This book is about RF system analysis and design at the level that requires anunderstanding of the interaction between the modules of a system so the ultimateperformance can be predicted. It describes concepts that are advanced, that is,beyond those that are more commonly taught, because these are necessary to theunderstanding of effects encountered in practice. It is about answering questionssuch as:
ã How will the gain of a cascade (a group of modules in series) be affectedby the standing-wave ratio (SWR) specifications of its modules?
ã How will noise on a local oscillator affect receiver noise figure and desen-sitization?
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σ 2Fcas5 = 10−Fcas5/5 dB
10Fcas3/5 dBσ 2F cas3
5 dB
σ 2F5
, (10)
where Fcasj is F for the cascade through stage j .
Equation (10) is the same as Eq. (8). We can also write this as
σ 2Fcas,n = 10−Fcas,n/5 dB
10Fcas(n−1)/5 dBσ 2F cas(n−1)
5 dB
σ 2Fn
, (3.31)
depending upon σ 2Fn being zero for all interconnects. Then every other application
of Eq. (3.31), those that apply to interconnects, will produce a change in cascade
noise figure variance only because of the change in cascade noise figure.
Table X.1 is a list of all crossover spurs for the range of m and n shown in its
upper left. The ratios of RF to IF and of RF to LO, which apply to the two types
of normalizations that we have considered, are listed for the three desired-signal
TABLE X.1 Crossover Spurs
desired m(LO) = 1
desired n(RF) = −1
0.2 0 5 0.1666667
0.25 0 4 0.2
0.3333333 0 3 0.25
0.3333333 2 −5 0.25
0.5 −1 5 0.3333333
0.5 0 2 0.3333333
0.5 2 −4 0.3333333
0.6666667 −1 4 0.4
1 −2 5 0.5
1 −1 3 0.5
1 0 1 0.5
1 2 −3 0.5
1 3 −5 0.5
1.5 −2 4 0.6
2 −3 5 0.6666667
2 −1 2 0.6666667
2 3 −4 0.6666667
3 −2 3 0.75
3 4 −5 0.75
4 −3 4 0.8
5 −4 5 0.8333333
set max
n = 5
max m
Practical RF System Design. William F. Egan
Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 0-471-20023-9
TABLE X.1 Crossover Spurs (continued )
desired m(LO) = 1 desired m(LO) = −1
desired n(RF) = 1 desired n(RF) = 1
0.1428571 2 −5 0.1666667 1.1 10 0 11
0.1666667 2 −4 0.2 1.1111111 9 0 10
0.2 0 5 0.25 1.125 −10 2 9
0.2 2 −3 0.25 1.125 8 0 9
0.25 0 4 0.3333333 1.1428571 −9 2 8
0.25 2 −2 0.3333333 1.1428571 7 0 8
0.25 3 −5 0.3333333 1.1666667 −8 2 7
0.2857143 3 −4 0.4 1.1666667 6 0 7
0.3333333 −1 5 0.5 1.2 −7 2 6
0.3333333 0 3 0.5 1.2 5 0 6
0.3333333 2 −1 0.5 1.2222222 10 −1 5.5
0.3333333 3 −3 0.5 1.25 −6 2 5
0.3333333 4 −5 0.5 1.25 4 0 5
0.375 4 −4 0.6 1.25 9 −1 5
0.4 −1 4 0.6666667 1.2857143 −10 3 4.5
0.4 3 −2 0.6666667 1.2857143 8 −1 4.5
0.4 5 −5 0.6666667 1.3333333 −9 3 4
0.4285714 −2 5 0.75 1.3333333 −5 2 4
0.4285714 4 −3 0.75 1.3333333 3 0 4
0.4444444 5 −4 0.8 1.3333333 7 −1 4
0.4545455 6 −5 0.8333333 1.375 10 −2 3.6666667
0.5 −3 5 1 1.4 −8 3 3.5
0.5 −2 4 1 1.4 6 −1 3.5
0.5 −1 3 1 1.4285714 9 −2 3.3333333
0.5 0 2 1 1.5 −10 4 3
0.5 2 0 1 1.5 −7 3 3
0.5 3 −1 1 1.5 −4 2 3
0.5 4 −2 1 1.5 2 0 3
0.5 5 −3 1 1.5 5 −1 3
0.5 6 −4 1 1.5 8 −2 3
0.5 7 −5 1 1.5714286 10 −3 2.75
0.5384615 8 −5 1.1666667 1.6 −9 4 2.6666667
0.5454545 7 −4 1.2 1.6 7 −2 2.6666667
0.5555556 −4 5 1.25 1.6666667 −6 3 2.5
0.5555556 6 −3 1.25 1.6666667 4 −1 2.5
0.5714286 −3 4 1.3333333 1.6666667 9 −3 2.5
0.5714286 5 −2 1.3333333 1.75 −8 4 2.3333333
0.5714286 9 −5 1.3333333 1.75 6 −2 2.3333333
