The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of
volcanic rocks in the Tram Tau district (and
Tu Le basin, in general) are highly enriched
for a mantle source, suggesting involvement
of crustal melts. To produce magmatic melts
having 87Sr/86Sr ratio from 0.7058 to 0.7094, a
mantle-derived melt with strontium isotopic
ratio of 0.703 has to mix with crustal melts
having 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios ranging
between 0.715 and 0.730 at a percentage
range, respectively, of 3÷4% and 2÷5%.
The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of
Tram Tau volcanic rocks are much different
from those reported for Mesozoic A-type
granites in western Yunnan (Gilder et al.,
1996). Along with scanty paleomagnetic
evidence of northern Viet Nam’s significant
extrusion and rotation since the Mesozoic (see
above), the model of 600-700 km
southeastward extrusion of western Yunnan
proposed by Chung et al. (1997) and Lan et al.
(2000) would need further investigation.
Regardless of being in good agreement
with many previously reported data, in the
light of various radiometric age ranges
recently reported for Tram Tau felsic volcanic
rocks, the Rb-Sr isotopic age in this study
may be viewed as a reference. We expect to
acquire more radiometric age data for the
felsic volcanic rocks using more reliable
A Vietnamese version of this manuscript
was reviewed by Drs. Nguyen Thanh Van,
Tran Trong Hoa and Bui Minh Tam, whose
critical comments helped improve the
manuscript significantly. This research
was conducted under the grant
VAST.DTCB.01/12-13 funded by the
Vietnam Academy of Science and
Technology, to whom we extend our thanks
and appreciations. O. Ishizuka and K.
Yamanobe (GSJ) are thanked for assistance in
the trace element analysis.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Magma source feature and eruption age of volcanic rocks in the Tram Tau district, Tu Le Basin, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38(3), 242-255
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
Magma source feature and eruption age of volcanic rocks
in the Tram Tau district, Tu Le Basin
Nguyen Hoang1*, Tran Thi Huong1, Dao Thai Bac2, Nguyen Van Vu2, Nguyen Thi Thu1,
Cu Sy Thang1,Pham Thanh Dang1
1Institute of Geological Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
2Center of Information and Archives of Geology, General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam
Received 19 September 2015. Accepted 13 May 2016
A set of samples including porphyritic rhyolite, rhyo-trachyte, trachyte and basalt was collected in the Tram Tau
district, Tu Le Mesozoic Basin, in NW Viet Nam for analysis for major, trace, elemental and Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd
isotopic compositions. The volcanic rocks are alkaline and highly enriched in trace elements including rare earth
elements (REEs). However, primitive mantle and chondrite trace element normalized patterns expose strong negative
anomalies for Ba, Sr, Eu and Ti, possibly reflecting fractional crystallization of plagioclase (for Sr and Eu), pyroxene,
and especially amphibole (for Ba and Ti). The measured 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios, varying between 0.8142 and
0.75283, are plotted against the corresponding 87Rb/86Sr forming an isochron that provides an age of 157± 2.9 Ma
with an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.708, corresponding to late Jurassic - early Cretaceous (J3-K1) in agreement with
previously reported data. The corresponding Nd isotopic compositions expressed as Nd (157Ma) vary from -8,27 to -
2.32 and the Nd model ages are Mesoproterozoic, ranging from 1 to 1.3 Ga. This highly enriched magma was
postulated to have formed by mixing of a depleted mantle and Mesoproterozoic crustal rocks (for example, granite)
following a continental extension event. Mixing between crustal rocks having strontium isotopic ratios of 0.715 and
0.730 and a depleted mantle with 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.703 would occur, respectively, at 3÷4% and 2÷5% to generate
the observed strontium isotopic ratios in the Tram Tau volcanic rocks.
Keywords: Tram Tau, Tu Le Basin, NW Viet Nam, isotopic mixing, geochemistry.
