Luận văn Nghiên cứu một số phương pháp cải biến dữ liệu trong hệ thống nhúng PDA phục vụ trong e-Learning

NGHIÊN CỨU MỘT SỐ PHƯƠNG PHÁP CẢI BIẾN DỮ LIỆU TRONG HỆ THỐNG NHÚNG PDA PHỤC VỤ TRONG E-LEARNING NGUYỄN ANH TUẤN Trang nhan đề Mục lục Chương 1: Tổng quan. Chương 2: E-Learning và PDA. Chương 3: Cải biến dữ liệu. Chương 4: Cài đặt thực nghiệm. Chương 5: Kết luận và hướng phát triển. Tài liệu tham khảo

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-64- Chll'O'ng4. Cai d~tth,!c nghi~m 4.1 Thietkegiao di~ntrenPocketPC Cai d~tcho PocketPC D6ngh6 Heth6n2:4.1.1 Giao di~n Pocket PC Tqmgthai k~tn6iNutStart ThanhtacVl,l Cacchuangtrinh thuemgdung Hinh 25.Giaodi~nHomecuaPocketPC PocketPC lam<)tthi~tbi cogiaodi~nkha1~mit sov6'inhungm~ytinhd~ban thongthuangmanguaidungdaquellsudl,lng. Giaodi~nPocketPC thuemglam<)tmanhinh240x320van~mth~ngdung(khac v6'icacmayd~ban,manhinhn~mngang) T~im<)tthaidi~mthiPocketPC chihi~nthim<)tcuas6cuam<)tungdl,lng.Khong gi6ngnhuDestopconhi~ucuas6ch6nglennhautrenDesktop. TrangPocketPC,nut@ n~mgocphflitrenmanhinhthuemgcotacdl,lnglathunh6 cuas6,khongcoy nghlalak~thucchuangtrinh.Dododoikhitabftmvaonutnay cuas6 chuangtrinhdongl~ilamta lfimtuangla dak~tthucnhungthvcchftt chuangtrinhnayv~ncondangch~ytrongh~th6ng. -65- li m;r,~..~~_-«Bt"~~4:~~1[~~~Wf.~t;~:~' '-I'DI~ I Foe Edit 'Tie"" Fa"otlt~s Tools' Help I lit I- -.. 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IA ScreenShot f- InternetExplorer FileExplorer - CITD-[l.1edia@2004! f--... -66- 4.1.2 PhU'O'ngphapthi~tk~ Nh~mlamchonguaihQccoth~dedangti~pc~nvaih~th6ngthivi~cthi~tk~giao di~nthu~nti~nclingc~nduQ'cquailtam.-D?cbi~tla d6i'vaicacthi~tbi PDA thuangcomanhinhnh6. Ii moh 28.Thi~tk~giaodi~o 4.2 Gi&i thi~uh~thongchLPO'ngtrinhE-Iearning Xuyensu6tchud~cualu~nvan,chungtoit~ptrungvi~cxaydl,l'ngcaclingdl,mg trenPDA saochotumQthi~tbinh6gQn,giathanhthftpcothedaplingduQ'cnhu du hQct~ptuxachocachQcviencohoancanhlamvi~cvahQct~ptrongmoi truangdi dQng.ChuangtrinhE-IeaminglamQth~th6ngph~nm~mgiupchohQc vienhQct~p,xembaigiangtuxaclingnhutheodoicacbatgiangduQ'clUlltrittren mayPDA. H~th6ngchuangtrinhE-Ieaming6m2ph~nchinh: . Ph~nch?ytrenPocketPC: Baog6mcacchuangtrinhxemSlidebaigiang d?nganh,chuangtrinhmultimediastreammingnh~ntrl,l'ctuy~ncacbat giangamthanhvahinhanh,d6ngthaituangtacvaiserver. ,at';:f!...":":';:i:..+ 04El:3 .v. Thanh ceng C1,1 Thanh ceng C1,12 Milnhlnhchinh Thtfc ddn x -67- Slide, / ;,:;~~~:,:~~~;,:"~""~;'"I~WmJ~,,~~~~~!I~.'M",y. ,."'~_.,~;"'""~ ~~.."oq~"",,1; ..~~:"::~ ,";;.,' ~ ;;;;~ ,. ,~!H.eoLesSpll}t£;!:rd;!ictiOIi!l1 . }?'