Bài báo trình bày những thông tin cơ bản về hiện trạng quan trắc và dịch vụ hải
dương học tại Việt Nam trong những năm gần đây, nhất là trong lĩnh vực hải dương học vật lý. Kết
quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, trong những năm gần đây, quan trắc hải dương học đã được trang bị
nhiều thiết bị đo đạc và phân tích hiện đại, nhất là tại Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt
Nam (VAST) và Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường (MONRE). Nổi bật nhất là dự án sử dụng máy bay
không người lái (UAV) nhằm quan trắc các đặc trưng hải dương học ven bờ do VAST tiến hành từ
năm 2013. Trước đó, năm 2009 Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường tiến hành dự án thiết lập hệ thống
trạm quan trắc sóng và dòng chảy ven bờ bằng công nghệ radar với tần số cao. Tuy nhiên, hiện nay
công tác quan trắc hải dương học và dịch vụ tại Việt Nam còn nhiều bất cập cả về nguồn nhân lực
và trang thiết bị, các trạm quan trắc tập trung chủ yếu tại dải ven bờ. Dịch vụ dữ liệu hải dương
học vẫn còn thiếu chuyên nghiệp và đại chúng. Để phát triển bền vững công tác quan trắc và dịch
vụ hải dương học cần thiết phải tăng cường hợp tác quốc tế, đặc biệt trong khuôn khổ của Ủy ban
liên chính phủ về hải dương học khu vực Tây Thái bình dương (IOC/WESTPAC).
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Present state of ocean observations and service in Vietnam, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Journal of Marine Science and Technology; Vol. 15, No. 4; 2015: 309-319
DOI: 10.15625/1859-3097/15/4/7376
Le Dinh Mau1*, Tran Hong Lam2, Nguyen Manh Cuong3
1Institute of Oceanography-VAST
2Marine Hydrometeorological Center-MONRE
3Vietnam Maritime University
*E-mail: ledinhmau.vnio@gmail.com
Received: 26-4-2015
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the basic information on the present status of ocean
observation and service in Vietnam with focus on the physical oceanography area. Study results
show that in recent years, ocean observations of Vietnam have been equipped with a series of
modern measured and analyzed instruments, especially at related offices of the Vietnam Academy of
Science and Technology (VAST) and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).
The remarkable progress was to carry out the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) program to observe
oceanographic conditions in nearshore region by VAST from 2013. Earlier, from 2009 the MONRE
carried out the program to establish a network of stations to observe waves and current
characteristics in nearshore region by high frequency radar technology. However, the current
status of ocean observations and services in Vietnam still has shortcomings in both manpower and
equipment and the observations are mostly focused in the nearshore region. Services on
oceanographic data are still less professional and public. For sustainable development of ocean
observations and service, it is necessary to promote international cooperation projects on
oceanography especially in the frame-work of IOC/WESTPAC cooperation.
Keywords: Observation, service, instruments, UAV, VAST, MONRE, IOC/WESTPAC.
Vietnam is a marine country located in the
West of the East Sea and has 3,260 km
coastline consisting of bays, harbours and more
than 3,000 islands with various scales.
Vietnam’s sea is considered as an important
gateway for international shipping. In addition,
Vietnam’s sea also contains a plenty of natural
resources. The sea plays a vital role in
Vietnam’s economy, coastal area is the
dwelling for over 20 million people of 28
provinces and cities. In recent years, annual
marine economic activities in Vietnam have
accounted for 30% of its GDP, contributing
50% to total value of Vietnam’s export and
created about 10 million jobs for people in
coastal provinces. Basically, to promote the
development of marine economy and satisfy
the demands of marine resources exploitation,
tasks of meteorological and oceanographic
surveys are extremely essential and then to be
used for scientific foundations to proposal of
development strategies of marine economy.
The fundamental surveys of meteorology and
oceanography would help to improve forecast
of dynamic changes in the sea and serve for
construction of hydrostructures on sea, exploit
marine resources ... Moreover, nowadays,
under the impact of climate change phenomena
Le Dinh Mau, Tran Hong Lam,
especially typhoon, storm surges ... Sustained
ocean observations and service need to be
considered as an essential element for
Vietnam’s economic development.
