By the combined application of ultrasound treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis with
Alcalase, chondroitin sulfate (CS) was extracted from chicken keel cartilage with high yields. At
the optimal conditions found for the ultrasound treatment by using Circumscribed Central
Composite design and Modde 5.0 software, the yield of CS was 24.29 % of the absolute dry
weight, and 61.02 % of the total carbohydrate content of the starting material. Thus, the chicken
keel cartilage is a potential source for the extraction of chondroitin sulfate with application in
dietary supplements.
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Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology 56 (4A) (2018) 127-137
Truong Ngoc Thao
, Vu Nguyen To Nhu, Nguyen Thi Nguyen, Dong Thi Anh Dao
Dept. Food Technology, Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology, 268 Ly Thuong Kiet,
10 District, Ho Chi Minh City
Received: 13 July 2018; Accepted for publication: 9 October 2018
Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is a glycosaminoglycan composed of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine
and D-glucuronic acid sulfated at positions 4 or 6. Chondroitin sulfate is used in functional food
for supporting treatment of arthritis. Chicken keel cartilages, a by-product of the poultry
slaughter industry, can be used as a source for CS production. Our study was undertaken to
extract CS from chicken keel cartilages by the combined application of ultrasound treatment and
Alcalase hydrolysis. The variables of the ultrasound treatment process, such as ratio of material
and buffer, pH, temperature, and time were investigated. The optimal conditions were obtained
by the Circumscribed Central Composite design method using the Modde 5.0 software. Optimal
values for this process were found at pH9, ratio of material to buffer 1:9 (wmaterial/vbuffer),
temperature 47.34
C, and time within 9.2 minute. After ultrasound treatment, hydrolysis using
the enzyme Alcalase was performed under the following conditions: ratio enzyme to substrate
4 % (v/w), temperature 55
C, and time 60 minutes. HPLC analysis showed that the powder
product contained 80.45 % CS with an average molecular weight of 159.53 kDa (determined by
GPC). The overall yield of CS was 24.29 % of the absolute dry weight, and 61.02 % of the total
carbohydrate content of the starting material.
Keywords: glycosaminoglycans, chondroitin sulfate, alcalasehydrolysis, chicken keel cartilage,
ultrasound treatment.
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are large linear polysaccharides constructed of repeating
disaccharide units of an amino sugar (either GlcNAc or GalNAc) and an uronic acid (either
glucuronic acid or iduronic acid). GAGs’ primary role is to maintain and support collagen,
elastin and turgidity in the cellular spaces. Based on core disaccharide structures, GAGs are
classified into five groups: chondroitin sulfate (most prevalent GAGs), dermatan sulfate, heparan
sulfate, keratan sulfate, andhyaluronic acid. Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is a polymeric
carbohydrate which comprises a repeating disaccharide motif of glucuronicacid (GlcA) and N-
acetyl-galactosamine (GalNAc), often modified by sulfate groups replacing one, or more, of the
Truong Ngoc Thao, Vu Nguyen To Nhu, Nguyen Thi Nguyen, Dong Thi Anh Dao
OH groups on C4 and C6 of GalNAc6 and C2 and C3 of GlcA [1]. It has been reported to have a
wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries for its anti-
degenerative arthritis, anti-inflammation, antiatherogenic, antitumor and hypolipidemic
capacities [2]. Thus, it is necessary to release the CS from chicken keel cartilage.
Although common sources of CS include bovine tracheal cartilage and shark cartilage, it is
also useful to explore other sources for the CS production. The chicken keel cartilage appears to
be a potential source, because it remains on the frame of the carcass after removal of the chicken
breast fillets, it can be easily collected for the CS isolation [3]. In Viet Nam, agricultural
statistics showed a rapid growth of the poultry meat industry; chicken keel cartilage was
discarded as waste from chicken processing. Therefore, by investigating a combined use of
ultrasound treatment and Alcalase hydrolysis, this study aimed to determine the extraction
method that yields is the most of CS from the chicken keel cartilages.
