In terms of software infrastructure. Customs
procedures, specialized administrative inspection
enable enterprises to run smoothly their business.
Specialized inspection agencies, animal and plant
inspection, medical examination and goods quality
assessment should be convenient and evenly
distributed in the hinterland. With the advanced
software infrastructure, those activities must be
settled quickly.
In terms of planning issues. The plan requires to
consider all the resources and the allocation of the
national investment ability. Mobilizing the public
and the private sector is a considerable way to attract
the financial resouse. In order to operate seaports
effectively, it is necessary to clearly recognize the
potential advantages that must be associated with the
development of other factors. Governmental
administration should pay attention to prioritizing
the which elements are the key connection between
seaports and hinterland to ensure a huge total
amount of goods through the port. It is necessary to
invest in research on the development of more and
more inland clearance deport (ICD) that contributes
to the efficient transport network in the hinterland.
5. Conclusion
Vietnam has some key economic regions along
its coastline, and each of them has it all different
characteristics. The development of the hinterland
has a great influence on the development of the
seaports that has been prove by the paper. Once
modern seaports with international standards have
been built, the supporting and connecting hinterland
will ensure the development of the Vietnamese
seaport in particular and Vietnamese economy in
general. Where should be the key hinterland for the
Vietnam’s ports and how to make it work effectively
is an urgent matter that should be put in
consideration as soon as possible.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Phát triển miền hậu phương trong việc hỗ trợ hoạt động khai thác cảng tại Việt Nam, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
TẠP CHÍ ISSN: 1859-316X
88 SỐ 63 (8-2020)
Faculty of Maritime Business,Vietnam Maritime University
Vietnamese ports play an important role in
Vietnam maritime transport. Annually, over 90%
of import and export volume are getting through
these ports, resulting in a leading producing force
for the Vietnamese economic growth. However,
due to many reasons, the development of
Vietnamese seaport system has not met the
requirements of the reagional and national
demand. It is also far from deserving favorable
conditions of natural resources. One of the
objective reason is the underdevelopment of the
hinterland. Meanwhile, the hinterland has a great
influence on the development of the seaports. This
article will analyze the situation of the hinterland
for Vietnamese seaports, thereby proposing
solutions to develop the hinterland supporting the
port operation effectively.
Keywords: Hinterland, Vietnamese ports, port
operation, seaports.
Tóm tắt
Cảng biển Việt Nam đóng một vai trò vô cùng
quan trọng trong lĩnh vực vận tải biển. Hàng
năm, hệ thống cảng biển thông qua 90% lượng
hàng hoá xuất nhập khẩu, đóng góp hàng đầu cho
phát triển kinh tế đất nước. Tuy nhiên, sự phát
triển của hệ thống cảng biển Việt Nam xét về cả
yếu tố chủ quan và khách quan thì không chỉ chưa
đáp ứng được nhu cầu phát triển của quốc gia và
khu vực mà còn chưa tương xứng với điều kiện
thuận lợi về các nguồn lực tự nhiên, trong đó
nguyên nhân khách quan chính là do sự kém phát
triển của miền hậu phương. Trong khi đó, miền
hậu phương có ảnh hưởng rất lớn đến sự phát
triển của cảng biển. Bài báo này sẽ phân tích hiện
trạng của miền hậu phương cho cảng biển Việt
Nam, từ đó đề xuất giải pháp để phát triển miền
hậu phương nhằm hỗ trợ hiệu quả cho hoạt động
khai thác cảng.
Từ khoá: Miền hậu phương, cảng Việt Nam;
hoạt động khai thác cảng, cảng biển.
1. Introduction
Goods can be transported by many modes to
circulate around the world such as road, waterway,
rail, air and sea. In particular, the mode of goods
transport of by sea accounts for 90% of total export
and import goods in Vietnam. Vietnam is located in
the most dynamic maritime region in the world
because of its favorable geographical and natural
conditions in developing regional and international
maritime routes. Neighboring ports such as
Hongkong, Singapore, Shanghai (China), Pusan
(South Korea) and Kaohsiung (Taiwan) are all in the
top 10 of the world. However, Vietnamese seaports
have not been matched their position and their
potentials. In addition, an important factor inhibits
the development of the port is that the hinterland has
not well supported the development of the port
system. How to help the hinterland to support the
Vienamese seaports effectively is really an important
issue of many authorities as well as logistics
2. Theories
So far, there have been many international and
national research on Vietnamese seaport activities. A
few studies about hinterland have been done as well
in Vietnam. However, those are relating to the
hinterland supporting for the Vietnamese military in
war. In terms of the “hinterland” relating to the
logistic services for seaports in Vietnam, there has
not been any reseach about it up to now, especially
about developing the hinterland that supports the
port operation in Vietnam. The author used the
statistical research method to define what are the
most important elements to support the Vietnamese
seaports in order to suggest the respective solutions.
