This paper was conducted under a project
within the framework of prioritized scientific
and technological research projects of the
Vietnam Academy of Science and
Technology ‘Study of geochemistry and
petrology of basalts in the coastal and
offshore areas in south- Central Vietnam with
implications to mantle and lithospheric
dynamics’ coded VAST.06.04/17-18.
Proofreading and valuable suggestions by
Rolando Pena (UP at Quezon) are gratefully
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Geochemistry of late Miocene-Pleistocene basalts in the Phu Quy island area (East Vietnam Sea): Implication for mantle source feature and melt generation, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
The objectives of this study are to use the
major and trace element geochemical compo-
sitions of basalts of Phu Quy island, in com-
bination with geochemical data of basalts in
the nearby areas and field survey data, in or-
der to (1) classify the basalt series based on
their geochemical and petrological character-
istics, and possibility of crustal contamination
of the melt; (2) to clarify the relationship be-
tween the distribution characteristics of the
basalts and local fault systems; and (3) to cal-
culate the melting pressures of the basalts.
2. Geomorphological and tectonic charac-
teristics of Phu Quy island
Phu Quy island belongs to the south-
Central continental shelf area from 10°29' to
10°33'N, 108°55'30" to 108°58'32.5"E of Phu
Quy island district, Binh Thuan province. The
island covers an area of 16.4 km2, surrounded
by islets of Hon Tranh (2.8 km2), Hon Den,
Hon Giua, Hon Do and Da Ty. The population
is estimated to be 35,218 people in 2015, a
density of 2,147 people/km2, with fishing as
the major source of livelihood.
According to the fieldwork data combined
with the published literature (Koloskov et al.,
1989, 1999, 2016), seven volcanic cones were
identified in the Phu Quy island area including
submarine volcanoes (Figure 1). The largest
volcano is located in the northern part of the
island with a height of 90 m, having a crater
diameter of about 120 m and base diameter of
about 1300 m. The remaining volcanoes are
smaller in size, with crater diameters ranging
between 80 and 100 m and base diameters
from about 600 m to 1000 m. Volcanic activi-
ty in the Vietnamese continental shelf is be-
lieved to have occurred some 12 million years
ago, the latest eruption having been recorded
in 1923 forming the Ile des Cendres subma-
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 270-288
rine volcanic group (Lee et et al., 1998; Ko-
loskov et al., 2009, 2016). The early eruption
phase in Phu Quy island occurred about 2.6
Ma forming pyroclastic layers with a total
thickness up to 60 m (Figure 1). The later cen-
tral cone-type eruptions forming massive lava
flows occurred about 1 Ma (Koloskov et al.,
2016; Le Duc Anh et al., 2017).
Figure 1. Location of Phu Quy island in the south-Central offshore of Vietnam (a) and a blow-up (b); shown are
Cenozoic basaltic centers (shaded) in southern Vietnam and Western Highlands; also shown are (1) sampling sites
and sample names, (2) iso-line contour, (3) central-type volcano, (4) supposed (marine) volcano. Distribution scheme
is modified after Hoang et al. (1996); locations of volcanoes after field survey data
Field survey records show that the geolog-
ical structure of the northern and eastern areas
of Phu Quy island was strongly deformed
and crushed, forming two structurally frac-
tured zones oriented northeast-southwest and
sub-meridian, respectively (Figure 2a). The
NE-SW oriented destruction zone is thought
to be an ancient fault and is clearly docu-
mented in the oil and gas seismic literature
(Figure 2b) (Fyhn et al., 2009). This fracture
zone is about 500 m wide with a 60° direc-
tion forming a series of parallel fracture
trends (Figure 2b). Although sub-meridian
faults, according to seismic data, were rec-
orded only in the vicinity of Phu Quy island
(Figure 2b), the actual survey data at Phu
Quy island, clearly record these faults also.
These are smaller in size than the NE-SW
faults forming depression zones, cutting
young basalt layers (Figure 3b). Central
cone volcanic eruptions occurred along the
destruction zone (Figure 2a), suggesting vol-
canic activity may reactivate old fault sys-
tems (Rangin et al., 1995).
Le Duc Anh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 2. (a) Geological scheme of Phu Quy island simplified from Koloskov et al. (1989, 1999, 2016) and field sur-
vey data, (b) large NE-SW regional fault systems observed in the Phu Quy island area (after Fyhn et al., 2009);
shown are basalt (1), welded pyroclastic deposits (2), soft, volcanic weathering products (3), volcanoes (4), supposed
volcanoes (5), iso-line contour (6), defined faults (7), supposed faults (8). Age data are from Le and Hoang (2017)
3. Sampling and sample processing
The basalt samples were collected at 16
locations on Phu Quy island (Figure 3). Thin
sections of the samples were prepared for
microscopic study at the Institute of Geology
and Geophysics.
