Elevated doses of biochar with a higher
level of N fertilizer application significantly
increased the index of aggregate stability and
the proportion of water-stable macroaggregates, especially in the size fractions
from 3 to 2 mm. On the other hand, less water-stable macro-aggregates within the fraction from 0.5 to 0.25 mm were observed. Application of N fertilizer at a higher level significantly decreased the proportions of waterstable macro-aggregates within the size fractions of 3-2 mm. On the contrary, increasing
rates of N application increased the proportion
of water-stable aggregates with sizes from 0.5
to 0.25 mm. During the investigated period,
the proportion of larger macro-aggregates increased, while the proportion of smaller macro-aggregates 1-0.5 mm decreased.
Our findings show that the effect of SOM
in the WSA can be significantly enhanced.
Dosing biochar at higher rates resulted in a
higher content of soil organic carbon and labile carbon in the WSA. It can be concluded
that the higher content of SOM delivered
through biochar led to more WSAma and
WSAmi. The temporal dynamics of CL in
WSA is more pronounced than in SOC. The
content of CL measured within all size fractions of the WSA increased in all treatments.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Soil structure and soil organic matter in water-Stable aggregates under different application rates of biochar, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
ore, incorporating biochar into soils re-
quires that other organic and mineral fertiliz-
ers are artificially supplemented.
As for agriculture sustainability, combin-
ing biochar with a N fertilizer appears to be a
promising practice offering a possibility of
higher carbon sequestration rates. Since the
interaction between biochar, mineral fertilizer
and soil is a complex process, additional re-
search is necessary.
The objectives of this study were to (i)
quantify the effects of biochar and biochar in
combination with N fertilizer on the soil struc-
ture parameters, the proportion of water-stable
aggregates (WSA) and SOM in WSA, and (ii)
evaluate the dynamic changes of proportion of
WSA and SOM in aggregates in relation with
doses of biochar and biochar with N fertilizer.
2. Material and Methods
Description of study site
The field experiments were conducted at
the experimental site of the Slovak University
of Agriculture Nitra, Dolna Malanta Nitra
o19′00″N; 18o09′00″E). The site has a tem-
perate climate, with a mean annual air tem-
perature of 9.8°C, and the mean annual pre-
cipitation is 540 mm. The geological substra-
tum consists of little bedrock materials such
as biotite, quartz, diorite, triassic quartzites
with phyllite horizonts, crinoid limestones and
sandy limestone with high quantities of fine
materials. The young Neogene deposits con-
sist of various clays, loams and sand gravels
on which loess was deposited during the
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(2), 97-108
Pleistocene epoch. The soil at this site is clas-
sified as Haplic Luvisol according to the Soil
Taxonomy (WRB, 2014). The soil has 9.13 g
of soil organic carbon, pH is 5.71 and the
texture is silt loam (sand: 15.2%, silt: 59.9%
and clay: 24.9%).
Experimental design and field management
The soil had been cultivated for over 100
years classic conventional agriculture tech-
niques before the experiment. The experiment
was established in March 2014 and experi-
mental field is shown in Figure 1. As is shown
in Table 1 the experiment consisted of seven
treatments. The study was set up in the field
research station as a total of 21 plots each
with an area of 24 m
(4 m × 6 m). Each set of
seven plots was arranged in a row and treated
as a replication, and the interval between
neighboring replications was 0.5 m. To main-
tain consistency, ploughing and mixing treat-
ments were also performed in control
plots where no biochar and N fertilizer
were applied. A standard N fertilizer
(Calc-Ammonium nitrate with dolomite, LAD
27) was used in this experiment. The doses of
the level 1 were calculated on required aver-
age crop production using balance method.
The level 2 included additional 100% of N in
the year 2014 and additional 50% of N in the
year 2016. The biochar used in this study was
acquired from Sonnenerde, Austria. The bio-
char was produced from paper fiber sludge
and grain husks (1:1 w/w). As declared by the
manufacturer, the biochar was produced at a
pyrolysis temperature of 550°C applied for 30
minutes in a Pyreg reactor. The pyrolysis
product has particle sizes between 1 to 5 mm.
On average, it contains 57 g kg
of Ca, 3.9 g
of Mg, 15 g kg
of K and 0.77 g kg
Na. The total C content of the biochar sample
is 53.1 %, while the total N content is 1.4 %,
the C:N ratio is 37.9, the specific surface area
(SSA) is 21.7 m
and the content of ash is
38.3 %. On average, the pH of the biochar is
8.8. The spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were
sown in 2014 and 2016, respectively.