A seaport is a place where a ship enters, departs,
prepares for the loading and unloading of goods,
TẠP CHÍ ISSN: 1859-316X
89 SỐ 63 (8-2020)
supplies of fresh water, food and fuel or a place for
refuge. To the Decree 104/2010/ND-CP on foreign
military ships to the country of socialist republic of
Vietnam, “Seaport is an area including port land
and port waters, constructing infrastructures and
installing equipment for ships to enter, leave and
operate to load and unload cargoes and other
services”. Ports are points of convergence between
two geographical domains of freight circulation
(sometimes passengers) (Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue and
Dr. Theo Notteboom). The factors related to port
stabilization and development include: port
equipment and facilities; physical facilities of the
port; management policy of the port and state and
especially the operation of the port is greatly
affected by the hinterland. A seaport is defined as a
transit area through which goods and people move
from and to the sea. As such, ports are places of
contact between land and maritime spaces, nodes
where ocean and inland transport lines meet and
intertwine, intermodal places of convergence
(Hayuth, 1985). Ports are part of a larger system
with specific spatial and functional characteristics.
The concept of foreland-based regionalization
refers to the integration of intermediate hubs in
regional shipping networks, where the maritime
foreland of the intermediate hub is functionally
acting as a hinterland (Notteboom, T. and J-P
Rodrigue, 2010). The port hinterland is a defined
geographical area associated with the port by inland
transport system (inland waterways, railways, roads,
etc.), it is a place for transshipment of goods - got
into or out of ports in a specific time. There are lot
of authors that cited the the ideas about port
hinterland. The hinterland of a port in early works
has been defined as the area of which the greater
part of the trade passes through the port (Barke,
1986; Blumenhagen, 1981; Sargent, 1938; Weigend,
1958). Hinterland, as part of the port triptych, is only
defined by a group of locations connected to the port
through related goods flows. The hinterland plays a
very important role in port development. From a
hinterland, it is possible to connect to many different
near or far ports, that all have a common role of
facilitating goods through ports quickly and
effectively (Figure 1).
In the classification of the port hinterland,
hinterland is divided into three types: Stable
hinterland: is the area where the goods attracted to
the port is 80% or more and stable; Disputing
hinterland (with another port): is an area from which
the volume of goods attracted to the port decreases
and is not stable; Dead hinterland: is the area where
the goods there are less attracted to the port (the
amount of goods to the port is almost zero).
3. The current state of Vietnamese sea ports and
3.1. The Vietnamese ports
To the Decision No 70/2013/QĐ-TTg dated Sep
11 2013 on issueing the category of Vietnamese
Seaports, there are 49 seaports in Vietnam which are
divided into three groups: Type I - extremely
important ports for the socio-economic development
of the whole country (17 ports); Type II - important
and medium-sized ports for the socio-economic
development of regions and localities (23 ports);
Type III - small-sized seaports for the
socio-economic development of regions and
localities (9 ports). Generally, the Vietnamese port
systerm is distributed and framented, When the ports
are divided into many terminals, for example, there
are a lot of enterprises have invested to build many
terminals resulting to many teminals in a port like
the Cai Mep - Thi Vai port that would waste so much
budget ineffectively.
Of the foreign investment projects for
Vietnamese seaport system including Haiphong,
Danang and Hochiminh City ports are 3 national key
ports that have been supported by ODA. In addition,
Cai Lan port (Quangninh province) has been also
assisted by ODA. This is the important port system
in the key areas of economic development. However,
among the current Vietnamese seaports, only a few
ports are invested in accordance with international
standard. Most of the “so-call ports” are terminals or
berths that are lack of standard infrastructure, not
focusing on yards and logistics, especially without
Source: The author of the paper
Figure 1. An example of a hinterland for ports
TẠP CHÍ ISSN: 1859-316X
90 SỐ 63 (8-2020)
connecting to hinterland, which leads to not
exploiting its full potential.
