consumption
Average output of water
per day
Increase percentage of
population using fresh water
Percentage of population in
using fresh water
New construction of 4 transformer
stations 500KV, 21 transformer
stations 220KV, and improvement
of 5 transformer stations 220KV
Increase output of electricity Average output of
electricity per day
Increase percentage of
households with access to
Percentage of households with
access to electricity
Establishment of high-tech
agricultural zones
Increase gross domestic product
by agriculture
Gross domestic product
at current prices by
Increase gross output of
agriculture per capita
Gross output of agriculture per
capita (at current prices)
Moving out polluted industrial
zones in the core urban area to
new positions determined in the
Master Plan
Increase gross domestic product
by industry
Gross domestic product
at current prices by
Increase gross output of
industry per capita
Gross output of industry per
capita (at current prices)
Increase laborers in industry Number of laborers in industry
Establishment of 3 industrial
regions (7000 – 8000 ha): the
North, the South, and the West
Increase gross domestic product
by industry
Gross domestic product
at current prices by
Increase gross output of
industry per capita
Gross output of industry per
capita (at current prices)
Increase laborers in industry Number of laborers in industry
Conservation of Hanoi Citadel,
Ancient Quarter, French Quarter,
Thang Long bridge, and Duong
Lam village, etc.
Increase tourism Number of times tourist
visitors stay in Hanoi’s
Increase tourist visitors Number of times tourist visitors
stay in Hanoi’s hotels
Note: a1, b1, a2, and b2, etc.: Numbering of KPIs.
Development of a key performance indicators system in urban planning by utilizing the logic model
30 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Figure 4. Logic model for the policy “Planning satellite cities and development of sub-centers”
Figure 5. Logic model for the policy “Planning UMRT system”
number of fatalities and injuries due to
accidents, air pollution by AQI (Air Quality
Indicator), and population growth rate in the
city center by the population in R1.
The third case, as shown in Figure 6, is
about industrial development. In detail, 3 large
industrial regions will be established in the
North, the West, and the South of Hanoi city,
with 7000 - 8000 ha for each. This strategic
policy was placed in the master plan to promote
industrial development of the new Hanoi, as
well as to provide job opportunities to the
changing population. As a result, the number of
industrial establishments will be increased.
Quyen Thi Lan Phuong and Matsushima Kakuya (2018)
Figure 6. Logic model for policy “Industrial development”
Because there are many types of industrial
production in Hanoi (from small to heavy
industries), we can measure this result by KPI as
the gross domestic product at current prices by
industry. For further results, industrial
productivity as well as labor force in industry
will be increased. Those can be measured by
two outcome-KPIs as the gross output of
industry per capita (at current prices) and the
number of laborers in industry, respectively.
From the above illustrations, we found
that it is significant to make detailed analysis of
the logic model‘s operation, which is less
considered in urban planning issue. From
inputs, activities, as the tasks personnel, have
been undertaken to transform to outputs and
outcomes. To measure direct results of
policies (outputs) and benefits for users,
communities, or organization (outcomes), the
selected KPIs must be specific and relevant to
urban planning issue, measurable by data,
achievable to outcomes, and updated over
time to reflect major changes in the policies
and direction.
Hanoi urban data availability for KPIs
As noted earlier, the urban data system is
crucial to the availability of KPIs. Therefore, we
need an information system to produce data for
estimating KPIs. During the process of selecting
KPIs, it is crucial to establish an urban data
system to measure KPIs by available unit,
available period, concrete data item, and data
source for each type of KPIs.
The urban data belongs to many areas of
development of Hanoi, such as demographic
data (population and employment),
transportation data (road network and personal
trips, etc.), and land use data (production and
resident, etc.), etc. However, there are several
challenges of the current availability and quality
of Hanoi urban data because of management
issues and transparency of the data system.
At the present time, the available data for
cases related to Hanoi can be roughly grouped
into two types: (1) data from statistics, which is
annually collected by HSO; and (2) specific
data, which is collected from other references.
The Hanoi urban data system for KPIs in this
Development of a key performance indicators system in urban planning by utilizing the logic model
32 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences
study was mostly collected from the Hanoi
Statistics Office (HSO, 2016), Ministry of
Construction (MOC, 2009), Person Trip Survey
(PT Survey) (2011), and other sources.
In general, this study has indicated that Hanoi
urban data availability and quality are important
considerations in deciding which KPIs should be
included; clarified data items with available units
and periods intended to be used; and clarified
what source of information potentially can supply
relevant data. Obtaining urban data available and
qualitative in several areas of a city is definitely
not simple. Also, for selecting KPIs, the data is
collected must be related to urban planning issue
and the master plan‘s goals. From those points of
view, it raises questions of can we get the full
available urban data system by units for KPIs in
Hanoi? Can data sources provide qualitative and
quantitative urban data? And can we access the
data source timely? The scope of this study is
limited to the development of a general KPIs
system, so these questions are hopefully
answered in further studies of building urban
data system in the near future.
