This study has shown how robust and efficient radiometric method is in lithological and
structural mapping, as well as radioelements
(eU, eTh, and %K) differentiation and radiochemical mapping based on the interpretation
of various concentration maps and profiles of
varying compositions from one location to
another. It is evident that the lineament is regional and trends diagonally from NE-SW and
deep-seated fault trending NS caused by the
high degree of metamorphism had restructured the geology of this study area. Also, the
degree of metamorphism is highly pronounced in Akoko towards Kabba Complexes
than in Ikole Complexes, resulting in high
fracturing density and varying lineaments in
the rocks. Besides, one could say that the
Ikole axis comprises of rocks that are crystalline granitic rocks with less deformation
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Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 288-298, Doi: 10.15625/0866-7187/40/3/12619
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
Radiometric survey in geological mapping of parts of
basement complex area of Nigeria
Ademila* O., Akingboye A.S. and Ojamomi A.I.
Department of Earth Sciences, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Nigeria
Received 10 February 2018; Received in revised form 18 April 2018; Accepted 05 June 2018
Radiometric methods were used to investigate the radioactive properties of rocks in parts of southwestern Nigeria
with a view to interpreting the geological structure and abundance of natural radioactive elements in the main type
rocks. The airborne radiometric dataset of Ikole Sheet and ground radiometric data recorded from eight traverses in
Akoko axis of the study area were processed. Results presented as maps and profiles displayed variations of high and
low radioactive concentrations across the area. These maps showed moderate to very high concentrations and very
low to low concentrations of the radioelements; uranium (4.5-13.0 ppm); (LLD-low limit of detection -3.0 ppm), Th
(25.0-70.0 ppm); (8.5-16.0 ppm) and K (2.0-4.0 %); but the most often observed values are in the range 2.5-7.0 ppm,
22.0-30.0 ppm and 3.0-4.0% for U, Th, and K respectively. High concentrations imply that the rocks are crystalline,
undeformed and are rich in feldspar and U-Th bearing minerals. While low radioactivity is attributed to varying geo-
logic framework compositions, weathered materials or fluids formed as a result of intense metamorphism. The radi-
ometric datasets proved valuable in delineating different rock types and serve as a complementary tool in identifying
geochemical zoning of rocks in the area.
Keywords: Radiometric; Ikole Sheet; Radioelements; Geological mapping; Rock types.
©2018 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction1
The radiometric method involves the
measurement of naturally occurring
radioactive materials emitting the ionization
radiation (α, β, γfrom rocks. In the field, the
gamma rays and their adequate energies are
detected by a spectrometer coupled with the
scintillation detector.Theoretically, the energy
of the gamma rays emitted from the natural
radionuclides range from zero to 3 MeV, but
in the geological survey, the interest lies
between 0.2 and 3 MeV. Peaks in the
*Corresponding author, Email:
spectrum are attributed to potassium (%K),
thorium (eTh) and uranium (eU), the count
rate of the whole spectrum is referred to the
total count (TC). Such measurements indicate
the radioactivity of layers from several cm up
to 1.0 m depending on the measurement
condition and geology. The rocks near the
earth surface are often weathered. During
weathering thorium is often freed by the
breakdown of minerals and may be remained
in Fe or Ti oxides/hydroxides and with clays.
Uranium is a reactive metal and easily
removed from the origin places. It may be
present in rocks as the oxide and silicate
minerals, uraninite and uranothorite; as trace
Ademila O., et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
amounts in other minerals or along grain
boundaries possibly as uranium oxides or
silicates (Kearey et al., 2002; Milsom,
2003).The radiometric method involves the
measurement of naturally occurring
radioactive materials emitting the ionization
radiation (α, β, γ) from rocks. In the field, the
gamma rays and their adequate energies are
detected by a spectrometer coupled with the
scintillation detector. Theoretically, the
energy of the gamma rays emitted from the
natural radionuclides range from zero to 3
MeV, but in the geological survey, the interest
lies between 0.2 and 3 MeV. Peaks in the
spectrum are attributed to potassium (%K),
thorium (eTh) and uranium (eU), the count
rate of the whole spectrum is referred to the
total count (TC). Such measurements indicate
the radioactivity of layers from several cm up
to 1.0 m depending on the measurement
condition and geology. The rocks near the
earth surface are often weathered. During
weathering thorium is often freed by the
breakdown of minerals and may be remained
in Fe or Ti oxides/hydroxides and with clays.
