Mô hình đề xuất về n ng lực cạnh tranh ngành sản xuất đồ gỗ Việt Nam

Model of the competitiveness of VTIS The tests confirm that the groups of factor that affect to the competitiveness of the furniture enterprises in Vietnam. They consist of 6 groups with 16 factors: * The group E1: Organization and Enterprise management - E11: Performance Efectiveness of the management system - E12: Structure capacity of personnel - E13: Leadership capacity of enterprise owner * The group L2: Labor qualification - L21: Rate of trained employees - L22: Skills of employee * The group F3: Finance position - F31: Size of capital of enterprise - F32: Ability to find a source of capital for production and business activities - F33: Ability to give payments fully and, timely * The group M4: Machine and Technology - M41: Type, amount of machine - M42: Quality of machine and technology * The group R5: R & D Capacity - R51: Level of investment in research and development (R & D) of technology - R52: Budget for technological innovation * The group I6: Infrastructure - I61: Level of meeting requirement of Total area of production workshops - I62: Level of meeting requirement of Auxiliary systems (roads, electricity ware, supply and drainage of water) in the layout - I63: Level of meeting of requirement of Total area of the enterprise’s land for present activities and expansion in the future - I64: Level of meeting requirement of The system of administration houses and canteens, dwellings for workers

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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Mô hình đề xuất về n ng lực cạnh tranh ngành sản xuất đồ gỗ Việt Nam, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018) 71 MÔ HÌNH ĐỀ XUẤT VỀ N NG LỰC CẠNH TRANH NGÀNH SẢN XUẤT ĐỒ GỖ VIỆT NAM Trần Việt Đức1, Vũ Xuân Thôn 2 , Nguyễn Phan Thiết3, Tóm tắt Khả năng cạnh tranh của các doanh nghiệp ch bi n gỗ là một trong những giải pháp quan trọng nhưng Việt Nam vẫn chưa có nhiều nghiên cứu sâu h n về v n đề này, nên nghiên cứu "Đề xu t mô hình đánh giá năng lực cạnh tranh của các doanh nghiệp sản xu t đồ gỗ Việt Nam" góp phần nâng cao sức cạnh tranh của các doanh nghiệp đồ gỗ Việt Nam Tr n c s đó, li n hệ với ngành sản xu t gỗ thì mô hình đề xu t có thể áp d ng giải quy t v n đề năng lực cạnh tranh trong ngành này. Bài vi t xác định các nhân t thực t tác động tới năng lực cạnh tranh và há năng cạnh tranh của các doanh nghiệp sản xu t đồ gỗ tại Việt Nam Đưa ra một s giải pháp xây dựng năng lực mà từ đó giúp các doanh nghiệp trong ngành có thể áp d ng để giải quy t v n đề về cạnh tranh. Từ khóa: Sự cạnh tranh, ngành sản xu t đồ gỗ Việt Nam, Doanh nghiệp ch bi n đồ gỗ mô hình năng lực cạnh tranh, các nhân t ảnh hư ng. PROPOSAL MODEL OF COMPETITIVENESS FOR VIETNAM TIMBER INDUSTRY SECTOR Abstract The competitiveness of wood processing enterprises is one of the important solutions, but in Vietnam there are not many research in depth on this issue. Therefore, the study "Proposal Model of Competitiveness for Timber Industry Sector" (VTIS) is to identify the factors that really affect the competitiveness and competitiveness of Vietnamese timber enterprises. Based on this, related to timber business sector the proposal model can be applied to solve the problems of competitiveness of their enterprises. This paper is to identify the factors that really affect the competitiveness and competitiveness of Vietnamese timber industry enterprises. A number of capacity building solutions, on which related to the businesses can apply to solve the problems of competitiveness of their businesses. Keywords: Competitiveness, Vietnam Timber Industry Sector, Timber Industry Enterprises, Competitiveness Model, determinants. 1. Introduction Competitiveness of the enterprises are the ability to combine resources of these firms to create competitive advantage, in other words, competitiveness of a company is the ability to maintain, deploy and coordinate resources and capabilities. In that way helps the companies achieve their goals "(Sanchez & Heene, 1996, 2004). Therefore, competitiveness is always a top concern of the company, managers, and researchers. There have been many studies on the competitiveness of enterprises have been made all over the world. Over the years, Vietnam timber industry sector has made great progress in terms of quality, quantity, and export turnover. Export turnover growth of wood products reached more than 10%/year. In 2016, the export turnover reached more than 6.9 billion US dollars and Vietnam timber industry has risen to No. 1 in Southeast Asia. However, the competitiveness of Vietnamese timber industry sector has not been studied; it is difficult to apply research into the competitiveness of other industries in the timber processing firms because they have different characteristics. Therefore, this study will answer those questions: What are factors really affected on competitiveness? What is current status of competitiveness of wood processing industry in Vietnam? Is there any solution to rise? This study will answer those questions. This paper is come up with propose a model of competitiveness for timber industry sector (enterprises) in Vietnam. 