Estimating the single storm erosion index model,
similar to that proposed by Cooley’s model, was
developed for the study area. The variation of
coefficients of this equation was very low. Therefore,
the mean values of 0.15, 2.31, and 0.83 were
recommended for the constant coefficients (α, β, and
γ) of the general form of Cooley’s model.
For daily rainfall erosivity estimation, a power
function model was derived for the study area.
Results of this investigation were the same as the
results reported by Richardson et al. (1983) and
Elsenbeer et al. (1993). Due to the compatibility of
the Richardson model for the study area, it can be
recommended as an efficient model to estimate the
daily rainfall erosivity index with the values of 0.17
and 1.68 for the coefficients a and b, respectively.
For monthly rainfall erosivity estimation, a new
simple power model in which the monthly EIM may
be estimated from relevant monthly rainfall was
proposed. The results showed that the coefficients
of this model had a limited variation, and there was
no relationship between these coefficients and the
available parameters of the stations. Averages of
0.33 and 1.28 for intercept and b coefficients were
obtained and recommended, respectively.
For the annual rainfall erosivity estimation,
the Arnoldus model was evaluated and calibrated
for the study area. Averages of 1.19 and 1.31 are
appropriate for the a and b coefficients. According
to the Arnoldus model with calibrated coefficients,
an annual iso-erosivity map was drawn for the study
area. This map indicated that the annual rainfall
erosivity indices varied from 65 to 618 SI units,
which were much lower than those reported for other
regions. Therefore, there was a slight little variation
in the R factor across the Uremia lake basin in such a
way that the RUSLE model was more sensitive to the
other management factors.
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Turk J Agric For
36 (2012) 207-216
Large scale evaluation of single storm and short/long term
erosivity index models
Alidad KARAMI1,*, Mehdi HOMAEE1, Mohammad Reza NEYSHABOURI2, Sadegh AFZALINIA3,
1Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O. Box: 14115-336, Tehran - IRAN
2Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, P.O. Box: 51666-16471, Tabriz - IRAN
3Department of Agricultural Engineering Research, Fars Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources,
P.O. Box: 73415-111, Shiraz - IRAN
4Department of Horticulture Science of Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, P.O. Box: 71397-77669, Shiraz - IRAN
Received: 12.02.2011
Abstract: Rainfall erosivity of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is infl uenced by the type, amount,
and intensity of storm. In this research, rainfall data from 18 recording rain gauge stations were collected and analyzed.
Further, their single storm, daily, monthly, and annual erosion indices were calculated and estimated by diff erent models.
Duration of each rainfall was divided into 15 min intervals. Intensity and energy of each interval, maximum rainfall
intensity of 30 min, total energy of each rainfall, and erosivity index of every single storm were calculated. Furthermore,
Cooley’s model for single storm was evaluated and its coeffi cients were estimated. For daily rainfall erosion index
prediction, Richardson’s model was assessed and its coeffi cients were also estimated. A new power model based on
monthly rainfall was proposed in order to predict monthly rainfall erosion index. For the estimation of the annual
rainfall erosion index, the Arnoldus model was evaluated and its coeffi cients were estimated. Th e coeffi cients for all
equations were also determined using multiple regression. According to the calibrated Arnoldus model, an iso-rainfall
erosion index map was drawn for the studied area consisting of 150 rain gauge information. Th e results indicated that
models of Cooley, Richardson, Arnoldus, and the newly proposed model for monthly rainfall erosion index provide a
reasonable agreement with the rainfall characteristics of the studied area.
Key words: Rainfall erosivity, RUSLE, single storm
Research Article
* E-mail:
Soil is the most important component of natural
resources and is also the most eff ective factor in
the economy of each region that is threatened by
erosion. Assessments of soil erosion are needed
to evaluate contaminant mobility (Johansen et al.