Figure 1. Field site location and an areal view of experimental plots
Vladimir Simansky, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
Table 1. The investigated treatments
Treatment Description
B0N0 no biochar, no N fertilization
B10N0 biochar at rate of 10 t ha–1
B20N0 biochar at rate of 20 t ha–1
biochar at rate of 10 t ha–1 with N: dose of N were, 40 and 100 kg N ha–1 in 2014 and
2016, respectively
biochar at rate of 20 t ha–1 with N: dose of N were, 40 and 100 kg N ha–1 in 2014 and
2016, respectively
biochar at rate of 10 t ha–1 with N: dose of N were, 80 and 150 kg N ha–1 in 2014 and
2016, respectively
biochar at rate of 20 t ha–1 with N: dose of N were, 80 and 150 kg N ha–1 in 2014 and
2016, respectively
Sampling and measurements
Soil samples were collected from the top-
soil (0-20 cm) in all treatments. Sampling of
soil was conducted monthly to cover the
whole growing season of spring barley (sam-
pling dates: 17 April, 15 May, 16 June, and 13
July in 2014) as well as in 2016 to cover the
whole spring growing season of wheat (sam-
pling dates: on 20 April, 17 May, 22 June, and
18 July). Thus, for the 2014 treatments, sam-
pling was conducted at one, two, three and
four months after biochar application, while
for the 2016 treatments, sampling was con-
ducted at 26, 27, 28 and 29 months after bio-
char application.
The soil samples were carefully taken us-
ing a spade to avoid disruption of the soil ag-
gregates. The samples were mixed to produce
an average representative sample from each
plot. Roots and large pieces of crop residues
were removed. The collected soil samples
were transported to the laboratory and large
clods were gently broken up along natural
fracture lines. The samples were air-dried at
laboratory temperature 20
C to obtain undis-
turbed soil samples. We used the Baksheev
method (Vadjunina and Korchagina, 1986) to
determine the water-stable aggregates (WSA).
The soil organic carbon (SOC) and the labile
carbon (CL) were analyzed in all fraction sizes
of the WSA (Loginow et al., 1987; Dziado-
wiec and Gonet, 1999). The indexes of aggre-
gate stability (Sw), mean weight diameters of
aggregates for dry (MWDd) and wet sieving
(MWDW), as well as vulnerability coefficient
(Kv) were calculated according to following
equations (1-4):
where: Sw denotes aggregate stability and
WSA is the content of water-stable aggregates
iid wxMWD
where: MWDd is the mean weight diameter of
aggregates for dry sieving (mm), xi is the
mean diameter of each size fraction (mm) and
wi is the portion of the total sample weight
within the corresponding size fraction, and n
is the number of size fractions.
where: MWDw is mean weight diameter of
WSA (mm), xi is mean diameter of each size
fraction (mm), and WSA is the portion of the
total sample weight within the corresponding
size fraction, and n is the number of size frac-
K (4)
where: Kv is the vulnerability coefficient,
MWDd is the mean weight diameter of aggre-
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(2), 97-108
gates for dry sieving (mm), and MWDw is the
mean weight diameter of WSA (mm).
The data was analyzed by ANOVA tests
using a software package Statgraphics Centu-
rion XV.I (Statpoint Technologies, Inc.,
USA). Comparisons were made using the
method of least significant differences (LSD)
at the probability level P = 0.05. The Mann-
Kendall test was used to evaluate the trends in
the proportions of WSA and the contents of
SOC and CL in the WSA.
3. Results and discussion
Proportion of water-stable aggregates and
soil structure parameters
Parameters of soil structure such as
MWDw, Kv, Sw, as well as WSAma and WSAmi
as a result of biochar amendment are shown in
Table 2. Our findings confirm the results of
Atkinson et al. (2010) i.e. biochar exerted pos-
itive effects on soil structure. However, the
effects of biochar on soil structure largely de-
pend on the properties of biochar that may
vary considerably due to the variations in
feedstock materials, pyrolysis conditions, etc.
