Figure 5(a) shows the absorption spectra at the Q band of the C6PcH2 and C6PcH2:PC70BM
composite in solution and solid thin films. It indicated that the width of the Q band was changed by
adding PC70BM and/or DIO processing additive solvent. Figure 5(b) shows the the Davydov splitting at
the Q band or the width of Q band of the C6PcH2 and C6PcH2:PC70BM composite in solution and solid
thin films. We note that the width of the Davydov splitting at Q band of phthalocyanine molecules is
related to the interaction energy between discotic C6PcH2 with different site symmetries. In particular,
the increases in the Davydov splitting at Q band suggest that the molecular interaction of C6PcH2
molecules was reinforced. As shown in Fig. 5(b), the Davydov splitting at Q band increased and
molecular interaction of C6PcH2 molecules was reinforced after removing the solvent. On the other
hand, the Davydov splitting at Q band decreased by adding PC70BM acceptor. Those results suggest that
the dispersion of PC70BM molecules into the C6PcH2 domains was occurred and weakened the molecular
interaction of discotic C6PcH2. However, by adding the DIO processing additive solvent, the Davydov
splitting at Q band increased again. We suggest that the doping DIO processing additive solvent separated
the phase of C6PcH2 donors and PC70BM acceptors, which was in good agreement with the aforementioned
improvement of the BHJ OSCs utilizing the C6PcH2:PC70BM composites thin films [11, 13, 14].
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VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 13-19
Original Article
Fabrication of Organic Solar Cell Utilizing Mixture
of Solution-processable Phthalocyanine and Fullerene
Derivative with Processing Additive Solvent
Quang-Duy Dao *
Faculty of Physics, VNU University of Science, 334 Nguyen Trai,Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Received 08 October 2019
Revised 26 November 2019; Accepted 03 December 2019
Abstract: We demonstrate an efficient bulk heterojunction (BHJ) organic solar cell (OSCs) utilizing
a soluble phthalocyanine derivative, 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-octahexylphthalocyanine (C6PcH2), and
a fullerene derivative, 1-(3-methoxy-carbonyl)-propyl-1-1-phenyl-(6,6)C71 and roles of processing
additive solvent on improvement of the BHJ OSCs. By adding processing additive solvent, filling
factor and short-circuit current density are improved to 0.57 and 8.6 mA/cm2, respectively. As a
result, the power conversion efficiency of 3.6% is achieved. Otherwise, the effects of processing
additive solvent are demonstrated by taking the absorption and photoluminescence spectra of
C6PcH2 and composite thin films into account.
Keywords: Phthalocyanine, organic solar cells, thin film, small molecule, processing additive.
1. Introduction
Organic solar cells (OSCs) utilizing solution-processable small-molecule (SM) donors mixed with
fullerene derivative have considered as an alternative to OSCs based on the conventional conjugated
polymers [1-6]. Comparing with polymer-based donors, SM-based donors expose the dominant
characteristics, such as relatively high charge carrier mobility, well-defined structures without end group
contaminants, and simple synthesis and purification. OSCs based on SM donors in both of conventional
and inverted structures have exhibited the relatively high photovoltaic performance with the power
conversion efficiencies (PCEs) exceeding 10% [1].
Corresponding author.
Email address:
https// 10.25073/2588-1124/vnumap.4402
Q.-D. Dao / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 13-19 14
Discotic liquid crystalline (DLC) materials have been reported as potential SM donors in bulk
heterojunction (BHJ) OSC field [7-9]. DLC materials exhibit the appealing characteristics, such as the
strong optical absorption at visible-light ranges, the large exciton diffusion length, and the relatively
high charge carrier mobility [8]. Furthermore, the high solubility in conventional organic solvents and
the strong self-organizing nature which leads to relatively easy fabrication of high quality thin films
with large areas of mono-domain have made DLC materials more suitable for BHJ OSC application
[10-14]. In this study, we demonstrate the relatively high photovoltaic performance OSCs utilizing non-
peripherally substituted octahexyl phthalocyanine (C6PcH2) (Fig. 1(a)) SM donor mixed with a fullerene
derivative, 1-(3-methoxy-carbonyl)-propyl-1-1-phenyl-(6,6)C71 (PC70BM) and the effects of
processing additive on the device photovoltaic performance.
