Nhiều tổ chức đã phát triển các cách tiếp cận bao gồm kiến thức của nông dân trong nghiên cứu và tiến trình khuyến nông để nâng cao kiến thức và kỹ năng cho người nông dân. Sự tiến bộ trong kiến thức và kỹ năng của nông dân là kết quả của quá trình học hỏi. Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này để xem xét (quyết định) các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến nông dân và nhà khoa học trong các nghiên cứu và cách tiếp cận có sự tham gia khác nhau. Trước tiên một khung lý thuyết được phát triển. Nó bao gồm các đặc điểm của tổ chức, đặc điểm của nghiên cứu và phương pháp khuyến nông có sự tham gia cũng như tác động mà nó mang tới đối với nông dân và nhà khoa học. Dựa trên khung lý thuyết này, một cuộc điều tra giữa những nhà quản lý và cán bộ nghiên cứu của các tổ chức khuyến nông đã được tiến hành. Kết quả cuộc điều tra này cho thấy hầu hết các tổ chức sử dụng cách tiếp cận có sự tham gia. Để hiểu thêm về nghiên cứu và tiến trình khuyến nông, một nghiên cứu trường hợp được tiến hành lấy bối cảnh hệ thống khuyến nông tại Uganda. Nghiên cứu trường hợp này chỉ ra nhiều bức tranh khác biệt về sự tham gia.
Từ kết quả của cuộc điều tra và nghiên cứu trường hợp có thể thấy rằng các yếu tố có tác động tích cực tới sự tham gia của người nông dân đều là sự quảng bá các kỹ thuật đầu vào theo định hướng phát triển. Các yếu tố làm tăng cường sự học hỏi của người nông dân là một cấp độ cao hơn của sự tham gia của người dân và là các nguồn lực có ý nghĩa của các tổ chức để hỗ trợ quá trình học hỏi. Sự học hỏi của người dân đang dẫn đến sự ứng dụng công nghệ mới và kết quả nghiên cứu từ các nhà khoa học trong đời sống thực tế.
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Organisation of learning in participatory research and extension approaches
University Twente, The Netherlands
Faculty of Behavioural Sciences
Enschede, November 2005
Graduation Committee:
Prof. Dr. J.W.M. Kessels
Dr. B. Witziers
Dr. R. Maslowski
This thesis is the result of my final project carried out to complete my study Educational
Science and Technology at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. The fieldwork for this
research took place at the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Kampala Uganda.
I wish to thank Mrs S. Kaaria and Mr. R. Delve for being my mentor in Uganda and making my
fieldwork possible through their contacts with the various organisations. The discussions and support
during the preparations of my final report made it possible to finish the work in time. Especially the
logistic support like transport and accommodation made the fieldwork in the more remote parts of
Uganda possible. Without their help it was not possible to carry out this research. I also extend my
thanks to:
The management of A2N, VEDCO, NARO (National banana program) and ActionAid to arrange
the field visits to the various districts.
Dr. B. Witziers for being my mentor, encouraging to continue my research in Africa and for his
guidance during the preparation and finalization of my research.
Dr. R. Maslowski for being my second mentor and giving constructive comments after reading my
Mr. O. Ortiz of CIP, Peru for giving me the initial topic proposal for my research and the
discussions on how to approach this topic.
Staff members of CIAT in Kawanda for the support during my stay at the research station.
The management of all the organisations I have visited for their fruitful discussions on
participatory research and extension.
All the farmers for their valuable contributions during discussions and for showing the progress
they have made on their farms.
Wouter Ton
Enschede, November 2005
Organisation of learning in participatory research and extension approaches in agriculture.
Different organisations have developed approaches to include the farmers’ knowledge in the
research and extension process and to increase the knowledge and skills of the farmer. The increase in
knowledge and skills of the farmers is the result of a learning process. The aim of this research is to
determine the factors that influence the effects for farmers and scientist of the different participatory
research and approaches. First a theoretical framework is developed. This framework consists of
characteristics of the organisation, characteristics of the participatory research and extension methods
and the effects for farmers and scientists. Based on this framework a survey among managers and field
staff of research and extension organisation was conducted. The results of this survey show that most
of the organisations use a participatory approach. To get a better understanding of the research and
extension processes a case study was made from the research and extension system in Uganda. The
case study showed a more differentiated picture of participation.