~/ .': :~; ,.,""',,~ Bl "n':-~~ '",., .:co" '".. " ",....:-i, .:,.;:-. "';;':""'~' J. ;~ """r,::;,, mnb 29.Giaodi~nChu'Ol1gtrinbE-IearningireDPocketPC . Phftnch~ytrenServer:M<)tServerchuyenxu Iy cacyellcftucuaclientvaITa v€ n<)idungthichhgpthothi€t bi cuanguaidung. Xay d1,l11gh~th6ngph\lcV\lchuangtrinhE-Ieaming: H~th6ngE-Ieamingduqctrienkhaitrencacphftntungsau: MayPocketPC AcernlOch~yh~di€u hanhWindowsPocketPC 2003 Cardm~ngCF-WirelessSennao802.11b CiscoAccess-point LinuxServer:as RedHat9.0: . ApacheWebServer:TomcatServer,Cocoon,httpd . Squid Proxy Server 4.3 Cac chU'O'ngtrinh trenPocketPC 4.3.1 ChU'O'ngtrinh Pocket-Slide M<)tling d\lngdftulienca bannhfttd6lakhanangxemeaebaigiangdlJoclUll tru trenPocketPc. Baigiangsaukhiduqcbienso~ntrenmaytinhIansitd\lngeae tongC\lso~nthaoslidethongd\lngnhuPowerPointva duqelUll duaid~ganh -68- lPG. Chuangtrinhsehi~nthilfinIUQ1:cacfmhnayvath~hi~ntrenPocketPC thee d;;mgng~ngQnho~cdfiymanhinh. DayIagiaodi~nchinhcuachuangtrinh. Ii; CFCard---Business lit Personal Ii; Templates - ProgramFiles Hinh 30.Giaodi~nchu'o'ngtrinhPocketslide Chuangtrinhsud\lngcacbQthuvi~nth~hi~nvaxu Iy anh.BQthuvi~nnaydil duQ'cait~oI~ichophuhQ'Pv6'imoitruangWindowsCEo CXlmage,lPeg:BQthuvi~ndungxu IycacanhlPEG CDIBSectionLite:Thuvi~nchovi~chi~nthianh ChuangtrinhduQ'cphattri~nb~ngbQcongC\lEmbeddedVisualC++3.0 IIg:~'~dtY:- Insertfroject~IOoIs W:~, t1eb JJ~ I'~ Iii) "j JI; ~ ~I :d,~';~!~~I[i8"fJilreo!~rmt~!-_~_Iream_dala II CPockeiSlideView ..:::J116Jcia::member:) .:::.110"0,,.L. .' . IPocketSlide ..:::JIPam.:izePC2.11 ..:::JIWn32(\lICESH3)Debug,".. .. ~d~ 'r; ""'I"""m<i~r"i " ,~ (j;)IWOIk:pace 'PocketS tide': 4 lXoject(:j EH.~ D<lmagefile: S.~ DbSectionlitefile: IB~JPegfjes B~ PocketSlid,,'lile- S -tsl SoUleeFile: . ~ FolderView,cpp ,. ~ ~. MainFrm.epp :...,i; PocketSide.cpp :.q,i; , , ,i; PockeIS!deDoc.cpp -., !. PockelSideVoew.c .~ ST_SplitterWndcpp .. ~ StdAf..cpp s-D HeaderFoe: ffi .D ResourceFie: '. ~D<lmage W\1DibSectiortie .~! it I ~ .~Cla..Viewl~ Resour...I ~ FileView Ready -69- or; 3lPam-size PC2.11EnUation ;j I ,-- ,'/ CPocketSii-deVie«messagehandlers void CPocketSlideView: :OnKouseKove(UINTnFlags. CPoint pain! { if(nFlags ..KK_LBUTTON){ desPoint +- point - prvPoint; if(desPoint.x ) 0) desPoint.x - 0; if(desPoint.y ) 0) desPoint.y - 0; if(desPoint.x < minPoint.x) desPoint.x'minPoint.x; if(desPoint.y < minPoint,y) desPoint,y. minPoint.y; J prvPoint . point; Invalidate(FALSE); } CView::OnKouseKove(nFlags. point); void CPocketSlideView: :OnLButtonDown(UINTnFlags. CPoint po: { prvPoint =point; CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags. point); ~ iREC[55L[5'\iRI EAD,.iILn-177-;-tOJ 1 moh 31.MilD hioh pMt tri~o Ii; CFCard ra; IvJyDocuments L!tj:J~I~Ji ~ Personal lit Templates " ProgramFiles ~"'~ GIOI Tm~;ULlNUX lit CFCard lit MyDocuments ~ jm~~I~mi ~ Personal ~ Templates lit ProgramFiles T LichsirLinux \. , ,,'" I'm u"", T",,~I1j,".1""""'..' 