0.5833333 8 −4 1.4 1.8 −10 5 2.25
0.6 −5 5 1.5 1.8 8 −3 2.25
0.6 −2 3 1.5 1.8333333 10 −4 2.2
0.6 4 −1 1.5 2 −9 5 2
0.6 7 −3 1.5 2 −7 4 2
0.6 10 −5 1.5 2 −5 3 2
0.6153846 9 −4 1.6 2 −3 2 2
0.625 −4 4 1.6666667 2 1 0 2
0.625 6 −2 1.6666667 2 3 −1 2
0.6363636 −6 5 1.75 2 5 −2 2
0.6363636 8 −3 1.75 2 7 −3 2
0.6428571 10 −4 1.8 2 9 −4 2
0.6666667 −7 5 2 2.2 10 −5 1.8333333
spur spur
TABLE X.1 Crossover Spurs (continued )
desired m(LO) = 1 desired m(LO) = −1
desired n(RF) = 1 desired n(RF) = 1
spur spur
0.6666667 −7 5 2 2.2 10 −5 1.8333333
0.6666667 −5 4 2 2.25 8 −4 1.8
0.6666667 −3 3 2 2.3333333 −8 5 1.75
0.6666667 −1 2 2 2.3333333 6 −3 1.75
0.6666667 3 0 2 2.5 −6 4 1.6666667
0.6666667 5 −1 2 2.5 4 −2 1.6666667
0.6666667 7 −2 2 2.5 9 −5 1.6666667
0.6666667 9 −3 2 2.6666667 7 −4 1.6
0.6923077 −8 5 2.25 3 −7 5 1.5
0.6923077 10 −3 2.25 3 −4 3 1.5
0.7 −6 4 2.3333333 3 2 −1 1.5
0.7 8 −2 2.3333333 3 5 −3 1.5
0.7142857 −9 5 2.5 3 8 −5 1.5
0.7142857 −4 3 2.5 3.5 6 −4 1.4
0.7142857 6 −1 2.5 4 −5 4 1.3333333
0.7272727 −7 4 2.6666667 4 3 −2 1.3333333
0.7272727 9 −2 2.6666667 4 7 −5 1.3333333
0.7333333 −10 5 2.75 5 −6 5 1.25
0.75 −8 4 3 5 4 −3 1.25
0.75 −5 3 3 6 5 −4 1.2
0.75 −2 2 3 7 6 −5 1.1666667
0.75 4 0 3
0.75 7 −1 3
0.75 10 −2 3
0.7692308 −9 4 3.3333333
0.7777778 −6 3 3.5
0.7777778 8 −1 3.5
0.7857143 −10 4 3.6666667
0.8 −7 3 4
0.8 −3 2 4
0.8 5 0 4
0.8 9 −1 4
0.8181818 −8 3 4.5
0.8181818 10 −1 4.5
0.8333333 −9 3 5
0.8333333 −4 2 5
0.8333333 6 0 5
0.8461538 −10 3 5.5
0.8571429 −5 2 6
0.8571429 7 0 6
0.875 −6 2 7
0.875 8 0 7
0.8888889 −7 2 8
0.8888889 9 0 8
0.9 −8 2 9
0.9 10 0 9
0.9090909 −9 2 10
0.9166667 −10 2 11
curves, with m and n (±1) for them shown at the top. The spurs have been
sorted from lowest to highest frequency ratios or vise versa. Crossovers at zero
or infinity are not shown.
Table X.1 has three major divisions, according to the sign of m and n that
applies to the desired response. Within the divisions for the 1 × 1 or 1 × −1
desired responses, the values of m and n for the crossover spurs, on any given line,
are the same for RF/IF as for RF/LO. That is because, as the RF increases along
these curves (Fig. 7.28), both RF/IF and RF/LO increase. Therefore, the sequence
in which they cross spurs is the same. However, within the third segment, that
for the −1 × 1 desired response, RF/IF increases with increasing RF but RF/LO
decreases. For this reason, the ratio RF/LO has been sorted by decreasing value
in this last segment so that both ratios on a line refer to the same m and n values.
Here we treat unilateral modules that are specified by their input and output
impedances and by their transducer gains or their maximum available gains
(Appendix G). Figure Z.1 shows two such modules, each represented by its input
and output impedances (Z11) and (Z22) and a voltage generator that depends on
the voltage across the input resistance (thus on the square root of the input
power). We will see how to compute the gain of a cascade of such modules,
using a spreadsheet as an aid, and how to find the S parameters for such modules
and cascades.
What is the gain of a cascade of modules that interfaces with impedances that
are different than those used in obtaining their gains when they were tested with
matched loads (maximum available gain), assuming negligible reverse transmis-
sion (Z12, S12 = 0)?