(Purakayastha et al. 2015; Heitkötter and
Marschner 2015). In our case, the proportion
of WSAma decreased in the following order:
B20N2 > B10N0 > B20N1 > B20N0 >
B10N1 > B0N0 > B10N2. The index of ag-
gregate stability increased in the following or-
der: B10N2 < B0N0 < B10N1 = B20N1 <
B10N0 = B20N0 <B20N2. The one-way
ANOVA test did not show any significant dif-
ferences between the treatments in terms of Kv
and MWDw (Table 2). Compared to the B0N0,
only the B20N2 treatment significantly in-
creased the proportion of WSAma and reduced
the proportion of WSAmi. Furthermore, our
results suggest that biochar did not enhance
the formation of WSAmi, since the particle
sizes of the biochar were within the range of 1
to 5 mm. These findings agree with those of
Herath et al. (2013) who also observed that
biochar applied after 295 days of incubation
did not enhance the formation of micro-
aggregates. Brodowski et al. (2006) stated that
incorporation of biochar into soil contributes
to the formation of micro-aggregates. Gener-
ally, organic amendments added to soil are
accompanied with an increase in microbially-
produced polysaccharides (Angers et al.,
1993), especially those from fungi (Tiessen
and Stewart, 1988) which can increase the
stability of aggregates and the content of
WSAma (Herath et al., 2013; Soinne et al.,
2014). In our study, a statistically significant
effect on Sw was observed in the treatment
with 20 t biochar ha
combined with 2
of N fertilization. The reasons for a higher ag-
gregate stability can be explained by the ap-
plication of higher doses of biochar together
with nitrogen. Fertilizer application generally
improves soil aggregation (Munkholm et al.,
2002). An improved nutrient management in-
creases biomass and enhances the growth of
roots and their activity (Abiven et al., 2015).
The increased aggregate stability can be ex-
plained by the enhanced root activity and the
direct effect of biochar acting as a binding
agent of soil particles (Brodowski et al.,
2006). The higher root biomass through exu-
dates and moving soil particles help aggregate
formation (Bronick and Lal, 2005).
The effects of various rates of biochar and
biochar with various levels of N fertilizer on
the individual size fractions of the WSAma are
shown in Table 3. The B20N2 treatment
showed a robust decrease (by 27%) in WSAma
between 0.5 and 0.25 mm, but on the other
hand, the content of WSAma with particle sizes
between 3 and 2 mm increased by 56% com-
pared to B0N0. Formation of soil aggregates
is a function of biological activity and time,
and it is unlikely to occur immediately upon
biochar application (Herath et al., 2013).
Vladimir Simansky, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
Table 2. Parameters of soil structure (mean and standard deviation)
Treatments %WSAma %WSAmi Sw Kv MWDd MWDW
B0N0 72.0±6.78ab 28.6±6.78bc 0.82±0.08a 4.29±0.90ab 2.97±0.69a 0.72±0.21ab
B10N0 75.6±9.70abc 24.4±9.70abc 0.88±0.11ab 3.33±0.62a 2.90±0.37a 0.90±0.24 b
B20N0 75.4±10.5abc 24.6±10.5abc 0.88±0.12ab 3.99±1.92ab 2.85 ±0.13a 0.87±0.38ab
B10N1 75.2±6.54abc 24.8±6.54abc 0.87±0.08ab 3.48±0.90a 3.07±0.43 a 0.94 ±0.28b
B20N1 76.3±8.68bc 23.7±8.68ab 0.87±0.13ab 3.37±1.31a 2.73±0.43 a 0.90±0.31b
B10N2 68.0±6.93a 32.0±6.93c 0.79±0.08a 4.75±1.68b 2.74 ±0.48a 0.62 ±0.17a
B20N2 80.3±7.40c 19.7±7.40a 0.93±0.09b 3.05±0.69a 2.88±0.43 a 0.98±0.25b
Different letters (a, b, c) between lines indicate that treatment means are significantly different at P<0.05 according to
LSD test
Table 3. Percentage contents of individual size fraction of water-stable macro-aggregates (mean and standard devia-
Individual size fractions of water-stable macro-aggregates in mm
>5 5-3 3-2 2-1 1-0.5 0.5-0.25
B0N0 2.44±1.58ab 3.81±1.23ab 7.87±3.41ab 15.0±7.75ab 25.5±5.03a 17.5±4.60bc
B10N0 3.62±1.22ab 5.91±2.10ab 11.0±4.23bc 17.4±7.35ab 22.5±3.52a 15.2±3.90ab
B20N0 3.19±1.02ab 5.42±1.98ab 11.1±5.89bc 16.3±7.16ab 23.9±5.14a 15.5±4.87abc
B10N1 4.70±1.30b 6.16±3.16ab 10.5±4.16abc 15.7±5.25ab 21.0±3.31a 17.2±5.65bc
B20N1 4.10±1.13ab 4.50±1.35ab 10.6±4.35abc 19.3±7.65b 23.4±5.32a 14.3±3.12ab
B10N2 2.06±0.93a 3.29±1.09a 6.34±3.29a 11.7±7.30a 24.9±4.95a 19.7±4.19c
B20N2 3.421.23ab 6.66±2.39b 12.3±4.64c 21.8±7.13b 23.5±5.58a 12.7±2.80a
Different letters (a, b, c) between lines indicate that treatment means are significantly different at P<0.05 according to
LSD test
The biochar in our experiments has rather
coarse particle sizes with diameters ranging
from 1 to 5 mm, which may pose limitations
to the soil-microbe-biochar interactions. Fur-
thermore, the conversion to WSAma with par-
ticle sizes 0.5-0.25 mm might therefore be dif-
ficult and can happen only after a certain
amount of time. Applying biochar with no N
fertilization at the rates of 10 and 20 t ha
not affect the proportion of WSAma. A combi-
nation of biochar applied at 10 t ha
with both
levels of N fertilizer had no significant effect
on the proportion of WSAma compared to the
B0N0 treatment. The effect of N fertilizer on
the WSAma was confirmed only in the case of
the B10N2 treatment. The proportion of
WSAma with particle sizes ranging from 3 to 2
mm decreased by 42%, and increased by 30%
for the size fraction 0.5-0.25 mm compared to
the B10N0 treatment. The Mann-Kendall test
identified a significant trend in the WSA
(Table 4). The proportion of WSAma with par-
ticle diameters of 2 to 1 mm did not change
during the growing season in 2014 and 2016.
