MgHAp coatings have been successfully synthesized
on 316L SS substrate by the electrodeposition
method. The optimal conditions were chosen to
deposite MgHAp coatings. The obtained MgHAp
has single phase crystals of HAp, fibrous shape and
the content of 0.2 wt% Mg and 1.2 wt% Na similar
to natural bone which could be improved mechanical
properties and biological activity of HAp. With
these good characteristics, MgHAp coatings would
be applied to produce good implant materials
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Preparation and characterization of magnesium hydroxyapatite coatings on 316L stainless steel - Vo Thi Hanh, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, International Edition, 55(5): 657-662, 2017
DOI: 10.15625/2525-2321.2017-00525
Preparation and characterization of
magnesium hydroxyapatite coatings on 316L stainless steel
Vo Thi Hanh
, Pham Thi Nam
, Nguyen Thu Phuong
, Nguyen Thi Thom
, Le Thi Phuong Thao
Dinh Thi Mai Thanh
1Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
2Department of Chemistry, Basic Science Faculty, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
3Institute for Tropical Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
4University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Received 9 March 2017; Accepted for publication 20 October 2017
Magnesium hydroxyapatite coatings (MgHAp) were deposited on the surface of 316L stainless steel (316L SS)
substrates by electrodeposition technique. Different concentrations of Mg2+ ion were incorporated into the apatite
structure by adding Mg(NO3)2 into electrolyte solution containing 3×10
-2 M Ca(NO3)2, 1.8×10
-2 M NH4H2PO4 and
6×10-2 M NaNO3. With Mg
2+ concentration 1×10-3 M, the obtained coatings have 0.2 wt% Mg2+. The influences of
scanning potential ranges, scanning times to deposit MgHAp coatings were researched. The analytical results FTIR,
SEM, X-ray, EDX, thickness and adhension strength showed that MgHAp coatings were single phase of HAp, fibrous
shapes, thickness 8.1 µm and adhesion strength 7.20 MPa at the scanning potential ranges of 0÷-1.7 V/SCE and
scanning times of 5 scans.
Keywords. 316L SS, Electrodeposition, MgHAp.
Hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, HAp) is a main
component in the mineral phase of natural bone,
teeth and hard tissue. HAp is widely used in medical
fields because it has high biocompatibility and
chemical composition as the natural bone. HAp
coating is covered on implant materials such as
316L stainless steel, titanium metal,... to improve the
quality and biocompatibility. HAp could stimulate
the bonding between the host bone to implant
materials and make bone healing ability faster [1].
HAp coatings on metals or alloys were
synthesized by many methods such as sol-gel [2],
plasma spraying [3], electrophoretic deposition and
electrodeposition [4] .... Among them, the
electrodeposition method offers much advantages,
such as low temperature, controlling the coating
thickness, the high purity, high adhesion strength
and low cost of the equipment [5].
Sodium has been detected as an abundant trace
element in natural bone, sodium can enhance cell
adhesion and bone metabolism [6]. Next to the
presence of sodium, magnesium is a trace element
indispensable in all skeletal metabolism stages, the
formation of bone tissue [7], the stimulation of the
osteoblast proliferation and bone strength structure
[8]. Therefore, magnesium and sodium are
incorporated into HAp in order to improve further
mechanical properties and biological activity. In
addition, the presence of Mg2+, Na+, and NO3
- in the
electrolyte solution could be increased the
conductivity and the efficiency of the synthesis
process by electrochemical method.
This paper introduces synthesis results of
MgHAp coatings on 316L SS substrate in a solution
containing Ca2+, H2PO4
-, Na+ and Mg2+ by cathodic
scanning potential method with different of Mg2+
concentrations, scanning potential ranges and
scanning times.
2.1. Preparation of MgHAp coatings
316L SS (size of 100×10×2 mm, composed of 0.27
% Al; 0.17 % Mn; 0.56 % Si; 17.98 % Cr; 9.34 %
Ni; 2.15 % Mo; 0.045 % P; 0.035 % S and 69.45 %
Fe (%wt) was designed as the substrate. It was
polished with SiC papers (ranging from P320 to
VJC, 55(5), 2017 Vo Thi Hanh et al.
P1200 grit), rinsed ultrasonic in distilled water for
15 minutes, then dried at room temperature and last
limited the working area to 1 cm2 by epoxy.