1""""".~<"'I"I"..~,.~II.t,,.MI~ ':",,.. tim,"" ~ r:tun III"" dich",tlJreach...' 13mOt l"'d..~"""ht""""~tri",IY")PC"". "\lr h 11'1"" , "!""l)-""I'~Jt.Lw,u.,,Mro"""""'1II " IOO"~1>30""" <C<t1p""'"1""" ~"r"'H«!"J":)","".""h"I."""~, """"""""""",,~~I"""'",. ~ ~P' Tools ~II [] I~ I J.. ~ IQJ Tools~I [] ,.. I J.. ~ IQJ Hioh 32.Giaodi~ochu'o'ngtrioh: MilDhiohchioh -70- Khi gQichuangtrinhPocketSlidelen,chuangtrinhsecogiaodi~nnhuhinh13. Cuas6chuangtrinhsedm)'chia2: Ph~ntren:timrathum\lCcochuacacslidebaigiang. Chuangtrinhsel~nluQ'tdQccacslide N~utaclickvaobi~utUQ'Ilgslideshowthichuangtrinhsel~nluQ'thi~nthicacslide chod~nh~t. IffilSlide1/3-x ~ A .' .~ "'.1\U GIOI THI~~l1LlNUX , vII.1"""""""" 110 ,... -4 ~F To~is.,.~i [] 1.1J~ ~ IQJ. -.- mnh 33.XemdAymanhlnh LichsirLmux '\ . ">In1"" I""" T",nU, ,mb\Ow:-.-' 1"""""~"""'Ii<l...~,.p'..nb""~'..u.. ~ ""'«!~!""' . "":.PI"':"b.t'.1,... U"" ... 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Cacbi€n toanCl,lCnhfimlUllgiftcacgiatrianhdangdugcthamchi€uvatr~gthai chuangtrinh public: CStringArray m_FilePaths;11 Lay Path chua cae slides int m_nCurrentImg; m_nTotalImg; II Con tro den cae Images II Cho anh vua van vao man hinh II Xoay anh ngang II Slideshow II Day man hinh II Anh bien tai dang chieu CDIBSectionLite *m_pImg; BOOL m_bFix; BOOL m_bVertical; BOOL m_bSlideShow; BOOL m_bFullScreen; int II Tong so anh 4.3.2 ChU'O'ng trinh VideoStreamingOnline GiOithi~uungd1}ngMediaStream D~tal nayclingxay d1J11gmQtlrngdl,lngMediaStream,co thetruy~n StreamingMedia(Wave,MP3, WMV, ASF) choPocketPc. TrongIInhvtJce- learningthiduli~ud~ngvideo1£1rfttquailtrQng.HQcviena xakhongthethamgia. ITtJCti€p vaolaphQccothexemcacbatgiangdugclUlltmtrenServer.Vai nhung hQcviencodi~uki~nlamvi~cthucmgxuyendichuyenthivi~csirdl,lngPDA nhu1 thi€t bi h6trghQct~p1£1rfttti~ndl,lng.Tuy nhienthi€t bi I;>DA1£1rftth~nch€ v~tal nguyentrongkhi kich thuaccuadu li~uvideothucmg1£1rfttIan. Do do,d~tal se ti€p c~ntheehuOOgstreamingmediachoPocketPC d€ kh~cphl,lckhokhandoh~n ch€ v~lull tru. -72- C~utrucchffangtrinh Chuangtrinh,Slrd\mgbQ cong Cl,lphattri€n WindowsMedia Player SDK va DirectX(DirectShow)cuaMicrosftd€ phMtri€n. Chuangtrinhh6trq d~mgfile wmv,asf,wma.D€ co thedungstreamingmediata phaicaitienvi~cSlrdl,lngcacham. Chuangtrinhcotheketn6iVaGmQtmediaserverd€ lfiyrat~ptinmotadil'li~ubai giangcotrenserver:media.xml. ChuangtrinhsetMt~ptinmedia.xmlv€ may PDAr6id9Cracacfiledil'li~uchonguaidungh.rach9n :::-,~-y:d~~[jeinafi:~r~:j>;~~~...