Numerical simulation on morphological process for truan an coastal area
• In the coastal zone under consideration, the depth of the sea bed gradually and
regularly change in the area far from the shore in the north east with the maximum
depth of 100 m. In the near shore area in the south west the depth changes regularly
and very quickly, it shows that the bed slope is large along the shore from Hoa Duan
to Tu Hien. This is also a reason why sediment transport rate is quite large in this
• The flow velocities for three cases are small. Moreover the difference of water
level is also quite small (about 0.3m), therefore the sediment particles in normal
120condition of nature are unable to be carried further. Consequently, the sediment
transport is only a local event.
• The coastal zone in the north west over Hoa Duan is affected clearly by sediment
transport. The evaluation of average sediment quantity shows that this area often
suffers deposition. Although it is not much, but the flow in the normal condition
has the ability to cause the natural deposition. This is a part to explain the reason
why the estuaries were filled with sediment after opening due to a flood.
• However, the above comments could be true in the cases without a harsh
weather and the wind field is only steady and constant. Further evaluation and
prediction require more data on current, wave and sediment that are not available
in Vietnam.
This publication is completed with financial support from the Council for Natural
Sciences of Vietnam.
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Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, NCST of Vietnam Vol. 23, 2001, No4 (193 - 204)
Institute of Mechanics 264 Doi Can, Hanoi, Vietnam
ABSTRACT. The 2DH model is developed and applied to evaluate sediment transport
and bed level change in the coastal zone in central Vietnam. The model took the influences
of waves and wind into account . Three different options for the flows with or without wind
and two wave regimes are calculated. The computed results for flows are calibrated on the
base of data measured in Thuan An station in April 1999. The final results from sediment
transport model showed that the near shore area from Thuan An to Tu Hien are strongly
affected by sediment transport process and the natural flow could change the morphological
bed for very long time.
1. Introduction
Vietnam is a country with the coast length of more than 3200 km and usually
affected by erratic changes of the weather. Hence, the study on the natural mobility
law is really necessary. Owing to the features on bathymetry and shoreline, under
the action of current and wave a great quantity of sediment appears in the estuaries
and coastal areas. A part of it will settle onto the sea bed and the other will be
carried away by current and assymetric waves. Many complicated physical processes
occur at this stage between suspended sediment and sea bed. The experimental
results by Dang Huu C. and Grasmeijer; Grasmeijer, B.T., Dang Huu C., Van Rijn
L.C. showed that transport rate due to wave is a considerable part in the total
transport rate . Especially, in the case of a storm this is the most important factor
for erosion and deposition. Moreover, owing to the action of current and waves the
bedload transport also takes a significant part and it is evaluated by mathematical
formulae. Sediment transport will affect kinematic regime of flows and it could
cause serious and long lasting problems to the economical life of people, such as the
floods that happened in 1998 and 1999 in central Vietnam from Thuan An to Tu
Hien estuaries . This area with the coast of 43 km length was damaged seriously and
some more estuaries were opened. The environment was changed and many people
had to move to other places for residence. Furthermore, the absorption of chemical
toxicants and dirty substances in the mixture will pollut the environment and marine
ecology system. This paper presents the results on evaluation and prediction for the
ability of sediment transport and morphological bed on the basis of the developed
software. At the same time, these results are also considered as a scientific base to
propose technical solutions to contribute a part into the protection of Vietnam coast
in the future.
2. Mathematical basis for the process of morphological bed
2.1 Flow model
The mathematical equations describing the tidal flow are 2DH Saint-Venant
equations, in which the eddy diffusion and wind induced stress components are
taken into account,
az a( ud) a ( vd)
at +~ +---ay = o, (2 .1)
au au OU az (a2u a2u) Ju2 + v2 Twx
ax+ u ax + v ay = - g ax+ Dv + D ax2 + ay2 - gu C2d + pd '
(2 .2)
av av av az (a2v a 2v) Ju2 + V 2 Twy
- + u - + v- = - g- - Du + D - + - - gv + -
at ax ay ay ax2 ay2 C 2d pd '
where x, y are Cartesian coordinates along and perpendicular to the shore, respec-
tively, the posit ive y is directed offshore; u , v - velocity components in x and y ; z -
water level on chart datum; g - accelerat ion due to grativity; C - Chezy coefficient ;
d - water depth; n - Coriolis coefficient ; D - eddy viscosity; t - time; Twx1 Twy - wind
stresses in x and y, respectively and p - water density.
