Trên cơ sở số liệu thăm dò cập nhật,
tiềm năng dầu khí lô 05-1a, bể Nam Côn Sơn được
đánh giá thông qua tiềm năng đá mẹ; sét, than tuổi
Oligocen, Miocen sớm – giữa, xác định tích tụ dầu
khí các đối tượng trong Miocen hạ; đánh giá quy mô
phân bố (bề dày, tích khối) của lát cắt tầng chứa
trong phạm vi nghiên cứu. Kết quả nghiên cứu địa
hóa, phân tích mẫu dầu, đá mẹ và mối tương quan đã
cho phép phân loại/ so sánh dầu tại sinh với dầu di
cư từ nơi khác. Xác lập quy trình mô hình hóa hệ
thống dầu khí từ đó xác định quá trình di cư, quy mô
của tích tụ dầu khí, cuối cùng đánh giá độ tin cậy của
kết quả. Trong khu vực nghiên cứu đá mẹ chủ yếu là
các tập sét H150 và H125 với TOC xấp xỉ 1 và tập
than H150 với TOC xấp xỉ 47. Tiềm năng sinh dầu
được xếp hạng từ trung bình đến tốt. Vào thời điểm
hiện tại, phần lớn đá mẹ rơi vào cửa sổ tạo dầu, phần
đáy đã đạt ngưỡng tạo khí. Dầu bắt đầu được hình
thành từ Miocene sớm, phóng thích trong Miocene
muộn. Khí bắt đầu được hình thành từ Đệ Tứ, và
đang bắt đầu phóng thích. Dầu di cư chủ yếu từ các
địa lũy ở rìa Tây và một phần từ phía Đông và Nam
lên khối nhô của mỏ Đại Hùng. Tại khu vực phía
Tây, khí cũng bắt đầu di cư từ Tây qua Đông và từ
Tây Nam qua Đông Bắc. Tuy nhiên, tại phần phía
Đông thì hướng dịch chuyển hoàn toàn trái ngược.
Các yếu tố không chắc chắn đá mẹ có thể sinh lượng
dầu lớn hơn nhưng không khớp với kết quả khoan,
chưa định lượng với trường hợp đứt gãy kín và hở,
như vậy cần phát triển mô hình hệ thống 3D cũng
như nhận diện và so sánh sự khác biệt của đặc điểm
sinh dầu giữa bể Nam Côn Sơn với bể Cửu Long
12 trang |
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Petroleum system modeling in cenozoic sediments, Block 05-1a, Nam Con Son Basin, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ, tập 20, số K4-2017
Abstract—Based on the update of exploration data
the oil and gas potential within block 05-1 are studied
through define the source rocks, Hydrocarbon (HC)
generation, expulsion and migration, focusing on
source rock Oligocene /Early Miocene and Middle
Miocene; Define the accumulation of hydrocarbon in
Lower Miocene targets; The results of assessments
for source rock, oil sampling analysis is used to
determine the relationship between in–situ oil or oil
migrated from other places. The workflow of basin
modeling is assigned to get output (migration
pathways, volume of accumulation), as well as data
calibration. Main source rocks include H150, H125
shales and H150 coal with Total organic carbon
(TOC)~1 and 47 respectively. These source rocks are
medium to good potential. At the present time, most
of the source rocks are in oil window, while the deep
parts is in gas window. Oil started to be generated in
Early Miocene, and started to be expulsed in Late
Miocene. Gas started to be generated in Quaternary,
about to be expulsed. The oil migrated mainly from
the troughs at the West and minorly from the East
and South to Dai Hung High. Gas started to migrate
from West to East and South West to North East at
the Western part. However, at the Eastern part, gas
migrated from the opposite direction. The results of
sensitive analyses show more oil in max source rock
case, therefore, a 3D model development is
Manuscript Received on August 7th, 2017. Manuscript
Revised December 25th, 2017.
The authors thank to PetroVietnam Exploration Production
Corporation for the support and permission to publish this
work. Contributing technical assistance and comments for this
manuscript from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology –
VNU-HCM and PetroVietnam Domestic Exploration
Production Operating Company Colleagues are greatly
acknowledged and appreciated.
