An APC system has been implemented on a rotary kiln
placed in an Italian cement plant, in order to improve
performances and efficiency, reduce energy consumption
and costs thus gaining addition Government benefits.
After initial phases of plant inspection and pre tests,
followed by identification procedures, aimed at obtaining
accurate dynamical process models, a tailored design step
has been performed. At the basis of the proposed
architecture lies the adoption of an MPC strategy for
attaining an optimal compromise while searching
between conflicting specifications, i.e. maximization of
the productivity, minimization of fuel consumption and
monitoring of the pollution impact and of the product
quality. For the fulfillment of these objectives, MPC
module cooperates with other two fundamental blocks,
useful, for example, to detect abnormal situations or to
exploit quality measurements, respectively.
The system is actually in use in an Italian cement plant
providing benefits to both customers and environment.
Possible future developments may concern the design of
a free lime estimator (“soft sensor”), in order to conduct
the system closer to the free lime upper bound,
guaranteeing further improvements on the conduction of
the plant and on energy saving requirements
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Improving Performances of a Cement Rotary
Kiln: A Model Predictive Control Solution
Silvia Maria Zanoli, Crescenzo Pepe, and Matteo Rocchi
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy
Email: {s.zanoli, c.pepe}
Abstract—In this work an advanced control system design
aimed to the improvement of economic benefits and control
performances of a cement rotary kiln located in an Italian
cement plant is discussed. A Model Predictive Controller,
together with other functional blocks designed to manage
normal and critical situations, constitutes the core of the
proposed strategy. Accurate identification procedures,
aimed at obtaining accurate dynamical process models, have
been performed. A suited cooperation of system modules
and an ad hoc design of each of them allowed the meeting of
control specifications, the increase of system reliability and
the reduction of the standard deviation of critic process
variables. In this way, the system can more safely operate
closer to its operative bounds. The implementation of the
proposed control system on a real plant has proven its
soundness, leading to improvements in terms of energy
efficiency, product quality and environmental impact,
compared to the previous control system.
Index Terms—cement rotary kiln, advanced process control,
model predictive control, economic optimization,
environmental emissions, process control
In today’s world, cement is the substratum for civil
engineering and its applications. The world cement
production has grown in a constant manner since the
early ‘50s. In particular, in recent decades, there was an
increasing need for innovations in the production chain,
as well as an increased need for a high level of
automation, also due to the complex chemical and
physical processes involved [1].
In this context may be placed the process control
optimization, which, by using advanced control strategies,
has the task of finding a compromise between the
economic goals and the productive ones. This idea has an
enormous benefit: payback time is in the order of the
weeks, or months, in opposition to the years required by a
relevant replace of an old hardware unit [2]. This
challenge has motivated the present work, which consists
in the study, development and implementation of an
advanced control system for the optimization of a rotary
kiln process located in an Italian cement plant. For the
formulation of the proposed system, Model Predictive
Control (MPC) techniques have been adopted [3].
Manuscript received July 2, 2015; revised October 6, 2015.
Model Predictive Control is an optimization-based
closed loop control strategy, able to handle multi-input
multi-output (MIMO) processes with constraints on the
manipulated and controlled variables. Through the
minimization of a cost function, it can also guarantee set-
point tracking, while monitoring control efforts [4], [5].
The control system has been developed using a
custom-made software: This choice was originally
motivated by the need of not relaying on industrial and
commercial products, in order to limit the economic
burdens as well as to the need to customize the controller
to specific needs of the system at issue.
In addition to the development of the Model Predictive
Controller core module, the proposed control system has
been equipped with other modules, at the scope to
manage normal and critical situations. The system policy
is based on the cooperation of these modules, which,
together with an ad hoc module design, allowed the
fulfillment of the required plant specifications.
The paper is organized as follows: in the Section II,
after a brief introduction on the cement rotary kiln
process, control specifications issues are defined. Section
III describes the proposed advanced process control
design. In Section IV, the control system results are
discussed, through a comparison with the previous
control structure performances. Finally, conclusions and
future developments are reported in Section V.
A. A Briefly Description of the Process
The cement is a hydraulic binder in the form of fine
dust, inorganic and non-metallic. The fundamental
component of the cement is the product of the baking of
natural minerals, called clinker, which, combined with
other components, gives rise to various types of cement.
The clinker is made from lime, silica, alumina, iron and
magnesium oxides, and other minor parts.