©2016 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction
Intraplate rifting structures such as Song
Da - Tu Le and Song Hien are important units
in the tectonic framework of northern Viet
Nam in the Late Permian - Early Mesozoic
(Tran and Tran, 2009). The Tu Le Basin,
termed as intraplate rift (Dovjikov et al.,
1965; Tran and Nguyen, 1979, 1988; Vu and
Corresponding author, Email:
Bui, 1989; Dao and Huynh, 1995) located to
the northeast of the Song Da rift (Figure 1) is
a dependent trough-shaped basin, formed in
the Mesozoic (Hutchison, 1989; Nguyen and
Tran, 1992) with a total thickness reaching up
to 5000 m (Phan, 1977; Nguyen, 1978). The
lower section of the basin is filled with
Jurassic - Cretaceous red sediments, while the
upper section is comprised by volcanic rocks
having contrasting compositions including
rhyolite, trachyte and basalt, where alkaline
N. Hoang, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38 (2016)
rhyolite, rhyo-trachyte and trachyte are
dominant. Plutonic magmatic rocks such as
gabbro, syenite, granosyenite, sub-alkaline
and alkaline granite are minor and found at
Phu Sa Phin and elsewhere in the Tu Le Basin
(Nguyen et al., 1995).
Figure 1. a) Schematic illustration of major tectonic units in NW Viet Nam, showing Ailao Shan Red River Tertiary
Shear zone, Fan Si Pan Uplift terrain, Song Da Permian-Triassic plutonic-volcanic rift zone and Tu Le Mesozoic
Volcanic Basin. Simplified from Tran et al. (2004); (b) geological scheme of Tram Tau district; sampling route
started from Xa Ho to Ban Hat Liu to Tram Tau town, along the intervillage road. Simplified from Yen Bai
geological sheet at 1:200,000 after Nguyen Vinh (2005)
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38(3), 242-255
The magmatic formations in the Tu Le
Basin are divided into two sub-alkaline and
alkaline pluton-volcanic mafic and felsic
series. According to Nguyen et al. (1995,
1997) magmatism in the Tu Le Basin
occurred at many successive stages, showing
characteristic syn- pluton volcanic activity, on
the one hand, and clearly contrasting
compositions, on the other. Examples include
alkaline mafic - silicic volcanic rocks in the
Ban Hat village (Phan, 1977; Nguyen et al.,
2000) and late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous
sub-alkaline syn- pluton - volcanic mafic -
silicic rocks of Nam Chien and Phu Sa Phin
complexes (Tran, 1996; Vu and Tran, 2007),
and alkaline volcanism of Ngoi Thia complex
(Phan, 1977). The end of the Tu Le intraplate
rifting was marked by the appearance of sole
Al-oversaturated sub-alkaline granitoidic
magmatism of Ye Yen Sun complex in early
Paleogene (Nguyen and Tran, 1992; Tran et
al., 2002, and references therein).
Alkaline and sub-alkaline pluton-volcanic
felsic complexes classified as Jurassic-
Cretaceous Ngoi Thia and Tu Le (J-K tl)
complexes (Dovjikov et al., 1965; Phan, 1977;
Nguyen, 1978; Vu et al., 1989; Nguyen et al.,
2000, 2003; Tran et al., 2004; Tran and Tran,
2009; Pham et al., 2000; Tran, 2011) are
exposed in the Tram Tau district, Yen Bai
province (Figure 1). A large set of rhyolite,
rhyo-trachyte and trachyte samples was
collected along two cross-sections along the
stream near the Hat Liu Commune
administration building to Xa Ho commune,
Tram Tau district. Additional samples along
with (rare) fresh basalts were collected at
outcrops from Ban Hat communal headquarter
toward the provincial route leading to Tram
Tau town with a total length about 5 km. The
samples were processed for petrographic
study, and age, geochemical and isotope data
acquisition and interpretation for magma
source character and related mantle dynamic
processes of the Tu Le pluton-volcanic
2. Petrography
Rhyolite, rhyo-trachyte, trachyte samples
were collected along two cross-sections, along
the inter-village road from the Ban Hat bridge
to Xa Ho village; additional samples,
including basalts, were sampled at outcrops
along Ban Hat village administrative building
toward the intersection leading to Tram Tau
town (Figure 1) in a total length of nearly
5 km. The rhyolite, rhyo-trachyte, trachyte
and (rare) basalt are porphyritic. The rhyolite
is grayish white, rosy white, relatively fresh.
The phenocrysts including K-feldspar and
quartz take up to 30% of the total rock
volume. The feldspar is idiomorphic, with
sizes up to 0.5 × 1 mm. Quartz phenocrysts,
up to 15 vol.% (sample 120405-3), are mostly
sub-idiomorphic, sometimes irregularly
fragmented, with sizes up to 1 × 1 mm. The
groundmass is trachytic, containing microlites
of quartz, biotite, and small amounts of K-
feldspar and volcanic glass (Figure 2a, b).