Ocean observations and services of
Vietnam can be divided into 3 stages:
From 1922 to 1954: Establishment of the
IO at Nha Trang under colonial regime of
From 1954 to 1975: Period of separated
country (North and South Vietnam);
From 1975 to present: Vietnam is a united
From 1922 to 1954 (French colonial regime)
The remarkable event was the
establishment of the Institute of Oceanography
in Nha Trang with name “Service des Pêche de
l’Indochine” on September 14th, 1922. On
January 1st, 1930, the name of “Service des
Pêche de l’Indochine” was officially changed
into the “Institut Océanographique de
l’Indochine”. At the beginning period, the IO
was chiefly interested in biological problems
and carried out a little oceanographic work.
The outstanding result of this period was the
establishment of the collection of marine bio-
specimen in the East Sea. Its annual reports
gave information on the activities of the
Institute. Information on tides and tidal currents
for that area was obtained from French
hydrographic surveys. The tidal station system
was constructed along the coast such as Hon
Dau, Da Nang, Quy Nhon, Nha Trang, Vung
Tau, and Kien Giang. The observed tidal data
served for main harbors along Vietnam coast.
These tidal stations are still the main tidal
stations at present. In 1939 the marine
observation station at Hoang Sa island was
established by France and it was normally
operated till 1974 by the South Vietnam
Authority. The Hoang Sa marine station was
recognized by the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO). Some marine
expeditions were carried out along Vietnamese
coast including the Gulf of Thailand and
Tonkin, especially in Hoang Sa island region
by vessel De Lanessan. From 1939 to 1954
marine observation work came to a standstill by
the 2nd world war and the anti-French resistance
From 1954 to 1975 (Vietnam war period)
In South Vietnam: under war situation, the
marine research programs in both sides of
North and South Vietnam were limited. The
main work was to carry out some small projects
in the nearshore region and to maintain the
operation of oceanographic stations, especially
for tide gauge system. At that time, the IO in
Nha Trang became a member of
IOC/WESTPAC. Therefore, IO had an
opportunity to join some international
cooperation projects, especially NAGA (1959 -
1961), CSK (1965 - 1977) programs. The
NAGA program was the international joint
project on oceanography between USA-
Vietnam-Thailand. The expedition had
participation of Stranger vessel from Scripps
Institute of Oceanography. NAGA program
carried out 5 expedition cruises from 11/1959
to 2/1961 which covered the area between 40N
÷ 160N and extended to 250 miles offshore,
3,895 m water depth, including 6 transects from
Da Nang to Ca Mau. Fig. 1 shows one of these
expedition cruises.
Fig. 1. NAGA cruise S4 from February to
March 1960 (NAGA report)
Present state of ocean observations and
The NAGA program collected a large
oceanographic data on hydrodynamics,
geology, biology, ecology and environment of
South Vietnam waters. The main scientific
reports of NAGA program were edited by
Wyrtki, Robinson, and Faughn (NAGA report).
In the period from 1968 to 1971 the offshore
fishery program was carried out in the Vietnam
continental shelf waters which was supported
by FAO, USA and Holland with the
participation of research vessels Kyoshin Maru
52 and Huu Nghi. From 1965 to 1966 the U.S.
research vessels Rchoboth, Serano, Cable
Enterprise carried out the investigation into
marine topography, acoustic structure in the
East Sea.
In North Vietnam: Similar to South
Vietnam, under Vietnam war condition the
marine research programs in North Vietnam
were also limited. The main marine research
office was located in Hai Phong city named
Marine Research Station which belonged to
VAST, the other marine research office was the
Marine Hydrometeorological Center which
belonged to the Vietnam Hydro Meteorological
Service. The main marine expeditions of this
period were the international cooperation
projects: Vietnam - China (1959 - 1962) and
Vietnam - Russia (1960 - 1961). The
investigated area was in the Gulf of Tonkin to
collect the parameters on meteo-
hydrodynamics, geology, biology, ecology,
environment, fishery resources. The vessels
such as Hai Dieu 1, 2, 3; Nam Ngu 228, 402;
Hong Kong 1; Tue Ngu 219, 220, 306 from
China were participants. The Vietnamese -
Chinese joint marine expedition in the Gulf of
Tonkin included two programs that were
“Integrated expedition for the Gulf of Tonkin
(1959 - 1962)” and “Expedition of the bottom
fish resources in the Gulf of Tonkin (1959 -
1962)”. Also, at that time (1960 - 1961) the
Facific Research Institute of Fisheries and
Oceanography (TINRO) of Russia carried out
the expedition on marine fishery in the Gulf of
Tonkin. The results of joint programs between
Vietnam - China, Vietnam - Russia provided
the important data sources on marine
conditions and fishery resources in the Gulf of
Tonkin. The observing station system of these
programs is shown in fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Survey station system in the Gulf of
Tonkin (Vietnamese - Chinese joint project:
1959 - 1962)
From 1975 to present (Vietnam is a united
National project on oceanography: From
1977 to present, each 5 years there has been a
national program on marine research: 1977 -
1980, 1981 - 1985, 1986 - 1990, 1991 - 1995,
1996 - 2000, 2001 - 2005, 2005 - 2010, and 2011
- 2015. Most of these programs were carried out
in the nearshore region which covered the meteo-
hydrodynamic processes, coastal
erosion/deposition, environments, marine
resources, integrated coastal management, marine
hazard, upwelling phenomena ... The remarkable
programs were [1-4].