2.2. Sediment transport model
The sediment transport model includes suspended sediment and bedload trans-
port with the consideration of the exchange between suspension and the bed through
the source-sink term, The suspended sediment transport is described by the diffusion
a(dc) + a(udc) + a(vdc) = !._ (dEx ac) + !._ (dE ac) + S (2.4)
at ax By ax ax ay y ay
in which c is mass concent rat ion of suspended sediment ; Ex , Ey - diffusion coefficients
in x and y, respectively; S - source-sink term determined by the following formula
where (3 is a coefficient; Ws - settling velocity of particle; Cs - saturated concentration.
The values of these parameters are given. Besides, the boundary conditions for
suspended sediment concentration are also required.
So far t he instrument to measure bedload transport near bed is not available.
Therefore, an experimental formula based on instantaneous velocity is used to esti-
mate the bed load transport. There are many formulae for the bedload transport ,
however, the one was proposed by Van Rijn(WL- delft hydraulics, 1998) is used in
more general, namely
in which Qb is the instantaneous transport rate during the wave cycle (m3 /m/s), s
- relative density of sediment, g - acceleration due to gravity (m/s2), D50 - median
grain size of sediment (m), m, n - coefficients, ()' - instantaneous dimensionless bed
shear stress and ()~r - critical dimensionless bed shear stress known as the Shields
The total sediment transport rate is defined as the sum of suspended sediment
and bedload transports:
Qttx = Qsx + Qbx
Qtty = Qsy + Qby
Qsx = j u(x, y, z, t)cdz; Qsy = j v(x, y, z, t)cdz;
Za Za
(2 .7)
in which Za is a reference level; Qttx, Quy - the total transport rates in x and y,
2.3 The equation governing morphological bed
The process describing the bed level change with the exchange between sus-
pended and bedload sediment taken into account is as follows
azb __ 1_ (aqttx + aqtty) = S
at 1- p ax ay '
where p is the porisity, Z& - bed level with respect to horizontal datum and positive
direction is downward
3. Bathymetry and features of the coastal area from Thuan An to Tu
The coastal area under consideration is divided into 228 x 172 cells with regular
mesh of grid sizes 500 m (see Fig. 1). The bathymetry data is given from the map
with the ratio of 1/50000 and is interpolated on the base of the inverse square
distance method. The computed area is 120 km long and expanded to 80 km far
from the shore so that it can avoid the influence of the boundary on the computed
results. The contours of bed level show that the lowest bed level of the area is about
100 m deep. The contours are distributed regularly and thickly in the area near
shore. It means that the bed slope in this area is quite large, while the bed slope
is small in the area far from the shore and this is one of the reasons why sediment
transport ability in near shore area is more significant in comparison with the other
areas as knew from the computed results.
-40000 e
-50000 .<: ..
"' e
-90000 0 50000 100000
l ___ --·--- Longshore direction(m)
Fig. 1. The bathymetry of the coastal area from Thuan An to Tu Hien
4. Evaluations of tidal flow field
The finite difference method based on ADI scheme (D.H.Chung and Bill Roberts)
with staggered grid were used for Saint-Venant equations (2.1)-(2.3) . The fl.ow model
has been calibrated by using the measured data at Thuan An station in April 1999.
The comparison between computation and measurement is presented in Fig. 2 and
showed quite good suitability. After calibartion for some necessary parameters, the
computation is implemented for three different typical options: no wind, south-
west wind (10m/s) and north-east wind (14m/s) on the base of boundary condition
data of September 2000 from another model. The computed results are presented
in the Fig. 3 for the cases mentioned above. It consists of water levels, velocity
intensities and flow velocity directions over 400 hours corresponding to the three
cases of consideration at the position '' x" as shown in Fig. 1. The contours of water
level and velocity field at t = 400 hours are presented in Fig. 4 for three different
cases: no wind (first line) , south west wind (second line) and north east wind(last
The Table 1 presents the computed results at this position for the three different
options to recognise the kinematic influence of wind on the tidal fl.ow.