Figure 3. (a, c) pyroclastic layers including volcanic bomb, ash, breccia and tuff products, (b) outcrops of massive
basaltic blocks (far back) and pillow basaltic lavas, (d) extension faults running in NE-SW direction cutting through
basaltic outcrops in Phu Quy island
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 270-288
For the chemical analyses, the samples
were crushed into small chips about 1 cm by
1 cm, repeatedly rinsed with clean water be-
fore being heated overnight in an oven at
100°C to reduce the effect of seawater, fol-
lowed by rinsing with purified water before
being dried in an oven. About 50g of the pro-
cessed sample were crushed to <2 mm, about
25g of which were extracted to be ground in
an agate mill.
The major and trace element compositions
were obtained from glass beads and pressed
pellets using a Bruker Pioneer X-ray fluores-
cence analyzer at the Institute of Geological
Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Science and
Technology (VAST). During the measure-
ment process Geological Survey of Japan’s
geochemical standards were used to estimate
the analytical precision and accuracy of the
XRF analyzer. Five representative samples
were re-analyzed at the Geological Survey of
Japan, using a Panalytical XRF to evaluate the
analytical precision and accuracy. In general,
the analytical 1 errors are better than
±0.5wt% for the major oxides and the trace
elements (ppm) are better than ±6%. The data
are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Major and trace element compositions, and mineralogical normative (CIPW) contents of the Phu Quy late
Miocene - Pleistocene volcanic rocks
Sample PQ01 PQ02 PQ03 PQ04 PQ05 PQ06 PQ07 PQ08
Rock type alkali basalt olivine-basalt
SiO2 49.22 49.43 49 49.87 51.12 51.2 51.13 50.47
TiO2 2.29 2.4 2.22 2.39 1.88 1.85 1.78 2.1
Al2O3 14.47 14.32 13.88 14.12 14.88 14.7 14.82 13.77
FeO* 11.32 11.21 11.94 11.44 11.27 11.39 11.37 11.88
MnO 0.15 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.18 0.16 0.12
MgO 7.45 7.23 7.3 5.94 6.95 6.99 6.99 6.5
CaO 8.01 7.94 8.23 7.2 8.21 8.28 8.24 7.62
Na2O 3.17 3.41 3.18 3.25 3.29 3.42 3.45 3.33
K2O 2.4 1.64 1.9 2.62 1.28 1.2 1.23 1.4
P2O5 0.56 0.53 0.48 0.56 0.3 0.31 0.33 0.35
LOI 0.79 1.44 1.23 1.96 0.25 0.21 0.23 2.03
Total 98.9 98.1 98.1 97.6 99.3 99.4 99.3 97.4
Di 14.675 13.931 16.193 13.088 13.745 14.672 14.317 14.045
Hy 0 4.531 1.031 4.769 13.883 12.178 11.149 15.203
Ol 18.298 14.584 17.549 12.662 8.042 9.214 10.132 6.486
Ne 0.85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trace element (ppm)
Rb 54 14 38 67 28 26 25 30
Sr 679 648 620 721 454 457 455 510
Y 20 28 23 27 26 31 44 31
Zr 220 270 180 270 136 135 135 160
Nb 44 47 41 53 24 24 24 33
Ba 597 434 534 583 402 427 335 352
Cr 267 272 345 262 300 306 305 314
Ni 211 189 240 212 210 226 221 212
Zn 111 113 119 128 114 123 116 132
Le Duc Anh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Sample PQ10 PQ12 PQ13 PQ16 PQ17 PQ19 PQ20 PQ21
SiO2 48.44 50.96 50.79 49.15 49.12 51.45 48.46 49.11
TiO2 2.75 1.91 1.89 2.46 2.6 1.84 2.37 2.15
Al2O3 13.49 14.43 14.55 14.73 13.69 14.53 14.66 14.45
FeO* 13.22 11.54 11.56 11.34 12.19 11.40 12.14 12.77
MnO 0.13 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.15
MgO 6.48 6.93 7.15 7.62 6.87 6.98 6.66 6.09
CaO 7.18 8.25 8.23 7.57 7.84 8.19 7.42 7.5
Na2O 3 3.42 3.2 3.16 3.04 3.3 2.98 3.14
K2O 2.3 1.26 1.26 2.26 2.21 1.24 2.22 1.4
P2O5 0.49 0.31 0.27 0.47 0.48 0.33 0.55 0.37
