A flow chart at Figure 4 shows the algorithm used for evaluation of the optimal
choice of machines and OT hours for each work order in the wake of given wait time for
each machine and production time required for each machining operation given in the
work orders. It may be noted that in the given problem the author has not considered the
option of changing the sequence of work orders received in the machine shop. This is in
line with the practical scenario in the machine shop, where the work orders may be
received in a staggered manner and where the machines available for undertaking
machining are in larger numbers. However, inclusion of the option of being able to
change the sequence of work orders may not be such a difficult proposition, only that the
chromosomes would then have a fourth dimension and the GA would need a larger
population to handle the problem.
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Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
Volume 20 (2010), Number 2, 197-212
Commander ANIL RANA
Indian Navy
Indian Institute of Technology, Powaii
Received: April 2009 / Accepted: May 2010
Abstract: This paper presents an application of a two level mixed optimization method
on a machine scheduling problem of a government owned machine shop. Where
evolutionary algorithm methods are suitable for solving complex, discrete space, and
non-linear, discontinuous optimization problems; classical direct-search optimization
methods are suitable and efficient in handling simple unimodal problems requiring less
computation. Both methods are used at two levels, the first level decides which machines
to be used for the machining operations and how much overtime (at extra cost) to be
allotted to each work order, the second level decides for which operation and on which
day the overtime should be allotted so as to attain its maximum benefit. A sample
problem has been solved by using the above methods and a range of non-dominated
solutions have been presented in a tabular form to enable the production manager to
choose his options based on the given criticality of the work order.
Keywords: Multi-objective optimization, Genetic algorithm.
AMS Subject Classification: 90C29, 90C59
198 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
Government owned (Public sector) machine shops are inherently inefficient. In
such a machine shop it was observed by the author that a “component” (work piece) to be
machined is to be shifted between different types of machines (viz. lathe, shaper, milling
machine etc) for performing different operations on it. Furthermore, because of worker
union compulsions, no work is performed for more than 08 hours per day and there was
no arrangement for workers to work in shifts. In case a work order is critical and is to be
finished in the earliest possible time, workers are to be allowed to work on overtime (OT)
beyond the normal 08 working hours per day. This overtime comes at a cost which is at
double the rate that is admissible to the rate for normal (08 hours) working time. A
manager appointed to such an in-efficient production shop set up has very little choice,
but to play within the given set of rules. However, even the above mentioned set up has a
scope for implementation of optimization techniques.
Understanding the Problem
The paper presents a solution of a practical problem faced in a Government
owned machine shop. But before we go on to solve the problem; a basic understanding is
required about the terminologies used in a production workshop.
A ‘machining operation’ is the kind of work carried out on a piece of raw
material by a particular machine. Different machines are meant for carrying out different
types of machining operations. For example, turning is carried out on a lathe machine,
slotting can be carried out on a milling machine and so on. To manufacture a finished
product, various types of machining operations may be required to be carried out on the
raw material.
A ‘work order’ or a ‘job’ is described as a group of instructions given in a sheet
of paper that gives details of machining operations required to be carried out sequentially
on a raw piece of metal. The instructions give the dimensional details such as sizes,
machining tolerances, surface finish etc to be achieved on the work piece.
A ‘work piece’ is a piece of raw material (metals like steel, brass, etc) of
required dimensions which is issued to the worker along with the work order. Various
machining operations are carried out on this work piece according to the instructions
given in the work order.
Refer to table 2 that shows a problem, the table giving types of Operations and
Time required for work orders and waiting time for machines. It shows a problem of
manufacture of three components. Let the manufacturing time for each machining
operation and the waiting time of machines be as shown in the problem table. For
example the first component requires “turning” (an operation carried out on lathe
machine) for 12 hours followed by grinding of 7 hours followed by milling operation of 1
hour and then again turning of 5 hours. The waiting time table shows that there are 20
lathes which are busy and have a waiting time shown in the row matrix as
[12,10,9,3,4,16,2,9,12,2,10,6,7,8,10,0,12,7,1,20] in hours. It may be noted that the 16th
199 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
lathe has 0 waiting time. Waiting times are also shown for other types of machines such
as grinders, milling machines etc.
