It is assumed that the reader will not have any difficulty proceeding
along the steps that are formatted by the chapters that follow. Even though
the interference signals (sources) and the general interference environment
are discussed in Chapters 4 and 5, we shall briefly explain here in general
terms the main theme of interference. As we shall see later, Chapters 4
through 7 introduce and analyze the subject of interference in detail.
For the readers who are not familiar with this subject, as far as this
book is concerned, there exist two types of interfering signals no matter
what their source is. One type is an additive signal, which enters the receiver
and affects the detection process. Its source and nature can be a signal from
a noiselike source, a signal from another friendly or nonfriendly system, or
a signal produced by the nonlinearities of the system itself and its components
(such as filters, which are exhibited as intermodulation signals and/or
intersymbol interference). The other kind of interfering signals are the multi-plicative types, which are mainly produced because of multipath phenomena
in wireless systems, as we shall see in Chapter 4
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observation vectors {m i1 , m2 , . . . , m iM , i = 1, . . . , N }. For
each state, a set of M prototype vectors model the centroids of the
signal space associated with each state.
4. State observation vector probability model. This can be either a discrete
model composed of the M prototype vectors and their associated
probability mass function (pmf) P = {Pij (?), i = 1, . . . , N, j = 1,
. . . , M }, or it may be a continuous (usually Gaussian) PDF model
F = { f ij (?), i = 1, . . . , N, j = 1, . . . , M }.
5. Initial state probability vector p = [p1 , p2 , . . . , pN ].
The first step in training the parameters of an HMM is to collect a
training database of a sufficiently large number of different examples of the
random process to be modeled. The objective is to train the parameters of
an HMM to model the statistics of the signals in the training data set.
B.3 HMM—Kalman Filter Algorithm
In this section we shall show how a recursive HMM estimator and a Kalman
filter in conjunction with an EM algorithm can be used to estimate nar-
rowband interference, signal, and their parameters. This algorithm is used
in Chapter 7 as a narrowband interference suppressor [5, 6].
B.3.1 Problem Formulation
We assume that the received spread-spectrum signal s (t ) is sampled at a rate
higher than the chip rate of the PN sequence. This yields samples that are
correlated in time. Hence, we assume sk is a finite-state discrete-time
382 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
homogeneous first order Markov chain. Consequently, the state sk at time
k is one of the finite number of known states Mq = (q1 , q2 , . . . , qM ).
The transition probability matrix is:
A = (amn ) (B.2)
amn = P Xst +1 = qn | st = qm C;
m , n ˛ {1, . . . , M }.
Of course, amn ‡ 0, å
n =1
amn = 1 for each m , with p denoting the
initial state probability vector: p = (pm ), pm = P (s1 = qm ). We assume
that the number of states M of the Markov chain is known. Also, for
convenience, we assume that pm = 1/M , for m = 1, . . . , M .
B.4 Maximum A Posteriori Channel Estimates Based on
ln f Xh | y (0), . . . , y (N - 1)C = -
m =0
ln f ( y (m )) - NP ln (2p )
ln X |Sxx | |Shh | C (B.3)
m =0
H [ y (m ) - h - m x ]T S - 1xx [ y (m ) - h - m x ]
+ (h - m h )
T S - 1hh (h - m h )J
The maximum a posteriori (MAP) channel estimate, obtained by setting
the derivative of the log posterior function ln f H | y Xh | y C to zero, is
hˆ MAP = (Sxx + Shh )
1Shh ( y - m x ) + (Sxx + Shh )
1Sxx m h (B.4)
383Appendix B
y =
N å
m =0
y (m ) (B.5)
is the time-averaged estimate of the mean of observation vector. Note that
for a Gaussian process, the MAP and conditional mean estimate are identical.
The conditional PDF of a channel h averaged over all HMMs can be
expressed as
f H |Y Xh |Y C = å
i =1
f H |Y,S,M Xh |Y, s, Mi CPS |M Xs |Mi CPM (Mi )
where PM (Mi ) is the prior pmf of the input words. Given a sequence of
N P -dimensional observation vectors Y = [ y (0), . . . , y (N - 1)], the posterior
pdf of the channel h along a state sequence s of an HMM Mi is defined
as [2].
It can be shown that [1] the MAP estimate along state s, on the left-
hand side of (B.3), can be obtained as
hˆ MAP (Y, s, Mi ) = å
m =0
3 å
k =0
XS- 1xx , s (k ) + S- 1hh C4
S - 1xx , s (m ) [ y (m ) - m x , s (m ) ]
+ 3 å
k =0
XS - 1xx , s (k ) + S- 1hh C - 14 S- 1hh m h (B.7)
The MAP estimate of the channel over all state sequences of all HMMs
can be obtained as
hˆ (Y ) =
i =1
hˆ MAP (Y, s, Mi )PS |M Xs |Mi CPM (Mi ) (B.8)
A MAP differs from maximum likelihood in that MAP includes the
prior PDF of a channel. This pdf can be used to confine the channel estimate
within a desired subspace of the parameter space. Assuming that the channel
input vectors are statistically independent, the posterior PDF of the channel
given the observation sequence Y = y (0) . . . y (N - 1) is
384 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
fH | Y (h / y (0) . . . y (N - 1) = PN - 1
m =0
f y ( y (m ))
f x ( y (m ) - h ) fH (h )
Assuming also that the channel input x (m ) is Gaussian, f x (x (m )) =
N (x , m x , Sxx ), with mean vector m x and covariance matrix Sxx , and that
the channel h is also Gaussian, fN (h ) = N (h, m h , Shh ), with mean vector
m h and covariance matrix Shh , the logarithm of the posterior PDF is given
by (B.3).
B.4.1 Notation
Let D = (d1 , . . . , dp )¢ . Denote the sequence of observations ( y1 , . . . , yT )
as YT . Let Y
k 2
k 1 = ( y k 1 , . . . , y k 2 )¢ . Let XT = (i1 , . . . , iT )¢ and ST =
(s1 , . . . , sT )¢ . Let S
k 2
k 1 = (sk 1 , . . . , sk 2 )¢ and X
k 2
k 1 = (xk 1 , . . . , xk 2 )¢ .
B.4.2 Estimation Objectives
Let f0 = XA , q , D, s 2e , s 2n C denote the true parameter vector that charac-
terizes the narrowband interference—auto regressive (AR) signal—and the
spread-spectrum signal (Markov chain).
Given the observations Yk = ( y1 , . . . , y k ), our aim is twofold.
1. State estimation. Compute estimates of the narrowband interference
ik and the spread-spectrum signal sk .
2. Parameter estimation. Derive a recursive estimator f (k ) for f0 ,
where f (k ) = XA (k ), q (k ), D (k ), s(k )e , s(k )n C, for k > 1, given the
observations Yk .
For maximum generality, the HMM-KF algorithm we present allows
for estimation of some or all of the parameters of f (k ), depending on which
parameters are known a priori. In the CDMA signal models q , se , and sn
are assumed known. For such models, the HMM-KF algorithm provides
state estimates and parameter estimates of D .
