Kiến trúc máy tính và hợp ngữ - Chapter 15: Logic programming

Program state can be modeled as a list of pairs. E.g., [[x,1], [y,5]] Function to retrieve the value of a variable from the state: get(Var, [[Var, Val] | _], Val). get(Var, [_ | Rest], Val) :- get(Var, Rest, Val). E.g., ?- get(y, [[x, 5], [y, 3], [z, 1]], V). V = 3

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Programming Languages 2nd edition Tucker and NoonanChapter 15Logic ProgrammingQ: How many legs does a dog have if you call its tail a leg?A: Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it one. Abraham LincolnContents15.1 Logic and Horn Clauses15.2 Logic Programming in Prolog15.2.1 Prolog Program Elements15.2.2 Practical Aspects of Prolog15.3 Prolog Examples15.3.1 Symbolic Differentiation15.3.2 Solving Word Puzzles15.3.3 Natural Language Processing15.3.4 Semantics of Clite15.3 5 Eight Queens Problem15.3.3 Natural Language ProcessingBNF can define natural language (e.g., English) syntax.This was the original purpose of BNF when it was invented by Chomsky in 1957.A Prolog program can model a BNF grammar.This was an original purpose of Prolog when it was designed in the 1970s. A Prolog list can model a sentence.E.g., [the, giraffe, dreams]So running the program can parse a sentence. NLP ExampleConsider the following BNF grammar and parse tree: s  np vp np  det n vp  tv np  iv det  the n  giraffe  apple iv  dreams tv  eatsHere, s, np, vp, det, n , iv, and tv denote “sentence,” “noun phrase,” “verb phrase,” “determiner,” “noun,” “intransitive verb,” and “transitive verb.”Prolog Encoding (naïve version)s(X, Y) :- np(X, U), vp(U, Y).np(X, Y) :- det(X, U), n(U, Y).vp(X, Y) :- iv(X, Y).vp(X, Y) :- tv(X, U), np(U, Y).det([the | Y], Y).n([giraffe | Y], Y).n([apple | Y], Y).iv([dreams | Y], Y).tv([eats | Y], Y).The first rule reads, “list X is a sentence leaving tail Y if X is a noun phrase leaving tail U and U is a verb phrase leaving tail Y.”Example Trace?- s([the, giraffe, dreams],[]).Call: ( 7) s([the, giraffe dreams], []) ?Call: ( 8) np([the, giraffe, dreams], _L131) ?Call: ( 9) det([the, giraffe, dreams], _L143) ?Exit: ( 9) det([the, giraffe, dreams], [giraffe, dreams]) ?Call: ( 9) n([giraffe, dreams], _L131) ?Exit: ( 9) n([giraffe, dreams], [dreams]) ?Exit: ( 8) np([the, giraffe, dreams], [dreams]) ?Call: ( 8) vp([dreams], []) ?Call: ( 9) iv([dreams], []) ?Exit: ( 9) iv([dreams], []) ?Exit: ( 8) vp([dreams], []) ?Exit: ( 7) s([the, giraffe, dreams], []) ?YesThe query asks, “can youresolve [the, giraffe, dreams]as an s, leaving tail []?”The result is success.Definite Clause Grammars (DCGs)s --> np, vp. np --> det, n. vp --> iv. vp --> tv, np. det --> [the]. n --> [giraffe]. n --> [apple]. iv --> [dreams]. tv --> [eats]. Note: This form looks more like a series of BNF rules, and it’s simple to write! This replaces s(X, Y) :- np(X, U), vp(U, V).but it means the same thing.Generating Parse TreesTerms and variables can be added to the DCG rules so that a parse tree can be generated from a query. E.g., if we change s --> np, vp. to s(s(NP, VP)) --> np(NP), vp(VP).the variables NP and VP can capture intermediate subtrees.When all rules are augmented in this way, the query ?- s(Tree, [the, giraffe, dreams], []).delivers the parse tree as a parenthesized list: Tree = s(np(det(the), n(giraffe)), vp(iv(dreams))) 15.3.4 Semantics of CliteProgram state can be modeled as a list of pairs. E.g., [[x,1], [y,5]]Function to retrieve the value of a variable from the state: get(Var, [[Var, Val] | _], Val). get(Var, [_ | Rest], Val) :- get(Var, Rest, Val).E.g., ?- get(y, [[x, 5], [y, 3], [z, 1]], V). V = 3State transformationFunction to store a new value for a variable in the state: onion(Var, Val, [[Var, _] | Rest], [[Var, Val] | Rest]). onion(Var, Val, [Xvar | Rest], [Xvar | OState]) :- onion(Var, Val, Rest, OState).Note: second and third arguments denote the input and output states, resp.E.g., ?