From the results of the survey and the case study it appears that the factors that have a positive effect
on the participation of farmers are an organisation that is development-oriented and promoting an
input-based technology. The factors that enhance the learning of farmers are a high level of farmers’
participation and sufficient resources of the organisation to support the learning. The learning of
farmers is leading to application of the new technology and to results for farmers and scientists in the
Abbreviations used
A2N Africa 2000 Network
AESA Agro Eco System Analysis
AHI Africa Highlands Initiative
AKIS/RD Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems for Rural Development
CBF Community Based Facilitator
CBO Community Based Organisation
CIAL Comite de Investigacion Agricola Local
CIAT Centro Community Based Facilitator Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
CIP Centro Internacianal de la Papa
CORDAID Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid
EA Environmental Alert
ERI Enabling Rural Innovation
F2F Farmer to Farmer
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FFS Farmer Field Schools
FPE Farmer Participatory Evaluation
FRC Farmer Reflect Circle
FRG Farmer Research Group
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HIVOS Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
INIBAP International Network for the Improvement of Bananas and Plantains
IPM Integrated Pest Management
NAADS National Agricultural Advisory Services
NARO National Agricultural Research Organisation
NBRP National Banana Research Programme
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
NOVIB Nederlandse Organisatie voor Internationale Bijstand
NRM Natural Resource Management
PDC Participatory Development Communication
PEA Participatory Extension Approach
PM&E Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal
PRE Participatory Research and Extension
RDE Rural Development Extensionist
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Studies
T&V Training and Visit
ULAMP Uganda Land Management Project
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
USAID United States Agency for International Development
VEDCO Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns
Table of contents
Acknowledgement ..............................................................................................I
Summary.......................................................................................................... III
Abbreviations used........................................................................................... IV
1. Introduction.................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Origins of this research .........................................................................................1
1.2 Aims of this research ............................................................................................2
1.3 Research methodology..........................................................................................2
1.4 Overview of the following chapters.......................................................................3
2. Theoretical background of PRE...................................................................... 5
2.1 Characteristics of the organisation.........................................................................5
2.1.1 Objectives of the organisation .............................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Type of technology promoted by the organisation ............................................... 7
2.1.3 Funding of the organisation .................................................................................. 8
2.2 Developments leading to the appearance of PRE methods.....................................8
2.2.1 Development in agricultural policies.................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Focus on marginalized groups ............................................................................ 10
2.2.3 Environmental degradation................................................................................. 10
2.2.4 Civil society........................................................................................................ 10
2.2.5 Valuation of farmers’ knowledge ....................................................................... 11
2.2.6 Constructivism.................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Characteristics of PRE methods ..........................................................................12
2.3.1 Types of participation......................................................................................... 13
2.3.2 Stakeholder involvement .................................................................................... 13
2.3.3 Roles of facilitator .............................................................................................. 13
2.3.4 Learning strategies.............................................................................................. 14
2.4 Farmer Field School and Farmer Research Group ...............................................15
2.4.1 Farmer Field School ........................................................................................... 15
2.4.2 Farmer Research Group...................................................................................... 15
2.5 Expected effects of the PRE approach.................................................................17
2.6 Conclusion..........................................................................................................18
3. Survey: views of managers and field staff on PRE ....................................... 19
3.1 Framework for the survey ...................................................................................19
3.1.1 Characteristics of the organisation...................................................................... 20
3.1.2 Characteristics of PRE........................................................................................ 20
3.1.3 Expected effects of the PRE approach................................................................ 21
3.2 Research method.................................................................................................22
3.2.1 Construction of the questionnaire....................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Administering the questionnaire......................................................................... 22
3.2.3 Data analysis....................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Results................................................................................................................23
3.3.2 Characteristics of PRE........................................................................................ 24
3.3.5 Influence of PRE on effects for farmers and organisation.................................. 29
3.4 Conclusion..........................................................................................................34
Table of contents
4. Case study of PRE approaches in Uganda .................................................... 35
