Present study provided quantitative information in order to evaluate PAH contamination in
sediment of Can Gio coastal wetland. A distinct spatial trend in PAH pollution between was
observed. The mean ∑10PAHs concentration averaged 26±8.7; 8.7±5.4 and 16±9.3 ng/g for
inland, estuarine and coastal zones, respectively. These pollutants tend to be associated mainly
with fine-grained particles. The higher the HPAHs/LPAHs ratio have been found indicating the
prevalence of pyrolytic (fuel combustion) in the region. Considering some concentration ratios
between the different PAHs it was also possible to ascribe to combustion processes the main
source of PAHs. The study area can be classified as not heavily polluted with PAHs since the
PAHs contents were below Vietnamese standard. The observed concentrations needs to be
confirmed by further studies; anyway, the high percentages of carcinogenic PAHs could cause
potential risk to ecosystem.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic sediment from Can gio coastal wetland, Hochiminh city, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Journal of Science and Technology 54 (4B) (2016) 109-115
Hoang Thi Thanh Thuy, Tu Thi Cam Loan*
Hochiminh City University of Natural Resources and Environment, 236B Le Van Sy Street,
Ward 1, Tan Binh District, Hochiminh City
Received: 15 August 2016; Accepted for publication: 10 November 2016
The distribution of fifteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) indicated from
USEPA as priority pollutants was studied in surface sediments (0 - 20 cm) of coastal wetland
area of Can Gio district, Hochiminh City. PAHs were recovered from the sediments by solvent
extraction and then analyzed by means of high performance liquid chromatography system.
Total concentrations of the ∑PAHs in the range 5 – 38 ng/g dw were detected, and a distinct
spatial trend was observed. The contents of Nap, Ace, Flu, Phe and dBA were below detection
limit. Diagnostic ratios such as benzo[a]anthracene/chrysene and fluoranthene/pyrene were
achieved to evaluate the emission sources of PAHs. These ratios indicated an anthopogenic
source (pyrolysis) of PAHs for sediments. Furthermore PAHs were associated mainly with fine
particle sediments. Although the PAHs contents were below Vietnamese standard but potential
risk to ecosystem needs further study since the high percentages of carcinogenic PAHs.
Keywords: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, sediment, coastal wetland, pollution.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are aromatic hydrocarbons with two or more
fused benzene rings with natural as well as anthropogenic sources. Due to their ubiquitous
occurrence, recalcitrance, bioaccumulation potential and carcinogenic activity, the PAHs have
gathered significant environmental concern. Unlike other pollutants already banned or regulated,
PAHs continue to be released into the environment due to widespread formation after fossil fuels
use in many countries including Vietnam. The major sources of PAHs are anthropogenic
activities as incomplete combustion of fossil fuel, leakage during petroleum recovery,
transportation and spills [1]. Due to its hydrophobicity so total concentrations of PAHs ranged
from 52.3 to 1,870.6 ng/g dry weight have been found in marine sediments in China [2]. In
marine sediments collected from North Vietnam, the total of eight PAHs (phenanthrene,
flouranthrene, perylene, benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, pyrene, triphenylene and
benzo[e]pyrene) ranged between 79 - 475 µg/kg dw [3]. In the other study, the only three PAHs
Hoang Thi Thanh Thuy, Tu Thi Cam Loan
have been found (Phenanthrene, Perylene and Pyrene) with the levels from 4.80 to
49.48 µg/kg dw [4].
Can Gio coastal wetland area located in the Saigon - Dongnai system estuary. Coastal
habitats provide ecosystem services essential to people and the environment of Hochiminh City
and surrounding area. Numerous PAHs generating activities take place in this area to be precise,
without control. In the estuarine area of Saigon - Dongnai river system, over 480,000m3
industrial wastewater are discharged daily. In addition, the risks from PAHs released from
atmospheric pollutions, domestic wastewaters and shipping as well as oil spill should be also
taken into account. Thus, a study aimed at the on the current status of PAHs in Can Gio coastal
wetland have been carried out.
