According to the results reached during our research work, the possible solution
for the methodology of establishing the exploitation life of the capital mining equipment
is founded on the philosophy of the dynamic programming, namely, on the models of
replacement with unlimited interval.
It was concluded that this approach is characterized by a high pragmatic value
when the determination of the optimum exploitation life is concerned. However, the
procedure of estimating the optimum exploitation life of machinery and passing the
management decisions requires a systematic team-experts analysis. The suggested
methodology, assuming correct data input, offers a reliable determination of exploitation
life of capital machinery and represents an avoidable mark in decision-making, but the
final decision on writing off and replacement of the bucket wheel excavator with a new
one, or on its general overhaul, depends on the overall systematic understanding of
technical, technological, economic, logistic and other causal-consequential connections
and the effects within the post optimization period.
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Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
21 (2011), Number 1, 137-149
DOI: 10.2298/YJOR1101137V
Slobodan VUJIĆ1, Radoslav STANOJEVIĆ, Vencislav IVANOV2,
Borislav ZAJIĆ1, Igor MILJANOVIĆ1, Svetomir MAKSIMOVIĆ3,
Stefko BOŠEVSKI4, Tomo BENOVIĆ5, Marjan HUDEJ6
1) Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade,
2) Mining and Geology University ''St. Ivan Rilski'' Sofia,
3) Electric Power Industry of Serbia, Belgrade,
4) Rudproekt – Skopje,
5) Mine and Thermal Power Plant, Ugljevik,
6) MCP Velenje, Slovenia
Received: January 2009 / Accepted: March 2011
Abstract: The problem of determining the optimum exploitation life of machinery,
namely, the optimum time for machinery and equipment replacement, represents a
complex and highly responsible engineering task. Taking into consideration the situation
prevailing at coal pit mines in Serbia, the tasks of this rank are very complex and
difficult. To make a decision on the replacement of capital equipment and machinery,
such as bucket wheel excavators within the mentioned systems, implies a management
task of utmost responsibility. It requires high professional and analytical knowledge as
well as reliable arguments, based on a multidisciplinary professional approach. In this
paper, the authors present their views on the problem of establishing the optimum
exploitation life of bucket wheel excavators, offering an algorithm, based on dynamic
programming, as a solution.
Keywords: Bucket wheel excavators, exploitation life of machinery, optimization, operations
research, theory of replacement, dynamic programming.
MSC: 90C39
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 138
The reasons for replacing bucket wheel excavators in mines may be various and
are generally classified into four groups: physical ageing of bucket wheel excavators,
“moral” wearing, technical-technological and functional obsolescence.
As the criterion of success for any production system, including open pit mines,
is determined by economic indicators, the problems of this group of tasks are generally
reduced to finding out the optimum time when, according to the selected economic
criterion, it is advisable to replace the existing bucket wheel excavators by new ones. To
define the proper time means to determine the optimum exploitation life of a bucket
wheel excavator. It would be useful if such information is available even at the time
when the assembly of machinery is carried out, thus providing the policy of its adequate
exploitation. It is obvious that the economy of utilization represents a factor that clearly
indicates the necessity of putting a bucket wheel excavator out of use from the production
The criterion for writing off the value of machinery according to the standard
IEC 60300-3-11, representing the original implementation procedure of the maintenance
program as per reliability, states “that a means must show a functional degradation of
characteristics at a certain age, and that the majority of components should confirm the
same age”. The criterion of efficiency, relating to the direct write-off costs states “that
economically limited life should be costs efficient, namely, the costs should be less than
the expenses to prevent failures”.
The past experience indicates acceptability of two different optimization criteria
to find out the optimum time of replacement for a bucket wheel excavator. The first
approach is based on the maximum net income resulting from production engagement of
a bucket wheel excavator during its exploitation. The net income may be equalized, if
necessary, with the difference between production result value of bucket wheel excavator
and direct proportional production costs, presented by an adequate portion of profit or
accumulation resulting from excavator operation. The second optimization approach is
based on the minimum exploitation costs of bucket wheel excavator during its
exploitation life. From the theoretical aspect, both criteria are of the same importance.