Work orders are received by the manager for manufacture of certain metallic
work pieces using machines such as; Lathes, milling machines, boring machines,
grinding machines, shaping machines and drilling machines. Each work piece that needs
to be produced requires multiple operations in the above machines. For example, a shaft
for a rotary pump would need to be put through turning operation in a lathe machine, and
then it would be put through a milling machine for making of a keyway slot. Since there
a large number of machines and most of the machines are already busy manufacturing,
the manager has to optimally select the machines where he can get the particular work
piece machined as economically as possible. For example, the above-mentioned shaft for
rotary pump could be machined in Lathe number1 or 2 or 3 etc. and later put in milling
machine number 1 or 2 etc. If, for example, the work piece has been allotted lathe
machine number 3 and that particular machine is busy machining some other work piece
and not available for next 02 hours, then these two hours are spent by the given work
piece in waiting. This is termed as “waiting time”. The total time taken for a work piece
to be manufactured is termed as “make-span”. Obviously higher the waiting time of
machines, higher will be the make-span. The manager therefore strives to select such
machines which have minimum waiting time, however this situation is tricky because the
machining operations to be performed on the work piece are sequential and time used for
keeping track of all the machining operations are recorded on real time basis.
Furthermore, there are only 08 hours in a day for a government worker termed
as “normal working hours” and the rate of wages applicable during this time is termed
as “normal wage rate”. If the working hours for the workers are extended beyond the
normal working hours, the worker has to be paid wages at double the rate of normal wage
rate. The extended working hours (beyond the normal working hours) is termed as “OT”
or Overtime. OT is payable for full 08 hours termed as “one OT unit”, regardless of
whether the worker finishes the given job in one hour after normal working hours or two
or eight hours after normal working hours. Therefore, if a worker has to work for nine
hours continuously starting from 0800 hours on a day, he will work eight hours during
the normal time and one hour in overtime. However, if he has to work for sixteen hours
continuously starting from 0800 hours, he will end up working eight hours in normal
time and then continue working for next eight hours in overtime. The wages paid
however, in both the above cases will be same.
A term “OTA’ stands for Overtime allotted and “OTE” stands for over time
effective. For example, if the manager allots one unit OT (of 08 hours of overtime) to a
worker over and above the normal working hours and the worker finishes the work in 08
hours (normal) + 03 hours ( in overtime), the OTA is 08 hours(one OT unit) of overtime
but the OTE is only 03 hours. In short 05 hours of OT actually get wasted. It may be
noted that higher the overtime allotted for manufacture of a work piece, shorter is the
make-span, but then the cost of manufacture is also higher because of higher wage rate of
OT hours. Secondly, when the time required for manufacturing of a work piece extends
to say for four days, and the manager decides to allot 08 hours OT, he will have to decide
the day (and the machine)on which he should allot this OT so as to minimize the cost and
minimize the make-span for manufacturing of the work piece.
Hence to put it briefly, once the work orders are received for a group of work
pieces, the manager has to decide the following:
200 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
(a) Given the sequence of machining operations required for manufacture of the
work pieces (milling, drilling etc), the length of time required for each operation and the
existing waiting times on the machines, what is the most optimal selection of machines
that should be allotted for undertaking manufacture of the work pieces?
(b) How much overtime to be allotted to the worker for manufacturing of the
work pieces.
(c) On which day and for what machining operation should he allot the
The objectives for the manager are two folds: minimize make-span (which
includes the waiting time the work piece has to wait in queue) and minimize the cost of
production. The decision variables are: allocation of different machines for different
operations on each of the received work orders and to decide on number of overtime
(OT) hours to be allotted on each of the work order. Secondly, the overtime to be allotted
is to be decided to be allotted to a specific operation or day to achieve its maximum
It is evident from the statement of the problem that the search space for the
optimal selection of machines and OT hours is discrete and non-continuous requiring un-
coded real parameter decision variables (basically the serial numbers of machines and
number of OT units). The interactions between the variables are complex and non-linear
and the search space has many optimal solutions of which most are undesired local
optimal solutions. Since GAs work well in a discrete search space with little or no
auxiliary information except for the objective function values, use probabilistic rules to
guide their search and use, not one, but the whole population of solutions in each
iteration, they are the ideal candidate for solving the above given problem. [7 to 12]
Since the search space has discrete solutions of the order of (number of work
orders X number of operations) X Π(type of machines for operation)! (not considering
the allocation of overtime) evaluation of optimal set of machines and overtime is difficult
using the classical optimization techniques. For solving the problem at hand the author
has chosen a two level optimization technique. On the first level, an elitist GA (NSGA-
II)1 who works in a discrete and non-continuous search space requiring un-coded real
parameter decision variables decides on the optimal selection of machines and OT
hours. At the second level, for each solution given by the NSGA-II at first level, it
decides on which day and for what operation should the overtime be allotted. For the
second level a simple classical direct-search method has been employed. Notations used
in mathematical formulation of the problem are shown in Table 1. The problem statement
is shown in Figure 1 Certain important features unique to the subject problem are
discussed in the succeeding paragraphs.