Uranium is a reactive metal and easily
removed from the origin places. It may be
present in rocks as the oxide and silicate
minerals, uraninite and uranothorite; as trace
amounts in other minerals or along grain
boundaries possibly as uranium oxides or
silicates (Kearey et al., 2002; Milsom,
2003).Some regions in Nigeria are rich in
uranium such as within Naraguta and Maijuju
Sheets in Plateau State, Igabi, Kajuru, Kachia
and kalatu Sheets in Kaduna State as well as
Ririwai in Kano State. All the mentioned
places are within the ring complex belt of
north-central Nigeria. Other areas that show
significance uranium anomaly within Schist
and Older Granites include Dangulbi and
Kwiambana Sheets in Zamfara State, Kakuri
and Bishini Sheets in Kaduna State as well as
Igboho, Kishi, Meko, Abeokuta, Oyo, Kwara,
Ogun, and Ikole Sheets (Arisekola et al.,
The radiometric method is one of the most
cost-effective and rapid techniques for
geochemical mapping based on the
distribution of the radioactive elements:
potassium, uranium, and thorium. Nowadays,
the method is mainly applied for geological
mapping and exploration of other types of
economic minerals; geochemical and
environmental monitoring such as localization
of radioactive contamination from fallout of
nuclear accidents and plumes from power
plants; allow the interpretation of regional
features over large areas, and applicable in
several fields of science (IAEA, 1991; 2007).
They may be used to estimate and assess the
terrestrial radiation dose to the human
population and to identify areas of potential
natural radiation hazard. Regional surveys
also provide a baseline data set against which
man-made contamination can be estimated.
The airborne datasets can also provide
detailed information about the characteristics
of the soil and its parent rocks, including
surface texture, weathering, leaching, soil
depth, moisture, and clay mineralogy
(Bierwirth, 1997). It is also possible to
determine the amount of anthropogenic
radioactivity from the radiation spectrum
(Grasty and Multala, 1991).The airborne
radiometric data may be less reliable in urban
areas because a significant proportion of the
ground area is covered with buildings and/or
asphalt paving, and the flight altitude is
approximately 240 m. In consequence, the
number of gamma ray from the earth reach to
the detector is low enough, resulting from the
measured concentrations of eU, eTh and K for
the urban area are very low (Appleton et al.,
2008). This study is aimed at giving details in
interpretation and distribution of
radioelements and characterize them based on
gamma airborne and gamma ground surveys.
2. Geologic Setting of the Study Area
The Basement Complex rocks of Nigeria
form a part of the African Crystalline Shield
which occurs within the Pan African mobile
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 288-298
belt that lies between the West African and
Congo Cratons and South of the Tuareg
Shield which were affected by the Pan-
African Orogeny, the last stage deformation
of the four Orogenesis in Nigeria (Figure 1)
(Oyawoye, 1972, Woakes et al., 1987).
The Basement Complex of Southwestern
Nigeria is located in a triangular portion of the
Nigerian basement, an extension of the Da-
homeyide Shield of the West African Craton.
Rocks of the region include Migmatised-
Gneiss Complex (MGC) that is characterized
by (a) grey foliated gneiss, (b) ultramafic
rocks and (c) felsic component comprised of
pegmatite, aplite and granitic rocks (Raham-
an, 1981). The MGC in Southwestern Nigeria
is affected by three major geotectonic events
ranging from Early Proterozoic of 2000 Ma to
Pan African events of ~600 Ma (Ajibade and
Fitches, 1988; Oyinloye, 2011). The rocks of
the basement have been affected by medium
pressure Barrovian metamorphism (Rahaman
et al., 1983; Oyinloye, 2011). The attitudes of
tectonic structures in the Nigerian basement
have been documented in terms of orientation
and magma-induced veins and dykes such as
quartz veins and pegmatites (Rahaman et al.,
1983; Ajibade et al., 1987). Deformation of
the Nigerian basement complex occurred in
two phases, a ductile phase, which is respon-
sible for the formation of planar structures
(foliations) and a brittle phase resulting in
jointing and fractures, many of which have
been filled with quartzo-feldspathic veins,
dolerite dykes, pegmatite and aplitic veins and
dykes (Omosanya et al., 2015).