Xuan Van Tran, Tuan Nguyen, Ngoc Ba Thai, Kha Xuan
Nguyen, Thanh Quoc Truong, Trung Hoang Quang Phi, Minh
Bao Luong, are with Department of Petroleum Geology,
Faculty of Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh
City University of Technology – VNU-HCM.
Huy Nhu Tran - PetroVietnam Domestic Exploration
Production Operating Company Ltd)
Chuc Dinh Nguyen - PetroVietnam Domestic Exploration
Production Operating Company Ltd (e-mail:
* Corresponding author: Email:
recommended and identify the differences in
generation characteristics between Nam Con Son
and Cuu Long basins.
Index Terms—Modeling, seismic interpretation,
petroleum system, migration, hydrocarbon
ai Hung oil field is located in Block 05.1a,
Nam Con Son (NCS) basin. Up to now, Dai
Hung (DH) oil field has 37 exploration/appraisal
and production wells and 4 wells are ThN-1X and
DHN-1X, 2X, 3X which locate outside of field
area (Figure 1). The main objectives of this study
are to re - assessment the petroleum system in
block 05.1a and propose the upcoming exploration
strategy [1].
The 3D geochemical model is conducted based
on interpretation of well data, seismic data in block
05.1a and surrounding areas as well as evaluation
of the potential for oil and gas in NCS basin within
previous studies. This research included 2 phases:
Collecting and updating the data of previous
studies; Updating the seismic data outside of DH
oil field, extending to the regional cluster as Than
Petroleum system modeling in cenozoic
sediments, Block 05-1a, Nam Con Son Basin
Xuan Van Tran, Huy Nhu Tran, Chuc Dinh Nguyen, Tuan Nguyen, Ngoc Ba Thai
Kha Xuan Nguyen, Thanh Quoc Truong, Trung Hoang Quang Phi, Minh Bao Luong
Figure 1. Location of block 05-1a [1]
92 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4- 2017
Nong (ThN) and Dai Hung Nam (DHN) structures;
3D geochemical modeling for DH oil field,
extending to the entire block 05.1a and
surrounding areas. Model results will be used to
estimate oil and gas potential, migration potential,
accumulation for each structure, as well as assess
the remain risks [1].
2.1 The methodology
Assessment for source rock: Overview of source
rock within NCS basin, evaluating the richness of
source rock, estimating the source rocks’ quality,
developing variation chart of Kerogen and Ro
versus depth. Determining the relationship
between oil and oil: for classification / comparison
between in–situ oil or oil migrated from other
places (based on oil sample analysis results) [2];
3D geochemical modeling in researched area,
identifying the hydrocarbon generation potential,
migration, accumulation of oil and gas, Assessing
the correlation characteristics of PVT parameters.
The appropriate software: IP, Geo Frame/ Petrel,
PetroMod/Petrel are used to determining the
thickness of source rock, reservoir, seal; seismic
interpretation; 2D, 3D geochemical modeling
2.2 Implementation process
2.2.1 Basin modeling workflow: Based on input
data and range of study, the basin is modeled by
following workflow (Figure 2).
2.2.2 Input parameters
Source rock parameter input: Based on the
geochemical data of DH wells, the source rocks
(SR) of the study area are determined as H150
Shale SR (Oligocene), H150 Coal SR (Oligocene),
and H125 Shale SR (Early Miocene) [3]. The
H150-H200 SRs including claystone, coaly
claystone and coal are main source rocks in area.
Kerogen is mainly types III/II and maturity (oil
window). The H80-H150 SRs include claystone,
silty claystone, coal and coaly claystone. The
maturity of H125-H150 SR is mainly in oil and gas
generation window while H80-H125 is mainly
Reservoir parameter input: The reservoirs of
H80 and H100 are used because they are main
clastic reservoirs in DH field, where a great
amount of hydrocarbon has been produced and
The depth of H100 reservoir is from 2,100 –
5,450mss. The porosity of this reservoir is from 4–
17.5%, good porosity is located inside the red ring,
>13% (Figure 2), and similar to the porosity from
well logs (13 – 18%).
The depth of H80 reservoir is from 1,750 –
4,600mss. The porosity of this reservoir is from 6–
21%, good porosity is located inside the red ring
(>15%), Figure 3), and similar to the porosity from
well logs (13–21%).
