Here the Mi denote molar masses of the pure components, Mij an “interaction molar mass”, and c is
a constant (21.8 K g/mol). It turns out that the adjustable parameters aij and dij are very close to zero
for a large number of chemical compounds. We have set these two correlation parameters to zero for
the hydrogen-oxygen interaction and used the correlations of Estela-Uribe and Jaramillo to predict
cross second virial coefficients. The results show a remarkably good agreement with the predictions
from quantum mechanics.
IV - Conclusion
We conclude that our ab initio pair potentials for the hydrogen-oxygen interaction are
reliable, and that the calculation of thermodynamic properties from quantum mechanical results can
be useful, if experimental data are scarce.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Prediction of cross second virial coefficients for dimer H2-O2 from ab initio calculations of intermolecular potentials, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 46 (1), P. 120 - 126, 2008
Prediction of cross second virial coefficients for
dimer H2-O2 from ab initio calculations of
intermolecular potentials
Received May 23, 2007
Pham Van Tat1, U. K. Deiters2
1Department of Chemistry, University of Dalat
2Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Cologne, Germany
The intermolecular interaction potentials of the dimer H2-O2 were calculated from quantum
mechanics, using coupled-cluster theory CCSD(T) and correlation-consistent basis sets aug-cc-
pVmZ (m = 2, 3); the results were extrapolated to the basis set limit aug-cc-pV23Z. The quantum
mechanical results were used to construct 5-site pair potential functions. The cross second virial
coefficients of the dimer hydrogen-oxygen were obtained by integration; in these cases
corrections for quantum effects were included. The results agree well with experimental data and
empirical correlations.
I - Introduction
Computer simulation techniques, Monte
Carlo as well as Molecular Dynamics, cannot
work without some input, however: It is
necessary to know the interaction potentials of
the systems under study. The usual procedure is
to assume a simple model potential. A system is
the fluid mixture (H2-O2). Its thermodynamic
properties are important for the design of
efficient rocket engines [1], but there are
remarkably few publications of experimental
results only -for evident reasons.
Recently an alternative approach has become
feasible, for which the name “global simulation”
has been coined [2]. One of the first attempts in
such global simulations was that of Deiters,
Hloucha and Leonhard [3] for neon to predict
the vapour-liquid phase equilibria without
recourse to experimental data. Further global
simulation attempts for noble gases were
published by the group of Huber [4]. Using a
functional form for the dispersion potentials of
argon and krypton proposed by Korona et al.
[5]. Leonhard and Deiters constructed a 5-site
Morse potential to represent the pair potential of
nitrogen [8] and were able to predict vapour
pressures and orthobaric densities. Nasrabad
and Deiters even predicted phase high-pressure
vapour-liquid phase equilibria of noblegas
mixtures [7]. Bock et al. also used a 5-site pair
potential for carbon dioxide [9]. Naicker et al.
used SAPT (symmetry-adapted perturbation
theory) to develop a 3-site pair potential for
hydrogen chloride [11]; they then successfully
predicted the vapour-liquid equilibria of
hydrogen chloride with Gibbs ensemble Monte
Carlo simulations.
In this work we use quantum mechanical
calculations at a sufficiently high level of
approximation to obtain pair potential data of
the dimer H2-O2. These data are then
represented by analytical pair potential
functions. These in turn are used to calculate
cross 2nd virial coefficients. The virial
coefficients can then be compared to
experimental data - as far as such data are
II - Computational details
1. Molecular Orientation
Hydrogen and oxygen molecules are
represented as 5-site models, with two sites
placed on the atoms (H or O), one site in the
center of gravity (M), and two sites halfways
between the atoms and the center (N). The
molecules are treated as rigid; the interatomic
distances are set to 0.74130 Å for hydrogen and
1.20741 for oxygen [12]. As hydrogen and
oxygen are linear molecules, the intermolecular
pair potential is a function of distance r
(distance between the centers of gravity) and
three angular coordinates, α, β and φ.