The trachyte is gray, murky white or rosy
white, having lesser phenocrysts compared
with the porphyritic rhyolite. K-feldspar is the
only phenocryst, and up to 1 x 1.8 mm in
dimension, occupying volumes ranging from
5% to 15%. The groundmass is trachytic,
consisting of microlites of K-feldspar,
hydrous mica (or biotite?), and a minor
amount of quartz and secondary carbonate
The basalt (diabase?) (Figure 2c) is black,
sometimes greenish black with plagioclase
and clinopyroxene in the phenocryst phase
(ca. 7 vol.%). The plagioclase phenocrysts are
elongated up to 2 mm long, randomly
distributed among the clinopyroxene
phenocrysts, which are irregularly tabular-
shaped, about 0.1 × 0.3 mm in dimension.
Secondary minerals include epidote, chlorite,
sericite and calcite, which appear as
aggregates in the groundmass.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38(3), 242-255
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Photomicrographs from thin sections of Tram Tau volcanic rocks showing porphyritic rhyolite with
K-feldspar and quartz phenocrysts (a, b); elongated plagioclase and small tabular clinopyroxene in doleritic texture of
basalt (c)
3. Sample preparation and analytical
3.1. Sample preparation
About 50 g of fresh sample was chosen for
geochemical and isotopic analysis. The
samples were crushed to <2 mm, then washed
in an ultrasonic bath for about 30 minutes,
followed by repeated rinsing with purified
water before being dried overnight in an oven
at about 100°C. Loss on ignition was
calculated using about 2 g of powder, baked
in an oven at 1050°C for about one hour.
3.2. Analysis of major and trace elements
The analysis for major elements were
obtained from fused glass beads using a XRF
Bruker Pioneer analyzer at the Institute of
Geological Sciences, Vietnam Academy of
Science and Technology (VAST). Geological
standards JP-1, JB-1a, JB-3, JA-1, JA-2, JG-1,
JR-1 and JR-3 provided by the Geological
Survey of Japan (GSJ) were employed for the
analytical calibration, and the accuracy
evaluation, which is better than ±5%. The
trace elements were analyzed by inductively
coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
using an Agilent 8800 ICP-MS at GSJ. The
trace element analytical procedures and
running parameters were similar to those
described in Ishizuka et al. (2003).
Reproducibility of this method is better than
±4% for rare earth elements, Rb and Nb, and
better than ±6% for other elements. Data are
shown in Table 1.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38(3), 242-255
Table 1. Major and trace element compositions, and Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd isotopic ratios of representative samples from
Ban Hat Liu, Tram Tau (Tu Le Basin)
Sample ID 120405-1 120405-2 120405-3 120405-8 03032013-7 03032013-5
Longitude E2378075 E2378193 E2378321 E2377766 E2374474 E2376010
Latitude N0433692 N0433874 N0433875 N0434426 N0436073 N0435090
Rock type Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Trachyte Basalt
SiO2 72.94 72.19 72.78 76.66 67.56 52.08
TiO2 0.45 0.44 0.42 0.28 0.99 2.62
Al2O3 12.72 12.85 12.79 10.97 21.64 17.08
FeO* 3.09 2.98 3.11 2.73 2.52 8.14
MnO 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.01 0.11
MgO 0.51 0.24 0.24 0.26 0.65 8.12
CaO 0.08 0.78 0.58 0.26 0.02 1.80
Na2O 1.60 2.30 2.11 1.25 0.16 3.19
K2O 7.66 6.82 6.85 6.30 6.38 6.15
P2O5 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.08 0.71
LOI 0.88 1.28 1.03 1.21 1.10 0.65
Sum 100 100 100 100 100 100
Rb (ppm) (**) 174.576 147.227 169.898 208.442 195.024