The HMM-KF algorithm cross couples two recursive EM algorithms,
one algorithm for an HMM and the other for a noisy AR model [5, 6].
1. At time k , the KF and recursive estimate maximize (EM) parameter
estimator for the narrowband interference yield estimates of the
385Appendix B
state of ik , process noise variance s
e , observation noise variance
s 2n , and the AR coefficients d1 , . . . , dp , with p the order of the
autoregressive process (narrowband interference).
2. The HMM filter and recursive EM parameter estimator for the
spread-spectrum signal gives online estimates of the state of sk ,
transition probability matrix A and Markov chain level q .
B.4.3 Spread-Spectrum Signal Estimator Using Recursive HMMs
At time k , the predicted narrowband interference ik |k - 1 and variance
pi k |k - 1 of the predicted error wk ” ik - ik |k - 1 obtained from the KF is
available. Therefore, the HMM to be estimated is (HMM signal model)
y k - ik |k - 1 = sk + wk + nk (B.9)
It is assumed that the Kalman predicted error wk is modeled as a zero-
mean white Gaussian process with variance pi k |k - 1 and is independent of the
observation noise nk .
The recursive HMM estimator recursively updates the state and parame-
ter estimates of the HMM. The recursive HMM parameter vector estimate
at k is denoted as
(k )
HMM ” XA (k ), q (k ), s2(k )n C (B.10)
Given the signal model (B.3), the state and adaptive parameter estima-
tion procedure for the spread-spectrum signal sk , is presented next.
B.4.3.1 State Estimation
Define the symbol PDF
bm ( y k ) ” f X y k | Yk - 1 , Ik |k - 1 , sk = q (k - 1)m , Sk - 1 , f (k - 1)HMM C, (B.11)
m ˛ {1, . . . , M }
2p X pi k |k - 1 + s2
(k - 1)
n C
· expS - X y k - ik |k - 1 - q (k - 1)m C2
2 X pi k |k - 1 + s2
(k - 1)
n C D
which is obtained directly from (B.2), and the assumptions on the noises
wk , nk ? q
m , and s
2(k - 1)
n are the estimates at time k - 1 of the m th
Markov chain level and the observation noise variance, respectively.
386 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
Define the nonnormalized filtered Markov state density a k (m ), the
filtered conditional mean (CM) state estimate sCMk |k , and the filtered MAP
state estimate sMAPk |k , respectively, as
a k (m ) ” f Xsk = q (k - 1)m , Yk | Ik |k - 1 , f (k - 1)HMM C (B.12)
sCMk |k ” E Hsk | Yk , Ik |k - 1 , f (k - 1)HMM J (B.13)
s MAPk |k = q
j (B.14)
Remark: sMAPk |k is discrete valued, s
k |k is continuous.
The nonnormalized filtered Markov state density a k (m ) is recursively
computed as follows:
a k (n ) = bn ( y k ) å
m =1
a (k - 1)mn a k - 1 (m ) (B.15)
a1 (n ) = p
n bn ( y1 ) (B.16)
The normalized filtered Markov state density g k (m ) is computed from
a k (m ) and given by
g k (m ) ” f Xsk = q (k - 1)m | Yk , Ik |k - 1 , f (k - 1)HMM C = am (m )
n =1
a k (n )
The filtered CM state estimate sCMk |k and the associated conditional
variance (CV )ps k |k ” E HXsk - sCMk |k C2 | Yk , Ik |k - 1 , f (k - 1)HMM J, which is the
expected error in the estimate of sCMk |k , are given by
sCMk |k = å
m =1
q (k - 1)m g k (m ) (B.18)
ps k |k = å
m =1
Xq (k - 1)m C2g k (m ) - XsCMk |k C2 (B.19)
387Appendix B
B.4.3.2 Parameter Estimation
The received power levels are time varying, and if asynchronous transmission
is used it may be necessary to estimate A and q . To estimate these parameters,
the recursive EM algorithm is used. The recursive EM algorithm will be
summarized next.
At time k the parameter vector estimate is updated as
f (k ) = f (k - 1) + (Icom (f
1) ))- 1S (f (k - 1) ) (B.20)
where Icom (f
1) ) and S (f (k - 1) ) are the Fisher information matrix (FIM)
of the complete data and the incremental score vector at time k , respectively,
given by
Icom (f
1) ) = Icom (f
2) ) + V (f (k - 1) ) (B.21)
S (f (k - 1) ) ”
¶ Lk (f )
¶ f |f = f (k - 1) (B.22)
V (f (k - 1) ) ”
2Lk (f )
¶ f2 |f = f (k - 1) (B.23)
Lk (f ) ” E Hln f XZk | Zk - 1 , f C | Zk ,obs , f (k - 1)J (B.24)
where Zk ” XZk ,obs , Zk ,mis C denotes the complete data and Zk ,obs and Zk ,mis
are the observed and missing data, respectively.
In this case, Zk ,obs = Yk and Zk ,mis = Sk . Thus, given Ik |k - 1 , which
are obtained from the recursive KF, we can determine LHMMk (f ) from (B.17)
LHMMk (f ) = E Hln f X y k , sk | Yk - 1 , Sk - 1 , f C | Yk , f (k - 1)HMM J
= -
ln X2p X pi k |k - 1 + s2n CC - å
m =1
g k (m ) ·
X y k - ik |k - 1 - qm C2
2 X pi k |k - 1 + s2n C
m =1
z k (m , n ) å
n =1
ln amn (B.25)
388 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
where z k (m , n ) ” f Xsk - 1 = q (k - 1)m , sk = q (k - 1)n | Yk , Ik |k - 1 , f (k - 1)HMM C
denotes the normalized filtered joint probability that the Markov chain is
in state qm at k - 1 time and in state qn at time k . It is shown in [7] that
z k (m , n ) =
bn ( y k )a
mn a k - 1 (m )
m =1
n =1
bn ( y k )a
mn a k - 1 (m )
, m , n ˛ {1, . . . , M }
Ignoring the terms ¶ 2LHMMk (f ) / ¶ s
n ¶ qm for all m = 1, . . . , M , the
reestimation equations for f
(k )
HMM are decoupled, then the evaluation of
Icom Xf (k - 1)HMM C and S Xf (k - 1)HMM C in (B.13) yields
Icom Xf (k - 1)HMM C = blockdiag X IA (k - 1) , Iq (k - 1) , I
s 2
C (B.27)
S Xf (k - 1)HMM C = XS ¢A (k - 1) , S ¢q (k - 1)e , S ¢s 2(k - 1)n
C (B.28)
Thus, f
(k )
HMM is updated as follows.
B.4.4 Transition Probabilities
The update equation for a (k )mn is somewhat complicated by the two constraints
a (k )mn ‡ 0 and å
n =1
a (k )mn = 1. An elegant way of ensuring both constraints are
met is to use the following differential geometric approach.