Interaction energies were calculated for all
values of r from 2.6 to 15 Å with increment 0.2
Å; the anglesα, β and φ; were varied from 0 to
180o with increment 45o.
2. Quantum chemical calculations
The method CCSD(T) and the correlation-
consistent basis sets of Dunning et al. [13]: aug-
cc-pVDZ (for oxygen: 10s5p2d/4s3p2d, for
hydrogen: 5s2p/3s2p), aug-cc-pVTZ (for
oxygen: 12s6p3d2f/5s4p3d2f, for hydrogen:
6s3p2d/4s3p2d) were used in this work. The ab
initio energy results were corrected for the basis
set superposition error (BSSE) [14]:
ΔEint = EAB - (EAb + EaB) (1)
where EAB denotes the total electronic energy of
a dimer AB, EAb the energy of a dimer consisting
of an A atom and a B ghost atom (an atom
without nucleus and electrons, but having its
orbital), and EaB vice versa. The electronic
energies are then extrapolated to the complete
basis set limit [15]:
ΔE(m) = ΔE(∞) + cm-3 (2)
with m = 2 (for the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set) or 3
(for the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set). If results for
two basis sets are available, it is possible to
calculate the energy value for an infinite basis
set from Eq.2; this result is referred to as aug-
cc-pV23Z below.
3. Potential function
Two our new 5-site pair potential functions
were developed for dimer H2-O2:
5 5
1 2
1 1 6,8,10 0
( ) ( )
ij ij
r i jij n
e a ij ijn
i j n ij ij
q qCu D e f r f r
r r
= = =
⎡ ⎤= + +⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥⎣ ⎦∑ ∑ ∑ (3)
with 15
1 )1()(
−−−+= ijijrija erf δ and ijijrij erf β−−= 1)(2
5 5
1 2
1 1 6,8,10,12 0
( ) ( )
ij ij
r i jij n
e b ij ijn
i j n ij ij
q qCu D e f r f r
r r
= = =
⎡ ⎤= + +⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥⎣ ⎦∑ ∑ ∑ (4)
with ∑
1 !
ijb k
erf ijij
and ijij
ij erf
β−−= 1)(2
Here the rij site-site distances, the qi, qj
electric charges of sites, and the nijC dispersion
coefficients; the leading dispersion term is
always proportional to r. The two models differ
mostly in the choice of the damping functions
f1a(rij) and f1b(rij).
4. Fitting potential function
The adjustable parameters of the ab initio
pair potential functions can be estimated by
nonlinear least-square fitting to the ab initio
interaction energy values.
The fit process has to be carried out by two
steps. The global minima are coarsely located
by means of the Genetic algorithm (GA), and
the parameters resulting from the Genetic
algorithm are used as initial values for the
Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm. The values of
root mean-square deviations (rms), multiple
correlation coefficients (R2), and residuals of the
fitted analytical potential functions are given in
table 1. The statistical estimates here are
important for assessing the fitting quality. The
fitting results in Table 1 show that the residual
discrepancies between the pair potentials Eq. 3
and Eq. 4 resulting from the least-square fit are
Table 1: The statistical results for fitting the intermolecular potentials Eq. 3 and Eq. 4.
The values are in μEH
Potential R2 rms
min max
Eq. 3 0.9981 6.3268 -7.903 7.347
Eq. 4 0.9978 6.5214 -8.742 5.106
III - Second virial coefficients
1. Classical virial coefficients
The classical viral coefficients 0clB of hydrogen resulting from the formula Eq. 7 using the ab initio
5-site pair potentials Eq. 3 and Eq. 4 are shown in table 2.
Table 2: Cross second viral coefficient, B2(T) (given in cm
3/mol) of the mixture hydrogen-oxygen;
correl.: empirical correlation [24]; exp.: experimental data.
T/K Method 0clB
aB m B2(T) Ref.
