The Dong Pao deposit is rich in light rare
earth elements such as La, Ce, Pr and Nd,
their total concentration approximates 10
wt.% in the weathered zone.
The mass contents of uranium and thorium
in the studied REE deposit are comparable
reaching about 0.01 wt.% and 0.001 wt.% in
the upper weathered and lower limestone and
dolomite zones respectively.
The pattern of U, Th and REE in the ore
bodies occurring in the weathered zone is similar to that in the lower zone, but in the weathered zone the contents of these elements are
higher by a few orders of magnitude in comparison with the lower dolomite and limestone
The LREE/HREE ratio suggests that the
mineralization processes in the Dong Pao deposit could be described as follow: the REE,
uranium and thorium elements firstly came
from the Mantle together with the Dong Pao
alkali syenite and porphyritic syenite; next,
the ores were precipitated from hydrothermal
fluids and finally enriched by the surface
weathering processes.
The radium and uranium concentration in
the surface and natural tap waters are a consequence of the leaching processes of the elements from the weathered rocks and can be a
geological indicator in the prospecting of deposits rich in the natural radionuclides.
This work was partly funded by the Bilateral Project between HUMG and AGH-UST
Kraków, Poland No. 01/2012/HD-HTQTSP
and AGH-UST Foundation Projects No,
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Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 14-26, DOI: 10.15625/0866-7187/39/1/9181
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
General characteristics of rare earth and radioactive
elements in Dong Pao deposit, Lai Chau, Vietnam
Nguyen Dinh Chau1*, Pieczonka Jadwiga1, Piestrzyński Adam1, Duong Van Hao3,
Le Khanh Phon3, Jodłowski Paweł2
1Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Tech-
nology (AGH UST), al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
2Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH
UST), al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
3Faculty of Oil and Gas, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (HUMG)
Received 08 December 2016. Accepted 2 February 2017
One of the important rare earth deposits is the Dong Pao localized in Lai Chau province, West-North of Vietnam.
Generally, the deposit is composed of two parts, the lower and the upper. The lower part is composed of dolomite,
limestone and intrusive rocks, while the upper part of the profile is represented by a weathered zone containing soil
and fragments of mixed barite-fluorite ores. The concentrations of natural radionuclides, chemical compositions of
ores, including rare earth elements (REE) in solid samples, were determined by gamma spectrometer equipped with a
HPGe detector, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICPMS) and activation method,
respectively. In the samples taken from the ore bodies within the weathered zone the REE concentration is about 10
wt.% and both 238U and 232Th amount to 0.01 wt.%, while in the samples from the hard part of ore the REE and 238U
as well as 232Th contents amount only to 0.3 wt.% and 0.001 wt.%, respectively. So the enrichment of the REE and
natural radioactive elements in the deposit is a consequence of the weathering processes. The water samples were
taken from the streams, natural tap and thermal water intakes localized in the studied deposit and surrounding region.
The 238U, 234U, 228Ra, 226Ra concentrations in the water samples were prepared by the adequate radiochemical proce-
dures and measured using an alpha spectrometer coupled with silicon semiconductor detector and / liquid scintilla-
tion counter. In the stream water, the concentrations of both 226Ra and 228Ra vary from 100 to above 300 mBq/L,
while in the natural tap and thermal waters they amount to tens mBq/L. The concentration of 238U, 234U in the thermal
water is 80 and 110 mBq/L respectively, while in the surface water concentrations of uranium isotopes are below 30
Keywords: REE, natural radionuclides, weathering zone, enrichment, surface and thermal waters, Dong Pao de-
posit, Lai Chau Vietnam.
©2017 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction1
The rare earth elements (REE) play an
*Corresponding author, Email:
increasingly important role in the world econ-
omy. REE are implicated in many technolo-
gies associated with energy, electronic, nano-
materials, hybrid car components and others.
Due to the production of spare parts of hybrid
Nguyen Dinh Chau, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
cars, wind turbines, battery alloys, magnets,
aerospace, the future demand for REE is ex-
pected to increase to above 25 times in com-
parison with the current needs (Hoatson et al.
2011, Curtis 2011, Damascena et al., 2015).