Let a (k )mn = (g
(k )
mn )
Then g (k )mn has merely the equality constraint that å
m =1
(g (k )mn )
= 1. Then
computing IA and SA by projecting the derivatives to the tangent space yields
g (k )mn = g
mn + I
g (k - 1)mn
Sg (k - 1)mn
a (k )mn =
Xg (k )mn C2
m =1
n =1
X g (k )mn C2
389Appendix B
Sg (k - 1)mn
= 2Sz k (m , n )
g (k - 1)mn
- g k - 1 (m )g
mn D (B.31)
Ig (k - 1)mn
= rIg (k - 2)mn
+ 2Sz k (m , n )X g (k - 1)mn C2 + g k - 1 (m )D (B.32)
B.4.5 Levels of the Markov Chain
The update equation for q (k )m for m ˛ {1, . . . , M } is given by
q (k )m = q
m + I
q (k - 1)m
Sq (k - 1)m
Sq (k - 1)m
X y k - ik |k - 1 - q (k - 1)m Cg k (m )
(k - 1)
n + pi k |k - 1
Iq (k - 1)m
= rIq (k - 2)m
g k (m )
(k - 1)
n + pi k |k - 1
B.4.6 Observation Noise
The update equation for s2
(k )
n is given by
(k )
n = s
2(k - 1)
n + I
s 2(k - 1)n
Ss 2(k - 1)n
Ss 2(k - 1)n
m =1
X y k - ik |k - 1 - q (k - 1)m C2g k (m )
2Xs2(k - 1)n + pi k |k - 1 C2
2Xs2(k - 1)n + pi k |k - 1 C
390 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
Is 2(k - 1)n
= rIs 2(k - 2)n
m =1
X y k - ik |k - 1 - q (k - 1)m C2g k (m )
Xs2(k - 1)n + pi k |k - 1 C3
2Xs2(k - 1)n + pi k |k - 1 C2
With no forgetting factor ( r = 1), and if we ignore the error in
ik |k - 1 (i.e., pi k |k - 1 = 0 for all k ), then update equation for the observation
noise is given by
(k )
n = s
2(k - 1)
n +
k 1 å
m =1
X y k - ik |k - 1 - q (k - 1)m C2g k (m ) - s2(k - 1)n 2
Conditional mean estimates of xk are given by KF [4]:
x˙ k |k - 1 = F (k - 1)xk - 1 |k - 1 (B.40)
Pk |k - 1 = F (k - 1)Pk - 1 |k - 1F (k - 1)¢ + Gs2
e G ¢ (B.41)
uk |k - 1 = Hxk |k - 1 (B.42)
hk = HPk |k - 1H ¢ + ps k |k + s
2(k - 1)
n (B.43)
xk |k = xk |k - 1 + Pk |k - 1H ¢ (hk ) - 1 (uk - uk |k - 1 ) (B.44)
xk |k = xk |k - 1 + Pk |k - 1H ¢ (hk ) - 1 (uk - uk |k - 1 ) (B.45)
Pk |k = Pk |k - 1 - Pk |k - 1H ¢ (hk ) - 1HPk |k - 1 (B.46)
where F (k ) is the estimate of F in G = (1 01 · p )¢ , H = (1 01 · p ) at the k th
time instant and
xk |k - 1 = E Hxk | Yk - 1 , Sk - 1 | k - 1 , f (k - 1)KF J (B.47)
391Appendix B
xk - 1 |k - 1 = E Hxk - 1 | Yk - 1 , Sk - 1 | k - 1 , f (k - 2)KF J (B.48)
Pk |k - 1 = E HXxk - xk |k - 1 C Xxk - xk |k - 1 CT | Yk - 1 , Sk - 1 | k - 1 , f (k - 1)KF J
xk |k = E Hxk | Y1 , Sk | k , f (k - 1)KF J (B.50)
Pk |k = E HXxk - xk |k C Xxk - xk |k CT | Yk , Sk | k , f (k - 1)KF J (B.51)
The estimate of the narrowband interference ik |k is given by the first
element of the vector xk |k , while the error covariance pi k |k is given by the
element (1,1) of Pk |k . The parameter estimation procedure given the follow-
ing subsection requires the evaluation of quantities such as
ik - m ik - n
” E Hik - m ik - n | Yk , Sk | k , f (k - 1)KF J (B.52)
[1] Vaseghi, Saeed V., Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction, Second
Edition, New York: John Wiley, 2000.
[2] Rabiner, L. R., and B. H. Juang, ‘‘An Introduction of Hidden Markov Models,’’ IEEE
ASSP Magazine, 1986.
[3] Young, S. J., ‘‘HTK: Hidden Markov Model Tool Kit,’’ Cambridge University Engi-
neering Department, 1999.
[4] Einstein, A., ‘‘Investigation on the Theory of the Brownian Motion,’’ NY: Dover,
[5] Chui, C. K., and G. Chen, Kalman Filtering, Third Edition, Berlin: Springer, 1999.
[6] Krishnamurthy, V., and A. Logothetis, ‘‘Adaptive Nonlinear Filters for Narrowband
Interference Suppression in Spread Spectrum CDMA Systems,’’ IEEE Transactions on
Comm., Vol. 47, 1999.
[7] Krishnamurthy, V., and J. B. Moore, ‘‘Online Estimation of Hidden Markov Parameters
Based on the Kullback-Leibler Information Measure,’’ IEEE Trans. Signal Processing,
Vol. 41, Aug. 1993, pp. 2557–2573.
About the Author
Peter Stavroulakis received his B.S. and Ph.D. from New York University
in 1969 and 1973, respectively, and his M.S. from the California Institute
of Technology in 1970. He joined Bell Laboratories in 1973 and remained
there until 1979, when he joined Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan,
as an associate professor of engineering. He worked at Oakland University
until 1981, when he joined AT&T International and, subsequently, NYNEX
International. In 1990, he joined the Technical University of Crete (TUC),
Greece, as a full professor of electrical engineering. His work at Bell Labs
and Oakland University resulted in the publication of an IEEE (reprinted)
book, Interference Analysis of Communication Systems, and the publication of
a number of papers in the general area of telecom systems. His book on
interference analysis is still referenced in textbooks and relevant international
technical journals. He is also the author of four other books—two in distrib-
uted parameter systems theory, published by Hutchinson and Ross; one in
wireless local loops, published by John Wiley in 2001; and one in third
generation mobile telecommunications systems, published by Springer in
2001. He has also served as a guest editor for three special journal issues—
one for the Journal of Franklin Institute on Sensitivity Analysis and the other
two for the International Journal of Communication Systems on Wireless Local
Loops and the International Journal of Satellite Systems on Interference Suppres-
sion Techniques.