LOI 2.39 0.49 0.32 0.88 1.71 0.09 2.15 2.62
Total 97.3 99.2 99.2 98.8 98.1 99.2 97.6 96.9
Di 13.12 15.308 14.347 12.395 15.285 14.233 10.839 11.269
Hy 5.611 11.068 13.823 0.482 4.229 15.925 5.168 14.186
Ol 14.565 9.756 8.516 18.863 14.531 6.589 15.315 8.472
Ne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trace element (ppm)
Rb 64 29 30 43 57 28 35 33
Sr 757 459 464 667 713 457 718 547
Y 34 52 24 26 29 35 40 40
Zr 229 139 135 233 224 139 230 156
Nb 55 25 25 48 50 25 51 36
Ba 628 346 405 553 572 366 571 410
Cr 310 305 308 262 290 300 290 352
Ni 217 254 246 212 238 233 249 202
Zn 143 124 119 122 131 115 132 134
4. Analytical result
4.1. Petrography
The Phu Quy island basalts are mostly
massive, porphyritic with phenocrysts of oli-
vine (5 to 12 vol%). The olivine phenocrysts
are euhedral or subhedral, tablet or broken
fragments with sizes ranging from 0.1 ×
0.5 mm to 1 ×2 mm. Some olivine crystals are
altered, being replaced partly or completely
by iddingsite. The groundmass is intersertal,
micro-doleritic, containing microcrysts of oli-
vine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, ore minerals
and volcanic glass (Figure 4).
4.2. Major element compositions
According to the CIPW normative compo-
sitions (Table 1), except for PQ01 sample
containing nepheline (Ne)-normative, which
is an alkaline basalt, the remaining samples
are quartz (Qz)- bearing free (subalkaline) ol-
ivine basalt (Figure 5a, b). The basalts define
two geochemical groups. One is high-SiO2
(50-52wt%), low-MgO, -TiO2 (<2.2wt%) -
P2O5 (<0.4wt%) and low-K2O (<1.5wt%),
termed as ‘low alkaline - high silica’ group,
comprising samples PQ05, PQ06, PQ07,
PQ08, PQ12, PQ13, PQ19 and PQ21. These
were collected along the coastline, produced
by early volcanic phase (Figures. 1b, 5b). The
other is “high alkaline - low silica” group,
having low- SiO2 (<50wt%), high-MgO, -
TiO2 (2.2-2.8wt%) -P2O5 (>0.45-0.55wt%)
and high-K2O (1.5 - 2.5wt%), comprising
samples PQ01, PQ02, PQ03, PQ04, PQ10,
PQ16 and PQ17. These were sampled near
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 270-288
volcanic craters, belonging to the later erup-
tive phase. The high- and low- SiO2 contents
correlate negatively with the corresponding
MgO, from 6 to 7wt% and from 6.5 to
7.6wt%, respectively (Figure 6). The other ox-
ides, however, do not show clear correlations
with MgO. The SiO2 concentrations in melts
depend mainly on melting pressure, the higher
the pressure, the lower the SiO2 content; while
MgO is dependent on both pressure and partial
melting temperature, the higher the pressure
and/or temperature, the higher the MgO con-
tent (Takahashi and Kushiro, 1983; Hirose
and Kushiro, 1993). Other major elements
such as K2O, TiO2 and P2O5 behave like trace
elements, whose contents are higher if the
melting source is comparably more enriched
and/or if the degree of partial melting is lower
(Hirose and Kushiro, 1993; Turner and
Hawkesworth, 1995; Kushiro, 1996, 1998;
Kogiso et al., 1998).The above observations
suggest that the basaltic melt of early eruptive
phase may have originated from a relatively
depleted and/or refractory source, under rela-
tively low melting pressure and high degree of
partial melting. In contrast, the later eruptive
phase could have been derived from a relative-
ly enriched and/or fertile source, under higher
melting pressure temperatures and lower de-
gree of partial melting.