National program on the integrated
investigation in the nearshore region of Thuan
Hai - Minh Hai (1977 - 1980). The purpose of
this program was to provide the information on
natural conditions and resources of study area
including meteo-hydro-dynamical features,
geo-morphology, biology and mineral
National program on integrated
investigation in the Vietnam continental waters
Le Dinh Mau, Tran Hong Lam,
(Project 48-06/1981-1985) obtained the
comprehensive information of natural
conditions and resources of study area
including meteo-hydro-dynamical features,
geo-morphology, ecology, biology and mineral
National program on integrated
investigation in the Vietnamese waters (Project
48B/1986-1990) obtained the comprehensive
information of natural conditions and resources
of study area including meteo-hydro-dynamical
features, geo-morphology, biology, social-
economy ... for marine economic development
National program (Project KT-03/1991-
1996) concentrated on main oceanographical
processes and applied oceanography such as
hydro-litho-dynamic models, coastal
erosion/deposition, shore protection measures;
The following were the national programs
such as KHCN-06 (1996-2000); KC.09 (2001-
2005, 2006-2010, 2011-2015). These programs
have provided a huge data on natural conditions
and resources of the Vietnamese waters.
In recent years, Vietnam Administration of
Seas and Islands (VASI) has carried out the
national program (Project 47) on marine
science and technology activities for
fundamental investigation and marine resources
and environmental management. This program
has provided an important data source on
natural conditions and resources of Vietnam
waters, especially for deep water region. In the
period 2011 - 2015, VASI has prepared 14
technical standards for marine science and
technology activities [4].
However, all of the above mentioned
projects were limited by funding, therefore, the
obtained scientific results were not
comprehensive and still had shortcoming.
Besides these programs, the have been several
programs carried out by different authorities
and international cooperation to investigate the
natural conditions in the East Sea for petroleum
exploration. The faculties of oceanography at
some universities have carried out different
projects on oceanography. Moreover,
Vietnamese Navy has also carried out several
projects on marine hydrology for national
defence purpose. These data sources have
important role for understanding the
oceanographic conditions of Vietnam waters.
International cooperation projects: This
period had three remarkable joint projects.
Vietnam - Philippines projecst (1996 -
2008) carried out 4 marine expeditions along
the transect Nha Trang - Manila: JOMSRE I
(1996), JOMSRE II (2000), JOMSRE III
(2005), JOMSRE IV (2008), observing
different parameters such as meteo-
hydrodynamics, biology, environment ...
Vietnam - German project (2003 - 2009):
The first stage was to study the upwelling
phenomenon in Southern Vietnam waters with
the participation of vessel SONNE which
carried out 8 cruises extending to water depth
of about 3,000 m. It collected marine
parameters such as meteo-hydrodynamics,
biology, geology, ecology, environment in four
seasons. The second stage was to study the
interaction between Mekong river and
upwelling water masses with 4 cruises for the
period of low and high Mekong river
Vietnam - USA project (2013 - 2014)
studied on the seasonal, annual variations of
oceanographic processes in Southern Vietnam
waters, observing of different parameters such
as meteo-hydrodynamics, biology, environment
... The observed data would be compared to
NAGA expedition data.
At present, in Vietnam the permanent ocean
observation stations are managed by the
Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environment (MONRE) and VAST. But the
financial source for observing stations of
VAST is depends on MONRE.