2003), conservation soil organic carbon (Breshears
and Allen 2002), evaluation of runoff and hydrology
(Beeson et al. 2001; Wilson et al. 2001; Johansen
et al. 2003), and utilization of land management
(Hastings et al. 2003). Based on the results of
research conducted in Turkey, soil erosion is an
important issue in this country (Bayramin et al.
2002; Yılmaz et al. 2005; Bayramin et al. 2006).
Th erefore, assessment of factors causing soil erosion
or controlling its severity is necessary.
Large scale evaluation of single storm and short/long term erosivity index models
Kırnak (2002) reported that, according to the
results of research conducted by Türkseven and
Ayday (2000), the Universal Soil Loss Equation
(USLE) model worked well in Turkey. Th e USLE
was originally developed based on the information
obtained from 10,000 fi eld plots to predict the
long term average annual soil loss from some
agricultural areas (Wischmeier and Smith 1965). It
was later extended to cover the whole United States
(Wischmeier and Smith 1978). RUSLE is extensively
used to assess the degree of rill and interrill erosions.
All parameters of this equation can be determined
using regional conditions, relevant curves, and
corresponding tables. However, the rainfall erosivity
factor of RUSLE should be calculated from the
rainfall pattern or from the long term continuous
rain record information.
Th e most common approach for estimating
rainfall erosivity uses the interaction between the
storm energy (E) (MJ ha–1) and the highest continuous
30 min rainfall intensity (I30) (mm h–1). Th e multiple
products of these factors equal rainfall erosivity,
noted as EI30. Th e parameter EI30 has been shown to
be a better predictor of sediment yield than rainfall
depth (Foster et al. 1982). Th e predictor is commonly
used to model soil loss as well as sediment yield
(Renard et al. 1997). Computation of the erosion
index (EI), which is basic to the determination of
the rainfall runoff erosivity factor R of the Revised
Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), is tedious and
time consuming and requires continuous records
of rainfall intensity (Diodato 2004). Consequently,
various researchers have introduced some models to
calculate the rainfall erosivity index using the rainfall
data that are available at rain gauge stations (Ateshian
1974; Wischmeier and Smith 1978).
Bullock et al. (1990) stated that several years’
duration of rainfall intensity data are needed to
calculate the R factor. Bagarello and D’Asarro (1994)
found that the erosion index of a single storm is only
related to the amount of rainfall, and derived an
equation with power of 1.54 for the erosion index of
the Mediterranean area. Th ey also developed a model
for the erosion index in terms of rainfall amount and
the maximum intensity of 30 min. Another rainfall
erosion index model was presented for estimating
erosion losses from individual rainfall events (Foster
et al. 1981). Ateshian (1974) and Cooley (1980)
developed 2 empirical equations for estimating EI30
from rainfall amounts for storms of diff erent types
and durations.
Hadda et al. (1991) expressed the relationship
between rainfall erosion index (REI) and daily
rainfall depth in the form of a model with random
and deterministic components. Selker et al. (1990)
also developed a model for the rainfall erosivity index
based on daily rainfall. Th ey also evaluated another
model for the erosivity index that has been developed
based on the hourly precipitation. Richardson et
al. (1983) developed a model to estimate the daily
rainfall erosion index from daily rainfall amounts.
Th eir model includes both deterministic and random
components. Bullock et al. (1990) reported that the
erosion index calculated by the Richardson model
was more reliable than EI30 calculated by hourly data
in southern Saskatchewan. Elsenbeer et al. (1993)
reported that the Richardson model can properly
predict the rainfall erosivity from daily rainfall
Posch and Rekolainen (1993) derived a power
equation to estimate REI on daily rainfall because of a
lack of continuous rainfall data in Finland. Th ey also
reported that variation of REI was very small all over
the country. Although the REI varied from station
to station, the variation in coeffi cients at diff erent
stations was negligible. Variation in REI was due to
the rainfall intensity variation, which is a normal
phenomenon. On the other hand, the slight variation
in model coeffi cients indicated that the model had
very good compatibility for the area of study to
predict REI.
