In this paper, a newly proposed coordinated voltage control CVC method for distribution
networks with multiple DG connections has been presented. The proposed CVC method is
designed to obtain the optimal settings for the control devices from an optimization problem.
The designed algorithm used a DE technique in co-simulation with OpenDSS software. The
results show a satisfactory voltage control and loss reduction, demonstrating the effectiveness
of the proposed method. The use of the time-varying load profile and DG generation patterns
shows that the proposed algorithm can be used in real implementations, helping to increase
reliability and DG integration in distribution networks.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Novel optimal coordinated voltage control for distribution networks using differential evolution technique, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Journal of Computer Science and Cybernetics, V.34, N.1 (2018), 3–16
DOI 10.15625/1813-9663/34/1/12290
Faculty of Electrical-Electronics Engineering (FEEE), Ho Chi Minh City University of
Technology, VNU-HCM, Viet Nam;
Abstract. This paper investigates a Distributed Generators (DG) connected to distribution net-
works offering multiple benefits for grids and environments in the case of renewable sources used.
Nevertheless, this task requires an appropriate planning and control strategy, if not several drawbacks
can issue, including voltage rise problems and increased power losses. To overcome such disadvanta-
ges, this paper proposes a coordinated voltage control CVC method for distribution networks with
multiple distributed generators. This new method is based on a differential evolution DE approach
to obtain the optimal setting points for each control component. Furthermore this proposed method
considers both of time-varying load demand and production, leading to not only an improvement in
the voltage profile but also to optimally minimizing the active power loss.
Keywords. Optimal Coordinated Voltage Control (CVC), Distributed Generators (DG), Differen-
tial Evolution DE algorithm, active power loss minimization, On Load Tap Changing OLTC.
Nowadays, distributed generation (DG) has become an important alternative to com-
pensate for the increase of energy demand. DGs, such as solar and wind, are generally
more environmentally friendly. Furthermore, by installing DGs close to consumer centres,
the need to build new traditional generation plants (hydro-electric, thermal, nuclear) and
new transmission lines can be reduced. Renewable distributed generators (DG) connected
to grids offer multiple advantages, including active power loss reduction and voltage profile
improvement, along with environmental benefits.
Generally, by limiting the amount of power injected into the grid, voltage rise and energy
quality degradation may cause a reverse power flow (Heslop et al., 2014) [1]. In order to
overcome the negative impacts of high active DG used, and to avoid power curtailment, va-
rious voltage control schemes involving DG production have been proposed. Mostly, voltage
regulation in the presence of DG can be classified into two categories: Local control and
Coordinated control, (Dragicevic et al., 2015) [2]. O’Gorman et al., 2008 [3] proposed an
autonomous DG voltage control method. Distributed generators DG are also capable of
intervening in the quality control process, as analyzed by Illindala et al., 2013 [4]. Dai et al.,
2004 [5] and Kim et al., 2015 [6] investigated how DG phase inverter equipment can be app-
lied to regulate active and reactive powers injected into the grid. Then DG can thus be used
as a static VAR element. In such methods, control components, such as OLTCs, SVRs and
c© 2018 Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology
SCs, act individually and locally. Such approaches above usually interfere along with control
equipment issuing excessive operations and although they solve most problems related to DG
connection and management, the results in term of power line losses and varied voltage levels
could be improved. With coordinated voltage control (CVC), DG control capabilities are
coordinated between traditional control elements and DG power interfaces, as to maintain
an optimal voltage profile and to minimize power losses. CVC for grids takes benefit of the
control methods applied for transmission networks [7]. Several CVC approaches have been
presented in the literature. In (Muttaqi et al., 2015) [8] and (Pachanapan et al., 2012) [9],
the control zone and priority concept were introduced, as to ensure the control elements do
not interfere with one another.
