This paper describes the development of a
DSS for earthquake warning service in
Vietnam using Web GIS technology. The system consists of two main components: (1) an
on-line database of earthquakes recorded from
the national seismic network of Vietnam, and
(2) a set of tools for rapid seismic hazard assessment. Using an on-line earthquake database, the system allows creating a shake map
caused by a newly recorded earthquake. The
results of the DSS will automatically be included in the earthquake bulletins issued national wide by the Earthquake Information
and Tsunami Warning Center, Institute of Geophysics.
The DSS developed is the means which
help to disseminate the flow of earthquake information to the public in fastest and most efficient way. The DSS has proven to be a useful, descriptive display for rapidly assessing
the scope and extent of shaking and potential
damage following an earthquake. Maps are
made available within several minutes after
earthquake occurrence for public and scientific consumption via World Wide Web. The
capability of the DSS in fast computing/displaying results and issuing earthquake
bulletins in the Internet environment allow not
only considerably reduce the data processing
time, but widely and quickly disseminate information about an earthquake and its impact
to the communities in the affected area. Also,
the DSS can be used to produce Scenario
Earthquake shaking maps, which provide the
basis for pre-earthquake planning and understanding the potential effects of large earthquakes in the future.
Moreover, the advantages of the Web GIS
technology over desktop GIS in developing a
tool for the RARE not only considerably expand the scope of application of the tool itself,
but also lead to a higher level of efficiency in
seismic hazard assessment in Vietnam in future. The application of the on-line DSS in
earthquake warning service can mitigate the
earthquake risk as well as reduce the losses
and damages due to earthquakes in Vietnam.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Development of a Web-GIS based Decision Support System for earthquake warning service in Vietnam, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 193-206, Doi: 10.15625/0866-7187/40/3/12638
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
Development of a Web-GIS based Decision Support
System for earthquake warning service in Vietnam
Nguyen Hong Phuong1, 2, 3*, Nguyen Ta Nam1, Pham The Truyen1, 2
1Institute of Geophysics (VAST), Hanoi, Vietnam
2Graduate University of Science and Technology(VAST), Hanoi, Vietnam
3IRD, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, Unité Mixte Internationale de Modélisation Mathé-
matique et Informatiques des Systèmes Complexes (UMMISCO)32 venue Henri Varagnat, 93143 Bondy
Cedex, France
Received 03 February 2018; Received in revised form 09 April 2018; Accepted 30 May 2018
This paper describes the development of a Decision support system (DSS) for earthquake warning service in
Vietnam using Web GIS technology. The system consists of two main components: (1) an on-line database of earth-
quakes recorded from the national seismic network of Vietnam, and (2) a set of tools for rapid seismic hazard as-
sessment. Using an on-line earthquake database, the system allows creating a shake map caused by a newly recorded
earthquake. In addition, the Web GIS environment allows any user, including non-professional to get useful infor-
mation about a just-occurred event and the possible impact caused by the earthquake shortly after its occurrence. A
fault-source model developed for Vietnam was used as a part of the hazard calculation and mapping procedure. All
information and results obtained from the system are automatically included in the earthquake bulletins, which will
be disseminate national wide afterward by the Vietnam earthquake information and tsunami warning Center.
The shake maps produced by the DSS in terms of both Peak Ground Acceleration and intensity values are rapidly
available via the Web and can be used for emergency response, public information, loss estimation, earthquake plan-
ning, and post-earthquake engineering and scientific analyses. Application of the on-line decision support system in
earthquake warning service can mitigate the earthquake risk and reduce the losses and damages due to earthquakes in
Vietnam in future.
Keywords: Web-GIS; decision support system; earthquake hazard; RARE.
©2018 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction*
Earthquakes cause the damages on the
Earth’s surface. The severity of damage in
terms of casualties and loss of properties
caused by an earthquake in the region near ep-
icenter greatly depends on its focal depth and
*Corresponding author, Email:
magnitude. Despite of the fact that prediction
of earthquake occurrence time is inherently
impossible, the fast detection and early warn-
ing of an earthquake’s parameters can help
considerably to reduce the casualties and loss-
es in the epicenter region.
