From Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7, it can be seen that ability of resisting
disturbance of high order sliding mode controller is very good. But, the quality of swing angle is
not good . Although the trolley reaches desired position, but the oscillation of the load is still
To fix this problem, RBFNs is used for generating optimal trajectory to reduce sway of
load. As shown in the Figure 8 and Figure 9, the trolley reaches desired position and swing angle
is very small in the moving process.
In this paper, a new control structure that combines high order sliding mode controller with
optimal trajectory set generator is proposed. This scheme ensures that the overhead crane tracks
desired trajectory with smaller swing angle of load even under the disturbance condition.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu High order sliding mode control with anti-Sway based compensation on artificial neural network by pso algorithm for overhead crane, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology 55 (3) (2017) 347-356
DOI: 10.15625/2525-2518/55/3/8617
Le Xuan Hai1,*, Nguyen Van Thai1, Vu Thi Thuy Nga1, Hoang Thi Tu Uyen1,
Nguyen Thanh Long1, Thai Huu Nguyen2, Phan Xuân Minh1
1Hanoi University of Science and Technology, No 1, Dai Co Viet Street,
Hai Ba Trung District, Ha Noi City
2Vinh University of Technology Education, Hung Dung Ward, Vinh City, Nghe An Province
Received: 15 August 2016; Accepted for publication: 2 March 2017
This paper proposes a second order sliding mode controller combined with signal set
calibrator for overhead crane tracking desired position and resisting disturbance. High order
sliding mode controller ensures that the overhead crane tracks desired trajectory and resists
disturbance. Neural network is trained by particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) to
compensate anti-sway for load. The results on the computer simulation show that high order
sliding mode controller with anti-sway compensation for overhead crane tracks desired
trajectory and the swing of load that is smaller than high order sliding mode controller without
anti-sway compensation.
Keywords: high order sliding mode control, artificial neural network, particle swarm
optimization algorithm (PSO), anti-sway for overhead crane.
Overhead crane is one of the essential equipment that are commonly used in industrial
factory, harbors for transporting heavy goods and it is also researching object recently.
Mathematical model of overhead crane is categorized as under-actuated robot.
The solution to track desired trajectory of trolley and anti-sway of load are particular
characteristics of overhead crane. The approaches for anti-sway are based on PD techniques
control [1], partial feedback linearization control [2, 3], nonlinear control [4 - 11], robust -
adaptive control [12 - 14], fuzzy – neural network controller [15, 16]. The above controllers are
often used for uncertainly parameters of overhead crane and when executed to combine with two
loop circuits : the adaptive parameters adjustment loop and control loop. These controllers
generally have complex structures when in fact implemented to select the right device, it is not
always easy.
L. X. Hải, N. V. Thái, V. T. T. Nga, H. T. T. Uyên, N. T. Long, T. H. Nguyen, P. X. Minh
Therefore, in this paper, we proposed high order sliding mode controller with optimal
trajectory to reduce swing angle of load when moving process to desired position. Optimal
trajectory is generated by Radial Basis Function Neural (RBFNs) Networks that is trained by
PSO algorithm. Thus, structure control contains a high order sliding mode controller and an anti-
sway compensator by RBFNs.
The model of overhead crane is shown in Figure 1. The trolley is moved by F force. The
motion of load is always on X Y− plane.
Figure 1. Overhead crane model.
Assuming that the trolley and the load can be regarded as point mass, friction force in
trolley can be neglected . Overhead crane model is expressed as:
2( ) cos sin
sin cos 0
M m x ml ml F
l g x
θ θ θ θ
θ θ θ
+ + − =
+ + =
where: , x l and θ are trolley position, length of suspension rope and swing angle of load,
respectively. Defining u F= and state vector 1 2 3 4[ ] [ ]
T T TX x x x x x x θ θ= = . The
equation (1) is written in the form of state space model as the following:
1 2
2 1 1
3 4
4 2 2
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
x x
x f X g X u
x x
x f X g X u
= +
= +
1 2
sin sin cos( )
ml mgf X
M m
θ θ θ θ
1 2
1( )
g X
M m θ
2 2
( ) sin sin cos( )
( sin )
M m g mlf X
M m l
θ θ θ θ
+ +
= −
2 2
cos( )
( sin )
g X
M m l
= −
So, the model of overhead crane is divided into two subsystems: the positioning subsystem
and anti-swing subsystem. The purpose of the controller designation is to keep the trolley
tracking the reference trajectory without sway of load under the condition of disturbance.