Conclusions and Recommendations
This study has shown the concrete process
of developing a KPIs system for the Hanoi
master plan by utilization of the logic model,
and by the identification of the relationship
between planning resources and results. The use
of a KPIs system in urban planning is not new,
and generally functions to assist in measuring
the planning process until goals/objectives are
met. However, the utilization of the logic model
to develop a KPIs system is less common in the
urban planning field.
From the illustration of a physical urban
plan, it can be seen that the development of a
KPIs system is essential to provide a basic set of
criteria to evaluate the urban planning process.
Indeed, the KPIs system can be beneficial in
monitoring and evaluating planning projects; in
measuring the results of the urban planning
process and the implementation of policies; and
in supporting decision-making. Furthermore, a
KPIs system is not just used to measure
processes but as a reminder of the scope and
definition of sustainable urbanism. For the
development of a KPIs system in urban
planning, the logic model has been shown to be
a powerful tool in order to identify the logical
linkage from planning goals to outputs and
outcomes, and measure the outputs and
outcomes by suitable KPIs.
Each of the results presented in this study
has been analyzed, but still needs to be further
investigated and answered. For a more precise
KPIs system for the Hanoi master plan, it is
necessary to investigate over a long period, with
more contributions and feedback from both
academic and practical perspectives. Importantly,
the KPIs system is built based on the availability
and quality of the urban data system which can
assist local authorities and stakeholders in
monitoring and evaluating the urban planning
process until achieving the final goals/objectives.
The scope of the study is limited to the
development of an overall KPIs system for an
urban plan, rather than evaluation of those KPIs.
For further research, to achieve the
goals/objectives of the urban plan based on the
logic way, the KPIs system needs to be
calculated and compared to the actual
development. The target value of each policy will
be predicted to reflect the desired policy goals or
objectives, by specific KPIs and available
performance data quality and availability. This
step shows how far the planning goals have been
achieved by checking the deviation,
appropriateness, and completeness between the
actual and expected results.
This study has been made possible through
the support from a number of individuals and
organizations. The authors would like to express
their gratitude to the Professors, doctors, and
staff at Kyoto University and the University of
Transportation and Communication for their
insight and suggestions in the areas of urban
planning and management. We would also
like to thank the Ministry of Construction
(MOC), Hanoi Urban Planning Institute
(HUPI), and Transport Engineering Design Inc.
(TEDI) who provided significant data on
Hanoi urban planning and development.
Quyen Thi Lan Phuong and Matsushima Kakuya (2018)
Table 2. Hanoi urban data availability for KPIs
Types of KPI Available unit Available period Data items Sources
Population By district Every year Average population by district Hanoi population and housing census - HSO
Labor By economic sector Every year Laborers in Hanoi by sector Hanoi labor and employment census - HSO
Percentage of passengers using public
By district Based on programs of
urban development
Percentage of passengers using
public transport
PT survey
Travel time By district Based on programs of
urban development
Travel time simulation PT survey
Fatalities and injuries per year due to
By city Every month and year Report of accident status Traffic accident survey report - National Traffic
Safety Committee
Air Quality Indicator (AQI) By city Every hour Statistics of air pollution of cities
around the world by hours
Observation of air quality by hours - US
Embassy and Centre for Environmental
Monitoring, General Environmental Department,
Number of trips per day between different
By district 2011 Number of trips per day PT survey
Total area of newly built residential housing By city Every year Area of newly built residential
housing in a year
Hanoi population and housing census - HSO
Area for open and green spaces By city Every year Open and green spaces MOC
Housing floor space ratio By city Every year Housing floor space ratio MOC
Open space ratio By city Every year Open space ratio MOC
Number of colleges, universities, and
By city Every year Number of colleges, teachers, and
students in colleges and universities
by management level
General census on civil service - HSO
Number of health establishments, patient
beds, and health staffs
By city Every year Number of health establishments,
patient beds, health staffs, and
contagious diseases
General census on civil service - HSO
Average output of water per day By city Every year Development of urban infrastructure Observation of water output - Fresh Water &
Environmental Sanitation Center, DONRE
Percentage of population using fresh water By city Every year Status of using fresh water Census of population in using fresh water - HSO
Average output of electricity per day By city Every year Output of electricity status Observation of electricity output - EVN Hanoi
Percentage of households with access to
By city and district Every year Status of using electricity Census of population in using electricity - HSO
and EVN Hanoi
Gross domestic product at current prices (by
agriculture, industry, and service)
By economic sector Every year Gross domestic product at current
prices by economic sector
Economic census - HSO
Gross output of industry and agriculture (in
current price) per capita
By city Every year Some main indicators per capita Economic census - HSO
Number of tourist visitors By city Every year Activities of tourism in Hanoi
(annually on 31
Tourism Survey Report - HSO
Notes: By city: data is available from the whole city of Hanoi. By district: data is available by the 29 districts in Hanoi. By economic sector: data is available by each sector. Ex: industrial sector,
agricultural sector, and service sector. MOC: Ministry of Construction. MONRE: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. DONRE: Department of Natural Resources and Environment
EVN Hanoi: Electricity Vietnam Hanoi.
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