This work is focused on the clinker production phase
of a dry process cement industry, a highly energy
consuming process. The clinker process is the most
important subpart of the cement production, in terms of
potentially polluting emissions, quality and cost of the
product. In Fig. 1, the clinker production process is
schematically represented.
The raw meal, before the introduction in the rotary kiln,
is preheated through a suspension pre-heater, while it is
up in the air with exhaust gas of the combustion from the
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2016
©2016 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering
doi: 10.18178/joace.4.4.262-267
kiln. In the suspension pre-heater, composed by four
cyclones stages, the heat transfer rate is increased,
allowing the enhancement of the heat exchange efficiency.
An induced draft (ID) fan pulls exhaust gas of the
combustion from the kiln, which flows through the
cyclones from the bottom upwards. Raw meal, finely
milled, is mixed with the exhaust gas upstream.
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the cement kiln unit.
A rotary kiln is a steel cylinder that rotates around its
axis. The kiln is horizontally sloped of about 2.5%-4.5%,
allowing processed mixture to move along it. The kiln
fuel is introduced through a burner placed at the end of
the kiln. Raw meal, after its entry in the furnace, is
subjected to calcination, solid phase reactions and
clinkering [1], [2], [6].
B. Control Specifications
The introduction of an Advanced Process Control
(APC) system in a clinker production unit of a cement
plant must lead to productivity and efficiency increase,
while assuring the desired quality of byproducts; in
addition, pollution impact should be kept within given
limits and fuel consumption should be minimized. For the
attainment of such objectives, an APC has to assure
proper chemical and physical reactions, complying with
environmental, thermo-dynamical and mechanical
constraints [7], [8].
In a cement rotary kiln, the main thermo-dynamical
constraints concern cyclones, smoke chamber and
burning zone temperatures, together with oxygen
concentration, while environmental ones refer to carbon
dioxide and nitrogen oxides levels. Finally, mechanical
constraints involve kiln torque. Furthermore, “quality
constraints” are related to free lime analysis, performed
on clinker samples, collected at the end of the cement
rotary kiln [1], [2].
After the definition of the just mentioned project
specifications, performed in cooperation with plant
managers, an accurate study of the chemical and physical
phenomena involved in the considered cement rotary kiln
has been conducted. In addition, with the support of plant
operators and engineers’ interviews, a preliminary plant
inspection has been accomplished in order to investigate
about plant sensors/analyzers equipment, local control
loops and typical operations in the normal process driving.
From this study, the fundamental process variables to be
kept under control were identified: upstream (cyclones)
and calcination area oxygen concentrations analysis,
carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides levels analysis,
together with the temperatures at the top (first cyclone)
and at the bottom (fourth cyclone) of the pre-heater tower.
Finally, smoke chamber temperature, kiln torque and
burning zone temperature have been chosen as furnace
variables. An important feature of the available set of
analyzers lies in the presence of oxygen concentration
analysis at the calcination area: this analyzer guarantees a
greater feedback from the combustion area, compared to
the classical cyclones oxygen analyzer, which is
positioned upstream; in fact, given its upstream location,
this analyzer, may cause delayed responses and
inaccuracies on the combustion control. In case of bad
measurements of oxygen concentration of the calcination
area, the redundancy of the oxygen analyzers is exploited
temporarily controlling the kiln using measurements from
the cyclones oxygen data analyzer. As control inputs ID
fan speed and fuel charge rate have been selected. In the
plant configuration, fuel charge rate is regulated through
a PID controller, while ID fan speed acts directly on a
valve. Common industrial terminology adopts the
expressions Manipulated Variable (MV) and Controlled
Variable (CV) to indicate input and output variables,
respectively. Furthermore, two measurable input
Disturbance Variables (DVs) have been considered, i.e.
input variables that are not under direct control of the
proposed APC system: meal flow rate has been set as DV
because of the management choice of keeping this
variable under the direct control of operators. Kiln speed,
that influences rings clogging, has been set as a second
DV. In the plant configuration, meal flow rate is
regulated through a PID controller, while kiln speed acts
directly on a valve. In Table I-Table III MVs, CVs and
DVs are summarized. In Fig. 1, sensors and actuators
positions are depicted.
Closed loop tests have been performed in order to
achieve accurate dynamical models that relate the process
variables to the controller outputs. A black box approach
for the identification procedure has been adopted
obtaining first order plus dead time (FOPDT) and second
order plus dead time (SOPDT) models [9], [10].