The content of WSAma with particle sizes
between 1 and 0.5 mm decreased, whereas the
content of WSAma with particle sizes above 5
mm increased during the investigated periods
in all treatments except the B10N2 and the
B20N2 treatments. The proportions of WSAma
with particle sizes between 5 and 3 mm and
between 3 and 2 mm increased in the B20N0,
B10N1 and the B20N1 treatments over the
growing seasons.
Our findings show that sole biochar and
biochar with the combination of N fertilizer
do not explain the changes in the WSAma with
particle sizes between 2 to 1 mm. The propor-
tion of the WSAma with larger particle sizes
increased over the investigated periods. On
the contrary, the proportion of the WSA with
small size fractions decreased during the
growing periods. A stable trend was observed
in the proportion of the WSA in both the
B10N2 and B20N2 treatments. This means
that biochar with a higher N fertilizer content
may be responsible for the stabilized propor-
tion of WSA (Table 4).
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(2), 97-108
Table 4. Dynamics of individual size fraction of water-stable aggregates and soil organic carbon and labile carbon in
water-stable aggregates during investigated period (Mann-Kendall test)
Individual size fractions of water-stable aggregates in mm
>5 5-3 3-2 2-1 1-0.5 0.5-0.25 <0.25
B0N0 increased increased increased stable/no
decreased stable/no
B10N0 increased stable/no
decreased stable/no
decreased stable/no
B20N0 increased increased increased stable/no
decreased stable/no
B10N1 increased increased increased stable/no
decreased decreased stable/no
B20N1 increased increased increased stable/no
decreased stable/no
B10N2 stable/no
B20N2 stable/no
Content of soil organic carbon in water-stable aggregates
B0N0 stable/no
decreased stable/no
increased stable/no
B10N0 decreased stable/no
B20N0 stable/no
B10N1 increased decreased stable/no
increased increased
B20N1 stable/no
increased increased increased
B10N2 stable/no
B20N2 stable/no
decreased stable/no
Content of labile carbon in water-stable aggregates
B0N0 increased increased increased increased increased increased increased
B10N0 increased increased increased increased increased increased increased
B20N0 increased increased increased increased increased increased increased
B10N1 increased increased increased increased increased increased increased
B20N1 increased increased increased increased increased increased increased
B10N2 increased increased increased increased increased increased increased
B20N2 increased increased increased increased increased increased increased
Contents of soil organic matter in water-
stable aggregates
Organic amendments are known to in-
crease the content of SOC (Agegnehu et al.,
2016). Soil particles tend to form aggregates
accompanying with occluded biochar
(Brodowski et al., 2006). This could be the
main reason of the elevated C content in the
aggregates (Blanco-Canqui and Lal, 2004).
Results of our study showed that different
rates of biochar and biochar with different
levels of N fertilization affected the distribu-
tion of SOC and CL content in aggregates
(Figure 2 and 3), ranging from 8.80 to 15.8 g
Vladimir Simansky, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
and from 1.11 to 1.65 g kg
for biochar
treatments, and from 9.70 to 15.6 g kg
from 0.99 to 1.81 g kg
for biochar with N
fertilization treatments. In all treatments, the
content of SOC in WSAmi was lower than
WSAma. The SOC in WSAmi were 10.5, 8.80,
10.6, 9.70, 11.1, 10.4 and 11.5 g kg
of SOC
in the B0N0, B10N0, B20N0, B10N1,
B20N1, B10N2 and B20N2 treatments, re-
spectively. The largest size class of WSA (> 5
mm) contained the largest CL in all treatments,
with 1.54, 1.54, 1.65, 1.57, 1.59, 1.66 and
1.81 g kg
of CL in the B0N0, B10N0,
B20N0, B10N1, B20N1, B10N2 and B20N2
treatments, respectively, while the smallest
size class of WSA (< 0.25 mm or WSAmi)
contained the lowest CL pool in all treatments
(Figure 3).