The use of evolutionary algorithms and meta-heuristic computation techniques has been
proposed to optimally set each element involved in the control of the grids, including DG
units. Thus, fuzzy logic is used to control the power factor of multiple synchronous genera-
tors [10] and is combined with CVC in (Ochoa et al., 2010) [11]. An optimization method for
CVC and reactive power control with and without DG is presented by Viawan et al., 2008
[12]. A CVC method using intermittent PV generation is proposed by Paaso, 2014 [13]. In
Daratha et al., 2015 [14], a centralized voltage control optimization problem is solved using
robust optimization technique. However, when dealing with more control elements and grids,
including distributed and unbalanced loads, it is preferred to address the network control
via a multi-objective problem. Recently evolutionary algorithms are increasingly applied to
solve such problems. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in Sarmin et al. (2013) [15], Vla-
chogiannis et al. [16], Kim et al., 2015 [17], and Genetic Algorithm (GA) in Duong [18] have
been applied. These works focus on various objectives, such as power loss reduction, voltage
variation minimization, and so on. In Devaraj et al. [19], a GA technique is improved to
solve the reactive power dispatch problem in a distribution network. Another modification of
the GA is applied in Jeyadevi et al. [20] to solve a multi-objective problem and minimize the
power losses in a DG system. Further, in Khatua et al., 2015 [21], the GA is combined with
the Voltage-Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow technique to solve a multi-objective
problem, where wind generation is used to improve the voltage stability. Furthermore, other
evolutionary algorithms, such as the Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) presented in
(2016) [22], are successfully applied to solve the optimization problem of control elements
and DG integration. Hybrid algorithms combining Fuzzy and GA (FGA), (2016) [23], is used
to enhance optimization results. Related to the task of objective function implementation,
various methods were proposed by Viawan et al. [24], Daratha et al., 2015 [25], Kulmala et
al., 2014 [26], in which the objective function is configured to optimally minimize the active
power losses and DG generation curtailment. Although, these works successfully address the
CVC problem in unbalanced networks, they fall short when it comes to using more real sce-
narios, such as time-varying load demand and DG production. Moreover, they do not include
objectives such as capacitor switching and OLTC operation reduction in the optimization
Based on results above-mentioned, this paper proposes an optimal coordinated voltage
control CVC method to optimally minimize the power loss and voltage profile improvement
in the presence of renewable DG. The proposed objective function optimally minimizes the
active power losses, capacitor switching operations, and OLTC operation frequency, and
optimally maximizes the DG power outputs. The results from the optimization process re-
present the optimal operation settings for DG units (active power and power factor), OLTCs
and Shunt Capacitors (SC) operations for a 24-hour period. Furthermore, a differential evo-
lution DE technique conducts the optimization calculation. It also includes a power factor
control for the DG. The validity of the proposed method is proven using a load curve and a
DG production curve for the photovoltaic PV distributed power plant, over an unbalanced
distribution test network.
Then the main contributions presented in this paper include as follows:
• It provides a coordinated voltage control (CVC) method to fix all the optimal control
settings for every control interface in the distribution network.
• It also provides an objective function that simplifies the method and reduces the com-
plexity of the algorithm, including the number of Tap OLTC operations and capacitor
switching (CS) as penalties.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: The methodology is proposed in Section 2.
In Section 3, different case studies are investigated. In Section 4, the simulation bench-mark
test system and results using the new proposed DE-based CVC control application compared
of a local Volt/Var control method are presented. Finally the conclusions are presented in
Section 5.
The purpose of voltage and reactive power control in a grid is principally to compensate
for voltage drop along the feeders, and to reduce power losses. In a normal power system
network with no DG connections at their feeders, feeder capacitors can compensate for the
reactive power consumption and then boost the voltage level when it drops under imposed
limits 0.03p.u. The OLTCs change their taps to restore the voltage level to the proper
limits, (Vlachogiannis and stergaard, 2009) [27], based on voltage drop estimation from local
measurements. When power injected to the network by DGs is greater than the power
needed in the connection bus loads, this power goes to the substation, interfering with the
configuration of control elements, and provokes excessive critical operations, which degrades
the life expectancy and increases maintenance costs (Kim et al., 2015) [28]. In this paper,
when a DG PV plant is connected to an end feeder, it can be supposed that the power
interface is capable of controlling the reactive power QDG injection/absorption. In the case
of voltage drop at the end of the feeder, DG can react faster than feeder capacitors in reactive
power compensation. The DG interfaces cause DG units to act as a real and fast voltage
and reactive control components in the distribution networks.