(i) Variables since the variables in the problem are nothing but names (or say
numbers) of the machines, used purely for identification of these machines (lathe, milling
etc), real variables had to be used for modeling of the problem. The variables have been
used in the form of a two dimension array. The rows represent the different work orders
(for different work pieces) and the columns represent the time required for each operation
on the work piece. It may be noted that the last cell of each row represents the number of
201 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
OT hours allotted on each work order. This way the whole population of GA can be
represented in a form of a three dimensions array where the third dimension (the sheet
containing two dimension arrays each) represents the chromosomes of population.
(Please refer to Figure 2)
(ii) Crossover. (Figure 3) The cross over operator creates new solutions (called
children) by randomly selecting two elite solutions from the population (called parents).
The operator randomly selects three points within the chromosome of the selected
parents. The bits from either side of the selected points are then exchanged between the
parents to give rise to two children. With this method, the cross over operation helps in
searching the search space for better solutions. (Figure 3) shows the crossover operation
of the GA used in this problem. It may be noted that while changing the bits from the
chromosomes, only the bits between corresponding machines can be interchanged. For
example a gene (or a bit) for milling operation between parent A can be crossed over
with another gene of parent B only for the milling operation and not for drilling or
grinding operation The bit representing the OT hours in the chromosome are not crossed
(iii) Mutation. Mutation operator also helps in creating new solutions; however
there is one important difference. Here the bits are not interchanged between the parents,
rather a chromosome is randomly selected with a small probability and then a particular
bit of the selected chromosome is altered randomly. This operation helps in providing
diversity to the search and it also helps in avoiding traps of local optima. OT hours of
each work order number within a chromosome is mutated separately.
(iv) OT hours. Overtime hours are time for production over and above the eight
normal working hours per day. These have been admissible in terms of numbers (units)
where one unit is equal to eight hours. Wages for OT are paid out at double the rate of
normal working hours.
In view of the characteristics of OT admissibility for work orders, the software
program used has to cater for a separate function to evaluate the optimal day/machining
operation for allotting the OT. In the example if OT of one unit (eight hours) has been
allotted to a work order, then the OT can be allotted on the very first day of production or
the next day or the next day etc. However, the usefulness of the OT (how much
production work has been done in the eight hours of OT) on each day may be different.
For each work order, a separate method is required to evaluate the optimal days when the
allotted OT should be consumed. Since the objective function at this second level
(maximizing OT benefit) is discontinuous and requires comparatively small
computational effort, the same can be efficiently managed using a classical/traditional*
direct search method. A special algorithm has been used for deciding the usefulness of
the allotted overtime. The complex algorithm is not mentioned in the paper for the
purpose of brevity.
* *The term traditional and non-traditional optimisation methods was coined in the book by Dr
Kalyanmoy Deb called “Optimisation for Engineering Design” published by Prentice Hall of India
in 2005. Traditional direct search method here means a classical method. Non-traditional methods
refers to methods like GA, simulated annealing etc. Direct search methods are the ones that uses
only the function values to search for the minima. Examples of such methods are the Hook and
Jeeves method, Nelder and Mead’s method etc.
202 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
The following are constraints of the problem:
1. Overtime can be allotted in multiples of eight hours only.
2. The machining operations that are required to be carried out on a
component are sequential in nature and in that sense it has a precedence
OT time cannot be consumed waiting for a machine to be available. What
this means is that a production job might continue during the OT hours but
no production work should start during OT hours. This is followed in
practice to allow only the operator of the machine to work on OT, and to
see that OT hours are not wasted on persons in support roles needed only
for commencing a particular operation.
3. Maximum OT hours cannot exceed the total production time required for a
work order.