Figure 2. Contents of soil organic carbon in individual size fractions of water-stable aggregates (mean and standard
deviation); Different letters (a, b, c, d) between columns (the same color) indicate that treatment means are signifi-
cantly different at P<0.05 according to LSD test
Generally, the higher content of SOC is ac-
companied with a higher occurrence of WSAma
and WSAmi. The importance of SOC content in
the formation of aggregates is well known
(Kodesova et al., 2015). In the study of Liu and
Zhou (2017), macro- and micro-aggregation
was significantly improved by using organic
amendments. The large aggregates contained
the largest pool of C in manure treatments
(Simansky, 2013). Tisdall and Oades (1980)
and Six et al. (2004) found higher concentra-
tions of organic C in macro-aggregates than in
micro-aggregates. Decomposition of roots and
hyphae occurs within macro-aggregates. Elliott
(1986) suggested that macro-aggregates have
elevated C concentrations because of the or-
ganic matter binding micro-aggregates into
macro-aggregates and the organic matter is
“qualitatively more labile and less highly pro-
cessed” than the organics stabilizing micro-
aggregates. Based on Mann-Kendall test, the
temporal behavior of SOC in WSA in relation
to application of biochar or biochar with N fer-
tilizer was different during the investigated pe-
riod (Table 4). A considerable decrease in SOC
with WSAma >5 mm and an increase in SOC
with WSAmi when 10 t ha
of biochar was ap-
plied. During the investigated period, the appli-
cation of 20 t ha
of biochar as well as 10 and
20 t ha
of biochar combined with the second
level of N fertilization had no effect on the re-
distribution of SOC in WSA. The SOC in
B0N0 B10N0 B20N0 B10N1 B20N1 B10N2 B20N2c
>5 5-3 3-2 2-1 1-0.5 0.5-0.25 <0.25
a b
a a
a b
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(2), 97-108
WSAmi gradually increased after applying bio-
char combined with the first level of N fertili-
zation during the investigated period. CL in
WSA significantly increased in all size frac-
tions of WSA and in all treatments (Table 4)
during the investigated period. The dynamic of
CL changes significantly due to different soil
management practices (Benbi et al., 2012).
Therefore, the CL is used as a sensitive indica-
tor of changes in SOM (Benbi et al., 2015) and
aggregate stability (Simansky, 2013). As a re-
sult, the decomposition of the organic matter
increases CL, eventually enhancing aggregation
(Bronick and Lal, 2005).
Figure 3. Contents of labile carbon in individual size fractions of water-stable aggregates (mean and standard devia-
tion); Different letters (a, b, c, d) between columns (the same color) indicate that treatment means are significantly
different at P<0.05 according to LSD test
4. Conclusions
Elevated doses of biochar with a higher
level of N fertilizer application significantly
increased the index of aggregate stability and
the proportion of water-stable macro-
aggregates, especially in the size fractions
from 3 to 2 mm. On the other hand, less wa-
ter-stable macro-aggregates within the frac-
tion from 0.5 to 0.25 mm were observed. Ap-
plication of N fertilizer at a higher level sig-
nificantly decreased the proportions of water-
stable macro-aggregates within the size frac-
tions of 3-2 mm. On the contrary, increasing
rates of N application increased the proportion
of water-stable aggregates with sizes from 0.5
to 0.25 mm. During the investigated period,
the proportion of larger macro-aggregates in-
creased, while the proportion of smaller mac-
ro-aggregates 1-0.5 mm decreased.
Our findings show that the effect of SOM
in the WSA can be significantly enhanced.
Dosing biochar at higher rates resulted in a
higher content of soil organic carbon and la-
bile carbon in the WSA. It can be concluded
that the higher content of SOM delivered
through biochar led to more WSAma and
WSAmi. The temporal dynamics of CL in
WSA is more pronounced than in SOC. The
content of CL measured within all size frac-
tions of the WSA increased in all treatments.
Generally, the higher content of SOC is accompanied with a higher occurrence of WSAma and WSAmi.