2. Simulation/
Charge modelling
the Petroleum
-Source rocks
3. Output
- Hydrocarbon pathways
- Hydrocarbon accumulations
- Volume of accumulated HC
1. Input
- Structure of Model (Horizons, Fault
- Lithology, log data, well tests.
- Age Assignment
(Calibrate with
well data in DH
Field, DHN and
Than Nong
Figure 2. Work flow of basin modeling
Figure 3. H100 Reservoir porosity map [4]
Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ, tập 20, số K4-2017
Seal parameter input
The top seal quality of H100 is from good to
very good (capillary pressure from 11.5–18.7 bar)
(Figure 4). The top seal quality of H80 is good
(capillary pressure from 9.5–14.9 bar) (Figure 5).
Simulation: Pressure-Temperature modeling:
Temperature is simulated based on the upper
boundary condition determined as the surface
(seafloor) temperature, the basement heat flow at
the lower boundary of the model, and the thermal
conductivity of all layers in the model. For
pressure modeling, various compaction laws can
be modeled as defined in the lithologies and
pressure boundary conditions can be assigned to
account. Petroleum generation: Based on
database of reaction kinetics, the phases and
properties of hydrocarbons generated from source
rocks of various types will be predicted. The
models also describe the release of generated
hydrocarbons into the free pore space of the source
rock. Furthermore, the number of chemical
components produced in this model can vary
between 2 (oil and gas) and 20. Migration
modeling: The 2D, 3D migration modeling
technology uses flash calculations throughout the
entire model and its geologic history, which
improves the understanding and prediction of
petroleum properties and oil versus gas probability
assessments. Migration velocities and
accumulation saturations are calculated in one
step. Describing fluid migration across faults
requires special algorithms.
In the block05-1a area, the P-T, petroleum
generation and migration modeling is bounded by
horizons from H80 to H200.
Charge modeling input data: Source rocks:
H150 Coal (TOC=47, Average Thickness ~ 2m),
H150 Shale (TOC=1, Average thickness=20-30m,
H125 Shale (TOC=1, Average Thickness ~20m).
Reservoir: H100 and Seal: H100.
The result of 2–D model will be shown in
maturation, generation & expulsion timing,
generated hydrocarbon mass, gas transformation
ratio, migration pathway & accumulation in
reservoir, as well as sensitive analysis.
3.1 Maturation maps
Figure 4. H80 Reservoir porosity map [4]
Figure 5. H100 Seal capillary pressure map [4]
Figure 6. H80 Seal capillary pressure map [4]
rock type
window (%)
Oil window
Wet gas
window (%)
III ~ 15 ~ 55 ~ 30
94 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4- 2017
This output is based on TOC input as 0.96% and
HI of 244.
This output is based on TOC input as 47% and
HI of 298, due to low organic matter content and
over maturation range hence it is not classified as
source rock.
This output is based on TOC input as 0.95% and
HI of 231.
3.2 Source rock timing and generated
hydrocarbon volume:
H150 Shale SR: The time for the H150 shale
SR in study area started to enter the main oil
window was approximately 13Ma in Middle
Miocene (Figure 9). Most of the study area were in
the main oil window in Late Miocene (green zone)
while the area in yellow is in oil production in
The oil only pushed out of the source rock if the
oil transformation > 50% (outside red ring, Figure
10). Oil produced from the deep part (yellow and
green zone) has been expulsed where the oil from
depth lower 4,800 mss (green zone) primarily
migrated in Late Miocene and oil from 4,800–
4,100 mss (yellow zone) started to move in
Quaternary. The oil produced from the upper part
(from 4,100 mss) properly still stays in the SR.
Mature window
Oil window
Wet gas window
Figure 7. Maturation map of H150 SR (shale)
rock type
Oil window
Wet gas
window (%)
III ~ 15 ~ 55 ~ 30
rock type
Oil window
Wet gas
window (%)
III ~ 25 ~ 55 ~ 20
Figure 8. Maturation map of H125 Shale SR
Figure 9. Main oil window generation timing of H150 Shale S
Figure 10. Oil expulsion timing of H150 Shale SR
Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ, tập 20, số K4-2017
The model result outlines the vertical window of
oil migration timing. Oil from Oligocene Shale
S.R in depth below 4,800mss section would be
expulsed from Late Miocene while those in 4,100-
4,800mss interval started to migrate in Quaternary.
