Khóa luận Ảnh hưởng của nấm Glomus sp. và bốn mức phân lân đến sinh trưởng, phát triển của bắp C919 và xác định nấm cộng sinh bằng kỹ thuật PCR

Ảnh hưởng của nấm Glomus sp. và bốn mức phân lân đến sinh trưởng, phát triển của bắp C919 và xác định nấm cộng sinh bằng kỹ thuật PCR MỤC LỤC LỜI CẢM ƠN ii TÓM TẮT . iii MỤC LỤC v DANH SÁCH CÁC CHỮ VIẾT TẮT ix DANH SÁCH CÁC HÌNH x DANH SÁCH CÁC BẢNG xi Chương 1: GIỚI THIỆU 1 1.1.Đặt vấn đề: 1 1.2. Mục đích yêu cầu và giới hạn đề tài 1 1.2.1. Mục đích yêu cầu 1 1.2.2. Giới hạn đề tài 2 Chương 2: TỔNG QUAN 4 2.1. Sơ lược về cây bắp 4 2.1.1. Tình hình sản xuất bắp trên thế giới và trong nước 4 Tình hình sản xuất bắp trên thế giới 4 Tình hình sản xuất bắp trong nước 5 2.1.2. Nhu cầu dinh dưỡng của cây bắp 6 2.1.3. Vai trò của lân 7 2.2. Giới thiệu nấm cộng sinh Mycorrhiza 7 2.2.1. Nấm VAM cộng sinh trong rễ cây trồng 9 Thành phần cấu trúc nấm VAM 9 Cơ chế cộng sinh và mối liên hệ giữa nấm với cây chủ 11 2.2.2. Lợi ích của nấm cộng sinh 12 2.3. Sơ lược về kỹ thuật PCR 13 2.3.1. Nguyên tắc của kỹ thuật PCR 13 2.3.2. Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến phản ứng PCR 16 DNA mẫu 16 Taq polmerase 16 Primer 16 Nhiệt độ bắt cặp 18 Tỉ lệ primer/DNA khuôn mẫu 19 Các thành phần khác 19 2.3.3. Các vấn đề thường gặp trong phản ứng PCR và hướng giải quyết 21 Có nhiều sản phẩm không chuyên biệt có kích thước dài hơn 21 Có nhiều sản phẩm không đặt hiệu với kích thước ngắn hơn 21 Không thu được bất kỳ sản phẩm nào 22 Sản phẩm quá yếu 22 2.4. Những nghiên cứu trên thế giới và trong nước 23 2.4.1. Tình hình nghiên cứu trong nước 23 2.4.2. Tình hình nghiên cứu trên thế giới 23 Chương 3: VẬT LIỆU VÀ PHưƠNG PHÁP THÍ NGHIỆM 25 3.1. Nội dung nghiên cứu 25 3.2. Thời gian và địa điểm thực hiện đề tài 25 3.2.1. Thời gian 25 3.2.2. Địa điểm 25 3.3. Thí nghiệm nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của nấm Glomus sp. và bốn mức phân lân đến sinh trưởng, phát triển của bắp C919 trong nhà lưới 25 3.3.1. Vật liệu và phương pháp 25 Vật liệu nghiên cứu 25 Phương pháp thí nghiệm 26 Quy trình kĩ thuật 27 Các chỉ tiêu và phương pháp theo dõi 28 Phương pháp xử lí số liệu 29 3.4. Thí nghiệm PCR phát hiện trên ba giống: Glomus sp., Gigaspora sp., Scutellospora sp 3.4.1. Vật liệu nghiên cứu trong phản ứng PCR 30 Các hóa chất dùng trong PCR 30 Hóa chất dùng trong diện di 30 Primer sử dụng 30 3.4.2. Phương pháp thí nghiệm 31 Phương pháp ly trích bào tử 31 Phương pháp ly trích DNA từ bào tử 31 Tiến hành phản ứng PCR 32 Điện di sản phẩm PCR trên gel agarose 32 Chương 4: KẾT QUẢ VÀ THẢO LUẬN 33 4.1. Thí nghiệm ảnh hưởng của nấm Glomus sp. và bốn mức phân lân đến sinh trưởng, phát triển của bắp C919 trong nhà lưới 33 4.1.1. Thời gian sinh trưởng 33 4.1.2. Đặc điểm thân cây 34 Chiều cao cây 34 Chiều cao đóng trái 35 Đường kính thân 36 4.1.3. Đặc điểm lá 37 Số lá 37 Diện tích lá 38 4.1.4. Trọng lượng chất khô 39 Trọng lượng thân lá 39 Trọng lượng rễ 40 4.1.5. Đặc điểm trái 41 Chiều dài kết hạt 41 Số hàng và số hạt 42 4.1.6. Các yếu tố cầu thành năng suất 42 4.1.7. Khả năng cộng sinh 44 4.2. Thí nghiệm PCR phát hiện trên ba giống: Glomus sp., Gigaspora sp., Scutellospora sp. 4.2.1. Ly trích DNA từ bào tử. 44 4.2.2. Phản ứng PCR 45 Khảo sát chu trình nhiệt 45 Khảo sát nồng độ MgCl2 46 Khảo sát nồng độ primer 46 Khảo sát nồng độ lượng dịch ly trích 47 Chương 5: KẾT LUẬN VÀ KIẾN NGHỊ 49 5.1. Thí nghiệm ảnh hưởng của nấm Glomus sp. và bốn mức phân lân đến sinh trưởng, phát triển của bắp C919 trong nhà lưới 49 5.1.1. Kết luận 49 Hiệu quả của phân lân 49 Hiệu quả của nấm 49 Sự tương tác của nấm Glomus sp. và lân 49 5.1.2. Kiến nghị: 49 5.2. Thí nghiệm PCR chỉ phát hiện trên ba giống: Glomus sp., Gigaspora sp., Scutellospora sp. 50 5.2.1. Kết luận 50 5.2.2. Kiến nghị: 50 Chương 6: TÀI KIỆU THAM KHẢO 51 Chương 7: PHỤ LỤC 54 . Ảnh hưởng của nấm Glomus sp. và bốn mức phân lân đến sinh trưởng, phát triển của bắp C919 và xác định nấm cộng sinh bằng kỹ thuật PCR

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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Khóa luận Ảnh hưởng của nấm Glomus sp. và bốn mức phân lân đến sinh trưởng, phát triển của bắp C919 và xác định nấm cộng sinh bằng kỹ thuật PCR, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