What is more in some countries the REE are
even treated as economically and politically
strategic commodities (Damascena et al.,
Vietnam is a country located in the Indo-
china Peninsula with the marine coastline ex-
tending over more than 1500 km making
beach sands a resource of great REE potential
(Hou 2005). Apart from that there are two
very rich REE deposits in Vietnam, i.e. Nam
Xe and Dong Pao. Both are located in Lai
Chau province, Northwest Vietnam (Kušnir
2010; Pham Ngoc Can et al. 2011). These de-
posits were discovered in the middle of the
XX Century and are continuously investigated
(Fromaget 1941; Fromaget & Saurin 1952;
Dovzikov et al., 1965; Le Thac Xinh et al.,
1988; Tran Trong Hoa et al., 2010; Pham
Ngoc Can et al., 2011), but up to date some
problems e.g. 3-4D models still require further
In the scope of the Bilateral Collaborative
Project between Hanoi University of Mining
and Geology (HUMG) and AGH University
of Science and Technology (AGH UST) Kra-
ków, Poland No. 01/2012/HD-HTQTSP, on
November 2015 the AGH UST delegation vis-
ited Dong Pao REE deposit and performed a
geological survey to collect ore samples from
both the upper weathered zone and the lower -
drill core hard rocks from limestone and do-
lomite sections, and water samples from
streams, natural tap waters and thermal spring
in the deposit area and its surrounding. The
aim of this work is to determine the chemical,
rare earth and radioactive element concentra-
tions in the solid samples. The obtained re-
sults together with the archival data serve as
background to qualify the characteristic pa-
rameters of the REE deposit in question.
Water samples were collected and ana-
lyzed to characterize the impact of the ores on
the local environment, which are responsible
for transportation of radioactive elements.
2. Geological setting
The Dong Pao Rare Earth deposit is situat-
ed in the Northwest Vietnam, within the
geographic coordinates of 10332’37’’-
10333’46’’E and 2218’84’’- 2219’13’’N,
occupying an area of about 120 km2 (Le
Khanh Phon et al., 2015). From the tectonic
point of view this deposit belongs to the Son
La-Lai Chau zone bounded in the east by the
Red River fault and in the west by the Ma
River suture zone (Figure 1). Within the Ma
River suture zone there are a few intrusive
units such as the Fan Si Pan Massif, Posen
batholith and Muong Hum granite. The
Fan Si Pan Massif is composed of
granites and metagranites separated by
narrow intercalations of Neoproterozoic
metasediments, mainly mica schists and mar-
bles. In this massif, the youngest igneous unit
is the Yensun granite of Paleogene age
(Żelaźniewicz et al., 2013). The Precambrian
Posen batholith is characterized by the varia-
bility in composition of mafic veins. This unit
contains also migmatic patches and gneisses
(Żelaźniewicz et al., 2013). The Muong Hum
unit is characterized by the fine-grained alkali
granite and syenite. This suit is poor in Sr, P,
Ti, Ba, Ca but rich in Rb, Zr, Hf including
REE up to 780 ppm. Based on geochemical
characteristics, Żelaźniewicz and co-workers
(2013) suggested that the Muong Hum granite
was associated with either continental rifts or
mantle plumes.
In the investigated deposit there is the
Dong Pao syenite, this formation occupies an
area of 8.9 km2 trending NW-SE with length
up to 5.5 km. The alkali syenite, porphyritic
syenite are the main rocks of the Dong Pao
granite, in which the orthoclase (63-92%),
plagioclase (5-15%), quartz (2-20%), biotite,
(2-6%) and pyroxene (0-8%) are the major
minerals, and zircon, apatite and leucite are
the minor ones.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 14-26
Figure 1. Geological sketch of Dong Pao Rare Earth Deposit on the background of the tectonic sketch of the Indo-
china block (part of the North-West Vietnam)
Nguyen Dinh Chau, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
A sedimentary sequence in the Dong Pao
area is composed of Devonian siltstone-
mudstone formation, Permian limestones, and
bauxites, and iron-bearing formations covered
conformably by Early and Middle Triassic fi-
ne grained grey limestone. These rocks are
overlain by the Late Triassic conglomerates
and sandstones and in some places with Cre-
taceous red beds (Tran Van Tri, 2011;
Żelaźniewicz et al., 2013; Faure et al., 2014;
Halpin et al., 2015). According to Nguyen
Tien Du et al., 2011, there are 17 ore bodies in
the studied area. The thickness of the ore bod-
ies varies from tens to above 500 m and
length of separate ore bodies vary from 300 to
1000 m. Subcrops of the ore bodies were
sampled. The weathered zone is composed of
altered fragments of barite-fluorite ores ce-
mented with REE carbonates mixed with clay
and Fe- Mn hydroxides. In the area, there are
many streams flowing along the region relief,
the main streams being Nam Hon and Nam
Nu. The Nam Hon in the West flows along the
trend of rock formations, and in the North,
there is the Nam Nu stream crossing near per-
pendicularly the barite and fluorite bodies in
the region. At some places, there are karstic
caves, especially there where carbonate for-
mations occur. In the area, the water is re-
charged from the surface reservoirs and is
used by people for daily life and agriculture.