Table 1: Notations
Figure 1: Objectives of the Problem – To minimize “Total cost and Make-span”
Jn=1,2,JN–work order number index on = 1,2,3.N – operation number index
EMWTjn,on– effective machine waiting
time selected for jn,on
PTOjn,on – Production time required for work order “jn”, and
operation “on”
OTAjn,; OTEjn,x – Overtime allotted for
work order jn; OT effective allotted
during operation x for work order jn
MWTjn,on – Machine waiting time of the machine selected for
performing work order “jn”, and operation “on” .This is accounted
in real time and keeps record the time that will be spent in
preceding machining operations
Cn=cost per hour for normal working
MWT(i)jn,on – initial machine waiting time (at the start of receiving
the work order) for the machine selected for performing work order
“jn”, and operation “on”
Cot = cost per hour for overtime
working hours
Make-span – Time required for finishing all the received work
[ ]
[ ]
( )
( ) )4()(
⎡ +++
⎛ −⎥⎦
⎡ +−
⎡ −⎟⎟⎠
⎛ +
⎪⎨⎧ ++⎥⎦
⎡ −⎟⎠
⎛ +=
∑ ∑
203 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
A flow chart at Figure 4 shows the algorithm used for evaluation of the optimal
choice of machines and OT hours for each work order in the wake of given wait time for
each machine and production time required for each machining operation given in the
work orders. It may be noted that in the given problem the author has not considered the
option of changing the sequence of work orders received in the machine shop. This is in
line with the practical scenario in the machine shop, where the work orders may be
received in a staggered manner and where the machines available for undertaking
machining are in larger numbers. However, inclusion of the option of being able to
change the sequence of work orders may not be such a difficult proposition, only that the
chromosomes would then have a fourth dimension and the GA would need a larger
population to handle the problem.
Various combinations of work orders with different operation types and times
have been used to check the efficiency of GA in solving the above multi-objective
problem with very encouraging results. A sample problem has been shown in the
problem table (Table 2). Waiting time for various machines on shop floor with operation
types and times for each work order has been shown. The problem has been solved using
a NSGA-II method (with a modified cross over and optimal OT allocation technique)
written in MATLAB version 6, with population strength of 400, Cross over probability is
1.0 and mutation probability is 0.01. Solutions with objective values have been shown
from Figures 6 to 7 after Generations 5 and 80. A solution table at Table 3 indicates the
choice of machines and OT hours for eight non-dominating solutions. If wages for
normal and OT hours are Rs 30/hr and Rs 65/hr respectively, the maximum cost which
will see the earliest manufacture of the 03 work orders received in the machine shop will
be Rs 5050/- and all the three work orders will be completed within 4 days and 03 hours.
On the other extreme if no OT hours are to be used then the work orders will be
completed only after 6 days and 03 hours at an expense of Rs 3900/-. All the other non-
dominated solutions fall within these two extremes.
Choice of any other machines and OT hours other than that given in the solution
tables will delay the work orders and incur higher costs.
Understanding the solution
The solution is presented in a form of a table as given at Table 3. Refer to
solution 1 of the solution table. The solution table states that the optimal selection for
component number one would be to put on lathe number 19, (not on 16th lathe which has
0 wait time) then put on grinding machine number 7, then milling machine number 6 and
then at last, again to lathe machine number 1. This solution will give a make-span of 6
days (of eight hours normal time each) and 2 hours at a cost of Rupees 4180.00 for all
three components. The other 7 solutions are also presented in table 3.
204 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
[1] Kalyanmoy, D., Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolution Algorithms, John Wiley &
Sons Publications, England, 2001.
[2] Bierwirth, C., Kopfer, H., Mattfeld, D.C., and Rixen, I., “Genetic algorithm based scheduling
in a dynamic manufacturing environment”, In Proc. of 1995 IEEE Conferency on
Evolutionary Computation, Piscataway, NJ, 1995. IEEE Press.
[3] Farhani, R.Z., and Elahipanah, M., “A genetic algorithm to optimize the total cost and service
level for just it time distribution in a supply chain”, International Journal of Production
Economics, 111 (2008) 229-243.
[4] Sim, E., Jung, S., Kim, H., Park, J., “ A genetic network design for a closed loop supply chain
using genetic algorithm”, GECCO 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3103, 1214-
[5] Syarif, N., Yun, Y., Gen, M., “ Study on multi-stage logistic chain network: A spanning tree-
based genetic algorithm approach”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 43, 299-314.
[6] Zhou, G., Min, H., Gen, M., “The balanced allocation of customers to multiple distribution
centres in the supply chain network : A genetic algorithm approach”, Computers & Industrial
Engineering, 43, 251-261.
[7] Goldberg, D.E., Genetic Algorithm for Search, Optimisation and Machine Learning, Reading,
MA, Addison-Wesley, 1989.
[8] Gen, M., and Cheng, R., Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Design, New York, Wiley,
[9] Holland, J.,H., Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, MIT Press,
[10] Michalewicz, Z., Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs, Berlin,
Springer-Verlag, 1992.
[11] Mitchell, M., Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, Ann Arbor , Mi, MIT Press, 1996.