While at AT&T and NYNEX, Professor Stavroulakis worked as a
technical director with the responsibility of leading a team that dealt with
technoeconomic studies on various large national and international telephone
394 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
systems and data networks. When he joined TUC, he led the team for the
development of the Technology Park of Chania, Crete, and has had various
administrative duties besides his teaching and research responsibilities. Profes-
sor Stavroulakis is the founder of the Telecommunication Systems Institute
of Crete, a research center for the training of Ph.D. students in telecommuni-
cations, associated with and in close collaboration with various research
centers and universities in Europe and the United States. He now has a very
large research team, the work of which is funded by various public and
private sources, including the European Union. He is a member of the
editorial board of the International Journal of Communication Systems and
has been a reviewer for many technical international journals. He has orga-
nized more than eight international conferences in the field of communication
systems. His current research interests are focused on the application of
various heuristic methods on telecommunications, including neural networks,
fuzzy systems, and genetic algorithms and also in the development of new
modulation techniques applicable to mobile and wireless systems.
Professor Stavroulakis is a member of many technical societies and
presently is a senior member of IEEE.
Absolute signal phase, 58 Advanced mobile phone service, 4, 41
Advanced radio data information service,Absorption, 49
Access point, 35, 38 7, 10
ALOHA protocol, 143Access techniques, 132–33
Acquisition search rate, 136 Amplitude fading, 215
Amplitude modulation, 89–90, 95, 104,ACTS program, 41–42
Adaptive algorithm, 197, 201–02 107, 110, 223
interference, 95–96Adaptive array antenna, 61, 202, 204,
344–47 noise, 97–99
Amplitude-shift keying, 109Adaptive carrier tracking, 167–68
Adaptive equalization, 293, 297–99 Analog modulation, 88–92
Analog signal, 243–49Adaptive filter, 72, 296
Adaptive interference canceler, 294, Analog-to-digital conversion, 102, 152
Analog transmission, 86–88342–44
Adaptive interference canceling equalizer, interference, 93–97
noise, 92–93, 97–101330–31, 334
Adaptive multistage PIC, 354–58 Angle diversity, 182, 183
Angle modulation, 90–92Additive noise, 49, 156, 214
Additive white Gaussian noise, 73–74, Antenna direction, 49
Antenna diversity, 135, 143108, 125–26, 128, 130, 156,
160, 186, 187, 228, 230, 271, Antenna height reduction, 282
Antifrequency-selective fading, 142295, 307, 319, 320, 322, 330,
340, 357 Antipodal signaling, 114, 116–17
A priori estimation error, 330, 333, 335Ad hoc network, 31
Adjacent channel interference, 96, 118, Ardis, 39
Asynchronous transfer mode, 10, 35221–23, 240, 284
Adjacent channel interference cancellation, Asynchronous transfer mode wireless
access communication, 41351–54
Adjacent channel protection, 351 Atmospheric effects, 49
396 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
Autocorrelation function, 244–45, 255, 271, 296, 333, 340, 344, 347,
354270–71, 338, 363
Automatic frequency controller, 167–68 Bit error rate average, 160–65
Bit rates, wireless, 26Automatic gain controller, 167–68
Automatic repeat request, 75 Bit-timing interval, 342
Blind cancellation algorithm, 335–40Autoregressive coefficient, 311–12
Autoregressive signal, 384 Blind equalization, 198, 299–301, 323
Block codes, 75–77Average signal power, 97
Averaging window, 18, 61 Blocking matrix, 343–44
Block interleaver, 72–73
Bandlimited signal, 170, 228, 231, 374 Bluetooth, 33–35
Bandpass filter, 93, 107, 118, 122, 134 BPF filter, 167, 168
Bandpass noise, 97, 99, 108 Branch, 177
Bandpass signal, 127, 156 Branch metric, 199
Bandwidth efficiency, 106–7, 132 Broadband adaptive homing ATM
Bandwidth expansion, 294 architecture, 41
Base-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem codes, 77 Broadband integrated services digital
Base station, 18, 26, 51, 54, 55, 60 network, 41, 43
Base station antenna, 282 Broadband radio access network, 37–39
Base station power control, 286 Business premises network, 39
Base station spreading code, 136
Base transceiver station, 256 C-450 system, 6
Call admission control, 284Bayesian finite state process, 379
Bayes’ theorem, 306 Call blocking probability, 18
Call dropping probability, 18Beam pattern, 22–23
Beam-to-beam interference, 265 Call setup, 143
Capacity, 320–21Beamwidth, 281
Bello functions, 70–72 Carrier regeneration, 167–68
Carrier-to-cochannel interference, 259–61Bent pipe, 27, 29
Bessel-Fourier expansion, 370–71 Carrier-to-interference ratio, 14, 142, 214,
239, 242, 246–49, 285, 344,Bessel function, 66, 159, 252, 367,
370–71 345
analog signal, 246–49Binary amplitude modulation, 161
Binary frequency shift keying, 164–65, 187 digital signal, 250–51, 253–56,
258–59, 265–66Binary Hamming code, 75–76
Binary modulation, 102, 109–10 Carrier-to-noise ratio, 23, 25, 253
Cartesian form, 373Binary phase amplitude modulation, 233
Binary phase-shift keying, 113–15, 131, Cavity coupling, 22
Cell, 13163–64, 187, 190, 191, 193,
206, 295 Cell-loading factor, 277
Cell splitting, 18, 19Bit-energy-to-noise-power spectral density,
104 Cellular concept, 13–14
Cellular digital packet data, 7, 10, 41, 77Bit-energy-to-noise ratio, 128
Bit error probability, 160–66, 206 Cellular network types, 19–20
Cellular radio spread spectrumBit error rate, 47, 65, 71, 75, 87, 106,
121, 130–32, 151, 174, performance, 129
Center of gravity, 69184–85, 186, 187, 188, 190,
Central limit theorem, 308 Conditional cochannel interference
probability, 214–15CEPT, 30, 32
Conditional mean state estimate, 386, 390Channel access control sublayer, 31, 32
Conditional probability density function,Channel assignment, 143–44
156–60Channel coding, 48, 72, 72–82, 102, 105
Constant envelope, 118, 119, 342types, 74–82
Constant sampling rate, 201Channel equalization, 299–303
Constrained minimum mean square, 335,Channel estimator, 349–50
337, 338–40Channel state information, 184
Constraint coefficient condition, 342Chatter, 61
Constraint length, 78Chip duration, 201
Constructive addition, 55–56Clipped-soft-decision mapping, 349
Continuous-phase frequency shift keying,Cluster size, 15–17, 277, 283
121Cochannel cell, 15