Sr (ppm) (†) 13.665 21.668 18.024 10.201 21.352 139.004
87Rb/86Sr 36.9666 19.6608 27.3117 59.1313 26.4283 51.682
(87Sr/86Sr)m 0.788251 0.752829 0.768902 0.841203 0.767512 7.7824
2 (±) 0.000008 0.000008 0.000010 0.000008 0.000008 0.725747
(87Sr/86Sr)i 0.705837 0.708998 0.708014 0.709389 0.708586
Sr (t=157 Ma) 19.0 63.8 49.9 69.4 58.0
Sm (ppm) (**) 8.117 19.028 12.680 21.214 27.991 7.597
Nd (ppm) (†) 39.958 114.495 50.640 106.223 141.148 41.795
147Sm/144Nd 0.12706 0.10395 0.15662 0.12491 0.12403 0.11369
(143Nd/144Nd)m 0.512521 0.512334 0.512669 0.512574 0.512476 0.512269
2 (±) 0.000010 0.000006 0.000006 0.000007 0.000006 0.000008
(143Nd/144Nd)i 0.512238 0.512102 0.512320 0.512296 0.512200
Nd (157 Ma.) -3.93 -6.57 -2.32 -2.79 -4.67
(DM) (Ga) 1.1 1.1 1.3 0.99 1.1
Remarks: FeO* = 0.85×(FeO + Fe2O3); (**) analyzed by ICP-MS, (†) by isotope dilution; m: measured, i: initialized
for t = 157 Ma; Sr(t) = [(87Sr/86Sr)i /0.7045)-1] × 104, t =157 Ma; Nd(t) = [(143Nd/144Nd)m /0.512439)-1] × 104;
0.512439 is CHUR’s (Chondrite Uniform Reservoir) 143Nd/144Nd at t = 157 Ma (present value is 0.512638);
(depleted) model age = 1/ × ln{1+ [(143Nd/144Nd)m) -0.51315]/[( 147Sm/144Nd)m- 0.2135], where 0.51315 and
0.2135 are 143Nd/144Nd and 147Sm/144Nd for present depleted mantle; decay constant of 147Sm to 143Nd, = 6.54×
10-12 ; LOI: loss on ignition; The basalt (diabase) sample (03032013-5) of unknown origin is not used for isochron
3.3. Analysis of Sr and Nd isotopes
For Sr and Nd isotopic analysis, about 20 g
of the cleaned chipped samples were washed
in purified HCl 6N to eliminate secondary
minerals (chlorite, carbonate, etc.). The
samples were rinsed with clean water and
dried in an oven at about 100°C. About 2 g of
each processed sample were ground in an
agate mill, then about 50 mg of the powder
was weighed in a 15 ml Teflon beaker to be
dissolved using concentrated HNO3 and HF
(ratio 1:2) on a hotplate for about 48 hours.
After evaporation the samples were ready for
anion exchange column chemistry.
Sr element was extracted using Sr-spec
resin from Eichrom. Details of this procedure
are described in Hoang and Uto (2006). Acids
used for Sr extraction were HNO3, having
molarities varying between 0.05 and 7.5N.
Solutions collected before Sr extraction were
used for extraction of Nd and Sm using
AG50W8X 200-400 resin followed by Ln-
resin (Eichrom).
N. Hoang, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38 (2016)
The isotopic ratios were measured on a 9-
Faraday collector VG Sector 54 thermal
ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS) at GSJ.
Sr and Nd isotope running parameters were
described in Hoang and Uto (2006).
The reproducibility values of 87Sr/86Sr
and 143Nd/144Nd ratios are, respectively,
±0.000007 and ±0.00001 - ±0.000006.
The isotopic compositions are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1 (continued). Trace element compositions of representative volcanic samples from Ban Hat Liu, Tram Tau
(Tu Le Basin)
Sample ID 120405-1 120405-2 120405-3 120405-8 03032013-7 03032013-5
Rock type Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Trachyte Basalt
Rb 174.58 147.23 169.90 208.44 195.50 148.89
Sr 8.47 22.54 14.53 11.12 20.35 47.56
Zr 86.06 83.12 153.59 598.97 1.499.28 36.58
Nb 161.27 144.50 110.43 202.14 305.94 54.25
Cs 0.48 0.53 0.52 0.76 3.405 6.964
Ba 218.34 452.19 537.84 138.56 1.005.23 629.57
Hf 2.34 2.22 4.13 15.72 36.27 0.92
Ta 9.95 9.01 7.99 14.84 22.02 3.87
Pb 3.63 4.87 4.70 3.33 25.49 2.89
Th 31.71 24.81 20.49 29.30 53.52 4.20