However, in practice, a significant advantage has been given to the criterion of minimum
exploitation costs. Both explanation and justification for this "inclination" towards the
criterion of minimum exploitation costs are primarily found in rationality, in less
acquisition and processing of data required for such analyses.
The exploitation life of bucket wheel excavators at open pit mine lasts for many
years. During those long-lasting periods, numerous changes occurring in world and
domestic economy with different intensity, affect the economic systems, changing the
frameworks and relations of economy. Directed effects of such changes reach the mines
forcing them to adjust the business policy to new conditions. Within the scope of the
analysed problem, the mentioned factors cause changes in the value of parameters used
as quantitative inputs in the process of establishing the optimum exploitation life of
bucket wheel excavators. The variety of input elements and, very often, their low
information reliability, as well as the permanent increase in bucket wheel excavator
maintenance and overhaul costs, underline the necessity of great consideration and
criticism when selecting the input data for the process of finding out the optimum
exploitation life of bucket wheel excavators.
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 139
Identification of the period, the end of which represents the optimum time for
replacement, is the objective information on economic justification for replacement of
bucket wheel excavators. Those who are responsible for the business policy of the mining
company may, but should not, replace bucket wheel excavators within that optimum time.
It is obvious that the replacement of bucket wheel excavators prior to optimum time would
miss the opportunity to achieve greater material values without any additional investments.
However, it is advisable to replace the bucket wheel excavators after the elapse of optimum
time since then the operating effects are reduced (by the increased additional investment)
and at the same time, the possibility of sudden failures of bucket wheel excavators
The analysis shows that the problem of estimating the exploitation life of capital
mining equipment, and consequently bucket wheel excavators, still remains open and that
any developed (based on available data) and generally accepted pragmatic approach to
solving this class of complex engineering tasks, does not exist.
The operations research methods, first and foremost the dynamic programming
through its transferred theory of replacement, offer guidelines of possible directions for
solving the problems of optimum exploitation life of bucket wheel excavators.
The above mentioned explanations, sufficiently supported by arguments,
indicate both the complexity of the subject problem and the importance of its study. The
Electric power industry of Serbia has given priority to this problem and asked the
Department of Applied Computing and System Engineering, Faculty of Mining and
Geology to prepare the Study "Establishment of exploitation life of capital mining
equipment at coal open pit mines of the Electric power industry of Serbia: Phase I -
bucket wheel excavators". Some of the results of this Study are presented in this paper.
The factors, having effects on exploitation life of capital mining machinery,
such as bucket wheel excavators, were analysed and the most significant were selected.
The group of factors, greatly affecting the duration of bucket wheel excavators
exploitation cycle and determination of their optimum exploitation life includes the
following (Figure 1):
• working environmental conditions;
• climatic conditions;
• technological factors;
• economic conditions;
• construction of bucket wheel excavator;
• logistics and maintenance;
• bucket wheel excavator management.
According to both natural and physical effects on duration of bucket wheel
excavators, the mentioned decisive factors greatly differ. From the function point of
view, however, they have mutual features such as: time variable, fluidity, difficult
measuring and poor correlative evidence (at coal open pit mines of Electric power
industry of Serbia).
It was concluded that, due to the mentioned characteristics, it is very difficult or
almost impossible to quantify the decisive factors separately and define the intensity and
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 140
the regulations of activity directly, as well as the duration of their effects on exploitation
life of bucket wheel excavators. Thus, their explicit inclusion in the models of
replacement can hardly be done: in fact, it is almost impossible. However, they directly
affect the exploitation costs of bucket wheel excavators, meaning that a functional
dependence exists, as well as a complete correlation between decisive factors and
exploitation costs of bucket wheel excavators. Exploitation costs as an econometric
value, easy to measure and follow, bind to itself the results of all factors that affect the
exploitation life of bucket wheel excavators, thus opening an alternative way in searching
for an answer to the question "How to introduce decisive factors into the model of
The authors' determination to find out the final solution within the sphere of
dynamic programming is strongly supported by arguments and justification through
introducing cost criteria as alternatives to "real" decisive factors into the model of
replacement. All of the more important components of each and every alternative model
of replacement were considered and it was established that all the limiting factors can be
solved outside the model, and therefore should not be indispensably included in the
model to have effects on selection of the optimum solution.