Continuous-phase signal, 121Cochannel interference, 14, 20, 96, 143,
Continuous-time digital communications,214–21, 259–61, 277, 278–79,
316–17281, 282–84, 292, 330, 331,
Continuous-time message, 102, 134333, 334, 335, 340–42
Continuous-wave modulation, 88–89, 168Cochannel interference cancellation,
Convergence, 296344–37
Convolutional code, 75, 77–82, 235Code division multiple access, 7, 60, 72,
Convolutional interleaver, 72, 73133, 135–46, 152–53, 207,
Convolutional noise, 303–4255–58, 317
Cooperation in the Field of Scientific andcellular system, 256–58
Technical Research group, 43Code division multiplexing pilot signal,
Copolarization, 181169, 170–75
Correlated shadowing, 59–62
Code domain, 133
Correlation statistics distribution
Code time division multiple access, 207–9
convolution, 201
Coding. See Channel coding
Cosmic radiation, 49
Coding gain, 77, 82 Costas loop, 167
Coherence bandwidth, 62 Cross-correlation, 135, 177, 201, 275
Coherence time, 62 Cross-polarization, 181
Coherent detection, 108–9, 111–12, 113, CSMA/CA subframe, 36
118, 120, 151, 152, 160, 163, CT2/CT2+ systems, 9
165–67, 176, 188, 249–50, 352 Cumulative distribution function, 58,
Combiner/combining, 177, 329–30. See 184, 188–89, 218
also Maximum ratio combining Customer premises network, 41
Comfort noise, 288 Cut-off rate in bits/user, 208
Communication channel number, 87 Cyclic codes, 76–77
Communication Research Laboratory, 41 Cyclic frequency hopping, 292
Complementary channel, 291
Complex envelope, 124–25, 127–28 Data compression, 102
Complex Fourier series, 368–69 Data-rate reduction, 72
Composite gamma/log-normal shadowing, DC block, 93, 96
67 Decision-directed equalization, 303–4
Decision feedback, 293Computer and communication research, 41
398 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
Decision feedback equalizer, 196–98, 200, Diversity, 71, 129, 135, 143, 175–92,
286–87, 294, 330207–9, 304, 330
Decision logic block, 115–16 Diversity combining, 182–92
DML receiver, 271–72Decision threshold, 130–31
Decision variable, 128 Domestic premises network, 38–39
Doppler shift/spread, 56–57, 70, 182Decorrelation filter, 181
Demodulation, 92–100, 108, 109–10, Dot product, 139–40
Double sideband, 98–99, 117115–16, 120, 131, 243–44,
268–69 Downlink channel, 134–35, 257–59, 285
Downlink satellite, 23, 25Destructive addition, 55–56
Differential coding, 105 Dual mode carrier recovery, 168
Dual path-loss law, 20Differential detection, 151
Differentially coherent detection, 160, 188 Duplexer, 132, 145, 146, 148
Differentially noncoherent detection, 188
Effective isotropic radiated power, 22–25
Differential modulation, 105
Eigenvalue/eigenvector, 318, 321, 323
Differential phase shift keying, 106,
Electrical appliance interference, 49
115–16, 131, 132, 174
Embedded training sequence, 143
Differential pulse-code modulation, 106
Energy efficiency, 106
Digital advanced mobile phone service,
Energy signal/waveform, 363, 365–66,
Digital cordless system 1800, 7, 8, 11
Energy spectral density function, 376
Digital distortion techniques, 152
Enhanced total communication system, 5
Digital European cordless, 7, 9, 134, 145,
Ensemble-averaged inverse-matrix least
squares, 334
Digital mobile radio, 344–47
Envelope-and-phase equation, 93, 100
Digital modulation, 104–29
Envelope detection, 93, 100
Digital signal, 249–72
Equal gain combining, 186–88, 192
Digital-to-analog conversion, 152
Equalization, 72, 135, 195–206, 296–304,
Digital transmission, 102–4
330–35, 351
Direct coding, 105
Ergodic hidden Markov model, 380
Directional antenna, 71, 182, 262–64
Ergodic signal, 364
Directional diversity, 182, 183
Erlang B formula, 283
Direct mode, managed, and unmanaged, 40
Error correction, 48, 74, 75
Direct reduction, 288–92
Error detection, 48, 74
Direct sequence code division multiple
Error propagation, 196
access, 152, 170, 181, 268, 295,
Estimate-maximize algorithm, 308, 310,
384–85, 387–88
Direct sequence frequency hopping, 293
Europe, 4, 7, 39, 39–42
Direct sequence spread spectrum, 124,
European Telecommunication Standards
126–29, 133, 135
Organization, 30, 37, 38, 39
Dirichlet conditions, 374
Excess delay, 69
Discontinuous transmission, 148, 287–88
Exponential modulation interference,
Discrete modulation, 105–6
96–97, 99–100
Discrete-time Markov process, 379
Extra-large zone indoor system, 53–54
Discrete-time message, 102
Distortion combat, 293–94 Fading, 18, 19, 50, 142, 151, 292. See
also Fast fading; Frequency-Distortion mitigation, 292–304
selective fading; Shadowing; Frequency division multiplexing, 87, 169
pilot signal, 168–69, 170, 171Time-selective fading
Frequency division multiplexing/frequencyFano sequential decoding algorithm, 82
modulation, 268–71Fast fading, 18, 19, 50, 62–63, 66,
Frequency domain, 13368–70, 128–29, 174, 294, 330,
Frequency-domain description, 374, 375,354, 357
376Fast frequency hop, 125, 129, 290
Frequency domain model, 70–72Feedback decoding, 82
Frequency hopping, 36, 181, 289–92, 317Feedback filter, 196
Frequency hopping spread spectrum,Feedforward filter, 196, 330
124–25, 129, 133, 290, 293Finite-response filter, 289
Frequency modulation, 4, 58–59, 88,Finite-state Bayesian model, 299
90–92, 96, 99, 104, 107Finite-state shift register, 78
Frequency reuse, 13–17, 214, 330First generation system, 4, 5–6
Frequency-selective fading, 62, 129, 142,Fisher information matrix, 387
145, 149, 152, 181, 192–95,Fixed-chip duration, 201
200–1, 293, 331Fixed-network access point, 40
compensation algorithms, 207–9Fixed-service ML system, 268–71
Frequency shift keying, 4, 31, 106,Fixed-service DML system, 271–72
119–21, 131, 132, 164–65, 290Fixed-service frequency division multiplex/
Frequency-time orthogonalization, 317frequency modulation, 266, 268
Functional cell-loading factor, 277Fixed-service microwave link, 268
Future public land mobileFixed telephone network, 1
telecommunications system, 9,Flat fading compensation, 165–67
12–13Flat Rayleigh fading, 195
Forward code division multiple access
Gauss-Hermite formula, 219–21
channel, 138–41
Gaussian frequency shift keying, 34
Forward error correction, 75–77, 139, 144 Gaussian interpolation technique, 170
Forward link, 136 Gaussian minimum shift keying, 31, 351
Forward-link interference, 277–80 Gaussian noise, 108, 225, 228, 234, 247,
Fourier series, 367, 368–70 306, 308, 316–17, 319, 320
Fourier transform, 70, 71, 110, 150–51, Gaussian observation likelihood, 299, 301
180, 237, 271, 299, 372–74, Gaussian random process, 249