TAG Variable Name / Acronym [Units]
K01IDF_S ID Fan Speed – Fan Speed [%]
K02F_CR Coal - Kiln Fuel [Kg/h]
Sensor /
Variable Name /
Analyzer A01UO2_P Cyclones Oxygen - O2Cy [%]
Analyzer A01DO2_P Calcination Oxygen - O2Ca [%]
Analyzer A02CO2_P Carbon Dioxide- CO2 [%]
Analyzer A03NOX_C Nitrogen Oxides - NOx [ppm]
Sensor C01C_T 1st Cyclone Temp - T1Cy [°C]
Sensor C04C_T 4th Cyclone Temp - T4Cy. [°C]
Sensor K05SC_T Smoke Chamber Temp - TSc [°C]
Sensor K06_T Kiln Torque - Mt [%]
Sensor K07BZ_T Burning Zone Temp - TBz [°C]
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2016
©2016 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering 263
TAG Variable Name / Acronym [Units]
K03M_CR Meal Flow Rate - Meal [t/h]
K04R_S Rotation Kiln Speed - Kiln Speed [rpm]
Figure 2. Kiln fuel during step test phase.
Figure 3. Calcination Oxygen during Kiln fuel step test phase.
The measurements sample time adopted in the
identification phase has been one minute; consistently,
also APC system cycle time has been set at one minute.
In Fig. 2, fuel charge rate signal during the step test
phase is shown; in Table IV, an exemplification of the
moves executed on fuel charge rate is given that reports
on variations and time elapsed between two consecutive
moves. Fig. 3 shows one of the controlled variables, i.e.
the calcination oxygen (O2Ca), during the step test phase
concerning the manipulation of the fuel charge rate. The
exploited measurements for identification are the process
variables filtered by a first order exponential filter (green
line), with a time constant of six minutes. Red line shows
the APC prediction obtained from the FOPDT model
resulting from the identification phase, and used in the
control formulation.
In Fig. 4, the calcination oxygen model mismatch
calculated as the difference between the filtered field O2Ca
measurements and its predicted trends is shown as blue
line; green line represents the filtered model mismatch
(the same filter used in the identification phase has been
adopted). This filtered model mismatch has been used in
the APC formulation.
In the considered cement plant, laboratory analyses on
clinker samples, collected at the end of the cement rotary
kiln, are carried out every four hours. Free lime values
ranging from 0.4% to 1% are considered acceptable.
Outside this range, critical situations such as over-
burning or cooling may occur. In the actual first release
of the realized APC system, this analysis has been
exploited to modify suitably fuel charge rate constraints,
as will be shown below.
1 -50 64
2 +100 126
3 +50 8
4 +100 51
5 -150 39
6 +150 14
7 -150 25
8 +150 43
9 -150 25
10 -150 15
Figure 4. Calcination oxygen model mismatch.
The basic architecture of the proposed APC system
(for a generic control instant 𝑘) is shown in Fig. 5. Model
Predictive Control (MPC) techniques have been adopted
for controlling the rotary kiln process. MPC is an
advanced control strategy, particularly suited for
industrial control applications, characterized by multi-
input multi-output processes with constraints on the MVs
and the CVs. Through an on line optimization, set-point
tracking is performed based on CVs and MVs trends
predictions, while monitoring control efforts [11], [12].
The Model Predictive Control uses a mathematical model
of the process in order to predict the dynamic behavior of
the system variables [13]. Basic MPC consists of a
Dynamic Optimizer (DO block in Fig. 5) which, through
the “receding horizon idea”, computes the future control
moves [3], [4], and [5]. The basic MPC-DO module
computes the optimal future control moves by the
minimization of a quadratic cost function, subject to
linear inequality constraints. The cost function and the
constraints adopted are reported in [3]. An important
remark is the introduction of a slack variable for each CV,
useful for infeasibility handling: it eventually allows
some CVs constraint to be relaxed. The insertion of this
variables vector in the DO cost function is suitably
weighted by a matrix 𝜌, while its inclusion in DO linear
inequality constraints takes place through weighting
parameters named “Equal Concern for Relaxation” (ECR)
[14]. The design choice of assigning “independent” CVs
slack variables on the Dynamic Optimizer is useful to
avoid “induced” relaxations that could not be prevented
by a sole weighting of ECR values: “induced” relaxations
can affect controller and process performances and
possibly its safety causing, for example, unnecessary
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2016
©2016 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering 264
prolonged constraints violation or a less prompt response
of the system. ECR parameters, in cooperation with 𝜌
matrix, allow assigning a priority ranking in constraints
relaxation. For example, keeping both oxygen variables
within their operative range has higher priority than the
satisfaction of nitrogen oxides constraints while nitrogen
oxides operative limits satisfaction is more stringent than
the observance of temperature constraints.