Renard and Freimund (1994) developed a model
to estimate monthly erosion index from average
monthly rainfall. De Santos Loureio et al. (2001)
estimated the EI30 index from monthly rainfall data
for the south of Portugal. In the Mediterranean
environment, 3 erosive periods were identifi ed. Th e
fi rst period extends from July to October, the second
erosive period has a duration of 2 months, from May
to June, and the third erosive period extends from
November to April, with values of erosivity 87.8 MJ
mm ha−1 h−1, 0.10 Mg ha−1 month−1, and 17.5 MJ mm
ha−1 h−1, respectively (López Vicente et al. 2008).
Wischmeier (1962) computed the annual erosion
index for 1700 stations in the USA, and prepared
isoerodent maps. Wischmeier and Smith (1978)
computed the rainfall erosion index and they
prepared an isopluvial map. Kinnell (2003) compared
USLE with modifi ed USLE (USLEM) equations.
Because the USLEM includes the product of runoff
ratio and EI30 value as the event erosivity index, it is
more effi cient in estimating soil loss.
Th e relationship between annual rainfall and
erosivity is similar only in certain years. Th is
confi rms the extreme variability of rainfall patterns
in Mediterranean areas (Le Bissonnais et al. 2002;
Renschler and Harbur 2002). Ateshian (1974) used
the 2 year, 6 h rainfall to estimate the annual rainfall
erosion index. Diodato (2004) obtained a power
equation (r2 = 0.867) involving the annual erosion
index (EI30annual) in the Mediterranean part of Italy.
Arnoldus (1977), using monthly and annual
rainfall, calculated annual rainfall erosion index,
and obtained satisfactory results for 164 stations in
the USA and 14 stations in West Africa. Hussein
(1986) delineated the isoerodent map for Iraq by
applying the Arnoldus model (1977). In this map,
the erosion index varied from 5 SI units in the South
and South Western parts to 700 SI units in north Iraq.
Sepaskhah (1994) used the Arnoldus model (1977)
and provided the isoerodent map of Iran using the
rainfall data from all weather stations in the country.
According to this map, the values of erosion index
ranged from 500 to 1900 SI units. Bayramin et al.
(2006) computed rainfall erosivity using the Fournier
index and reported that rainfall erosivity had high
variation in Turkey.
Th is study was aimed to the calculate rainfall
erosion index for diff erent rain gauge stations in
northwest Iran. Th e second objective was to develop
and evaluate single storm, daily, monthly, and annual
rainfall erosivity index models for estimating EI30
from the single storm, daily, monthly, and annual
rainfall information. Further, it was aimed to prepare
iso-rainfall erosion index map for the study area.
Materials and methods
Extensive data from 18 chart type rain gauge stations
in the Uremia lake basin (northwest Iran) were
collected to calculate EI30. Th ese data were obtained
from diff erent weather stations located in the Uremia
lake basin. Th e basin covers an area of 50,862 km2
and located at 44°, 14ʹ to 47°, 56ʹ east longitude and
35°, 40ʹ to 38°, 30ʹ north latitude. Its mean elevation
from the sea level varies between 1270 and 3707 m.
To calculate the rainfall erosion index, any storm
with at least 12.7 mm or with the intensity of more
than 24 mm h-1 during a period of 15 min was
considered an erosive event. An interval longer than
6 h is necessary between 2 storms to consider it a
distinct event (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). Any
storm not meeting this condition was eliminated
from the EI30 calculation process. Th erefore, the
rainfall hyetographs were divided into 15-min
periods and the intensities were calculated. Rainfall
kinetic energy was obtained using equations 1 and 2
(Foster et al. 1981).
ei = 0.119+0.0873log
i i ≤ 76 mm h-1 (1)
ei = 0.283 i > 76 mm h-1 (2)
where ei is kinetic energy of 1 unit of rainfall (MJ ha-1
per mm) and i is rainfall intensity (mm h-1).