The Institute of Geophysics (IGP) within
the Vietnam Academy of Science and Tech-
nology (VAST) is operating the national
Nguyen Hong Phuong, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
seismic network and has been given the re-
sponsibility for issuing earthquake infor-
mation throughout the territory of Vietnam
and adjacent sea areas in order to reduce the
impact of this natural disaster. For earthquake
detection, the waveforms recorded from the
seismic stations throughout the country are
displayed on the large screens of the Earth-
quake Information and Tsunami Warning
Center at IGP. Seconds or minutes after oc-
currence of an earthquake, its main parame-
ters such as the occurrence time, coordinates
of epicenter, focal depth and magnitude are
defined both manually and automatically by
specialized software. As the time for saving
lives and properties after earthquakes is
counted in minutes, it is important to reduce
the time of earthquake data processing from
the moment of earthquake detection to the
moment of issuing warning. The most com-
mon information available immediately fol-
lowing damaging earthquakes are traditionally
their magnitude and epicenter location. How-
ever, the damage pattern is not a simple func-
tion of these two parameters alone, and more
detailed information is required to properly
evaluate the situation.
This paper describes the development of a
Decision Support System (DSS) for earthquake
warning service in Vietnam. The two main
functions of the system include Rapid Assess-
ment of Real-time Earthquakes (RARE) and
issuing earthquake bulletins. The DSS aims to
enhance the capability of the national earth-
quake warning service in order to mitigate and
reduce the earthquake risk in the entire territory
of Vietnam and adjacent sea areas.
2. Technology basis
To develop the Decision Support System
for on-line earthquake warning, a Web-GIS
technology has been applied, using the open
source programs and libraries that widely pro-
vided in the internet. The interface of the De-
cision Support System for on-line earthquake
warning (below referred as DSS), which was
designed on the basis of HTML, CSS and the
PHP programming language, was used for in-
teraction between users and a PostgreSQL da-
tabase. The system’s most important GIS
component is displayed in the form of a map
containing three main layers namely the base
map of the study area covering the whole ter-
ritory of Vietnam and the East Vietnam sea;
the seismically active faults systems in the
study area, and epicenters of earthquakes in-
strumentally recorded in the study area.
The DSS’s map layers, created by the
Mapserver, Openlayer and PostGIS applica-
tions, providing a flexible and effective envi-
ronment for users to work with spatial data. In
addition, some other functions have been de-
veloped to enhance the DSS’s security and ef-
ficiency as the user permission or the switch
between Vietnamese and English languages.
All programs are working in the Window en-
vironment to ensure the compatibility and sta-
bility of the system. Working in the Web en-
vironment, the DSS can be used by any user
with access to the internet and with such pop-
ular web browsers as Firefox, Chrome, Knock
Knock, etc.
Figure 1 illustrates the DSS’s user inter-
face as it will be linked to the website of the
Institute of Geophysics (IGP). The upper part
shows logo and address of the Earthquake In-
formation and Tsunami Warning Center, IGP.
The upper right buttons allow users to log in
the system and choose working language. The
tabs in the lower part of the display can be
used for accessing to different components of
the system. From left to right, the names and
contents of the tabs are described below.
(i) The “Homepage” tab contains the intro-
ductory information about the Earthquake In-
formation and Tsunami Warning Center, IGP.
(ii) The “Earthquake Bulletins” allows to
display the bulletins of the most recent earth-
quakes, issued by the Earthquake Information
and Tsunami Warning Center, IGP.
(iii) The “Seismicity map” tab gives ac-
cess to a seismicity map, showing distribution
of epicenters of the most recent earthquakes,
instrumentally recorded in the territory of
Vietnam and adjacent sea areas.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 193-206
(iv) The “Earthquake Database” tab gives
access to a database of the most recent earth-
quakes recorded in in the territory of Vietnam
and adjacent sea areas. The database is regu-
larly updated at the IGP.
(v) The “Earthquake Hazard” tab pro-
vides a toolset for rapid assessment of real-
time earthquakes (RARE), which can be used
for calculating and displaying a shake map
caused by a rea-time earthquake. The hazard
information taken from the shake map then
will be automatically added into the earth-
quake bulletin.
To fulfill earthquake warning task, the
most important role in the DSS play the on-
line earthquake database and the toolset for
rapid assessment of seismic hazard from a re-
al-time earthquake.