3. Sampling and analytical methods
3.1. Sampling
After the Conference on the Earth Sciences
held at HUMG on November 2015, the AGH-
UST group made a geological reconnaissance
and collected some ore samples P1, P2 in the
weathered upper surface soil (Figure 2) and
fragments of drill cores KF-133, LK-122 (Fig-
ure 3) following the information by geologists
working in place. The samples were collected
and analyzed to compare results with the exist-
ing data of the ore bodies numbered as follows:
F4, F7, F9, F10, F14, F16, F17.
The water samples were collected from the
Nam Hon (F4), Nam Nu streams (P1), from
the thermal spring located 200 m Southeast
from the deposit (TM) and from the artificial
concrete container built at the geological of-
fice (F9). The tap water in the container is re-
charged from rain water flowing from the
mountain and lead by the bamboo pipes and
finally reaches to the cement container; in the
paper, this water is defined as natural tap wa-
ter. All the collected samples were shipped
and analyzed at AGH-UST laboratories.
Figure 2. The samples collected from the weathered (upper) zone
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 14-26
3.2. Analytical methods
To determine the chemical and REE com-
position, the solid samples were sent to Bu-
reau Veritas Mineral Laboratories in Vancou-
ver Canada, which possesses the Certificate of
Analysis No KRA15000229.1. At the Veritas
Mineral Laboratories, the chemical composi-
tion of the solid samples is analyzed by laser
ablation with induced plasma coupled with the
mass spectrometer (LA ICP MS), the REE are
analyzed using instrumental neutron activa-
tion method (INAA). The LA ICP MS con-
sists in the generation of the fine particles by a
laser beam focused on the sample surface, the
process known as Laser Ablation. Then the
ablated particles are transported to the sec-
ondary excitation source of the ICP-MS in-
strument for digestion and ionization. The ex-
cited ions in the plasma torch are subsequent-
ly introduced to a mass spectrometer detector
for elemental analysis. The LA ICP MS in-
strument uses the laser wavelength of 193 nm
with 14 J/cm2 of the power energy density for
ablation, in ICP MS the power of 1350W for
RF generation, the 14 L/min and 0.9 L/min
argon gas for plasma torch and auxiliary re-
spectively (Liu et al., 2008). The ICP-MS is
calibrated using the NIST standard samples of
well known chemical composition. The back-
ground of the instrumental neutron activation
method can be briefly described as follows: an
analyzed sample is subjected to a thermal neu-
tron flux and radioactive nuclides are pro-
duced. As these radioactive nuclides decay,
they emit gamma rays of characteristic ener-
gies for each nuclide. Comparison of the in-
tensity of these gamma rays with those emit-
ted by a standard, one can estimate quantita-
tively the concentrations of the various nu-
The sample for gamma measurement was
ground until the grains were less than 2 mm in
diameter, then it was dried in an oven at
120C for 24 hours to ensure that moisture
was completely removed, then weighted accu-
rately and packed in the aluminum cylindrical
Marinelli beaker of 720 ml capacity and
sealed to prevent escape of radon. The sealed
samples were left for at least 22 days to reach
secular equilibrium between the 222Rn and 226Ra. The activity concentrations of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th were determined using the
gamma-ray spectrometer coupled with HPGe
detector of the relative efficiency of 42% and
resolution of 1.9 keV for 1332 keV line and
calibrated using the IAEA reference materials
RGU, RGTH, RGK as standard samples. The
Figure 3. The core samples
Nguyen Dinh Chau, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
gamma lines 609.3 keV (46.1%), 1120.3 keV
(15.0%) and 1764.5 keV (15.9%) from 214Bi
were used to determine the activity concentra-
tion of 226Ra, while that of 232Th were deter-
mined from the gamma lines of 911.2 keV
(29.0%) from 228Ac and 583.0 keV (30.9%)
and 2614.4 keV (35.8%) from 208Tl. For 40K,
its activity concentration was determined from
its 1461 keV gamma line Jodłowski and
Kalita (2010).