The importance of SOC content in the formation of aggregates is well known (Kodesova et al., 2015). In
the study of Liu and Zhou (2017), macro- and micro-aggregation was significantly improved by using
organic amendments. The large aggregates contained the largest pool of C in manure treatments
(Simansky, 2013). Tisdall and Oades (1980) and Six et al. (2004) found higher concentrations of organic
C in macro-aggregates than in micro-aggregates. Decomposition of roots and hyphae occurs within
macro-aggregates. Elliott (1986) suggested that macro-aggregates have elevated C concentrations because
of the organic matter binding micro-aggregates into macro-aggregates and the organic matter is
“qualitatively more labile and less highly processed” than the organics stabilizing micro-aggregates.
Based on Mann-Kendall test, the temporal behavior of SOC in WSA in relation to application of biochar
or biochar with N fertilizer was different during the investigated period (Table 4). A considerable
decrease in SOC with WSAma >5 mm and an increase in SOC with WSAmi when 10 t ha
-1 of biochar was
applied. During the investigated period, the application of 20 t ha-1 of biochar as well as 10 and 20 t ha-1
of biochar combined with the second level of N fertilization had no effect on the re-distribution of SOC in
WSA. The SOC in WSAmi gradually increased after applying biochar combined with the first level of N
fertilization during the investigated period. CL in WSA significantly increased in all size fractions of
WSA and in all treatments (Table 4) during the investigated period. The dynamic of CL changes
significantly due to different soil management practices (Benbi et al., 2012). Therefore, the CL is used as a
sensitive indicator of changes in SOM (Benbi et al. 2015) and aggregate stability (Simansky, 2013). As a
result, the decomposition of the organic matter increases CL, eventually enhancing aggregation (Bronick
and Lal, 2005).
Generally, the higher content of SOC is accompanied with a higher occurrence of WSAma and WSAmi.
The importance of SOC content in the formation of aggregates is well known (Kodesova et al., 2015). In
the study of Liu and Zhou (2017), macro- and micro-aggregation was significantly improved by using
organic amendments. The large aggregates contained the largest pool of C in manure treatments
(Simansky, 2013). Tisdall and Oades (1980) and Six et al. (2004) found higher concentrations of organic
C in macro-aggregates than in micro-aggregates. Decomposition of roots and hyphae occurs within
macro-aggregates. Elliott (1986) suggested that macro-aggregates have elevated C concentrations because
of the organic matter binding micro-aggregates into macro-aggregates and the organic matter is
“qualitatively more labile and less highly processed” than the organics stabilizing micro-aggregates.
Based on Mann-Kendall test, the temporal behavior of SOC in WSA in relation to application of biochar
or biochar with N fertilizer was different during the investigated period (Table 4). A considerable
decrease in SOC with WSAma >5 mm and an increase in SOC with WSAmi when 10 t ha
-1 of biochar was
applied. During the investigated period, the application of 20 t ha-1 of biochar as well as 10 and 20 t ha-1
of biochar combined with the second level of N fertilization had no effect on the re-distribution of SOC in
WSA. The SOC in WSAmi gradually increased after applying biochar combined with the first level of N
fertilization during the investigated period. CL in WSA significantly increased in all size fractions of
WSA and in all treatments (Table 4) during the investigated period. The dynamic of CL changes
significantly due to different soil management practices (Benbi et al., 2012). Therefore, the CL is used as a
sensitive indicator of changes in SOM (Benbi et al. 2015) and aggregate stability (Simansky, 2013). As a
result, the decomposition of the organic matter increases CL, eventually enhancing aggregation (Bronick
and Lal, 2005).
Generally, the higher content of SOC is accompanied with a higher occurrence of WSAma and WSAmi.
The importance of SOC content in the formation of aggregates is well known (Kodesova et al., 2015). In
the study of Liu and Zhou (2017), macro- and micro-aggregation was significantly improved by using
organic amendments. The large aggregates contained the largest pool of C in manure treatments
(Simansky, 2013). Tisdall and Oades (1980) and Six et al. (2004) found higher concentrations of organic
C in macro-aggregates than in micro-aggregates. Decomposition of roots and hyphae occurs within
macro-aggregates. Elliott (1986) suggested that macro-aggregates have elevated C concentrations because
of the organic matter binding micro-aggregates into macro-aggregates and the organic matter is
“qualitatively more labile and less highly processed” than the organics stabilizing micro-aggregates.
Based on Mann-Kendall test, the temporal behavior of SOC in WSA in relation to application of biochar
or biochar with N fertilizer was different during the investigated period (Table 4). A considerable
decrease in SOC with WSAma >5 mm and an increase in SOC with WSAmi when 10 t ha
-1 of biochar was
applied. During the investigated period, the application of 20 t ha-1 of biochar as well as 10 and 20 t ha-1
of biochar combined with the second level of N fertilization had no effect on the re-distribution of SOC in
WSA. The SOC in WSAmi gradually increased after applying biochar combined with the first level of N
fertilization during the investigated period. CL in WSA significantly increased in all size fractions of
WSA and in all treatments (Table 4) during the investigated period. The dynamic of CL changes
significantly due to different soil management practices (Benbi et al., 2012). Therefore, the CL is used as a
sensitive indicator of changes in SOM (Benbi et al. 2015) and aggregate stability (Simansky, 2013). As a
result, the decomposition of the organic matter increases CL, eventually enhancing aggregation (Bronick
and Lal, 2005).