The ratio of the voltage across the real part of a driven load to the voltage
across the real part of the module’s input is1
= e(j+1)
= a′j
Z22j + Z11(j+1) . (1)
The voltage at the cascade source is e1. The load Z11(j+1) is the input to the next
stage except that Z11(N+1) is the load for a cascade of N modules.
Practical RF System Design. William F. Egan
Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 0-471-20023-9
jX11j +1
jX22j +1R22j +1
R11j +1
Z11j +1
a ′j ej a ′j+1 ej +1
vj +1
Fig. Z.1 The j th module in the cascade.
During module characterization (test), when the load is matched to (i.e., the
complex conjugate of) the module’s output impedance, Eq. (1) becomes
= eT (j+1)
= a′j
R22j + R22j =
. (2)
(The imaginary parts in the denominator cancel since the impedances are
Since the gain is defined with respect to the voltage across R11, the input
match during test is not significant here. From Eq. (2) we can obtain the internal
parameter a′ in terms of the tested transfer function aT . Substituting a′ from
Eq. (2) into Eq. (1), we obtain the transfer function in the cascade relative to the
tested transfer function for the module:
aj = aTj 2R11(j+1)
Z22j + Z11(j+1) . (3)
The voltage transfer function for a cascade of N modules is then
acas =
Z22j + Z11(j+1)
. (4)
Note that the first product is the transfer function the cascade would have if not
for the differing impedances between test and use, and the second product is the
modification due to the differing impedances.
The (actual) power gain gact,j is the ratio of power absorbed in the load
(R11,j+1) to the power dissipated by the module input resistance (R11,j ). Due to
the impedance matches at input and output, the power gain during test is the
maximum available power gain gmaT :
gmaTj =
e2T (j+1)/R22j
e2Tj /R11j
∣∣∣∣∣ = |amaTj |2
, (5)
but the power gain of a module in the cascade is
gact,j =
e2j /R11j
∣∣∣∣∣ (6)
= |aj |2 R11j
= |amaTj |2
|Z22j + Z11(j+1)|2
= gmaTj R22j
|Z22j + Z11(j+1)|2
= gmaTj 4R22jR11(j+1)|Z22j + Z11(j+1)|2 . (8)
Here Eqs. (3) and (5) have been used. From this we obtain the actual power gain
(Appendix G) for a cascade of N modules:
gact,cas =
gact,j =
|Z22j + Z11(j+1)|2
. (9)
Here the subscript N + 1 refers to the load and gmaTj is the maximum available
power gain measured when the module was characterized with a matched source
and load. The actual power gain is the ratio of power delivered to the load to the
power absorbed at the input of the cascade.
Example Z.1 Cascade Gain, Nonstandard Modules Figure Z.2 shows a
spreadsheet that executes Eq. (9). The input and output impedances and the power
gain in test (gmaT i) are listed for each module in lines 5–8 with the cascade’s load
1 Maximum
2 Available
3 Power Gain
4 in test R11 X11 R22 X22
5 Module 1 6.00 dB 200.00 Ω 100.00 Ω 300.00 Ω 150.00 Ω
6 Module 2 9.00 dB 1500.00 Ω −250.00 Ω 1200.00 Ω −200.00 Ω
7 Module 3 4.50 dB 1000.00 Ω 200.00 Ω 500.00 Ω 200.00 Ω
8 Module 4 22.00 dB 250.00 Ω 45.00 Ω 55.00 Ω 10.00 Ω
9 Load 100.00 Ω 25.00 Ω
12 Module 1 3.41 dB 3.41 dB
13 Module 2 8.94 dB 12.36 dB
14 Module 3 3.53 dB 15.88 dB
15 Module 4 21.38 dB 37.27 dB
actual gain in use
Fig. Z.2 Spreadsheet for cascade of nonstandard modules.
given in line 9. The actual gain of each module in the cascade [Eq. (8)] is given
in cells B12–B15 with the cumulative gain in cells C12–C15. Note that the sum
of the tested gains is 41.5 dB, whereas the cascade gain is only 37.27 dB.
We can obtain the value of gmaTj from test data that was not obtained with
matched source and load but rather in a transducer-gain test, with a signal gen-
erator and power meter (Fig. Z.3). Using Eqs. (6) and (8), we write
gmaTj =
e2j /R11j
|Z22j + Z11(j+1)|2
. (10)
Here, Z11(j+1), including R11(j+1), is the test load. Assume that the power meter
presents a real impedance equal to that of the connecting cable. Then Z11(j+1) =
R11(j+1). We recognize the first ratio as the ratio of power absorbed in the meter
(assuming negligible cable loss) to that absorbed in the module, so we can write
gmaTj = po,j+1
po,j − pi,j
|Z22j + R11(j+1)|2
= po,j+1
po,j − pi,j
|1 + Z22j /R11(j+1)|2
4R22j /R11(j+1)
If we do not have a value for pi,j , we can relate it to po,j and to the transducer
gain of the module, gtj , by
gmaTj = po,j+1
po,j (1 − |S11j |2)
|1 + Z22j /R11(j+1)|2
4R22j /R11(j+1)
= gtj |1 + Z11j /R0j |
4R11j /R0j
|1 + Z22j /R11(j+1)|2
4R22j /R11(j+1)
. (13)
Cable impedance = R22j +1Measure forward and
reverse power
Z11j R22j
ej a ′j ej
Power meter
poj +1
Fig. Z.3 Testing module for available gain.
