The paper presents an analytical scheme for analyzing the singular configuration of
general five-axes CNC machine This is useful for checking the singularities of any specific
machine. The singular configuration problem causing big machining error is effectively
solved and the proposed algorithm shows its advantage for producing smooth cutter trajectories crossing neighborhood of singular points. Remark that the proposed technique
could be integrated directly in CAMs for developing generalized postprocessor of five-axes
CNC machine tool.
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Volume 35 Number 2
Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, VAST, Vol. 35, No. 2 (2013), pp. 147 – 155
Chu Anh My1,∗, Vuong Xuan Hai2
1Le Qui Don Technical University, Vietnam
2Dong Anh Mechanical Company, Vietnam
E-mail: ∗
Abstract. This paper presents an analytical scheme for analyzing the singular configu-
ration problem of general five-axes CNC machine tool. A computational technique based
on the generalized pseudo inverse kinematics for finding out feasible solution of the prob-
lem is proposed. The technique is then used for developing postprocessor algorithm of
five-axes CNC machine tool. Typical examples of singularity analysis are carried out,
and real cutting parts are implemented for verifying the research result.
Keywords: Five-axis CNC machine, Kinematics singularity, Five-axis CNC postpro-
Five-axis milling CNC machine (five-axis milling Robot) has been widely utilized as
an efficient tool for fabricating products of complex geometry which may include numerous
freeform surfaces. The products are widely used in several high technology industries such
as the aerospace industry, automotive industry, shipbuilding industry, etc. Using 5-axis
CNC systems integrated with CAMs, end-to-end component design and manufacturing
is highly automated. Today’s commercial CAMs have been shown their advantages in
preparing complex G-codes program file which is used for controlling the machines.
The main function of any CAM system is to compute the cutter trajectory (tool
path) in task space (so-called workpiece space) defined inside the system by programmer,
basing on the input of the part surface modeling, surface quality requirement (surface
error), cutter definition, tool path pattern, etc. The tool path is piecewise curves passing
through CL points (cutter location points). In task space, each CL point is defined as a set
of 6 components, (x, y, z, I, J, K) where (x, y, z) is coordinates of the tool tip and (I, J, K)
are direction cosines of the tool axis vector, respectively. All the CL points outputted by
CAM are recorded one by one in a text file that is so called the CL data file.
As introduced in [1, 2, 3], the 5-axis CNC mechanisms usually consists of three
translational axes (x, y, z) and two rotation axes (A,B), (B,C) or (A,C). In machining
process, the controller must compile G-code commands for controlling the axes of the
148 Chu Anh My, Vuong Xuan Hai
machine in such a way that the cutter removes material on the workpiece as required.
As for free form surface milling, most of the G-codes are the straight line interpolation
syntaxes which control simultaneously these 5 independent axes (joints) of the machine.
Therefore, a postprocessor is needed for transforming CL data (output of CAMs) into
G-codes running the CNC machine The main task of the transformation is to compute
the inverse kinematics of the machine mechanisms.
Consider the generalized 5-axes mechanism, if we denote r =
x y z I J K
∈W 6 ⊂ R6 as a CL point in the workpiece space W 6, and q =
q1 q2 q3 q4 q5
Q5⊂ R5 as a joint variable vector in the joint space Q5 where (q1, q2, q3) are the notations
of three translational joint (axis) variables, and (q4, q5) are the notations of the rotational
joint (axis) variables, the forward kinematics equation can be described as follows
r = f (q) , (1)
where f is a nonlinear mapping: f : Q5 → W 6. The differential relationships of the kine-
matics is written as
δr = J (q) δq, (2)
where J (q) =
∈ R6×5 is the Jacobian matrix. To calculate the inverse kinematics for
the mentioned above postprocessor, we can solve either Eq. (1) for q or Eq. (2) for δq.