U 8.74 5.07 3.88 6.61 10.96 0.74
V 13.48 10.92 7.13 0.27 26.85 196.04
Cr 41.62 75.02 125.46 62.13 13.38 121.34
Ni 18.58 32.67 55.35 33.16 11.38 86.39
La 30.61 151.00 58.19 116.42 165.02 45.91
Ce 69.94 300.32 165.12 244.30 330.09 92.42
Pr 8.41 30.91 12.29 26.00 40.61 10.36
Nd 39.96 114.49 50.64 106.22 141.15 41.79
Sm 12.12 19.03 12.68 21.21 27.99 7.60
Eu 1.07 1.37 1.15 1.40 2.38 2.41
Gd 11.68 13.99 13.62 20.46 23.24 7.00
Tb 2.15 2.18 2.37 3.41 4.07 0.88
Dy 13.77 11.57 13.32 19.48 23.85 3.82
Ho 2.93 2.40 2.77 4.00 5.01 0.63
Er 8.56 7.05 8.12 11.38 15.02 1.40
Tm 1.18 1.00 1.15 1.80 2.40 0.18
Yb 6.99 5.76 6.92 9.94 14.79 0.96
Lu 0.75 0.74 0.90 1.33 2.11 0.15
Y 68.91 60.27 78.16 107.24 121.33 15.91
Remark: (*) Analyzed by Agilent 8800 ICP-MS at the Geological Survey of Japan. Error (%) from ±2 to ±6 for rare
earth and LIL elements, for Nb and Ta is ± 5%
3.3. Analysis of Sr and Nd isotopes
For Sr and Nd isotopic analysis, about 20 g
of the cleaned chipped samples were washed
in purified HCl 6N to eliminate secondary
minerals (chlorite, carbonate, etc.). The sam-
ples were rinsed with clean water and dried in
an oven at about 100°C. About 2 g of each
processed sample were ground in an agate
mill, then about 50 mg of the powder was
weighed in a 15 ml Teflon beaker to be dis-
solved using concentrated HNO3 and HF
(ratio 1:2) on a hotplate for about 48 hours.
After evaporation the samples were ready for
anion exchange column chemistry.
Sr element was extracted using Sr-spec
resin from Eichrom. Details of this procedure
are described in Hoang and Uto (2006). Acids
used for Sr extraction were HNO3, having mo-
larities varying between 0.05 and 7.5N. Solu-
tions collected before Sr extraction were used
for extraction of Nd and Sm using AG50W8X
200-400 resin followed by Ln-resin
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38(3), 242-255
The isotopic ratios were measured on a 9
Faraday collector VG Sector 54 thermal
ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS) at GSJ.
Sr and Nd isotope running parameters were
described in Hoang and Uto (2006).
The reproducibility values of 87Sr/86Sr
and 143Nd/144Nd ratios are, respectively,
±0.000007 and ±0.00001- ±0.000006. The
isotopic compositions are shown in Table 1.
4. Analytical results
4.1. Major and trace element compositions
The Tram Tau SiO2 contents vary from 49
wt.% to 75 wt.% with the total alkaline oxides
(e.g. Na2O + K2O) from 3.2 to 9 wt.%. The
samples, with rhyolite as dominant rock type,
plot mainly in the alkaline field in SiO2 vs.
(Na2O + K2O) diagram (Figure 3, after Le Bas
et al., 1986). Chondrite normalized rare earth
element (e.g. Anders and Grevesse, 1989) and
primitive mantle (e.g. Sun and McDonough,
1989) trace element normalized patterns of the
Tram Tau volcanic rocks are shown in Figures
4a and 4b, respectively. The rhyolite and
trachyte contain high trace element
concentrations relative to chondritic and
primitive mantle values, although showing
strong negative anomalies for Ba, Sr, Eu and
Ti. The negative anomalies may reflect
fractional crystallization of plagioclase and
feldspar (for Sr and Eu), olivine, pyroxene
and, especially amphibole (for Ba and Ti)
(e.g. Ionov and Hofmann, 1995). These
geochemical features have been described in
detail elsewhere in the literature (e.g. Nguyen
et al., 1995; 1996; Tran, 1996; Tran et al.,
2004, 2009, 2011). The basalt, on the other
hand, is relatively depleted, showing low trace
element abundances (Table 1) and having flat
distribution pattern.