376 Generalized likelihood ratio, 181
Fourier transform pair, 374 Generalized packet radio service, 41
Fourth-generation system, 13 Generalized selection combining, 192
Fractional cell-loading factor, 277, 282–84 Generalized switched diversity combining,
Frame synchronization, 142 192
Free distance, 82 General packet radio service, 7
Frequency detector, 93, 96 Generator matrix, 78
Frequency deviation, 90–91, 96, 121 Generator polynomial, 76, 77, 78–79
Frequency diversity, 153, 181, 183 Geosynchronous orbit, 27, 28
Frequency division duplex, 12, 134, 145, Global positioning system, 26
146–48 Global system for mobile
Frequency division multiple access, 4, 133, communications, 4, 7, 8, 11,
142, 200134, 141–46, 351, 354
400 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
Golay codes, 76 Infrared data association, 35
Inner receiver, 208Group-interference cancellation unit,
347–48 In-phase channel, 115–16, 117, 118, 122,
169, 172, 341, 349Guard time, 134, 151, 152
Input delay spread function, 68
Hadamard codes, 76, 307
Instantaneous frequency/phase, 90, 184,
Hadamard matrix, 76
Hadamard-Walsh sequences, 139–40
Instantaneous phase error, 167
Half-power beamwidth, 22–24
Integral equation, 317
Hamming codes, 75–76
Intercarrier interference, 152
Hamming distance, 76
Interference avoidance, 316–24, 340
Handover blocking probability, 18
Interference-canceling equalizer, 331–35
Handover/handoff, 14, 17–18, 27, 61, 136
Interference cancellation, 276
Handover probability, 18
Interference estimation/elimination, 305–8
Handover rate, 18
Interference projection, 255
Hard decision coding, 81–82
Interference suppression, 276, 288–89
Hard limiter, 167
Interim standard 54/136, 7, 8
Hata’s equation, 51–52
Interim standard 95, 7, 8
Hermitian operation, 296
Interleaving, 72–73
Hidden Markov model, 297, 299–303,
Intermediate frequency, 101
Intermediate frequency filtering, 351
Hidden Markov model Kalman filter,
Intermodulation interference, 223–28
308–16, 381–82, 384–85
Intermodulation product, 223
Hidden-terminal problem, 30
International mobile telecommunications
High bit rate, 31, 32, 33, 35
2000, 9
High pass filter, 342, 355
International Standards Organization, 31
International Telecommunications Union, 9
HIPERLAN, 30–39, 37
Internet protocol, 28
type 1, 30–33
Internet service provider, 36
type 2, 35, 37, 39
Intersatellite link, 28–29
type 3, 38
Intersymbol interference, 69, 142–43,
type 4, 38
195, 196, 228–39, 296–97,
330, 333, 351
Home radio frequency, 35–37
Intersymbol interference cancellation,
Hopping. See Frequency hopping
Hybrid diversity, 184, 191–92
Inverse discrete Fourier transform, 150–51
Hybrid interference cancellation, 347–50
Inverse fast Fourier transform, 151
Inverse filter, 299, 304IEEE 802.11 standard, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37
IEEE 802.15 standard, 35 Inverse Fourier transform, 150–51, 373
Iridium system, 27, 28Implicit diversity, 182
Inband interference, 221 ISM 2.4 band, 34
Incremental metric, 199 Iterative reduction, 322–324
Indirect cochannel interference
Japan, 4, 7, 41, 43cancellation, 340–42
Japan total access communications system, 6Indirect reduction, 277–88
Kalman filter, 308–16, 331, 381–82,Indoor communication system, 43, 52–55
Infrared, 43 384–85, 390
Kalman gain, 197, 334 Matched filtering, 108, 111, 155, 164,
174, 230, 294, 296, 319, 321,Kronecker delta function, 366
335–40, 342–43, 352
Lagrange multiplier, 238, 321, 338 Maximum a posteriori channel estimate,
302, 382–91Laguerre functions, 371–72
Maximum likelihood decision rule, 155,Laguerre series expansion, 371–72
181Land-mobile radio, 39, 181
Maximum likelihood estimation, 198,Large-zone indoor system, 54
301, 302, 331, 354LBR data application, 66
Maximum likelihood sequence estimation,Least mean square-based carrier
143, 195, 198–200, 207–9,regeneration, 168
330, 331–33, 344–46, 347, 352Least mean squares algorithm, 296, 304,
Maximum ratio combining, 158, 185–86,344, 354, 355–58
192, 200, 205, 330Least mean squares blind equalization, 198
pilot-aided, 186Legendre polynomial, 367
Mean channel power, 177–78Limiter-discriminator detection, 119
Mean delay, 69Linear equalization, 143, 303
Mean square error, 233, 235Linear feedback shift register, 77, 138–39
Medium access control, 31–22Linear filter, 319
Medium Earth orbit, 27–29Linear interference cancellation, 335–40
Message bandwidth, 86Linear modulation, 96, 97–99, 107–19
Message modulation, 100Linear receiver filter, 232–33
Message polynomial, 76–77Linear reduction, 294–96
Metric combining, 330
Line of sight, 47, 53, 65–66, 215
Metricom system, 39
Line spectrum, 370–72
Microcellular radio network, 19–20, 21,
Loading factor, 282–84
215, 258–59
Local area network, 1, 37, 41 Microscopic diversity, 183
Local area network access point, 35 Microstrip antenna, 181
Local loop, 7 Microzone indoor system, 55
Local mean power, 215, 216, 219 Middle-zone indoor system, 54–55
Logic table, 79 Millimeter wave, 43–44
Lognormal shadowing, 19, 56, 67 Minimum mean square error, 294–96, 306
Low bit rate, 31, 32 Minimum mean square estimation,
Low Earth orbit, 27–29 197–98, 319, 321, 322–24,
Lower sideband, 98 330, 346
Low-noise receiver, 241 Minimum shift keying, 121–23
Lowpass filter, 86, 93, 174 Mobile broadband system, 13, 43–44
Mobile communications system, 214, 239
Macrocell environment diversity, 178–80 Mobile network access point, 40
Macrocellular radio network, 19, 21, Mobile satellite system, 26–29, 44,
258–59 265–66
Magnitude-phase form, 373 Mobile station, 18, 51, 256
MAP state estimate, 386 Mobile station power control, 286
Markovian state prior, 299 Mobile switching center, 14, 284–86
M-ary frequency shift keying, 124–25, 164 Mobile-terminating request, 143
Mobile terminating unit, 40M-ary phase shift keying, 106, 166, 167
402 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
Mobile-unique code, 141 Nonadaptive interference reduction, 294
Noncoherent detection, 109–10, 115–16,Mobitex, 7, 10, 39
Modulation index, 89, 92, 121–22 119–21, 125, 132, 159, 164,
188Multicarrier code division multiple access,
153 Nonfrequency-selective fading, 330
Nonlinear decision feedback, 143Multicarrier direct sequence code division
multiple access, 153 Nonlinear equalizer, 195
Nonlinear estimator, 303Multicarrier system, 148–49, 153, 181
Multicell environment, 294–95 Nonlinear modulation, 119–23, 223
Nonlinear reduction, 304–16Multihop call, 28