Figure 5. APC system basic architecture.
In the proposed control system, the only economic
variable is the fuel charge rate that, together with ID fan
speed, must guarantee a “zone control” for all CVs: no
trajectory tracking is performed for any of the controlled
variables, limiting the DO controller action to the
satisfaction of the given CVs boundary constraints. The
calculation of DO fuel charge rate steady state target is
executed by a Target Optimization and Constraint
Softening (TOCS) module (see Fig. 5): this module,
searching for CVs and MVs optimal steady state targets,
attempts to fulfill DO steady state constraints [5], [15].
A linear cost function subject to linear constraints is
adopted within the TOCS module. The cost function is,
for a generic control instant 𝑘:
𝑉𝑠𝑠(𝑘) = 𝑐𝑀𝑉
𝑇 ∙ 𝛥𝑀𝑉𝑠𝑠 + 𝑐𝐶𝑉
𝑇 ∙ 𝛥𝐶𝑉𝑠𝑠 +
+ 𝜌𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑇 ∙ 𝜀𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑖𝑛 + 𝜌𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑎𝑥
𝑇 ∙ 𝜀𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑎𝑥
where 𝛥𝑀𝑉𝑠𝑠 and 𝛥𝐶𝑉𝑠𝑠 are the optimal steady state
moves to be computed, 𝜀𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑖𝑛 and 𝜀𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑎𝑥 are the slack
variables for the possible CVs constraints relaxation,
𝜌𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑖𝑛 and 𝜌𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑎𝑥 are suitable weighting vectors and
𝑐𝑀𝑉 and 𝑐𝐶𝑉 are the economic cost weights of the MVs
and of the CVs, respectively. According to DO module,
among economic cost weights, only 𝑐𝑀𝑉 related to fuel
charge rate is non zero (positive value in the
minimization problem).
The linear constraints are:
i. 𝑙𝑏𝑑𝑢_𝑠𝑠 ≤ 𝛥𝑀𝑉𝑠𝑠 ≤ 𝑢𝑏𝑑𝑢_𝑠𝑠
ii. 𝑙𝑏𝑢_𝑠𝑠 ≤ 𝑀𝑉𝑠𝑠 ≤ 𝑢𝑏𝑢_𝑠𝑠
iii. 𝑀𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 𝑀𝑉(𝑘 − 1) + 𝛥𝑀𝑉𝑠𝑠
iv. 𝛥𝐶𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 𝐺 ∙ 𝛥𝑀𝑉𝑠𝑠
𝐶𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 𝐶�̂�(𝑘 + 𝐻𝑝|𝑘)|𝛥𝒰(𝑘)=0 + 𝛥𝐶𝑉𝑠𝑠
𝑙𝑏𝑦_𝑠𝑠 − 𝐸𝐶𝑅𝑙𝑏_𝑠𝑠 ∙ 𝜀𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑖𝑛 ≤ 𝐶𝑉𝑠𝑠 ≤
𝑢𝑏𝑦_𝑠𝑠 + 𝐸𝐶𝑅𝑢𝑏_𝑠𝑠 ∙ 𝜀𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑎𝑥
𝜀𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑖𝑛 ≥ 0; 𝜀𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≥ 0
where 𝑀𝑉𝑠𝑠 and 𝐶𝑉𝑠𝑠 are the optimal steady state values
for the MVs and CVs, i.e. the end terms of DO MVs and
CVs reference trajectories: they are obtained applying the
optimal steady state moves 𝛥𝑀𝑉𝑠𝑠 and 𝛥𝐶𝑉𝑠𝑠 to 𝑀𝑉(𝑘 −
1) and 𝐶�̂�(𝑘 + 𝐻𝑝|𝑘)|𝛥𝒰(𝑘)=0 , i.e. to the “free
predictions” of MVs and CVs at the end of the prediction
horizon 𝐻𝑝 . 𝐶�̂�(𝑘 + 𝐻𝑝|𝑘)|𝛥𝒰(𝑘)=0 takes into account
disturbance variables information, in a feedforward sense.