Figure 4. Phu Quy sub-alkaline (olivine) phyric basalt with intersertal (upper row) and doleritic (lower row) texture,
showing phenocrysts of olivine partially replaced by iddingsite. Abbreviations Ol: olivine, Idd: iddingsite, Pl: plagioclase
Le Duc Anh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 5. Classification diagram after CIPW normative compositions (after Cross et al., 1903) (a) and TAS (total al-
kalis versus SiO2) (after La Bas et al., 1986) of the Phu Quy basalts; younger lavas (circles) have higher alkalis and
more olivine content (closer to nepheline apex). Arrow shows evolutional trend. Ne: nepheline, Di: diopside, Qz:
quartz, Ol: olivine, Hy: hypersthene
Figure 6. Plots of MgO (wt.%) against major oxides of Phu Quy basalts; except for SiO2 which shows two broadly
negative correlation trends with MgO for early and later eruptive lavas, the other oxides such as K2O, TiO2 and P2O5 de-
fine higher and lower fields, respectively, for late (circle) and early (diamond) lavas. Plotted for comparison are syn-
opening East Vietnam Sea (cross, after Li et al., 2014) showing even lower in MgO, TiO2 and K2O than Phu Quy basalts
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 270-288
4.2. Trace element compositions
The primitive mantle normalized trace el-
ement distribution patterns (after Sun and
McDonough, 1989) have typical intraplate
basalt-like signatures with a smooth decrease
from highly incompatible to relatively immo-
bile elements (Figure 7). However, the differ-
ence in trace element concentrations between
the two basaltic groups is significant. For ex-
ample, Rb content varies from 35 to 56 ppm
as compared to <35 ppm; Sr from 650 to 760
ppm compared to 450-510 ppm; Ba from 430
to 630 ppm (most >550 ppm) as compared to
335 to 410 ppm; and Zr>220 ppm as com-
pared to 135 ppm, respectively, in the late
‘high alkaline - low silica’ and early ‘low al-
kaline - high silica’ basaltic groups (Table 1).
The trace element compositions of late basal-
tic series are closely comparable to Pleiku
youngest (<1 - 0.3 Ma) basalts in the Western
Highlands, while those of Phu Quy early bas-
alts are quite similar to Pleiku second young-
est (5-2 Ma) basalts (Figure 7; Hoang, 2005a;
Hoang et al., 2013) and are more enriched as
compared to Pleiku >6 Ma basalts. The latter
is believed to be derived from the relatively
refractory and depleted lithospheric mantle, in
contrast to the later 5-2 Ma and <1 - 0. Ma ba-
saltic rocks which could have been derived
from more fertile and enriched source under
very high melting pressures, possibly in the
asthenosphere (Hoang, 2005a, b; Hoang et al.,
5. Discussion
5.1. Mantle geochemical characteristics
5.1.1. Crustal material interaction
Basaltic magma is less viscous as com-
pared to highly silicic magma, often pouring
on the surface rapidly as lava flows or as ex-
plosive pyroclastic deposits under the effect of
high pressure. Therefore, the probability of
crustal contamination in many cases is low.
However, we should take into consideration
the large distance from the melt segregation
point to the surface, averaging by as much as
45 km to 90 km, for the tholeiitic and basaltic
magmas, respectively (Kushiro, 1990, 1996),
or long residence time and magma fractional
crystallization at intermediate magma cham-
bers in the crust that can interact with the
wall-rock material. In addition, mantle
sources can be contaminated with crustal ma-
terial being introduced into the mantle by sub
ducting slabs.
The prevalence of crustal contamination is
reflected in the ratios of the elements consid-
ered to be rich in crustal material such as Ba,
Rb, K, Si, Al,... and poor in the high field
strength elements (HFSE) such as Zr, Y, Ti,
and Nb,... (Taylor and McLennan, 1991; Fon-
taine and Rudnik, 1995). Crustal material con-
tamination is therefore characterized by posi-
tive linear correlations between, for example,
Ba and Ba/Nb with SiO2. However, the nega-
tive correlation between Ba (ppm) and SiO2
and positive correlation between Ba/Nb and
SiO2 as shown in Figure 8 may rule out crustal
contamination. With the trace element distri-
bution pattern viewed as typical for the in-
traplate basalt (Figure 7), the correlation be-
tween Ba and Ba/Nb with SiO2 reflects the en-
richment or depletion nature of source domain
in combination with the effect of melting
pressures and temperatures, and degrees of
partial melting (Takahashi and Kushiro, 1983;
McKenzie and O'Nion, 1991; Scarrow and
Cox, 1995; Kogiso et al., 1998; Kamenetski et
al., 2012).
5.1.2. Mantle geochemistry
Although accounting for just under 1 % by
weight of the total rock mass, the trace ele-
ments fully reflect the source characteristics,
melting mechanisms, fractional crystallization
processes from the time they are generated
until the moment they appear on the surface
(Hofmann, 1988; Sun and McDonough, 1989;
Kogiso et al., 1998).
Le Duc Anh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 7. Primitive mantle normalized trace element distribution diagram for early and late Phu Quy basalts, shown
for comparison are Pleiku basalts erupted at 8.4 - 4.6 Ma, 4.6- 3.4 Ma and <2 - 0.24 Ma (after Hoang et al., 2013).