Oil in sequence above 4,100mss has not been
expulsed from SR yet.
A mass of oil produced/m2 is estimated very
differently from 0,5 to 138 kg (Figure 11), mostly
from interval of 3,700-4,950mss where the source
rock is in the main oil window (inside the red
ring). The mass of gas produced is estimated from
0 to 230 kg (Figure 12), and mainly from below
H150 Coal SR: The time for the H150 coal
source rock in study area began to be in the main
oil window was approximately 13Ma in Middle
Miocene (Figure 13). Most of the study area were
in the main oil window in Late Miocene (green
zone) while the area in yellow is in oil production
in Quaternary.
The oil was expulsed from the source rock
outside the red ring (Figure 14). Oil from
Oligocene Coal SR in depth below 4,800mss
section would be expulsed from Late Miocene
(approx. 9.3Ma–green zone) while those in 4,100-
4,800mss interval started to migrate in Quaternary
(yellow zone), and oil in sequence above 4,100mss
has not been expulsed from SR yet (blue zone).
The rate of oil produced is estimated very
variously from 0.5 to 138 kg, mostly from interval
of 3,700-3,350mss where the source rock is in the
main oil window (inside the red ring, Figure 15).
Figure 11. H150 Shale SR Oil generation mass
Figure 12. H150 Shale SR Gas generation mass
Figure 13. Main oil window generation timing of H150 Coal SR
Figure 14. Oil expulsion time of H150 Coal SR
96 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4- 2017
The mass of gas expulsed is estimated from 0 to
470 kg, and mainly from below 4,060mss (Figure
H125 Shale SR: Within the H125 shale SR
started to enter main oil window approximately 7,5
Ma -Late Miocene (Figure 17). However, most of
the area began to be cooked in the main oil
window in Quaternary and about one third still
does not enter this state yet. Then, the primarily
migration phase from this SR could be around
5,9Ma (Late Miocene) (Figure 18). Oil expulsed in
Late Miocene from H125 shale SR at depth below
5,500mss located at a very small section, at the
edge of the South West corner (green zone) while
those in 4,200-5,500mss interval started to migrate
in Quaternary dominated nearly half of area
(yellow part), and the biggest part is the place
where oil has not been expulsed from SR yet
(above 4,200mss–blue zone).
Similar to other SRs, the H125 Shale SR also
entered the Wet gas window somewhere from
depth of 5,150m at approx. 0,53 to 3,2 Ma, inside
the red ring. The rest of area is still not in the Wet
gas window yet (Figure 19).
The mass of generated oil from the H125 Shale
SR is less than the other SRs due to less time being
cooked properly and estimated from 0.5 to 43 kg,
and mostly from interval of 3,700-4,000mss
(Figure 20). While for the volume of generated
gas, this number is 0,5 to 84 kg, generally from
below 4,800m (Figure 21).
Figure 15. H150 Coal SR Oil generation mass
Figure 16. H150 Coal SR Gas generation mass
Figure 17. Main oil window generation timing of H125 Shale SR
Figure 18. Oil expulsion timing from H125 Shale SR
Figure 19. Wet gas window generation timing of H125 Shale SR
Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ, tập 20, số K4-2017
3.3 Migration pathways and accumulation in
In H100 reservoir, expulsed oil migrated from
the west & east troughs to DH High by both faults
and carrying beds, then trapped in production
reservoirs at DH field (Figure 22). The oil
accumulated to Northern area (blocks K, J, L, D
respectively to well DH-1P, DH-10P, DH-2P, DH-
7P & DH-4X; Southern area (blocks Z, T1,
respectively DH-21XP, DH-23XP) as well as
DHN discovery (DHN-1X). Meanwhile, there is
no oil accumulation at ThN Discovery (ThN-1X)
at H100. These phenomena are matching with the
real production situation of DH field. However,
those blocks next to block Z (B1) and South East
of DHN happen to accumulate oil at H100
according to the model [4].
In case of calculating accumulated HC at
reservoirs, the model gives results as an estimate
as in table below:
No Blocks Area
1 Block K +
block J +block L
1.08 +
0.96 +0.47
~ 71
2 Block Z 2.9 ~ 73.7
3 Block A7-1 1.8 ~ 21
For gas migration and accumulation, it started to
extract and move from West to East and Southwest
to Northeast at the Western part of study area.