2.1. Optimization methodology
The coordinated voltage control CVC problem is formulated here as a nonlinear optimi-
zation problem of the form
minF (x, u) (1)
subjecting to
g(x, u) = 0, (2)
h(x, u) ≤ 0, (3)
where F represents the objective function for the problem, x and u represent the dependent
and independent variables respectively.
x = [V1, ..., Vn, P
Loss, ..., P
Loss] (4)
u = [PDG1, ..., PDG1, QDG1, ..., QDGn, Tap
step, Cap
s ] (5)
with PLLoss denotes the power loss at line L, Tap
step represents the tap position of the OLTC
regulator for the m units installed on the network, and Capns , represents the capacitor state
S: on/off of the n units present in the circuit. The objective function that defines the
problem needs to include the following objectives: The first objective f1 is to reduce the
active power losses defined in (6). In order to maintain the voltage between the maximum
and minimum boundaries the quadratic penalty function (QPF) (VLi − V lim)2 is applied
and considered in (8) as the 3rd objective f3, via investigating all the line voltages and upper
and lower voltage limits (0.97 & 1.03 p.u.). Voltage has to be as close as possible to the
rated voltage (1 p.u.), and then function (Vref − Vi)2 is used. This function is often called
cumulative voltage deviation factor (CVD) and is considered in (7) as the 2nd objective f2.
The mixed integer non-linear problem in (Kim et al., 2015), presents an objective function
to limit the excessive taps and capacitor switching operations.
In this paper the same factors are included with the following modifications proposed:
To reduce the number of tap operation, a penalty |Taph1 − Taph|, considered in (9) as the
4th objective f4, is imposed directly in the equation considering the last tap position h-1
instead of the next h+1 as stated in (Kim et al., 2015). Similarly the same type of penalty is
imposed to the shunt capacitor switching |Ch1 −Ch|, considered in (10) as the 5th objective
f5. So on, the factor PDG is included to increase the active power injection from the DG
PV distributed generators and is considered in (11) as the 6th objective f6
f1 =
PLi , (6)
f2 = CV D =
(Vref − Vi)2/k, (7)
f3 = QPF =
(Vi − Vmin)2; Vi ≤ Vmin
0; Vmin < Vi < Vmax
(Vi − Vmax)2; Vi ≥ Vmax,
f4 = |Taph−1 − Taph| , (9)
f5 = |Ch−1 − Ch| , (10)
f6 = PDG. (11)
Then, the objective function is defined as,
F = min{C1f1t + C2f2t + C3f3t + C4f4t + C5f5t − C6f6t}, ∀t ∈ T. (12)
The objective function (12) is then needed to satisfy the following constraints:
• PLoss : Circuit active power loss,
• Vref : Reference node voltage 1 p.u,
• Vn : Voltage at node nth,
• V nmin : Minimum voltage limit,
• V nmax : Maximum voltage limit,
• PDG, QDG : Active and Reactive power output of DGi,
• PFDGi : Denotes the power factor of DGi,
• PminDG : Minimum limit for active power curtailment,
• PmaxDG : Maximum limit for active power curtailment,
• QminDG : Minimum limit for reactive power injection,
• QmaxDG : Maximum limit for reactive power injection,
• PFmaxDG : DGs Power factor maximum limit,
• PFminDG : DGs Power factor minimum limit,
• Taph : OLTC tap position at time h.
Furthermore, Taph−1−c and Taph1+c represent a constraint that limits the tap changes
during each hour. This constraint is included in the proposed algorithm. The number of
tap movements is limited to C from the last set position. The objective of this restriction
is to avoid having the OLTC play the principal role in the control operations. The value
of the constant c determines the amount of control priority that the OLTC will have. By
restricting the OLTC, the DG equipment and other control devices are required to actively
participate in the voltage control actions.
