Giáo dục học - Chapter 11: Shared decision making: empowering teachers

Mixed Scanning is guided by two questions: What is the organization’s mission? What decisions move the organization towards its mission and policy? Mixed scanning is a combination of the administrative model and mixed scanning model; it is directed, incremental change. Mixed scanning has its roots in medicine. A broad goal, mission, or policy guides the decision process. Decisions are made incrementally, but with the broad goal in mind. Consequences are assessed in terms of the goal. Decisions are made with partial information. Then further small decisions are made if progress is good.

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Chapter 11Shared Decision Making:Empowering Teachers W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011McGraw-Hill/Irwin© 2013 McGraw-Hill Companies. All Rights Reserved.Vroom Model of Shared DM I Rules that enhance qualityQuality Requirement How important is decision?Leader Information Requirement Does the leader have expertise?Trust Requirement Can you trust subordinates?4. Problem Requirement Is the problem clear and structured?W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011II Rules that Enhance AcceptanceAcceptance Probability Is acceptance critical to implementation?Subordinate Conflict Will decision produce conflict?Subordinate Commitment Is subordinate commitment important?Subordinate Expertise Do subordinates have expertise?Vroom Model of Shared DM W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Vroom Model of Shared DM III ConstraintsTime Constraint Time for Involvement?Subordinate Development How important is subordinate development?W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Vroom Model of Shared DM In general, involve subordinates if: • Decision is critical. • Leader has insufficient information. • Subordinates can be trusted. • Problem is structured. • Acceptance is needed. • Decision is controversial. • Subordinate commitment is important. • Subordinates have expertise. • There is time. • Subordinate development is important.[2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2=1024 combinations]W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Vroom Model of Shared DM Decision-making Styles for Group ProblemsAutocratic (A) Unilateral DecisionInformed-Autocratic (IA) Get info then unilateral decisionIndividual-Consultative (IC) Consult with key individuals by sharing problem, then leader decides.Group-Consultative (GC) Consult with group by sharing problem, then leader decides.Group-Agreement (GA) Get the group involvement in democratic decision making.W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Vroom Model of Shared DM The calculus of the decision involves matching over 1000 situations with five decision making arrangements--that is, more than 5000 possibilities.Vroom simplifies the calculus with a series of flow charts.W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Vroom Model of Shared DM ConclusionsA good and sophisticated modelSupported by researchComprehensiveComplex--need aids to useBottom Line--Too Complex for easy useW. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011• Under what conditions should the leader involve subordinates in decision making?• To what extent should subordinates be involved?• How should the decision making group be structured and function? • What is the role of the leader in participative leadership?Hoy-Tarter Simplified ModelW. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Assumptions of the Hoy-Tarter ModelAs subordinates are involved in decision making located within their ZONE OF ACCEPTANCE, participation will be less effective. As subordinates are involved in decision making outside their ZONE OF ACCEPTANCE, participation will be more effective.As participants are involved in decision making for which they have MARGINAL EXPERTISE, their participation will be marginally effective.As subordinates are involved in decision making for which they have MARGINAL INTEREST, their participation will be marginally effective.W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Zone of AcceptanceDo subordinates have a personal stake in the outcome? YES NODo subordinates have expertise? YESNOOutside Zone of Acceptance(Definitely include)Marginal with Expertise(Occasionally include)Marginal with Relevance(Occasionally include)Inside Zone of Acceptance(Definitely exclude)Situations for Participative Decision MakingRelevance? Yes Yes Yes No NoExpertise? Yes Yes No Yes NoTrust? Yes No Yes/No Yes/No N/ADemocratic Conflictual Stakeholder Expert NoncollaborativeW. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Decision Situations: ReviewDemocraticConflictualStakeholderExpertNoncollaborativeW. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Democratic--Maximum Involvement.Conflictual--Limit Involvement (until trust is developed). Stakeholder--Occasional Involvement (to educate).Expert--Occasional Involvement (for better decisions).Noncollaborative--No Involvement. Decision Situations andDegree of Involvement Decision-Making Groups and Their FunctionsGroupConsensusGroupMajorityGroupAdvisoryIndividualAdvisoryUnilateralWho is Leader Leader Leader Leader and LeaderInvolved? and Group and Group and Group Selected Individuals Nature of Group shares Group shares Group shares Individuals No subordinateInvolvement? information, information, information, provide data, involvement analyzes and deliberates, analyzes and discuss, and reaches and votes on recommends. recommend. consensus. action.Who makes Group by Group by Leader with Leader with Leader Alonethe decision? Consensus Majority Rule Advice AdviceW. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Five Leadership RolesThe integrator brings subordinates together for consensus decision-making. Here the task is to reconcile divergent opinions and positions.The parliamentarian facilitates open communication by protecting the opinions of the minority and leads through a democratic process to a group decision.The educator reduces resistance to change by explaining and discussing with group members the opportunities and constrains of the decisional issues. The solicitor seeks advice from subordinate-experts. The quality of decisions is improved As the administrator guides the generation of relevant information.The director makes unilateral decisions in those instances where the subordinates have no expertise or personal stake. Here the goal is efficiency.W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Administrative Roles for Decision MakingRole Function AimIntegrator Brings together divergent positions To achieve consensusParliamentarian Facilitates open discussion To support reflective deliberationEducator Explains and discusses issues To assure acceptance of decisionsSolicitor Solicits advice from teachers To improve quality of decisionsDirector Makes unilateral decisions To attain efficiencyW. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011 A Normative Model forParticipative Decision MakingRelevanceOutside ZoneMarginal with ExpertiseMarginal with Relevance Inside ZoneYESNOYESNOExpertise1. Situation? Democratic Conflictual Stakeholder Expert Noncollaborative 2. Involvement? Yes and extensive Yes but limited Occasionally Occasionally None and limited and limited3. Decision- Group Group Group Group Individual Unilateral Making Consensus Majority Advisory Advisory Advisory Structures 4. Role of Integrator Parliamentarian Educator Educator Solicitor Director Superior?TrustYESNOW. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Practical ImperativesEmpower teachers: Involve them in key decisions when appropriate.Simplify complexity: Identify the core ideas of complex events.Strike a balance between decisive action and reflective analysis: Lean toward action.Impose structure and deadlines for groups engaged in deciding: Deadlines enhance the process.Maximize teacher involvement when teachers have expertise, interest, and can be trusted: Empower and delegate authority to teachers.Limit involvement of others, however, to those domains over which you have the authority: You can’t give what you don’t have—so don’t fake shared decision making.Foster group ownership of problems and ideas: Ownership enhances both value and motivation.W. K. Hoy © 2003, 2008, 2011Practical ImperativesBe prepared to make unilateral decision: Sometimes they are necessary.Develop teacher expertise, interest, and trust: Nurture shared decision making.Vary your (principal) role in decision making from director to solicitor to educator to parliamentarian to integrator as the situation warrants: There is no best role for principals in decision making—it depends on the situation.Vary the group decision-making process from consensus to majority rule to group advisory to individual advisory to unilateral action as the situation warrants: There is no best way to make decisions—it depends on the situation.Avoid groupthink: Support divergent points of view in shared decision making.Remember, successful participation in decisions requires useful knowledge, interest, and a willingness to subordinate personal agendas to the good of the group: Make sure all three are in place.

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