2. Experimental Procedure
2.1. Sample and device fabrication
BHJ OSCs, which had the device architecture as shown in Fig. 1(b), were prepared under optimized
conditions in accordance with the previous literature [10]. In particular, indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated
glass was patterned by wet-etching method using hydrochloric acid at 40 ºC. The patterned ITO-coated
glasses were then cleaned with detergent, water, chloroform, acetone, and isopropyl alcohol. In
sequence, the ITO substrates were treated with UV-induced ozone to remove the redundant organic
solvents. After that, MoOx films were thermally evaporated onto the patterned-ITO substrates at a rate
of 0.1 Å/s under a vacuum of about 2×10-5 Pa. The thickness of MoOx film was around 6 nm. A solution
containing a mixture of C6PcH2 and PC70BM (2:1) in chloroform at a total solids concentration of 22.35
mg/ml was then spin coated on the top of MoOx layers in a N2-filled glove box. The thickness of C6PcH2
and PC70BM BHJ layer was around 150 nm. To improve the nano-scale phase separation of donor and
acceptor as well the photovoltaic performance of C6PcH2-based devices, various amount of 1,8-
diiodooctane (DIO, as shown in Fig. 1(b)) was added as a processing additive solvent [11]. Finally, 80-
nm-thick aluminum and 3-nm-thick LiF films were thermally deposited at a rate of 3 and 0.1 Å/s under
a vacuum of about 2 × 10-5 Pa, respectively. The device area was 4 mm2.
Figure 1. (a) Chemical structure of materials and (b) device architecture in this study.
C6PcH2 was synthesized in accordance with the literature with slight modifications as following
procedures [8, 15]. In particular, C6PcH2 SM was fully purified by column chromatography (silica gel
with toluene as the eluent) and repeatedly recrystallized from toluene-methanol (3:1) solution. PC70BM
(Frontier carbon Ltd.) and DIO (Sigma Aldrich) was used without further purification.
Q.-D. Dao / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 13-19 15
2.2. Film and device characterization
The current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics were measured using a source measurement unit
(Keithley 2400) under 1-sun condition (using an XES 301 (AM 1.5 G) full spectrum solar simulator
with the irradiation intensity of 100 mW/cm2). The external quantum efficiency (EQE) spectra were
measured using a xenon lamp light passing through a mono-chromator as a light source. The
measurement system was calibrated using Si reference cells. The measured J-V characteristics show
good agreements with the integrated EQE values. While the active-layer thickness was directly
measured using atomic force microscopy (AFM, Keyence VN-8000), the thickness of LiF and MoOx
thin films was measured using thickness sensor, which inserted in vacuum chamber of with thermal
evaporation system. We note that the thickness sensor in this study has been calibrated using AFM. The
absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the C6PcH2:PC70BM BHJ thin films were measured
by spectrophotometry (Shimadzu UV-3150) and fluorescence spectrophotometer (Hitachi F-4500),
3. Results and discussion
Figure 2 shows the normalized absorption spectra of C6PcH2, PC70BM, and C6PcH2:PC70BM
composites in solid thin films, fabricated on glass substrates. The absorption spectra of the C6PcH2 SM
donor exhibited the strong peaks at around 408 and 700 nm, related to allowed B transition and forbidden
Q transition of porphyrinoid complexes, respectively [16, 17]. However, the absorption intensity at
around 500 nm was quite low. By mixing C6PcH2 SM donor with PC70BM acceptor, the absorption
intensity at round 500 nm was improved due to the absorption of PC70BM molecules. As a result, the
absorption of C6PcH2: PC70BM composite thin film covered all visible spectral range.
