Figures 6 shows the calculated shore line evolution with the effects of waves, tide
currents, wind-induced currents in 2001 and 1912 in the NE and SE wind seasons. In this
figure, in order to see more clearly the shoreline evolution after modeling, the coordinates
of the shoreline are reduced to 50 times, and the coordinates differences between the
shorelines before and after simulation are kept the same. For the calibration step, the
calculations are done in order to obtain that the shore line erosion rate of the year 2001 is
as much as 8-lOm per year as observation. Then, the calculations are done with the shore
line ofthe year 1912 for the SE wind season. The calculated results show that the shoreline
of the whole interest area does not change much in the SE wind season compared to that
in the NE wind (figure 7). In the NE wind, the shore line of the year 2001 is eroded at the
south part, from Quat Lam to Hai Thinh, whereas there is a clear tendency of shoreline
erosion at the Quat Lam area in 1912. What responsible for this phenomenon should be
the convex shape of the shoreline. The land area at the Ba Lat mouth is convex and it
plays a role as a groin.
It is worth to mention that this shoreline evolution has been calculated for NE and SE
monsoons 2001 only (not for other wind directions also) and for NE monsoon 1912 only.
The effect of calculated accumulation from the Ba Lat mouth is not added over there and
various matters still waiting for the further study. So in comparison with the figure 2 the
part from Hai Chinh to Ha Lan river mouth is not the severe erosion part.
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Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, VAST, Vol.29, No.3 (2007), pp. 415 - 426
Special Issue Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Nguyen Van Dao
Institute of Mechanics, VAST
Abstract. Overall the evolution process of the Red Jliver Delta based on the maps and
historical data resulted in a fact that before the 20ll' century all the Nam Dinh coast
line was attributed to accumulation. Then started the erosion process at Xuan Thuy
district and from the period of 1935 - 1965 the most severe erosion was contributed in
the stretch from Ha Lan to Hai Trieu, 1965 - 1990 in llai Chinh -- llai Hoa, 1990 - 2005
in the m iddle part of Hai Chinh - Hai Thinh (Ilai Hau district). The adjoining stretches
were suffered from not severe erosion. At the same time, the Ba Lat mouth is advanced
to the sea and to the North and South direction by the time with a very high rate.
The first task of the mathematical modeling of coastal line evolution of l lai lJau is
to evaluate this important historical marked periods e. g. to model the coastal line
at the periods before 1900, 1935 - 1965; 1965 -- 1990; 1990 - 2005. The tasks is very
complicated and time and working labors consuming.
In the paper, the primari ly results of the above mentioned simulations (as waves, cur-
rents, sediments transports and bottom - coastal lines evolution) has been shown. Based
on the obtained results, there is a strong correlation between the protrusion magnitude
and the southward moving of the erosion areas.
The length of the erosion stretch at Hai Hau district ranks the second after the Ganl1
Hao stretch which is located in Ca Mau province, north east of Ca Mau cnp. The 30 km
of Hai Hau beach has suffered from erosion at least from the beginning of the last century.
The coast has been eroded at a rate of 10 -- 15 m/year during the last half century. At
present two sea dyke system have been constructed to protect the coast. Some descriptions
of the eroded stretch arc below:
+The shore line has NE-SvV orientation (coincided with the main predominant north-
east monsoon wave direction) . Theoretically the N, NNE, NE wind direction (from land
to sea) can not generate waves. But in reality there are quite high wave fields with NE
wind direction. This situation can not be simulated by the monochromati c wave theory,
but by the spectral method.
+ The erosion rate for Hai Hau beach is not unique. At present the most severe erosion
takes place at Hai Ly - Hai Trieu communes,
+The bottom slope is rather gentle ( <0.008) as a results of repeated shore line retreats
(more gentler than classical equilibrium profiles).
+A small Red river tributary named Vop - Ha-Lan mouth had been closed since 1955.