56.444444 .7833136 54.698647 58.190241 200 1 3 54.444444 .7833136 52.698647 56.190241 400 0 3 55.111111 .7833136 53.365314 56.856908 400 1 3 55.555556 .7833136 53.809759 57.301353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB18.phunrau by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 400 6 55.333333 X 100 6 55.388889 X 200 6 55.444444 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 100 - 200 -0.05556 1.74580 100 - 400 0.05556 1.74580 200 - 400 0.11111 1.74580 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB18.phunrau by TB18.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD 61 Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 9 55.074074 X 0 9 55.703704 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 0.62963 1.42544 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 7.3.3. Chiều cao cây Analysis of Variance for TB24.hcay - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS A:TB24.lanlaplai 185.787 2 92.8937 1.401 .2812 19354.598 3 6451.5327 97.300 .0000 C:TB24.nam 2834.500 1 2834.5000 42.749 .0000 INTERACTIONS BC 4195.9685 3 1398.6562 21.094 .0000 RESIDUAL 861.97189 13 66.305530 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 24204.589 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. Table of Least Squares Means for TB24.hcay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND MEAN 23 149.02877 1.7204849 145.31094 152.74660 A:TB24.lanlaplai 1 8 152.25000 2.8789219 146.02888 158.47112 2 7 149.37798 3.1724174 142.52264 156.23332 3 8 145.45833 2.8789219 139.23721 151.67945 0 5 94.83730 3.7693936 86.69194 102.98266 100 6 167.00000 3.3242927 159.81647 174.18353 200 6 166.38889 3.3242927 159.20536 173.57242 400 6 167.88889 3.3242927 160.70536 175.07242 C:TB24.nam 0 11 137.77976 2.5129290 132.34952 143.21000 1 12 160.27778 2.3506299 155.19826 165.35730 BC 0 0 2 58.67460 5.8933410 45.93957 71.40964 0 1 3 131.00000 4.7012598 120.84096 141.15904 100 0 3 160.66667 4.7012598 150.50762 170.82571 100 1 3 173.33333 4.7012598 163.17429 183.49238 200 0 3 165.66667 4.7012598 155.50762 175.82571 200 1 3 167.11111 4.7012598 156.95207 177.27016 400 0 3 166.11111 4.7012598 155.95207 176.27016 400 1 3 169.66667 4.7012598 159.50762 179.82571 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB24.hcay by TB24.lanlaplai -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 8 145.45833 X 2 7 149.37798 X 1 8 152.25000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 1 - 2 2.87202 9.25732 1 - 3 6.79167 8.79799 2 - 3 3.91964 9.25732 62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.hcay by ---------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups ------------------------------------------------------------- 0 5 94.83730 X 200 6 166.38889 X 100 6 167.00000 X 400 6 167.88889 X ---------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 100 -72.1627 10.8605 * 0 - 200 -71.5516 10.8605 * 0 - 400 -73.0516 10.8605 * 100 - 200 0.61111 10.1590 100 - 400 -0.88889 10.1590 200 - 400 -1.50000 10.1590 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.hcay by TB24.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 11 137.77976 X 1 12 160.27778 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 -22.4980 7.43566 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.hcay by TB24.nt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 58.50000 X 2 3 131.00000 X 3 3 160.66667 X 5 3 165.66667 X 7 3 166.11111 X 6 3 167.11111 X 8 3 169.66667 X 4 3 173.33333 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 7.3.4. Chiều cao đóng trái Analysis of Variance for TB18.htrai - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS A:TB18.lanlaplai 242.56790 2 121.28395 3.248 .0819 33.53086 2 16.76543 .449 .6506 C:TB18.nam 773.55556 1 773.55556 20.715 .0011 INTERACTIONS BC 29.481481 2 14.740741 .395 .6839 RESIDUAL 373.43210 10 37.343210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 1452.5679 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. 