By modifying the weights of each factor in objective function (12), an equilibrium state
between losses minimization, voltage profile stability, and OLTC operations is to be eventu-
ally achieved. Then the proposed method solves the problem by optimally minimizing the
objective function (12), with respect to the constraints (13) to (16), hence, attaining a set of
optimal settings for the OLTC operation, active power and reactive power configurations for
DGs, within a 24-hour planning horizon. These optimal settings will reduce the active power
losses in the network, meanwhile maintaining an optimal voltage profile in all the network
nodes. Fig 1 presents the flow chart for the proposed DE-based CVC approach.
3.1. DE technique implementation
To solve the optimization problem presented here, a DE optimization has been used.
The DE technique is capable of solving multivariable nonlinear problems, obtaining the
best global optimum solution. An initial population initializes the DE, and the objective
function is evaluated for each solution (population). The algorithm continuously improves
the population through crossover, mutation, and evaluation processes. When the DE reaches
Figure 1. Flow chart of proposed DE-based CVC algorithm
the eventual criteria, it presents the optimal solution. In the proposed algorithm used in
this work, the initial population is entered in integer format in order to reduce computation
complexity. Due to the large number of variables (tap steps, power factor, active power,
power factor and capacitor state), the initial population size is set to 60 individuals in order
to increase the possibility of finding the optimal solution.
3.2. Simulation test system
The distribution system used to test the proposed method is the IEEE 13-Node Test
Feeder. It is an unbalanced DG system with its specifications can be found in (Kersting,
1991). Solar PV was selected as the renewable generator source for testing the novel control
approach. Two PV-based DGs are connected to the buses (680 and 671, respectively). In
this paper, it is assumed that the power interface of the PV DG is able to dynamically inject
or absorb the reactive power and to vary the amount of active power injection. In order
to thoroughly verify the capabilities of the proposed method, a maximum power capacity
of 1500 KW for each PV DG power unit is selected, which, in combination, represents the
88% of power penetration for the tested network. Both DG units vary according to the
generation pattern shown in Fig. 2. The load demand profile for every load in the network
is also presented in this Fig. 2 too. A novel algorithm to test the proposed method was
Figure 2. Daily system load and DG power production profiles
edited in MATLAB. This algorithm allows the execution of the DE, and interaction with the
OpenDSS COM interface, (see EPRI, 2015). With each DE iteration, the OpenDSS software
performs a power flow, for calculating the total circuit losses, voltage profile levels in each
node, and the value of the objective function (12). The value of the objective function is then
sent back to MATLAB to be processed with the DE technique. The solution presented for
the DE is a vector containing the optimal settings for the OLTC taps position, the active and
reactive power levels for the PV generators, and the on and off switching for the distribution
Furthermore the weights for the objective function (12) are optimally established through
differential evolution DE optimization technique. The results show that C1 is set as 0.2,
C2 = 0.2, C3 = 0.1, C4 = 0.2, C5 = 0.2, and C6 = 0.1. Similarly, the constant c for the
OLTC movement constraint is set to the value of ±4.
Simulation results are obtained with MATLAB and OpenDSS in a co-simulation envi-
ronment. The results from the proposed DE-based CVC method are verified with the IEEE
13-Node test Feeders bench-mark as follows.
In this bench-mark test, the IEEE 13-Node test Feeders is used with two PV generators
connected to the distribution network, injecting 3000KW. Figure 3 shows the diagram of the
IEEE 13-Node test Feeders and the two PV DG connections with following important notes,
• The PV DG generators are connected to the distribution system without any control
interface. The OLTC tap changing and capacitor switching are controlled locally.
• The electronic interface of each PV generator had a Volt/Var control capability. Me-
anwhile OLTC and capacitor switching is locally controlled. Volt/VAr control is im-
plemented directly in the OpenDSS script interface, with control settings based on the
work reported in, (Kim et al., 2015).