Figure 1. Regional geological setting of Nigeria (modified after Woakes et al., 1987)
The study area (Ikole Sheet 245) lies
within latitudes 7°30’N and 8°00’N and lon-
gitudes 5°30’E and 6°00’E (Figure 2) of the
Greenwich Meridian. The study area is di-
vided into Ikole axis (Ekiti State), Akoko ax-
is (Ondo State) and extends to Kabba (Kogi
State) within the Southwestern Basement
Complex of Nigeria. The major lithological
units of the study area include the migmatite,
granite gneiss, charnockite, granite, and other
felsic and mafic intrusive (Figure 2). The
basement rocks show great variations in
Ademila O., et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
grain size and in mineral composition. The
rocks are predominantly gneisses, which
have been intensively migmatized and essen-
tially consist of feldspar, quartz with small
amounts of micaceous minerals. The grain of
the rocks varies from very coarse-grained
pegmatite to medium-grained gneisses. The
basement complex rocks in the area have
been subjected to intense regional metamor-
phism in which shearing stress was the dom-
inant control resulting into widespread mag-
netization that reflected rapid alternation of
granite, biotite gneiss, and biotite-schists,
which grade into one another. Selective gran-
itization has resulted in biotite-rich layers in
the gneisses being converted into biotite
granites, while the leucocratic bands have
been converted to aplitic granite. Minor folds
are very common in the gneiss and schists
and from all available evidence (Jones and
Hockey, 1964). The basic geological struc-
ture of Southwestern Nigeria is a comple-
mentary anticlinorium and synclinorium with
northwards plunging axes.
Figure 2. Geological map of the study area showing the various litho-structures (Modified after NGSA, 2009)
3. Materials and Methods
Airborne gamma-ray measurements are a
fast way of surveying and monitoring radioac-
tivity of subsurface rocks. For the determining
of uranium, thorium and potassium concentra-
tions in the surface rocks using the airborne
gamma survey, a range of corrections are usu-
ally applied to the data to include removing
aircraft noise, cosmic and background radia-
tions; application of stripping corrections de-
rived from calibration data and application of
height attenuation corrections by Nigerian
Geological Survey Agency (NGSA) - the
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 288-298
agency that acquired the airborne data. These
are based on protocols described in IAEA
(1991) and by Grasty and Minty (1995a, b).
The procedure determines the concentrations
that would give the observed count rates if
uniformly distributed in an infinite horizontal
slab source.
The airborne data from NGSA were pro-
cessed using Oasis MontajTM Software. Ap-
propriate filters were used to remove near sur-
face and background noises that may obscure
important signatures originating from the sub-
surface. Similarly, ground radiometric meas-
urements were carried out along prospective
locations within the study area, in order to
know the range and variations in measured
radioactivity for respective rock types in the
area, as well as to ascertain and corroborate
the measured radioactivity and interpreted
aero-radiometric data. Measurements were
taken along eight (8) traverses (TR) on gran-
ite-gneiss, charnockite, granite and grey-
gneiss (i.e. TR 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 respec-
tively), using a spreading length of 100 m
with the station spacing of 5 m each. The ac-
quired eU (ppm), eTh (ppm) and K (%) data
were therefore computed and plotted through
Microsoft Excel to determine their respective
profile signatures. Figure 3 shows the national
anomaly map for concentration greater than 5
ppm and 20 ppm for areas with uranium and
thorium respectively (Figures 3a and b).
These maps give foresight imaginations to
what the results of the study area would look
like based on the distribution of 238U and
232Th in the country.
Figure 3. National Anomaly Maps of areas with the concentration greater than 5 ppm and 20 ppm for eU (a) and eTh
(b) respectively (Arisekola et al., 2013)
4. Results and Discussion
The radiometric data are first summarized
in terms of color images obtained from Mini-
mum Curvature Grids in order to avoid image
color bias and to enhance the signal to noise
ratio. Results of the gamma-ray measurements
are displayed as concentration maps for eU,
eTh, %K, and ternary image.