Here R0j is the characteristic impedance of the input cable (at port j ) during
test, and S11j can be obtained in terms of impedances from Eq. (14) below.
Interconnect impedances may be included as part of the input impedance Z11,j+1
of the following module or the output impedance Z22j of the preceding module.
When a true transmission line is used, Section F.4 may be helpful in translating
the input impedance of the following module to a value at the output of the
preceding module. If the line is made part of the following module and is lossless,
whatever power is absorbed into the combined input structure must be absorbed in
R11,j+1 of the following module. This power is part of the power gain equation
[the numerator in Eq. (6)]. For use with voltage gain [Eq. (1)], e2j+1 can be
obtained from the power by multiplying the power by R11,j+1.
Here we will consider how to convert the description of a module in terms
of nonstandard impedances into a description using S parameters for standard
impedances. If the interfaces in a cascade are matched to various resistive val-
ues, the modules on either side of an interface being each matched to the same
resistance with specified deviation therefrom, such a cascade can be treated as a
standard cascade. The variation of standard impedance (e.g., 75 , 120 , etc.)
from interface to interface does not invalidate that method. However, when we
convert to an S-parameter description at an impedance significantly different than
the actual interface impedance and apply the methods of Section 2.3, we may be
throwing away significant information and, as a result, generating unnecessarily
large uncertainties in overall performance. In other words, if the impedances of
modules in a cascade are known in detail, rather than by their allowed devia-
tion from a standard impedance, converting them to the latter type of description
throws away useful information. It may be better to compute cascade gain as in
Section Z.1 and then possibly describe the overall cascade by S parameters, as
we will do here.
Figure Z.4 shows the module as it is during characterization. (Note that only
vin,j , vout,j , and vout,j+1 are normalized variables here.) From this figure we can
see (Section F.2)
S11j = Z11j − R0j
Z11j + R0j , (14)
S22j = Z22j − R0,j+1
Z22j + R0,j+1 , (15)
S21j = vout,(j+1)
= v˜out,(j+1)
, (16)
vin, j
vout, j+1
vout, j
a'j ej
Fig. Z.4 The j th module in test.
= R0,j+1
Z22j + R0,j+1 a
S12j = 0. (18)
To put S21j in a usable form, we write ej in terms of the waves used in defining
S parameters by observing
ej = v˜in,j + v˜out,j = v˜in,j (1 + S11j ). (19)
We then substitute ej from (19) and a′j from (2) into (17) to obtain
S21j =
Z22j + R0,j+1 2aTj
(1 + S11j ). (20)
Then, substituting for S11j from Eq. (14), we obtain
S21j = 4aTj
(Z11j + R0j )(Z22j + R0,j+1) . (21)
This expression, along with those of Eqs. (14), (15), and (18), allow S parameters
to be written in terms of nonstandard-module parameters.
The second page of the workbook containing Fig. Z.2 shows how these con-
versions can be made using a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is written for the
usual case where R0j = R0,j+1 = R0. It uses the module parameters from the
Fig. Z.2 spreadsheet and only the phase of aTj must be added.
We determine the S parameters for a cascade of nonstandard modules so we
can use that cascade as an element in a cascade with standard modules having
R0 interfaces. Because the modules are unilateral, the input impedance of the
cascade is that of the first module from Eq. (14):
S11 = Z111 − R0
Z111 + R0 , (22)
and the output impedance is that of the last module in the cascade,
S22 = Z22N − R0
Z22N + R0 , (23)
where the last subscript refers to the number of the module in the cascade of
nonstandard modules.
The forward transfer ratio is (Fig. Z.1)
S21 = vo(N+1)
= v1
= (1 + S111)R111
acas|Z11(N+1)=R0 (25)
= 2 R111
Z111 + R0 acas|Z11(N+1)=R0 , (26)
where aN |Z11(N+1)=R0 is given by Eq. (4) with Z11(N+1) = R11(N+1) = R0 (i.e.,
with the nonstandard cascade properly terminated). [Equation (22) was used in
obtaining Eq. (26)].
Due to our assumption that S12j ≈ 0 for these modules, S12 = 0 for the cas-
cade also. Thus the cascade meets the unilaterality requirement for modules in
Section 2.3.
Note, from Eqs. (22) and (23), that it is easy to determine variations in the
reflection coefficients of the cascade from the variations in the individual mod-
ules. Also, from Eqs. (26) and (4), the effect of variations in aTj on S21 can be
easily determined. Sensitivity analysis may be helpful in determining the effects
of the various impedances in Eq. (4) on overall gain if that becomes important.