Table 1. Influence of wind on tidal flows
No wind South West wind 10 m/ s North East wind 14 m/ s
WatAr Velocity Flow Water Velocity Flow Water Velocity Flow
level (m/ s) direction level (m/ s) direction level (m/s) direction
(m) (degree) (m) (degree) (m) (degree)
4. lOE-01 2.39E-01 2.63E+02 4.lOE-01 2.24E-01 2.63E+02 4.lOE-01 2.63E-01 2.63E+02
5.23E-01 2. 73E-01 2.60E+02 5.24E-01 2.61E-Ol 2.60E+02 5.23E-01 2.92E-01 2.61E+02
6.06E-01 2.84E-01 2.64E+02 6.07E-01 2.75E-Ol 2.64E+02 6.06E-01 3.0lE-01 2.64E+02
6.88E-01 2.62E-01 2.65E+02 6.89E-01 2.54E-01 2.65E+02 6:87E-01 2.75E-01 2.65E+02
7.08E-01 2.25E-01 2.67E+ 02 7.08E-01 2.18E-01 2.67E+02 7.07E-01 2.37E-01 2.66E+02
6. 76E-01 1.66E-01 2.77E+02 6.77E-01 1.60E-01 2.77E+02 6.75E-01 1.78E-01 2.76E+02
6.16E-01 8.82E-02 2.90E+02 6.16E-01 8.20E-02 2.92E+02 6.15E-01 l.OlE-01 2.86E+02
5.50E-01 3.79E-02 6.29E+OO 5.50E-01 4.03E-02 l.88E+ Ol 5.49E-01 3.67E-02 3.38E+02
4.63E-01 l.16E-01 6.74E+Ol 4.64E-01 l.26E-01 6.91E+Ol 4.62E-01 9.47E-02 6.46E+Ol
3.91E-01 2.00E-01 7.85E+Ol 3.92E-01 2.lOE-01 7.92E+Ol .90E-01 l.78E-01 7.81E+Ol
3.44E-01 2.44E-01 8.34E+Ol 3.45E-01 2.53E-01 8.42E+Ol .43E-01 2.23E-01 8.32E+Ol
3.19E-01 2. 71E-01 8.68E+Ol 3.19E-01 2.79E-01 8.77E+Ol .18E-01 2.51E-01 8.70E+Ol
3.45E-01 2. 78E-01 9.06E+Ol 3.45E-01 2.86E-01 9.12E+ Ol .44E-01 2.61E-01 9 . 14~+01
4.07E-01 2.73E-Ol 9.54E+Ol 4.08E-01 2.80E-01 9.55E+Ol .07E-01 2.58E-Ol 9.64E+Ol
From the computation the differences on water level and velocity intensities are
evaluated as follows
max {l zo - z1ol} ~ 0.002m,
max{ Vo - v10} ~ 0.02 ms-1,
max{ z0 - Z14} ~ 0.004 m
max{ v0 v14} ~ 0.04 ms-1
in which z0 , v0 is water level and velocity correspondin to the fl.ow of no wind at
the position under consideration, respectively.
,....._ 1.40
E 1.20 .__, ; .
v 1.00 . ..
> . , . \
, . ,
~ O.SO I ,-
..... 0.60 <l)
~ 0.40 ~ 0.20
12h 22h Sh 1Sh 4h 14h 24h 10h 20h 6h 16h
14-4 14-4 15-4 15-4 16-4 16-4 16-4 17 -4 17 -4 1 S-4 1 S-4
~ 0.60
'-' 0.50
·Si 0.40
~ 0.30
·; 0.20
"§ 0.10
v > 0.00
~ 400
~ 350
; 300
.g 250
u ~ 200
:a 150
>-G 100
..s 50
~ 0
Time (hours)
10h 20h 6h 16h 2h 12h 22h Sh 1Sh 4h 14h 24h
1S- 1S- 19- 19- 20- 20- 20- 21- 21- 22- 22- 22-
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Time (hours)
10h 20h 6h 16h 2h 12h 22h 8h 18h 4h 14h 24h
1S-4 1S-4 19-4 19-4 20-4 20-4 20-4 21-4 21-4 22-4 22-4 22-4
Time (hours)
- - - - - measur.
- - - - - - measur.