63 Multiple range analysis for TB18.htrai by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 400 6 86.666667 X 100 6 89.444444 X 200 6 89.666667 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 100 - 200 -0.22222 7.86327 100 - 400 2.77778 7.86327 200 - 400 3.00000 7.86327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB18.htrai by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 400 6 86.666667 X 100 6 89.444444 X 200 6 89.666667 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 100 - 200 -0.22222 7.86327 100 - 400 2.77778 7.86327 200 - 400 3.00000 7.86327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB18.htrai by TB18.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 9 82.037037 X 1 9 95.148148 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 -13.1111 6.42033 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 7.3.5. Đƣờng kính thân Analysis of Variance for TB24.dkinh - Type III Sums of Squares ------------------------------------------------------ Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level ------------------------------------------------------ MAIN EFFECTS A:TB24.lanlaplai .0384060 2 .0192030 4.139 .0407 1.3278294 3 .4426098 95.390 .0000 C:TB24.nam .4171458 1 .4171458 89.902 .0000 INTERACTIONS BC .5926806 3 .1975602 42.578 .0000 RESIDUAL .0603202 13 .0046400 ------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL (CORRECTED) 2.0006445 22 ------------------------------------------------------ 1 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. Table of Least Squares Means for TB24.dkinh ------------------------------------------------------ 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean ------------------------------------------------------ GRAND MEAN 23 1.1391901 .0143925 1.1080891 1.1702911 64 A:TB24.lanlaplai 1 8 1.1199751 .0240832 1.0679332 1.1720170 2 7 1.1012768 .0265384 1.0439294 1.1586242 3 8 1.1963183 .0240832 1.1442764 1.2483602 0 5 .6952953 .0315323 .6271564 .7634341 100 6 1.2314225 .0278089 1.1713297 1.2915153 200 6 1.3030786 .0278089 1.2429857 1.3631714 400 6 1.3269639 .0278089 1.2668711 1.3870567 C:TB24.nam 0 11 1.0027255 .0210216 .9572996 1.0481514 1 12 1.2756546 .0196639 1.2331626 1.3181467 BC 0 0 2 .2653252 .0492999 .1587920 .3718584 0 1 3 1.1252654 .0393277 1.0402813 1.2102495 100 0 3 1.1641897 .0393277 1.0792056 1.2491738 100 1 3 1.2986553 .0393277 1.2136713 1.3836394 200 0 3 1.2402689 .0393277 1.1552848 1.3252530 200 1 3 1.3658882 .0393277 1.2809041 1.4508723 400 0 3 1.3411182 .0393277 1.2561341 1.4261023 400 1 3 1.3128096 .0393277 1.2278255 1.3977937 ------------------------------------------------------ Multiple range analysis for TB24.dkinh by TB24.lanlaplai ------------------------------------------------------ Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups ------------------------------------------------------ 2 7 1.1012768 X 1 8 1.1199751 X 3 8 1.1963183 X ------------------------------------------------------ contrast difference limits 1 - 2 0.01870 0.07744 1 - 3 -0.07634 0.07360 * 2 - 3 -0.09504 0.07744 * ------------------------------------------------------ * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.dkinh by TB24.nam ------------------------------------------------------ Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups ------------------------------------------------------ 0 11 1.0027255 X 1 12 1.2756546 X ------------------------------------------------------ contrast difference limits 0 - 1 -0.27293 0.06220 * ------------------------------------------------------ * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.dkinh by ------------------------------------------------------ Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups ------------------------------------------------------ 0 5 .6952953 X 100 6 1.2314225 X 200 6 1.3030786 XX 400 6 1.3269639 X ------------------------------------------------------ contrast difference limits 0 - 100 -0.53613 0.09085 * 0 - 200 -0.60778 0.09085 * 0 - 400 -0.63167 0.09085 * 100 - 200 -0.07166 0.08498 100 - 400 -0.09554 0.08498 * 200 - 400 -0.02389 0.08498 ------------------------------------------------------ * denotes a statistically significant difference. 