Figure 1. User interface of the Decision Support System for on-line earthquake warning
3. On-line database of recent earthquakes
in Vietnam
An on-line database is designed and in-
cluded into the DSS to store the most recent
earthquakes occurred in the territory of
Vietnam and the adjacent sea areas. All of
these events were recorded by the national
and local seismic networks of Vietnam, oper-
ated by the Institute of Geophysics. The pa-
rameters of all recorded earthquakes are in-
formed in the IGP website and in the earth-
quake bulletins issued and disseminated na-
tional wide by IGP in case if the magnitude
Nguyen Hong Phuong, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
exceeds M3.5. The users can access to work
with the on-line database of earthquakes in
Vietnam by clicking on one of the “Seismicity
map” and “Earthquake database” tabs in the
DSS’s interface.
After clicking on the “Seismicity map” tab,
a map showing distribution of epicenters of
the earthquakes, being stored in the on-line
database will appear (Figure 1). On the map,
the epicenter of the last recorded earthquake is
denoted by a big star to distinguish with the
others, which are denoted by the circles. The
sizes of the circles are proportional to the
magnitudes of earthquakes they represent. The
seismicity map gives a visualization of con-
temporary seismic activity in the territory of
Vietnam and adjacent sea area. The users can
click on each epicenter on the map to query
the parameters of the event, such as occur-
rence time, epicenter’s coordinates, the focal
depth, magnitude and the name of the place
where earthquake occurred. The users can al-
so retrieve and display the issued bulletin of
each event. In addition, the tools located at the
lower part of the interface allow searching
earthquakes from the on-line database accord-
ing to such various criteria as magnitude,
depth, year of occurrence and place name.
The sought data, which satisfies the sort crite-
ria, will be displayed on the map.
The “Earthquake database” tab gives ac-
cess to the on-line database of recent earth-
quakes in Vietnam. Here, the users can
browse a catalog of the most recent earth-
quakes and work with the database by several
manipulations such as update, edit, and delete
events (Figure 2). Figure 3 illustrates a tool
for inputting the parameters of a newly rec-
orded earthquake into database. Once the user
has input the earthquake parameters and
clicked “Submit” button, a message will ap-
pear asking the user to confirm the location of
the new earthquake before it will be stored in
the database. As the new earthquake is added
into the catalog, its epicenter will also appear
on the seismicity map (see Figure 1).
Figure 2. Catalog of earthquakes, stored in the on-line database of recent earthquakes in Vietnam
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 193-206
Figure 3. Input window for updating a new earthquake into the on-line database
The most important function of the on-line
earthquakes database is to provide input pa-
rameters for the rapid assessment of a real
time earthquake tool (RARE). The develop-
ment and application of the RARE will be de-
scribed in details in the following paragraphs
of the paper.
4. Development of an on-line tool for sce-
nario based seismic hazard assessment
4.1. Seismic source modeling
The quantitative seismic hazard assessment
is usually based on pre-developed source
models, which simulate the process of energy
release and seismic wave propagation of an
earthquake from source to site. The seismic
hazard models allow to calculate hazard at a
given point and then to construct the hazard
map for the entire study area.
Such seismic hazard models were first de-
veloped and used by Cornell (1968) and
Milne and Davenport (1969). In these models,
it is assumed that the total energy released by
earthquakes radiated from the focus of the
earthquake, and therefore may be called
“point-source models”. The application of the
point-source models would not be accurate in
case of major earthquakes, when total energy
released is distributed along the rupture zone
that could be several tens or hundreds kilome-
ters long or when the site is located very close
to the fault. In general, the rupture length is a
significant parameter in the determination of
seismic hazard, and neglecting its effect
would tend to underestimate the real risk to
large-magnitude earthquakes. To overcome
the disadvantages of point-source models, Der
Kiureghian and Ang (1977) at the same time
with Douglas and Ryall (1977), proposed a
fault-source model, which is based on the as-
sumption that an earthquake originates at the
focus and propagates as an intermittent series
of fault ruptures or slips in the rupture zone of
the Earth’s crust, and that the maximum inten-
sity of ground shaking at a site is determined
by the slip that is closest to the site. However,
the modeling of seismic sources has only be-
come effective with application of GIS tech-
Nguyen Hong Phuong, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
In Vietnam, GIS technology has been ap-
plied in deterministic seismic hazard assess-
ment since beginning of the 21st century. With
assumption that an earthquake originates on a
rupture of an active fault, a fault source model
was developed for Vietnam using a database
of 46 seismically active fault systems in the
territory of Vietnam and adjacent sea area
(Bui Van Duan et al., 2017). The fault sys-
tems are grouped in two ranks, depending on
their depth of active layers and magnitude
thresholds and digitized in a GIS environ-
ment, then linked with their attribute data.