𝐺 is the input-output gain matrix. For each variable v,
𝑙𝑏𝑣(𝑖) and 𝑢𝑏𝑣(𝑖) vectors are the lower and upper
bounds and 𝐸𝐶𝑅𝑙𝑏_𝑠𝑠 and 𝐸𝐶𝑅𝑢𝑏_𝑠𝑠 matrices assign, in
cooperation with 𝜌𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑖𝑛 and 𝜌𝑠𝑠_𝑚𝑎𝑥 vectors, a priority
ranking in CVs steady state constraints relaxation,
according to DO module.
TOCS formulation provides a single slack variable for
each output variable constraint; in this way, an accurate
management of the constraint relaxations can be
performed. As additional feature, a suitable pre relaxation
of the operational constraints is forwarded by TOCS to
the DO module in addition to steady state targets. This
feature guarantees consistency between steady state
targets and constraints. In situations where the desired
plant configuration is not feasible with respect to steady
state models as derived from identification phase, a non
zero pre relaxation related to one or more CVs is imposed
by TOCS.
In order to guarantee consistency between DO and
TOCS modules, the prediction horizon 𝐻𝑝 has been set to
120 minutes, thus allowing steady state reaching for all
CVs. Moreover, steady state step max constraints (see
point i in (2)) on MVs steady state moves have been set
coherently with the control horizon (10 moves [16]) set in
the DO formulation.
The feedback strategy adopted in the proposed APC
system takes into consideration the model mismatch
(eventually filtered) [17] calculated as explained in the
previous section. The state estimator module (see Fig. 5)
computes the state evolution in accordance with state
space models derived from identification phase, allowing
the model mismatch treatment in the DO and TOCS
In the APC system, two other key modules are
proposed in addition to the DO, TOCS and state estimator
just described: a variables state selector and a fuel
constraints corrector (see Fig. 5). At every APC cycle,
plant operators can modify the problem formulation
acting on a variable on/off state selector thus determining
which MVs, CVs or DVs must be considered in DO and
TOCS problems solution. In addition to the operators
variable selection, based on process driving requirements,
situations like bad data detection (e.g. sensors spikes) and
local loops deficits (e.g. deviation of the process variable
from the set point of its control loop) are handled. The
fuel constraints selector plays an important role on the
quality specification: as stated in the previous section, in
the considered cement plant, every four hours a new
clinker free lime laboratory analysis is available. This
information has been exploited in order to avoid
overburning or cooling, that are critical conditions for
clinker quality. Heuristic rules to be used for fuel charge
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2016
©2016 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering 265
rate constraints adjustments have been designed which
are reported in Table V. When a new free lime value is
available, new charge rate constraints adjustments are
eventually considered as suggested from the lookup table
(Table V). The actual application of these constraints
variations takes into account the actual fuel charge rate
value. Two possible situations may arise:
Fuel Charge Rate inside the Operating Constraints:
In this case the constraint to update is directly
updated according to the variation as resulting
from the lookup table.
Lower Bound
Change [Kg/h]
Free Lime
Analysis [%]
Upper Bound
Change [Kg/h]
-100 0.1 0
-100 0.2 0
-50 0.3 0
0 0.4 0
0 0.5 0
0 0.6 0
0 0.7 0
0 0.8 0
0 0.9 0
0 1 0
0 1.1 +50
0 1.2 +100
0 1.3 +150
0 1.4 +200
0 1.5 +250
Fuel Charge Rate outside the Operating
Constraints: In this case, the constraint to update is
firstly aligned to the actual fuel charge rate value,
and then updated according to the variation as
resulting from the lookup table.
Consequently to the lower or upper bound fuel charge
rate variation, some CVs constraints may need to be
adjusted: TOCS module, when the new constraints setup
becomes available, eventually pre relaxes some of the
CVs constraints, thus allowing to have a “well posed”
DO steady state configuration. In this way, consistency
between steady state constraints and optimal targets is
assured. If from TOCS computation pre relaxations are
required, plant operators are informed by a visual and
acoustic alarm indicating the necessary CVs constraints
changes. Therefore, operators can modify the interested
operative bounds so to restore a correct constraints
The proposed APC has been installed on an Italian
cement plant replacing a previous manual conduction of
standard PID loops; it has been implemented on a
SCADA system [18] that manages the rotary kiln. Fig. 6
shows the probability density function (PDF) of three
critic kiln process variables before and after the APC
activation: The specific consumption, the O2Ca and the
NOx. The performances of the APC system are compared
to that of the previous standard PID controller. The
results depicted in Fig. 6 refer to a period of
approximately three weeks before and four weeks after
the APC activation, respectively. APC main contribution
is the reduction of the standard deviation of the most
critic process variables, such as NOx and O2Ca.