65 7.3.6 số lá Analysis of Variance for TB24.so_la - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS A:TB24.lanlaplai .070106 2 .0350529 .510 .6118 20.340803 3 6.7802677 98.721 .0000 C:TB24.nam 6.333686 1 6.3336861 92.218 .0000 INTERACTIONS BC 7.1708683 3 2.3902894 34.803 .0000 RESIDUAL .8928571 13 .0686813 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 29.314010 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. Table of Least Squares Means for TB24.so_la -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND MEAN 23 18.218254 .0553726 18.098598 18.337910 A:TB24.lanlaplai 1 8 18.208333 .0926562 18.008111 18.408556 2 7 18.154762 .1021021 17.934127 18.375396 3 8 18.291667 .0926562 18.091444 18.491889 0 5 16.539683 .1213154 16.277530 16.801835 100 6 18.555556 .1069901 18.324358 18.786753 200 6 19.222222 .1069901 18.991025 19.453419 400 6 18.555556 .1069901 18.324358 18.786753 C:TB24.nam 0 11 17.686508 .0808769 17.511739 17.861276 1 12 18.750000 .0756534 18.586519 18.913481 BC 0 0 2 14.968254 .1896732 14.558385 15.378123 0 1 3 18.111111 .1513069 17.784149 18.438073 100 0 3 18.444444 .1513069 18.117482 18.771406 100 1 3 18.666667 .1513069 18.339705 18.993629 200 0 3 19.000000 .1513069 18.673038 19.326962 200 1 3 19.444444 .1513069 19.117482 19.771406 400 0 3 18.333333 .1513069 18.006371 18.660295 400 1 3 18.777778 .1513069 18.450816 19.104740 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB24.so_la by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 5 16.539683 X 100 6 18.555556 X 400 6 18.555556 X 200 6 19.222222 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 100 -2.01587 0.34954 * 0 - 200 -2.68254 0.34954 * 0 - 400 -2.01587 0.34954 * 100 - 200 -0.66667 0.32696 * 100 - 400 0.00000 0.32696 200 - 400 0.66667 0.32696 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.so_la by TB24.lanlaplai -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD 66 Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 7 18.154762 X 1 8 18.208333 X 3 8 18.291667 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 1 - 2 0.05357 0.29794 1 - 3 -0.08333 0.28316 2 - 3 -0.13690 0.29794 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.so_la by TB24.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 11 17.686508 X 1 12 18.750000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 -1.06349 0.23931 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.sola by TB24.nt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 15.000000 X 2 3 18.111111 X 7 3 18.333333 XX 3 3 18.444444 XXX 4 3 18.666667 XXX 8 3 18.777778 XX 5 3 19.000000 X 6 3 19.444444 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 7.3.7. Diện tích lá Analysis of Variance for TB24.dtich - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS A:TB24.lanlaplai 15.2979 2 7.64897 1.519 .2553 1944.8225 3 648.27415 128.761 .0000 C:TB24.nam 257.7711 1 257.77109 51.199 .0000 INTERACTIONS BC 289.81809 3 96.606031 19.188 .0000 RESIDUAL 65.451317 13 5.0347167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 2341.4180 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. Table of Least Squares Means for TB24.dtich -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND MEAN 23 28.988678 .4740930 27.964202 30.013155 A:TB24.lanlaplai 1 8 29.476125 .7933093 27.761847 31.190403 2 7 29.649890 .8741842 27.760848 31.538931 3 8 27.840021 .7933093 26.125743 29.554298 67 0 5 11.940003 1.0386856 9.695487 14.184519 100 6 32.859400 .9160346 30.879923 34.838877 200 6 35.407400 .9160346 33.427923 37.386877 400 6 35.747911 .9160346 33.768434 37.727388 C:TB24.nam 0 11 25.596388 .6924571 24.100043 27.092732 1 12 32.380969 .6477343 30.981268 33.780671 BC 0 0 2 2.043739 1.6239558 -1.465499 5.552977 0 1 3 21.836267 1.2954686 19.036863 24.635670 100 0 3 30.629356 1.2954686 27.829952 33.428759 100 1 3 35.089444 1.2954686 32.290041 37.888848 200 0 3 34.275578 1.2954686 31.476174 37.074981 200 1 3 36.539222 1.2954686 33.739819 39.338626 400 0 3 35.436878 1.2954686 32.637474 38.236281 400 1 3 36.058944 1.2954686 33.259541 38.858348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB24.dtich by TB24.