Generally, the higher content of SOC is accompanied with a higher occurrence of WSAma and WSAmi.
The importance of SOC content in the formation of aggregates is well known (Kodesova et al., 2015). In
the study of Liu and Zhou (2017), macro- and micro-aggregation was significantly improved by using
organic amendments. The large aggregates contained the largest pool of C in manure treatments
(Simansky, 2013). Tisdall and Oades (1980) and Six et al. (2004) found higher concentrations of organic
C in macro-aggregates than in micro-aggregates. Decomposition of roots and hyphae occurs within
macro-aggregates. Elliott (1986) suggested that macro-aggregates have elevated C concentrations because
of the organic matter binding micro-aggregates into macro-aggregates and the organic matter is
“qualitatively more labile and less highly processed” than the organics stabilizing micro-aggregates.
Based on Mann-Kendall test, the temporal behavior of SOC in WSA in relation to application of biochar
or biochar with N fertilizer was different during the investigated period (Table 4). A considerable
decrease in SOC with WSAma >5 mm and an increase in SOC with WSAmi when 10 t ha
-1 of biochar was
applied. During the investigated period, the application of 20 t ha-1 of biochar as well as 10 and 20 t ha-1
of biochar combined with the second level of N fertilization had no effect on the re-distribution of SOC in
WSA. The SOC in WSAmi gradually increased after applying biochar combined with the first level of N
fertilization during the investigated period. CL in WSA significantly increased in all size fractions of
WSA and in all treatments (Table 4) during the investigated period. The dynamic of CL changes
significantly due to different soil management practices (Benbi et al., 2012). Therefore, the CL is used as a
sensitive indicator of changes in SOM (Benbi et al. 2015) and aggregate stability (Simansky, 2013). As a
result, the decomposition of the organic matter increases CL, eventually enhancing aggregation (Bronick
and Lal, 2005).
Generally, the higher content of SOC is accompanied with a higher occurrence of WSAma and WSAmi.
The importance of SOC content in the formation of aggregates is well known (Kodesova et al., 2015). In
the study of Liu and Zhou (2017), macro- and micro-aggregation was significantly improved by using
organic amendments. The large aggregates contained the largest pool of C in manure treatments
(Simansky, 2013). Tisdall and Oades (1980) and Six et al. (2004) found higher concentrations of organic
C in macro-aggregates than in micro-aggregates. Decomposition of roots and hyphae occurs within
macro-aggregates. Elliott (1986) suggested that macro-aggregates have elevated C concentrations because
of the organic matter binding micro-aggregates into macro-aggregates and the organic matter is
“qualitatively more labile and less highly processed” than the organics stabilizing micro-aggregates.
Based on Mann-Kendall test, the temporal behavior of SOC in WSA in relation to application of biochar
or biochar with N fertilizer was different during the investigated period (Table 4). A considerable
decrease in SOC with WSAma >5 mm and an increase in SOC with WSAmi when 10 t ha
-1 of biochar was
applied. During the investigated period, the application of 20 t ha-1 of biochar as well as 10 and 20 t ha-1
of biochar combined with the second level of N fertilization had no effect on the re-distribution of SOC in
WSA. The SOC in WSAmi gradually increased after applying biochar combined with the first level of N
fertilization during the investigated period. CL in WSA significantly increased in all size fractions of
WSA and in all treatments (Table 4) during the investigated period. The dynamic of CL changes
significantly due to different soil management practices (Benbi et al., 2012). Therefore, the CL is used as a
sensitive indicator of changes in SOM (Benbi et al. 2015) and aggregate stability (Simansky, 2013). As a
result, the decomposition of the organic matter increases CL, eventually enhancing aggregation (Bronick
and Lal, 2005).
Generally, the higher content of SOC is accompanied with a higher occurrence of WSAma and WSAmi.
The importance of SOC content in the formation of aggregates is well known (Kodesova et al., 2015). In
the study of Liu and Zhou (2017), macro- and micro-aggregation was significantly improved by using
organic amendments. The large aggregates contained the largest pool of C in manure treatments
(Simansky, 2013). Tisdall and Oades (1980) and Six et al. (2004) found higher concentrations of organic
C in macro-aggregates than in micro-aggregates. Decomposition of roots and hyphae occurs within
macro-aggregates. Elliott (1986) suggested that macro-aggregates have elevated C concentrations because
of the organic matter binding micro-aggregates into macro-aggregates and the organic matter is
“qualitatively more labile and less highly processed” than the organics stabilizing micro-aggregates.