416 I Pham Van Ninh I, Phan Ngoc \linh, Nguyen Manh flung, Dinh Van Manh
+ Present eroded rate is approximately lOm/year (with the present of sea dyke sys-
tem). It takes 20-30 year for one sea-dyke system retreat.
+ There is a strong correlation between the seaward advance of Ba Lat mouth and
the posit ion of the severest erosion. With the Ba Lat mouth seawards development and
formation of underwater sand bars the strongest erosion area moves soutlnvard. Dased
on the historical data, four periods of coastline evolution in Hai Hau district have been
divided as:
* 1912-1935: the coast began to be eroded from the nearest south of Ba Lat mouth to
Hai Dong commune;
* 1935-1965: the strongest erosion area occurred at the coast from Hai Dong to Hai
Trieu communes;
Fig. 1. RRD's coastline evolution during 1965-1989 (a) and 1989-2001 (b)
Fig. 2. The southward moving of the severest erosion areas in Hai Hau beach
* 1965-1990: the strongest erosion area occurred at the coast from Hai Chinh to Ilai
Hoa communes;
Preliminary results of the study on the reasons of the /lai I/ au ... '117
* 1990-2005: the strongest erosion area occurred at the coast at the coast from Hai
Chinh commune to Thinh Long town (Hai Thinh commune)
There arc some hypothesizes of the main rneclianism causing the shore line retreat in
the area but all of them are designated to wave activities. One of the important theoretical
point of the authors is the correlation between the seaward advance of the Ba Lat mouth
and the position of the severest erosion in Hai Hau beach. The southward moving of the
severest erosion areas arc mapped in the figure 2. It was found out that , with the Bn
Lat mouth seawards development and formation of underwater sand bars the strongest
erosion area moves southward. This hypothesis will serve as the most important criteria
for the explanation of reason of the Hai Hau present state of erosion and for the proposed
coastline protection measures at the beach.
Sediment transport plays an important role in many aspects of coastal, estuarine en-
gineering. vVaves, tidal currents and wave-induced currents arc the main forciug of the
sediment transport. The sediment transport is responsible for tl1e morphological changes
and the shoreline evolution in the coastal zone. However , the understanding of the 111cc11-
anism responsible for these phenomena is still not clear. N umcrical rnocleling is one of
useful tools for the evaluation of the hydrodynarnic parameters such as the wave height ,
the currents, the sediment transport , the bottom level change and shoreline evolution for
the design of shore protection and environment problems.
In order to simulate the evolution of Nam Dinh coast, in the present study, a 2-D
numerical model has been developed to simulate the sediment transport, the bottom level
change and the coastline evolution under the action of waves. The model includes a total
load module which is based on the approach of Watanabe (1988), the advcction-diffusion
model which is used to simulate the sediment transport from the river mouths and the
morphology and shoreline change modules.
The tidal current, the wind-induced current, the wave-induced currents and the waves
parameters are supplied as inputs. Tidal and wind drift currents arc obtained by using a
2-D hydrodynamic model based on resolving the full shallow-water equations by a finite
differences method developed by Manh and Yanagi (2003). The wave parameters, the
most important sea parameters, influencing coastal processes, are obtained by using the
wave model STWAVE ( Hung et al. 2006). These matters are not presented here .
2.1. Modeling of the Sediment Transport Rate due to Current (in the presence
of wave)
The formula of sediment transport rate qc ( 1112 .s- 1) d uc to current (in the presence of
wave) proposed by Watanabe (1988) is used:
The sediment transport rate in x and y direction are as follows:
- A ((Tb,cw - Tcr) u). q= - c • pg ( ( Tb, cw - T er) V ) qcy = A c pg (2.2)
418 ~ Van Nfilij, Phan Ngoc Vinh, Nguyen Manh Hung, Dinh Van Manh
where Ac is a non dimensional empirical coefficient; lvl is the absolute velocity; p is
the fluid density; g is the gravity acceleration; U, V are the components of flow velocity
in the x and y directions respectively; Tb,cw is the bed shear stress due to waves and
currents, and assumed to be form as linear superposition of the respective wave and
current components (Van Rijn, 1989):
Tb,cw = Tb,5 + Tb,w, (2.3)
Tb,5 is the bed shear stress due to current (modified by wave motion):
where a is a factor related to the influence of the waves on the bed shear stress. Tb ,c is the
bed shear stress due to current alone.Tb,w is the bed shear stress due to waves defined by
Van Rijn (1989).