Due to the differences between the previous and
existing seaport, the aims of planning the port
system are also different from long time ago and up
to present. For example, when Vietnam's economy
have just released from the embargo of Western
countries, goods and ships were few so the target
was set to meet the demand of all imported and
exported goods from the North to the South. The
previous prospect of Vietnam was made according to
"goods before ports" (here means “it is the time to
have ports when the goods are available”). Thus, the
ports were distributed, small-sizes and without
forward planning. With the new viewpoint of "ports
before goods” (here means “the modern ports with
high technology will attract more and more reginal
and international goods", the ports must have
advanced equipments, a modern logistics region and
a effective support and connectivity. These would
meet the demand of transporting goods of the
country and the region as well.
3.2. The Vietnamese hinterland
A hinterland is an indispensable part of a seaport
because this place is the source of goods producing
for the transport and this is also the place where a
large amount of goods are in and out through ports.
The more active a hinterland is, the more effective
the ports are. This reflects a two-way relationship
between a hinterland and ports. If the hinterland is
dynamic and the demand for imported and exported
of goods is so high, the ports will run well; on the
contrary, if the port organizes its activities well to
get goods in and out quickly, which helps to increase
the regional and national economic growth. It can be
affirmed that the development of hinterland would
result in the development of seaport system. The
features of Vietnamese hinterland are listed
About the waterway system. The country
currently has 45 national inland waterways with a
total length of about 7,075 km (the North has 17
routes, the South has 18 routes, the Central has 10
routes). These are arterial transport routes
connecting major economic centers, industrial parks
of the region and the whole country. The signaling
system on the route includes: 12,539 signal poles,
18,458 signboards, 3,070 signal buoys, 9,153 signal
lights. Bridge spanning system: Currently, there are
251/532 bridges and constructions across the river
located on the national wetland routes which have
clearance for navigation which is lower than the
specifications according to the approved planning
level. The inland waterway transport system has the
following outstanding features: Most of the inland
ports of goods and passengers are scattered and
fragmented. Goods through the hub port only reach
60-70% of the design, including many types of
goods, of which bulk cargo accounts for more than
50% is the type of goods due to many types of
transport means, it is difficult to modernize
equipment. loading and unloading. Except for some
specialized ports (coal, cement, thermal power), the
rest of the works and loading equipment in most
Source: H.Meersman, E.Van de Voorde and T. Vanelslander (2009)
Figure 2. The network of hinterland and ports
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91 SỐ 63 (8-2020)
ports are outdated. There are few inland ports
qualified for container handling. Multi-modal
transportation organization, logistics services at
major head ports have not been implemented. The
ports in the Northern Delta are all outside the dyke,
restricted by the requirements for flood drainage
limit, the dyke protection corridor, so connecting to
the external road system needs to open the gate
through the dyke very difficult.
About road and rail system. Currently, all major
ports in the world are connected with large modes of
transport such as railways and highways. However,
the Vietnamese seaport system only has Haiphong
port connected to the railway (Cai Lan port has
invested but has not been able to operate due to lack
of synchrony), and there is no separate highway for
transportation. The traffic connecting the inland
waterways is restricted by the bridges crossing over
the river. Therefore, the efficiency in transporting
goods to the seaport has not been optimized in terms
of time and transportation costs. The railways and
highways system connecting ports have not been
built synchronously results in the congestion in
traffic and goods. At present, it has been forming a
trans-Asia road stretching through many Asian
countries such as Japan, China, Indonesia, Thailand,
Laos... including Vietnam. AH14 route is 2,077 km
long from Hai Phong to Mandalay (Myanmar);
AH15 route is 566 km long from Vinh to Udon
Thani (Thailand); The AH16 route is 1,032 km long
from Dong Ha to Tak (Thailand). This trans-Asia
road has contributed to the circulation in Asia in
general and the connection to ports in Vietnam in
particular has become much more convenient.
However, these roads are not synchronized to ensure
fast traffic flow as well as not to ensure the traffic
connecting to the ports is effective.
About the development of hinterlands. In fact,
among these seaports, there is no standard
infrastructure, especially without port - connecting
infrastructure, which causes to not exploiting the full
potential of ports. Although the key economic
regions are located along the coasline, the function
of each key economic region has not been cited.
Thus it is difficult to detemine which hinterland
should be focused to support which ports. Areas
such as Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh
City ... have so good hinterland so the ports is very
busy. Although many other regions such as the
central region have natural conditions for seaport
development, however the hinterland has not
developed. The infrastructure connecting to ports is
also poor and underdeveloped. The central region
has a very light industry, the exported goods are
mailnly woodchips. The exploitation of ports is at
20% - 30% of the port capacity causes a waste of
resourses. Therefore, although there is a seaport
system along the central region, it is difficult to
develop the hinterland because of no high actual
demand; The Southwest region has a lot of rice, a
great ability for importing and exporting agricultural
products, and we must take full advantage of these
advantages to develop. To develop the Southern
posts, it is necessary to clearly recognize the
potential advantages that must be associated with the
development of hinterland.