4.1 Uganda ...............................................................................................................35
4.2 Research method.................................................................................................37
4.3 Interviews with twelve selected organisations .....................................................37
4.4 In-depth study of four selected organisation ........................................................40
4.4.1 Results of in-depth study of four selected organisations .................................... 40
4.4.2 CASE 1: Africa 2000 Network-Uganda ............................................................. 41
4.4.3 CASE 2: ActionAid ............................................................................................ 42
4.4.4 CASE 3: National Agricultural Research Organisation...................................... 43
4.4.5 CASE 4: Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns..................................... 44
4.5 Comparison of PRE methods in the four cases ....................................................45
4.6 Conclusion..........................................................................................................47
5. Conclusion and discussion ........................................................................... 49
5.1 Conclusion..........................................................................................................49
5.1.1 Characteristics of the organisations and their influence on the type of PRE...... 49
5.1.2 Characteristics of PRE and their influence on the effects for farmers and
scientists ............................................................................................................ 49
5.1.3 Effects of PRE for farmers and scientists ........................................................... 50
5.2 Discussion ..........................................................................................................52
References........................................................................................................ 53
Appendices ...................................................................................................... 57
Appendix 1: Questionnaire .......................................................................................... 57
Appendix 2: Interview questions Uganda.................................................................... 62
Appendix 3: Format for interview with development and research organisations ...... 64
Appendix 4: Interviews for in-depth study.................................................................. 65
Appendix 5: Format for interview with farmer group. ................................................ 67
1. Introduction
1.1 Origins of this research
In an analysis of agricultural research in the 90’s in Tanzania some of the major problems for
research were identified as, poor stakeholder involvement, weak research-extension linkages,
insufficient analysis of farmer adoption and poor technologies (Ngendello, Mgezei, & Schrader,
2003). Many other research and extension organisations in developing countries are still facing the
same problems today. To overcome these problems farmers must get more involved in the extension
and research process. Research is the development of new technologies and extension is the
dissemination of knowledge.
Different approaches have been developed to facilitate the farmers’ participation in the development
of technologies to reduce poverty. These approaches are to facilitate the incorporation of farmers’
knowledge in the research and extension process and to enhance agricultural knowledge significantly
and skills of farmers, which in turn could be reflected in an increase in production. The increase in
knowledge and skills is the result of a learning process of farmers and researchers. Learning is an
intentional process that requires a designed learning event and a situation where learning can take
place. Learning events come in many different shapes, for example, training, discussion, video, farmer
experimentation, brochures, radio broadcast, demonstrations, lectures, on-farm trials, exchange visits
or a combination of any of these. Before the results for the organisation and for the farmer become
visible the farmer has to apply what he or she has learned. The characteristics of the organisation will
determine the type of Participatory Research and Extension (PRE) they are applying. A research-
oriented organisation will apply a different type of PRE then an extension-oriented organisation. A
research organisation dealing with the increase in agricultural production will develop technical
solutions and the main reason for the participation of farmers is to validate the research findings. In a
development-oriented research program the researchers will interact more intensive with the farmers
in order to get an understanding of the farmers’ situation. An extension approach targeting an increase
in production will apply a transfer of knowledge model while an organisation aimed at the
empowerment of the farmer groups will encourage more activities carried out by the farmers. In
Figure 1.1 the relation between organisational characteristics, type of PRE and the effects is given.
Figure 1.1: Characteristics of the organisation, PRE and effects
Characteristics of organisations
• Technology
• Objectives
• Funding
Characteristics of PRE
• Type of participation
• Stakeholder involvement
• Role of facilitator
• Learning strategies
• Learning
• Application
• Results
Participatory research and extension in agriculture
The type of technology is forming the content of the learning event, so it can be expected that the type
of technology will determine the design of the learning event. Extension approaches developed for
simple technologies are not adequate for complex technologies (Eilittä, Mureithi, & Derpsch, 2004). A
more input-based technology, such as seed, pesticides or a new variety will require a different
approach compared to a knowledge-based technology, such as integrated pest management or
integrated crop management.
A number of development organisations have promoted different PRE approaches like Farmer Field
Schools (FFS), and the Participatory Extension Approach (PEA). To describe the differences between
the various PRE approaches the characteristics from the framework of Probst, Hagmann, Fernandez
and Ashby (2003) are used, like the stakeholder involvement, the type of participation, and the
learning strategies that are used. Different PRE approaches have a different approach to learning and
will therefore use different types of learning events, for example, FFS have a constructivist approach
to learning and rely on explorative learning events. In PEA learning is more directed to the transfer of
knowledge and therefore an instructional design of the learning events is used.
The outcomes of the PRE are (Probst et al., 2003):
• The development and assessment of technologies;
• Generation of new theoretical insights to influence policies;
• Developing approaches for organisational and institutional innovation;
• Increase of knowledge of farmers;
• Empowerment of farmers to become equal partners in the development process.