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 11 25.596388 X 1 12 32.380969 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 -6.78458 2.04895 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.dtich by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 5 11.940003 X 100 6 32.859400 X 200 6 35.407400 XX 400 6 35.747911 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 100 -20.9194 2.99269 * 0 - 200 -23.4674 2.99269 * 0 - 400 -23.8079 2.99269 * 100 - 200 -2.54800 2.79940 100 - 400 -2.88851 2.79940 * 200 - 400 -0.34051 2.79940 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.dtich by TB24.lanlaplai -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 8 27.840021 X 1 8 29.476125 X 2 7 29.649890 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 1 - 2 -0.17376 2.55093 1 - 3 1.63610 2.42435 2 - 3 1.80987 2.55093 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.dtich by TB24.nt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups 68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 1.713133 X 2 3 21.836267 X 3 3 30.629356 X 5 3 34.275578 XX 4 3 35.089444 X 7 3 35.436878 X 8 3 36.058944 X 6 3 36.539222 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 7.3.8 trọng lƣợng thân Analysis of Variance for TB24.m_than - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS A:TB24.lanlaplai 1.8525 2 .92625 .079 .9249 1305.0983 3 435.03278 36.888 .0000 C:TB24.nam 311.0400 1 311.04000 26.374 .0002 INTERACTIONS BC 551.36667 3 183.78889 15.584 .0001 RESIDUAL 165.10750 14 11.793393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 2334.4650 23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error Table of Least Squares Means for TB24.m_than -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND MEAN 24 28.475000 .7009931 26.971140 29.978860 A:TB24.lanlaplai 1 8 28.837500 1.2141557 26.232738 31.442262 2 8 28.162500 1.2141557 25.557738 30.767262 3 8 28.425000 1.2141557 25.820238 31.029762 0 6 15.750000 1.4019863 12.742280 18.757720 100 6 32.283333 1.4019863 29.275613 35.291054 200 6 32.116667 1.4019863 29.108946 35.124387 400 6 33.750000 1.4019863 30.742280 36.757720 C:TB24.nam 0 12 24.875000 .9913540 22.748221 27.001779 1 12 32.075000 .9913540 29.948221 34.201779 BC 0 0 3 3.866667 1.9827080 -.386892 8.120226 0 1 3 27.633333 1.9827080 23.379774 31.886892 100 0 3 31.200000 1.9827080 26.946441 35.453559 100 1 3 33.366667 1.9827080 29.113108 37.620226 200 0 3 31.800000 1.9827080 27.546441 36.053559 200 1 3 32.433333 1.9827080 28.179774 36.686892 400 0 3 32.633333 1.9827080 28.379774 36.886892 400 1 3 34.866667 1.9827080 30.613108 39.120226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB24.m_than by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 6 15.750000 X 200 6 32.116667 X 100 6 32.283333 X 400 6 33.750000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 69 0 - 100 -16.5333 4.25356 * 0 - 200 -16.3667 4.25356 * 0 - 400 -18.0000 4.25356 * 100 - 200 0.16667 4.25356 100 - 400 -1.46667 4.25356 200 - 400 -1.63333 4.25356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.m_than by TB24.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 12 24.875000 X 1 12 32.075000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 -7.20000 3.00772 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB24.m_than by TB24.nt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 3.866667 X 2 3 27.633333 X 3 3 31.200000 XX 5 3 31.800000 XX 6 3 32.433333 XX 7 3 32.633333 XX 4 3 33.366667 X 8 3 34.866667 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 7.3.9 Trọng lƣợng rễ Analysis of Variance for T.m_re - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS A:T.lanlaplai 19.20583 2 9.602917 2.188 .1489 186.02792 3 62.009306 14.131 .0002 8.76042 1 8.760417 1.996 .1795 INTERACTIONS BC 52.271250 3 17.423750 3.971 .0306 RESIDUAL 61.434167 14 4.3881548 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 327.69958 23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. Table of Least Squares Means for T.m_re -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND MEAN 24 7.845833 .4275977 6.9284961 8.763171 A:T.lanlaplai 1 8 7.362500 .7406209 5.7736252 8.951375 2 8 7.075000 .7406209 5.4861252 8.663875 3 8 9.100000 .7406209 7.5111252 10.688875 0 6 3.316667 .8551954 1.4819921 5.151341 100 6 8.150000 .8551954 6.3153254 9.984675 200 6 10.816667 .8551954 8.9819921 12.651341 70 400 6 9.100000 .8551954 7.2653254 10.934675 0 12 7.241667 .6047144 5.9443559 8.538977 1 12 8.450000 .6047144 7.1526892 9.747311 BC 0 0 3 .700000 1.2094289 -1.8946216 3.294622 0 1 3 5.933333 1.2094289 3.3387117 8.527955 100 0 3 9.700000 1.2094289 7.1053784 12.294622 100 1 3 6.600000 1.2094289 4.0053784 9.194622 200 0 3 10.066667 1.2094289 7.4720450 12.661288 200 1 3 11.566667 1.2094289 8.9720450 14.161288 400 0 3 8.500000 1.2094289 5.9053784 11.094622 400 1 3 9.700000 1.2094289 7.1053784 12.294622 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for T.m_re by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 6 3.316667 X 100 6 8.150000 X 400 6 9.100000 XX 200 6 10.816667 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 100 -4.83333 2.59462 * 0 - 200 -7.50000 2.59462 * 0 - 400 -5.78333 2.59462 * 100 - 200 -2.66667 2.59462 * 100 - 400 -0.95000 2.59462 200 - 400 1.71667 2.59462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for T.m_re by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 12 7.2416667 X 1 12 8.4500000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 -1.20833 1.83467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for T.m_re by T.nt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 .700000 X 2 3 5.933333 X 4 3 6.600000 XX 7 3 8.500000 XXX 3 3 9.700000 XXX 8 3 9.700000 XXX 5 3 10.066667 XX 6 3 11.566667 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.3.10 chiều dài kết hạt Analysis of Variance for TB18.lkh - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS A:TB18.lanlaplai 8.622346 2 4.311173 .595 .5698 8.381142 2 4.190571 .579 .5784 71 C:TB18.nam 14.340988 1 14.340988 1.980 .1897 INTERACTIONS BC 9.8826235 2 4.9413117 .682 .5275 RESIDUAL 72.425062 10 7.2425062 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 113.65216 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. Table of Least Squares Means for TB18.lkh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND MEAN 18 10.818519 .6516269 9.0086706 12.628366 A:TB18.lanlaplai 1 6 10.016667 1.1286509 6.8819180 13.151415 2 6 10.733333 1.1286509 7.5985847 13.868082 3 6 11.705556 1.1286509 8.5708069 14.840304 100 6 10.352778 1.1286509 7.2180292 13.487526 200 6 11.783333 1.1286509 8.6485847 14.918082 400 6 10.319444 1.1286509 7.1846958 13.454193 C:TB18.nam 0 9 11.711111 .9215396 9.1515996 14.270623 1 9 9.925926 .9215396 7.3664144 12.485437 100 0 3 10.772222 1.5961534 6.3390182 15.205426 100 1 3 9.933333 1.5961534 5.5001293 14.366537 200 0 3 13.722222 1.5961534 9.2890182 18.155426 200 1 3 9.844444 1.5961534 5.4112404 14.277648 400 0 3 10.638889 1.5961534 6.2056849 15.072093 400 1 3 10.000000 1.5961534 5.5667960 14.433204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB18.lkh by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 400 6 10.319444 X 100 6 10.352778 X 200 6 11.783333 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 100 - 200 -1.43056 3.46292 100 - 400 0.03333 3.46292 200 - 400 1.46389 3.46292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB18.lkh by TB18.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 9 9.925926 X 0 9 11.711111 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 1.78519 2.82746 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 7.3.11 số hàng trên trái Analysis of Variance for TB18.hang - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS 72 A:TB18.lanlaplai 2.4197531 2 1.2098765 2.579 .1250 .1604938 2 .0802469 .171 .8452 C:TB18.nam .8888889 1 .8888889 1.895 .1987 INTERACTIONS BC .1111111 2 .0555556 .118 .8895 RESIDUAL 4.6913580 10 .4691358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 8.2716049 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. Table of Least Squares Means for TB18.hang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND MEAN 18 12.148148 .2245251 11.524545 12.771751 A:TB18.lanlaplai 1 6 11.666667 .3888889 10.586555 12.746778 2 6 12.222222 .3888889 11.142111 13.302334 3 6 12.555556 .3888889 11.475444 13.635667 100 6 12.111111 .3888889 11.031000 13.191223 200 6 12.055556 .3888889 10.975444 13.135667 400 6 12.277778 .3888889 11.197666 13.357889 C:TB18.nam 0 9 11.925926 .3175264 11.044019 12.807833 1 9 12.370370 .3175264 11.488463 13.252278 BC 100 0 3 11.777778 .5499719 10.250269 13.305286 100 1 3 12.444444 .5499719 10.916936 13.971953 200 0 3 11.888889 .5499719 10.361380 13.416397 200 1 3 12.222222 .5499719 10.694714 13.749731 400 0 3 12.111111 .5499719 10.583603 13.638620 400 1 3 12.444444 .5499719 10.916936 13.971953 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB18.hang by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 6 12.055556 X 100 6 12.111111 X 400 6 12.277778 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 100 - 200 0.05556 0.88135 100 - 400 -0.16667 0.88135 200 - 400 -0.22222 0.88135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB18.hang by TB18.