To calculate each interval energy, the values of ei
were multiplied by the amounts of relevant interval
rainfall. In order to run the computation process
on a computer, a program in Quick Basic language
(EI.bas) was written. In this program data from 18
weather stations consisting of 15 min rainfall, date
of rainfall events, and beginning and ending time
of a rainfall were used. It was assumed that the time
interval between 2 consequent rainstorms was equal
or less than 6 h, and the ending time of rainstorm
and each year were designated in the input data. Th e
output were the date of rainfall event, beginning time
of rainfall, rainfall amount, duration of rainstorm, the
maximum 15 and 30 min intensities, kinetic energy
of unit rainfall, total kinetic energy of each storm (MJ
ha-1), and the storm erosion index (MJ mm ha-1 h-1).
Th e EI30 for an event is the product of E and the
maximum 30 min intensity (EI30) for the event. Rainfall
amount, duration of single storm, the maximum 30
min intensity, kinetic energy, and the single storm
erosivity index all were calculated using the EI.bas
program for all chart type rain gauge recorders in the
study area. Calculating rainfall erosion index needs
a lot of initial information and is a time consuming
Large scale evaluation of single storm and short/long term erosivity index models
process; therefore, the Cooley, Richardson, Monthly,
and Arnoldus models were examined for estimating
the single storm, daily, monthly, and annual erosion
index, respectively. Th e Equation 3 as the general
form of Cooley’s model indicating the relationship
between single storm erosion index and relevant
storm amount and duration.
where EIS is single storm erosion index (MJ mm
ha-1 h-1), P is rainfall amount (mm), D is duration
of rainfall (h), and α, β, and γ are model regression
coeffi cients.
In order to evaluate Cooley’s model, EI30, P, and D
for each storm event in all stations were calculated.
For estimating the daily rainfall erosion index, the
model suggested by Richardson et al. (1983) was also
calibrated and evaluated. Th erefore, total erosive daily
rainfall of 18 rain record stations in the Uremia Lake
Basin was collected and their daily rainfall erosion
indices were calculated by Equation 4 (Richardson et
al. 1983)
EID = aPb + ε (4)
where EID is daily rainfall erosion index (MJ mm
ha-1 h-1), P is daily rainfall amount (mm), a, and b
are regression coeffi cients of Richardson’s model. aPb
is the deterministic component and ε is the random
component of the relationship.
Th e ε parameter for a given observation is the
diff erence between the observed EID and predicted
EID, using the deterministic part of the model. Th is
evaluation also involved comparison of the model
parameters (a and b) and the rainfall erosion index
reported by other researchers (Sepaskhah and
Sarkhosh 2005). Th e parameters of EID and rainfall
amount (P) were calculated for each day and each
station since its establishment. Th e regression
between EID and P gave the coeffi cients a, b, ε and
their statistical characteristics.
To determine the monthly rainfall erosion index,
the model proposed by Sepaskhah and Sarkhosh
(2005) was evaluated. Th ey estimated monthly EI30
values (MJ mm ha-1 h-1), based on relevant monthly
maximum daily rainfall (mm) in southern Iran
according to Equation 5
EIMS = (a + (bP24)2)2 (5)
where EIMS is the monthly rainfall erosion index
(MJ mm ha-1 h-1), P24 is the maximum 24 h rainfall
at the relevant month (mm), a and b are regression
coeffi cients of the model; the value of a coeffi cient is
dependent on the elevation and the b coeffi cient value
was constant and equal to 0.004. In this study, a new
model was proposed and is explained by Equation 6
where EIM is the monthly rainfall erosion index (MJ
mm ha-1 h-1), PM is the monthly rainfall at the relevant
month (mm), and a and b are regression coeffi cients
of the model.
In this study, for the evaluation of the proposed
model, EIM and PM were calculated for each month in
all stations since their establishment. For estimating
the annual erosion index, the Arnoldus model was
used in the form of Equation 7 (Arnoldus 1977)
where EIA is the average annual erosion index (metric
units), Pi is the average monthly rainfall (mm), P is
the average annual rainfall (mm), n is the number of
rainy months, and a and b are regression coeffi cients
of the model.