Figure 3. SiO2 vs. (Na2O + K2O) classification diagram
(after Le Bas et al., 1986) showing the majority of Tram
Tau (Tu Le Basin, in general) samples are alkaline
felsic type
Figure 4. (a) Chondrite normalized rare earth element distribution patterns (after Anders and Grevesse, 1989) and
(b) Primitive mantle normalized trace element (after Sun and McDonough, 1989) showing relative depletion of Ba,
Eu, and Ti (b) and overall enrichment of all other elements
4.2. 87Rb/86Sr vs. 87Sr/86Sr isochron
A set of five samples including rhyolite,
rhyo-trachyte and trachyte, and a basalt
(120405-1, 120405-2, 120405-3, 120405-8,
03032013-7, and 03032013-5) were collected
N. Hoang, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38 (2016)
in the same outcrop near the Ban Hat bridge
(Figure 1) for Rb/Sr age dating analysis. The
Rb and Sr element contents were obtained
both by isotope dilution and ICP-MS for
comparison. The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios of
the samples were repeatedly run and the
accuracy and precision were monitored by
reference to measurements of NBS987 Sr
isotopic standard. The 87Rb/86Sr were
calculated based on the Rb and Sr
concentrations by the following equation:
87Rb/86Sr = Rb/Sr (ppm) x (Ab87Rb x
WSr)/(Ab86Sr x WRb)
Ab87Rb = % isotope 87Rb in total Rb =
Ab86Sr = % isotope 86Sr in total Sr =
WRb = atomic weight of 87Rb = 85.468
WSr = atomic weight of 86Sr = 87.617.
The results are shown in Table 1. The
87Rb/86Sr isotopic ratios vary from 7.782 to
59.131 corresponding to 87Sr/86Sr varying
from 0.7257 to 0.8412. Using Isoplot v. 4.1 by
Ludwig (2012) for Excel 2010, plots of
87Rb/86Sr vs. 87Sr/86Sr form an isochron
corresponding to 157 ±2.9 Ma (late Jurassic -
early Cretaceous) and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio
of 0.708 (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Plots of 87Rb/86Sr vs. 87Sr/86Sr (after Ludwig,
2012) of a set of samples (Table 2) collected in the Ban
Hat Liu village forming an isochron of 157 ±2.9 Ma and
an initial 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio of 0.708
5. Discussion
5.1. Regional tectonic - magma evolution
Tapponnier et al. (1982, 1990, 2001)
suggested that Indochina was rotated clock-
wise while being extruded eastward along the
Ailao Shan - Red River Shear zone
(ASRRSZ) following the Indo - Eurasian
collision in early Tertiary leading to the
opening of (Viet Nam) East Sea (South China
Sea) between 30 and 17 Ma (Tapponnier and
Molnar, 1977; Tapponnier et al., 1982, 1990,
2001). Therefore, the ASRRSZ has been
viewed as a suture zone between south China
and Indochina (Leloup et al., 1995). With the
aim of studying paleogeography in southern
Chinese regions Gilder et al. (1996)
conducted paleomagnetic, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd
isotopic measurements on samples collected
from 23 Mesozoic granite outcrops in western
Yunnan, China. They discovered that
Mesozoic regional faults in southern China
were mostly left lateral strike slips that
activated simultaneously with intraplate
extension as continental blocks having similar
crustal structure moving northward (Gilder et
al., 1996). These Mesozoic intraplate
extension-induced granites are anomalously
rich in Nd (>45 ppm) and Sm (>8 ppm),
which reflect the difference between blocks
extruded southeastward and those that
remained stable in the north (Gilder et al.,
1996). Following Gilder et al. (1996), while
studying the relationship between geological
and magmatic formations in northwest
Yunnan and northwest Viet Nam, Chung et al.
(1997) suggested that since the ASRRSZ is
located in the South China continent,
therefore the shear zone should not be viewed
as a suture zone separating south China and
Indochina as previously thought. These
authors suggested that the boundary between
the two blocks must be further south, possibly
along the Song Ma ophiolite belt (Chung et
al., 1997). According to these authors,
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38(3), 242-255
following the India - Eurasian collision, a
number of geological formations were
extruded about 600 - 700 km from northwest
Yunnan southeastward, to northwest Viet
Nam, along this suture zone; also, the plate
collision and collision-induced intraplate
extension and spreading of (Viet Nam) East
Sea about 30 million years ago could serve as
the principal cause of the ASRRSZ formation.