Current status of ocean observations and
service at VAST
VAST has managed some institutions
which have been studying oceanography:
Present state of ocean observations and
Institute of Mechanics: studying marine
mechanical processes;
Institute of Geography: studying meteo-
hydrological processes related to ocean;
Institute of Geology: studying geological
processes related to ocean.
And there are three institutions specializing
in marine sciences:
Institute of Oceanography (IO) located in
Nha Trang city;
Institute of Marine Resources and
Environment located in Hai Phong city;
Institute of Marine Geology and
Geophysics located in Hanoi city.
IO has three support units:
Marine Monitoring Station (for Southern
Vietnam waters);
Research Vessel NCB - 95 (operation
within water depth of 50 m);
Oceanographic Database (VODC).
Current status of ocean observations and
service at VAST:
Annually VAST has a scientific program
on marine research, with duration of project
being about 2 years and with a limited amount
of finance for each. However, marine related
institutions of VAST often get different
projects on marine science from different levels
such as national, international.
VAST has 3 environmental monitoring
programs in Northern, Central and Southern
Vietnam coasts. These programs have been
carrying out the seasonal monitoring on coastal
water quality such as current, T-S, DO, COD,
BOD, and Chl-a, ... at fixed stations along the
coast and nearshore islands. VAST also has 5
permanent observation stations located in Hai
Phong, Nam Dinh, Dong Hoi, Nha Trang and
Can Gio (Ho Chi Minh city). At these stations
the daily measure of the sea water quality such
as T-S, DO, COD, BOD, Chl-a, and
nearshore wave observation at Nam Dinh
station and hourly measure of tide at Nha Trang
have been provided (fig.3).
100 105 110 115 120
: Observed Stations
Fig. 3. Permanent marine observing stations
From 2013, VAST carried out the UAV
program to serve the marine observation
campaigns. This project has been carried out by
the IO. The UVA models AV.UAV.S1,
AV.UAV.S2 are equipped with different
cameras to observe the marine hydrology,
biology, ecology, environment conditions in the
coastal region (extending to approximately
100 km offshore), and coastline changes ...
(fig. 4).
Fig. 4. The UVA models AV.UAV.S1,
AV.UAV.S2 at Nha Trang Coast (5/2013)
Current status of ocean observations and
service at MONRE
Le Dinh Mau, Tran Hong Lam,
At present MONRE has some offices
related to marine research that are National
Center for Hydrology and Meteorology and
Vietnam Administration of Seas and Islands
(VASI). The VASI has Institute of Marine
Management and Center for Oceanography.
The vessel Nghien Cuu Bien belongs to the
Center for Oceanography. This vessel can
operate in the coastal and offshore region of
Vietnam Sea.
A network of coastal and island stations for
meteorological and oceanographic observation
includes 17 fixed stations which were built from
1910 in Northern Vietnam and 1980s in Central
and Southern Vietnam. At these stations the
meteorological and oceanographic factors have
been observed and recorded such as:
Meteorological factors: wind, air
temperature, humidity, precipitation, visibility,
fog ...
Oceanographic factors: wave, sea level,
sea temperature, salinity ...
Fig. 5. Current scheme of Vietnam Marine
meteorological and oceanographic stations
[Managed by the Center for Oceanography]
In recent years, observation equipment has
been modernized and automated by Vietnam
Goverment. Additional devices for 16
meteorological and oceanographic stations
(fig. 5) have been equipped including: 11
sensors to measure wind (direction, speed), 10
doppler sensors to measure wave, 8 sensors of
buoy and digital type to measure sea water
level and 6 sensors to measure sea level by
pressure, sensors to measure air temperature,
humidity, precipitation, solar radiation,
evaporation. These have improved the accuracy
of measured data of meteorological and
oceanographic factors at coastal areas.
However, the distribution of these stations is
not suitable. Namely, the density of station in
Northern Vietnam is too thick, whereas that in
Central and Southern areas is too sparse.
Therefore, observed data don’t satisfy the
demand of scientists to forecast ocean weather,
especially for dangerous disaster conditions
such as storms, flood ...
From 2009 the Center for Oceanography
has installed equipment to measure wave and
current by high frequency radar system (4.3 -
5.4 MHz) at three stations at Quang Binh, Ha
Tinh and Hai Phong provinces (fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Scheme of the marine radar stations
in Western coast of the Gulf of Tonkin
The central station at Hanoi controls and
manages the transmission and reception of
signal from 3 stations based on installed
softwares in a server which has automatically
received data with frequency of 24/24 h in a
day. The central station has also been equipped
Present state of ocean observations and
with data combination software between radar
stations, software of data analysis, creation of
girds and inter-extrapolation of missed data at
cells; software of 2 dimensional current
prediction at surface; software of movie
creation of 2 dimensional current field; Codar
Leeway software for prediction of drift objects
for next 12 hours (24 hours) serving for rescue
on the sea.