Hussein (1986) calibrated the Arnoldus model in
the metric system as shown in Equation 8:
A logarithmic regression was used to estimate
the constant coeffi cients of this model. Constant
coeffi cients and statistical characteristics of these
models were provided for all stations of the study area.
a= c
EI aPM Mb=
( )EI a P
0.297( )EI P
Pi ,
n 2
1 93
Average values of the monthly and annual rainfall for
150 stations covering the entire study area, calculated
Arnoldus model coeffi cients, and the geographical
information were used to determine erosivity values
of each station. Th en using the obtained information
and the Uremia lake basin map information, the iso-
rainfall erosion index was developed for the entire
study area. Th e single storm erosivity index values
(EIS) versus P, the amount of rainfall (mm), and D
duration of rainfall (h) based on Cooley’s model were
entered to SAS soft ware and the regression coeffi cients
α, β, and γ and statistical characteristics of the model
were calculated for each station. Th e same as single
storm erosivity index, the daily, monthly, and annual
rainfall erosivity model parameters entered to SAS
soft ware, and statistical characteristics and their
calibrated form were derived.
Based on results shown in Table 1, the maximum
average annual rainfall and the erosivity index were
obtained from Saqqiz and Sarab stations, respectively.
Duncan’s multiple range tests showed that there was
a signifi cant diff erence between the average amount
of rainfalls and erosivity indices at diff erent stations
(Table 1).
Th e calibrated form of each station and the suitable
form of the total area study of Cooley’s, Richardson’s,
and Arnoldus models as well as the proposed model
for the single storm, daily, monthly, and annual
rainfall erosion index are presented in Table 2.
In the Cooley’s multiple linear regression, between
EIS of each storm were taken as the dependent variable
and P and D of the same storm as independent
variables. Th e results indicated that regression
coeffi cients α, β, and γ were not considerably varied
among the stations. Calculations were performed to
fi nd out if there is any internal correlation between the
coeffi cients (α, β, and γ) using accessible parameters,
such as the height of each station. It was found that
the coeffi cients are not statistically correlated.
Th e daily rainfall erosion index for each weather
station located in the Uremia lake basin were
calculated based on equations proposed by Foster
et al. (1981) using the EI.bas soft ware. Th ere were
5800 days in which the rainfall was erosive. Because
of the huge volume of data sets in this respect, it is
impossible to show them in this article. Th e calibrated
form of daily REI model (Richardson et al. 1983)
is given in Table 2. As can be seen in Table 2, the a
coeffi cient varied from 0.12 to 0.37, and b coeffi cient
from 1.47 to 1.83 for diff erent study stations.
Table 1. Th e geographical specifi cations of diff erent stations and means comparison of their annual rainfall and erosivity index
Stations Longitude Latitude Annual rainfall (mm) EI
Saqqiz 46°16ʹ 36°14ʹ 482.0 a 242.2 cd
Ushnuvyeh 45°03ʹ 37°02ʹ 458.2 ab 294.7 bc