Multimedia application, 41, 66 Non-line of sight, 63, 65, 215
Nonpilot signal-aided techniques, 167–68Multimedia mobile access point, 35
Multinomial theorem, 270 Nonreturn-to-zero, 117
Nonselective frequency fading, 62–65Multipath diversity, 129
Multipath fading. See Fast fading Nonzero frequency shift, 65
Nordic mobile telephone, 4, 5Multipath propagation, 55–73
Multiple access, 132–33 Nordic mobile telephone 450, 4, 5
Nordic mobile telephone 900, 4, 5Multiple accessing scheme, 207–9
Multiple access interference, 294–95, 304, Normalized reuse distance, 15–16
Normal probability distribution, 130289, 349, 354–55
Multiple amplitude modulation, 160–61 NTACS, 6
Nyquist interpolation technique, 170Multiple amplitude shift keying, 110–12
Multiple symbol differentially coherent Nyquist rate, 102, 375
detection, 160
Object protocol, 35Multiple user interference avoidance, 320
Observation noise, 313, 389–91Multiplicative noise, 49–50, 214
Offset quadrature phase shift keying,Multipoint communication network, 198
118–19Multistage detection, 350
Okumura curve, 51Multistage PIC, 354–58
Omnidirectional antenna, 261–62, 278Multitone approximation, 65
One-dimensional microcell, 20Multitone code division multiple access,
One-path model, 331153
One-step interference cancellation, 307Multiuser detection, 294, 319, 329–30, 349
On-off keying, 109–10, 130–31Multiuser interference, 181, 275–76
Operation and management, 17
Operation and management handover, 17Nakagami fading, 66, 67, 162, 189, 190,
191, 192, 215, 217 Optimum combining, 201–6
Orthogonal coding, 139–40, 170, 200–1Narrowband channel simulations, 64–65
Narrowband fast fading, 62–65 Orthogonal cover code, 139–40
Orthogonal decomposition, 296Narrowband filtering, 351
Narrow-beam adaptive antenna, 277 Orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing, 72, 148–53,Narrow-beam antenna, 277–281
Near-far interference, 144, 239–41, 284 255–56, 293
Orthogonal function, 366Nippon Electric Company, 41
Nippon Telephone and Telegraph, 4, 6 Orthogonalizing matched filter, 335–40,
342–43Noise power ratio, 227
Noise types, wireless communication, 49 Orthogonal series representation, 366–72
Orthogonal signaling, 74, 131–32, 133, Pilot symbol–aided techniques, 169–70,
172, 295144, 164, 284–85
Orthogonal spreading codes, 200–1 Pilot tone–aided techniques, 168–69, 170,
171Outdoor large-zone system, 51–52
Out-of-band interference, 117–18, 119, Ping-pong effect, 347
Plain old telephone service, 7134, 221
Output correlation component, 70 Point-to-point connection, 35
Polar coordinate system, 373
Packet data network, 40–41 Polarization diversity, 180–81, 183
Packet-switched network, 1 Power control, 60, 144, 277, 284–86
Parallel detection, 276, 350 Power delay profile, 68–70
Parallel interference cancellation, 294, Power efficiency, 106
295, 347, 354–58 Power signal/waveform, 363, 365–66,
Parallel-to-serial conversion, 102 376–77
Parameter estimation, 310–11, 384, Power spectral density, 104, 110, 114,
387–88, 391 118, 121, 122–23, 128, 187,
Parity bit, 75, 77 243–45, 270–271, 376–77
Parseval’s theorem, 375–76 Power waveform
Path diversity, 182, 183 Predetection filter, 97
Path loss, 47, 50, 51–55 Predetection noise spectrum, 97–98
Peak power, 144 Private branch exchange, 54
Peak-to-average power, 152 Private mobile radio, 39
Peak-to-mean power ratio, 153 Probability density function, 57–58, 67,
Personal access communication service, 7, 9 180, 184, 189, 192, 215–18,
Personal communication system, 1, 132 222, 226, 251–52, 299–301,
Personal digital cellular, 7, 8, 145 306, 383–84, 385
Personal handy phone system, 7, 9, 145 conditional, 156–60
Phase amplitude modulation, 233 Processing gain, 123, 127, 129, 137–38,
Phase detector, 93, 96, 243, 247 290, 295
Phase deviation, 90, 91, 96 Process noise, 312–13
Phase-encoding scheme, 168 Pseudonoise sequence, 124–26, 135, 137,
Phase lock loop, 167–68 172, 174, 265, 268, 354, 355,
Phase modulation, 90–91, 95, 96, 99, 356, 381
104, 107, 223 Pseudorandom hopping, 292, 293
Phase shift keying, 106, 112–19, 149, Public access mobile radio, 39
249, 251–53 Public Safety Radio Communication
Phase-sweeping method, 288 Project, 40
Phasor construction, 94–95, 96, 100 Public switched telephone network, 14
Physically realizable waveform, 361–66 Pulse code modulation, 88, 89, 102, 105
Physical sublayer, 31–32, 34 Pure-combining diversity, 183–92
Picocellular radio network, 20, 21, 215
Piconet, 34 Quadrature amplitude modulation, 106,
111–12, 149, 150, 151, 166,Pilot-aided maximum-ratio combining,
186 169–70
Quadrature-carrier equation, 93Pilot code–aided techniques, 169, 170–75
Pilot signal–aided techniques, 168–75 Quadrature (Cartesian) form, 373
404 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
Quadrature channel, 116, 117, 118, 122, Reverse code division multiple access, 141
Reverse-link interference, 280–81169, 172, 341, 349
Quadrature Fourier series, 369–70 Rice distribution, 20, 64, 65–66, 69, 178,
215Quadrature modulation, 127
Quadrature phase shift keying, 116–19, Root mean square delay, 19, 69–70
Rural path-loss model, 52167, 169, 349
Quasi-synchronous operation, 61
Sampling, 102, 109–10Quenching, 109–10
Sampling theorem, 374–75
Satellite personal communication system,Radiocomm-2000, 6
Radio frequency, 101, 106 27, 29
Satellite system, 20, 22–29, 214, 249,RAKE receiver, 126, 129, 158, 182, 201,
205, 336, 349, 355, 358 265–66
Satellite television industry, 26RAM mobile data, 7, 10, 39
Random-access channel, 143 Scanning receiver, 286
Scattering, 66, 70Random data modulation, 121
Random signal, 58, 363–65 Schur concave/Schur convex, 321
Seamless wireless network, 41Rayleigh density function, 58
Rayleigh fading, 19, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, Second generation system, 4, 7–9, 72, 142
Selection method, 286160, 162, 166, 177, 178, 181,
182, 184–85, 187, 189, 190, Selective combining, 184–85, 191, 200
Self-recovering equalization, 198192, 195, 215, 222, 295, 331,
340–41, 350 Serial detection, 350
Serial processing, 276Rayleigh’s energy theorem, 375
Received average signal power, 104 Serial-receiver correlation, 59–60, 61
Serial-to-parallel converter, 117Received bit energy, 104
Receive filter coefficient, 236 Seven-cell cluster, 261–64
Shadowing (slow fading), 50, 55–62, 67,Receiver complexity versus performance,
208–9 183, 294
correlated, 59–62Receiver filter, 134
Recursive algorithm, 196–97, 304 Shannon’s theory, 48