The criterion of optimization was thoroughly analysed. Different categories of
costs and profit were studied in order to find the appropriate criterion for optimization. It
was concluded that exploitation costs, namely, the costs of owing the bucket wheel
excavators due to their reliability, should have the advantage over all other categories of
The basic models of replacement may be adjusted, through correction and
supplementations, to every alternative regime of exploitation, namely to any valid
hypothesis the model of replacement is grounded on. This statement is grounded on the
fact that the Study suggests two adaptive base models of replacement for establishing
the optimum exploitation life of machinery: with unlimited and limited interval.
In this paper we shall discuss the models with unlimited time, as advantageous
for estimation of exploitation life of long-lasting machinery, such as bucket wheel
The optimum solution for the model of replacement is expressed by quantitative
standards, in the form of one of the two possible decisions: machinery, i.e. a bucket
wheel excavator should or should not be replaced at the beginning of the observed
period. Those alternative decisions – the management policy of exploitation of bucket
wheel excavator, are represented by the following symbols:
1u - bucket wheel excavator should not be replaced, but its exploitation is to be
continued in the current period;
2u - bucket wheel excavator should be replaced at the beginning of the observed
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 141
Figure 1 Factors having predominant effect on
exploitation life of bucket wheel excavators
The selection of the optimum management policy on exploitation of bucket
wheel excavator throughout any period is based on the adequate values of the
corresponding function. Therefore, the optimum policy of bucket wheel excavator
management (uo), including one of the two alternative decisions, may refer to the k-
period (uok), as well as to the age of the given bucket wheel excavator during that period
[uok(t)] where:
uok - optimum policy of exploitation management of bucket wheel excavator in k-
uok(t) - optimum policy of exploitation management of bucket wheel excavator of t-
age in k-period.
By connecting the optimum policies of exploitation management of bucket
wheel excavators, as per the periods of sequential course (commencing with the first), the
strategy for optimum exploitation managing of the bucket wheel excavator is formed.
Possible selection of one of the alternative decisions on managing the bucket wheel
excavator at the end of every period, within the limited period, may require more than
one replacement of the observed bucket wheel excavator. On the other hand, within an
unlimited interval of observation, the process of search terminates at the very moment
when the first replacement is found.
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 142
Model hypotheses: At the beginning of the first period, a new bucket wheel
excavator is put into operation and therefore an optimum exploitation life should be
established, so that its optimum exploitation regime during this life may be set in due
time – at the beginning of its use. The result of this hypothesis is that the purchase value
for a bucket wheel excavator (A) is known at the moment of creating a model, and that
the expected costs of regular maintenance and periodic repairs h(t), connected with the
change in life of the observed bucket wheel excavator may be defined. As the
replacement is executed at the beginning of the first period, the age of a bucket wheel
excavator (t=1,2,..n,) is equalized according to duration and changes simultaneously
with periods (k=1,2,, n) thus making no difference whether the dependence is
connected to the age of bucket wheel excavator or to the belonging period. The
assumption that the observed bucket wheel excavator will be in function until its
liquidation value, at the end of n-period, equalizes the costs of disassembly and removal
of the rest of the bucket wheel excavator, and therefore the liquidation value of a bucket
wheel excavator Ag(t) is not taken into consideration. Furthermore, the opinion that a
properly organized maintenance and optimum regime of exploitation would prevent
unexpected failures of higher costs prevails, and therefore the possible costs of sudden
urgent repairs s(t) may be neglected.
Figure 2 Costs relations
Minimum exploitation costs for a bucket wheel excavator during its life are
selected as an optimization criterion. The optimum value of variable is n-period, counting
from the beginning of the observed time interval. In order to find out its value it is
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 143
necessary to form a model of replacement that is defined by the system of recurrent
Recurrent functions: The model of the described problem may be established
by the following system of recurrent functions:
1)2()1()1( 00 =++= tazhAz (1)
12)1()()( 00 −<<++= nttazthtz (2)
ntaznhnz =+= )1()()( 00 (3)
requiring additional explanation.