The chemical composition of the water
samples was analyzed using an ICP-AES
PerkinElmer Optima 7300 DV spectrometer.
The principal of the ICP-AES is similar to the
LA ICP MS, but in the ICP-AES the laser ab-
lation is not needed and instead of the atomic
mass measurements, the wavelength of the
atomic spectral lines is measured. The condi-
tion parameters of ICP of both instruments
ICP-AES and LA ICP MS are similar. The
ICP-AES is calibrated with a multi-element
standard solution of the Merckcompany.
The uranium isotopes in the water samples
were precipitated together with the manganese
oxide, then the obtained sample was dissolved
in HCl 9M and transmit through the Dowex
resin exchange column. The uranium ions
were rinsed from the resin column by adding
the HCl 0.1M and again precipitated using the
neodymium chloride. The precipitate was
placed onto the plastic filter of 0.1 m porosi-
ty and measured using an alpha spectrometer
coupled with silicon PIPs detector. To control
the chemical yield and determine the 238U and
234U concentrations, the trace quality amount
of 232U solution was added into the studied
water sample at the beginning of the chemical
procedure (Nguyen et al., 2010).
The radium isotopes were precipitated
from the water sample together with barium
as the sulfate compound, then the obtained
precipitate was cleared up from the other
messing isotopes by dissolution it in the
EDTA solution. The radium was again precip-
itated though decreasing pH sample to 4.5 by
adding the acetic acid. The precipitate was
washed using distilled water and centrifugal
machine, then placed into the special glass vi-
al of 22 mL and mixed with the gel scintilla-
tion cocktail of 12 ml. The sample was meas-
ured using the Wallac 1414 / Liquid Scin-
tillation counter (Nguyen et al., 1998). The
quality of the used methods was tested by
comparing many measurements done by sev-
eral international organizations.
4. Results and discussions
Table 1 summarizes the measured oxides
of the main metals and some trace elements
for the collected solid samples. Table 2 pre-
sents the ranges and average concentrations of
some oxides of the selected ore bodies report-
ed by Nguyen Tien Du et al., 2011. Compar-
ing the data in both Table 1 and Table 2, we
can see that the data presented by this work
are contained in the ranges of the data given
by Nguyen Tien Du et al., 2011, but all the
values of the oxides analyzed by us are com-
parable with the minimum values in the rang-
es of the adequate oxides. The calcium, sili-
con, and iron are principal components of the
carbonate rocks. Based on the data of this
work, the analyzed oxides in the borehole
cores and weathered zone (soil) in the forms
of vertical bars are presented in the Figure 4a,
4b, and 4c. The Ca, Mg, Fe and alkali metals
(Na, K, Cs) are very vulnerable to weathering
processes resulting their concentrations in soil
are far lower than that in hard rock by several
times, while Mn, Ti, Sc, Co, and Be are very
resistant and enriched to several folds in the
weathered zone. According to Rösler and
Lange (1972), the weathering degree can be
appreciated using the weathering index de-
fined by the formula:
The oxides in formula (1) are expressed in
mole units, and the weathering index for stud-
ied samples is equal to 0.187, 0.076, 0.731
and 0.700 for P1, P2, LK122 and KF-133 re-
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 14-26
Table 1. Analyzed concentrations of the metal oxides and trace elements in the collected samples
sample SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO Cr2O3 Ni Sc Ba Be Co Cs % % % % % % % % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
P1 6.76 0.16 0.98 0.01 14.58 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.23 0.71 0.012 20 4 50000 2 2.2 0.1
P2 8.23 0.23 1.94 0.01 6.27 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.39 1.13 0.011 20 3 50000 2 4.5 0.1
KF-133 1.66 0.81 2.75 0.31 49.41 0.01 0.32 0.03 0.01 0.17 0.002 20 1 50000 1 1 0.7
LK-122 2.37 0.07 1.99 0.16 51.52 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.85 0.16 0.002 20 1 16778 1 1 0.1
Table 2. Ranges and average values of concentrations of the metal oxides (%) in the ore bodies (Nguyen Tien Du et
al., 2011)
Ore body SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 P2O5 CaO TiO2 PbO ZnO
F4 5.34-52.8
F7 7.08-70.30
F9 2.02-58.53
F10 1.92-62.22
F14 5.88-42.62
F16 1.29-44.91
F17 20.95-59.06
In Vietnam, there is the tropical climate,
and in the region the intensive vegetable farm-
ing resulting in the surface water being rich on
CO2, ammonium and the occurrence of a lot
of deep fractures in the rocks. The alkaline el-
ements are leached from the rocks by a chem-
ical reaction as follows:
RSiO2 + CO2 + H2O = RCO3 + SiO2 + H2O
where R are Ca, Mg, Fe, Na2, K2, Cs2
The REE concentrations determined for
the collected samples and the REE average
concentrations of the ore bodies reported by
Nguyen Tien Du et al., 2011 are summarized
in Table 3 and Table 4 respectively. Both the
data and LREE/HREE in the Nguyen Tien
Du and co-workers report (2011) are compa-
rable with that of the samples from the upper
weathered zone, which can be connected with
the fact that the samples presented in the
Nguyen Tien Du et al., (2011)’s report were
taken from the weathered zone.