- onion(y, 4, [[x, 5], [y, 3], [z, 1]], S). S = [[x, 5], [y, 4], [z, 1]]Modeling Clite Abstract SyntaxSkip skipAssignment assignment(target, source)Block block([s1, , sn])Loop loop(test, body)Conditional conditional(test, thenbranch, elsebranch)Expression Value value(val) Variable variable(id) Binary operator(term1, term2) where operator is one of plus, times, minus, div, lt, le, eq, ne, gt, geSemantics of StatementsGeneral form: minstruction(statement, inState, outState)minstruction(skip, State, State).minstruction(assignment(Var, Expr), InState, OutState) :- mexpression(Expr, InState, Val), onion(Var, Val, InState, OutState).Notes: skip leaves the state unchanged. For an assignment, the expression is first evaluated and the variable Val is instantiated. Next, the target variable (Var) is assigned this value using the onion function.Conditional, Loop, and Blockminstruction(conditional(Test, Thenbranch, Elsebranch), InState, OutState) :-/* First, evaluate test. If it succeeds, Outstate is the meaning of Thenbranch in inState. Otherwise, it is the meaning of Elsebranch. */minstruction(loop(Test, Body), InState, OutState) :-/* First, evaluate test. If it succeeds, OutState is the meaning of loop with InState the meaning of Body in InState. Otherwise, OutState is the InState. */minstruction(block([Head | Tail]), InState, OutState) :- /* If Tail = [], then OutState is the meaning of Head. Otherwise, it is the meaning of block([Tail]) with InState the meaning of Head. */ Expressionmexpression(value(Val), _, Val).mexpression(variable(Var), State, Val) :- get(Var, State, Val).mexpression(plus(Expr1, Expr2), State, Val) :- mexpression(Expr1, State, Val1), mexpression(Expr2, State, Val2), Val is Val1 + Val2.Note the creation of temporary variables Val1 and Val2, and the final assignment of their sum.To Do:1. Show that these definitions give 5 as the meaning of y+2 in the state ((x 5) (y 3) (z 1)). I.e., show that mexpression(plus(variable(y), value(2)), [[x,5], [y,3], [z,1]], Val) Val = 52. Complete the definition of minstruction for conditionals, loops, and blocks.15.3.5 Eight Queens ProblemA backtracking algorithm for which each trial move’s:Row must not be occupied,Row and column’s SW diagonal must not be occupied, andRow and column’s SE diagonal must not be occupied.If a trial move fails any of these tests, the program backtracks and tries another. The process continues until each row has a queen (or until all moves have been tried).Modeling the SolutionBoard is NxN. Goal is to find all solutions.For some values of N (e.g., N=2) there are no solutions.Rows and columns use zero-based indexing.Positions of the queens in a list Answer whose ith entry gives the row position of the queen in column i, in reverse order. E.g., Answer = [4, 2, 0] represents queens in (row, column) positions (0,0), (2,1), and (4,2); see earlier slide.End of the program occurs when Answer has N entries or 0 entries (if there is no solution).Game played using the query:?- queens(N, Answer).Generating a Solutionsolve(N, Col, RowList, _, _, RowList) :- Col >= N.solve(N, Col, RowList, SwDiagList, SeDiagList, Answer) :- Col < N, place(N, 0, Col, RowList, SwDiagList, SeDiagList, Row), getDiag(Row, Col, SwDiag, SeDiag), NextCol is Col + 1, solve(N, NextCol, [Row | RowList], [SwDiag | SwDiagList], [SeDiag | SeDiagList], Answer).Generating SW and SE DiagonalsgetDiag(Row, Col, SwDiag, SeDiag) :- SwDiag is Row + Col, SeDiag is Row - Col.Generating a Safe Moveplace(N, Row, Col, RowList, SwDiagList, SeDiagList, Row) :- Row < N, getDiag(Row, Col, SeDiag, SwDiag), valid(Row, SeDiag, SwDiag, RowList, SwDiagList, SeDiagList). place(N, Row, Col, RowList, SwDiagList, SeDiagList, Answer) :- NextRow is Row + 1, NextRow < N, place(N, NextRow, Col, RowList, SwDiagList, SeDiagList, Answer).Checking for a Valid Movevalid(_, _, _, [ ]).valid(TrialRow, TrialSwDiag, TrialSeDiag, RowList, SwDiagList, SeDiagList) :- not(member(TrialRow, RowList)), not(member(TrialSwDiag, SwDiagList)), not(member(TrialSeDiag, SeDiagList)).Note: RowList is a list of rows already occupied.Sample Runs?- queens(1, R).R = [0].no?- queens(2, R).no?- queens(3, R).no?- queens(4, R).R = [2,0,3,1];R = [1,3,0,2];no4x4 board has two solutions2x2 and 3x3 boards have no solutions1x1 board has one solution

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