As part of an International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) financed research project, the
Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) has initiated case studies in four countries with different
approaches and different technologies. Travelling to four countries was beyond the budget for this
master thesis and therefore a survey to get the views on PRE of a wide selection of PRE practitioners
has been chosen, complemented with data from one country.
1.2 Aims of this research
The aim of this research is to determine the factors that influence the effects for farmers and
scientist of different participatory research and extension approaches. This will be done by answering
the following research questions:
• What are the characteristics of the organisations implementing PRE?
• What are the characteristics of the various types of PRE?
• What are the effects of PRE for farmers and scientists?
1.3 Research methodology
The research will be conducted in three stages.
1. Develop a framework for participatory research
2. Conduct a survey of the field staff and managers
3. Carry out case studies in Uganda
Participatory research and extension is a very wide and ill-defined subject therefore in the first palce a
theoretical framework will be developed based on literature. This framework will consist of an
analysis of the different perspectives of PRE in the literature and will include aspects like the who are
the participants, what is the purpose of research, how are participants involved and what type of
research is conducted. The results of this analysis are presented in chapter two.
Second, based on the framework developed in chapter two a questionnaire is constructed to conduct a
survey among field staff and managers in research, development and extension organisations to
investigate their perspectives regarding the different approaches in PRE. The results are presented in
chapter three.
Third, a detailed study of PRE in Uganda is conducted to supplement the data from the survey with
more detailed information from several cases of different PRE approaches. This information helps to
get a better understanding of the data collected in the survey. To collect this detailed information
investigations in two stages will be carried out. First interviews with members of the management and
field staff of various development, research and extension organisations are held. In the second stage
some of the farmers who have participated in the different programs are interviewed. The findings
from the interviews are presented in chapter four using the same framework as the survey to make
crosschecks on the data possible.
1.4 Overview of the following chapters
Chapter two gives a theoretical background of PRE. The chapter describes the developments
that led to the present focus on farmer participation and gives a framework to analyse the different
PRE approaches. A comparison is made between two main groups of PRE approaches. In chapter
three the survey to investigate the opinion of field staff and managers is described and the results are
presented. It outlines the construction of the questionnaire and the procedures used to apply the
questionnaire. In chapter four the case study in Uganda is presented. First the results of the interviews
with twelve organisations are presented followed by the results of the visits to four organisations with
different PRE approaches and promoting different types of technologies. In chapter five the
conclusions and discussion are presented.
Theoretical background of PRE
2. Theoretical background of PRE
In the past the agricultural system was divided in three parties, research, extension and the
farmers, each with clearly defined roles. Research organisations were developing the technology while
extension organisations were taking the technology to the farmers and taking the farmers problems
back to researchers for them to solve. But it appears that farmers were not following the advice from
the researchers. This could be caused by a poor technology resulting from ineffective research or from
poor extension methods by not using the appropriate strategies to disseminate the technology to the
farmers. To overcome these problems an active involvement of farmers in the research and extension
process was required so various participatory research and extension (PRE) approaches were
developed. The PRE approach is depending on the type of organisation. Research and extension are
long seen as a task for the national government like education or health services. With the economic
reforms and privatisation extension is moving to private service providers and Non Governmental
Organisations (NGO) to provide the necessary services to farmers. To enforce the national agricultural
research organisations, the international research organisations like CIP and the International Centre
for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) were established. These organisations collaborate with the national
agricultural research programs. The national extension services focus on production and therefore
resource poor farmers were not able to benefit fully from the extension programs. To improve the
livelihood of this group of farmers donor funded development organisations started programs with a
wider scope as only agricultural production. These programs can include beside agriculture issues like
health, gender, HIV/AIDS, education etc. The aim of the program is to improve the living conditions
of the farmers and the empowerment of the rural community to become an equal partner in the
development process. The characteristics of the organisations are described in paragraph 2.1 to answer
the first research question: What are the characteristics of the organisations implementing PRE?
Participatory approaches to agricultural research, extension and development are fluent. There is not
one approach but depending on the history and orientation of the organisation, the beliefs and
expectations different approaches are developed. Often an approach starts with a single person or in a
single project and gradually the approach develops, is described and spread to other organisations.