Calculating the inverse kinematics of any 5-axis CNC machine is to find out the inverse
function of either the nonlinear function of Eq. (1) or the linear function of Eq. (2). For
both cases, the condition for existence of the inverse function is that the determinant of
Jacobian matrix is not equal to zero [4]
Det J (q) 6= 0 (3)
Theoretically, if Det J (q) = 0 the configuration of the machine will degenerate,
and it is called the singular configuration of the kinematics. The singular configuration
limits the tool tip trajectories of the machine in solving inverse kinematics. Moreover, the
most serious problem of the singularity is not at singular point which has zero volume in
W 6, but rather in the neighborhood of singular point which has a finite volume. In the
considering neighborhood, even for a small change of r, an enormous change of q is often
required. Thus, it causes a large error in real cutting path. This problem increases the
under cuts and over cuts, reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of the surface machining
and increases the production cost.
In the literature, the forward, inverse kinematics and postprocessor for specific kinds
of 5-axes CNC machines have been presented and discussed in several papers, such as by
She [5], Lee and She [6], She and Huang [7], Jung et al [8] and Sorby [9]. For the non-
orthogonal five-axis configuration, an approximation scheme is proposed by Sorby [9] for
positioning the tool tip near singularities. The problem of singular point is also dealt with
in the research of Affouard et al [10] who developed a method for avoiding the machine
singularity through a tool path planning algorithm in the CAD/CAM system. The method
proposed by Munlin et al [11] is for reducing the machining error near singularities of
an orthogonal axes machine type, by optimizing the sequence of machine rotations. For
the non-orthogonal five-axes configuration, another approximation scheme is proposed by
Generalized pseudo inverse kinematics at singularities for developing five-axes CNC machine tool... 149
Sorby [11] for positioning the tool tip near singularities. However, most of the Literature to
be found on the inverse kinematics and singularity for five-axes machines focuses on specific
CNC machines. Instead of finding out the inverse kinematics solution at singularities,
most of the papers cope with the singularity problem by modifying the tooltip positioning
strategy near the points [10, 11]. This paper discusses the singularity in terms of the
differential kinematics for the general mechanism of five-axes CNC machine. An analytical
formulation is considered for checking singularities, and a computational technique based
on the generalized pseudo inverse kinematics is proposed for finding out feasible solution
in the neighborhood of singularities. Typical examples of singularity analysis are carried
out, and real cutting parts are implemented for verifying the research result.
Generally, each specific five-axes kinematics model could compose singular points;
some of them locate on the boundary, and the others locate in the middle of the domain
Q5. In controlling practice, all motions of the axes are not allowed to reach to the joint
limits. This is to avoid unwanted collisions and damages of the machine. Hence, in the case
of five-axes machining, singularities locating within the domain Q5 play a more serious
role than which locates on the exact boundary.
Given a five-axes CNC machine and its forwards kinematics equation, the singular
configuration of the machine can be analyzed by solving the following equation
DetJ (q) = 0 (4)
Eq. (4) is an analytical formulation for singularities analysis. The solution for q of
Eq. (4) is called the singular points. For any kind of five-axes kinematics chain, the forward
kinematics equation can be formulated as Eq. (1), and the Jacobian matrix, J (q), is then
derived. Consequently, the determinant of the Jacobian matrix is obtained as a function
of q. Solving the determinant function yields singular values of joint variables q at which
the configuration degenerates.
In general, Eq. (4) formulated for the generalized 5-DOF machinery mechanism
is complex and could have no analytical solution. In that cases, the numerical recipes
(evaluation of function) [12] and softwares (like Matlab) are utilized for finding out the
numerical solution as desired. Fortunately, (I, J, K) are the direction cosines of the tool
axis vector, therefore I2 + J2 + K2 = 1. Owing to this relation, the number of linearly
independent equations of the forward kinematics modeling is reduced to 5; hence, for some
common 5-axis machines, it is not so difficult to find out the analytical solutions of Eq. (4)
with the support of Maple software. To illustrate the analysis sequences, examples below
are considered in details with the support of Maple Software.