Mahabad 45°43ʹ 36°46ʹ 407.7 b 232.2 d
Naghadeh 45°23ʹ 36°58ʹ 350.3 c 203.3 de
Qaleh Jouq 44°28ʹ 39°17ʹ 341.9 c 339.4 b
Uremia 47°03ʹ 37°33ʹ 338.8 c 232.5 d
Lighvan 46°26ʹ 37°50ʹ 331.3 c 323.0 b
Maragheh 46°14ʹ 37°24ʹ 330.0 c 158.2 ef
Nowruzlu 46°12ʹ 36°54ʹ 310.0 cd 156.0 ef
Sarab 47°31ʹ 37°56ʹ 292.6 cde 399.2 a
Shahindez 46°33ʹ 36°40ʹ 288.4 cde 174.4 ef
Alishah 45°50ʹ 38°09ʹ 256.6 def 74.3 h
Qaraziaaddin 45°01ʹ 38°53ʹ 253.5 def 151.2 ef
Salmas 44°47ʹ 38°12ʹ 252.1 def 89.4 gh
Malakan 46°07ʹ 37°08ʹ 243.0 ef 84.6 gh
Azarshahr 54°57ʹ 37°47ʹ 239.6 ef 136.7 fg
Tabriz 46°22ʹ 38°04ʹ 236.4 ef 162.6 ef
Polnavaei 46°15ʹ 38°35ʹ 220.6 f 137.4 fg
Large scale evaluation of single storm and short/long term erosivity index models
Table 2. Th e obtained form of single storm, daily, monthly and annual rainfall erosivity index model
Stations Elev. Single storm Daily Monthly Annual
Polnavaei 1050
Qaraziaaddin 1090
Qaleh Jouq 1285
Alishah 1330
Azarshahr 1340
Mahabad 1344
Malakan 1350
Nowruzlu 1350
Uremia 1360
Salmas 1380
Shahindez 1395
Maragheh 1465
Tabriz 1470
Ushnuvyeh 1480
Saqqiz 1480
Naghadeh 1565
Sarab 1750
Lighvan 2200
0.14EI D
S 0 93
2 4
0.14EI D
S 0 91
2 4
0.15EI D
S 0 74
2 3
0.14EI D
S 0 78
2 3
0.14EI D
S 0 78
2 3
0.15EI D
S 0 81
2 3
0.15EI D
S 0 88
2 4
0.15EI D
S 0 98
2 4
0.14EI D
S 0 87
2 3
0.13EI D
S 0 81
2 3
0.15EI D
S 0 88
2 3
0.14EI D
S 0 81
2 3
0.15EI D
S 0 77
2 3
0.14EI D
S 0 87
2 3
0.15EI D
S 0 86
2 3
0.14EI D
S 0 90
2 4
0.16EI D
S 0 67
2 2
0.16EI D
S 0 62
2 2
0.15EI D
S 0 83
2 31
0.13EI P .D 1 77= 0.15EI P .M m1 47=
0.14EI P .M m1 49=
0.22EI P .M m1 42=
0.95EI P .M m0 9=
0.29EI P .M m1 28=
0.37EI P .M m1 26=
0.1EI P .M m1 64=
0.31EI P .M m1 3=
0.24EI P .M m1 33=
0.15EI P .M m0 46=
0.29EI P .M m1 31=
0.46EI P .M m1 16=
0.86EI P .M m1 19=
0.22EI P .M m1 33=
0.19EI P .M m1 41=
0.33EI P .M m1 25=
0.41EI P .M m1 38=
0.31EI P .M m1 46=
0.33EI P .M m1 28=
0.12EI P .D 1 81=
0.19EI P .D 1 71=
0.25EI P .D 1 47=
0.17EI P .D 1 64=
0.13EI P .D 1 71=
0.16EI P .D 1 70=
0.19EI P .D 1 63=
0.15EI P .D 1 63=
0.13EI P .D 1 72=
0.19EI P .D 1 62=
0.17EI P .D 1 63=
0.25EI P .D 1 74=
0.13EI P .D 1 64=
0.19EI P .D 1 59=
0.14EI P .D 1 67=
0.37EI P .D 1 51=
0.15EI P .D 1 83=
0.17EI P .D 1 68=
1.12( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 32
1.68( )EI P
Pi .
1 22=
1.12( )EI P
Pi .
1 45=
1.19( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 11
1.21( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 27
1.89( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 14
0.30( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 47
1.14( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 22
1.45( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 26
0.25( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 55
1.21( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 25
1.63( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 13
2.49( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 15
1.26( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 26
0.97( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 25
0.54( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 44
0.81( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 58
1.15( )EI P
Pi .
n 2
1 43
1.19( )EI P
Pi .