These organisations further develop this approach. This leads to a wide range of approaches. Even if
the approaches are labelled the same the content may be very different. It is therefore necessary to
categorize an approach on how it is intended and implemented and not on a title alone. PRE is not
invented at one time but it is the result of a development in agricultural research and extension over a
long period of time. In paragraph 2.2 five major changes leading to participatory approaches are
described. In paragraph 2.3 a framework developed by Probst et al. (2003) to differentiate between the
various approaches is presented. This framework will be used to answer the question: What are the
characteristics of the different types of PRE? In paragraph 2.4 two important PRE approaches, the
farmer field school and the farmer research group are compared. In the last paragraph the expected
effects from PRE are discussed to answer the question: What are the effects of PRE for farmers and
2.1 Characteristics of the organisation
Organisations can be characterised according to the objectives of the organisation, the way the
organisation is funded and the type of technology the organisation is promoting. The objectives of the
organisation that implements the PRE can be research, extension or development. The orientation of
the organisation will have an influence on the type of PRE. Some of the organisations are funded by
the national government while donors fund others.
2.1.1 Objectives of the organisation
Research is the development of new technologies. Technology is the basis for innovations,
new ideas, processes or products for an individual or a group aimed at improving or creating new
products and processes. Innovations are based on new technologies and can be developed from
Participatory research and extension in agriculture
existing technologies or adapted from technologies originated from other areas. Technology is the
knowledge and know-how in products and processes. Technology is not a discrete commodity, but is
embedded in the factors of production such as products, people and methods. Research is the
application of scientific theories and techniques in the field of agriculture in order to develop new
technologies that can for example increase production, protect natural resources and the environment.
Research is usually divided into three types; basic, applied and adaptive research.
Basic research is the experimental or theoretical work that is undertaken primarily to acquire new
knowledge without a specific application in view. This is done to generate new understanding of
biological processes.
Applied research is aimed at gaining knowledge or understanding to determine the means by which a
specific, recognized need may be met in a timely manner. Applied research is carried out to solve
specific, practical questions and is not to gain knowledge for its own sake. It is almost always done on
the basis of basic research. Often academic or international agricultural research institutions carry out
this type of research.
Adaptive research is the transfer and adaptation of pre-existing research results to provide the basis for
application by the end users. This research is aimed at the adjustment of technology to a specific need
of a particular set of environment.
In participatory research there are two directions; a pragmatic direction and a political direction. In the
pragmatic approach participatory research is seen as a way to strengthen the cooperation between
farmers and researchers in order to produce more appropriate technologies. Farmers are able to
communicate their needs to the researchers and the researchers can develop solutions in cooperation
with the farmers. In the political direction of research Freire (1972) has had a great influence on the
course of thinking about development. He defined participatory research as an approach to create
social change. Participatory research is a process used by and for people who are exploited and
oppressed. The approach challenges the way knowledge is produced with conventional social science
methods and disseminated by dominant educational institutions. Through different methods, it puts the
production of knowledge back into the hands of the people where it can strengthen their struggles for
social equality, and for the elimination of dependency and its symptoms: poverty, illiteracy,
malnutrition, etc. Freire puts a strong emphasis on empowerment. Empowerment is a consequence of
“liberatory learning”. Power is not given, but created during the activities in which the co-learners are
engaged. The theoretical basis for this discovery is provided by critical consciousness; its expression is
collective action on behalf of mutually agreed upon goals. Learning for empowerment is different
from building skills and competencies, these being the results of conventional schooling (Freire,
Extension is the dissemination of technologies. Dissemination is the systematic distribution of
information or knowledge through a variety of ways to potential beneficiaries for practical application.
The implementation, which is putting the innovation into practice, is depending on three sets of
factors, the environmental factors, the innovation factors and the personal factors.
The environmental factors are those factors or characteristics of the environment that influence the
dissemination of innovations or the utilization of innovations by farmers like support, marketing
conditions, availability of inputs and culture.
Rogers (1995) has identified six innovation factors that influence the diffusion and adoption of
• Complexity of the innovation;
• Perceived relative advantage of the innovation;
• Compatibility of the innovation to existing values, experience and need;
• Trialability, or the degree to which the innovation can be experimented with;
• Observability, or the degree to which the results of implementing an innovation are visible;
• Relevance, the degree to which the research is applicable to practice.