The specification of Hai Phong radar
station is as follows: range of surface current
measurement of 200 km, range of wave
measurement of above 20 km, using low
energy which is supplied from battery charged
by solar cells. The data are transfered each hour
(24/24 h) in a day from this station to central
station in Hanoi through satellite by internet;
Ha Tinh and Quang Binh radar stations’
specifications are as follows: range of surface
current measurement of above 300 km, range
of wave measurement of above 20 km. The
data are transfered each hour (24/24 h) in a day
from these stations to central station in Hanoi
through high speed internet (ADSL).
Up to now, these radar stations have started
running and have initially collected data of sea
surface state such as wave and current serving
for the development of economy and society at
marine area in Tonkin gulf, the main functions
of these stations can be summarized as follows:
Measuring wave and current in all
dangerous weather conditions. Forecasting
surface current for next 24 hours and warning
for next 48 hours in all dangerous weather
conditions (storms and low depression
conditions, strong monsoon condition ...).
Using radar data as input for numerical models
to adjust parameters in predictions of current
and waves in coastal area, improve the
accuracy of marine forecast; predicting sea
state in dangerous marine weather conditions.
Predicting the trajectory of drift objects at
sea. From measured data of 2D current field
and wave, Codar Leeway modelling can closely
specify the location of missing boat or ship
after drifting period. These sources of
information will help the application of result
in searching and rescuing boat and human
on sea.
Supporting the monitoring task in
environment protection such as predicting oil
spill and detecting the origin of oil track to
determine causes Forecasting oil spill on the
sea, helping the managers to give policies of
resolution to this problem, supporting fishery.
Building the current map (Atlas) for serving the
planning of constructions at sea and integrated
managament in the coastal area.
IO-VAST manages the National
Oceanographic Museum & Aquarium. In the
museum nearly 20,000 specimens of marine
and fresh water species from Asia and the East
Sea region from 1922 and an aquarium system
have been collected for research and tourism
(fig. 7).
Fig. 7. National Oceanographic Museum & Aquarium at IO-VAST
Le Dinh Mau, Tran Hong Lam,
Vietnam Oceanographic Data Center
(VODC for PC) belongs to IO (fig. 8a) and was
established in 1997. The domain of study is
from 990E to 1250E; and from 50S to 250N.
VODC collects, analyses, stores and exchanges
oceanographic data from different projects in
Vietnam and in the world. The objectives of
VODC are:
Exchanging oceanographic data;
Providing clients with oceanographic data;
Updating of the database.
Interface of VODC is shown in fig. 8b.
Fig. 8a. VODC for PC at the IO
Fig. 8b. Interface of VODC
Fig. 9 shows the distribution of DO data on
the East Sea (1929 - 2002) including 8,150
stations, the number of data of DO is 55,169.
Fig. 9. Distribution of sampling stations for
DO in the East Sea (1929 - 2002)
The MONRE has a center for
oceanographic data. These stored data can be
transferred by the supplying data contract.
At present, the national oceanographic
database has been increasing the data exchange
with different countries and organizations in
the world, especially the Comprehensive Ocean
Atmosphere Data Set (COADS). The COADS
is the data source which was integrated from
oceanographic data of Japan (JODC) has been
becoming the important marine data source for
Vietnam [3, 4].
However, the current status of ocean
observations and services in Vietnam still has
shortcomings such as:
The number of permanent ocean
observing stations is limited. The distribution
of observed stations is not equal. Observed
parameters at each station are limited and not
comprehensive. Observation instruments is too
limited and underdeveloped. Especially, there
is still lack of mooring station system in
offshore region.
Most of survey campaigns and measuring
instruments are only suitable for nearshore
Hoang Sa Is.
Truong Sa Is.
Present state of ocean observations and
region (with depth ≤ 50 m). And almost all
measuring instruments have not been
periodically verified by users.
Remote-sensing data on oceanography is
still limited;
Information exchange of collected data
between different related institutions is limited;
Services on oceanographic data are still
less professional and public.