Figure 3. Diagram of the IEEE 13 Node test Feeders and the two PV DG connections
4.1. Impact on total circuit power losses by applying the proposed CVC method
Connecting the two PV DG systems to bus 680 and bus 671 had a direct impact on the
power losses. The total capacity of the generators is chosen to keep the same total power
losses the network experienced before the DG connections. Nevertheless, the purpose here
is to let the proposed CVC method perform an optimal minimization of active power losses,
as compared to the two benchmarks presented earlier. Fig. 4 shows the network losses for
the 13-node test system. The simulation uses the 24-hour load demand and DG patterns
installed in Fig. 2.
Fig. 4 illustrates the total circuit Losses resulting through three cases:
1) The 1st Case relates to no control case.
2) The 2nd Case relates to use local control and Volt/Var control.
3) The 3rd Case applies the proposed DE-based CVC control approach.
It is obvious to see that, in case with the proposed DE-based CVC method, active power
losses present the best results. This coordination permits the dynamic variation of the
power injected from the PV-based DG generator according to the load variation. The OLTC
planning is determined by the CVC, avoiding the use of the voltage estimator, which could
be interfered for the reversed power from the distributed generators.
4.2. Impact of applying the proposed CVC method on the voltage regulation
Distributed generators connected to a distribution system could cause voltage rises at the
connected buses. This phenomenon is incremented when the load profile is much lower than
the DG power production at those buses. In Fig. 5, the voltage profile level at the bus 681
is shown. This voltage profile allows us to observe the impact of proposed CVC method on
voltage variation. The voltage in all the network buses is maintained between the maximum
and minimum boundaries (0.03 p.u.) by applying the optimal settings to the voltage control
devices. Moreover, a comparison is made with no control and local control, respectively. As
to confirm the advantage of CVC over other techniques in voltage regulation, Table 1 shows
the cumulative voltage deviation (CVD) at bus 681, calculated using function (7), for each
control technique, as well as the active power and reactive power losses for each scenario.
This data is obtained for 24 hours, and the results show that the proposed DE-based CVC
method presents the best behaviour in all the scenarios.
Figure 4. Daily network losses with CVC application and the two comparison scenarios
Table 1. Cumulative voltage deviation (CVD) and Power Losses for the different control
without DG
DG with no
DG Volt/Var
local control
Active Losses [MW] 1.21 0.692 0.743 0.619
Reactive Losses [MW] 3.51 1.83 1.98 1.63
CVD factor 1.3337 1.2267 1.1071 1.0663
4.3. Impact on the OLTC and capacitor operations by applying the proposed
CVC method
The proposed coordinated voltage CVC control includes an expression |Taph1Taph| in
the objective function, which limits the number of actions the OLTC performs along with
each control iteration. This expression is included in order to balance the control actions
of each element. Fig. 6 shows the result of the OLTC operations in each scenario. It is
easy to see that the tap changes realized with the proposed CVC method do not increase
Figure 5. Daily voltage profile comparison at bus 680, from phase A - with the proposed DE-based
CVC method and the two comparative scenarios
Figure 6. Result of OLTC tap movements for 24 hours, with proposed CVC and the two comparative
Furthermore, in this particular case study, capacitor switching does not present major
state variations during the 24-hour planning period covered. The algorithm determines that
both system capacitors are maintained in the ON position for each hour as shown in Fig.7.
Figure 7. Capacitors status for 24 hours with proposed CVC
In this paper, a newly proposed coordinated voltage control CVC method for distribution
networks with multiple DG connections has been presented. The proposed CVC method is
designed to obtain the optimal settings for the control devices from an optimization problem.
The designed algorithm used a DE technique in co-simulation with OpenDSS software. The
results show a satisfactory voltage control and loss reduction, demonstrating the effectiveness
of the proposed method. The use of the time-varying load profile and DG generation patterns
shows that the proposed algorithm can be used in real implementations, helping to increase
reliability and DG integration in distribution networks.
This research is fully funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology
Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 107.01-2018.10.
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Received on April 18, 2018
Revised on June 29, 2018
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