[12] Vose, M.D., Simple Genetic Algorithm: Foundation and Theory, Ann Arbor, MIT, MIT Press,
Figure 2: Chromosomes representing machines selected for production
205 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
Figure 3: Chromosomes representing machines selected for production. L9, M4, S5 etc
stands for Lathe machine number 9, Milling machine 4, and Shaping machine number 5
and so on
206 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
Figure 4: Flow Chart: Algorithm for evaluating optimal choice of machines and OT
hours for each work order
207 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
Table 2 : Problem tables giving types of Operations and Time required for work orders and waiting
time for machines
Work order Number-1
Turning Grinding Milling Turning -
12 hrs 7 hrs 01 hr 5 hrs
Work order Number-2
Turning Milling Boring Shaping Turning
8 hrs 10 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 12 hr
Work order Number-3
Turning Shaping Boring Turning Milling
9 hrs 5 hrs 10 hrs 9 hrs 3 hrs
Waiting time for machines in hrs (in sequence of serial number of machines)
For turning operation
Milling machines=[32,41,27,36,47,23]
Boring machines=[46,31,29,32]
Slotting machines=[32,51,40]
208 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
Figure 5: Solutions after 05 Generations in terms of Objective values
Figure 6: Depiction of Solutions after 80 Generations in terms of Objective values
209 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
Table 3: Solution tables with 08 solutions. Each solution shown as dots in Figure 6 are shown as
solution numbers in the table below
WORK ORDER NUMBER-1 Make -span Total cost
Machine Nos OT hours
6 days
and 2
Rs 4180/-
Lathe Grinder Milling
Lathe -
19 7 6 1 - 0
Machine Nos OT
hLathe Milling
Shaper Lathe
10 6 4 2 8 0
Machine Nos
Lathe Shaper Boring
Lathe Milling
9 3 3 7 5 1
WORK ORDER NUMBER-1 Make -span Total
Machine Nos OT hours
Lathe Grinder Milling machine Lathe -
16 7 6 2 - 0
Machine Nos OT hours
Lathe Milling machine Boring machine Shaper Lathe
19 6 4 2 4 1
Machine Nos
Lathe Shaper Boring machine Lathe
12 3 3 14 4 1
210 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
WORK ORDER NUMBER-1 Make -span Total cost
Machine Nos OT hours
4 days
and 6
Rs 4930/-
Lathe Grinder Milling
Lathe -
4 7 6 1 - 1
Machine Nos OT hours
Lathe Milling
Shaper Lathe
3 6 3 5 5 1
Machine Nos
Lathe Shaper Boring
Lathe Milling
18 3 3 7 2 2
WORK ORDER NUMBER-1 Make -span Total cost
Machine Nos OT hours
6 days
and 3
Rs 3900/-
Lathe Grinder Milling
Lathe -
19 7 6 7 - 0
Machine Nos OT hours
Lathe Milling
Shaper Lathe
10 6 4 2 6 0
Machine Nos
Lathe Shaper Boring
Lathe Milling
9 3 3 5 5 0
211 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
WORK ORDER NUMBER-1 Make -span Total cost
Machine Nos OT hours
4 days
and 3
Rs 5050/-
Lathe Grinder Milling
Lathe -
16 7 6 9 - 0
Machine Nos OT hours
Lathe Milling
Shaper Lathe
13 6 4 5 5 2
Machine Nos
Lathe Shaper Boring
Lathe Milling
18 3 3 13 3 2
WORK ORDER NUMBER-1 Make -span Total cost
Machine Nos OT hours
5 days
and 5
Rs 4370/-
Lathe Grinder Milling
Lathe -
5 7 6 1 - 1
Machine Nos OT hours
Lathe Milling
Shaper Lathe
10 6 3 5 1 0
Machine Nos
Lathe Shaper Boring
Lathe Milling
9 3 3 7 5 1
212 C., Anil Rana, A., Verma, A., Srividya / Optimisation of Production Machine
WORK ORDER NUMBER-1 Make -span Total cost
Machine Nos OT hours
6 days Rs 4250/-
Lathe Grinder Milling
Lathe -
5 7 6 1 - 1
Machine Nos OT hours
Lathe Milling
Shaper Lathe
13 6 3 5 5 1
Machine Nos
Lathe Shaper Boring
Lathe Milling
18 3 3 13 2 0
WORK ORDER NUMBER-1 Make -span Total cost
Machine Nos OT hours
5 days Rs 4530/-
Lathe Grinder Milling
Lathe -
5 7 6 1 - 1
Machine Nos OT hours
Lathe Milling
Shaper Lathe
13 6 3 5 5 1
Machine Nos
Lathe Shaper Boring
Lathe Milling
18 3 3 7 2 1
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