Example 2.1: Consider a typical orthogonal five-axes configuration, MAHO 600e.
Now we analyze the singularity of the kinematics model with the forward kinematics equa-
tion described as follows
150 Chu Anh My, Vuong Xuan Hai
x = q1Sq5Cq4 + q2Sq4 + (Z0f + q3)Cq4Cq5 +X01
y = q1Sq5Sq4 − q2Cq4 + (Z0f + q3)Sq4Cq5 + Y01
z = q1Cq5 − (Z0f + q3)Sq5 + Z03 + Z01
I = Cq4Cq5
J = Sq4Cq5
. (5)
C∗ and S∗ are denoted for cosine and since functions. X01, Y01, Z01, Z0f are con-
Based on Eq. (5), the determinant of Jacobian matrix is calculated as
DetJ (q) = Sq5Cq5. (6)
The solution of DetJ (q) = 0 is q5 = k
, where k ∈ Z (integer number Set). Since
0 > q5 > −pi (B axis of the machine varies in the range (-pi ,0)), the singular configuration
is found at q5 = −
Example 2.2: As for another typical non-orthogonal five-axes configuration, Deckel
MAHO DMU 50e, we can use the same procedure for finding out the singularity. The
forward kinematics equation can be found as follows
x = q1Cq5
∆2z (1− Cq4) + Cq4
+ q1Sq4 [∆y∆x (1−Cq4)−∆zSq4]
+q2Cq5 [∆y∆x (1− Cq4) +∆zSq4] + +q2Sq4
∆2y (1−Cq4)− Sq4
+q3Cq5 [∆z∆x (1− Cq4) + ∆ySq4] + q3Sq5 [∆z∆x (1− Cq4)−∆xSq4] +Gx
y = −q1Sq5
∆2x (1− Cq4) + Cq4
+ q1Cq4 [∆y∆x (1− Cq4)−∆zSq4]
−q2Sq5 [∆y∆x (1−Cq4) +∆zSq4] + +q2Cq4
∆2y (1−Cq4)− Sq4
−q3Sq5 [∆z∆x (1−Cq4) +∆ySq4] + q3Cq5 [∆z∆x (1− Cq4)−∆xSq4] +Gy
z = q1 [∆z∆x (1−Cq4) +∆ySq4] + q3 [∆z∆y (1− Cq4)−∆xSq4]
∆2z (1−Cq4) +Cq4
i = Cq5 [∆x∆z (1− Cq4)−∆ySq4] + Sq5 [∆y∆z (1− Cq4)−∆xSq4]
j = −Sq5 [∆x∆z (1−Cq4)−∆ySq4] + Cq5 [∆y∆z (1− Cq4)−∆xSq4]
. (7)
In Eq. (7), Gx, Gy, Gz,∆x,∆y,∆z are constants. Calculating the determinant of the
Jacobian matrix yields
DetJ (q) =
Sq4 (1 + Cq4) . (8)
Finally, the singular configuration is found at q4 = 0 since q4 ∈ [0, pi) as shown in
the machine Catalog.
At singularities, J(q)−1 is not defined, hence the inverse solution of Eq. (2) is not
existed. In this case, the generalized pseudo inverse of J (q), denoted by J∗ (q), has been
proposed as a remedy for this problem since it is defined even at singular points [13]. Using
J∗ (q) the inverse solution found is continuous and feasible even at or in the neighbor-
hood of singularities. In definition, the generalized pseudo inverse matrix, J∗ (q) satisfies
Generalized pseudo inverse kinematics at singularities for developing five-axes CNC machine tool... 151
Eq. (8) as follows
JJ∗J = J
J∗JJ∗ = J∗
(JJ∗)T = JJ∗
(J∗J)T = J∗J
. (9)
In particular linear algebra, a pseudo inverse J∗ of a matrix J is a generalization
of the inverse matrix, and it is so called the generalized pseudo inverse matrix (Moore-
Penrose pseudo inverse matrix). Depending on the number of row, m, and the number of
column, n, of the matrix J, either the left inverse or right inverse formula is used. If m ≥ n
the left inverse will be used, and if m ≤ n the right inverse will be used.