Total exploitation costs of the given bucket wheel excavator during its life of n-
period are represented by the function zo(1) in the relation (1), and the costs include the
purchase value of a bucket wheel excavator (A), the costs of regular maintenance and
periodic repairs during the first (k=1) period (h(1)) and minimum discounted exploitation
costs accrued from the beginning to the end of the second period (azo(2)). By discounting,
the values of different subsequent periods are equalized with the existing values for the
first period.
Upon completion of the first period, only the costs of regular maintenance and
periodic repairs are formed in every period (relation 2), as well as in the last period (relation
3). These costs also incorporate the discounted minimum costs of identical contents for the
time remaining until the following period terminates. At the end of the last n-period, the
existing bucket wheel excavator is replaced by a new one, and therefore the discounted
minimum exploitation costs for a new bucket wheel excavator (azo(1)) that will accrue
during its life, also for the n-period, should be included. This theoretical process continues
to repeat itself during unlimited time interval in order to provide a value for the variable n.
Should a liquidation value of bucket wheel excavator exist at the end of n-
period, the relations (1) and (2) will remain unchanged, while the relation (3) would have
the following form:
)1()()()( 00 aznAgnhnz +−= (4)
thus enabling the formation of an adequate model of replacement:
1 nFthaA
no =⎥⎦
⎡ ∑+−= =
− (5)
with functions of total exploitation costs of bucket wheel excavator within the interval of
n periods, noting that n and t-1 represent an exponent degree of a discount factor: an and
A more simple way to find the value for n than calculating it from the relation
(5) is by a dual inequality:
)1()()1( +− nFnFnF (6)
valid for the very nature of setting the problem. The function of total exploitation costs
for the relative bucket wheel excavator within the interval of n periods F(n) from the
relation (5), will reach the minimum value in the n-period only if the conditions from the
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 144
relation (6) are fulfilled. Instead of repeating the same process it is sufficient to state that
the following relation is valid
tn aaa
1)1(1 (7)
and enables exchange of (1 - an) in the relation (6), thus forming the following relation
t −=⎥⎦
⎡ ∑+
, (8)
namely, by introducing the costs of urgent repairs s(t), as well as the costs caused by idle
time of bucket wheel excavator k(t), the relation (8) then has the following form
[ ]⎭⎬
⎧ ∑ +++
1)( (8a)
)()1()( nFanG −= (9)
⎡ ∑+
)(1)( (10)
[ ]⎭⎬
⎧ ∑ +++
)()()(1)( (10a)
Transformation of recurrent functions from relations: (1), (2), and (3) into a
common function of total exploitation costs for the bucket wheel excavator from the
relation (5) denotes completion of forming the adequate model of replacement.
Afterwards, the following task is to determine the unknown value of the variable n on the
grounds of the function of average exploitation costs for bucket wheel excavators G(n)
from the relation (10) or the main function of total costs f(n) from the relation (5).
Namely, in both cases it is necessary, to determine the value of functions G(n) or F(n) by
gradually adding the value n to every following period (n=1) and to follow the
tendency of their changes. The bucket wheel excavator should not be replaced until the
tendency of costs reduction of functions G(h) and F(n) exists. The replacement should be
executed at the end of the period which is followed by costs increasing tendency,
representing at the same time the criterion for determining the values of the variable n
(Figure 2).
Should the liquidation value of bucket wheel excavator exist, as stated in the
relation (4), then, instead of the relation (5), the following relation should appear:
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 145
1)1( 1
1 nFnAgathaA
z n
no =⎥⎦
⎡ −∑+−=
− (11)
with the corresponding value of the function G(n).
The following example illustrates the application of the previous model of
replacement for the calculation of optimum exploitation life of the many-year lasting
mining machinery such as bucket wheel excavators.