Tcr is the critical bed shear stress for incipient motion, determined from the Shield
curve for oscillatory flow:
Tcr = (s - l)pgd·l/Jcn (2 .5)
where d is the diameter of sediment particle; s is the specific gravity; ·l/Jcr is the critical
Shields parameter.
2.2. Modeling of the Sediment Transport Rate due to Wave
The sediment transport rate due to wave qw (m2 /s) in the direction of wave propaga-
F Aw (Tb ,cw - Tcr) Ub qw = D ,
A _ BwWs f1w
w - (1 - >.)(s - 1) J(s - l)gd V 2 .
The sediment transport rate in x and y direction arc as follows:
F Aw ( Tb ,cw - T er) Ub COS() qwx = D ;
Aw ( Tb, cw - Tcr) Ub sin 0
qwy = FD----------
where Bw is a non dimensional coefficient; >. is the void ratio of sediment; W 8 b the fall
velocity, estimated by approximate formula of Van Rijn (1993):
W = lOv [(O.Ol(s- l)gd
- ]
s d v2 + 1 1 ' (2.9)
where () is the wave angle with respect to the x direction; v is the kinematic viscosity coef-
ficie~1t of water (lo- G m2.s-1); FD is the transport direction function defined by Watanabe
2.3. Sediment Transport Rate due to combined Waves and Currents
Sediment transport rate due to combined waves and currents is assumed to be the su111
of the transport rate vectors due to waves and the transport rate vectors due to currents:
Preliminary results of the study on the reasons of the Hai Hau ... 419
2.4. Advection-Diffusion Modeling
The advection-diffusion model is used to simulate the suspended sediment transport
from the Ba Lat river mouth taking into account the sediment exchange between the water
and the bed. The governing equation is as follows:
a(CH) a ( ac) a ( ac) .
at +ax CQx - KxH ax + ay CQy - I<yH ay = Fbcd, (2.11)
where C is the turbidity, I<x, Ky are the coefficients of the horizontal diffusion. In the
general case, Fbed = Fe - Fd is the sediment fluxes exchanged between the water and the
bed. Fbed is either erosion or deposit fluxes, depending on the relationship between bed
shear stress and bed materials.
There does not exist a lot of deposit formulations for fine-sediment transport. The
most frequently used one is proposed by Einstein-Krone (Krone, 1962):
Fd = WsC (1 - Tb,e), (2.12)
where Fd is the deposition rate, Ted is the critical stress for deposition. Ted depends on the
turbidity and the currents near the bed.
The bed erosion is already included in the formulat ion of Watanabe (1988), so when
modeling the advection, the diffusion of suspended sediment, only the deposition of the
sediment from river mouths is taken into account, i. e. the erosion flux Fe is set to zero.
2.5. Bed Level Change
The conservation of the sediment mass is expressed by:
~~ = l~A [:x (qx-Eslqx l~~) + :Y (qy -Eslqy l~~) +Fbed], (2.13)
where Es is an empirical coefficient, dealing with the effect of the bed slop; h is the water
2.6. Shoreline Change
Based on the one-line theory, the equation governing shoreline change is as follows
(Hanson and Kraus, 1989) :
ay + 1 ( aq - Q) = 0
at D l3 + De ax '
where y is the shoreline position; DB is the berm elevation; De is the depth of closure; q
is the longshore transport rate, Q is the line source or sink of sediment.