MgHAp coatings were synthesized on the 316L
SS by cathodic scanning potential method in 80 mL
solution containing Ca2+, H2PO4
-, Na+ and Mg2+. The
solutions were denoted as following:
SMg0: 3×10-2 M Ca(NO3)2 + 1.8×10
-2 M
NH4H2PO4 + 6.0×10
-2 M NaNO3
SMg1: SMg0 + 1×10-4 M Mg(NO3)2
SMg2: SMg0 + 5×10-4 M Mg(NO3)2
SMg3: SMg0 + 1×10-3 M Mg(NO3)2
SMg4: SMg0 + 5×10-3 M Mg(NO3)2
MgHAp coatings were synthesized with the
different scanning potential ranges of 0 to -1.5; 0 to -
1.7; 0 to -1.9 and 0 to -2.1 V/SCE; different
scanning times of 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 and 10 scans.
The electrodeposition was carried out in a three-
electrode cell: 316L SS as the working electrode;
platinum foil electrode acting as the counter
electrode and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as
the reference electrode on the Autolab PGSTAT 30
equipment (Holland).
2.2. Coating characterization
Mass of MgHAp coatings deposited on the surface
of 316L SS was determined by the mass change of
316L SS samples before and after synthesis by a
Precisa analytical balance (XR 205SM-PR, Swiss).
Thickness of the coatings was measured by Alpha-
Step IQ system (KLA-Tencor-USA), following the
standard of ISO 4288-1998. The result is the average
value of 5 measurements. The charge of synthesis
process was determined by taking the integral from
the start to the end point of the cathodic polarization
curve. The adhesion strength of the coatings on
316L SS substrate was examined using an automatic
adhesion tester (PosiTest AT-A, DeFelsko)
according to ASTM D-4541 standard [9].
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were
recorded in the range of 4000-400 cm-1, with a
resolution of 8 cm-1 by a Nicolet 6700 Spectrometer,
using the KBr pellet technique. The spectra were the
sum of 32 scans. The morphology of the coatings
was characterized using scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) using Hitachi S4800 equipment
(Japan). JSM 6490-JED 1300 Jeol (Japan) energy-
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to
identify the composition of elements in MgHAp
coatings. The phase structure and crystallinity of the
MgHAp coatings were analyzed by X-ray diffraction
(SIEMENS D5005 Bruker-Germany, CuKα radiation
(λ = 1.54056 Å), with the following parameters: step
angle of 0.03°, the scanning rate of 0.03 °s-1, and 2θ
in a range of 10-70°. The crystallite size of HAp and
MgHAp was calculated from (002) reflection in
XRD pattern, using Scherrer's equation [5].
Lattice parameters (a, c) were calculated from
peak (002) and (211) of XRD pattern according to
equation 1. Where, d is determined from XRD,
which is the distance between adjacent planes in the
set of Miller indices (hkl) [10]:
2 2
2 2 2
( )
1 3
h kh k
d a c
3.1. Effect of Mg
The cathodic polarization curves of 316L SS
substrate in the electrolytes SMg0, SMg1, SMg2,
SMg3 and SMg4 at 50 oC, 0÷-1.7 V/SCE, 5
scanning times are shown in Fig. 1. The
concentration of Mg2+ in the electrolyte solution
increase leading to improve the ionic strength of the
electrolyte, so the current density increases.
With the potential range 0÷-0.6 V/SCE, the
values of the current density are nearly unchanged
and approximately zero because no reaction occurs
on 316L SS substrate. With the potential is -0.6÷-1.2
V/SCE, the current density increased slightly due to
the reduction of O2 to produce OH
- [5].
When potential is more negative than -1.2
V/SCE, the current density increases fast because
several electrochemical reactions occur, such as: the
reduction: NO3
-, H2PO4
-, H2O to produce OH
-; PO4
and H2 [5, 7, 11].
Hydroxide is generated on the cathode surface to
lead the formation PO4
3- ions by acid-base reaction
of H2PO4
- and OH- [5, 7].
Then MgHAp is producted on the cathode
substrate according to the chemical reaction [5]:
10(Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+) + 6PO4
3− + 2OH− →
(Ca,Na,Mg)10(PO4)6(OH)2 (2)
Figure 2 shows the IR spectra in the wave
number range from 4000 to 400 cm-1 of MgHAp
coatings which were synthesized in SMg1, SMg2,
SMg3 and SMg4 solutions. The results shows the
characteristic peaks of HAp such as PO4
3- and OH-.
The peaks of PO4
3- group are observed at 1035; 602;
565 and 437 cm-1; the vibrations of OH- are
observed at 3447 and 1645 cm-1. Furthermore, the
peaks of NO3
- and CO3
2- were also detected
respectively at 1384 and 864 cm-1 because NO3
- ions
are present in the electrolyte; CO2 from in the air can
be dissolved in the electrolyte and reacts with OH- to
form the CO3
2- ions [5, 7].