There are two types of fault attribute data
stored in the database. The first type is the de-
scriptive information, including fault name,
fault rank, type of faulting, main direction, to-
tal length, etc. More important attribute type
is the fault parameters, which can be used di-
rectly to the hazard calculation as maximum
moment magnitude, surface and subsurface
rupture sizes, fault plan solutions, etc.
For each fault system, the Wells and Cop-
persmith (1994) empirical relationship be-
tween earthquake magnitude M and rupture
length L has been applied:
Log10(L) = a + b* M (1)
where L is the rupture length (km) and M is
the moment magnitude of the earthquake; a
and b are regression coefficients, determined
for different types of faults and given in
Table 1.
Table 1. Regression coefficients of fault rupture rela-
tionship of Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
Rupture type Fault type a b
Strike slip
Strike slip
4.2. Attenuation models
When an earthquake occurs, the energy ra-
diates from the source will impact the Earth’s
surface in terms of ground shaking. Relation-
ship between the ground motion parameters
Y, the earthquake magnitude M and the focal
distance R, also known as the attenuation
equation, can be express as follows: 𝑌𝑌 = 𝑐𝑐1 exp(𝑐𝑐2𝑀𝑀)𝑅𝑅𝑐𝑐3 (2)
where Y is one of the peak ground motion
values (acceleration, velocity, or displace-
ment), c1, c2 and c3 are spatial dependent con-
stants. In case of a fault source, R indicates
the distance from fault to site.
The establishment of an attenuation equa-
tion to be applied for a study region is im-
portant and usually considered as a separate
stage in the whole seismic hazard assessment
procedure. Vietnam, however, as many other
low-seismicity countries of the World, is al-
ways facing the problem in developing an at-
tenuation law aplicable for the country. Alt-
hough several large earthquakes have oc-
curred within the territory of Vietnam, there
were no strong ground motion data available
for the country untill the year 2000, where the
first strong ground motion record of the coun-
try was obtained from a M5.0 event. Due to
the lack of strong ground motion data of the
strong earthquakes, for a long time no local
attenuation equations have been developed for
There have been attempts to develop atten-
uation equations for Vietnam. Xuyen and
Thanh (1999) proposed an empirical equation
developed from the isoseismal maps, collected
during field investigations of different earth-
quakes in Vietnam. However, the reliability of
this equation is questionable as the field in-
vestigation data does not reflect the direct re-
lationship between earthquake magnitude and
the ground shaking parameters. In 2011, two
groups of authors independently published the
attenuation equations developed for Vietnam
(Minh et al., 2012, Tran and Kiyomiya, 2012).
However, for the first study, the earthquake
data used has been collected within a small
area in North Vietnam and all of them have
medium magnitudes (Minh et al., 2012), while
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 193-206
for the latter, the earthquake data used is
not representative for the territory of
Vietnam (Tran and Kiyomiya, 2012). There-
fore, these two attenuation equations are still
in the process of verification untill now.
4.3. Development of a desktop GIS tool:
The first application of the Vietnam’s fault
source model is called “F-Hazard” with a
function of seismic hazard assessment from a
scenario earthquake assumed to be originated
by a tectonic fault. The software was designed
in the desktop GIS environment, playing role
of a DSS that allows automatic implementa-
tion of various stages in a seismic hazard as-
sessment procedure, such as selection of study
region and active fault, definition of a scenar-
io earthquake, and hazard calculation and
mapping of seismic shaking distribution.
Figure 4 illustrates the calculation proce-
dure of the F-Hazard tool. As it can be seen
from the figure, this is a five steps procedure,
resulting in the ground shaking maps for the
study area. The procedure starts with defini-
tion of a study area. Then follows the selec-
tion of a fault from GIS database, which is ca-
pable of generating an earthquake in the se-
lected area. The fault parameters are used to
describe a source of the scenario earthquake
assumed to be originated on the chosen fault.