- - - - - - measur.
Fig. 2. Comparison between computation and measurementt at Thuan An station in Appri 1999
Water level (m) Water level(m)
0 0 0 0 0 Water level(m)
N :i. 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 CJ) ())
:i. 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N CJ) ())
:i. 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N CJ) ()) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
::J V>
0 0 0 ;:i. 0 c::: 0 :::r 0 ::;:- 0 z
---j CD ~ 0 0 ---j 3 "' 3 CD ---j ~ CD N ~ ~ 3 :;·
:;:: 0 ~ CD N CD N a. 0 ~o ~ :;:: 0 0 :;· i5 0 :; 0 c::: a. c::: a. 0
~ c:::
w w w 0 0 0 0 0 0
.j>. .j>.
0 0 0 0 0 0
Velocity intensity (mi s)
Velocity intensity Ve locity intensity 0 0 0 0 0
(m/s) 0 N w :i. (mis) 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 N w :i. 0 N w :i.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
---j ---j 3
3 CD N 3 :;:: 0
~ N ~ N 0 0 0 :::r 0 c::: :::r 0 0 0 ~ 0
c::: c::: w
-::!- ~ 0
.j>. .j>. .j>.
0 0 0
0 0 0
Flow velocity direction Flow velocity direction Flow velocity direction
(degree) (degree) (degree)
N w .j>. N w .j>. N w .j>.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
---j ---j ---j
3 3 3
~ N CD N ~ N 0 0 0 :::r 0 :::r 0 :::r 0 0 0 0
c::: c::: 5.
.j>. .j>.
0 0 0
0 0 0
Fig. 3. Computations for flow model for 3 different ca->es No wind, South-west and north-east winds
20 40 60 60
20 40 60 80
Along the
~·--~ -80~~~~ -~lms li
-90 --- - - --
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Along the longitude(km)
Along the longitude(km)
-- 1rn'S
-90 L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---
o 20 40 60 80 100 120
Along the longitude(km)
Fig. 4. Contours of water level and velocity field at t = 400 hours
corresponding to 3 case: no wind, south-west and north east winds
In regards to the flow direction, the big differences only occur for very short
time. In general, under considered conditions, the wind affects the kinematic factors
of flow, especially intensity of velocity and flow direction. However, the practice
experience shows that the action of wind only influences on the surface of flow and
at the deeper positions under water the impact is negligible.
5. Evaluation of sediment transport rate and bed level change
Sediment transport and morphological process are evaluated in the different con-
ditions for the flow as mentioned above together with the different wave regimes.
The equation describing the bed level change is solved with finite difference method
with second order Lax-Wendroff scheme, the most popular method for this equation
because of its approximation and stability.
Two different wave regimes were used here (see Table 2)
Table 2. Wave parameters
Wave Wave period Onshore Offshore Wave direction
amplitude amplitude to latitude
T(s) Uori(m/s) UoJJ(m/s) a (dgree)
W1 4 0.5 0.3 -45
W2 4 0.8 0.5 -45
Fig. 5 are the typical computed results at t = 400 hours corresponding to the
quite large values of flow velocity intensities as presented in Fig. 3. The Fig. 6
presents the general evaluation of the total sediment transport rates for 400 hours
at the position "x". From these results the following comments can be given:
• Sediment transport rate strongly dependti on intensities of flow and wave,
so it becomes nearly zero when water level reaches maximum or minimum values,
such as at t = 300 hours corresponding to different cases in Fig. 6. Therefore the
morphological process is also uncontinuou.s.
• Although sediment transport rate occurs everywhere in the area of consider-
ation, however the intensity is only concentrates along the near shore of the coast .
Consequently, bed level change only h3rpP,ens in near shore area from Thuan An to
Tu Hien, especially in Hoa Duan.
• Bed change level is about ±10 mm over 400 hours as presented in Fig. 5 in
the condition of wind and wave ch9-nging not very strongly. This is a short term
prediction, in which sudden change of weather is the main factor affects the sediment
transport rate and morphological process.