2.7. Adaptation of the model to the Nam Dinh coast zone
For this application, the study area is the nearshore zone of Nam Dinh province. It
covers the lower part of the Ba Lat river mouth, extends alongshore over 60km from the
Diem Dien mouth southwards to the Lach Giang mouth and as far as 25km offshore (figure
1). Bathymetric data of the area were digitalised from maps 1/25000 and 1/100000 made
by Vietnam People's Navy, published in 2000 and 1984, respectively.
Simulation Conditions
For the advection-diffusion model, a concentration of 10 mg.1- 1 is imposed for the
whole area as the initial condit ion. At the open boundaries, the suspended sediment at
420 I Pham Van Ninh j, Phan Ngoc Vinh, Nguyen Manh /Jung, Dinh Van i\!lanh
the river mouth in ebb tide is imposed at l.Og.1- 1 corresponding to a mean river discharge
of 4500 m3 .s- 1 for the wet season a:nd 0.2g.1- 1 corresponding to a mean river discharge' of
1500 m3.s- 1 for the dry season (Van Maren et Hoekstra, 2004).
Following the approach of Van Maren et Hoekstra (2004), the yearly morphological
changes are calculated by simulating half a spring-neap cycle for each wave conditions.
and multiply this with a morphological factor which is defined from the frequency of
occurrence of each wave class. Summation of the resulting morphological computations
yields the yearly morphological change. In this work, calculations arc done with two wave
classes with the highest frequencies of occurrence, corresponding to NE and SE winds.
The duration of simulation for each wave class and the other statistic data in table 1 arc
given by Hung et al (2006).
Table 1. Different Cases of Simulations*
Computation 'Nave Wave Wave Mean river Duration of Wind
heigh Period Dir. p [%] discharge, simulation, velocity / Dir ,
scenarios t, m d, s deg. m3 .s-1 days m.s - 1 / deg.
Case 1 0.81 3.95 180.02 31.36 4500 57.23 4.5/135
(wet season) (SE)
Case 2 1.04 3.87 80 .12 37.57 1500 68 .56 G.0 / 45
(dry season) (NE)
*Directions of waves and winds are referred to lVIeteorological (Zero from North)
Sedimentological Parameters adopted for Simulations
The principle sedimcntological parameters are taken as follows:
- The median grain diameter D5o= 90µm;
- The void ratio >. = 0.4;
- The sediment density p 8 =2650 kg.m- 3;
- Non-dimensional coefficient for wave Dw = 3;
- Non-dimensional coefficient for current Ac= 1;
- Critical value for direction of transport rate fl = l;
- Effective bed slop coefficient E8 = l.
- The horizontal eddy diffusivity for suspended sediment I<x = I<y = lO m2 .s- 1.
The critical bed stress for deposition T cd depends on the suspended scdi111C'11t co11-
ccutrntion and flows near the bottom. It is obtained from experiments i11 chm111cl. i11
laboratories with sediments of some estuaries, but there is no results co11c:crning the fl11id
mud of 13aLat. For reference, some values of Ted arc shown hereafter. Krone ( 1962) 11scd
Ted = O.OG N.m- 2 for mud beds in the 13ay of San-Francisco with an initinJ conce11tratio11
of sediments less than 0.3 gl- 1. Mehta (1986) obtained the T crJ is equal to 0.15 N.111 - 2 for
kaolin beds , to 0.10 N.m - 2 for mud beds in the 13ay of San-Francisco and to 0.08 N.rn 2
for mud beds in Maraca ibo (Venezuela). Dase on those values and the critical stress vnluc
obtained from calculations, the crit ical stress for deposition T ed is chosen at 0.1 N.m - 2 .
2.8. Results and discussions
Calculated Net S edimen t Transpor t
Preliminary results of the study on the reasons of the Hai lfau .. . 421
The long-shore and cross-shore sediment transports are taken into account in the
model. In general, the numerical results (fig. 3) show that the long-shore sed iment trans-
port is dominant and considerable within as far as some hundreds of meters offshore.