Fig. 10. Perspective on marine radar in
Vietnam until 2020
According to the perspective of future
observation in Vietnam for 2025 and Vietnam’s
policy from 2014 to 2020, 15 HF radar stations
will be build to measure waves and current
which serves for the development of economy
in Vietnam coastal area. The ranges of wave
and current measurement are above 30 km and
300 km respectively.
From 2014 to 2025, Vietnam will construct
more than 27 stations to observe marine
resources and marine environment. From 2014
- 2016 (stage I) 9 stations will be installed in
Northern Vietnam waters. From 2017 - 2020
(stage II) 10 stations will be installed in Central
Vietnam waters. From 2021 - 2025 (stage III) 8
stations will be installed in Southern Vietnam
waters (fig. 10, 11).
Fig. 11. System of observation stations of
marine resource and environment
for 2014 - 2025 period
The observed parameters at each station are
as follows:
Automatically measuring wind, air
pressure, air temperature, precipitation,
visibility, solar radiation.
Installing oceanogaphic stations to
observe factors: sea level, wave, current, sea
temperature, salinity, pH, DO.
Observing and sampling chemical
characteristics of marine water, including: As,
Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, Zn, Cu, Mn; NO2-, NO3-, NH43-,
PO43-, total P, SiO32-.
System transmits signal through satellite
internet, high speed internet (ADSL), GPRS,
GSM Frequency of transfer is at each hour
(24/24 h) in a day.
Le Dinh Mau, Tran Hong Lam,
At present, ocean observations and services
in Vietnam still have shortcomings in both
manpower and equipment and mostly serve for
nearshore region. Public access on
oceanographic data is still limited and not
Marine economy plays the most important
role in the country development. Therefore,
marine research must be developed. Firstly, the
ocean observations and services must be
enhanced by means of upgrades of manpower
in oceanography and by international
cooperation in training program. Modern
observation and analysis instruments should be
equipped, including vessel and mooring station
system for marine investigation in the open sea.
Information exchange of oceanographic
data between different national and
international institutions should be improved.
Public access on oceanographic data should
also be enhanced. International cooperation
projects on oceanography must be promoted,
especially in the framework of
Acknowledgements: The authors gratefully
acknowledge all colleagues for their kind help
and encouragement throughout the preparation
of this paper.
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lần thứ V, Quyển 1, Tổng quát. Nxb. Khoa
học tự nhiên và Công nghệ. Hà Nội,
Tr. 64-73.
Lê Đình Mầu1, Trần Hồng Lam2, Nguyễn Mạnh Cường3
1Viện Hải dương học-Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
2Trung tâm Khí tượng thủy văn biển-Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường
3Trường Đại học Hàng hải Việt Nam
TÓM TẮT: Bài báo trình bày những thông tin cơ bản về hiện trạng quan trắc và dịch vụ hải
dương học tại Việt Nam trong những năm gần đây, nhất là trong lĩnh vực hải dương học vật lý. Kết
quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, trong những năm gần đây, quan trắc hải dương học đã được trang bị
nhiều thiết bị đo đạc và phân tích hiện đại, nhất là tại Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt
Nam (VAST) và Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường (MONRE). Nổi bật nhất là dự án sử dụng máy bay
không người lái (UAV) nhằm quan trắc các đặc trưng hải dương học ven bờ do VAST tiến hành từ
Present state of ocean observations and
năm 2013. Trước đó, năm 2009 Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường tiến hành dự án thiết lập hệ thống
trạm quan trắc sóng và dòng chảy ven bờ bằng công nghệ radar với tần số cao. Tuy nhiên, hiện nay
công tác quan trắc hải dương học và dịch vụ tại Việt Nam còn nhiều bất cập cả về nguồn nhân lực
và trang thiết bị, các trạm quan trắc tập trung chủ yếu tại dải ven bờ. Dịch vụ dữ liệu hải dương
học vẫn còn thiếu chuyên nghiệp và đại chúng. Để phát triển bền vững công tác quan trắc và dịch
vụ hải dương học cần thiết phải tăng cường hợp tác quốc tế, đặc biệt trong khuôn khổ của Ủy ban
liên chính phủ về hải dương học khu vực Tây Thái bình dương (IOC/WESTPAC).
Từ khóa: Quan trắc, dịch vụ, thiết bị, UAV, VAST, MONRE, IOC/WESTPAC.
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