Accordingly, Lan et al. (2000 and
references therein), on the basis of Sr and Nd
isotopic characteristics, suggested that the Po
Sen (Middle Proterozoic), Dien Bien (Permian
- Triassic), Tu Le rhyolite and Phu Sa Phin
granite complex (J3 - K), south of Tu Le
Basin, may belong to the same plutonic-
volcanic association. Because the Phu Sa Phin
granite and Tu Le rhyolite show Nd(t=145Ma)
between -2.8 and +0.6, and the neodymium
model ages (TDM) between 0.6 and 1.1 Ga,
with the Sm varying from 17 to 30 ppm and
corresponding Nd varying between 120 and
240 ppm; this plutonic-volcanic association
may be produced by intraplate extension in
south China (Yunnan) having been
transported to the present location by
lithospheric extrusion along the ASRRSZ
following the collision between India and
Eurasia (e.g. Leloup et al., 1995; Chung et al.,
1997; Lan et al., 2000; after Tapponnier et al.,
1990 and Gilder et al., 1996).
In contrast to Lan et al. (2000) and
previously reported late Jurassic - early
Cretaceous ages (see above), Ngoi Thia and
Tu Le magmatic rocks have recently been
determined as Permian by U-Pb isotopic age
dating in zircons from a Ngoi Thia rhyolite
(256 ±4 Ma, Nguyen et al., 2003), a Phu Sa
Phin granite (261±2.8 Ma, Tran et al., 2009).
5.2. Mantle source and magma genesis in
the Tu Le basin
Model ages of the Tu Le rhyolites reported
by Lan et al. (2000) vary between 0.6 and 1.1
Ga, corresponding to Mesoproterozoic -
Neoproterozoic. This age indicates that the
magma was generated by mixing between
Emeishan-type mantle source and crustal
material having ages from 600 to 1100 million
years by intraplate extension following South
China and Indochina plate amalgamation
dynamics in early Mesozoic (e.g. Chung and
Jahn, 1995; Chung et al., 1998; Tran and
Tran, 2011). The initial strontium isotopic
ratios (for 157 Ma) for the Tram Tau samples
vary between 0.70584 and 0.70942 (Sr(t)
varies from 19 to 70); and accompanying Nd(t)
varying from -2.32 to -8.27 and the T(DM)
varies from 1 to 1.3 Ga, but most about 1.1
±0.03 Ga (Table 1). These isotopic
compositions are too enriched for a mantle
source; therefore, there must be some crustal
material involved in the Tram Tau magma
generation (Figure 6). Assuming the initial
87Sr/86Sr of Proterozoic crust underneath Tu
Le basin is in the range of that beneath
Mesozoic basins in western Yunnan (China)
(Gilder et al., 1996) and southeast China (Jahn
et al., 1976) between 0.715 and 0.730, and a
depleted mantle being 0.70315 (average of
Pacific-MORB, e.g. White et al., 1987); to
generate magmatic melts having 87Sr/86Sr
from 0.7058 to 0.7094, the percentage of the
crustal rocks involved in the mixing with the
mantle source would be ca. 3÷4% and 2÷5%,
respectively, (Figure 6). The mixing process
could involve mantle upwelling following a
lithospheric extension event, triggering
decompression melts that interacted with
crustal rocks that subsided in gravitational
response to the lithospheric extension and
mantle upwelling. Under the impact of hot
mantle melts, the crustal rocks may be
partially melted and incorporated into the
mantle melts forming geochemically enriched
melts (e.g. Sun and McDonough, 1989)
(Figure 4a, b), which underwent fractional
crystallization processes on the way to the
N. Hoang, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38 (2016)
Figure 6. Plots of Nd(t) vs. Sr(t) of the Tram Tau
volcanic rocks (ca. 157 Ma). Mixing curves were
hypothesized assuming a mantle melt having 87Sr/86Sr
and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios and Sr and Nd elemental
contents, respectively, 0.703, 0.51315, 20 and 1.354
ppm to mix with 2 different crustal melts, having
143Nd/144Nd, Sr and Nd contents (ppm), respectively,
0.5115 (Nd= -22), 180 and 25; and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic
ratios for curve (1) and (2), respectively, 0.715 (Sr=
150), 0.730 (Sr= 360). See explanations in the text.