The REE concentration in the weathered
zone reaches to 10 wt.%, so the studied depos-
it can be classified to one of the richest REE
deposits in the World (Hoatson et al., 2011).
The patterns of the REE and radionuclides in
the weathered and hard rocks are similar (Fig-
ure 5), but their contents in the weathered
zone are enriched to near forty fold in com-
parison to that in the hard rock (Table 4). The
ratio (LREE/HREE) in the studied samples
ranged from 56 for the hard rock to 121 for
weathered one. According to Hornig-
Kjargaard, 1998 and Żelaźniewicz et al.,
2013, the mentioned phenomena can be ex-
plained that at the beginning the rare elements
were within the intrusive formations Muong
Hum and/or Dong Pao syenite (cf. Figure 1),
then they underwent enrichment due to ther-
mal metamorphic processes occurring in the
carbonatite formations, so the REE ores were
formed as lenses or dykes of various shapes
and dimensions. Finely the REE were en-
riched by the surface chemical weathering
Nguyen Dinh Chau, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 4. Concentrations of the el-
ements in the weathered zone
(P1,P2) and hard rocks (KF-133,
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 14-26
Table 3. Measured concentrations of the rare earth and
radioactive elements (ppm) and weathering index (Vi)
for the collected samples
Elements P1 P2 KF-133 LK-122
La 39240 31100 798 823
Ce 44600 36000 1340 1240
Pr 3540 2990 122 104
Nd 9830 8390 381 326
Sm 903 783 43.6 39.0
Eu 212 183 10.1 9.7
Gd 583 494 26.8 24.8
Tb 37.6 33.1 2.6 2.2
Dy 122 112 11.0 9.0
Ho 13.3 12.2 1.4 1.3
Er 30.0 25.5 3.2 2.9
Tm 3.6 3.3 0.5 0.4
Yb 19.2 17.4 2.7 2.7
Lu 1.9 1.8 0.4 0.3
REE 99100 80100 2750 2580
238U 104.4 115 11,9 11,2
232Th 104 83.3 5,2 8,8
40K (%) 0,11 0.8 0.05 0,07
Vi 0.187 0.076 0.700 0.731
Table 4. The average concentrations of the REE (ppm)
in the ore bodies (Nguyen Tien Du et al., 2011)
Element F4 F7 F19 F10 F14 F16 F17
La 9001 18925 14932 13735 8374 9017 7982
Ce 11615 24371 19166 17686 10988 11821 10313
Pr 1094 2286 1812 1677 1023 1098 967
Nd 3186 6612 5237 4846 2954 3156 2808
Sm 327 671 543 492 315 337 289
Eu 169 334 267 246 158 169 141
Gd 159 322 358 238 150 16 141
Tb 18 36 29 27 17 18 16
Dy 48 97 79 72 47 51 43
Ho 7 15 12 11 7 8 7
Er 22 31 25 24 14 15 14
Tm 2 5 4 3 3 3 2
Yb 7 14 11 10 7 7 6
Lu 1 2 2 2 1 1 1
LREE 25392 53199 41957 38682 23812 25598 22500
HREE 264 522 520 387 246 119 230
96 102 81 100 97 215 98
Figure 5. Patterns of the REE and radionuclides in the weathered and hard zones
The leaching and removal of intrusive for-
mations by water activity and chemical pro-
cesses led to the accumulation of igneous apa-
tite, oxides, sulfides, and silicates. These phe-
nomena were accompanied by replacement,
decomposition, oxidation of the primary igne-
Nguyen Dinh Chau, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
ous minerals and crystallization of the second-
ary minerals. In consequence, the overlying
weathered zone is enriched in insoluble phos-
phates, clays, iron and manganese bearing ox-
ides containing REE, U, Th, Nb, Ta, Zr, Ti, V,
Cr, Ba and Sr (Hoatson et al., 2011). In the
studied deposit, the REE minerals are parisite,
bastnäsite, apatite, barite, fluorite and Celestine
were observed. The picture of BSE (Back Scat-
tered Electron) and the spectrum of energy dif-
fraction scattered (EDS) of the parisite mineral
are shown in the Figure 6 and Figure 7 respec-
tively. The contribution of the REE in the pa-
risite is (in wt.%) 14.89 for La, 23.36 for Ce,
2.19 for Pr, 6.59 for Nd and near 2 for remain-
ing heavy REE.