Table 1
v = 0.04 v = 0.06 v = 0.08 Optimum
G(n) F(n) G(n) F(n) G(n) F(n)
1 11.23 292.03 11.23 198.43 11.23 151.63 0.23
2 5.86 152.42 5.91 104.49 5.97 80.54 0.28
3 4.08 106.21 4.16 73.41 4.22 57.03 0.31
4 3.20 83.28 3.28 58.00 3.36 45.40 0.34
5 2.68 69.62 2.76 48.84 2.85 38.48 0.36
6 2.33 60.58 2.42 42.77 2.51 33.92 0.37
7 2.08 54.14 2.18 38.46 2.27 30.68 0.37
8 1.90 49.32 2.00 35.25 2.09 28.27 0.38
9 1.75 45.58 1.85 32.75 1.96 26.41 0.37
10 1.64 42.57 1.74 30.76 1.85 24.93 0.37
11 1.54 40.11 1.65 29.13 1.76 23.73 0.36
12 1.46 38.06 1.57 27.77 1.68 22.73 0.35
13 1.40 36.31 1.51 26.63 1.62 21.89 0.35
14 1.34 34.82 1.45 25.65 1.57 21.18 0.35
15 1.29 33.53 1.40 24.82 1.52 20.57 0.35
16 1.25 32.42 1.36 24.09 1.49 20.05 0.35
17 1.21 31.45 1.33 23.47 1.45 19.60 0.36
18 1.18 30.61 1.30 22.93 1.42 19.22 0.38
19 1.15 29.89 1.27 22.46 1.40 18.89 0.41
20 1.13 29.27 1.25 22.06 1.38 18.60 0.45
21 1.11 28.76 1.23 21.73 1.36 18.37 0.49
22 1.09 28.34 1.21 21.45 1.35 18.17 0.55
23 1.08 28.01 1.20 21.23 1.33 18.01 0.62
24 1.07 27.76 1.19 21.06 1.32 17.88 0.71
25 1.06 27.60 1.19 20.94 1.32 17.79 0.81
26 1.06 27.52 1.18 20.86 1.31 17.72 0.93
27 1.06 27.53 1.18 20.83 1.31 17.68 1.06
28 1.06 27.61 1.18 20.84 1.31 17.67 1.22
29 1.07 27.77 1.18 20.89 1.31 17.68 1.39
30 1.08 28.01 1.19 20.98 1.31 17.72 1.59
31 1.09 28.33 1.19 21.11 1.32 17.77 1.80
32 1.10 28.73 1.20 21.27 1.32 17.84 2.05
33 1.12 29.20 1.22 21.47 1.33 17.93 2.31
34 1.14 29.75 1.23 21.71 1.34 18.04 2.60
35 1.17 30.38 1.24 21.98 1.35 18.17 2.92
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 146
Let us presume that a new bucket wheel excavator with the purchase value of 11
million USD is in question. According to the estimates based on the experience of
“Kolubara Metals”, the average annual investment for the maintenance of bucket wheel
excavators amounts to about 3.3 (%) of the purchase value of the new machinery. On the
basis of this information, the function of change in maintenance costs for the mentioned
bucket wheel excavator is determined by a trend analysis:
h(t) = 0.174 + 0.0642 t - 0.00645 t2 + 0.000196 t3
with the coefficient of correlation Kk=0.997. Duration of 35 period intervals is taken on
the age basis of the existing bucket wheel excavators in the Kolubara coal basin. It is
estimated that the liquidation value of the bucket wheel excavator should not be taken
into consideration, as it is approximately equal to the costs of disassembling. The
analysis covers three discount rates of 4(%), 6(%) and 8(%). Table 1 shows the results of
calculations of the change of function values of total F(n) and average costs G(n).
Figure 3 The functions of total costs for bucket wheel excavator
(for the given example)
It is evident from Table 1 and graphs in Figures 3 and 4 that the fall of
functional values for total and average exploitation costs of bucket wheel excavator up to
26 years is v=0.04, up to 27 years is v=0.06 and up to 28 years is v=0.08. It is also evident
that the changes in average exploitation costs for bucket wheel excavator are
insignificant: between 25 and 28 years v=0.04, between 26 and 29 years v=0.05 and
between 26 and 30 years v=0.08. Accordingly, the optimum exploitation life of bucket
wheel excavator is between 26 and 28 (i.e. 30) years.