Figure 2. Absorption spectra of C6PcH2 (filled-rectangles), PC70BM (empty-rectangles), and C6PcH2:PC70BM
composite (filled-circles) thin films.
Figures 3(a) shows the EQE spectra of the BHJ OSCs on glass substrates utilizing C6PcH2 SM donor
mixed with PC70BM acceptor with various amount of DIO processing additive solvent. The devices
utilizing C6PcH2:PC70BM composite thin films without DIO processing additive solvent exhibited
broad EQE curves throughout the visible region, with the three predominated peaks at around 700, 400
and 500 nm. The shape of EQE curve was good agreement with the aforementioned absorption spectra
Q.-D. Dao / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 13-19 16
of the C6PcH2:PC70BM composite thin films. However, the EQE was relatively poor with the intensity
of 8% at 700 nm due to the poor nano-scale donor-acceptor separation in the composite thin films [11].
By adding DIO processing additive solvent, the EQE of the OSC utilizing C6PcH2:PC70BM composite
thin film was markedly improved. Particularly, the EQE intensity at 730 nm was improved to 43% by
adding 0.2 %v/v of DIO processing additive solvent. We suggested that by adding the processing
additive solvent, the nano-scale donor-acceptor phase separation of the C6PcH2:PC70BM composite thin
film was improved, which caused the improvement in the device photovoltaic performance. However, the
EQE intensity of the fabricated devices was reduced by adding 0.3 %v/v of DIO processing additive solvent.
Figure 3(b) shows the J-V characteristics of BHJ OSCs on glass substrates utilizing C6PcH2 SM
donors mixed with PC70BM acceptors with various amount of the DIO processing additive solvent,
under AM 1.5 G illumination at an intensity of 100 mW/cm2. The all device data are summarized in
Table 1. The devices based the C6PcH2 SM donor without the DIO processing additive solvent exhibited
the relatively poor J-V characteristics with the short-circuit current density (Jsc) of 1.6 mA/cm2 and the
open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.81 V. With the filling factor (FF) of 0.27, the PCEs of 0.4 % were
achieved. By using DIO processing additive solvent, the photovoltaic performance of the BHJ OSC was
markedly improved. In particular, the Jsc and FF of the fabricated devices were improved to 8.6 mA/cm2
and 0.57, respectively. As a result, the PCE of 3.6% was achieved. Although the PCE of BHJ OSC
utilizing C6PcH2 mixed with PC70BM was still relatively low comparing with those of BHJ OSC
utilizing benzodithiophene SM due to the low highest occupied molecular orbital energy levels of
C6PcH2 SM and/or the simple architecture of cell in this study, those results indicated that C6PcH2 SM
could be a potential donor in BHJ OSC [1]. On the other hand, the PCE of the fabricated devices was
reduced to 1.8 % when 0.3 %v/v DIO was added to the mixture of C6PcH2:PC70BM solution. Those
results were quite good agreement with the aforementioned EQE spectra of the device utilizing the
C6PcH2:PC70BM composite thin films.
The PL spectra of C6PcH2 and C6PcH2:PC70BM thin films fabricated on glass substrates with
various DIO processing-additive solvent are shown in Fig. 4. The PL spectra of C6PcH2 thin films had
a shoulder at around 820 nm and a strong peak at 766 nm, related to the Q-band of the C6PcH2 absorption
spectra. The PL intensity of the C6PcH2 SM donors was markedly suppressed by adding the PC70BM
acceptors. Those results indicated that the photo-induced electrons transfer from the excited state of
C6PcH2 to PC70BM [18-20]. However, the PL intensity of C6PcH2:PC70BM thin films was increased by
adding DIO processing-additive solvent. The increases in the PL intensity indicated that the interfacial
areas between the donor and acceptor were enlarged or the nano-scale donor-acceptor phase separation
was improved by adding DIO processing additive solvent, which was in good agreement with the
aforementioned increases in the Jsc and PCE of the fabricated devices [11, 13, 14].