However, at the Eastern part, gas migrated from
the opposite direction, from East to West and
South East – North West (Figure 23).
Figure 20. H125 Shale SR Oil generation mass
Figure 21. H125 Shale SR Gas generation mass
Figure 22. Migration pathway of oil into H100 reservoirs
Figure 23. Migration pathway of gas into H100 reservoirs
98 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4- 2017
The volume of gas accumulated at reservoirs
based on the model is assessed as in table below:
No Blocks Area
1 Block A7-1 1.8 ~ 1.03
2 ThN 1A 4.07 ~ 4.67
3 Block R 1.53 ~ 10.9
In the case of H80 reservoir, expulsed oil
migrated from the west & east troughs to DH High
by both faults and carrying beds, then trapped in
produced reservoirs at DH field (Figure 24). The
volume of accumulated oil at reservoirs at blocks
which the model results show an estimate as in
table below table:
No Blocks Area
1 Block N1-N2 4.6 ~ 75.8
2 Block T1 +
Block A4
0.36 + 1.4 ~ 19
3 Block A7-1 1.8 ~ 0.19
4 ThN1A 4.07 ~ 61.4
Gas migrated from the troughs at the West and
the East to DH High, accumulated to potential
structures, mainly in ThN area (Figure 25), still not
reach DH High yet. The amount of gas
accumulation is as in table below:
No Blocks Area
1 Block T1 +Block A4 0.36 + 1.4 ~ 0.03
2 ThN1A 4.07 ~ 0.3
3.4 Calibration data and sensitive analysis
The data of the PSM are calibrated by well data
from DH, ThanNong & DHNam discoveries.
Particularly, in the area, there are three main
source rocks, the H80-H133 (Lo. Miocene), H133-
H150 (Lo. Miocene) and H150-H200 (Oligocene).
These formations have organic matter content
ranging from 0.5% to 4%, average 2÷2.5%, HI
from 150÷400, average 250mg / g, Kerogen
mainly types II and III, it produces both oil and
gas. The results of the geochemical analysis
demonstrate the oil is produced at a depth of 3,300
÷ 3,500m, the threshold of gas at about
4,800÷5,000m. At present, 70% volume of H150-
200 SR, 50% volume of H133-150 SR, and 30%
volume of H80-H133 SR fallen into the oil
window respectively.
To understand the effects of source rock
properties, fault seal capacity, this study has been
carried out several scenarios as follows: Source
rock optimized case: Source rock properties
assigned with higher quality of source rock; Fault
seal capacity: close and open faults cases.
The high TOC of 2% is input for sensitive
analysis, other boundary conditions such as close
fault, reservoir and seal of H100 remaining the
same. The model output is represented in Figure
26. The oil in maximum case is mostly distributed
in the North and East matching with the real
situations. Nevertheless, gas accumulates in the
DH field which should not be. This case gives the
result of too much hydrocarbon trapped in
structures at DH field, even places found no oil.
Figure 24. Migration pathway of oil into H80 reservoirs
Figure 25. Migration pathway of gas into H80 reservoirs
Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ, tập 20, số K4-2017
In case seal of fault (combine with condition of
TOC=1), the model output results in an irrelevance
in reality: too much HC accumulated in outside
structures of DH field, whereas, inside the high
blocks, where most oil are being produced at the
moment, there is very little oil accumulated
(Figure 27). On the other hand, the fault is
assumed to open (Figure 28); it is too little HC to
be accumulated in structures, even places found
much oil in reality.
Based on the results of modeling oil and gas
potential, the petroleum system within block 05-1
are defined, main source rocks in the study area
are H150 shale, H125 shale with TOC~1 and H150
Coal with TOC~47. These source rocks are
medium to good potential. At the present time,
most of the source rocks are in oil window, while
the deep parts are in gas window. At DH field,
source rock is in mature stage only. Oil started to
be generated in Early Miocene, and started to be
expulsed in Late Miocene. Gas started to be
generated in Quaternary, about to be expulsed. Oil
migrated mainly from the troughs at the West and
minorly from the East and South to DH High,
accumulated to production reservoirs at DH field
and potential structures outside DH field. Gas
started to migrate from West to East and South
West to North East at the Western part of study
area. However, at the Eastern part, gas migrated
from the opposite direction, from East to West and
South East – North West. Oil and gas in DH field
are either migrated from West, Southwest and East
side but not from below source rock.