Defining tracking error vector:
High order sliding mode control with anti- sway based compensation on artificial neural network
1 1
3 3
( ) d d
d d
x x x x e
e t
x eθ θ θ
− −
= = = − −
where : dx and dθ are desired trajectory and swing angle of load, respectively. Of course, the
desired swing angle of load is zero. Assuming that the first and the second time derivative of dx
are determined and uniformly bounded, the equation (2) is transferred to error model:
1 2
2 1 1
3 4
4 2 2
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
e e
e f X g X u x
e e
e f X g X u
= + −
= +
Defining sliding surface for each subsystem as :
1 1 1 2
2 2 3 4
s c e e
s c e e
= +
= +
Then, the second order sliding surface is defined:
1 2s s sα β= + (5)
where: 1 2, ,c c α and β are positive constants. In order to make the close-loop system that has
sliding surface s is asymptotic stability, the following condition should be satisfied:
1 2 1 2sgn( )s k s k s s sα β= − − = +
This leads to the control signal u :
1 2 1 2 2 4 1 2
1 2
( ) ( ) sgn( )
( ) ( )
df X f X c e c e x k s k su
g X g X
α β α β α
α β
+ + + − + +
= −
. (6)
4.1. Neural network structure
Artificial is used to generate optimal trajectory of the trolley from the initial position to desired
position in time TE and reduce the sway of load.
Figure 2. Radial Basis Function Neural Networks.
Figure 2 shows neural network structure that is used in this paper. As shown in Figure 2,
RBFNs consist of an input, K neurals in the hidden layer, and an output layer. The input layer
L. X. Hải, N. V. Thái, V. T. T. Nga, H. T. T. Uyên, N. T. Long, T. H. Nguyen, P. X. Minh
to RBFNs is given by values of time from 0 to TE. The output of the k-th neural of the hidden
layer is expressed by the Gaussian function as:
( )( ) exp , ( 1,2,..., )kk
t ct k Kφ
= − =
where: kc and kσ are center and radius, respectively. The output of RBFNs is calculated by:
( )( ) exp , ( 1,2,..., )kk
t ct k Kφ
= − =
where: kw is weight between the hidden layer and output layer.
The trajectory of the trolley requires that both velocity and acceleration be equal to zero at
the start and the end point. So, the following constraint conditions are applied for trajectory of
(0) ( ) (0) ( ) 0x x TE x x TE= = = = (9)
using the cycloidal function to satisfy above condition:
sin(2 )( )
uu XE u π
Φ = −
The position of the trolley is generated as :
{ }( ) ( )x t O t= Φ (11)
Equation (11) determines that the output of RBFNs is input u of Cycloidal (10). Moreover,
natural trajectory of the trolley satisfies following condition:
(0) 0, ( )x x TE XE= = (12)
Therefore, the following condition is required for output of the RBFNs:
(0) 0, ( ) 1O O TE= = (13)
In order to satisfy condition (13), the weights kw and 1kw − are determined by the following
equation system:
1 1
1 1
(0) (0) (0) 0
( ) ( ) ( ) 1
k k K K K K
k k K K K K
w w w
w TE w TE w TE
φ φ φ
φ φ φ
− −
− −
+ + =
+ + =
4.2. PSO algorithm
In this part, the PSO algorithm will be introduced to train RBFNs, 1 2, ,..., Kσ σ σ 1 2, ,..., Kσ σ σ
and 1 2 2, ,..., Kw w w − are changed . By this way, the trajectory of the trolley is optimal and the sway
of load is removed.
To have minimum swing angle, the function 2 2f θ θ= + (with θ is swing angle after time
TE) is defined as objective function that need to optimize.
The algorithm for trajectory generation based on the PSO is summarized as follows:
High order sliding mode control with anti- sway based compensation on artificial neural network
Step 1: The positions and velocities of all particles are initialized randomly. The position and
velocity of i th− particle are defined as :
,1 ,2 ,...i i i i dx x x x = , ,1 ,2 ,...i i i i dv v v v =
where: 3 2d K= −
Step 2: Calculate 1Kw − and Kw from (14), then the reference position is obtained from (11).