Besides the innovation factors there are also individual factors. Those are the relevant characteristics
of the individual that influence the utilization of the innovation by practitioners. Examples of
Theoretical background of PRE
characteristics are: age, education level, autonomy, problem solving ability, open-mindedness, social-,
economic- and geographical-conditions. The environmental factors are often influenced by the
organisations that disseminate the technology. Organisations, governments and institutions have
general goals like to increase the income from agricultural activities, to promote food security,
encourage empowerment of communities and to promote sustainable development. Based on needs
assessments the organisations design programs to achieve these goals. Programs have often an
integrated approach to stimulate the implementation by farmers of the new technology by paying
attention to characteristics that will enhance the adoption and implementation. At the same time the
organisation will take measures to improve the environmental factors like providing credit, create
marketing opportunities, improve the necessary infrastructure and make inputs available, sometimes
even at subsidised rates. To increase the success rate of the program the personal characteristics can be
used in the selection of the participants for the program.
Programs of development organisations often have an ideological background. When this
background is religious, these organisations will implement their program through church related
organisations. The background can also be solidarity of the more wealthy with the “poor and
oppressed”. Programs of development organisations are targeting the poorer levels in society that are
often left out in government programs. These groups are difficult to reach and have a multitude of
problems that cannot be solved with a single sector approach of only improving health or education.
Government programs tend to be single sector because the programs are related to a specific ministry
or department within the government. Development organisations have more freedom to use a multi-
sector approach because they are not associated with the government ministries. The ideological
background of the organisation puts emphasis on the empowerment of the communities. This
empowerment enables the community to advocate their case at the different levels of government.
2.1.2 Type of technology promoted by the organisation
In general terms, technologies can be classified as input-based or knowledge-intensive.
(Rogers, 1995). In input-based technologies the physical component of the technology, the “hardware”
is dominant. These technologies usually have direct effects on yield and depend mostly on the
availability of a physical input (seed of a new variety or an agrochemical). Input-based technologies
often depends on a single simple message that fits in with the current farming system, shows clear and
immediate effect, does not involve too much risk and is reversible. Adoption rates for this type of
technology are good as shown in the IFAD study (IFAD, n.d.). IFAD evaluated several projects and
found that successful innovations shared the following characteristics:
• They followed a more structured process, with clear sequential steps;
• They addressed a need widely shared by the poor;
• They built on existing or traditional knowledge, technologies, practice, cultural and social
• Their advantages were clear to farmers and the rewards were rapidly visible;
• The cost of adopting the projects was affordable, in terms of the financial burden, increased
workloads and social costs;
• They were relatively simple, and less likely to arouse distrust among the rural poor;
• They were well tested: prior testing and piloting of innovations is necessary to reduce risks
and unknown factors, particularly when innovations are brought in from outside the area;
• They were based on exchanges of farmer knowledge within project areas and among regions;
• The project design approach was flexible and frequent adjustments took place during
implementation of the innovations;
• There was genuine commitment on the part of IFAD, project and cooperating institution staff,
and systematic IFAD follow-up;
• The correct policy environment and effective partnership facilitated them;
• They are easily reversible if they do not succeed.
Participatory research and extension in agriculture
These findings are very much in line with the six innovation factors that influence the diffusion and
adoption of research that Rogers (1995) has identified.
Knowledge-intensive technologies, such as Integrated Pest Management (IPM), depend on farmers
learning biophysical principles involved in pest control and then applying the acquired knowledge to
make better decisions. In this case, Rogers refers to this kind of knowledge as the “software” of the
technology. This type of technology is more complicated and requires a change in attitude. Often the
results are not immediately visible and changes in the power structure and the organisational set-up are
needed. More stakeholders are involved often with conflicting interest. A balance between short term
and long-term effects needs to be found. An example of a complex technology is green manure. Eilittä
et al. (2004) found low adoption rates for green manure/cover crops because it does not seem to fit in
with the present farming system. There are no direct benefits, the crop requires more labour, occupies
land where food crops could have been grown and most species are not fit for human consumption.
Walker and Crissman (1996) found that the adoption of improved varieties, an input-based
technology, has been significantly higher (reaching about 20% of Peruvian potato area) than the
knowledge-based technology IPM (less than 5%). This suggests that input-based technologies would
favour economic impact in the short term. However, IPM and participatory approaches build human
and social capitals, which are essential for the sustainability of innovation in technological and
organizational terms (Ortiz, Garrett, Heath, Orrego, & Nelson, 2004).
2.1.3 Funding of the organisation
The government can provide funding for the research- and extension-organisations. This
makes the organisation subject to all the regulations regarding planning, budgeting and salary
structures that are prevalent within the government. Governments in developing countries are
struggling to provide sufficient funds for an efficient operation of research and the extension services.