Eq.3 -138.338 0.267 0.199 0.015 -137.857
Eq.4 -136.921 0.057 0.037 0.028 -136.798
correl. -142.097
exp. -110.0 [20]
Eq.3 -61.875 0.283 0.228 0.057 -61.307
Eq.4 -60.906 0.085 0.037 0.032 -60.751
correl. -63.887
exp. -72.9 [19]
Eq.3 -55.745 0.405 0.388 0.078 -54.874
Eq.4 -54.678 0.325 0.073 0.057 -54.223
correl. -56.806
exp. -54.0 [19]
Eq.3 -54.073 0.314 0.177 0.047 -53.535
Eq.4 -52.976 0.128 0.073 0.014 -52.761
correl. -54.881
exp. -58.1 Eq.11
Eq.3 -50.428 0.352 0.344 0.070 -49.662
Eq.4 -49.261 0.191 0.054 0.046 -48.971
correl. -50.664
exp. -32.5 [19]
2. Quantum corrections
In the case of hydrogen the matter is more complicated because of quantum effects. The first
order corrections to the second virial coefficient of linear molecules have been worked out by Pack
[10] and Wang [17]. Following the latter, the virial coefficient up to first order can be written as:
∫ ∫ ∫ ∫∫∫ ⎪⎭
⎡ +−−= 212102
2 )(12
ΩΩΩΩ dddrdruHTkTkuddu
Here NA is Avogradro’s constant, kB Boltzmann’s constant, T the temperature, and u(r, α, β, φ) the
pair potential; its parameters, the center-center distance and the relative orientation angles must be
calculated from the center vectors ri and the absolute orientations i. H0 is the translation-rotation
Hamiltonian for a pair of molecules.
This expression can be broken down into a classical term and first-order quantum
corrections (radial part, angular part proportional to I-1 (moment of inertia), angular part proportional
to μ-1 (reduced mass)):
0 1 1 1
cl a a( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )r IB T B T B T B T B Tm= + + + (6)
The classical part is given by
0 2
0 0 0 0
sin sin exp 1
N uB d d d r dr
k T
π π π
ϕ β β α α
∞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞= − − −⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ (7)
All these integrals were evaluated
numerically with a 4D Gauss quadrature method
Experimental values for the cross 2nd virial
coefficients of the hydrogen-oxygen interaction
are difficult to find in the literature. There are
some experiments, however, from which these
virial coefficients can be calculated:
- Van Itterbeek and van Doninck measured
the speed of sound in (hydrogen + oxygen)
mixtures at low temperatures and pressures [19].
The pressure dependence of this property is
related to the virial coefficients. The values of
the cross virial coefficient obtained by these
authors lie reasonably close to our predictions
(see Fig. 1); it should be noted, however, that
their evaluation method involved several
simplifications (linearizations, neglect of
temperature derivatives of the virial coefficient),
and that their results exhibit an uncertainty of
about 20%.
- McKinley at al. measured solid-fluid
equilibria of the (hydrogen + oxygen) system
[20]. With the usual assumptions and
simplifications (no hydrogen dissolved in the
solid oxygen, neglect of higher virial
coefficients) it is possible to estimate cross
second virial coefficients from these data. The
result agrees reasonably well with the ab initio
prediction. The sublimation pressure of g-
oxygen, which is required for the equilibrium
calculation, was taken from the work of Roder
In an earlier publication on high-pressure
phase equilibria of the (hydrogen + oxygen)
system it had been suggested that the
parameters of the hydrogen-oxygen interaction
could be interpolated from those of the the
systems (hydrogen + nitrogen), (neon +
nitrogen), and (neon + oxygen) [22]. This idea
can be extended to second virial coefficients as
follows: Eq. 7 can be simplified although with
some loss of accuracy - by performing the
integrations of the orientation variables:
Figure 1: Cross second virial coefficient of the hydrogen-oxygen system. ⎯: ab initio prediction
(this work) based on Eq. 3; : ab initio prediction based on Eq. 4 (this work); V : empirical
correlation [24]; : interpolation from Eq. 11; other symbols: experimental data.