For the 5-axis CNC kinematics chain, J (q) =
∈ R6×5 (m ≥ n), so we use the
left inverse of J. Using J∗(q). Eq. (2) is now transformed as
δq = J∗ (q) δr. (10)
In essence, Eq. (10) offers a least-square solution with a minimum norm for Eq. (2)
at singular point. In the other words, δq calculated by Eq. (10) satisfying
min‖δq‖ , (11)
among all δq that fulfill
min‖δr− J (q) δq‖ . (12)
Now we need to find out δq∗ that satisfies Eqs. (11, 12). It is proposed that the
following equation as an evaluation criterion for the solution of Eq. (2)
min ‖δe‖W , (13)
where the error vector, δe is defined as
δe =
δr− J (q) δq
. (14)
We can find out the optimal solution δq∗ in such a way that the norm ‖δe‖W → 0.
The real deviation of the real cutting passes and the desired one (the machining tolerance)
is controlled by the linearization scheme [13].
With the consideration of the weight matrix, ‖δe‖W is written as follows
‖δe‖2W = δe
TWδe. (15)
Eq. (15) implies the weighted norm of the error vector, δe. The weight is chosen as
W =
E5×5 0
0 kE5×5
, (16)
where k is a scalar constant. k implies the weight between the exactness, δr−J (q) δq, and
the feasibility, δq, of the solution. The weight matrix reflects physically the proportional
factor between the input and the output.
From Eq. (13), δe must satisfy
‖δe‖2W = ‖δr− J (q) δq‖
W + ‖δq‖
W . (17)
152 Chu Anh My, Vuong Xuan Hai
Eqs. (12) and (17) imply that we expect a solution by evaluating simultaneously the
exactness and the feasibility. Eq. (17) is now rewritten as the following quadratic function.
‖δe‖2W = (δq− δq
(δq− δq∗) + δrTW∗δr, (18)
δq∗ =
JT δr, (19)
W∗ = E− J
JT . (20)
Notice that
is always positive definite matrix and it is therefore non-
Eq. (18) is the quadratics function of δq. Thus, δq∗ is the unique solution for the
evaluation criterion of Eq. (13). Finally, the inverse solution of the kinematics satisfying
the criterion Eq. (13) becomes
δq∗ = J∗δr, (21)
J∗ =
JT . (22)
Eq. (21) is the solution for the five-axes inverse kinematics at singularities which
will be used in the next section for improving the postprocessor algorithm.
For any five-axes machine, the singularity of the configuration should be searched
in the configuration space following the procedure presented in section 1. The singular
CL points, rs, in CL file produced by CAMs is then determined by using the forward
kinematics relationship. Take a look back Example 2.1. When the machine configuration
degenerates, q5 = −
, the component k of CL record is computed as k = − sin q5. So
k = 1 for all q1, q2, q3, q4. Hence, any CL point in the data set, of which the component k
equals to 1 is exactly the singular CL point, rs.
In practice, when the configuration degenerates in machining process, the corre-
sponding CL data composes either exact singular CL points or CL points in the neighbor-
hood of singular point. In the first case, it implies that the tool tip positions exactly at
the singular points when machining. The second case means the cutting trajectories pass
across the neighborhood of the singular CL points.