Further offshore, the net sediment transport rates decrease sharply. .
In the NE wind the net sediment is mainly transported southwards along the shore.
Also, in the SE wind, the net sediment is mainly transported northwards along the shore.
The maximum net sediment transport rates reach as much as O.lkg.m- 1 .s- 1 .
Wind NE
0.1 ~/ms
to~U I
_)\{km )
Van Ly
Hai Thinh
10 20
'Wind SE
0 .1 lrtl/ms
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Fig. 3. Calculated net sediment transport rates in the NE (left) and SE (right) winds
Calculated Bed Level Change
- Accretion Caused by the Suspended Sediment from the River Mouth
Fig. 4 shows the calculated bottom change caused by the sediment deposition from
the Ba Lat river mouth in the NE and SE winds. The sediment from the river mouth
is transported by the currents and causes the bed accretion. The numerical results show
that the accretion mainly takes place at the north and south areas of t he river mouth,
where the sand spits are formed. At the very main course of the river mouth, larger river
flovv does not support the bed accretion. Those are in agreement with the observations.
Because of the longer duration and the more intense of the NE wind speed compared
to the SE wind, in the NE wind the sediment from the river mouth is transported further
alongshore, as far as Quat Lam area. The accretion rate in the NE wind is minor. In the
NE wind, the maximum rate of bed accretion is 0.1-0.2 m whereas in the SE wind, this
value is up to lm. That is caused by the larger suspended concentration, from the Ba Lat
mouth in the wet season, supplied to the bed.
- Bed Level Change Caused by the Wave Action
Figure 5 shows the calculated bottom change in the NE and SE wind seasons. In
t be figure, the area filled with dot symbols is in accretion and the area filled with cross
:::ymbols is in erosion. In general, we observe that the area in accretion are larger than the
area in erosion and the erosion tends to take place closely to the shore. However, the rate
of accretion is minor, under 0.1-0.2m. The rate of erosion in the NE wind is more intense
422 I Pham Van Ninh I, Phan Ngoc Vinh, Nguyen Manh Hung, Dinh Van Manh
\ 0·1 \
'" ~ \_
L ,,,,_._,,.-.• . '_•,.'.•,.' '.·.-·Ba'''''···.Lat·,_ •''•'-•.'-'·mou1·.·.••.·.•·_·_,,_, '''h''-•.·.>~- ~""'-._',~-•·.· __ ·.• l:\:/ y[:; ;
t5 ·1' /'~~} V.: T ;" ";/
~ j ,..
-< I c/ .
]'. ~ i /:;:::;
i /'
!;{ II, l~Lam
~ ! \ ~ I }
1[~'.~ .,.
t.:J0.05 f :oro
~-~ 0.01
:r -10.00
' I
-- ,----- , --- - :t . .J. Land
t5 .
Dl ·
t'l ·
M i::
~'.}' 0.40
:\t( o.20
-~ .:·.:
: . : :-
·. ·:
Fig. 4. Calculated bottom elevation differences caused by the sediment deposition
from the river mouth in the NE wind (left) and SE wind seasons (right)
than that in the SE wind. Close to the shore, the rate of erosion can reach up to lm m
the NE winds and as much as 0.4m in the SE wind.