1The forward and reverse gain constants in standard Z parameters, Z21 and Z12, respectively,
are ratios of voltages to terminal currents. The internal gain factor used here is related to the
corresponding standard Z parameters by a′j = Z21j /R11j .
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∗First publication date of these works is uncertain due to the nature of the source. They may have
appeared in versions of the catalog that are earlier than the date given in parentheses.
180◦ hybrid, 152
90◦ hybrid, 150
ABCD parameters, 45
acceptance band in spur plot, 279
actual gain, 315
additive noise, effect of loop on, 262
AGC, 84
Allan Variance, 271
radio, Example 7.13, 211
suppression, 225
transfer from LO, 225
amplifiers, combining
180◦hybrid, 152
90◦hybrid, 150
anomalous IMs, 115
appendixes, use of, 3
architectures that improve linearity, 149
Ch. 6 Summary, 163
asymmetry, filter, 286
attenuator noise factor, 55
available gain, 313
average gain, 19
band conversion
Example 7.3, 182
Example 7.7, 193
noise, 48, 246
with feedforward, 161
and unilateral modules combined, 28
modules in cascade, 24
binomial coefficient, 345
cable gain, 18
Example 2.1, 21
maximum, 19
minimum, 19
frequency conversion, 170
receiver, 289
synthesizer, 291
carrier recovery loop, effect on phase noise, 260
analysis of combiner tree, 157
optimizing, 139
phase shift of, 27
processing phase noise in, 252
standard, 16
Second-Order IMs in, 134
Third-Order IMs in, 136
changes, parameter, on spreadsheet, 43
changing standard impedance, Appendix I, 321
circle, constant noise, 61
Practical RF System Design. William F. Egan
Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 0-471-20023-9
class B, 154
combiner tree, 156
cascade analysis, 157
180◦ hybrid, 152
harmonics, 153
intermods, 153
90◦ hybrid, 150
harmonics, 151
intermods, 151
parallel, 149
parameters on one spreadsheet, 139
SWRs, 306
complex Z0, 45
distortion, 133
second-order, 133
triple beat, 133
S parameters, Appendix S, 349
from third-order response, 102
in a cascade, Example 4.6, 119
in mixer, 166
constant-noise circle, 61
contaminating signal, 219
in nonlinearities, summary of Ch. 8, 243
LO, 228
summary, 236
contents, vii
gain, 84
level, 86
using on spreadsheets, 147
arithmetic, Appendix C, 289
direct, 195
double, 202
in receivers, 167
in synthesizers and exciters, 170
loss, 166
coupler, directional, 159
cross modulation, 102
crossover spur, 170, 182
Appendix X, 359
crystal video receiver, 129
with preamplification, 129
CSO, 133
CTB, 133
clock, transfer of phase noise from, 256
effect of phase noise on, 258
errors, 247
effect of phase noise on, 263
DC term, 93
from noise, 126
decibel, 303
decomposition of single sideband, 220
noise, 126
phase-power spectral, 246
power spectral, 125
single-sideband, 246
desensitization, 102
receiver, 249
design process, 1
detection, 93
difference-frequency term, 93
diplexer, 67, 90
direct conversion, 195
directional coupler, 159
distortion, composite
second-order, 133
triple beat, 133
double conversion, 202
limitation due to two-by-twos, 206
multi-band, Example 7.15, 212
dynamic range, 137
other limitations, 139
spurious free, 137
effective power gain, 19
end elements in cascade, 26
end notes, 5
enhancements, spreadsheet, 146
error probability, 258
errors, data, 247
evanescent fields, 45
even-order terms, other, 97
Example 2.1 Cable Gain, 21
Example 2.2 Effect of Mismatch, 22
Example 2.3 Cascade Calculations, 27
Example 2.4 Composite from Bilateral and
Unilateral Modules, 30
Example 2.5 Attenuator in Cascade, 35
Example 2.6 Sensitivities Using Spreadsheet, 42
Example 2.7 Changes Using Spreadsheet, 43
Example 3.1 Cascade Noise Figure, 51
Example 3.2 Noise Figure to Meet System
Requirement, 52
Example 3.3 Cascade Noise Factor, 56
Example 3.4 Effect of Image Noise, Simple
Front End, 69
Example 3.5 Spreadsheet with Image Noise,
Broadband System, 70
Example 3.6 Parameters Differing at Image
Frequency, 72
Example 3.7 (NF) Combined with
Interconnects ..., 74
Example 3.8 Noise Factor in Mixed Cascade,
Example 3.9 AGC, Gain Determines Input, 84
Example 3.10 AGC, Input Determines Gain, 85
Example 3.11 Level Control, Open-Loop, 87
Example 3.12 Level Control, Closed-Loop, 88
Example 4.1 Second Harmonic, 94
Example 4.2 Third-Order IM, 100
Example 4.3 Computing IMs of a Cascade, 111