Suppose that we consider a singular CL record rs locating in the range [ri, ri+1]. The
increment of the tool tip position and orientation can be computed as δr = rs− ri. Using
Eq. (21) we can determine δq∗ for the inverse solution. Finally, the vector of machine joint
variables is determined as qs = qi + δq
It should be remarked that the actual tool path in the task space is not linear
[14]. It is piecewise curve passing through CL points since the linear and rotary axes move
simultaneously. The cutting curve deviates from the linearly interpolated straight line path
between successive CL points, and this problem has been proceeded as the linearization
technique. The linearization scheme presented in [14] is employed for modifying the tool
Generalized pseudo inverse kinematics at singularities for developing five-axes CNC machine tool... 153
path passing singular point. Consider three CL points, ri, rs and ri+1, in the neighborhood
of the singularity. The actual values of q can be expressed as
ql,t = qi + (qs − qi) t, (23)
qm,t = qs + (qi+1 − qs) t. (24)
In Eqs. (22, 23), t ∈ [0, 1] is a parameter for the linearization. Based on the values
of qi, qs and qi+1, the insertion points ql,t and qm,t are computed, and the corresponding
rl,t and rm,t are then determined. If the error between the computed curve and the desired
toolpath is still greater than the limitation, the new insertions points will be computed
basing the input on the points having been determined. The time parameter t varies from
0 to 1 to generate ql,t and qm,t. The corresponding rl,t and rm,t are computed by using
the forward kinematics equation. The chordal deviation checking procedure is then used
to decide how many inserted positions in between [ri, rs] and [rs, ri+1].
Read CL point r
[ ]1,s i i+Îr ?
( )
* *
s i
d d
= +
= +
Linearization needed?
( )11 1i i
+ += f
Interpolate new
Format G-codes
1i i= +
End of file?
0i =
:i = +
r r
i 1 q rJ J E J
J r
q q
Fig. 1. Postprocessor algorithm
In brief, the algorithm for improving five-axes postprocessor which incorporates the
generalized pseudo inverse kinematics at singularities can be described as in Fig. 1.
154 Chu Anh My, Vuong Xuan Hai
The proposed algorithm is implemented for improving the postprocessor for Deckel
Maho DMU 50e CNC machine. Experiments have been carried out for verifying the inverse
kinematics solution at singularities. In particular, a given concave surface with singular
points in the middle is taken into consideration for preparing CL data in Pro Engineer
software. The tool path generated by the software and its simulation is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Tool path generated by ProEngineer
Fig. 3. Real cutting path with dangerous error Fig. 4. Smooth cutting path
To demonstrate the dangerous error of the real cutting passes when the tool cuts
through the singularities, the old postprocessor is employed to generate the G-codes, based
on the CL data yielded. As a result, the machined surface is damaged as shown in Fig. 3
since the tool always turn back approximately 1800 when the cutter cuts near the middle
of each cutting curve (the singular point). In case of using the improved postprocessor,
the cutter moves smoothly on the planned passes. The real cutting path is shown in
Fig. 4.
Generalized pseudo inverse kinematics at singularities for developing five-axes CNC machine tool... 155
The paper presents an analytical scheme for analyzing the singular configuration of
general five-axes CNC machine This is useful for checking the singularities of any specific
machine. The singular configuration problem causing big machining error is effectively
solved and the proposed algorithm shows its advantage for producing smooth cutter tra-
jectories crossing neighborhood of singular points. Remark that the proposed technique
could be integrated directly in CAMs for developing generalized postprocessor of five-axes
CNC machine tool.
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Received May 06, 2011
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generator. 103
2. Buntara S. Gan, Kien Nguyen-Dinh, Mitsuharu Kurata, Eiji Nouchi, Dynamic
reduction method for frame structures. 113
3. Nguyen Viet Khoa, Monitoring breathing cracks of a beam-like bridge
subjected to moving vehicle using wavelet spectrum. 131
4. Chu Anh My, Vuong Xuan Hai, Generalized pseudo inverse kinematics at
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5. Do Sanh, Dinh Van Phong, Do Dang Khoa, Motion of mechanical systems
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6. N. D. Anh, Weighted Dual approach to the problem of equivalent replacement. 169
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