X(km) X(km)
"' "' "' ~~~~ ,• , .. .L:-- ~~"~' c~-~=\~ .. >- '- ~If' ~:$..~:- -:> ' __, 1 '• ~~~ 1 ~~ 1~ ' r ~%r /.~~J 1 _,'.o,<$' i I M ~ ~~ffe '
.I 1!lt&1'' .o
·I\ ;r} \\ ::·:'::' ·.1 [''- io.2 .I I ~ fil:%\,W'' ' ;_~, o.o ~".~::~-=::~- .• .. '. p 0 I ~w 0 0 I B fu.~"t~~ : ~-: . -02 .()
-< ®'\f . '
- ]'. .. ~~ ?) -0.4 ]'. --~11\~·: I·--. ft~/;<. ~ ~-6 A i@\1I·, . ,··
- %~% o , _;. c::,(;,) ·~o ;~- "
.. 9~1 -- ' i -1.0 '. ,.,,~, ··c' _r:::,~ "'~"'&,
~1 -:- ,. -w~? ~ ~%--{·-,: '. :t@i ,.,, ' - qi
"'Ii·' ,.,~ :;~·-1 /'i: ~~ LnnJ ()'~ \ -~-,, :Irr "q, .~~':~ ;.··r ·· ~''(if\ We --e~·"-"'" !*.~\Tu'@ . ... ~:_;; J ~~:§:::-::.~' . ~ :-: • . • _!. ~. ,.
Fig. 5. Calculated bottom elevation differences caused by the wave action and
current in the NE wind (left) and SE wind (right) seasons in Van Ly area
For a clearer showing of the tendency of bed erosion/ accret ion , figure 6 is made. This
figure shows the calculated bottom elevation differences of three profiles in the NE wind
PreliminanJ results of the study on the reasons of the Hai Hau . .. 423
season in Van Ly area. In this figure, the minus value of the bottom elevation difference
indicates the erosion and the positive value shows the accretion. Due to the sediment
transport is considerable within some hundreds of meters offshore, the bed change mainly
takes place in this area. In the NE wind, near the shore bed erosion rate can reach up
to lm, further offshore there is a tendency of bed accretion or erosion with a minor rate.
Over 2 km offshore, the wave action nearly does not cause any considerable effects on the
bed level.
Elevation differences at 3 profiles in Vanly area
' ,_
I .S
! :;
I 1'
! ~
i :;
i ~
o~-- - - - - - - ~:.....::.--:- - - ~·:, .'>
-. ...::::;:::-;:,, 0 I I t
-0 4 ' - - - - - - -
-0 8 l - - - . - - . --- . --- -
I W -1.2 j ---- .. ----·-
I o soo 1000 1soo
i Distance from the shore (m)
l ______ ·---·- - - -~- --··- ·-------
Fig. 6. Calculated bottom elevation differences of some profiles in the NE wind
season in Van Ly area
Calculated Shoreline Evolution
Figures 6 shows the calculated shore line evolution with the effects of waves, tide
currents, wind-induced currents in 2001 and 1912 in the NE and SE wind seasons. In this
figure, in order to see more clearly the shoreline evolution after modeling, the coordinates
of the shoreline are reduced to 50 times, and the coordinates differences between the
shorelines before and after simulation are kept the same. For the calibration step, the
calculations are done in order to obtain that the shore line erosion rate of the year 2001 is
as much as 8-lOm per year as observation. Then, the calculations are done with the shore
line of the year 1912 for the SE wind season. The calculated results show that the shoreline
of the whole interest area does not change much in the SE wind season compared to that
in the NE wind (figure 7). In the NE wind, the shore line of the year 2001 is eroded at the
south part, from Quat Lam to Hai Thinh, whereas there is a clear tendency of shoreline
erosion at the Quat Lam area in 1912. What responsible for this phenomenon should be
the convex shape of the shoreline. The land area at the Ba Lat mouth is convex and it
plays a role as a groin.
It is worth to mention that this shoreline evolution has been calculated for NE and SE
monsoons 2001 only (not for other wind directions also) and for NE monsoon 1912 only.
The effect of calculated accumulation from the Ba Lat mouth is not added over there and
various matters still waiting for the further study. So in comparison with the figure 2 the
part from Hai Chinh to Ha Lan river mouth is not the severe erosion part.