The trace element patterns of the Phu Quy basalts are closely similar to enriched Pleiku basalts younger than 4.6 Ma
Figure 8. Negative and positive correlation between SiO2 and, respectively, Ba (a) and Ba/Nb (b) for early (diamond)
and late (circle) Phu Quy basalts; also plotted are syn-opening East Vietnam Sea (after Li et al., 2014). Higher Ba
accompanying lower SiO2 and lower Ba/Nb (e.g. higher Nb) accompanying lower SiO2 may suggest effect of high
melting pressure and/or low degrees of partial melting. Arrow shows temporal evolution trend
The positive correlation between the Nb/Y
and Zr/Y ratios of the two basalt groups
distributed along the limit field of ΔNb (ΔNb
= 1.74 + log (Nb/Y) -1.92 Log (Zr/Y)) is an
index reflecting the melting of mantle sources,
the nature of source enrichment or depletion
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 270-288
and the possibility of crustal contamination
(Fitton et al., 1997; Hoang et al., 2016).The
“low alkaline - high silica” basaltic group is
characterized by low Nb/Y and low Zr/Y, dis-
tributed near the mid-ocean ridge basalt field,
both depleted (N-MORB) and enriched man-
tle (E-MORB) (Kogiso et al., 1998; Relegous
et al., 1999) (Figure 9), which is quite similar
to the Dak Mil Neogene basalt (Dak Nong
province, Western Highlands) (Hoang et al.,
2013), that is interpreted to have been derived
from a relatively depleted and refractory litho-
sphere mantle or from sources that have un-
dergone previous melting. The Phu Quy “high
alkaline - low silica” basaltic group is distrib-
uted near the Hawaii and North Arch oceanic
island basalt fields (after Norman and Garcia,
1999; Frey et al., 2000), and plotted in Pleiku
Pleistocene field (Hoang, 2005a, Hoang et al.,
2013) (Figure 9). This distribution field is
usually explained by the magma being gener-
ated from enriched and fertile mantle sources
(Hirose and Kushiro, 1993; Scarrow and Cox,
1995; Kushiro, 1996, 1998).
Figure 9. Plots of Nb/Y versus Zr/Y for Phu Quy basalts; shown are fields of Pleiku 4-2 Ma lavas, Dak Nong >7Ma
(after Hoang et al., 2013), North Arch alkaline basalts (Frey et al., 2000), Hawaiian picrites (Norman and Garcia,
1999), Depleted Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts (N-MORB) (Regelous et al., 1999), Arc basalt, for comparison. The Phu
Quy lavas are relatively enriched and plotted in the field of intraplate volcanic geochemistry
The high field strength elements such as
Nb, Zr and Y are not affected by the weather-
ing process and considered to reflect the geo-
chemistry of the source and the tectonic set-
ting of magma occurrence. Of the above ele-
ments, the distribution coefficient between the
solid and the liquid phase (Kd) of Nb is much
smaller than Zr, the latter is smaller than Y
(Hofmann, 1988; Sun and McDonough,
1989). Therefore, the Nb/Y and Zr/Y ratios
may vary depending on the degree of partial
melting. Note that the clearly negative linear
relationship is found only between SiO2 and MgO (Figure 6), while the other oxides do not
Le Duc Anh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
exhibit a clear linear relationship with MgO.
For basaltic rocks that occur in a small area
having a similarity in eruption age, the unclear
linearity in the geochemical relationship can
only be explained by the difference in degrees
of partial melting, melting pressures and/or
temperatures, producing different eruption ep-
isodes, regardless of their having been derived
from the same mantle source. Thus, the linear
relationship between Nb/Y and Zr/Y may be
due to the difference in the melting degree and
fractional crystallization processes of different
melt portions generated from a single source
mantle (e.g. McKenzie and Bickle, 1988;
McKenzie and O'Nion, 1991).
5.2. Mantle dynamic model
The formation and development of Phu
Quy island was based on the relationship be-
tween mantle dynamics (temperature and
pressure) and the regional tectonic context re-
sulting in melt generation and volcanic erup-
tion (e.g. Latin and White, 1990). Based on
the chemical compositions of the volcanic
rocks, it is possible to determine the composi-
tion of the primitive melt, indirectly determin-
ing the mantle temperature and pressure
(McKenzie and Bickle, 1988).
5.2.1. Decompression melting: mantle dynam-
ics versus lithospheric extension
Volcanic activities in the continental shelf
of Vietnam is considered to be related to lith-
ospheric extension processes triggered by
deep-seated fault systems (Li et al., 2013;
Franke et al., 2013; Sava et al., Carter et al.,
2000). The processes were believed to com-
bine with extruding mantle flows followed the
Neo-Tethys closure as a result of the Indo-
Eurasian collision (Flower et al., 1998, 2001;
Hoang and Trinh, 2009; Yan et al., 2014).