Example 4.4 . . . IMs That Do Not Add, 111
Example 4.5 Coherent and Noncoherent
Addition, 115
Example 4.6 Compression in the Cascade, 119
Example 5.1 NPR, 132
Example 5.2 CSO and CTB, 136
Example 5.3 ISFDR, 138
Example 5.4 Combined Parameters, Standard
Cascade, 141
Example 5.5 Combined Parameters, Less Ideal
Cascade, 141
Example 5.6 Simplified Combined Spreadsheet,
Example 5.7 Optimization, 143
Example 7.1 Spur Levels, 175
Example 7.2 Mixer IM, 177
Example 7.3 band conversion, 182
Example 7.4 Relative Level of LO Leakage,
Example 7.5 Conversion to a Single IF, 186
Example 7.6 Conversion to an IF Range, 192
Example 7.7 Band Converters, 193
Example 7.8 Zero IF, 195
Example 7.9 Filter Requirements Table, 197
Example 7.10 Plotting the Filter Requirements,
Example 7.11 IF Filter, 201
Example 7.12 Limitation Due to 2×2 Spurs,
Example 7.13 AM Radio, 211
Example 7.14 Switched Preselector, 211
Example 7.15 Multi-Band Downconverter, 212
Example 7.16 Design Aid for Switched
Preselectors, 212
Example 8.1 Sideband Transfer from LO, 227
Example 8.2 FM Contaminant Transferred from
LO to IF, 230
Example 8.3 SSB Contaminant on Verge of
Transfer, 230
Example 8.4 SSB Contaminant Not
Transferred, 232
Example 8.5 SSB Contaminant on Verge at
Other End, 232
Example 8.6 SSB Contaminant Not Transferred
at Other End, 232
Example 8.7 LO Contaminant Converted into
IF, 234
Example 8.8 LO contaminant leaking into IF,
Example 8.9 LO Contaminant Equivalent
Sideband Leaking into IF, 235
Example 8.10 Mixer Noise Factor Increase Due
to LO Noise, 237
Example 8.11 Noise with High-Ratio Up
Conversion, 239
Example 8.12 Frequency Divider Spectrums In
and Out, 241
Example 8.13 Frequency Multiplier Spectrum
In and Out, 243
Example 9.1 Desensitization, 249
Example 9.2 Contribution of Phase Noise to
Data Errors, 263
example of frequency conversion, Appendix E,
Example Z.1 Cascade Gain, Nonstandard
Modules, 365
expected value of noise figure, 58
feedback, 158
feedforward, 159
and bandwidth, 161
harmonics with, 160
intermods with, 160
files, getting from Wiley site, xix
asymmetry, 286
filtering of phase noise by, 254
IF, 168
requirements, 200
image rejection, 66
requirements table, Example 7.9, 197
RF, 168
requirements, 197
shape factor, 184, 196
of LO noise, 238
of noise
by filters, 254
by PLLs, 253
flicker noise, 48
FM, transfer from LO, 226
footnotes, 5
formulas for IMs and harmonics, Appendix H,
bands in spur plot, Appendix B, 279
conversion, 165
calculator, 170
design method, 170
effect on IM addition, 111
example of, 171
Appendix E, 293
higher values of m, 209
in feedback path, 217
in receivers, 167
in synthesizers and exciters, 170
operating regions, 203
frequency dividers
effect on contaminants, 240
internal noise, 242
sampling in, 241
frequency multipliers, effect on contaminants,
frequency, functions of, 7
gain, 7
actual, 315
available, 313
ratio to transducer gain, 64
average, 19
cable, 18
variance, 22
cascade of nonstandard modules, 365
controls, 84
effective, 19
insertion, 315
maximum available, 313
nonstandard module, 366
mean cable, 20
module, 15
nonstandard relative to tested, 363
round-trip, 18
simple, 8
summary of Ch. 2, 43
tolerance, 8
transducer, 314
ratio to available gain, 64
types of power, Appendix G, 313
variance of a cascade, 25
variation due to SWR, 21
with parallel combining, 155
getting files, xix
glossary, xxi
hard limiting, 223
formulas for, Appendix H, 317
second, 93
third, 100
with feedforward, 160
heterodyning, 165
homodyne, 195
HRC CATV system, 133
180◦, 152
90◦, 150
i (direction of propagation), 9
Filter Requirements, 200
Example 7.11, 201
mixer output, 165
range, conversion to, Example 7.6, 192
IIP, 94
frequency, parameters differing at, 72
noise, 65, 67
standard cascade, 74
rejection filter, 66
match, 8
with hybrid, 151
nonstandard, 8
transformations in cables, 310
coherently, 106
randomly, 108
anomalous, 115
formulas for, Appendix H, 317
in cascade, spreadsheet for, 111
in mixers, Appendix P, 345
measuring, 116
relative phases at modules, Table 4.1, 108
second order, 93
that do not add, 109
third-order terms at input frequency,
Appendix T, 353
two-signal in mixer, 176
with feedforward, 160
in (direction of propagation), 9
insertion gain, 315
instantaneous SFDR, 137
integration of phase noise, 258
limits for, 252
intercept point
effect of mismatch on, 110