2.1. Materials
Chicken keel cartilage was provided from Pham Ton Co. Ltd, Go Vap district, Ho Chi Minh
City, stored at -18
C in sealed Polypropylene bags. The chemical compositions of chicken keel
cartilages were determined and shown in Table 1. The content of the basic components similar
to the analysis results of Shin et al. [4].
Table 1. Chemical compositions of chicken keel cartilage.
Compositions Content (%)
Moisture 77.74±1.35
Protein 11.8±0.12
Lipid 0
Ash 1.6 ± 0.27
Total carbohydrate
8.86 ± 0.86
Standard CS from shark cartilage (assay ≥ 90 %, USP standards), 1,9-dimethylmethylen
blue (DMMB) (Sigma-Aldrich, USA), Folin-Ciocalteu (Merck), Acid trichloacetic (TCA),
Na2HPO4.12H2O, KH2PO4, CuSO4 (China), Ethanol 96 % (v/v) (Viet Nam).
Enzyme Alcalase 2,4 L (a bacterialendoprotease of Bacillus licheniformis) were obtained
from Novozymes (USA), stored at 4
C. The unit activity of Alcalase is 2.4AU-A/g.
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Experimental design Pretreatment of chicken keel cartilage by heat treatment
Extraction of chondroitin sulfate from chicken keel
Chicken keel cartilages was pretreated by blanching that affects CS content through two
factors of the blanching temperature and time: surveyed temperature range from 60 to 90
C with
step 5
C and duration time from 2 to 10 minutes [5-9]. The function of the heat treatment is to
inhibit available enzyme activities in material and to remove easily the surrounding tissues
before proceeding to the next stages. Preparation of crude CS from chicken keel cartilage by ultrasound treatment
After removing the surrounding tissues, a sample mass of 50 g chicken keel cartilage was
used for each experiment, washed in NaCl solution 0.9 %, pretreated by blanching in hot water
with survey parameters such as temperature, time and conducted milling to reduce particle size.
After adding in buffer of sodium phosphate solution, carrying out the ultrasound treatment by
ZZLINKER 5L at ultrasonic frequency 40 kHz with power of 90 W, surveyed variables such as:
the ratio of material sample and phosphate buffer from 1:6 to 1:14 (v/v); buffer pH was adjusted
in the range 7÷11; ultrasonic temperature from 30 to 70
C at the time thresholds as follows: 0,
5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes [5 -12]. of CS from chicken keel cartilage by Alcalase hydrolysis
After ultrasound treatment, cartilage was hydrolyzed by Alcalase, withstirring at the rate
120rpm. The hydrolysis variables were investigated with enzyme concentration from 0 to 6 %
(v/wpro), incubation temperature was varied from 40 to 65
C for the time of 0 to100 minutes
[12]. At the end of hydrolysis, enzyme was inactivated at 80
C for 10 minutes, then using
trichloacetic acid 4 % w/v (TCA) to precipitate protein; the samples were filtered by vacuum
filtration method through Whatman filter paper of 45 µm. Then the filtrate was dialyzed by
dialysis tubing cellulose membrane with MWCO14 kDa for 3 hours to remove out impurities
like TCA, amino acids, and minerals. Then the filtered solution was precipitated by ethanol
96 % (v/v), centrifuged to obtain solid CS; continually that was dissolved in water to form CS
solution 5 % (w/v). The powdered CS was obtained by spray drying by the Lab-Plant SD-06AG
laboratory scale spray dryer at 120
C and flow rate 285 mL/h. The chemical composition of CS
was analyzed by HPLC. The molecular weight of CS was determined by GPC.
2.2.2. Analytical method Determination of the physicochemical and chemical characteristics of chicken keel
Moisture content, protein, lipid, and ash were determined by the following methods: ISO
7514:1990; AOAC 2001.11; AOAC 2003.06; TCVN 7142:2002. of CS content by UV-Vis absorption spectrophotometry
The method to determine CS is the use of dimethylmethylene blue developed by Farndal
eet al. [13].