Next, the value of f is calculated from the second equation of (10). So, the initial value of f of
each particle is determined.
Step 3: Initial value of ipbest is initial position of i th− particle. In swarm, we determine the
particle that has best position as gbest .
Step 4: Velocity and position of each partial are updated as following equations:
( 1) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1 2 2( ) ( )
n n n n n n
i i i i iv v a r pbest x a r gbest xχ
+ = + − + − (15)
( 1) ( ) ( 1)n n n
i i ix x v
+ += + (16)
where n is iteration number, 1r and 2r are two independent uniform random numbers with
values from 0 to 1. χ is defined as:
1 22
2 , , >4
2 4
a aχ φ φ
φ φ φ
= = +
− − −
Typically, 1 2 2.05a a= = .
Step 5: Calculate f value of each particle using the same procedure as that described in Step 2.
For each particle, if current position is better than pbest , pbest takes current position. For all
swarm, gbest takes the best value in all pbest value.
Step 6: If n is less than maximum iteration number, 1n n= + and Step 4 6→ are repeated.
Otherwise, gbest is optimal position.
4.3. High level sliding mode control based on anti-sway system
The structure of over all system is shown in Figure 3. In this system, the desired trajectory
is gotten from NBFNs then fed to sliding mode controller. With this combination, the operation
of the over head crane system not only to track the reference trajectory but also to exclude the
effect of the disturbance and reduces the oscillation of the load during the movement of the
Figure 3. Sliding mode control combined compensation anti-sway based on artificial neural network by
PSO algorithm system structure.
L. X. Hải, N. V. Thái, V. T. T. Nga, H. T. T. Uyên, N. T. Long, T. H. Nguyen, P. X. Minh
In this part, a simulation based on Matlab/SIMULINK is executed to verify the
effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The parameters of overhead crane are as follows:
5 M kg= , 2.5 m kg= , 1 l m= and 29.81 /g m s= . The disturbance is occurred suddenly at 1
second: 1 2( ) ( ) 1( 1) 1( 1.1)d t d t t t= = − − − .
The parameters of sliding mode controller are selected as : 1 2c = , 2 0.2c = , 4α = , 4β = ,
1 3.8k = , 2 3.5k = .
The parameters for PSO algorithm are: 5TE = , 2XE = , maximum iteration number is 50,
swarm has 20 particles and hidden layer has 10 neurals ( 10K = ).
Figure 4. Trajectory of trolley when system is controlled by sliding mode controller without
From Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7, it can be seen that ability of resisting
disturbance of high order sliding mode controller is very good. But, the quality of swing angle is
not good . Although the trolley reaches desired position, but the oscillation of the load is still
To fix this problem, RBFNs is used for generating optimal trajectory to reduce sway of
load. As shown in the Figure 8 and Figure 9, the trolley reaches desired position and swing angle
is very small in the moving process.
High order sliding mode control with anti- sway based compensation on artificial neural network
Figure 5. Swing angle of load when system is controlled by sliding mode controller without disturbance.
Figure 6. Trajectory of trolley when system is controlled by sliding mode controller with the disturbance
at time 1 [s].
L. X. Hải, N. V. Thái, V. T. T. Nga, H. T. T. Uyên, N. T. Long, T. H. Nguyen, P. X. Minh
Figure 7. Swing angle of load when system is controlled by sliding mode controller with the disturbance
at time 1 [s].
Figure 8. Trajectory of trolley when system is controlled by sliding mode controller combined with
compensation anti-sway based on artificial neural network by PSO algorithm with the disturbance at time
1 [s].
High order sliding mode control with anti- sway based compensation on artificial neural network
Figure 9. Swing angle of load when system is controlled by sliding mode controller combined
with compensation anti-sway based on artificial neural network by PSO algorithm with the disturbance
at time 1 [s].
In this paper, a new control structure that combines high order sliding mode controller with
optimal trajectory set generator is proposed. This scheme ensures that the overhead crane tracks
desired trajectory with smaller swing angle of load even under the disturbance condition.
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