The mantle melting occurs normally as a
result of extensional tectonic activity occur-
ring in a large area and having a profound ef-
fect on the lithosphere mantle. Typical de-
compression melting producing basaltic melt
occurs beneath the oceanic rift, that serves as
a diverging boundary of two plates moving
away from each other under the influence of
two subduction zones and the combined effect
of pushing force by basaltic lava having been
formed as a result of the rifting process. Lith-
ospheric extension occurs in two general
forms, namely, uniform stretching and simple
shear stretching (Latin and White, 1990). An
extensional value is defined as factor, the
ratio between the original to extended litho-
spheric thickness. Under normal mantle ther-
mal condition, e.g. 1280°C, melting under the
effect of uniform stretching is only possible if
> 2.8, while there is no melting under pure
shear stretching (McKenzie and Bickle, 1988;
Latin and White, 1990). However, in higher
mantle thermal conditions, for example,
1480°C, a uniform stretching can cause man-
tle melting with a factor as small as 1.5
(compared to 4 of simple shear stretching).
Seismic and deep borehole data acquired
along and near the fossil spreading axis in the
NE, Central and SW sub-basins of East
Vietnam Sea revealed basalt and pyroclastic
deposits interbedded with early Miocene
(>16 Ma) sediments (Li et al., 2014, 2015).
However, the rate and extent of the syn-
spreading volcanism were modest, corre-
sponding to slower to intermediate spreading
rate (20 km to 35 km/Myr); although
the spreading rate sometimes reached
70-80 km/Myr (Li et al., 2014; IODP 349 Sci-
entific report, 2014). Detailed studies of the
seismic and magmatic cross-sections in the
southwestern sub-basin of East Vietnam Sea,
revealed numerous submarine volcanoes that
mostly appeared after 5 Ma, about 10 million
years after the cessation of the spreading of
the East Vietnam Sea (Li et al., 2013; 2014;
2015; Ding et al., 2016). In particular, these
eruptions do not appear to be associated with
any major tectonic phase in the area (Li et al.,
2013). Also, when studying the regional ex-
tension faults, these authors concluded that
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 270-288
the extension factor () hardly surpassed 2.8
to trigger melting of the mantle having a nor-
mal thermal state (e.g. 1280°C); therefore, Li
et al. (2013) proposed that upper mantle dy-
namics rather than lithospheric tectonics
caused mantle melting and magmatism in the
SW sub-basin (Li et al., 2013; 2014).
Neogene - Quaternary basaltic volcanism
is widespread in many areas in the Western
Highlands, mainly from about 7 million years
(Hoang, 2005a; Hoang and Flower, 1998; Ho-
ang et al., 1996; 2013), following the uplift of
the territory. The basaltic layers cover an area
of thousands of square kilometers, up to sev-
eral hundred meters thick, distributed at inter-
sections, or along the regional extension fault
zones, with sub-meridian being the major di-
rection (Rangin et al., 1995). There are no
comprehensive studies evaluating the extent
of lithospheric extension and accompanying
extension factor values of the fault systems in
the Western Highlands of Vietnam. But stud-
ies of extension fault systems between longi-
tudes 109° and 110°E, running from south of
the Gulf of Bac Bo (Northern Gulf) southward
to Con Co and Ly Son volcanic islands, to
Phu Quy island then Ile des Cendres subma-
rine volcanic group (Koloskov et al., 2016 and
references therein), with a Moho plane at
depth of about 28 km, shows a factor of
about 1.3 (Nguyen et al., 2004; Nguyen and
Nguyen, 2013). This extension value is much
too small to trigger mantle melting under the
normal thermal state (e.g. 1280°C, after Latin
and White, 1990; see Carter et al., 2000).
Tamaki (1995), followed by Flower et al.
(1998; 2001), on the basis of deep seismic
tomography data, proposed that the collision
of Indian subcontinent with Eurasia in the late
Eocene led to the closure of the Neo-Tethys
situated in between the plates, which not only
deformed the lithosphere but also generated
the east-west directed asthenospheric flows
(Tamaki, 1995; Yang and Liu, 2009, and ref-
erences therein). These asthenospheric flows
not only caused mantle melting and magma-
tism from the Paleogene to the present time in
East and Southeast Asia, but also acted as a
major driver in the opening of the Western
Pacific marginal seas, including East Vietnam
Sea (Flower et al., 1998; 2001; 2013; Hoang
and Flower, 1998; Hoang et al., 2013; 2014).