second order, 93
third-order, 99
in nonstandard cascade, 367
noise factor, 56, 334
with mismatch, 335
reflection at, 39
transmission line, 16
intermediate frequency, 165. See IF
intermods. See IMs
intermodulation of noise, 123
internal spur, 168
introduction, 1
IRC CATV system, 133
isolation, mixer, 167
jitter, 248, 269
Johnson noise, 48
LO-to-IF on spur plot, 184
LO-to-RF on spur plot, 184
level control, 86
distortion in, 225
hard, 223
soft, 223
limits of integration in computing phase
variance, 259
linearity, architectures that improve, 149
literature, use of technical, 5
components, mixing between, 228
contamination, effect on noise figure, 236
filtering, 238
mixer input, 165
summary of troublesome frequency ranges
in, 236
transfer from, of
AM, 225
FM, 226
phase noise, 255
single sideband, 226
troublesome frequency ranges in, 228
load, power delivered to, 23
Appendix L, 325
local oscillator, 165. See LO
look-up tables, 146
lossy interconnections, 32
m, high values in frequency conversion, 209
matching impedance with hybrid, 151
matrix multiplication, Appendix M, 327
maximum available gain, 313
finding for a nonstandard module, 366
maximum SWR from multiple reflections, 306
mean cable gain, 20
measurement of
IMs, 116
NPR, 131
S parameter, 10
T parameter, 13
minimum SWR, multiple reflections, 306
mismatch, effect
of, 16
Example 2.2, 22
on intercept points, 110
on interconnect noise factor, 335
mixer, 165
doubly balanced, 166
IF output, 165
IMs in, Appendix P, 345
LO input, 165
noise factor
due to LO contamination, 236
effective, 66
parameters, 166
RF input, 165
singly balanced, 166
terminations, 174
transfer from LO, 225
mixing between LO components, 228
bilateral in cascade, 24
nonstandard, Appendix Z, 363
unilateral, 8
multiband downconverter, Example 7.15, 212
additive, effect of loop on, 262
and nonlinearity, 123
summary of Ch. 5, 147
bandwidth, 48, 49, 246
density, 49, 126
effect of loop on additive, 262
factor, 47. See also noise figure
attenuator, 55
cascade, 50
module contribution, 50
effect from LO contamination, 236
effect of source impedance on, 341
equivalent for voltage amplifier, 79
impedance dependent, 59
representation, 59
implication re phase noise, 255
mixer, due to LO contamination, 236
of interconnect, 56, 334
of mixer, effective, 66
Op-Amp calculations, Appendix A, 273
parallel combining, 156
single-sideband, 66
standard, 54, 331
relation to theoretical, 62
standard and theoretical, Appendix N, 329
summary of Ch. 3, 88
summary of relationships, 53
theoretical, 54, 329
relation to standard, 62
using, 64
summary, 65
two-element cascade, 51
voltage amplifier, 74
with unilateral modules, 79
with extreme mismatch, 74
figure, 47. See also noise factor
expected value, 58
sensitivity, 79
sensitivity, Appendix V, 355
spot, 49
variance, 58
variance, Appendix V, 355
flicker, 48
image, 65, 67
intermodulation of, 123
Johnson, 48
phase, 245
power ratio, 131
DC term, 126
second-order, 125
third order, 130
sidebands, oscillator, 238
source, isolated, 59
temperature, 47, 48
cascade, 51
in operational environment, 52
system, 51
with operational source, 52
thermal, 48
nonideal effects
in parallel combining, 162
other, 121
nonlinear products
frequency dependence, 102
general cascade, 105
in cascade, 102, 103
relationship between, 102
two-module cascade, 104
and noise, 123
in signal path, 91
summary of Ch. 4, 121
representing, 91
impedances, 40
interface impedance, 8
modules, Appendix Z, 363
normalized waves, 11
notes, end, 5
NPR, 131
Measurement, 131
o (direction of propagation), 9
odd-order terms, other, 101
OIP2, 93
Op-Amp noise factor, Appendix A, 273
operating regions, frequency conversion, 203
optimizing cascades, 139
organization of the book, 2
noise sidebands, 238
phase noise representations, 252
out (direction of propagation), 9
parallel combining, 149
gain with, 155
noise factor, 156
nonideal performance in, 162
mixer characterized by, 166
range in composite modules, 39
S, 9
scattering, 9
T, 12
two-port, 9
passband in spur plot, 279
performance, deviations from desired, 4
noise, 245
adverse effects, 247
effect of carrier recovery loop on, 260
effect on data, 258
effect on data errors, 263
implication of noise figure, 255
integration of, 258
low frequency, 268
measures of, 269
oscillator spectrum, 250
sources of, 250