1 31
Th e relationship between EIM and monthly
rainfall, based on the proposed model, was evaluated
to attain a simple model for EIM. Th e obtained
results showed that the coeffi cients of this model
had a limited variation. In addition, there was no
relationship between these coeffi cients and the
available parameters of the stations. Coeffi cient a
varied from 0.098 to 0.948 and coeffi cient b varied
from 0.46 to 1.64.
To estimate the annual rainfall erosion index for
the study area, long term yearly and monthly rainfall
data and the relevant yearly rainfall erosion index for
18 rain gauge stations were computed. Th ese data
were used to evaluate the Arnoldus model (1977) as
reported by Hussein, (1986) and its coeffi cients were
computed using logarithmic regression SAS soft ware.
For annual REI coeffi cient a varied from 0.25 to
2.49, and b ranged from 1.11 to 1.57. Th ese variations
did not follow a specifi c trend and did not show any
correlation with accessible factors. Th erefore, the
mean values of 1.19 and 1.31 were adapted to a and b
coeffi cients, respectively.
For preparing the iso-rainfall erosion index of the
Uremia lake basin, information from 150 rain gauge
stations was used. Th e long term annual rainfall
erosion index (EIA) was calculated for each station
(using the calibrated Arnoldus model). By entering
the data of geographic parameters of each station
and relevant EIA in to the SDRMAP soft ware, the iso-
rainfall erosion index of the basin was obtained.
Aft erwards, the mentioned data were sent to
the AUTOCAD soft ware using a digitizer, and the
fi nal map with corrected boundaries was prepared.
Iso-rainfall erosion index lines were depicted using
geographic latitude, and longitude of each station,
long term average of EIA, and SDRMAP soft ware.
Th e Figure shows the iso-rainfall erosion index of the
Uremia lake basin based on the modifi ed Arnoldus
model for the study area.
Since rainfall intensity, duration, and frequency
varied at diff erent spatiotemporal settings, there was
no specifi c relation between rainfall erosion index
and annual rainfall at diff erent stations (Table 1).
Th ese variations have been refl ected in the coeffi cients
of models developed for erosivity index (Table 2).
Th erefore, for calculating the rainfall erosion index,
an appropriate model should be used for each station
depending on the available rainfall information.
In this investigation, α coeffi cient was estimated to
be in the range of 0.13 to 0.16 by evaluating Cooley’s
model. Since the variation of the estimated values for
α was very low, the average value of 0.15 was adopted
for α in the general equation. Th e β coeffi cient varied
between 2.23 and 2.39. Th e average value of 2.31 was
then chosen. Th is was very close to the range of 1.5 to
2.2 that was reported by Ateshian (1974) and Cooley
(1980). Th e range of γ coeffi cient varied from 0.63 to
0.98 with the average value of 0.83. Th erefore, values
of 0.15, 2.31, and 0.83 can be applied for α, β, and γ
coeffi cients in the derived model, respectively.
Statistical characteristics of the derived model
showed that it can be considered a reasonably good
predicting model for calculating the single storm
erosion index. Because R2 values varied from 0.990
to 0.996, the mean square of regression at all stations
was also highly signifi cant (P < 0.01). Th erefore, the
mean values of 0.15, 2.31, and 0.83, for α, β, and γ
coeffi cients, respectively, are recommended for the
general form of the Cooley’s model for the entire study
area. Cooley (1980) tested his model for diff erent
patterns of rainfall in the USA and introduced the
coeffi cients of the models for each storm type. Since
the type of storm of this area has not been determined,
the variation of α, β and γ should be evaluated aft er
determining the type of storms.
Th e mean values of the ε in the Richardson’s
model are very close to zero. However its standard
deviation ranges from 0.24 to 0.56 and the values
are almost normally distributed. Th e standard error
of ε parameter varied from 0.01 to 0.40 and the
mean R2 value was 0.85. Th e chi square (χ2) analysis
indicated that the daily REI for all study stations were
signifi cant at the confi dence level of 99%. Th e mean
square of regression at all study stations was also
highly signifi cant (P < 0.01).