VJC, 55(5), 2017 Preparation and characterization of magnesium
-1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0
Figure 1: The cathodic polarization curve of 316L
SS substrate in SMg0, SMg1, SMg2, SMg3 and
SMg4 solution
The element components of obtained coatings
were analyzed by the EDX spectra. The results
showed the presence of 5 main elements in MgHAp
coatings: O, P, Ca, Mg and Na. With the
concentration of Mg2+ in the solution increased from
1×10-4 to 5×10-3 M, the content of Mg in MgHAp
coatings increased from 0.06 to 0.4 wt% (table 1).
These results have been used to calculate the atomic
ratios M/Ca, (Ca+M)/P. The ratio of
(Ca+0.5Na+Mg)/P and Na/Ca in all samples are
lower than the ratio of Ca/P in the natural bone (1.67
and 0.102, respectively) [12, 13]. The deposited
MgHAp coatings have the ratio Mg/Ca from 0.0057
to 0.0195. However, to reach the Mg/Ca ratio ≤
0.017, similar to natural bone [12, 13], the obtained
MgHAp coatings in the electrolyte solution SMg1,
SMg2 and SMg3 are suitable. Therefore, SMg3 was
chosen for the next experiments.
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400
Wave number (cm
Figure 2: IR spectra of MgHAp coatings
synthesized in the solutions: SMg1, SMg2, SMg3
and SMg4 at 50 oC, 0÷-1.7 V/SCE, 5 scans
0 2 4 6 8 10
s DMg3
Figure 3: The EDX spectra of MgHAp coatings
synthesized on 316L SS at 50 oC, 0÷-1.7 V/SCE, 5
scans in the electrolyte solutions: SMg1, SMg2,
SMg3 and SMg4
Table 1: The component of elements of MgHAp synthesized on 316L SS in SMg1, SMg2, SMg3 and
SMg4 solutions at 50 oC, 0÷-1.7 V/SCE, 5 scans
% Mass
Na/Ca Mg/Ca (0.5 Na+Sr +Ca)/ P
O P Ca Na Mg
SMg1 47.43 17.18 34.12 1.21 0.06 0.062 0.0029 1.59
SMg2 45.65 17.90 35.20 1.13 0.12 0.056 0.0057 1.58
SMg3 45.90 18.10 34.60 1.20 0.20 0.060 0.0096 1.54
SMg4 45.80 18.50 34.20 1.10 0.40 0.056 0.0195 1.50
3.2. Effect of the scanning potential range
The influence of the scanning potential ranges on the
deposition of MgHAp coatings was studied in the
SMg3 solution. The charge, mass, thickness and
adhesion strength of MgHAp coatings at the
different potential ranges of 0÷-1.5, 0÷-1.7, 0÷ -1.9,
and 0÷-2.1 V/SCE are shown in Table 2. The charge
increases from 0.42 C to 6.85 C when the scanning
potential range extends from 0÷-1.5 to 0÷-2.1
V/SCE. Therefore, according to Faraday law, OH-
and PO4
3- ions are formed more so the mass of
obtained coatings increases. However, the mass and
thickness of MgHAp coatings increases and reaches
the maximum value at potential range of 0÷-1.7
V/SCE (2.63 mg/cm2 and 8.1 µm). With the more
negative potential range, these values decrease. The
results are explained that with the negative scanning
potential range leading to the increase of the charge,
further increase the amount of OH- and PO4
3- ions on
the electrode surface leading to diffuse into the
solution to form MgHAp. Moreover, with the more
VJC, 55(5), 2017 Vo Thi Hanh et al.
negative potential range, the adhension strength
between MgHAp coatings and 316L SS substrate
decreases and the obtained coatings are porous
because of the formation of hydrogen bubbles on the
electrode surface. Thus, the potential range 0 to -1.7
V/SCE is chosen for the next experiments.