Generally, the maps are depicted as high -
moderate-low radioactive concentrations across
the whole area. It is evident from the various
maps produced that there are rocks with differ-
ent concentrations of the natural radionuclides.
The variation in the study area geology is en-
visaged through the regional lineament that
trend diagonally from the southwestern to
northeastern part and divides the study area in-
to approximately equal halves. This regional
lineament that extends north-eastward termi-
nates by encountering another NW-SE linea-
ment that distinguishes the boundary of Kabba
Complexes from the other complexes. There-
fore, the two pronounced lineaments compart-
Ademila O., et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
mentalized the rocks in the area into three (3)
complexes i.e. the Ikole Complexes on the
western to northwestern part, Akoko Complex-
es on the south to the eastern part, and Kabba
Complexes occupy the small portion of the ar-
ea on the northeastern.
Figure 4 shows the Uranium concentration
map of varying concentration in ppm. From
the northwest of the map up to a little part of
the northeastern section (i.e. above the NE-
SW lineament (red line) trend) is dominated
by moderately high to very high eU concen-
tration ranging from 4.5-13.0 ppm, the edges
of the rich to low uranium bearing-minerals
are classified within 3.0-4.5 ppm. While be-
low this lineament trend, are areas of very low
to low (≤ LLD to 3.0 ppm) with scattered
highs of eU concentration denoting in-situ
rocks rich in uranium-bearing minerals and
some pockets of uranium deposits hosted by
some minor faults. The study area reveals
very high eU radiation at the northern part
(Ikole axis), which could also be attributed to
radon gas radiating outwardly through the
deep-seated NS trending fault. Though one
would expect low eU concentration because
of it susceptible nature to weathering like
what we have in the southern half of the line-
ament, this high radiation level confirms the
presence of uranium deposit around Ikole-
Ekiti in Ekiti State. This characterization fur-
ther validates the applicability of uranium
mapping as a useful tool for litho-structural
Figure 4. Uranium (eU) Concentration Map
Figure 5 shows Thorium (eTh) concentra-
tion map in parts per million (ppm) with
somewhat similar attributes and variations to
eU map. The high concentration of eTh ranged
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 288-298
from 25.0-70.0 ppm corresponding to rocks
bearing-rich thorium minerals such as thorite,
zircon etc., and 16-25 ppm probably denotes
the edges of the mineralized thorium-rich rocks
because this range of thorium concentration
marks the boundary of the zone of alteration. In
addition, the low concentration ranged from
8.5-16.0 ppm representing intra-basement
structures such as faults (F-F’), lineaments (R-
R’ and S-S’), dykes and weathered rocks (D).
Less than 8.5 ppm is considered as very low
eTh and is attributed to in-filled geologic mate-
rials such weathered materials or fluids that are
not thorium-rich, while the yellowish color de-
notes the edges of the anomalous bodies. How-
ever, the high anomaly on eTh map compared
with depleted of eU map in the southern parts
is due to the resistive nature of thorium-rich
bearing-minerals to weathering. Interestingly,
eTh radiation observed in the study area clearly
differentiates the lithology, regional lineament,
and faults, as well as identifies the degree of
weathering and areas rich in thorium bearing-
Figure 5. Thorium (eTh) Concentration Map
Figure 6 shows the potassium concentra-
tion map in weight percent (Wt. %), depicting
high %K of about 2.0-4.0 % over a wide area
in the northwestern section of the area. The
southern and southeastern parts i.e. below the
regional lineament evince varying %K con-
centration, but concentration increases and
becomes more pronounced towards the south-
Ademila O., et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
ern end, the %K concentration also falls to as
low as < 2.0 % within some parts of the cen-
tral, western and eastern sections of the study
area. The high % K concentration implies
rocks that are highly rich potassium bearing-
minerals such as feldspar and on the other
hand shows that the rocks are less weathered,
as well as with less structural deformities.
Conversely, the low %K concentration usually
indicates rocks with low potassium bearing-
minerals, high weathering and intense meta-
morphism, which led to the patches/pockets of
high concentration seen in most parts of the
southern section of the area. The deep-seated
fault (F-F’) at the northern part (Ikole) has
contributed immensely to the low %K concen-
tration seen at the central section due to the
accumulated soil and/or fluid of less rich po-
tassium minerals within a likely depression
(D) created by the hanging-wall of the fault.