Th e result of regressions between a and b
parameters with accessible parameters including
elevation of each station showed that they were not
statistically correlated. Th ese results resemble the
fi ndings of Richardson et al. (1983) and Elsenbeer
et al. (1993). Consequently, the Richardson equation
Large scale evaluation of single storm and short/long term erosivity index models
Mean annual iso erosion index lines
Main river basin
Figure. Isorainfall erosivity index in the Uremia lake basin.
can be recommended as an effi cient method to
estimate the daily REI for the Uremia lake basin with
0.17 and 1.68 for the coeffi cients a and b, respectively.
To estimate the monthly rainfall erosion index
(EIMS), the model developed by Sepaskhah and
Sarkhosh (2005) was also tested. In this model, the
a parameter varied from 2.57 to 5.23 and b from
0.00077 to 0.013. It was also found that there was
no correlation between these coeffi cients and the
available parameters of the stations. Based on the
results reported by Sepaskhah and Panahi (2007), the
range of a coeffi cient varied from 0.33 to 10.57, and b
coeffi cient from 0.001 to 0.23. However, in our study,
these coeffi cients had remarkable variations within
the stations and, hence, application of this model is
not reliable for our study area.
Estimated EIM from the proposed model was
evaluated using the chi square test and the mean
square regression method. Results showed that the
erosion index was highly signifi cant (P < 0.01) based
on both tests. Tomas et al. (1990) developed a model
to calculate EIM for USLE using daily rainfall. Th is
model can calculate the EIM based on the relevant
month and its maximum rainfall, and the diff erence
between the maximum daily rainfall and rainfall of
the corresponding month. Since the parameters of
this equation had high variation at diff erent years, it
was not evaluated in this study.
Th e calibrated form of the Arnoldus model for the
study area was obtained as .
Th e values of annual rainfall erosion indices
obtained for all 18 stations and tested by chi
square were highly signifi cant (P < 0.01).
According to the Figure, rainfall erosion indices
varied from 65 to 618 SI unit, which were much lower
than those reported by Wischmeier and Smith (1978)
and Narain et al. (1994). Th erefore, there is little
variation in the R factor across the basin and so the
model will be more sensitive to other management
Estimating the single storm erosion index model,
similar to that proposed by Cooley’s model, was
developed for the study area. Th e variation of
coeffi cients of this equation was very low. Th erefore,
the mean values of 0.15, 2.31, and 0.83 were
recommended for the constant coeffi cients (α, β, and
γ) of the general form of Cooley’s model.
For daily rainfall erosivity estimation, a power
function model was derived for the study area.
Results of this investigation were the same as the
results reported by Richardson et al. (1983) and
Elsenbeer et al. (1993). Due to the compatibility of
the Richardson model for the study area, it can be
recommended as an effi cient model to estimate the
daily rainfall erosivity index with the values of 0.17
and 1.68 for the coeffi cients a and b, respectively.
For monthly rainfall erosivity estimation, a new
simple power model in which the monthly EIM may
be estimated from relevant monthly rainfall was
proposed. Th e results showed that the coeffi cients
of this model had a limited variation, and there was
no relationship between these coeffi cients and the
available parameters of the stations. Averages of
0.33 and 1.28 for intercept and b coeffi cients were
obtained and recommended, respectively.
For the annual rainfall erosivity estimation,
the Arnoldus model was evaluated and calibrated
for the study area. Averages of 1.19 and 1.31 are
appropriate for the a and b coeffi cients. According
to the Arnoldus model with calibrated coeffi cients,
an annual iso-erosivity map was drawn for the study
area. Th is map indicated that the annual rainfall
erosivity indices varied from 65 to 618 SI units,
which were much lower than those reported for other
regions. Th erefore, there was a slight little variation
in the R factor across the Uremia lake basin in such a
way that the RUSLE model was more sensitive to the
other management factors.
1.19( )EI P
Pi .
1 31
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