Then, a proper attenuation equation is chosen
for computation of seismic hazard of the study
area, according to the given scenario. Two
ground motion parameters are used to express
seismic hazard. The first parameter is Peak
Ground Acceleration (PGA), in units of g, and
the other one is shaking intensity I, character-
izing the strength of shaking on the earth’s
surface, reported on non-instrumental MSK-
64 scale. In results, a shake map of the study
area in terms of PGA and I values is automat-
ically displayed. The relationship between the
values of PGA and intensity I is given in
Table 2. The conversion is not implemented in
the cases, when I is less than level V and I ex-
ceeds level X, for there is no practical mean-
ing in engineering seismology.
Figure 4. A procedure for scenario-based seismic hazard assessment using the Vietnam’s fault-source model
5. Calculation and maping of seismic hazard
2. Select a fault-source
1. Define a study region
4. Define attenuation equation
3. Define a scenario earthquake
Nguyen Hong Phuong, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
Table 2. Relationship between values PGA and shaking
intensity I (MSK-64 scale)
PGA (g) Intensity I
0.015-0.03 V
0.03-0.06 VI
0.06-0.12 VII
0.12-0.24 VIII
0.24-0.49 IX
> 0.49 X
F-Hazard has been verified and validated
through many research studies on seismic
hazard assessment in Vietnam. Nevertheless,
the desktop GIS environment makes the scope
of application of F-Hazard is more or less lim-
ited comparing with an internet environment.
Besides, F-Hazard was designed with more
intention focusing on a seismic hazard as-
sessment tool, but not as an earthquake early
warning tool. All above mentioned disad-
vantages were taken into account in the de-
velopment of a Web GIS based on-line DSS.
4.4. Development of a Web-GIS tool: RARE
Based on the F-Hazard algorithm, an online
tool for rapid assessment of seismic hazard
from real-time earthquakes (RARE) was de-
veloped and integrated into the DSS, using the
Web GIS technology. In this case, the
Vietnam’s fault source model was migrated in
the DSS in terms of a map layer showing dis-
tribution of all seismically active faults systems
in the territory of Vietnam and adjacent sea ar-
ea (Figure 5). With this layer activated, the user
can query all attribute information of each fault
source as well as to manipulate the tool.
Figure 5. Map of seismically active faults systems in the territory of Vietnam and adjacent sea area in the DSS
for on-line earthquake warning
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 193-206
Results of analyzing the GMPEs most suit-
able for the Vietnam’s conditions lead to the
following selection of attenuation models to
be used in RARE:
(i) The Campbell and Bozorgnia (1994) at-
tenuation model.
(ii) The Toro, Abrahamson and Shneider
(1997) attenuation model.
(iii) The Campbell-Bozorgnia (2008) at-
tenuation model.
(iv) The Bore-Atkinson (2008) attenuation
(v) The Chiu-Young (2008) attenuation
All of these attenuation models are devel-
oped for shallow crust earthquakes and most
suitable for the events with moment magni-
tudes ranging from M5.0 to M8.0. The models
3, 4 and 5 were developed recently within the
Next Generation Attenuation of Ground Mo-
tion (NGA08) project lead by the Pacific
Earthquake Engineering Research Center
(PEER, 2008). The advantage of these models
is that they have been developed using the
most complete up to now database of strong-
motion records of all over the world.
It should be noted that although the source
parameters are assigned automatically from
the existing active faults database, the user
can always change these values by more suit-
able ones. For each attenuation model, the in-
put parameters are changeable. To compute
ground shaking, the user can select any period
in a range from T = 0.01s to T = 10s.
5. Application of RARE for early earth-
quake warning in Vietnam
As RARE has the same function of a sce-
nario-based seismic hazard assessment tool as
its prototype, this paper will give an example
of using the RARE in an earthquake warning
procedure. For illustration, the event recorded
on February 26th, 2017 in Nam Tra My,
Quang Nam province is chosen as a scenario
earthquake, with the following parameters de-
(i) Epicenter’s coordinates Longitude =
108.052 E; Latitude = 15.241 N;
(ii) Magnitude: Mw= 3,9;
(iii) Focal depth: H = 10 km.