About connecting infrastructure with ports.
According to the traditional view, the port is a traffic
hub, a place to perform loading and unloading
operations from the mode of sea transport to other
modes of transport and vice versa. Thus, it can be
said that the basic role of the port is loading and
unloading goods, supporting the import and export
activities of the country. The hinterland of the port to
the point of view is very limited. In terms of the
modern perspective, in addition to the role of cargo
handling (the basic role), the port also performs
simple trans-shipment and logistics activities to
create added value with the relatively large
hinterland. In the future, the port will have a huge
hinterland enough to support for all business
activities. At that time, the operation of the port
would associate with the operation of open
economic zones, free trade zones and export
processing zones ect. Although the role of a seaport
is very important, it is impossible not to have
technical infrastructure connection behind,
particularly roads, waterways, railways connecting
to the port. Cai Mep - Thi Vai port cluster currently
has no railway and there were no roads for a very
long time; Lach Huyen Port in Haiphong City is
considered as a gateway connecting Vietnam with
the world. It was assisted under the Japanese loan
with modern and advanced technology that still
does not have a railway. The two key economic
regions in the north and south of the country are in a
traffic congestion that causess a reduction in port
operation effection. Accordingly, he Southeast region
TẠP CHÍ ISSN: 1859-316X
92 SỐ 63 (8-2020)
has a strong industrial development but there is no way
to enter the port, depending only on Highway 51. In the
Northern region, the National Road No. 5 and National
Road No. 10 also often occurs traffic congestion,
reducing business efficiency. In general, the hinterland
still has many limitations, such as: Lack of
infrastructure to connect the seaport system to promote
the key economic regions; The connection between
multimodal transport modes such as roads, railways,
inland waterways still has shortcomings; Land use
planning, industrial development master planning,
infrastructure planning, residential-urban planning,
labor planning, ... have not been synchronic and
completed yet.
About software infrastructure. The software
infrastructure has not been synchronized, resulting in
the difficulties and inconveniences to shippers,
especially about customs procedures and specialized
administrative inspection procedures. For example,
in Ho Chi Minh City, goods would rather be located
in Cat Lai port than in Cai Mep - Thi Vai, because of
the lacking of the software infrustructure,
specialized inspection agencies etc. The costs
incurred from moving to Ho Chi Minh City to do the
above procedures has caused the reducing
competitiveness of handling of goods at Cai Mep -
Thi Vai port.
About the planning work. Planning has been
implemented quite well. However, the plans made
by the governmental administration have been still
adjusted, or consulted by foreign experts that put
enterprises in a pasive mood. According to the
analysis, it is to identify what are the key economic
regions that are located along the coastline stretching
over 27 provinces. Each of these key economic
regions has different characteristics and it is
extremely difficult to ensure which hinterland is the
most suitable for the development of the seaports.
4. The solutions to develop the hinterland for
Vietnamese seaports
In terms of infrastructure connected to the port.
Vietnamese ports are mostly only cargo ports. Vietnam
needs to fully exploit their productivities in association
with the characteristics of each key economic region.
High infrastructure system helps the hinterland
commensurate with the size of the ports improve the
quality of port operation. For key economic regions,
each place has its own characteristics. It is necessary to
have an accurate vision and create a roadmap based on
the characteristics of each region in stead of overall
- To the South, Hochiminh City and Ba Ria -
Vung Tau ports for example, should be paid attention
to thank to the dynamite of economic development;
- To the Central region, the hinterland should not
be paid attention to due to the limitation of economic
- The Southwest region also need promote the
hinterland basing on to the ability of importing and
exporting the large agricultural products.
In terms of inland waterways, railways and
road systems. To build up transport asset (waterways,
railways and roads) in the hinterland to support
effectively for imported and exported goods through
ports, authorities should upgrade the transport routes
connecting with the seaports, combining the
development of logistics services in the hinterland.
Key seaports should be focused in early time and in
a right way.