2. Methodology The study uses data collected through interviews with knowledgeable, skilled and knowledgeable people on the competitiveness, as well as on the woodworking sector in the training institutions, research and management. - Sample: Provinces will be surveyed: Furniture enterprises in Binhdinh, Dongnai and Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018) 72 Binhduong provinces account for more than 90% of furniture enterprises in the whole country. Therefore, surveyed enterprises are selected in these three provinces (Development strategy of Forestry 2015-2030). The data analysis method used for this study is an analytical method based on the model of exploratory factor analysis. In order to achieve reliable estimation of this method, the sample must be of sufficient size. Based on the experiences of Hair & Associates (2010) (The Hair, JF, Black, WC, Babin, BJ, Anderson, RE, (2010). The minimum sample size for the model of exploratory factor analysis is at least 5 observations (preferably 10 observations or more) for an estimation parameter. Number of surveyed Furniture enterprises. Table 1: Number of surveyed Furniture enterprisesin the 3 provinces N0 Province Total furniture enterprises Number of selected FEs 1 Dong Nai 365 15 2 Binh Duong 810 25 3 Binh Dinh 64 10 Total 1239 50 Source. Calculated by author from survey data. Thus, the theoretical model has 24 parameters to estimate, so the minimum sample size required for formal study is 120 (24 x 5) observations. To gain this sample size, 150 questionnaires/interviews were conducted and collected 150 questionnaires. For example, selected FEs is an establishing a proposal theoretical model of competitiveness of Vietnam timber industry enterprises (VTIs) includes: in Vietnam National University of Forestry (VNUF) 5 people; in Vietnam Administration of Forestry (VIFOREST) 5 people; in Vietnam Associate of Forestry Science and Technique (VAFST) 5 people; and total questionnaires/interviews distributed 15. Sampling technique - Survey sample was selected by random method, stratified in combination with the following criteria: + For wood furniture production enterprises: * Medium / small scale * Producing interior and exterior furniture * Mainly exported products + For the interviewee or questionnaire, there are 3 types of person selected as follow: Chief of executive officer (CEO), head of department (HoD) and foreman (FM). - Questionnaires will be formulated in 7 indicators of competitiveness (base on Porter’s formulation they will be modified depending on actual conditions of Vietnam) - Questionnaire: The surveys questionnaire will be sent to wooden furniture companies in the provinces Vietnam. Before sending the questionnaire to the potential firms, the author asked some advices from supervisor and some fellows to make sure that the questions were clear and easy to understand. The questionnaires were conducted in forms of online survey (emails) and telephone survey. - Answer and question survey: The author will directly gives questions for questioned peoples and get their answers Field survey: The author will go to selected companies to gather documents and data. Data processing methods - Descriptive statistics method - Analytical methodology for exploring the EFA - SWOT analysis method - Professional solution 3. Results and disscusion 3.1. Identify the groups of factors that really affect the competitiveness of VTIS The company's competitiveness is reflected in the assessment of overall competitiveness and the composition groups/the influence to its overall competitiveness based on the use of the five-level Likert scale. Competitiveness of firms is analyzed based on Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). 3.2. Quality testing of the scale by Cronbach Alpha Coefficient The scale and reliability of the observed variables were estimated using the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and the Exploratory factor Analysis. The requirement for a scale to be accepted is to eliminate variables with a corrected item – total correlation of less than 0.3 and a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of less than 0.6. Furthermore, in EFA, factors with factor loading of less than 0.5 are excluded from the scale because of a poor correlation with the underlying factors (measurement concept). The final step is to test the model by using a multivariate regression with a statistically significant 5%. Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018) 73 Table 2: Summary of results of quality analysis of the scale By Cronbach Alpha coefficient No Group of variables Number of variables Eliminated variable Number of remaining variables Cronbach Alpha 1 Ability of Organization and Enterprise management (E) 4 0 4 0,789 2 Employment qualification (L) 4 L22 3 0,612 3 Machine and Technology (M) 3 0 3 0,680 4 Product quality and package (Q) 2 Q41; Q42 0 0,502 5 R & D capacity (R) 3 0 3 0,763 6 Finance position (F) 3 0 3 0,832 7 Infrastructure (I) 5 I71 4 0,834 Source: Calculated by author from survey data. The quality testing of scale in Table 2 show that: - Variables L22, Q41, Q42, and I71 have correlation coefficients comparing to corrected item – Total correlation of less than 0.3, so these variables are eliminated from the model. - Cronbach Alpha coefficients of the population are greater than 0.6 except that the "Quality of Product Q" factor group has Cronbach alpha coefficient = 0.502 <0.6, so this group is eliminated from the model. Thus, the scale system is built with six-level scale is good quality assurance with 20 characteristic variables. 3.3. The Results of Exploratory Factor Analysis – EFA - Testing the suitability of the EFA Table 3: Testing KMO and artlett’s Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0,906 Barlett’s Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1177,816 df 120 Sig. 0,000 Source. Calculated by author from survey data. - Correlation verifying of observed variables in the representative metric: Table 3 shows that the Bartlett test has significance degree Sig.<0.05, so that the observed variables are linearly correlated with the representative factor. - Testing the explanation level of the observed variables for the factor: The column Cumulative of Table 4. shows that the deviation value is 67.98%, which means that 67.98% of the change of factors is explained by the observed variables. Table 4: The Total Variance Explained Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % 1 6,753 42,208 42,208 6,753 42,208 42,208 4,305 26,908 26,908 2 2,024 12,650 54,858 2,024 12,650 54,858 2,784 17,401 44,308 3 1,078 6,738 61,596 1,078 6,738 61,596 2,075 12,969 57,277 4 1,021 6,382 67,978 1,021 6,382 67,978 1,712 10,700 67,978 5 ,701 4,384 72,362 6 ,672 4,197 76,559 7 ,566 3,537 80,096 8 ,541 3,381 83,477 9 ,435 2,719 86,196 10 ,426 2,663 88,859 11 ,362 2,261 91,121 12 ,318 1,989 93,109 13 ,312 1,948 95,057 14 ,291 1,820 96,877 15 ,255 1,596 98,473 16 ,244 1,527 100,000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Source: Calculated by author from survey data. Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018) 74 - The result of the model Through the quality testing of the scale and of the EFA modeling, the validation of that there are 4 scales representing the factors affecting to the overall competitiveness and one scale representing the overall competitiveness (TC) (see Table 5). Table 5: Adjustment model after testing Crobach Alpha and Exploratory factor analysis No Scales Characteristic variables Explaination of the scale 1 F (F1) F61, F62, F63, I73, I75, M31, M32 Finance Position (F6) 2 E (F2) E11, E13, E14, L23 Ability of Organization and Enterprise management (E1) 3 I (F3) I72, I74, L21 Infrastructure (I7) 4 R (F4) R52, R53 R & D capacity (R5) 5 NLCTC TC Overall Competitiveness (TC) Source: Calculated by author from survey data - Multivariate regression analysis To identify the factors that affect to competitiveness, the overall correlation pattern is: TC = f (F1, F2, F3, F4) Where: TC: Dependent variable; F1, F2, F3, F4: Independent variables. The consideration of the factors from F1 to F4, which directly really affect to the competitiveness of the enterprise will be achieved by the linear regression equation: TC = β0+β1F1 + β2F2 + β3F3 + β4F4 Where, the variables included in the regression analysis are determined by calculating the factor score. Table 6: Model Summary Independent variables Regression coefficient is not standardized (B) Value t Level of statistical significance (Sig.) VIF Standardized regression coefficient (Beta) Absolute value of Beta Contribution degree of variables (%) Important degree of variables (Constant) 2,787 63,350 ,000 1,000 F1 ,288 6,526 *** ,000 1,000 ,400 ,400 33,90 2 F2 ,360 8,163 *** ,000 1,000 ,501 ,501 42,46 1 F3 ,136 3,082 ** ,002 1,000 ,189 ,189 16,02 3 F4 ,065 1,466 