The powdered CS was dissolved in the de-ionized water and determined according to
Farndale et al. method [13]. Using ∆Di4s(∆UA-[1→3]-GalNAc-4s) as a standard; 1,9-DMMB
was used to react with CS. Then using spectrophotometer, immediately measured at wavelength
Truong Ngoc Thao, Vu Nguyen To Nhu, Nguyen Thi Nguyen, Dong Thi Anh Dao
λ = 525 nm (The test tube should be covered with silver paper to avoid directly exposure to
CS content formula:
OD: absorption at wavelength λ = 525 nm; k: dilution factor; V: Volume of liquid sample; m:
weight of kneel sample (g); h: humidity of sample; the values of 2.7322 and 0.3083 are
coefficients of calibration curve equation: y = 2.7322x + 0.3083 with R
= 0.9934. Optimization of ultrasound treatment by Circumscribed Central Composite (CCC)
designs and Modde 5.0 software
Response surface methodology (RSM) with star distance of CCC (Circumscribed Central
Composite) designs and Modde 5.0 software were used to carry out the experiments to optimize
the ultrasonic conditions. The variables were coded according to the following equation:
where xi is the dimensionless coded value, Zi is the actual value of variables, Z0i is the actual
value of variables at the center point, and Zi is the step change value. Analysis of CS content by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
HPLC method was used to seperate, identify and quanlify each component in the mixture,
based on the different affinity between substances with two phases that are always exposed but
not mixed together.Applied condition of determination of CS content by HPLC according with
High Performance Hitachi Liquid Chroma Detector with UV-Vis-5420 detector, with the
Column of InertSustain ODS C18 (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 µm); the wavelength detection is 260 nm;
and using buffer solution pH 4.0 by salt sodium octane sulfonic acid (0.6g/L) + TEA
(triethylamin) (1.5 ppm), it was adjusted to pH 4 with phosphoric acid. Molecular weight analysisof CS by GPC (Gel permeation Chromatography)
GPC method determines the average molecular weight based on the retention time in the
chromatogram. In addition, GPC allows the determination of Number - avarage molecular
weight (Mn), peak molecular weight (Mp) and Z- average molecular weight (Mz). Statistical analysis
The experiments were performed in triplicates. The results were examined by analysis of
variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test (p-value < 0.05) and were presented as means of
two determinations ± SD (standard deviation).
3.1. The effects of heat treatment
Extraction of chondroitin sulfate from chicken keel
The results of Figure 1 showed that the heat treatment of material at 80
C for 4 minutes
obtained the highest CS content, approximately 15.92 %. If the temperature rises, the protein
molecules are dilated and denatured, the tertiary and quaternary structure of the protein can be
transferred to the primary and secondary structureleading to therelease of CS compound from
core protein. On the other hand, heating in the boiling waterforalong time, over 4 minutes leaded
the denaturation of protein, released free CS into blanching watercausedCS lost. Therefore,
blanching at 80
C for 4 minutes was chosen for the next experiments.
a) b)
Figure 1. Effects of heat treatment: temperature (a)and time (b)on CS content.
3.2. The effects of ultrasound treatment
The results in Figure 2 showed that the ultrasound treatment affected the yield of CS. This
can be significantly improved by the use of ultrasound treatment, as the energy generated from
collapsing cavitational bubbles provides greater penetration of the solvent into the cellular
material and improves mass transfer to and from interfaces. Therefore, the ultrasound treatment
conditions would influence the extracted CS content.
The dynamics of extraction was the difference in protein concentration between solid phase
and liquid phase. If a high amount of buffer was added in the sample, it would dilute the
concentration of enzymes in followed hydrolysis. Thus, there was an optimum dilution ratio to
achieve the maximum result. Besides, the temperature of ultrasound treatment affected the vapor
pressure, surface tension, and viscosity of liquid medium. Increased temperature can cause a
decrease in viscosity which allows for a more violent collapse and resultin increasing hydrolysis
efficiency. The increase in ultrasonic time leads to longer cavitation bubbles, so that the cell
structure of chicken keel cartilage was more broken, thus resulting in more extraction of CS.