Uncertainties and recommendation:
Sensitive analyses show more oil in max source
rock case: this is unrealistic, not fit with well
results. The case of fault closed and open all the
time show less oil in the field. Therefore, a 3D
model, which allow to model fault properties at
different time is recommended. The charge area
not cover whole area; hence the study area should
be open to adjacent blocks to achieve better and
more accurate on source of hydrocarbon migrated
to block 05-1a.
Figure 26. HC volume of maximum case
Figure 27. HC accumulation in case of close fault
Figure 28. HC accumulation in case of opened fault
100 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4- 2017
[1] PVEP, POC, Internal report, Dec 2015;
[2] Arsalan Zeinalzadeh, Reza Moussavi-Harami, “Basin and
petroleum system modeling of the Cretaceous and
Jurassic source rocks of the gas and oil reservoirs in
Darquain field, south west Iran”,
[3] Petro Vietnam association, “Vietnam Geology and
petroleum resources”, 2016
[4] The RECTIE, HCM City BK University, final report,
“Provision of petroleum systems modeling study services
for Dai Hung Nam & Than Nong discoveries, Nam Con
Son Basin, offshore Viet Nam”, 2015.
Tran Van Xuan received the B.C. degree in
Geological Engineering from Ho Chi Minh City
University of Technology - VNU-HCM, Vietnam
in 1984 and Ph.D. degree in Geology from Ha Noi
University of Mining and Geology, Ha Noi,
Vietnam in 2004.
From 1984 to present, he is a Lecturer, Head of
Petroleum Geology Department, Faculty of
Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh
City University of Technology - VNU-HCM,
Asst. Prof. Xuan’s research interest includes
applied petroleum engineering, reservoir
engineering, exploration unconventional, water
supply technology, waste technology,
geotechnical, hydrogeology.
Tran Nhu Huy was born in Greenwich Village,
New York, NY, USA in 1977. He received the
B.S. and M.S. degrees in aerospace engineering
from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, in
2001 and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical
engineering from Drexel University, Philadelphia,
PA, in 2008.
From 2001 to 2004, he was a Research Assistant
with the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
Since 2009, he has been an Assistant Professor
with the Mechanical Engineering Department,
Texas A&M University, College Station. He is the
author of three books, more than 150 articles, and
more than 70 inventions. His research interests
include high-pressure and high-density nonthermal
plasma discharge processes and applications,
microscale plasma discharges, discharges in
liquids, spectroscopic diagnostics, plasma
propulsion, and innovation plasma applications.
He is an Associate Editor of the journal Earth,
Moon, Planets, and holds two patents.
Dr. Author was a recipient of the International
Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
Young Scientist Award for Excellence in 2008,
and the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility
Society Best Symposium Paper Award in 2011.
Nguyen Dinh Chuc received B.S. degree in
Petroleum Geology from Ha Noi University of
Mining and Geology, Ha Noi, Vietnam in 1999
and M.S. degree in Applied Geophysics from
Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand in
2005. He is currently pursuing Ph.D. degree in
Petroleum Engineering at Ho Chi Minh City
University of Technology - VNU-HCM, Vietnam.
From 2002 to 2007, he worked for
PetroVietnam Exploration Production Company as
Geophysicist in charged for seismic interpretation
supporting for hydrocarbon potential evaluation of
blocks in Cuu Long basin. Working as Senior
Geophysicist/Team Leader in Exploration Division
of PetroVietnam Exploration Production
Corporation from 2007 to 2010, he was in charged
for QC of seismic interpretation applied in
exploration and reservoir geophysics. From 2010
to present, he has been assigned as Deputy
Exploration Manager of PVEP POC in charging
for exploration activities in block 09-2/09, Cuu
Long basin, offshore Vietnam.
Mr. Chuc has over 15-year experience of
seismic interpretation, including structural,
stratigraphic and reservoir geophysics. He is also
experienced in basin analysis, structural and play
geology, sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary
depositional environment interpretation. He has
been a member of SPE, SEG for years.