Eruption age of the Tram Tau samples in
this study is 157 ± 2.9 Ma, corresponding to
late Jurassic - early Cretaceous. This age is in
good agreement with many reported
radiometric and fossil-base ages (e.g. Nguyen,
1978; Tran et al., 1979; Vu et al., 1989;
Nguyen et al., 2000), which also falls in the
age interval of Suoi Be complex (176.3 ±0.8,
164 ±0.8, and 117.3 ±0.6 Ma) (Tran et al.,
Pham Duc Luong et al. (2010) extracted
zircons from two rhyo-trachytes in the Tu Le
complex and three rhyolites in the Ngoi Thia
complex for U-Pb isotopic age dating using an
LA-ICP-MS. Results showed that the
trachytes formed around 114 and 116 Ma,
while the rhyolites erupted at 93, 118 and 256
Ma. On this basis, the authors concluded that
plutonic-volcanic igneous activities in the Tu
Le basin may have occurred in a number of
episodes, starting from late Permian to late
Cretaceous, but mostly during late Jurassic -
early Cretaceous (Pham et al., 2010).
As mentioned above, the Sr(t) and Nd(t),
especially the T(DM) of Tram Tau volcanic
rocks are much different from those of
Mesozoic type-A granite in southwest Yunnan
(and elsewhere in northwest Viet Nam) (e.g.
Lan et al., 2000 after Gilder et al., 1996,
Chung et al., 1997). The assumption that late
Jurassic - early Cretaceous Tu Le volcanic
rocks formed in southwest Yunnan by
intraplate extension were transported to NW
Viet Nam should be further studied for more
evidence. Moreover, according to the
extrusion tectonic model, left lateral extrusion
along the ASRRSZ could have caused
Indochina block to rotate clockwise (e.g.
Tapponnier et al., 1982). However, there is
little evidence that Indochina has rotated
significantly to compensate for the
displacement of an immense crustal block
with a total length of about 600 km having
taken place in about 30 million years (Cung
and Dorobek, 2004; Cung and Geissman,
2013). Above all, while the continental
extrusion model alone is not ready to explain
the East Sea (South China Sea) opening
dynamics, trench roll-back and post-India-
Eurasian collision magmatism, alternatively,
the mantle extrusion model may account for
most of the above phenomena (e.g. Hoang et
al., 1996, 2013; Flower et al., 1998, 2001;
Royden et al., 2008; Yang and Liu, 2009).
6. Conclusions
From the above descriptions we come to
the following conclusions:
Volcanic rocks in Ban Hat Liu and Ban
Ho, Tram Tau district (Tu Le Basin) are
mostly porphyritic rhyolite, rhyo-trachyte,
trachyte and subordinate basalt (or diabase).
They belong to the alkaline series, having
high to very high abundances of trace
elements such as Rb, Th, Nb, Ta and the rare
The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios of a set of
volcanic samples vary between 0.7257 and
0.8412 forming an isochron that yields an age
of 157 ±2.9 Ma and an initial 87Sr/86Sr isotopic
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 38(3), 242-255
ratio of 0.708. This age is in good agreement
with previously reported radiometric and
fossil-based age data (late Jurassic - early
Cretaceous) for volcanic rocks in the area.
The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of
volcanic rocks in the Tram Tau district (and
Tu Le basin, in general) are highly enriched
for a mantle source, suggesting involvement
of crustal melts. To produce magmatic melts
having 87Sr/86Sr ratio from 0.7058 to 0.7094, a
mantle-derived melt with strontium isotopic
ratio of 0.703 has to mix with crustal melts
having 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios ranging
between 0.715 and 0.730 at a percentage
range, respectively, of 3÷4% and 2÷5%.
The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of
Tram Tau volcanic rocks are much different
from those reported for Mesozoic A-type
granites in western Yunnan (Gilder et al.,
1996). Along with scanty paleomagnetic
evidence of northern Viet Nam’s significant
extrusion and rotation since the Mesozoic (see
above), the model of 600-700 km
southeastward extrusion of western Yunnan
proposed by Chung et al. (1997) and Lan et al.
(2000) would need further investigation.
Regardless of being in good agreement
with many previously reported data, in the
light of various radiometric age ranges
recently reported for Tram Tau felsic volcanic
rocks, the Rb-Sr isotopic age in this study
may be viewed as a reference. We expect to
acquire more radiometric age data for the
felsic volcanic rocks using more reliable
A Vietnamese version of this manuscript
was reviewed by Drs. Nguyen Thanh Van,
Tran Trong Hoa and Bui Minh Tam, whose
critical comments helped improve the
manuscript significantly. This research
was conducted under the grant
VAST.DTCB.01/12-13 funded by the
Vietnam Academy of Science and
Technology, to whom we extend our thanks
and appreciations. O. Ishizuka and K.
Yamanobe (GSJ) are thanked for assistance in
the trace element analysis.
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