• As the bed level change only occurs along the near shore area, consequently
the ability of sediment transport at a typical position should be considered in more
detail. That is the position "x" shown in Fig. 1. Although the assumed conditions
for waves and wind are not quite large, but they can express the action of these
factors on sediment transport rate and bed level change. Fig. 6 presents sediment
trartsport rates at different time points. Sediment transport rate is equal to zero at
t = 300 hours corresponding to the time when the velocity intensity is very small. It
also shows that the transport rates in the case of wind are larger than the transport
rate in the case of no wind. and the ratio depends on time and the wind direction.
• In the case of no wind for waves W1 and W2, the natural flow in normal
condition also causes sediment transport and morphological change as shown in
Fig.5 (left and right first figures) . In general, the erosion and deposition are local
and alternative events. However , it can be seen that when the difference of orbital
velocity amplitudes i~arge (such as , wave H'2 ) then the erosion ability is dominant .
-50 E ,.
"' £
~ g> .70
- -50
E ,.
·~ -60
"' £
Map of erosion and deposition over 400 hours
v : deposition 1-10 mm
+ : deposition < 1 mm
o : erosion < 1 mm
x : erosion 1: 10 mm
20 40 60 80
Along the longitude(km)
Map of erosion and deposrtion over 400 hours
v · deposrtion 1-10 mm
+ · deposition < 1 mm
o . erosion < 1 mm
x : erosion 1-10 mm
40 60 80
Along the longitude(km)
Al -50
th -60
tu -70
120 0
Map of erosion and deposition over 400
v : deposition 1-1 o
+ : deposition < 1
o : erosion < 1
x : erosion 1-10
20 40 60 80 100
Along the
Map of erosion and deposition over 400 hours
20 40 60 80 100
Along the long1tude(km l
Map of erosion and deposition over 400 hours
v deposition 1-10 mm
+ deposition < 1 mm
o erosion < 1 mm
x erosion 1-10 mm
Map of erosion and depos1t1on over 400 hours
-1 0
E' -so _ -30
§ -60
~ -40
0 20 40 60 80
Along the long itude(km)
g' _50
0 20 40 60 80 100
Along the long1tude(km1
Fig. 5. Position of erossiou and deposition for 3 cases with 2 different waves
Left : wave Wl, Right: wave W2
15 0.006
~ - 0.005
'- Cf)
~ ~ 0.004
<I) Ol
E ::=, 0.003
al -ro
Cf) '- 0.002
f- 0.001
100 200 300 400
Time (hours)
Fig. 6. Total sediment transport rates versus time at the position X
I ·· · lw1-0
mm w2-0
i::=:::;J w 1 -10
-*- w2-14
6. Discussion and conclusions
• In the coastal zone under consideration , the depth of the sea bed gradually and
regularly change in the area far from the shore in the north east with the maximum
depth of 100 m. In the near shore area in the south west the depth changes regularly
and very quickly, it shows that the bed slope is large along the shore from Hoa Duan
to Tu Hien. This is also a reason why sediment transport rate is quite large in this
• The flow velocities for three cases are small. Moreover the difference of water
level is also quite small (about 0.3m), therefore the sediment particles in normal
condition of nature are unable to be carried further. Consequently, the sediment
transport is only a local event.
• The coastal zone in the north west over Hoa Duan is affected clearly by sediment
transport. The evaluation of average sediment quantity shows that this area often
suffers deposition. Although it is not much, but the flow in the normal condition
has the ability to cause the natural deposition. This is a part to explain the reason
why the estuaries were filled with sediment after opening due to a flood.
• However, the above comments could be true in the cases without a harsh
weather and the wind field is only steady and constant . Further evaluation and
prediction require more data on current, wave and sediment that are not available
in Vietnam.
This publication is completed with financial support from the Council for Natural
Sciences of Vietnam.
1. Dang Huu Chung. Experimental results on sand transport under waves in large-
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3. Dang Huu Chung, B.T. Grasmeijer and Leo C Van Rijn , 1999. Wave-related
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neering Conference, Sydney 2000 , pp. 2836-2849.
4. Dang Huu Chung and Grasmeijer, 1999. Analysis of sand transport under regular
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5. 5. B.T.Grasmeijer, Dang Huu Chung and Leo C. Van Rijn, 1999. Depth-
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Vol.1, pp.325- 340
6. Dang Huu Chung and Bill Roberts , 1997. Mathematical modelling of siltation
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Received June 25, 2001
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