- A 2-D numerical model of the sediment transport, the bottom level change and the
coastline evolution under the action of waves and currents has been developed to simulate
the coastal erosion in Nam Dinh province, of which the total load model is based on
the approach of Watanabe (1988), the advection-diffusion model is used to simulate the
424 I Pham Van Ninh I, Phan Ngoc Vinh, Ng'Uyen Manh 11'Ung, Dinh Van Manh
Shoreline evolution in 2001, Shoreline evolution in 2001,
1400 Wind NE 1400 Wind SE
1200 . 1200
1000 1 1000
800 800
600 i 600
400 400
Van Ly
200 200
Hal Thinh
0 • 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Fig. 7. Calculated shoreline evolutions in the NE wind (left) and in the SE wind
(right) seasons in 2001
sediment transport from the I3a Lat river mouth taking into account the sediment exdw.11g<'
bet.ween the water and the bed, and the shoreline evolution is based 011 the one-line theory.
- The long-shore and cross-shore sediment transports arc taken into account i11 the
model. The dominance of the long-shore sediment transport is shown with the model.
The net sediment transport is considerable within as far as some hundreds of meters
offshore. The maximum net sediment transport rates reach as much as 0.1 kg.m- 1.s - 1 .
- The NE wind season contribution in sediment transport and coast evolution is mucl1 than the SE wind season contribution.
- In reality the Ba Lat mouth plays a role of a groin. The more seaward and southward
its development this role is more clearly.
Preliminarily results of coastal evolution in 2001 and 1912 show a good qualitative
agreement with the observation.
- The obtained preliminarily results have weaks points they could be caused by:
* Not considering the other wind directions,
* Not including the water and sediment. discharge of the other river mouths - Ha Lan,
Ninh Co and Day.
* Not considering the effect of Hoa Binh electric plant lake in the upper basin of the
Red River.
* Not considering the effects of man activities dykes buicling.
Acknowledgements. This work was mainly supported by the project VS /HDE/03 ··The
evol'Ulion and sustainable rna.nagernent in the coaslal areas of Vietnmn'' which is provided
at the Center for Marine Environment Survey, Research, and Consultation, Institute of
Mechanics (2003-2007).
Preliminary results of the study on the reasons of the Hai Hau ... 425
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Received June 20. 2007.
426 I Pham Van Ninh j, Phan Ngoc Vinh, Nguyen Man.h Hung, Dinh Van Manh
x61 LO Ba BiEN HAI H~ u · ·
T6ng quan ve S\f tien trien duang ba chau th6 song Hong dva vao cac ban do va so li~u lich
su da chi ra rang: Tnr&c the ky 20 toan b9 ba bien Nam Dinh chi co boi Jang. Sau do bat dau
thai ky ~oi la khu V\l'C huy~n Xuan Thuy va t\.r 1935 - 1965 xoi la t;%p trung m~nh nhat a do~n
cua Ha L~n - Hai Trieu, 1965 - 1990 a Hai Chlnh Hai Hoa, 1990 - 2005 a giua xa Hai Chinh -
Hai Thjnh. Dong thai ta cling thay ro rang cua Ba L~t ngay cang Joi ra (ve phia bien va phia bac
- nam) v&i cuang d9 rat m~nh. ,
Nhi~m Vl,J. clia mo hlnh boa toan h9c qua trlnh bien d6i ducmg ba Hai H~u tnr&c bet Ia ph<ii
mo phong l~i dm;:rc cac moc quan tr9ng do ti'.rc la duang ba xoi v&i cac moc tnr&c 1900, 1935 -
1965; 1965 - 1990; 1990 - 2005 . Day la nhi~m Vl,J. phi'.rc t~p doi hoi nhieu cong SlrC, thai gian.
Bai nay trlnh bay mi;it so ket qua ban dau cua vi~c mo phong do (song, dong chay, v<Itn chuyen
bun cat va bien d(>ng ba day bien). Ket qua nghien ClrU cho tqay moi tuang quan rat m~nh gitra
vung dat Joi ra a cua Ba L~t va chuyen dich ve phia nam cua vung xoi la.
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