The intelligent LE control system, which is based on
intelligent analyzers and predefined model-based adaptation
techniques, activates special features when needed. Fast
start-up, smooth operation and efficient energy collection is
achieved even in varying operating condition. The state
indicators react well to the changing operating conditions and
can be used in smart working point control. The controller
reacts efficiently on the setpoint changes, clouds and load
disturbances. The setpoint is achieved accurately with the
new asymmetrical action. The working point can be chosen
in a way which improves the efficiency of the energy
collection. A trade-off of the temperature and the flow is
needed to achieve a good level for the collected power.
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Intelligent Control of a Solar Thermal Power Plant -
Adaption in Varying Conditions
Esko K. Juuso
University of Oulu, Control Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Oulu, Finland
Abstract—Solar thermal power plants collect available solar
energy in a usable form at a temperature range which is
adapted to the irradiation levels and seasonal variations. Solar
energy can be collected only when the irradiation is high
enough to produce the required temperatures. During the
operation, a trade-off of the temperature and the flow is
needed to achieve a good level for the collected power. The
intelligent control system based on intelligent analyzers and
predefined adaptation techniques activates special features
when needed. Fast start-up, smooth operation and efficient
energy collection is achieved even in variable operating
condition. The state indicators react well to the changing
operating conditions and can be used in smart working point
control to further improve the operation. The working point
can be chosen in a way which improves the efficiency of the
energy collection. A trade-off of the temperature and the flow
is needed to achieve a good level for the collected power.
Keywords-solar energy, intelligent control, nonlinear systems,
adaptation, optimisation
Solar thermal power plants should collect any available
energy in a usable form at the desired temperature range. In
addition to seasonal and daily cyclic variations, the intensity
depends also on atmospheric conditions such as cloud cover,
humidity, and air transparency. A fast start-up and efficient
operation in varying cloudy conditions is important. A solar
collector field is a good test platform for control
methodologies [1, 2, 3], including basic feedforward and PID
schemes, adaptive control, model-based predictive control,
frequency domain and robust optimal control and fuzzy logic
control [4].
Feedforward approaches based directly on the energy
balance can use the measurements of solar irradiation and
inlet temperature [5, 6]. On a clear day, nonlinear effect can
be handled with model-based feedforward controllers with
additional feedback controllers to remove offsets [7]. Model-
based predictive control (MPC) [8, 9] is suitable for fairly
smoothly changing conditions. Linguistic equation (LE)
control includes solutions also for cloudy conditions and
varying load situations [10]. MPC has been used for tuning
the control of large setpoint changes [11]. Genetic algorithms
have also been used for multiobjective tuning [12]. The main
challenge is to handle harmful situations efficiently to reach
an unattended operation as a part of a smart grid.
This paper summarizes LE control solutions used in
varying operating conditions in solar thermal power plants.
The aim of solar thermal power plants is to provide
thermal energy for use in an industrial process such as
seawater desalination or electricity generation. Unnecessary
shutdowns and start-ups of the collector field are both
wasteful and time consuming. With fast and well damped
controllers, the plant can be operated close to the design
limits thereby improving the productivity of the plant [3].
The Acurex field supplies thermal energy (1 MWt) in
form of hot oil to an electricity generation system or a multi--
effect desalination plant. The field consists of parabolic-
trough collectors (Fig. 1). Control is done by means of
varying the flow pumped through the pipes in the field (Fig.
2) during the operation. In addition to this, the collector field
status must be monitored to prevent potentially hazardous
situations, e.g. oil temperatures greater than 300
C. The
temperature increase in the field may rise up to 110 degrees.
At the beginning of the daily operation, the oil was earlier
circulated in the field, and the flow is turned to the storage
system (Fig. 1) when an appropriate outlet temperature is
achieved. The valves are used only for open-close operation:
the overall flow F to the collector field is controlled by the
pump. [13] In the latest tests, the inlet temperatures were
high already in the start-up, since the oil flow was not first
circulated in the field.
Figure 1. Parabolic-through collectors.
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017
doi: 10.18178/joace.5.1.26-30
©2017 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering
Figure 2. Solar collector field.
The scaling functions is a nonlinear mapping of variable
values inside its range to a certain linguistic range [-2, 2].
The function is usually based on two second-order
lja ,
ljb ,
lja ,
ljb and ljc are the coefficients of the
polynomials for different features l of the variables j.
ljc is the real value corresponding to the
linguistic value 0. The membership definitions are
monotonous and increasing [10]. These functions for the
values of the variables (feature l=1) are analysed from the
measurement data or defined from expertise: the coefficients
are obtained from the real values corresponding to the
linguistic values -2, -1, 0, 1 and 2. For dynamic models, the
jf2 are defined for time delays (feature l=2). The
LE controllers need additional membership definitions: error,
change of error, original error and change of control (features
l=3, 4, 5 and 6).
The linguistic value for the feature l of the input variable
j is calculated according to equation
where )max( ljx and )min( ljx are maximum and minimum
values of the real data corresponding to the linguistic values
2 and -2. After the linguistic level of the model output
is calculated according to equation 1, it is converted to the
real value of the output
ljx by using (1). The scaling
functions can be recursively updated [14].