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 9 11.925926 X 1 9 12.370370 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 -0.44444 0.71962 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 7.3.12 số hạt trên hàng Analysis of Variance for TB18.hat - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73 Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS A:TB18.lanlaplai 4.5771605 2 2.2885802 .576 .5795 2.8734568 2 1.4367284 .362 .7051 C:TB18.nam .0138889 1 .0138889 .003 .9546 INTERACTIONS BC .8611111 2 .4305556 .108 .8983 RESIDUAL 39.700617 10 3.9700617 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 48.026235 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. Table of Least Squares Means for TB18.hat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND MEAN 18 20.824074 .4386192 19.605840 22.042308 A:TB18.lanlaplai 1 6 21.194444 .7597108 19.084401 23.304488 2 6 21.166667 .7597108 19.056623 23.276710 3 6 20.111111 .7597108 18.001068 22.221154 100 6 20.527778 .7597108 18.417734 22.637821 200 6 20.555556 .7597108 18.445512 22.665599 400 6 21.388889 .7597108 19.278846 23.498932 C:TB18.nam 0 9 20.796296 .6203013 19.073453 22.519139 1 9 20.851852 .6203013 19.129009 22.574695 BC 100 0 3 20.388889 1.0743933 17.404837 23.372941 100 1 3 20.666667 1.0743933 17.682615 23.650719 200 0 3 20.333333 1.0743933 17.349281 23.317385 200 1 3 20.777778 1.0743933 17.793726 23.761830 400 0 3 21.666667 1.0743933 18.682615 24.650719 400 1 3 21.111111 1.0743933 18.127059 24.095163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB18.hat by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 6 20.527778 X 200 6 20.555556 X 400 6 21.388889 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 100 - 200 -0.02778 2.56387 100 - 400 -0.86111 2.56387 200 - 400 -0.83333 2.56387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB18.hat by TB18.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 9 20.796296 X 1 9 20.851852 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 -0.05556 2.09339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 74 7.3.13 trọng lƣợng hạt trên trái Analysis of Variance for TB18.m_hat - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS A:TB18.lanlaplai 14.90442 2 7.452209 .350 .7130 105.67742 2 52.838711 2.481 .1334 C:TB18.nam 11.48447 1 11.484472 .539 .4873 INTERACTIONS BC 28.673306 2 14.336653 .673 .5318 RESIDUAL 212.96620 10 21.296620 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 373.70582 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. Table of Least Squares Means for TB18.m_hat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND MEAN 18 53.497531 1.0877249 51.073282 55.921779 A:TB18.lanlaplai 1 6 52.211111 1.8839949 48.012189 56.410033 2 6 54.111111 1.8839949 49.912189 58.310033 3 6 54.170370 1.8839949 49.971449 58.369292 100 6 50.162963 1.8839949 45.964041 54.361885 200 6 54.481481 1.8839949 50.282560 58.680403 400 6 55.848148 1.8839949 51.649226 60.047070 C:TB18.nam 0 9 52.698765 1.5382754 49.270360 56.127171 1 9 54.296296 1.5382754 50.867891 57.724702 BC 100 0 3 49.155556 2.6643711 43.217384 55.093728 100 1 3 51.170370 2.6643711 45.232198 57.108542 200 0 3 52.251852 2.6643711 46.313680 58.190024 200 1 3 56.711111 2.6643711 50.772939 62.649283 400 0 3 56.688889 2.6643711 50.750717 62.627061 400 1 3 55.007407 2.6643711 49.069235 60.945579 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB18.m_hat by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 6 50.162963 X 200 6 54.481481 X 400 6 55.848148 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 100 - 200 -4.31852 5.93817 100 - 400 -5.68519 5.93817 200 - 400 -1.36667 5.93817 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB18.m_hat by TB18.