Figure 6. BSE picture
The mineralization of the stream and natu-
ral tap waters is equal to above two hundred
mg/dm3, the magnesium in tap and thermal
waters are twice comparing to the stream ones
(Table 5). The radium isotopes concentration
in the stream water range from 100 to 300
mBq/dm3, while in the thermal and natural tap
waters amount only to several tens mBq/dm3.
The phenomenon is quite different for urani-
um isotopes, their concentration in the thermal
water (groundwater) are equal to 110 and 78
mBq/dm3 for 238U and 234U respectively.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 14-26
This level is a few times higher than that in
the stream and natural tap waters, which range
near a few mBq/dm3. Though the uranium and
radium concentration in natural tap water are
lower than permit maximum contaminant level
for drinking water (180 mBq/dm3 for 238U and
185 mBq/dm3 for total radium isotopes (226Ra
+ 228Ra)), but significantly higher than the con-
centrations of these isotopes in Red River and
tap waters (WHO 2006; Nguyen et al., 2016).
Such high concentration of the uranium and ra-
dium in the water can be the diagnostic feature
of the region, where the rock formations are rich
in the natural radioactive elements.
Figure 7. EDS spectrum of parisite
Table 5. Measured concentrations of main ions (mg/dm3) and natural radioactive isotopes (mBq/dm3) in the water
Water sample F3 P1 F9 TM
Na+ 3.4 2.7 2.3 10.6
K+ 1.6 0.7 4.2 6.9
Ca2+ 38.0 54.8 37.0 99.8
Mg2+ 3.5 5.2 9.5 14.4
Sr2+ 0.9 0.8 2.5 8.9
Cl- 5.1 4.2 3.4 4.2
SO42- 3.0 2.3 6.3 184 HCO3- 137 187 159 185 TDS 206 271 256 560
pH 7.8 8.0 8.0 7.9
226Ra 123 336 29 12
228Ra 105 309 33 18
234U 14 38 28 78
238U 21 16 30 110
Hydro-chemical type of water HCO3-Ca HCO3-Ca HCO3-Ca-Mg HCO3-SO4-Ca
Nguyen Dinh Chau, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
5. Conclusions
The Dong Pao deposit is rich in light rare
earth elements such as La, Ce, Pr and Nd,
their total concentration approximates 10
wt.% in the weathered zone.
The mass contents of uranium and thorium
in the studied REE deposit are comparable
reaching about 0.01 wt.% and 0.001 wt.% in
the upper weathered and lower limestone and
dolomite zones respectively.
The pattern of U, Th and REE in the ore
bodies occurring in the weathered zone is sim-
ilar to that in the lower zone, but in the weath-
ered zone the contents of these elements are
higher by a few orders of magnitude in com-
parison with the lower dolomite and limestone
The LREE/HREE ratio suggests that the
mineralization processes in the Dong Pao de-
posit could be described as follow: the REE,
uranium and thorium elements firstly came
from the Mantle together with the Dong Pao
alkali syenite and porphyritic syenite; next,
the ores were precipitated from hydrothermal
fluids and finally enriched by the surface
weathering processes.
The radium and uranium concentration in
the surface and natural tap waters are a conse-
quence of the leaching processes of the ele-
ments from the weathered rocks and can be a
geological indicator in the prospecting of de-
posits rich in the natural radionuclides.
This work was partly funded by the Bilat-
eral Project between HUMG and AGH-UST
Kraków, Poland No. 01/2012/HD-HTQTSP
and AGH-UST Foundation Projects No,
Bureau Veritas Canada, 2015. Certificate of analysis No
KRA 15000229.1
Curtis N., 2011. Lynas Report.
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