Table 1. OSCs utilizing C6PcH2: PC70BM BHJ thin film with various amounts of DIO processing additive solvent
Amount of
DIO (%v/v)
Voc (V) Jsc
FF (%) PCE (%)
0 0.81 1.6 0.27 0.4
0.1 0.77 7.0 0.38 2.1
0.2 0.74 8.6 0.57 3.6
0.25 0.73 8.3 0.53 3.2
0.3 0.74 5.5 0.44 1.8
Q.-D. Dao / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 13-19 17
Figure 3. (a) EQE spectra and (b) J-V characteristics of OSCs utilizing C6PcH2:PC70BM BHJ thin film with
various amounts of DIO processing additive solvent: 0 (rectangles), 0.1 (circles), 0.2 (up-triangles),
0.25 (down-triangles), and 3 (stars) %v/v.
Figure 4. PL spectra of C6PcH2 (rectangles) and C6PcH2:PC70BM BHJ thin film with various amounts of DIO
processing additive solvent: 0 (circles), 0.25 (stars), and 3 (up-triangles) %v/v.
Figure 5(a) shows the absorption spectra at the Q band of the C6PcH2 and C6PcH2:PC70BM
composite in solution and solid thin films. It indicated that the width of the Q band was changed by
adding PC70BM and/or DIO processing additive solvent. Figure 5(b) shows the the Davydov splitting at
the Q band or the width of Q band of the C6PcH2 and C6PcH2:PC70BM composite in solution and solid
thin films. We note that the width of the Davydov splitting at Q band of phthalocyanine molecules is
related to the interaction energy between discotic C6PcH2 with different site symmetries. In particular,
the increases in the Davydov splitting at Q band suggest that the molecular interaction of C6PcH2
molecules was reinforced. As shown in Fig. 5(b), the Davydov splitting at Q band increased and
molecular interaction of C6PcH2 molecules was reinforced after removing the solvent. On the other
hand, the Davydov splitting at Q band decreased by adding PC70BM acceptor. Those results suggest that
the dispersion of PC70BM molecules into the C6PcH2 domains was occurred and weakened the molecular
interaction of discotic C6PcH2. However, by adding the DIO processing additive solvent, the Davydov
splitting at Q band increased again. We suggest that the doping DIO processing additive solvent separated
the phase of C6PcH2 donors and PC70BM acceptors, which was in good agreement with the aforementioned
improvement of the BHJ OSCs utilizing the C6PcH2:PC70BM composites thin films [11, 13, 14].
Q.-D. Dao / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 13-19 18
Figure 5. (a) Absorption spectra C6PcH2 in chloroform solution (empty-rectangles) and solid thin films (filled-
circles) and absorption spectra of C6PcH2:PC70BM BHJ thin film with various amounts of DIO processing
additive solvent: 0 (filled-rectangles) and 2 (up-triangles) %v/v and (b) dependence of size of the Davydov
splitting of C6PcH2 and C6PcH2:PC70BM BHJ thin film.
4. Conclusions
In summary, an efficient BHJ OSC in ITO/MoOx/C6PcH2:PC70BM /Al structure was fabricated with
the relatively high photovoltaic performance. Furthermore, the roles of the DIO processing additive
solvent on the photovoltaic performance of BHJ OSCs utilizing C6PcH2: PC70BM composite thin films
was taken into account. Particularly, by adding 0.2 %v/v of DIO processing additive solvent, the nano-
scale donor-acceptor phase separation was improved and the EQE at the Q band of BHJ OSC utilizing
C6PcH2:PC70BM composite thin films increased from 8 to 43%. Hence, the Jsc and FF were markedly
improved to 8.6 mA/cm2 and 0.57, respectively. Finally, the PCE of 3.6% was achieved.
This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development
(NAFOSTED) under grant number 103.02-2018.320. Author also thanks Prof. Akihiko Fujii (Osaka
University), Prof. Masanori Ozaki (Osaka University), and Dr. Yo Shimizu (National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) for material and equipment supports.
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