All the equations used in LE controllers and intelligent
analyzers are linear since the nonlinearities are handled with
the nonlinear scaling.
A. Feedback Control
The multilevel control system consists of a nonlinear LE
controller with predefined adaptation models, some smart
features for avoiding difficult operating conditions and a
cascade controller for obtaining smooth operation [4]. The
basic controller is a PI-type LE controller represented by
)(),()(),()( 13
6 jjIjjPiji efjiKefjiKuf
Is nonlinear. The error
je and the derivative of error
je of the controlled variable j are mapped to the linguistic
range by nonlinear scaling functions 1
where l is 3 and 4,
respectively. The change of control
iju is scaled back to
the real scale with (2) where l is 6. The controller can be
tuned by modifying the membership definitions and
coefficients ),( jiKP and ),( jiK I .
B. Intelligent Analyzers
Intelligent analyzers are used for detecting changes in
operating conditions to activate adaptation and model-based
control and to provide indirect measurements for the high-
level control.
The working point
),()( 115
14 diffeff TfIfwp
which is obtained from the effective irradiation
effI and the
inoutdiff TTT between the outlet and the inlet
temperatures, is the basis of the adaptation procedures.
The predictive braking indication is activated for very
large errors. The calculated braking coefficient
)(kbc j emphasizes the importance the derivative of the error:
).,())(1(),( jiKkbcjiK PjP
The asymmetry detection is based on the changes of the
corrected irradiation. On a clear sunny day, the calculation
can be based on the solar noon.
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017
©2017 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering
The fluctuation indicators, which were introduced to
detecting cloudiness and oscillations, are the main
improvements aimed for practical use. The indicator is
obtained as a difference of two generalized norms whose
orders are 30 and -30, respectively.
The intelligent indicators of the fast changes of the
temperatures (inlet, outlet and difference) were compared
with the intelligent trend analysis, which was introduced.
The trend analysis is based on the scaled variables which are
also used in the controller. New and revised actions required
updates of the parameters.
C. Adaptive Control
Adaptive LE control extends the operating area of the
LE controller by using correction factors obtained from the
working point (4) to reduce oscillations, when wp is low,
and to speedup operation, when wp is high. This predefined
adaptation is highly important since there is not time enough
to adapt online when there are strong disturbances.
The predictive braking and asymmetrical actions are
activated in special situations (Fig. 3). Intelligent indicators
introduce additional changes of control if needed. The test
campaigns have clarified the events, which activate the
special actions. Each action has a clear task in the overall
control system.
Figure 3. LE controller.
D. Model-based Control
Model-based control was earlier used for limiting the
acceptable range of the temperature setpoint by setting a
lower limit of the working point (4). The fluctuation
indicators are used for modifying the lower working point
limit to react better to cloudiness and other disturbances.
This overrides the manual limits if the operation conditions
require that [14]. The model-based extension is an essential
part in moving towards reliable operation in cloudy
conditions: the control system should operate without
manual interventions. The high-level control moves towards
control strategies to modify intelligent analyzers and
adaptation procedures (Fig. 3).
The control system facilitates an almost unattended
operation. The nonlinear scaling already provides a wide
operating range which is further extended by the adaptive
control and finally, the model-based control introduces
constraints for the operating area to avoid harmful situations.
A. Normal Operation
On clear days with high or fairly high irradiation, the
feedforward controllers operate well. However, they are not
used in the LE controllers since the control system needs to
be ready for any disturbances. The setpoint tracking is fast
with minimal oscillation throughout the nonlinear operating
conditions although the oil properties change drastically
with the temperature (Fig. 4). The working point adaptation
handles efficiently and the temperature can be increased and
decreased in spite of the irradiation changes.
High setpoints can be used since the working point limit
activates the setpoint correction when the temperature
difference exceeds the limit corresponding to the irradiation
level at the active working point level. The oil flow changes
smoothly: the fast changes are at the beginning of the step.
Previously important working point corrections and limiting
the fast changes are negligible. The predictive braking is
activated for large step changes and the asymmetrical action
is used only in the final stage of the step.
Figure 4. Oil properties.
B. Cloudy Conditions
The setpoint correction operates throughout the cloudy
periods to reduce oscillations and hazardous situations
caused by the abrupt changes of irradiation (Fig. 5(a)). The
temporary setpoint correction allows the temperature to go
down a few degrees. The modified setpoint is based on the
working point wp which follows the mean value of the
irradiation obtained by the fluctuation index (Fig. 5(b)). The
temperature rises back during the sunny spells, and finally,
after the irradiation disturbances, high temperatures were
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017
©2017 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering
achieved almost without oscillations with the gradually
changing setpoint defined by the working point limit
although the inlet temperature was simultaneously rising (Fig.
6(a)). After these periods, the field reached the normal
operation in half an hour. For long heavy cloudy periods, the
field can be kept in temperatures 160 - 210
C for a long time
if there are some sunny spells, e.g. two hours have been
reached in tests. The working point corrections are very
strong, but fast changes are not detected [15].