The map has also been able to reveal the
strike directions of the rocks to be trending
generally in NW-SE direction, but some of the
rocks still trend NE-SW, NS, NNW-SSE,
NNE-SSW and there are fewer rocks trending
E-W directions.
Figure 6. Potassium (%K) Concentration Map
The ground radiometric survey results
were processed as further ground truths to en-
sure that the interpretations of the radioele-
ments from the airborne survey are relatively
actual, appropriate and robust. The ground
survey provides the opportunity of having di-
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(3), 288-298
rect access and contact with the rocks during
measurement than when equipment is few to
hundreds of meters above ground level in the
airborne survey. The results of the mean val-
ues of eU (ppm), eTh (ppm) and K (%) for the
eight (8) traverses around Akoko Complexes
of the study area were presented in profiles.
These values were computed from the large
data collected from the field. Figures 7-9
show the profiles for mean eU (ppm), eTh
(ppm) and K (%) respectively from traverse
(TR) 1-8, to give the clearer pictorial view of
radioelements emitted by various rocks.
The profiles show highs and lows indicat-
ing the change in the amount of radioelement
concentrations present in different rock types.
The eU concentration profile (Figure 7) gently
increases across traverse 1-2 from about 3
ppm; fall sharply at TR 3 as lowest; peaked
back to the concentration of about 7 ppm at
traverse 4, and reduces gently in traverse 8.
Similar trends are seen on eTh concentration
profile (Figure 8) with highs ranging from 22-
30 ppm and lows between 14 and 22 ppm. TR
4 and TR 3 envisaged the highest and lowest
concentrations respectively as seen in Figure
8. Figure 9 shows the %K concentration pro-
file with highs ranging between 3.0 and 4.0 %
(TR 1, 3 and 4) and lows ranging between 2.0
and 2.5 % (TR 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8). TR4 shows
that the rock is crystalline, undeformed, rich
in K-and-U-Th bearing minerals because of
the observed high signatures for the three ra-
dioelements. Traverses 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 depict
varying geologic framework compositions,
varying degree of metamorphism and weath-
ering in the rocks. The variations in radioele-
ments concentrations observed in granite-
gneiss, charnockite, granite and grey-gneiss
(i.e. TR 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 respectively)
show that the concentrations of the three (3)
radioelements are lower for granite-gneiss,
granite, and grey-gneiss than charnockite.
These imply that the charnockitic rocks tend
to show K-and-U-Th bearing minerals en-
richment because of the mineralogical compo-
sition and fewer deformities in framework
crystal lattices. The slight low %K concentra-
tion in gneissic and granitic rocks is due to the
increased level of biotite. Also, weathering
and fracturing of the gneissic rocks have also
contributed to the shortfall in the level of ob-
served %K concentration and these variations
have contributed to the dispersion of the ob-
served radioelements concentrations.
Figure 7. Ground eU concentration profile
Figure 8. Ground eTh concentration profile
Therefore, from these analyzed airborne
and ground radioelements results, it is evident
that the rocks have undergone structural de-
formation that produced varying degrees of
fracturing due to metamorphism and intru-
sions. These geological processes produced
the observed varying radioelements concen-
trations within and around these structures and
residues of the weathered rock materials, as
well as those radioelements formed alongside
the rocks or retained after the metamorphism
and intrusions.
Ademila O., et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
Figure 9. Ground %K concentration profile
5. Conclusions
This study has shown how robust and effi-
cient radiometric method is in lithological and
structural mapping, as well as radioelements
(eU, eTh, and %K) differentiation and radio-
chemical mapping based on the interpretation
of various concentration maps and profiles of
varying compositions from one location to
another. It is evident that the lineament is re-
gional and trends diagonally from NE-SW and
deep-seated fault trending NS caused by the
high degree of metamorphism had restruc-
tured the geology of this study area. Also, the
degree of metamorphism is highly pro-
nounced in Akoko towards Kabba Complexes
than in Ikole Complexes, resulting in high
fracturing density and varying lineaments in
the rocks. Besides, one could say that the
Ikole axis comprises of rocks that are crystal-
line granitic rocks with less deformation.
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