~ ;ro:5~{-to EntertheAddress Ihttp:jjwww.vnuitedu.vnjI [&gJ ¥' ~ewEdit Tools ~ ~ 8 'W.. 1!1I1'" Hinh 35.Giaodi~nmanhlnhchinhtalt~ptinmedia.xml Chuangtrinhseparset~ptinmedia.xmlvachonguaidungh.rach9nt~ptindil'li~u sestreamingv€ mayPDA. GiaSlrnguaidungch9nlinux.wmvthichuangtrinhse b~td~uch~yhi€nthit~ptinvideocothubaigiangLinux. -73- III][O'.::If';1'4!II! File' T~~f~H;;lp7;f~)-;7\,~~t. Hinh 36.SaukhiclickchQnt~ptin linux.wmv Ta xaydlJnghamDownloadPaged€ tait~ptinmedia.xml int DownloadPage(LPTSTR szAddress) int nRetCode = Oi DWORDdwAccessTy~e = PRE_CONFIG_INTERNET_ACCESSi canst TCHAR szHeaders[] = _T(IIAccept: text/*\r\nUser-Agent: MFC_Http_Sample\r\n") i DWORDdwHttpRequestFlags =INTERNET_FLAG_NO_~UTO_REDIRECTi BOOL bSuccess =TRUEi CFile ITl_pFilei CMyHttpSession session(CString((LPCTSTR)IDS_HTTPAPP), dwAccessType) i CHttpConnection* pServer =NULLi CHttpFile* pFile =NULLi TRY { (DWORD)this, strObject, II check to see if this is a reasonable URL CString strServerNamei CString strObjecti INTERNET_PORT nporti DWORDdwServiceTypei if ( !AfxParseURL (szAddress, nport) II dwServiceType != INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP) dwServiceType, strServerName, SetDlgltemText(IDC_EDIT_PAGE, CString((LPCTSTR)IDS_ERROR1))i ThrowHttpException(kErrorl) i } session.EnableStatusCallback(TRUE)i pServer = session.GetHttpConnection(strServerName, nPort)i -74- strObject, pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_GET, NULL, (DWORD)this, NULL, NULL, dwHttpRequestFlags); pFile->AddRequestHeaders(szHeaders) ; pF~le->SendRequest(); DWORDdwRet; pFile->QuerylnfoStatusCode(dwRet) ; if (dwRet ==HTTP_STATUS_DENIED) { MessageBox (L"Access to the secured http denied!", L"Error", MB_OK); II now an error page should be downloaded site is } CString strNewLocation; pFile->Querylnfo(HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, strNewLocation) ; II were we redirected? II these response status codes come from WININET.H if (dwRet ==HTTP_STATUS_MOVED II dwRet ==HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECTII dwRet ==HTTP STATUS REDIRECT_METHOD) CString strNewLocation; pFile->Querylnfo(HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, strNewLocation) i int nPlace =strNewLocation.Find(_T("Location: ")); if (nPlace ==-1) { SetDIgItemText(IDC_EDIT_PAGE, CString((LPCTSTR)IDS_ERROR2) ); ThrowHttpException(kError2) ; strNewLocation =strNewLocation.Mid(nPlace + 10); nPlace = strNewLocation.Find('\n'); if (nPlace > 0) strNewLocation = strNewLocation.Left(nPlac:e); pFi1e->Close () ; delete pFU..e; pServer->Close() ; delete pServer; CString cs!Y]sg CString((LPCTSTR)IDS_CAUTION) + s t rNeV1Loca tion; SetDIgltemText(IDC_MESSAGE, csMsg); strServerName, II figure out what the old place was if (!AfxParseURL(strNewLocation, strObject, nport)) { dwServiceType, SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_PAGE, CString((LPCTSTR)IDS_ERROR3)) ; -75- ThrowHttpException(kError2) ; if (dwServiceTy?e != INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP) { SetDIgItemText(IDC_EDIT_PAGE, CString((LPCTSTR)IDS_ERROR4)) ; ThrowHttpException(kError2); II try again at the new location pServer = session.GetHttpConnection(strServerName, npon:) ; pFile >OpenRequest(CHttpConnection: :HTTP_VERB_GET, strObject, NULL, pServer- (DWORD) this, NULL, NULL, dwHttpRequestFlags); pFile->AddRequestHeaders(szHeaders) ; pFile->SendRequest(); pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode(dwRet) ; if (dwRet != HTTP_STATUS_OK) ThrowHttpException(kError2) ; TCHAR* 5zWEBPage =new TCHAR[MAX_WEBPAGE_SIZE+l]; if (szvJEBPage) { 8zWEBPage[O] =L'\O'; TCHAR* 5Z =new TCHAR[BUFFER_SIZE+l]; TCHAR* SZWED: =new TCHAR[(BUFFER_SIZE+l)*2]; 8Z[O] = L'\O'; szwBu:[O] = L'\O'; int 11 = 0; pFile->SetReadBufferSize(BUFFER_SIZE*2) ; while (pFile->ReadString (5Z, .BUFFER_SIZE)) { wce_AsciiToWide (szwBuf, . (const char*) 5Z) ; n += _tcslen(szwBuf); if(n >= MAX_WEBPAGE_SIZE) break; _tcscat(szWEBPage, szwBuf); } delete [] sZ; delete [] szwEuf; } II My Function: XML Parser II XML file was saved to szWEBPage MyXMLParser(szWEBPage); delete [] szWEBPage; pFile->Close () ; pServer->Close() ; } CATCH (CInternetException, { pBx) -76- II catch things wrong with parameters, etc if (pEx->m dwError < kErrorMin) { - TCHAR szError[MAX_PATH]=TEXT("\O"); , pEx->GetErrorMessage (szError, MAX_PATH, NULL) ; SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_PAGE, 82E1'ro1'); } bSuccess =FALSE; } AND CATCH (CMemoryException, { - pMemory) II catch things wrong with memory SetDlgltemText(IDC_EDIT_PAGE,CString((LPCTSTR)IDS_MEMORYEXCEPTION)) pMemory->Delete() ; bSuccess = FALSE; } END CATCH ALL if (pFile != NULL) delete pFile; if (pServer != NULL) delete pServer; session.Close() ; if (bSuccess) SetDlgItemText(IDC_MESSAGE, CString((LPCTSTR)IDS_DOWNLOADED)); return nR.etCode; } Ta xfty dllng hamMyXMLParser(CString m_strlnput) tin t11file media.xml void CVideoDemandView: :MyXMLParser(CString m_strInput) del~yracaethong CString m_strVideo, m_strAudio , m_strTemp=""; int i,length; int head=O, cail=O; BOOL stop=FALSE; 1.=0; length=m_8t:clnput.GetLength() ; while (! stop) { head= m_strInput.Find(TEXT("") ,i); tail= m_strInpuLFind (TEXT ("") ,i); ",_strVideo=m_strInput .Mid (head+7, tail-head-7) ; .:=ta.i1-1; head= m_strlnput.Find(TEXT("") ,i); tail= m_strlnput.Find(TEXT("") ,i); ",_strAudio=m_strInput .Mid (head+7, tail-head-7) ; i=tail-l; if ((head>O)&& (taibO)) { m_strTemp=m_8trTemp+"\r\n\r"+m_strVideo; "'_ctrLi8tr'1edi.a.AddString (m_strVideo) ; I I Add video URL to ListBox ",_strTernp=m_scrTemp+"\r\n\r"+m_strAudio; ",_ctrListMedia.AddString(m_strAudio) ;11 Add audio URL to ListBox }else { stop=TRUE; -77- Ilexit the while loop } } Ilwhile } Cai d~tmoitruemglamvi~c: D~biendichlingd\lngnaythanhcongtaphaichliyca.cb{)thuvi~nh6trql~ptrinh trenPocketPC: commctrl.libcoredll.libaygshell.libatlce300.lib ProjectSettings',~;,:.; ~ettingsFor:IWin32['WCEARM) Debug ,:;",1':",' ';; :1;1~ >.It' '~()~ff~1f~I ::,';:t:::::"'::"""~='-,j,"~,-".-::.., ~",,;;r, !B"iF=~~'~T.fp-,.l:f.I.' figse!')- ~,.~.",," .,0utpl.lffile.oame:. d~RM~bg/StreamMedia.elle , >0.,,' ,0 {'bbi~c;t)j;Dr?r~mO9ules:: I commctrUibcoredll.lib a~gshell.libatlce300.lib P' generatedebuginfo r Generatemapfile r~:lgnorealldefaultli12raries ProjectQ.ptions: commctrUibcoredll.liba.vgshell.libatlce300.libInologo.... Ibase:"0>:0001DODO"Istack:01l10000,0111000 := ~:I/entr.v:"WinMainCRTStartup"lincremental:.ves ..::.J I Cancel)OK mob 37.Citid~tmoitru-irngbiendjch Thu vi~nquailtrQngthli hai chovi~cchaicacfile videotrenPocketPC la PlayerOCx.Thuvi~nnaycotrongb{)SDKcuaMicrosft. Hai3bi~ntoanC\lCquailtrQngnhfttcuachuangtrinhnayla CAxWindow m_wndView; II Windows dung hi en thi Windows Media Player control CComPtr rn_sp~1f4PPlayer ; II Con tro tro den giao dien Windows Media Player control CComPtr m_spConneetionPoint; II Diem ket noi khi eae su kien duDe xu ly -78- . CachamquailtrQng . m_spWMPPlayer->get_BaseURLO:Liy diachin€n cilanai chuat~ptin videodangiruy€n.Khongkerntheetenfile. . m_sp\VMPPlayer->get_BandwidthO:Liy giatri bangthongcilam~ng.hi~n t~i.N~unh6ban1giatri quydinhnaodothitasexuit ra 1thongbaola duangtruy€nkhongdilnhanhdedaplIngchovi~ctruy€nmedia.Chucnang naygi6ngnhu1GongCl}BandwithProbing. . m_sp\VMPPlayer->get_AudioStrearn(""):Dungdeliy lu6ngfuTIthanh . 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Welcome to Apache Cocoon! Congratulations!If youarereadingthispage,it meansthatyourApacheCocooninstallation wassuccessful. To knowmoreaboutCocooncapabilities,lookat thesamples, Here you find the Cocoon DOCL!rCB~ntation. HereyoufindtheJava APIdocumentationof theCocooninternals, Copyright@ 1999-2004The p,pacheSoft'0!ar'eFoundation. All rights reserved, i) .:J r-r-r-Itt Internet .d Hinb 47.Giaodi~ncuaApacheCocoon Ki€m tratinhnangcuah~th6ngxemcodaplIngcacyeuc~ud€ xayd1lngcaclIng d\mgWebc<,tibi~n Qidung: Ta seduqccacthams6cuarequestnhusau: [Ljava.lang.5tring;@f086d7IgetparameterNameS image/gift image/X-Xbitmapr~image/jpegr image/pjpegrapplication/ powerpointr application/mswordr application/x:"shockwave- i flashr*/* f - - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; I f get-header user-agent MSIE 6.0; Windows . 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