In terms of the operation of the hinterland. The
hinterland of the port has various of activities,
including logistic services such as: Services for ships
entering and leaving ports: the authorized agencies
include port authorities, towage, pilots, maritime
safety, customs declaration service for goods;
Warehouse services, packing of goods at ports, CFS
warehouses and openning ports... Therefore, in order
for the operation of the hinterland to be effective, it
is necessary to organize and coordinate well the
above activities of the port. It is calculated that the
maximum capacity of the port must be equal to the
maximum productivity of the quays and the maximum
productivity of cargo handling. For example, for the
service for ships entering and leaving the port, this
activity requires fast, safe and minimize the waiting
time for ships (not loading goods).
Source: Violeta Roso, Johan Woxenius, Ken Lumsden (2008)
Figure 3. Process of cargo output in hinterland
TẠP CHÍ ISSN: 1859-316X
93 SỐ 63 (8-2020)
Regarding the investment in infrastructure sstem:
In order to effectively exploit maritime transport
routes, it is necessary to relieve congestion in two
key economic regions of the country. If investing in
the hinterland by developing the infrastructure, it
will bring great effect for the country's economic
growth. The solutions to enhancing the hinterland
should be taken into account of the market
- Strengthening investment forms and port
management. Encouraging and creating favorable
conditions for organizations and enterprises of all
economic sectors to invest in the development of
seaports, paying special attention to applying the
state-private form to ports.
- To save national budget, it is not necessary to
invest in railroads because the total amount of
investment capital is so huge. The budget can be
used to invest in developing roads and inland
waterways. It is possible to attract the private capital
and socialized capital through BOT and BT models
in improving the infrastructure of the hinterland. It is
necessary to develop a separate strategy to connect
the common routes to ports to take advantages of
special geographical, natural characteristics.
In terms of software infrastructure. Customs
procedures, specialized administrative inspection
enable enterprises to run smoothly their business.
Specialized inspection agencies, animal and plant
inspection, medical examination and goods quality
assessment should be convenient and evenly
distributed in the hinterland. With the advanced
software infrastructure, those activities must be
settled quickly.
In terms of planning issues. The plan requires to
consider all the resources and the allocation of the
national investment ability. Mobilizing the public
and the private sector is a considerable way to attract
the financial resouse. In order to operate seaports
effectively, it is necessary to clearly recognize the
potential advantages that must be associated with the
development of other factors. Governmental
administration should pay attention to prioritizing
the which elements are the key connection between
seaports and hinterland to ensure a huge total
amount of goods through the port. It is necessary to
invest in research on the development of more and
more inland clearance deport (ICD) that contributes
to the efficient transport network in the hinterland.
5. Conclusion
Vietnam has some key economic regions along
its coastline, and each of them has it all different
characteristics. The development of the hinterland
has a great influence on the development of the
seaports that has been prove by the paper. Once
modern seaports with international standards have
been built, the supporting and connecting hinterland
will ensure the development of the Vietnamese
seaport in particular and Vietnamese economy in
general. Where should be the key hinterland for the
Vietnam’s ports and how to make it work effectively
is an urgent matter that should be put in
consideration as soon as possible.
[1] Barke, M., Transport and trade. Oliver & Boyd,
Edinburgh, 1986.
[2] Blumenhagen, D., Containerisation and
hinterland traffic. Maritime Policy and
Management Vol. 8, pp.176-206, 1981.
[3] Decision No 70/2013/QĐ-TTg dated Sep 11
2013 on issueing the category of Vietnamese
[4] Decree 104/2010/ND-CP on foreign military
ships to the country of socialist republic of
[5] H.Meersman, E.Van de Voorde and T.
Vanelslander (2009) Port as hubs in the logistics
chain. International Maritime Transport.
[6] Hayuth, Containerlization and the load conter
concept, 1985.
[7] Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Theo Notteboom, Port
[8] Notteboom, T. and J-P
Rodrigue, “Foreland-Based Regionalization:
Integrating Intermediate Hubs with Port
Hinterlands”, Research in Transportation
Economics, Vol. 27, pp. 19-29, 2010.
[9] Violeta Roso, Johan Woxenius, Ken Lumsden,
The dry port concept: connecting container
seaports with the hinterland. Jounal of Tranport
Geography, 2008.
[10] Weigend, G.G., Some elements in the study of
port geography. Geographical Review 48, pp.
185-200, 1958.
TẠP CHÍ ISSN: 1859-316X
94 SỐ 63 (8-2020)
Received: 04 March 2020
Revised: 04 April 2020
Accepted: 13 April 2020
cum-cang “Ứng dụng logistics vào việc phát
triển miền hậu phương của cảng biển (cụm
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