Figure 5. Irradiation disturbances on a cloudy day: (a) Irradiation, (b)
Working point limit.
C. Load Disturbances
During a day, the temperature increases more or less
smoothly in the storage tank (Figs. 6 and 7), but the use
energy may cause fast disturbances. The controller should
also handle these abrupt disturbances. An unintentional drop
of 16.9 degrees in the inlet temperature is shown in Fig. 6(b).
The disturbance lasted 20 minutes and the normal operation
was retained in 50 minutes with only an overshoot of two
degrees, but with some oscillations. The controller selected
automatically appropriate actions. In another case, the
setpoint was changed when the inlet temperature reached the
minimum (Fig. 7). The working point limit was changed to
allow a higher setpoint in the recovery. The temperature drop
was smaller (7.5 degrees) but the overshoot slightly higher
(2.5 degrees). Also the recovery took less time (30 minutes).
Figure 6. Disturbances during the start-up period: (a) clouds, (b) load.
Figure 7. Disturbances during the start-up period.
D. Asymmetrical Corrections
The asymmetrical correction takes the irradiation changes
into account. The setpoints are achieved in the range ±0.5
degrees with hardly any offset (Fig. 7). Around the solar
noon, the setpoints are achieved very accurately even for
high temperatures corresponding negative working points.
The increase of the inlet temperature is smoothly
compensated with the small changes of the oil flow and the
setpoint is also accurately achieved after the load
E. Optimisation
The temperature increase in the collector field naturally
depends on the irradiation, which is the highest close to the
solar noon (Fig. 8(a)). As the inlet temperature often
increases slightly during the day, there is a possibility to use
even higher outlet temperatures. The temperatures increase
with decreasing oil flow, which can be controlled smoothly
in a wide range, 2-10 l/s. However, the power collection
starts to decrease in too low flows. The maximum collected
power is achieved when the oil flow is close to 6 l/s. A trade-
off of the temperature and the flow is needed to achieve a
good level for the collected power. Naturally, the power
levels depend on the irradiation. The power surface is highly
nonlinear because of the properties of the oil (Fig. 4).
Figure 8. Operating area of a field: (a) power, (b)
diffT , (c) –wp, (d) outT .
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017
©2017 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering
In the constrained optimization, the working point is
chosen from the high power range and used in the model-
based control to choose or limit the setpoint. Both the outlet
temperature (Fig. 8(b)) and the temperature increase (Fig.
8(d)) are limited to keep the collector field in a good
condition and avoid harmful situations. Limits are introduced
in the following situations:
During high irradiation periods, high outlet
temperatures are avoided by keeping the working
point high enough (Fig. 8(c)).
In varying cloudy conditions, the working point limit
is changed (Fig. 5(b)). In practice, the setpoint is
kept on a low level to avoid a too high temperature
increase during short sunny spells.
Disturbances of the inlet temperatures introduce
fluctuation to the outlet temperature. These
fluctuations are taken into account in the same way
as the irradiation disturbances.
In all these cases, the acceptable working point is limited by
the oscillation risks and high viscosity of the oil during the
start-up. The outlet temperatures and the collected energy
will decrease but the operating area can be extended to more
unfavorable conditions.
The intelligent LE control system, which is based on
intelligent analyzers and predefined model-based adaptation
techniques, activates special features when needed. Fast
start-up, smooth operation and efficient energy collection is
achieved even in varying operating condition. The state
indicators react well to the changing operating conditions and
can be used in smart working point control. The controller
reacts efficiently on the setpoint changes, clouds and load
disturbances. The setpoint is achieved accurately with the
new asymmetrical action. The working point can be chosen
in a way which improves the efficiency of the energy
collection. A trade-off of the temperature and the flow is
needed to achieve a good level for the collected power.
Experiments were carried out within the project
"Intelligent control and optimisation of solar collection with
linguistic equations (ICOSLE)" as a part of the project "Solar
Facilities for the European Research Area (SFERA)"
supported by the 7th Framework Programme of the EU
(SFERA Grant Agreement 228296). Data analysis has been
supported by the research program Measurement, Monitoring
and Environmental Efficiency Assesment (MMEA) funded
by the TEKES (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology
and Innovation).
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Esko Juuso received D.Sc.Eng. on Control and Systems Engineering at the
University of Oulu. He also has a M.Sc. degree in Technical Physics at the
same university. He has earlier worked as research engineer and process
computer analyst in metal industry. Currently, he is a team leader and a
project manager of several research projects on intelligent systems
applications. The fields of industry include energy, water, bioprocesses,
pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper, steel and mining. Dr. Juuso is the
developer of the linguistic equation (LE) approach and the nonlinear
scaling methodology, which is currently used in various applications. His
research interests are in the modelling and control of industrial processes
with a special emphasis on combining intelligent control, fault diagnosis
and performance monitoring into smart adaptive systems. Dr. Juuso has
been the President of EUROSIM 2013-2016 and he is currently the
member of the Executive Board of EUROSIM and the Management Board
of ISCM.
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2017
©2017 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering
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