Shared wireless access protocol, 36–37Recursive estimate-maximize algorithm,
384–85, 387–88 Shift register, 77, 78, 138
Shot noise, 49Recursive hidden Markov model, 385–88
Recursive least squares, 197 Sidelobe level, 281
Sidelobe regeneration, 118–19Recursive least-squares maximum
likelihood sequence estimation, Signal, 361, 3563
Signal envelope, 57330–34
Recursive narrowband interference Signal phase, 57–58
Signal processing, analog, 87estimation, 308–16
Redundancy coding, 291 Signal projection, 255
Signal-to-interference optimization,Redundant bit, 48, 74, 75
Reed-Solomon codes, 77 316–20
Signal-to-interference plus noise ratio,Reflection, 49
Relative signal phase, 58 205, 255, 296, 339
Signal-to-interference ratio, 60, 214,Repeater satellite, 29
Research and development, 10 319–20
Signal-to-noise ratio, 65, 67, 71, 74, Spread spectrum system, 123–29, 135–41,
169, 290, 329–3086–87, 88, 97–99, 100, 101,
Spurious signal, 223104, 130, 131, 137–38,
Square-law detector, 125160–65, 174, 184, 185–86,
Stack sequential decoding algorithm, 82187, 188, 192, 193, 205, 222,
Standardization, 12–13242, 247, 248, 280, 289, 306
State changes equation, 105digital signal, 250–51, 256–57
State diagram, 79, 80Signal-to-noise ratio combat loss, 294
State estimation, 310, 384, 385–86Signal-to-variation power, 255
State space model, 309–11Simulcast operation, 61
State transition, 79–81, 379–80, 381Single-channel per carrier, 87
Station-to-station link, 88Single-receiver correlation, 59–60
Stochastic-gradient blind equalization, 198Single sideband, 99, 117
Stochastic signal, 49, 57, 160, 316Site diversity, 61
Subband diversity, 200–1Site-to-site correlation, 60
Subspace-based estimation, 255Six-sector model, 263–64
Subtractive demodulation, 351–54Slot synchronization, 142
Subtractive interference cancellation, 295Slow fading. See Shadowing
Suburban path-loss model, 52Slow frequency hop, 125, 143, 290
Successive interference cancellation, 294,Small-angle approximation, 100
347, 350, 351–53Small cell, 71
Sum capacity, 320–21Small-zone indoor system, 55
Superframe synchronization, 142Smart antenna, 277
Super-high-frequency band, 41, 43Smoothing filter, 350
Switch and stay combining, 188–91Soft decision coding, 81–82
Switch and stay diversity, 188–91, 192Softer handover, 144
Switching (scanning) receiver, 286
Soft handover, 61, 136, 144
Symbol error probability, 160–65
Source coding, 102
Symbol generator, 105
Space diversity, 178–80, 183, 286
Synchronous connection-oriented link, 35
Space division multiple access, 202–4 Synchronous detection, 93, 95–96
Space-time orthogonalization, 317 System for advanced mobile broadband
Spatial domain, 133 applications, 41
Spatial filtering of interference reduction,
202 Tap coefficient, 343–44, 358
Specialized mobile radio, 39–40 Tap gain process, 66, 68–70
Spectral density equation, 104 Tap transversal filter, 333
Spectral efficiency, 208, 209 Tap weight, 139, 296
Spectral expansion, 363–65 Terrestrial mobile cellular
Spectrum analyzer, 373 communications, 253–54
Spreading chips, 139 Thermal noise, 49, 249, 266, 308
Spreading codes, 135–36, 200–1, 295, Third generation system, 9–13, 330
307 Three-sector model, 262–63
Walsh, 170–75 Threshold detector, 113, 122
Spreading gain, 201 Time delay spread, 70
Spread spectrum diversity, 129 Time-discrete process, 197
Time diversity, 182, 183Spread spectrum signal estimator, 385–88
406 Interference Analysis and Reduction for Wireless Systems
Time division code division multiple Unipolar-to-bipolar converter, 117
Universal mobile telecommunicationsaccess, 12
Time division duplex, 12, 35, 36, 134, system, 9–13, 37
Universal pilot code, 140145–48
Time division multiple access, 7, 34–35, Universal wireless personal
communications, 936, 133, 134–35, 141–45, 146,
207, 253–55, 351 Unnecessary handover probability, 18
Uplink antenna pattern, 23Time division multiple access/frequency
division multiple access, 143–44 Uplink channel, 134–35, 143
Uplink satellite power budget, 23–25Time division multiplexing, 169
Time division multiplexing pilot signal, Upper sideband, 98
Urban path-loss model, 51–52169–70, 172
Time domain, 133 User capacity, 321
User separation algorithm, 208Time-domain description, 374, 375
Time-domain orthogonality, 201
Variable transmission rate control, 142
Time sampling, 102
Viterbi algorithm, 81–82, 198–200,
Time-selective fading, 152
207–9, 330, 333, 334
Time-variant impulse response, 68
Viterbi equalization, 293, 345–47
Time-variant transfer function, 70
Vocoder, 139
Timing synchronization, 148
Voice application, 66
Total access communication system, 4, 5
Voltage control oscillator, 167
Total excess delay, 69
Total square correlation, 321, 322–24 Walsh codes, 136, 139–40, 170–75, 307
Walsh spreading codes, 170–75Tracking mode, 333, 334
Traffic channel, 143 Wavelet-packet orthogonal code, 201
Welch bound equality, 323Training mode, 333, 334, 346
Training sequence, 198 White Gaussian noise generator, 64–65
Whitening filter, 319Trans-European trunked radio, 39–40
Transmission channel, 290 White noise, 353
Wide area wireless packet data system, 7, 10Transmitter interference, 49
Transparent tone in band, 169 Wideband code division multiple access, 12
Wideband fast fading, 66, 68–70Transversal combining, 330, 331
Transversal filter, 195, 330, 331, 333 Wideband system fading, 62
Wide-sense stationary scattering, 70Transversal filter equalizer, 298–99
Traveling wave tube, 20, 22 Wide-sense stationary signal, 363
Wiener filter, 304Traveling wave tube amplifier, 22
Tree diagram, 79 Wiener-Khintechine theorem, 270–71
Wiener solution, 203Trellis coded modulation, 82
Trellis diagram, 79, 81 Wireless access communications system,
7–9Two-dimensional microcell, 20
Wireless asynchronous transfer mode, 35,Two-path model, 331, 336–37
41Two-ray Rayleigh model, 195
Wireless broadband mobileTwo-sided spectrum, 370, 373
communication system, 41–43
Ultrahigh frequency, 43 Wireless broadband multimedia
communication system, 13Unbalanced branches, 191
Wireless communication channel, 48–50, Wireless local loop, 7, 29–30, 41, 44,
214, 266–72132
Wireless customer premises network, 41
X.25 protocol, 40
Wireless data network, 39–41, 44
Wireless evolution, 2–4 Zero-delay channel estimation, 347–50
Wireless local area network, 1, 7, 26, 30, Zero mean Gaussian noise, 308, 309
Zero variance envelope, 34236, 44
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