While the extension factor in the East
Vietnam (South China) Sea region and the
Western Highlands of Vietnam is not large
enough to cause decompression melting,
a hotter-than-normal mantle (i.e. 1380°C)
caused by the extrusion of asthenospheric
flows is sufficient to trigger melting and
magmatism, and also to generate various min-
eral resources in the SW sub-basin (Li et al.,
2013; 2014; 2015; Ding et al., 2016).
5.2.2. Primitive melts
The geochemical composition of melt
formed by partial melting of mantle peridotite
is strongly correlated with the melting pres-
sure and temperature, the degree of partial
melting and the source geochemistry
(McKenzie and Bickle, 1988; McKenzie and
O'Nion, 1991). For example, the SiO2 content
depends on the melting pressure, the lower the
SiO2 content is, the higher the melting pres-
sure. The FeO content is proportional to the
melting temperature and the source chemistry;
the more fertile the source is, the higher the
FeO. The MgO content is proven to be pro-
portional to the degree of partial melting
(Takahashi and Kushiro, 1983; Hirose and
Kushiro, 1993; Kushiro, 1996; 1998). Two
trends of negative correlations between SiO2
and MgO observed in the major elemental di-
agrams (Figure 6) represent two high and low
melting pressure ranges, forming, respective-
ly, low and high SiO2 groups. Elements like
K, Na and Ti depend on the degree of partial
melting, the lower is the degree, the higher is
their content (Kushiro, 1996; 1998). There-
fore, the low SiO2 content accompanied by
high concentrations of Na2O, K2O and TiO2
Le Duc Anh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
(and vice versa) suggests that the melt genera-
tion below Phu Quy island occurred in at least
two major phases. The early phase was con-
trolled by low melting pressure and high melt-
ing degree (low alkalinity - high silica); while
the later stage operated under high pressure
and low melting degree (high alkalinity - low
silica). The continuity between high- low
melting pressures and low- high melting de-
grees is also illustrated by the negative corre-
lation between SiO2 and Ba (and positive cor-
relation with Ba/Nb) (Figure 8), and also the
positive relationship between Zr/Y and Nb/Y.
(Figure 9), which may reflect the mixing pro-
cess of mantle sources through column melt-
ing (Kamenetski et al., 2012).
In order to re-establish the primitive basalt
composition of Phu Quy island, we apply a
mathematical model based on the principle of
olivine addition to basalt compositions having
MgO content higher than 6wt% (Scarrow and
Cox, 1995; Turner and Hawkesworth, 1995;
Hoang and Flower, 1998, 2013, 2016). Oli-
vine is compensated incrementally 0.1% (after
Yamashita et al., 1996), using the Fe-Mg dis-
tribution coefficient (Kd(Fe/Mg)) between oli-
vine and the melt of about 0.30 (Roeder and
Emslie, 1970; Takahashi and Kushiro, 1983)
and forsterite (Mg/(Mg+ Fe2+) of olivine in
the residue is approximately 0.90 (Hirose and
Kushiro, 1993). The rationale for this calcula-
tion is, first, that olivine with Fo83-89 is the ma-
jor phenocryst observed in the Phu Quy basalt
having MgO>6%; second, basalt with
MgO>6% is generally less affected by pyrox-
ene and plagioclase fractionation (Turner and
Hawkesworth, 1995; Hoang and Flower,
1998; Hoang et al., 2013). The computed
compositions of primitive melts are presented
in Table 2.