In order to use the RARE, the user needs to
access to the “Earthquake Hazard” tab. Here,
the whole procedure of scenario earthquake
creation, calculation and display the shake
map caused by the scenario earthquake is im-
plemented by following the steps described
(i) Input the parameters of the scenario
earthquake. The “Choose earthquake scenar-
io” window will allow user to input the pa-
rameters of the scenario earthquake. There are
two options for the user to input the parame-
ters. The first option is to input manually the
parameters into the “Longitude” and “Lati-
tude” textboxes of the window. For the second
option, from the Earthquake catalog shown in
Figure 2, by clicking on “scenario” of the
choosen earthquake in the last column on the
right, the coordinates of the epicenter of sce-
nario earthquake will automatically appear in
the “Choose earthquake scenario” window
(Figure 6).
(ii) Selection of seismic source. In the
“Fault source” drop-down list of the “Choose
earthquake scenario” window, user should opt
to choose one of the following types of seis-
mic source:
A point source can be selected when epi-
center of the scenario earthquake does not
match any fault in the active faults map. In
this case, with assumption that earthquake is
originated by a tectonic fault, an application
called “Building a fault” will be provided to
help user define a fault line crossing the epi-
center of scenario earthquake, with the source
parameters defined by user. Usually parame-
ters of the fault located nearest to the epicen-
ter in the map will be assigned for the newly
built fault source. Rupture orientation is
measured in degrees (0 to 360) clockwise
from North. Rupture length is based on the
default magnitude versus rupture length rela-
tionship (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994) un-
less the user chooses to override it.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 193-206
Figure 6. Defining parameters of a scenario earthquake by RARE tool
A fault source can be selected when epicen-
ter of the scenario earthquake coincides with a
fault source in the active faults map. In this
case, the user needs to activate the layer of ac-
tive faults by click on the “Fault source” check
box on the left side of the map. Then the user
can select a fault to define the source for the
scenario earthquake simply by clicking on that
fault. Usually a fault located nearest to the epi-
center of scenario earthquake is chosen to be
the source. Once selected, the fault source’s
color will be changed to distinguish with the
rest in the map. The user can also select a fault
source from a drop-down list (Figure 7).
For the chosen Nam Tra My scenario, the
source selected is Hung Nhuong - Ta Vi fault,
of which the geometric and geodynamic pa-
rameters were automatically retrieved from
the database of active faults systems (Dinh
Van Toan et al., 2017).
(iii) Selection of the attenuation models. The
“Ground Motion Prediction Equation” drop-down
list in the “Choose earthquake scenario” window
allows the user to select a suitable attenuation
model for the study region (Figure 8). A window
will appear to allow updating suitable parameters
for the chosen model.
Figure 7. Selection of a fault source in RARE
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 193-206
Figure 8. Selection of an attenuation model in RARE
(iv) Calculation and display the shake map
caused by the scenario earthquake. After go-
ing through all above-described steps, the user
can click on the “Calculation” button to finish
the procedure of hazard scenario definition.
The RARE automatically calculates and dis-
plays a shake map caused by the scenario
earthquake for the study region.
Figure 9 shows a shake map calculated for
the chosen Nam Tra My earthquake. The col-
or scale in lower part of the map is applied for
both PGA (in g) and Intensity (MSK-64) val-
ues. The RARE’s spatial analysis tools allow
user to querry the ground shaking at any point
on the map just by a click. The query infor-
mation includes the point’s coordinates and
the corresponding values of PGA and I
(MSK-64) at that point.
Figure 9. A shake map compiled from the real-time Nam Tra My earthquake using the RARE tool
Beside the function of compiling shake
map from a real-time earthquake, some other
functions are integrated in the RARE that
support the earthquake warning procedure in-
- Create a report on the newly occurred
- Send emails to people and organiza-
tions of different responsibility and regis-
tered clients.
Another application that can be developed
within the DSS to support the earthquake
warning process is the estimation of the num-
ber of people, likely be affected by an earth-
quake within 0.5ο (60 km) from the epicentre.
As there is no reliable census data available
for Vietnam at the moment, the test calcula-
tion has been carried out using the shaking
maps created by RARE and version 4 of the
Nguyen Hong Phuong, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
map of gridded population of the Word
(GPW) issued by The A Data Center of
NASA (Center for International Earth Science
Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia
University, 2016).