Non Governmental Organisations (NGO’s) are organisations that supplement government tasks. They
work within government programs but are financed by donors. There is a substantial influence of the
donors on the NGO because the NGO has to apply to the donors for funding for projects and they only
will get their money when the project fits within the donors’ policy. This way the donor will have an
influence on the type of PRE the NGO is implementing. Through donor financing the NGO is more
flexible in the expenditures and are able to pay higher salaries for the same jobs compared to the
government resulting in a migration of qualified staff from government to NGO.
2.2 Developments leading to the appearance of PRE methods
2.2.1 Development in agricultural policies
In colonial times and the early years of independence the objectives of the national
agricultural policies of African states were aimed at increasing the production of cash crops for export.
This type of agriculture started under the colonial rule but after independence the governments
continued to support large-scale cash crop growers. The government could use the revenues from the
export of these crops for development. The technology for cash crops was often imported from other
countries. Before a new crop was introduced the farming system was studied because the new cash
crop had to fit in with the existing cropping patterns and the success was depending on the availability
of labour.
In early agricultural research, based on rationalism, uniform recommendations were produced and
disseminated among farmers. The application of the scientific knowledge of the researchers by the
farmers should lead to higher production. Recommendations were mainly focussing on technical
solutions like improved varieties, fertilizer and chemical crop protection. This concept worked well
with homogeneous groups of farmers cultivating the same crop on the same type of soil under similar
climatic conditions. The success of the “green revolution”, the boost in production of rice and wheat in
India and Asia was based on these blanket recommendations.
Later the concept of growing cash crops was extended from the large-scale producers to the small-
scale producers, the small holders. This approach was targeting income generation by the rural
population through the cultivation of cash crops. The aim was to create employment in the rural areas
Theoretical background of PRE
and stop the people from moving to the cities to look for income. The idea was that the economic
benefits would trickle down to the poor. This cash cropping system lasted from about 1910 to 1970.
In the 70’s several severe droughts put the focus on national food self-sufficiency. This approach is
aimed at making the nation self-sufficient in food, especially grains. When these droughts occurred
attention was drawn on the dependency on the import of food grains. Because the prices for food
imports were rising the countries saw a need to produce their own grain. Agricultural research starts
looking at all agricultural activities in interaction with each other, the farming system. The farming
system research focussed on traditional food crops and irrigated rice. The objective of this research
was to keep the food prices in the urban areas low. Food prices are a political sensitive area. The target
group of the extension service were the small holders. Small holders were seen as more efficient
producers as the commercial farmers and by targeting the small holders a larger group was involved in
the development. Now a larger group was receiving direct economic benefits from their activities and
do not have to wait for the trickling down of the benefits from the more wealthy farmers engaged in
the cash cropping system. Beside the food production also the possibilities for setting up cottage
industries were explored to absorb the surplus labour in the rural areas. A lot of development activities
like small industrial workshops were set up.
The government can use pricing policies to promote agricultural production. Offering guaranteed
prices to producers can stimulate the production. Agricultural marketing boards were introduced to
offer a fair price to farmers. A different approach can be the subsidizing of inputs like seeds and
fertilizers or cheap credit schemes. Also ploughing services and disease control in cattle can be ranked
as subsidies. “Supply shifters” are agricultural policies to increase the production by improving the
quality of the inputs for the production process. This relates both to intellectual and physical inputs.
These inputs can be improved seeds, technology, and infrastructure like roads, credit, extension,
research and irrigation. The “green revolution” is an example of a “supply shifters” policy (Delgado,
Besides the pricing policy, extension is an important instrument for the government to promote
agricultural production. The “Training and Visit” (T&V) is an extension approach that concentrates on
the transfer of scientific agricultural knowledge and technology from research institutions to farmers.
The term training and visit sums up the process of service delivery. Subject matter specialists give
training to frontline extension agents on new but simple technical issues. The trained extension agents
visit contact-farmers to deliver the technological messages. The goal of T&V was to increase crop
production in controlled environments (e.g. irrigation schemes). Early experiences have shown quick
production increases in cotton, rice and wheat. A different approach to extension is the “farmer-to-
farmer” (F2F) system. A characteristic of the F2F extension approach is that farmers learn from other
farmers about new agricultural technology or practices. The dissemination of innovations develops
spontaneously when one farmer has successfully tested a new practice or technology, attracting the
interest of other farmers. If the innovator is willing to share the knowledge, a farmer network may
develop. But F2F extension can also be used in planned development projects. This approach is based
on the conviction that farmers can disseminate innovations better than official extension agents
because they have an in-depth knowledge of local crops, practices, culture and individuals, they
communicate effectively with farmers, and are almost permanently available in the community.