After treatment with the ultrasonic bath of 40 kHz, there was a significant reduction in the
size of particles and molecular weight of protein fraction. Therefore, the dilution ratio of
material and buffer 1:10, pH 9 of sodium phosphate buffer, temperature 50
C for 10 minutes,
were chosen for the next experiments.
Truong Ngoc Thao, Vu Nguyen To Nhu, Nguyen Thi Nguyen, Dong Thi Anh Dao
a) b)
c) d)
Figure 2. Effects of ultrasound variables: dilution ratio (a), pH (b), temperature (c),
and time (d) to CS content.
3.3. Ultrasound treatment optimization usingCircumscribed Central Compositedesign
Experiments were sought to establish the relationship with four independent variables,
including dilution ratio of raw material and buffer sodium (Z1), pH (Z2), ultrasonic temperature
(Z3) and ultrasonic time (Z4).The levels of each variable were coded as -α, -1, 0, +1, +α (α = 2)
in Table 2.
Table 2. Independent variables and their coded in actual level used in (CCC)design for optimizing.
Factor Unit Symbol
-α -1 0 1 +α
Ratio material and buffer % wmaterial/vbuffer Z1 6 8 10 12 14
pH Z2 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 11
ultrasonic temperature
C Z3 30 40 50 60 70
ultrasonic time Minute Z4 0 5 10 15 20
Basing on the Circumscribed Central Composite design, Ultrasound treatment was carried
out with 31 combinations of four independent variables, as per experimental designs were
presented in Table 3.
Extraction of chondroitin sulfate from chicken keel
Table 3. Actual levels of independence variables along with the observed value (CS content).
Coded Variables Response
Coded Variables Response
x1 x2 x3 x4 Y (%) x1 x2 x3 x4 Y (%)
1 -1 -1 -1 -1 15.8 17 - 2 0 0 0 15.39
2 1 -1 -1 -1 7.39 18 +2 0 0 0 9.62
3 -1 1 -1 -1 14.75 19 0 - 2 0 0 8.35
4 1 1 -1 -1 7.84 20 0 +2 0 0 11.83
5 -1 -1 1 -1 9.11 21 0 0 - 2 0 12.76
6 1 -1 1 -1 7.81 22 0 0 +2 0 9.38
7 -1 1 1 -1 12.1 23 0 0 0 - 2 8.8
8 1 1 1 -1 14.27 24 0 0 0 +2 7.81
9 -1 -1 -1 1 12.83 25 0 0 0 0 19.83
10 1 -1 -1 1 8.65 26 0 0 0 0 19.42
11 -1 1 -1 1 9.71 27 0 0 0 0 18.94
12 1 1 -1 1 10.34 28 0 0 0 0 20.06
13 -1 -1 1 1 8.2 29 0 0 0 0 19.42
14 1 -1 1 1 7.64 30 0 0 0 0 18.64
15 -1 1 1 1 9.51 31 0 0 0 0 20.31
16 1 1 1 1 11.28
Regression model was used to calculate the predicted extracted CS content and compared
with experimental result. High value of coefficient of determination (R
= 0.975; Q
= 0.738)
shows the adequacy of the applied model. The ANOVA analysis also revealed that there was a
non-significant (probability P = 0.061 > 0.05) lack of fit that further validated the model. The
regression equation for the responsible function Y was as follow, with
1 2 3 4, x , ,x x x were coded
1 2 3 4 1 2 1 3
2 2 2 2
1 4 2 3 2 4 3 4 1 2 3 4
(%) 19.513 1.063 0.725 0.531 0.484 0.610 1.054
0.610 0.827 0.268 0.121 1.420 1.887 1.697 2.233
Y x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Predicted CS content (%) (of absolute dry material)can be calculatedby the following equation:
1 2 3 4 1 2
2 2 2
1 3 1 4 2 3 1 3 4
% 124.335 0.769 27.501 0.401 1.094 0.31
0.054 0.06 0.083 0.361 1.887 0.017 0.094
where Z1 = dilution ratio of raw material and buffer, Z2 = pH, Z3 = ultrasonic temperature, Z4 =
ultrasonic time.