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 9 52.698765 X 1 9 54.296296 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 -1.59753 4.84850 75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 7.3.14 trọng lƣợng 100 hạt Analysis of Variance for TB18.m_100hat - Type III Sums of Squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN EFFECTS A:TB18.lanlaplai 1.474733 2 .737366 .126 .8832 7.745350 2 3.872675 .660 .5378 C:TB18.nam 13.947023 1 13.947023 2.378 .1540 INTERACTIONS BC 3.0489438 2 1.5244719 .260 .7761 RESIDUAL 58.638519 10 5.8638519 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL (CORRECTED) 84.854568 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 missing values have been excluded. All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error. Table of Least Squares Means for TB18.m_100hat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% Confidence Level Count Average Stnd. Error for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND MEAN 18 25.403704 .5707623 24.131627 26.675780 A:TB18.lanlaplai 1 6 25.718519 .9885892 23.515217 27.921820 2 6 25.025926 .9885892 22.822624 27.229227 3 6 25.466667 .9885892 23.263365 27.669968 100 6 24.481481 .9885892 22.278180 26.684783 200 6 25.951852 .9885892 23.748550 28.155153 400 6 25.777778 .9885892 23.574476 27.981079 C:TB18.nam 0 9 26.283951 .8071797 24.484962 28.082939 1 9 24.523457 .8071797 22.724469 26.322445 BC 100 0 3 25.540741 1.3980763 22.424802 28.656680 100 1 3 23.422222 1.3980763 20.306283 26.538161 200 0 3 27.222222 1.3980763 24.106283 30.338161 200 1 3 24.681481 1.3980763 21.565543 27.797420 400 0 3 26.088889 1.3980763 22.972950 29.204828 400 1 3 25.466667 1.3980763 22.350728 28.582606 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple range analysis for TB18.m_100hat by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 6 24.481481 X 400 6 25.777778 X 200 6 25.951852 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 100 - 200 -1.47037 3.11594 100 - 400 -1.29630 3.11594 200 - 400 0.17407 3.11594 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for TB18.m_100hat by TB18.nam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 9 24.523457 X 0 9 26.283951 X 76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 0 - 1 1.76049 2.54415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. 7.3.15 khả năng cộng sinh Multiple range analysis for BOOK.gdiem by BOOK.ngt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 4 26.250000 X 8 5 37.466667 X 6 3 37.722222 X 4 3 39.722222 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 2 - 4 -13.4722 14.9139 2 - 6 -11.4722 14.9139 2 - 8 -11.2167 13.0991 4 - 6 2.00000 15.9437 4 - 8 2.25556 14.2605 6 - 8 0.25556 14.2605 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for BOOK.mdd_tui by BOOK.ngt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 5 9.926667 X 6 3 17.236111 XX 4 3 22.666667 XX 2 4 25.291667 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 2 - 4 2.62500 15.6519 2 - 6 8.05556 15.6519 2 - 8 15.3650 13.7472 * 4 - 6 5.43056 16.7325 4 - 8 12.7400 14.9660 6 - 8 7.30944 14.9660 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for BOOK.md_bui by BOOK.ngt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 4 .0000000 X 4 3 .1666667 X 6 3 .5833333 X 8 5 2.2200000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 2 - 4 -0.16667 2.80340 2 - 6 -0.58333 2.80340 2 - 8 -2.22000 2.46226 4 - 6 -0.41667 2.99696 4 - 8 -2.05333 2.68057 6 - 8 -1.63667 2.68057 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference. Multiple range analysis for BOOK.md_soi by BOOK.ngt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups 77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 4 1.3750000 X 4 3 1.5277778 X 8 5 3.1000000 X 6 3 3.9111111 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 2 - 4 -0.15278 4.57801 2 - 6 -2.53611 4.57801 2 - 8 -1.72500 4.02092 4 - 6 -2.38333 4.89410 4 - 8 -1.57222 4.37742 6 - 8 0.81111 4.37742 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * denotes a statistically significant difference.

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