Table 2: The variation of charge, mass, thickness and adhesion strength of obtained coating at
50 oC, 5 scans in SMg3 solution with the different scanning potential ranges
Potential range
Charge (C)
MgHAp mass
Thickness (µm)
strength (MPa)
0÷-1.5 0.42 1.21 5.5 7.32
0÷-1.7 3.56 2.63 8.1 7.20
0÷-1.9 4.52 1.96 6.3 7.10
0 ÷-2.1 6.85 1.41 4.5 6.95
3.3. Effect of the scanning times
Results of charge, mass, thickness and adhesions
strength of obtained MgHAp coatings with the
scanning times from 1 to 10 scans are shown in table
3. With one scanning time, the charge is 0.76 C, the
adhesion strength reached the highest value (12.97
MPa). This value is nearly with the adhesion of glue
and 316L SS (15 MPa). This is explained that
because the mass and thickness of deposited
MgHAp are small (0.57 mg/cm
and 1.6 µm), not
enough to cover all surface of the substrate, so the
obtained adhesion strength is contributed by the
substrate and glue. The charge of deposited process
increases according to scanning times. However, the
mass and thickness of coatings only increase with
scanning times increasing from 1 to 5 scans and then
decrease. The adhesion strength decrease from 12.97
MPa to 5.72 MPa with scanning times increase from
1 to 10 scans. It is explained that the charge
increases leading to OH- and PO4
3- ions forming too
much on the electrode surface and diffusing into the
solution so MgHAp is formed in the solution
without sticking the substrate. Thus, 5 scanning time
is chosen for MgHAp coating electrodeposition.
Table 3: The variation of the adhesion strength of MgHAp coatings to 316L SS in SMg3 at 50 oC,
0÷-1.7 V/SCE with different scanning times
Scanning times
MgHAp mass
1 0.76 0.57 1.6 12.97
3 2.40 1.72 5.5 7.31
5 3.51 2.63 8.1 7.20
7 4.61 1.41 4.5 6.31
10 6.33 0.98 3.1 5.72
3.4. Characterization of MgHAp coating
*The XRD patterns
Figure 4 shows the XRD patterns of HAp and
MgHAp coatings. Both XRD patterns exhibit the
hydroxyapatite phase with two characteristic peaks
at 2 of 32 o (211) and 26 o (002). Besides, there are
some peaks of HAp with smaller intensity at 2 of
17o (101), 33o (300), 46o (222), and 54o (004). The
characteristic peaks of 316L SS substrate are
observed at 2 45o (Fe) and 44o, 51o
(CrO.19FeO.7NiO). These results show that
MgHAp coatings have crystals structure and single
phase of HAp.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
2 Theta (degree)
1 (004)
1 (202)
1 (300)
1. HAp; 2. CrO.FeO.NiO; 3. Fe
1 (211)
1 (101)
1 (002)
Figure 4: XRD patterns of HAp and MgHAp
synthesized in SMg0 and SMg3 solution at
0÷-1.7 V/SCE, 50 oC, and 5 scans
VJC, 55(5), 2017 Preparation and characterization of magnesium
The crystal diameters of HAp and MgHAp are
calculated according to Scherrer formula (Equation
2). The crystal diameter of MgHAp coating is about
22.1 nm, smaller than that of HAp (44.2 nm). This
can be explained that the radius of Mg2+ ion (0.65 Ǻ)
is smaller than Ca2+ (0.99 Ǻ) and Na+ ( 0.95 Ǻ) so
Ca2+, Na+ are replaced by Mg2+ leading to reduce the
crystal diameter.
Table 4 presents distance between the adjacent
planes of the crystal (d) at two planes (002) and
(211) and the value of the lattice parameters a, b, c
of MgHAp. In comparison with NIST standard of
HAp sample [10] and HAp, these values of MgHAp
is lower. This result shows that Mg2+, Na+ ions
incorporated into the HAp lattice structure.
Table 4: Values of distance between the planes of
the crystal and the lattice constant of MgHAp and
HAp [10] HAp MgHAp
d (002) 3.44 3.438 3.420
d (211) 2.82 2.815 2.768
a = b (Ǻ) 9.4451 9.4261 9.247
c (Ǻ) 6.88 6.876 6.840
* SEM images
SEM images of HAp and MgHAp coating
synthesized on 316L SS were presented in Fig. 5.
The results showed that with the present of Mg, the
morphology changes from plate shapes of HAp to
fibrous shapes of MgHAp.
Figure 5: The SEM images of HAp and MgHAp coatings deposited in SMg0 and SMg3 solutions,
at 50 oC, 0÷-1.7 V/SCE, 5 scans
MgHAp coatings have been successfully synthesized
on 316L SS substrate by the electrodeposition
method. The optimal conditions were chosen to
deposite MgHAp coatings. The obtained MgHAp
has single phase crystals of HAp, fibrous shape and
the content of 0.2 wt% Mg and 1.2 wt% Na similar
to natural bone which could be improved mechanical
properties and biological activity of HAp. With
these good characteristics, MgHAp coatings would
be applied to produce good implant materials.
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Corresponding author: Vo Thi Hanh
Department of Chemistry, Basic Science Faculty
Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
E-mail:; Telephone 0982541229.
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