transfer from LO, 255
power spectral density, 246
shift of a cascade, 27
variance, limits of integration, 259
variation, 24
PLLs, filtering of phase noise by, 253
plotting filter requirements, Example 7.10, 200
delivered to load, 23
Appendix L, 325
gain, 8
ratio for two noise factors, 342
in a traveling wave, 12
spectral density, 125
PPSD, 246
predictable spur levels, power range for, 177
preface, xvii
processing phase noise in a cascade, 252
propagation direction subscript, 9
PSD, 125
push–pull, simple, 154
random-walk FM, 251
range of parameters in composite modules, 39
ratio of power gains, standard and theoretical
noise factors, 342
calculator, 289
crystal video, 129
desensitization, 249
references, 5, 371
reflection coefficient, 8, 304
at interconnects, 39
other, 82
relative sideband
amplitude, 245
density, 246
response, standard cascade, 25
return loss, 8
RF mixer input, 165
round-trip gain, 18
S parameters, 9
composite, Appendix S, 349
measurement, 10
cascade, 368
module, 367
relative to T parameters, 13
sampling in frequency dividers, 241
scattering parameters, 9
second harmonic, Example 4.1, 94
IMs in CATV, 134
mathematical representation, 95
of noise, 125
terms, 92
noise figure, 79
Appendix V, 355
using, 82
use of to find variations, 40
severe nonlinearities, 219
SFDR, instantaneous, 137
shape factor
definitions, 197
filter, 184, 196
amplitude, relative, 245
density, relative, 246
signal with noise, effect of, 128
simple push–pull, 154
simulation, 3
frequency spur, 168
IF, conversion to, Example 7.5, 186
decomposition of, 220
density, 246
transfer from LO, 226
Smith Chart, 310
soft limiting, 223
source impedance, effect on noise factor, 341
source resistance, effect on Op-Amp noise
factor, 274
specifications, creating and using, 1
spectrum, oscillator, 250
spot noise figure, 49
enhancements, 146
getting from Wiley site, xix
spur plot, 180
use of, 2, 3
spur(ious), 168
crossover, 170, 182
Appendix X, 359
free dynamic range, 137
internal, 168
chart, 168
in DBM from balance parameters, 217
in mixer, 168, 171
dependence on signal strength, 171
estimating, 173
m-by-n, 168
IF reference, 186
LO reference, 180
normalized to LO, 184
representation of bands, Appendix B, 279
spreadsheet, 180
single-frequency, 168
cascade, 16
overall response, 25
CATV system, 133
impedance, 8
changing, Appendix I, 321
noise factor, 331
state variables, standard cascade, 18
sum-frequency term, 93
superheterodyne, 165
switched preselector
design aid for, Example 7.16, 212
Example 7.14, 211
SWR(s), 8, 304
combining, 306
maximum sum, 306
minimum sum, 306
variation in, 38
symbols, list of, xxi
synthesis calculator, 291
system design process, 1
T matrices, 14
multiplying, 14
T parameter(s), 12
measurement, 13
other definitions, 45
relative to S parameters, 13
restrictions on, 14
Table 3.1 Summary of Noise Relationships, 53
Table 4.1 Phases of Close (in frequency)
Signals and IMs Formed at Two Different
Locations, 108
Table 5.1 Effects of Redistributing Amplifiers,
Table 7.1 Ratio (r) of Largest IM to Mixer
Spur, 176
Table 7.2 Values for Fig. 7.38, 215
Table 8.1 Characteristics of Troublesome
Ranges in LO with Attenuation from LO
to IF shown for SSB contaminant, 236
Table A.1 Op Amp Noise Factors for Various
Parameter Values, 277
Table P.1 Binomial Coefficients, 346
Table S.1 S Parameters for Composite of Two
Modules, 352
Table X.1 Crossover Spurs, 359
Taylor series, 91
technical literature, use of, 5
terminations, mixer, 174
terms, list of, xxi
test, 3
theoretical noise factor, 329
thermal noise, 48
IMs in CATV, 136
IP, 99
Example 4.2, 100
mathematical representation, 100
of noise, 130
terms, 97
time dependence, 92
tolerance, gain, 8
transducer gain, 314
transfer of phase noise from data clock, 256
transformation of impedance by cable, 310
transmission line interconnection, 16
triplexer, 67, 90
troublesome frequency ranges in the LO, 228
summary, 236
two-by-twos, 206
two-port parameters, 9
two-signal IMs in mixer, 176
unilateral modules, 8
bilateral modules
becoming effectively, 33
combined with, 28
simplification with, 15
cable gain, 22
noise figure, 58
Appendix V, 355
in SWRs, 38
phase, due to reflection, 24
waves, normalized, 11
Z0, imaginary component, 45
zero IF
conversion to, 195
Example 7.8, 195
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