Consequently, the system can more safely approach its
operative constraints. This has contributed to the
achievement of energy efficiency and to the reduction of
the specific kiln consumption, while monitoring quality
specifications. Fig. 7 shows examples of free lime
analysis before and after APC activation, with similar
plant boundary conditions.
Figure 6. Specific consumption, calcination oxygen and nitrogen
Oxides Probability Density Function Pre and Post MPC.
Figure 7. Free lime analysis Pre and Post MPC.
Additional advantage gained with the implementation
of the APC system is the reduction of the environmental
impact in term of chemical emissions, i.e. of average
nitrogen oxides and oxygen concentrations.
The overall results obtained after approximately a year
since APC first start up, can be summarized as in the
4.5% average
reduction of O2Ca concentration with
a standard deviation
reduction of
about 6%;
20% average reduction of
NOx concentration with
a standard
deviation reduction of
about 32%;
average reduction of the specific consumption;
7% average
increase of the free lime;
For the computation of the average specific
coal heating power and meal free lime has
been taken
into account. Finally, with regards to the
computation of the controller uptime, this does not
include APC shut down situations like cyclones cleaning
and raw mill stop.
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2016
©2016 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering 266
An APC system has been implemented on a rotary kiln
placed in an Italian cement plant, in order to improve
performances and efficiency, reduce energy consumption
and costs thus gaining addition Government benefits.
After initial phases of plant inspection and pre tests,
followed by identification procedures, aimed at obtaining
accurate dynamical process models, a tailored design step
has been performed. At the basis of the proposed
architecture lies the adoption of an MPC strategy for
attaining an optimal compromise while searching
between conflicting specifications, i.e. maximization of
the productivity, minimization of fuel consumption and
monitoring of the pollution impact and of the product
quality. For the fulfillment of these objectives, MPC
module cooperates with other two fundamental blocks,
useful, for example, to detect abnormal situations or to
exploit quality measurements, respectively.
The system is actually in use in an Italian cement plant
providing benefits to both customers and environment.
Possible future developments may concern the design of
a free lime estimator (“soft sensor”), in order to conduct
the system closer to the free lime upper bound,
guaranteeing further improvements on the conduction of
the plant and on energy saving requirements.
The authors wish to thanks all the staff of the i.Process
s.r.l. for their insights and their fruitful collaboration.
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[5] J. B. Rawlings and D. Q. Mayne, Model Predictive Control:
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Silvia M. Zanoli
received the M. Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering
in 1992 and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Ancona, Italy in
1996. She is currently assistant professor at the Università Politecnica
Marche, Italy, holding courses on the field of Industrial Automation.
She has been visiting professor at the MSEL of the Northeastern
University of Boston. She actually works on the development of fault
diagnosis systems and advanced energy saving control systems. Her
research interests include model predictive control, fault-diagnosis,
process control and supervision both on time-driven systems and on
discrete event systems. She has collaborated in many national and
European projects on robotics and industrial automations. She actually
works on the development of fault diagnosis systems and advanced
energy saving control systems with particular focus on the appliance on
oil plants and building automation. Her research interests include fault
diagnosis, advanced control both on time-driven systems and on discrete
event systems and underwater robotics applications.
Dr. Zanoli is a
member of IEEE and of ISME (Interuniversity Center of Integrated
Systems for the Marine Environment).
Cresenzo Pepe
received the B. Sc. and the M. Sc. degrees
in Computer
and Automation engineering from the Università
delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, in 2010 and 2013, respectively.
He is
currently a Ph.D. student in Information Engineering with
Politecnica delle Marche and with i.Process s.r.l.. His specific
topics refer to industrial and academic Optimal Control and Filtering
in particular Model Predictive Control
His interests
concerns industrial automation, applied mathematics and geometry,
classical and advanced
filtering and control theory, image processing.
Matteo Rocchi
received the B. Sc. and the M. Sc. degrees in Computer
and Automation engineering from the Università Politecnica
delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, in 2012 and 2015, respectively. His master
thesis concerned the development of an industrial controller for a rotary
cement kiln based on model predictive control
He currently
works in i.Process s.r.l. for the development of new predictive control
solutions. His area of interest include process control, model predictive
control and process modeling and identification.
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2016
©2016 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering 267
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