The final product of the DSS is an earth-
quake bulletin with the information on earth-
quake parameters and its possible impacts in
the area, affected by the earthquake. A part of
the bulletin is illustrated on Figure 10.
Figure 10. A part of an earthquake bulletin created by the DSS, showing the exposure population and the areas im-
pacted by the earthquake
6. Discussions
While having all properties of a tool for
scenario-based seismic hazard assessment, the
RARE appear to be much more advantageous
comparing with F-Hazard thanks to a number
of advances. On the one hand, application of
Web GIS technology allows the use of RARE
on any computer with internet connection and
therefore considerably expands its scope of
application. In addition, the most of attenua-
tion models used in RARE were updated by
recent ground motion prediction equations
(GMPEs). On the other hand, in the RARE’s
algorithm, the input parameters of each earth-
quake scenario are taken directly from a real-
time event, just occurred and recorded by the
seismic network and therefore the results cal-
culated by the RARE can be used for early
warning purpose. The RARE produces grids
of acceleration and intensity amplitudes in re-
al-time display for specific users. The distri-
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 193-206
bution of shaking in an earthquake, whether is
expressed as peak ground acceleration or in-
tensity, provides responding organizations a
significant increment of information beyond
such parameters as magnitude and epicenter.
Real-time ground shaking maps provide an
immediate opportunity to assess the scope of
an event to determine what areas were subject
to the highest risk and probable impacts as
well as those that received only weak motions
and are likely to be undamaged. These maps
will certainly find utility in supporting deci-
sion making regarding mobilization of re-
sources, damage assessment and aid to
To some extent, the shaking maps pro-
duced by the RARE are comparable with
those published on-line by USGS and some
other international organizations (Wald, et al.,
2003, 2006, Marreiros and Carrilho, 2012,
Cauzzi et al., 2014). However, RARE should
be regarded as a work in progress. At the
moment, the system is still unable to generate
the shaking maps derived from instrumental
data due to the sparse distribution of the na-
tional seismic network of Vietnam. In addi-
tion, the automated mechanism to pick input
parameters from on-line earthquake database
for RARE to produce shaking maps will be
the next task in the future.
7. Conclusions
This paper describes the development of a
DSS for earthquake warning service in
Vietnam using Web GIS technology. The sys-
tem consists of two main components: (1) an
on-line database of earthquakes recorded from
the national seismic network of Vietnam, and
(2) a set of tools for rapid seismic hazard as-
sessment. Using an on-line earthquake data-
base, the system allows creating a shake map
caused by a newly recorded earthquake. The
results of the DSS will automatically be in-
cluded in the earthquake bulletins issued na-
tional wide by the Earthquake Information
and Tsunami Warning Center, Institute of Ge-
The DSS developed is the means which
help to disseminate the flow of earthquake in-
formation to the public in fastest and most ef-
ficient way. The DSS has proven to be a use-
ful, descriptive display for rapidly assessing
the scope and extent of shaking and potential
damage following an earthquake. Maps are
made available within several minutes after
earthquake occurrence for public and scien-
tific consumption via World Wide Web. The
capability of the DSS in fast compu-
ting/displaying results and issuing earthquake
bulletins in the Internet environment allow not
only considerably reduce the data processing
time, but widely and quickly disseminate in-
formation about an earthquake and its impact
to the communities in the affected area. Also,
the DSS can be used to produce Scenario
Earthquake shaking maps, which provide the
basis for pre-earthquake planning and under-
standing the potential effects of large earth-
quakes in the future.
Moreover, the advantages of the Web GIS
technology over desktop GIS in developing a
tool for the RARE not only considerably ex-
pand the scope of application of the tool itself,
but also lead to a higher level of efficiency in
seismic hazard assessment in Vietnam in fu-
ture. The application of the on-line DSS in
earthquake warning service can mitigate the
earthquake risk as well as reduce the losses
and damages due to earthquakes in Vietnam.
This research has been supported by a
grant for the basic research project
(No.105.05-2017.10) from National Founda-
tion for Science and Technology Develop-
ment (Nafosted) of Vietnam to Nguyen
Hong Phuong.
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