2.1. Sampling
500 g of sediment samples for PAHs analyzehave been collected at the low tide period in
August and October 2015. The maximum depth of sediment samples were 20 cm. The sample
container were pre-cleaned with deionized water, acetone and hexane (EPA 610). Thirteen
sampling locations are selected based on monitoring station of Hochiminh City Environmental
Protection Agency (HEPA) and divided into 3 zones: inland, estuarine and coastal area (Figure 1).
Figure 1.The study area and sampling sites.
2.2. Analytical methods
The sediment fraction less than 0.075 mm were separated, centrifuged and kept at -20 °C in
glass bottle until analyze began. 5 g of sediment were ultrasonic extracted with a mixture of
acetone and dichloromethane (80:20 v/v). The solution then loaded through silica gel and
Distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic sediment from Can Gio
aluminum with the ratio 1:1, the washing solution was acetone and dichloromethane. Then, the
solution was evaporation with rotary evaporator and transferred to dimethyl sulfoxide solvent.
Fifteen PAHs including Naphthalene (Nap), Acenaphthylene (Ace), Fluorene (Flu),
Phenanthrene (Phe), Anthracene (Ant), Fluoranthene (Flt), Pyrene (Pyr), Chryrene (Chr),
Benzo(a)anthracene (BaA), Benzo(b)fluoranthene (BbF), Benzo(k)fluoranthene (BkF),
Benzo(e)pyrene (BaP), Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene (dBA), Benzo(g,h,i)perylene (BgP) and
Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene (InP) were determined using High performance liquid chromatography
system UHPLC-UltiMate® 3000, Dionex (USA).
The accuracy of the analytical method was determined using certificate sample SRM
1941b. The LOD values varied between 0.14 and 0.66 µg/kg; with the exceptions of Phe and
Nap (1.8 µg/kg). The analytical results showed that the recovery rate was better than 90 % with
the exception of Flu (73 %) [5].
3.1. PAHs contents in coastal wetland sediment
The concentrations of PAHs in sediment samples of Can Gio coastal wetland were relative
low. Eleven of total fifteen PAHs were detected. The concentrations of Nap, Ace, Flu, Phe and
dBA were below detection limit. The PAHs contents in sediments collected from site BB4 were
also not detected.
The detected PAHs could be divided into 2 groups. Nap, Ace, Flu, Pheand Ant belong to
group of low molecular weight PAHs - LPAHs (e.g., 2 to 3 ring group of PAHs), which are
significant acute toxicity to aquatic organisms. The other 10 higher molecular weight PAHs
(HPAHs), i.e. 4 to 7 ring PAHs (Flt, Pyr, BaA, Chr, BbF, BkF, BaP, BgP, dBA and InP) which
are predominantly pyrolytic PAHs. Generally, HPAHs are higher toxicity than those LPAHs do
not. In addition, several members of the high molecular weight PAHs have been known to be
carcinogenic. Physical and chemical characteristics of PAHs vary with molecular weight. For
instance, PAH resistance to oxidation, reduction, and vapourization increases with increasing
molecular weight, whereas the aqueous solubility of these compounds decreases. As a result,
PAHs differ in their behaviour, distribution in the coastal wetland environment [6].
The contents of LPAHs in the study area were relative low. Only Ant have been detected
but with the low concentrations in comparison with other HPAHs (Figure 2). The Ant’s contents
were similar in inland (0.60 ± 0.17 ng/g dw) and estuarine area (0.57 ± 0.09 ng/g dw) and then
decreased seaward (0.47 ± 0.2 ng/g dw). The reason for that because LPAHs was predominantly
petroleum PAHs. In addition, LPAHs were less recalcitrant against bio and non-biodegradation.
Among LPAHs, Ant had lower solubility 59 µg/L so it may be subject to stronger absorb to
sediment particles [6].