Table 2. Computed primitive melts of the Phu Quy basalts
Sample PQ05 PQ06 PQ07 PQ08 PQ12 PQ13 PQ19 PQ21
SiO2 49.42 49.41 49.36 49.42 49.34 49.26 49.66 48.30TiO2 1.59 1.56 1.50 1.77 1.62 1.60 1.55 1.80Al2O3 12.51 12.33 12.44 11.56 12.15 12.27 12.20 12.06FeO* 11.95 12.04 12.02 12.88 12.24 12.24 12.08 13.97
MnO 0.17 0.18 0.16 0.13 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.16
MgO 13.12 13.13 13.15 13.31 13.07 13.29 13.12 13.06
CaO 6.93 6.97 6.94 6.42 6.97 6.96 6.91 6.29
Na2O 2.76 2.87 2.89 2.79 2.88 2.69 2.77 2.62K2O 1.07 1.01 1.03 1.17 1.06 1.06 1.04 1.17P2O5 0.25 0.26 0.28 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.28 0.31Total 99.78 99.76 99.77 99.74 99.75 99.76 99.76 99.72
Sample PQ01 PQ02 PQ03 PQ04 PQ10 PQ16 PQ17 PQ20
SiO2 48.14 48.57 48.14 48.83 47.69 48.14 48.19 47.78TiO2 1.98 2.07 1.91 2.00 2.32 2.13 2.22 2.02Al2O3 12.44 12.29 11.90 11.74 11.33 12.69 11.64 12.42FeO* 11.88 11.91 12.63 12.49 14.23 11.89 12.99 13.05
MnO 0.15 0.14 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.16
MgO 13.04 13.20 13.15 13.15 13.13 13.21 13.01 13.14
CaO 6.91 6.84 7.08 6.01 6.05 6.54 6.69 6.31
Na2O 2.72 2.92 2.72 2.70 2.52 2.72 2.58 2.52K2O 2.06 1.41 1.63 2.17 1.93 1.94 1.88 1.88P2O5 0.48 0.45 0.41 0.46 0.41 0.40 0.41 0.47Total 99.81 99.81 99.76 99.71 99.74 99.82 99.76 99.74
Using CMAS (CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2) tet-
rahedral diagrams of Walker et al. (1979), and
the sub-solidus curves constructed from exper-
imental results (Hirose and Kushiro, 1993; Ku-
shiro, 1996, 1998), the primitive melt composi-
tions projected from the diopside apex on to the
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 270-288
Ol-Pl-Q plane show melting pressures ranging
from 18-20kb to 25kb (Figure 10). As shown
above, Phu Quy island’s basalts, being quite
primitive (with MgO>6wt%), may be formed
from the same fertile and enriched source
(Figure 9). The relatively close melting pres-
sure range may suggest melts of the early and
later phases may be produced by melting of
mantle peridotites at different pressures
(depths) in the same mantle source.
Figure 10. Projections of computed primitive melt compositions on to Pl -Ol-Sil plane (after Walker et al., 1979),
showing melting pressures of Phu Quy lavas ranging between about 18 to 25 Kb. Sub-solidus lines are constructed
using experimental results of Hirose and Kushiro (1993), Kushiro (1996, 1998), (after Yamashita et al., 1996)
6. Summary and Conclusions
From the above descriptions we come to
the following conclusions:
The late Miocene-Pleistocene volcanic
rocks of Phu Quy island form two geochemi-
cal groups. One is low-alkaline high-silica ol-
ivine basalt, forming the base of the volcanic
island. The other is high alkaline-low silica
alkaline basalt, characterized by stratovolca-
no-type eruptions.
The trace element ratios such as Ba/Nb,
Ba/Zr and Ba/Y of the early basalts are much
higher compared to the later eruptive rocks,
possibly due to the higher degree of partial
melting. The Nb/Y, Zr/Y ratios and accompa-
nying MgO, K2O, TiO2 and P2O5 contents are
relatively low, suggesting that they may be
derived from a relatively depleted and refrac-
tory source, possibly in the lithospheric man-
tle. The later (younger) alkaline basalts show-
Le Duc Anh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
ing geochemical features contrasting with the
early basalts such as higher TiO2, P2O5, and
MgO, and lower SiO2 may be derived from a
deeper and more enriched source, for
example, asthenosphere. However, the
continuity in the negative correlation between
ratios such as Ba/Nb and Nb/Y versus SiO2
(or positive with MgO) suggests that both
series of Phu Quy basalt may also be
produced from the same mantle source due to
the effect of variable melting pressures.
Neogene-Quaternary volcanic activity in
the south- Central Vietnam continental shelf
and elsewhere in Vietnam was unrelated to an
important regionally tectonic phase. The
infiltration of asthenospheric flows, the
consequence of Neo-Tethys closure following
the collision of India and Eurasia, not only
readily raises the mantle temperature to melt,
but may also appear as an important driving
force in the marginal sea openings, including
the East Vietnam Sea.
The melting pressures calculated based on
the computed primitive melt compositions
suggest that the early phase basaltic melt may
be formed from 18 to 20 kb (ca. 55-60 km)
and the later phase may be generated between
20 and 25 kb (about 60 to 75 km). The
decompression polybaric melting of a single
mantle source may have facilitated mixing
among different melt portions to form linear
geochemical relationships observed between
two basaltic groups.
This paper was conducted under a project
within the framework of prioritized scientific
and technological research projects of the
Vietnam Academy of Science and
Technology ‘Study of geochemistry and
petrology of basalts in the coastal and
offshore areas in south- Central Vietnam with
implications to mantle and lithospheric
dynamics’ coded VAST.06.04/17-18.
Proofreading and valuable suggestions by
Rolando Pena (UP at Quezon) are gratefully
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