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 147
Figure 4 The functions of average costs for bucket wheel excavator
(for the example given)
Should the optimum solutions be accepted, the annual average discounted
exploitation costs (reduced to the first period value) for excavators amount to 1.06 for
v=0.04; 1.18 for v=0.06 and 1.31 for v=0.08.
This example is based on the assumed data which are correlated with the
mentioned experience, and as such, is used only to illustrate the philosophy of the method
and the way of calculating the optimum exploitation life of machinery according to the
previous model.
Model hypotheses: The exploitation of the existing bucket wheel excavator is
carried out at the beginning of the first period within unlimited interval.
As the minimum exploitation costs are selected as a criterion of optimization, all
the components of such costs should be known at the time of model formation. The
following pieces of information are indispensable for the analysis: the purchase values
for the existing bucket wheel excavator, established on the grounds of its condition at the
beginning of the first period of analysis: the costs of regular maintenance and periodic
repairs within every period k=1,2...n,... as the age of the existing bucket wheel excavator
is not equalized with the observation period. Within the interval from the beginning of
the first until the end of the n-period, the purchase value of the existing bucket wheel
excavator reduces and therefore it is necessary to establish the value of function G(k) by
which the liquidation value of the bucket wheel excavator at the moment of its
replacement might be determined. It is quite clear that the purchase value of the new
bucket wheel excavator (A) to replace the existing one at the end of the n-period should
also be known.
Bearing in mind that the relations from the relation (6) and the connection
demonstrated by the relation (7) are valid for this model of replacement, the following
function might be established:
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 148
[ ]⎭⎬
⎧ −+∑
nG s
It shows the same dependence on the function F(n), defined by the relation (9).
The functions G(n), in both models, can equally be interpreted from economical point of
The mode of determining the optimum value of the variable n, does not differ
from the previously described one. It is necessary to assign, step by step, the value of the
variable n according to the formation sequence of periods (n=1,2) commencing from
the first, and then calculate the corresponding values for the functions G(n) and/or F(n).
The ordinal number of periods, wherein those two functions have the minimum value,
represents the optimum solution for the variable n.
According to the results reached during our research work, the possible solution
for the methodology of establishing the exploitation life of the capital mining equipment
is founded on the philosophy of the dynamic programming, namely, on the models of
replacement with unlimited interval.
It was concluded that this approach is characterized by a high pragmatic value
when the determination of the optimum exploitation life is concerned. However, the
procedure of estimating the optimum exploitation life of machinery and passing the
management decisions requires a systematic team-experts analysis. The suggested
methodology, assuming correct data input, offers a reliable determination of exploitation
life of capital machinery and represents an avoidable mark in decision-making, but the
final decision on writing off and replacement of the bucket wheel excavator with a new
one, or on its general overhaul, depends on the overall systematic understanding of
technical, technological, economic, logistic and other causal-consequential connections
and the effects within the post optimization period.
The data represent the hypothesis for successful implementation of the
established methodology, as well as for a sophisticated engineering analysis. If the model
is provided with incorrect data input, it is impossible to expect the model to offer a
correct solution for the set task. While estimating the exploitation life of capital
machinery as a "long-living" one, the data problem is characterized by two dimensions,
one which represents accuracy and preciseness, the other – time continuation. The
knowledge gained during the elaboration of this Study indicates a conclusion that no
adequate and accurate information monitoring of exploitation costs of capital machinery
exists at coal open pit mines within the Electric Power Industry of Serbia.
The general conclusion, based on the above mentioned observations, states that
the adequate information support is required for the implementation of both the
replacement model when estimating the exploitation life of capital machinery, as well as
all other engineering analyses and passing of management decisions.
Vujić, S., et al. / Managing the Exploatation Life of the Mining Machinery 149
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