HPAHs are dominant in the Can Gio coastal wetland since PAH resistance to oxidation,
reduction, and vapourization increases with increasing molecular weight, whereas the aqueous
solubility of these compounds decreases (Figure 2).The HPAHs contents showed widely
variations and followed a gradient of Pyr(3.6 ± 1.8 ng/gdw)>BaP (3.0 ± 1.5 ng/gdw)>Flt (2.5 ±
1.8 ng/gdw)>Chr (1.8 ± 0.9 ng/gdw)>BbF (1.5 ± 1.2 ng/gdw)>BkF (0.66 ± 0.5 ng/gdw)~BaA
(0.6 ± 0.6 ng/gdw). The lowest levels of dBA in study area could be explained that among
HPAHs, dBA had highest Logkow (6.86) so it could cause weak sorption ability to sediments
[4]. Similar to LPAHs (Ant), spatial variations of HPAHs showed the maximum HPAHs levels
Hoang Thi Thanh Thuy, Tu Thi Cam Loan
in inland (25 ± 8.4 ng/g dw) and dilution effect in the estuarine area (8.1 ± 5.3 ng/g dw). The
PAHs in the inland area released from anthropogenic activities such as wastewater containing
PAHs. In the estuarine area, the dilution of PAHs have occurred and the PAHs decreased. In the
coast, the PAHs increased again since the contributions of shipping (16 ± 9.2 ng/g dw).
However, together with dilution effect so the PAHs in the coast were lower as compared with
inland area (Figure 2).
Figure 2.The PAHs pattern in sediments of Can Gio coastal wetland.
In comparison with previous studies in North Vietnam, PAHs in Can Gio coastal wetland
showed relative decreased tendence, with the exception of Pyr. Similary, the contents of
∑15PAHs, ∑LPAHs, ∑HPAHs and ∑PAHcars in the studied area were lower than Bohai bay,
Concentrations of 11 individual PAHs were correlated (Pearson, a = 0.01), which is
consistent with PAHs originating from similar sources, and the sources were located in close
proximity to the sampling locations [5, 7]. Otherwise, PAHs shown significant correlation with
fine fractions (<0.075 μm) may be subject to strongly absorption of those to clay minerals.
However, no significant correlation between PAHs and TOC have been found indicating a
insignificant effect of TOCs on PAHs distribution [5].
3.2. Sources of PAHs
Anthropogenic PAHs stem mainly from combustion of fossil fuels and spillage of
petroleum. The sources of PAHs, whether from fuel combustion (pyrolytic) or from crude oil
(petrogenic) contamination, may be identified by ratios of individual PAH compounds based on
peculiarities in PAH composition and distribution pattern as a function of the emission source
[2,8]. Generally, the higher percentage of ∑HPAHs were functional in delineating anthropogenic
sources of PAHs (pyrolysis). In addition, the lower LPAHs was related to the insignificant
contribution of natural sources (petrogenic). Further, the ratio between BaA/(BaA+Chr) and
Flt/(Pyr+Flt) can be also used to distinguish between predominant sources of PAHs between
petroleum hydrocarbons and pyrolysis of fuels [2,9]. The ratio of BaA/(BaA/Chr) can be used to
tribution an
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Figure 3. PAH
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he PAHs
in Fig.4,
kF, BaP,
g to note
Hoang Thi Thanh Thuy, Tu Thi Cam Loan
formed during anthropogenic sources (pyrolysis processes). Thus, the potential negative effects
of PAHs accumulation in sediments of Can Gio coastal wetland could not be negligible and
should be further explored.
Present study provided quantitative information in order to evaluate PAH contamination in
sediment of Can Gio coastal wetland. A distinct spatial trend in PAH pollution between was
observed. The mean ∑10PAHs concentration averaged 26±8.7; 8.7±5.4 and 16±9.3 ng/g for
inland, estuarine and coastal zones, respectively. These pollutants tend to be associated mainly
with fine-grained particles. The higher the HPAHs/LPAHs ratio have been found indicating the
prevalence of pyrolytic (fuel combustion) in the region. Considering some concentration ratios
between the different PAHs it was also possible to ascribe to combustion processes the main
source of PAHs. The study area can be classified as not heavily polluted with PAHs since the
PAHs contents were below Vietnamese standard. The observed concentrations needs to be
confirmed by further studies; anyway, the high percentages of carcinogenic PAHs could cause
potential risk to ecosystem.
Acknowledgment. The authors acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Natural Resources and
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