NS ,145 1,000 ,090 ,090 7,63 - Total 1,18 100,0 Independent variables : TC – Overall competitiveness of enterprise Sample size F Coefficient R 2 Coefficien R 2 have been adjusted Durbin Watson 150 30,222*** 0,455 0,440 1,902 Notes: *** Meaning level <0.01; ** Significance level of <0.05; * Meaning level <0.10 (double-sided test); NS: Not significant - Not statistically significant Source: Calculated by author from survey data. - Correction coefficient R 2 of 0.440: Thus, 40% of the change in the enterprise competitiveness is explained by independent variables of the model. - VIF are less than 10, so the regression model does not have multi-collinearity. The Durbin Watson coefficient (1< d = 1,902 < 3), thus, the regression model has no autocorrelation. - With significance level Sig. <0.05 of the F test, it can be concluded that the given model is consistent with the actual data. In other words, the independent variables have a linear correlation with the dependent variable and with confidence level of 95%. - Columns ―Significant level‖ showed that all variables had statistical significance levels less than 0.05 except that F4 was not statistically significant. Thus, all factors from F1 to F3 have Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018) 75 a significant impact on the competitiveness of enterprises with confidence level of 95%. Model of the competitiveness of VTIS The tests confirm that the groups of factor that affect to the competitiveness of the furniture enterprises in Vietnam. They consist of 6 groups with 16 factors: * The group E1: Organization and Enterprise management - E11: Performance Efectiveness of the management system - E12: Structure capacity of personnel - E13: Leadership capacity of enterprise owner * The group L2: Labor qualification - L21: Rate of trained employees - L22: Skills of employee * The group F3: Finance position - F31: Size of capital of enterprise - F32: Ability to find a source of capital for production and business activities - F33: Ability to give payments fully and, timely * The group M4: Machine and Technology - M41: Type, amount of machine - M42: Quality of machine and technology * The group R5: R & D Capacity - R51: Level of investment in research and development (R & D) of technology - R52: Budget for technological innovation * The group I6: Infrastructure - I61: Level of meeting requirement of Total area of production workshops - I62: Level of meeting requirement of Auxiliary systems (roads, electricity ware, supply and drainage of water) in the layout - I63: Level of meeting of requirement of Total area of the enterprise’s land for present activities and expansion in the future - I64: Level of meeting requirement of The system of administration houses and canteens, dwellings for workers Model 1. Model of the competitiveness of VTIS The Actual proposal model of competitivenss for VTIS Competitiveness of VFEs E1 F3 L2 E11 E12 E13 L21 L22 F31 F32 F33 I6 I61 I62 I63 M4 M41 M42 Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018) 76 The present competitiveness of VFEs in term of the real groups of factors by Descriptive Statistics Table 7: Competitiveness of VFEs in term of the real groups of factors by Descriptive Statistics No Factor Avarage value of The cretiria Variance Standard Deviation % (compare to max. score - 5 points) Degree of competitive- eness 1 Ability of Organization and management (E1) 1.1 Performance Efectiveness of the management system (E11) 2,97 0,51 0,71 59,40 Medium 1.2 Structure capacity of personnel (E13) 3,31 0,42 0,65 66,20 High 1.3 Leadership capacity of enterprise owner (E14) 3,55 0,45 0,67 71,00 High 2 Employment qualification (L2) 2.1 Rate of trained employees (L21) 2,71 0,34 0,58 54,20 Medium 2.2 Skills of employee (L23) 3,00 0,44 0,67 60,00 Medium 3 Machine and technology (M3) 3.1 Type, amount of machine (M31) 3,62 0,40 0,63 72,40 High 3.2 Quality of machine and technology (M32) 2,53 0,43 0,65 50,60 Medium 4 Finance Position (F4) 4.1 Size of capital of enterprise (F41) 2,86 0,81 0,90 57,20 Medium 4.2 Ability to find a source of capital for production and business activities (F42) 3,34 0,60 0,78 66,80 High 4.3 Ability to give payments fully and, timely F43) 3,76 0,51 0,71 75,20 High 5 R&D Capacity (R5) 5.1 Level of investment in research and development (R & D) of technology (R51) 1,29 0,45 0,60 25,87 Weak 5.2 Budget for technological innovation (R52) 1,30 0,42 0,54 26,07 Weak 6 Infrastructure (I6) 6.1 Level of meeting of requirement of Total area of the enterprise’s land for present activities and expansion in the future (I61) 2,97 0,74 0,86 59,40 Medium 6.2 Level of meeting requirement of Total area of production workshops (I62) 3,00 0,68 0,83 60,00 Medium 6.3 Level of meeting requirement of The system of administration houses and canteens, dwellings for workers (I63) 1,59 0,51 0,72 31,80 Weak 6.4 Level of meeting requirement of Auxiliary systems (roads, electricity ware, supply and drainage of water) in the layout (I64) 3,22 0,52 0,72 64,40 High Source: Calculated by author from survey data. Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018) 77 Table 8: The Degree of present competitiveness of VFEs in the real afected criteria No Factor General solution 1 Group 1: Ability of Organization and management (E1) 1.1 Performance Efectiveness of the management system Medium 1.2 Structure capacity of personnel High 1.3 Leadership capacity of enterprise owner High 1.4 Skills of employee Medium 2 Group 2: Finance Position (F6) 2.1 Size of capital of enterprise Medium 2.2 Ability to find a source of capital for production and business activities High 2.3 Ability to give payments fully and, timely High 2.4 Level of meeting requirement of Total area of production workshops Medium 2.5 Level of meeting requirement of Auxiliary systems (roads, electricity ware, supply and drainage of water) in the layout High 2.6 Type, amount of machine High 2.7 Quality of machine and technology Medium 3 Group 3: Infrastructure 3.1 Level of meeting of requirement of Total area of the enterprise’s land for present activities and expansion in the future Medium 3.2 Level of meeting requirement of The system of administration houses and canteens, dwellings for workers Weak 3.3 Rate of trained employees Medium Source: Calculated by author from survey data. Analyzing expert opinion using SWOT method Table 9: Analyzing expert opinion using SWOT method And based on the results of the analysis of the present situation and the factors affecting to the competitiveness and competitiveness of the surveyed enterprises, some possible solutions to improve the competition of VTIS are as follows: - Improve the Ability of organization and management of enterprises and skills of employees. - Improve the finance position of the enterprise - Improve infrastructure and machinery for enterprise 4. Conclusions - The study has the following results: Contributed to the systematization of the competitive theory of enterprise, as well as Chuyên mục: Quản trị KD & Marketing - TẠP CHÍ KINH TẾ & QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH SỐ 06 (2018) 78 systematize and analyze the results of the researches related to the the thesis topic. Established a theoretical model of competitiveness of VTIS - Identified factors that affect to the competitiveness of VTIS as well as the interactions between them. - Indicated the current competitiveness of VTIS. - Established a realistic model of competitiveness of VTIS. - Proposed a scientific and practical plan to improve the competitiveness of VTIS. - Also need to focus to some points of the results of the study: - There are differences between proposal theoretical and practical models. - The actual model of competitiveness of VTIS is proved to be compatible and practical. - Solutions to improve the competitiveness of VTIS are practical and feasible. - Limitations of the study - The model only examines the impact of the group of internal factors on the competitiveness of VTIS without indicating the impact of external factors (eg, general policy as well as policies for furniture industry), market information, input materials supply, ..etc). - When studying the impact of the group of internal factors on the competitiveness of VTIS, some of the internal factors such as marketing capacity, cost, product distribution, sales activity, after-sales services, so on were not mentioned. - Ability to apply the results of this study in practical: It is possible to apply the model of the study by scoring the influencing factors to determine the competitiveness of the enterprise. - On the basis of solutions proposed by the study and the reality at the enterprise to develop a plan to improve the competitiveness of enterprise. - Further research recommendations for the competitiveness of VTIS: - Considering the impact of external factors: market information, input materials supply, etc.) to the competitiveness of VTIS. - Study the impact of other internal factors on the competitiveness of VTIS, such as marketing capacity, cost, product distribution, sales activity, after-sales services. 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Nguyễn Phan Thiết - Đơn vị công tác: Trường đại học Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam Ngày nhận bài: 22/05/2018 Ngày nhận bản sửa: 25/06/2018 Ngày duyệt đ ng: 29/06/2018

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