0 2
( , )( ) 2 exp 1A
u r TB T N r dr
k T
∞ ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞= − − −⎢ ⎥⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦∫ (8)
Here ( , )u r T denotes an angle-averaged pair potential. For small molecules like the ones studied
here the assumption of conformal pair potentials is usually acceptable, i.e., pair potentials can be
written as
( , ) ( , )u r T u r Tε= %% % with rr σ=% and
Bk TT ε=% (9)
where ( , )u r T%% % is a universal (reduced) pair potential function. Then Eq. 8 becomes
0 3 2
( , )( ) 2 exp 1A
u r TB T N r dr
π σ
∞ ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞= − − −⎢ ⎥⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦∫
%% % % %% (10)
We use this equation for the cross virial coefficient of the hydrogen-oxygen system,
2 2 2 2 2 2; ; ;H O H N O N
ε ε ε= + Δ , where the last term is supposed to be small. Taylor expansion of
the Boltzmann factor of this term, truncation after the linear term, and rearrangement yield
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 0
, , , , 2
, , , ,0
( ) ( ) ( , )
2 ( , ) exp 1H O H N O N H NH N
B T B T u r T
u r T r dr
επσ σ
∞ ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞Δ≈ − − −⎢ ⎥⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦∫
%% %%% % % %% % (11)
Where the integral is a function of the reduced temperature T only. A similar equation holds for the
cross virial coefficients of the (neon + oxygen) and (neon + nitrogen) systems, for which
experimental data are available [23]. Therefore
2 2O ;N
εΔ can be determined from the neon data and
then substituted into Eq. 11 to give the second virial coefficient of (hydrogen + oxygen) at the same
reduced temperature as the (neon + oxygen) system (tacitly assuming that this value also holds for
the hydrogen systems). For the parameters ε and σ usual Lennard-Jones parameters [16] and
Berthelot-Lorentz combining rules were used. It turns out that the hydrogen-oxygen cross virial
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
B 2
3 m
coefficient obtained from this interpolation (-58 cm3/mol) agrees reasonably well with the ab initio
predictions as well as with the experimental values (see Fig. 1).
Recently Estela-Uribe and Jaramillo [24] published empirical correlation equations for
second virial coefficients which are based on the corresponding-states approach of Lee and Kesler
[25]. In their work, binary interactions are characterized by so-called pseudocritical parameters,
which are interpolations of the pure-fluid critical temperatures and densities [24]:
1/3 1/3 1/3
, , ,
( )
c ij c i c j
dρ ρ ρ− − −+= + and
, ,
(1 )( )
1 / ( )
ij c i c j
c ij
k T T
c M T
−= + (12)
with 1 1 1
1 ( )
2ij i j
M M M− − −= + and , 1/2
, ,
( )
ij c ij
c i c j
ρ ρ= −
Here the Mi denote molar masses of the pure components, Mij an “interaction molar mass”, and c is
a constant (21.8 K g/mol). It turns out that the adjustable parameters aij and dij are very close to zero
for a large number of chemical compounds. We have set these two correlation parameters to zero for
the hydrogen-oxygen interaction and used the correlations of Estela-Uribe and Jaramillo to predict
cross second virial coefficients. The results show a remarkably good agreement with the predictions
from quantum mechanics.
IV - Conclusion
We conclude that our ab initio pair potentials for the hydrogen-oxygen interaction are
reliable, and that the calculation of thermodynamic properties from quantum mechanical results can
be useful, if experimental data are scarce.
Acknowledgments: The Regional Computer Center of Cologne (RRZK) contributed to this project
by a generous allowance of computer time as well as by efficient software support; we wish to thank
Dr. L. Packschies for technical help with the Gaussian03 software.
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