Nguyen Tuan received the B.C. degree in
Geological Engineering from University of
Science, VNU-HCM, Vietnam in 2013 and M.St.
degree in Petroleum from Ho Chi Minh City
University of Technology - VNU-HCM, Vietnam
in 2016
Nguyen Xuan Kha Xuan received the B.C.
degree in Earth Science from University of
Science, VNU-HCM, Vietnam in 2003 and Mst.
degree in Geology from University of Science,
VNU-HCM, Vietnam in 2003.
Luong Bao Minh received the B.C degree in
Petroleum Engineering from the University of
Truong Quoc Thanh received the B.C. degree in
Petroleum Geology Engineering from Ho Chi
Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ, tập 20, số K4-2017
Minh City University of Technology - VNU-
HCM, Vietnam, in 2013 and the M.S. degree in
Petroleum Engineering from Ho Chi Minh City
University of Technology - VNU-HCM, Vietnam,
in 2015.
From 2014 to present, he was a Researcher at
Petroleum Geology Department, Faculty of
Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh
City University of Technology - VNU-HCM,
Mr. Thanh’s research interest includes
geophysics, reservoir engineering.
102 Science and Technology Development Journal, vol 20, no.K4-
Mô hình hóa hệ thống dầu khí trong trầm
tích Kainozoi Lô 05-1a, bể Nam Côn Sơn
Trần Văn Xuân, Trần Như Huy, Nguyễn Đình Chức, Nguyễn Tuấn, Thái Bá Ngọc
Nguyễn Xuân Khá, Trương Quang Thanh, Phí Hoàng Quang Trung, Lương Bảo Minh
Tóm tắt—Trên cơ sở số liệu thăm dò cập nhật,
tiềm năng dầu khí lô 05-1a, bể Nam Côn Sơn được
đánh giá thông qua tiềm năng đá mẹ; sét, than tuổi
Oligocen, Miocen sớm – giữa, xác định tích tụ dầu
khí các đối tượng trong Miocen hạ; đánh giá quy mô
phân bố (bề dày, tích khối) của lát cắt tầng chứa
trong phạm vi nghiên cứu. Kết quả nghiên cứu địa
hóa, phân tích mẫu dầu, đá mẹ và mối tương quan đã
cho phép phân loại/ so sánh dầu tại sinh với dầu di
cư từ nơi khác. Xác lập quy trình mô hình hóa hệ
thống dầu khí từ đó xác định quá trình di cư, quy mô
của tích tụ dầu khí, cuối cùng đánh giá độ tin cậy của
kết quả. Trong khu vực nghiên cứu đá mẹ chủ yếu là
các tập sét H150 và H125 với TOC xấp xỉ 1 và tập
than H150 với TOC xấp xỉ 47. Tiềm năng sinh dầu
được xếp hạng từ trung bình đến tốt. Vào thời điểm
hiện tại, phần lớn đá mẹ rơi vào cửa sổ tạo dầu, phần
đáy đã đạt ngưỡng tạo khí. Dầu bắt đầu được hình
thành từ Miocene sớm, phóng thích trong Miocene
muộn. Khí bắt đầu được hình thành từ Đệ Tứ, và
đang bắt đầu phóng thích. Dầu di cư chủ yếu từ các
địa lũy ở rìa Tây và một phần từ phía Đông và Nam
lên khối nhô của mỏ Đại Hùng. Tại khu vực phía
Tây, khí cũng bắt đầu di cư từ Tây qua Đông và từ
Tây Nam qua Đông Bắc. Tuy nhiên, tại phần phía
Đông thì hướng dịch chuyển hoàn toàn trái ngược.
Các yếu tố không chắc chắn đá mẹ có thể sinh lượng
dầu lớn hơn nhưng không khớp với kết quả khoan,
chưa định lượng với trường hợp đứt gãy kín và hở,
như vậy cần phát triển mô hình hệ thống 3D cũng
như nhận diện và so sánh sự khác biệt của đặc điểm
sinh dầu giữa bể Nam Côn Sơn với bể Cửu Long.
Từ khóa—Mô hình hóa, minh giải địa chấn, hệ
thống dầu khí, di cư, tích tụ dầu khí.
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