Innovations are provided by agricultural research institutions and later tested and adapted by selected
farmers (GTZ, n.d.).
The 80’s saw a decline in the world market prices for agricultural products that the developing
countries were exporting. The governments were forced to cost reduction by reducing the government
services like research and extension. More focus was put on industrial development and cash crops for
the generation of revenues from export. The aim of the structural adjustment programs was a reduction
of the bureaucracy and the promotion of a more open market to stimulate production. The program left
it to the government to draw up plans for a more efficient research and extension service but the
capacity of the government for planning was rather poor and the international agricultural research
centres offered assistance to the governments with planning (Worldbank, 1994).
Participatory research and extension in agriculture
Over the years the focus of research and extension shifted from cash crops to food grains but with an
emphasis on commercial production. This left out the subsistence farmers. In the 80’s a change can be
noticed. There is more attention for marginalized groups, the effects of abundant use of pesticides
became clear and more attention was given to good governance. At the same time the farmers were not
merely seen as receivers but as partners in development. In the following paragraph these changes will
be further explained.
2.2.2 Focus on marginalized groups
Population growth, climatic change and pressure on the available land caused people to move
into areas that are not suitable for viable agricultural production. The marginalized groups are getting
more divers by changes in economic patterns and the differences in land tenure are increasing. The
marginalized groups get attention mainly through donor agencies. Donor agencies are enforcing this
attention by putting conditions in loans and manpower assistance that the donors provide to
governments and research institutions. It was tried to repeat the “green revolution” in Africa and South
America. In these parts of the world this approach to increasing food production was less successful
then in Asia. In Africa and South America the small holder agriculture was very divers and the
climatic, ecologic, social and economic conditions differ from area to area. There is a wide range of
variety in soil types, crops, and rainfall patterns. Blanket recommendations did not work and
recommendations had to be more adjusted to local conditions. Extension and research had to cover
larger areas and a wider variety in conditions with the increase in attention for marginal groups. A way
to increase the coverage is the inclusion of farmers in the research process. The focus on marginal
groups causes problems in the allocation of research funds. As most of the rural population is living in
the low potential rain fed areas resources for research and extension are withdrawn from the high
potential areas (Delgado, 1995).
2.2.3 Environmental degradation
The technical solutions promoted by the “green revolution” had a serious impact and the
environment and the sustainability of the system came under question. The natural environment has
great influence on agricultural production. To have a sustainable system all aspects in the system have
to be taken into account. A few examples of the links between the environment and agriculture are
cattle grazing on natural pastures, trees and shrubs harbouring useful insects and soil covered with
vegetation prevents erosion. A focus on increase of agricultural production can have a negative impact
on the environment. So led the widespread use of broad-spectrum insecticides to the eradication of
useful predatory insects and had an unchecked growth of plague insect as a result, destroying large
areas of rice. Deforestation, overgrazing and intensified land use led to severe soil erosion. Based on
these negative experiences the need for a more holistic approach to agricultural production was felt.
Not only the production is important but also the natural environment that is supporting this
production needs to be taken care of in Natural Resource Management (NRM). There are several
conflicts of interest between direct poverty alleviation and national resource conservation. At some
instances natural resources have to be sold because it is the only source for short-term income.
Solutions are no simple technical interventions but are sought in the improvement of management
whereby a balance must be found between the conflicting interests of various groups and conflicts
between long-term and short-term benefits. At the moment research and extension can no longer focus
on agricultural production alone but also have to include the NRM.
2.2.4 Civil society
In the 90’s a combination of rapid population growth, stagnating agricultural income and
environmental degradation called for a new approach in agriculture. It was hoped that the private
sector would fill the gaps left by the withdrawing government but the low prices on the world market
for agricultural products did not help to improve the situation. Sustainable development requires an
accountable government so decentralisation was promoted to bring the funds and decision making
closer to the farmers. Decentralised government decisions making and financing is a condition for
participatory research but is also the outcome of the participatory process (Probst, 2000). To be able to
hold a government accountable the communities must be organised and educated for their task. The
Theoretical background of PRE
empowerment of marginal groups was promoted and the
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