The response surfaces were illustrated very homogeneous in the experimental domain
executed (Figure3).
The optimal condition for the ultrasound treatment from the experiment was determined:
the ratio dilution was 1:9, pH 9, the temperature was 47.34
C, and incubation time was 9.2
minutes. For these conditions, the CS content in the prediction model was 19.28 %. This result
was of no significant difference in comparison with the experimented value (19.92 0.1 %, p <
Truong Ngoc Thao, Vu Nguyen To Nhu, Nguyen Thi Nguyen, Dong Thi Anh Dao
0.05), which showed a close relationship between the experimented values and the predicted
values, that indicated the satisfaction of the developed model.
a) b)
c) d)
Figure 3. The interactive effect of pH and ratioof material:buffer (a); ratioof material:
buffer and ultrasonic temperature (b); ultrasonic time and ratio of material:buffer (c);
ultrasonic time and temperature (d) on CS content.
3.4. Effects of hydrolysisconditions
a) b) c)
Figure 4. Effects of hydrolysis condition: E/S content (a), temperature (b) and time (c) to CS content.
The results revealed that the highest CS content was significantly affected by the E/S ratio
(v/wpro) at 4 %.Therefore, the Alcalase content 4 % was used in the next experiments.
Extraction of chondroitin sulfate from chicken keel
If hydrolysis occurs at the high temperature for along time, the enzyme will be denatured or
decreased activity. Besides, the amount of substrates will also decrease, and the interaction of
enzyme and substrate is limited, leading low CS content. Through the results in Figure 4, the
temperature at 55
C of hydrolysis for 60 minutes were chosen to obtain the highest CS content
24.29 % (w/w dry material).
3.5. Physicochemical and chemical characteristics of the obtained CS
The result in Table 4 showed that moisture content 7.4 % is similar to the result of the study
of S.C. Shin [4], protein content 6.05 % is lower, the content of carbohydrate is similar.
Table 4. Composition of researched CS.
Analytical criteria Unit Content Method
Protein % (w/w) 6.05±0.21 AOAC 2001.11
Carbohydrate % (w/w) 79.11±0.35 AOAC 974.06
Lipid % (w/w) 0 AOAC 2003.06
Moisture % (w/w) 7.4±1.42 AOAC 934.01
Ash % (w/w) 7.3±0.12 ISO 7514:1990
By HPLC method, researched CS obtained the purity of 80.45 % (Figure 5) with the
average molecular weight ( w) of 159.53kDa by GPC (Table 5 and Figure 6). The yield of
obtained CS reached 24.29 % of absolute dry material; 61.02 % in comparison with
carbohydrate of dry material. This value is higher than the result of Luo et al.(16.8 %) [5]; and
higher than the result of research by Garnjanagoonchorn et al.(14.08 %) [6].
a) b)
Figure 5. Chromatogram of CS content consisted in CS sample standard (a) and CS preparation (b).
Table 5. Parameters of GPC analysis.
Sample Time (minute) Mw (Da) Mn(Da)
CS standard 7,457 145120 108460
Researched CS 6,941 159530 136290
Truong Ngoc Thao, Vu Nguyen To Nhu, Nguyen Thi Nguyen, Dong Thi Anh Dao
a) b)
Figure 6.Molecular weight of CS standard (a) and researched CS (b).
The result of GPC in Table 5 and Figure 6 showed an average molecular weight of
159.53kDa for the dried CS product, this value is similar the CS standard with Mw value of
By the combined application of ultrasound treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis with
Alcalase, chondroitin sulfate (CS) was extracted from chicken keel cartilage with high yields. At
the optimal conditions found for the ultrasound treatment by using Circumscribed Central
Composite design and Modde 5.0 software, the yield of CS was 24.29 % of the absolute dry
weight, and 61.02 % of the total carbohydrate content of the starting material. Thus, the chicken
keel cartilage is a potential source for the extraction of chondroitin sulfate with application in
dietary supplements.
Acknowledgements. Financial support from Science and Technology Department - Ho Chi Minh City
People's Committee and Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City for this research is
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