Based on Mann-Kendall test, the temporal behavior of SOC in WSA in relation to application of biochar
or biochar with N fertilizer was different during the investigated period (Table 4). A considerable
decrease in SOC with WSAma >5 mm and an increase in SOC with WSAmi when 10 t ha
-1 of biochar was
applied. During the investigated period, the application of 20 t ha-1 of biochar as well as 10 and 20 t ha-1
of biochar combined with the second level of N fertilization had no effect on the re-distribution of SOC in
WSA. The SOC in WSAmi gradually increased after applying biochar combined with the first level of N
fertilization during the investigated period. CL in WSA significantly increased in all size fractions of
WSA and in all treatments (Table 4) during the investigated period. The dynamic of CL changes
significantly due to different soil management practices (Benbi et al., 2012). Therefore, the CL is used as a
sensitive indicator of changes in SOM (Benbi et al. 2015) and aggregate stability (Simansky, 2013). As a
result, the decomposition of the organic matter increases CL, eventually enhancing aggregation (Bronick
and Lal, 2005).
Generally, the higher content of SOC is accompanied with a higher occurrence of WSAma and WSAmi.
The importance of SOC content in the formation of aggregates is well known (Kodesova et al., 2015). In
the study of Liu and Zhou (2017), macro- and micro-aggregation was significantly improved by using
organic amendments. The large aggregates contained the largest pool of C in manure treatments
(Simansky, 2013). Tisdall and Oades (1980) and Six et al. (2004) found higher concentrations of organic
C in macro-aggregates than in micro-aggregates. Decomposition of roots and hyphae occurs within
macro-aggregates. Elliott (1986) suggested that macro-aggregates have elevated C concentrations because
of the organic matter binding micro-aggregates into macro-aggregates and the organic matter is
“qualitatively more labile and less highly processed” than the organics stabilizing micro-aggregates.
Based on Mann-Kendall test, the temporal behavior of SOC in WSA in relation to application of biochar
or biochar with N fertilizer was different during the investigated period (Table 4). A considerable
decrease in SOC with WSAma >5 mm and an increase in SOC with WSAmi when 10 t ha
-1 of biochar was
applied. During the investigated period, the application of 20 t ha-1 of biochar as well as 10 and 20 t ha-1
of biochar combined with the second level of N fertilization had no effect on the re-distribution of SOC in
WSA. The SOC in WSAmi gradually increased after applying biochar combined with the first level of N
fertilization during the investigated period. CL in WSA significantly increased in all size fractions of
WSA and in all treatments (Table 4) during the investigated period. The dynamic of CL changes
significantly due to different soil management practices (Benbi et al., 2012). Therefore, the CL is used as a
sensitive indicator of changes in SOM (Benbi et al. 2015) and aggregate stability (Simansky, 2013). As a
result, the decomposition of the organic matter increases CL, eventually enhancing aggregation (Bronick
and Lal, 2005).
B0N0 B10N0 B20N0 B10N1 B20N1 B10N2 B20N2
>5 5-3 3-2
Generally, the higher content of SOC is accompanied with a higher occurrence of WSAma and WSAmi.
The importance of SOC content in the formation of aggregates is well known (Kodesova et al., 2015). In
the study of Liu and Zhou (2017), macro- and micro-aggregation was significantly improved by using
organic amendments. The large aggregates contained the largest pool of C in manure treatments
(Simansky, 2013). Tisdall and Oades (1980) and Six et al. (2004) found higher concentrations of organic
C in macro-aggregates than in micro-aggregates. Decomposition of roots and hyphae occurs within
macro-aggregates. Elliott (1986) suggested that macro-aggregates have elevated C concentrations because
of the organic matter binding micro-aggregates into macro-aggregates and the organic matter is
“qualitatively more labile and less highly processed” than the organics stabilizing micro-aggregates.
Based on Mann-Kendall test, the temporal behavior of SOC in WSA in relation to application of biochar
or biochar with N fertilizer was different during the investigated period (Table 4). A considerable
decrease in SOC with WSAma >5 mm and an increase in SOC with WSAmi when 10 t ha-1 of biochar was
applied. During the investigated period, the application of 20 t ha-1 of biochar as well as 10 and 20 t ha-1
of biochar combined with the second level of N fertilization had no effect on the re-distribution of SOC in
WSA. The SOC in WSAmi gradually increased after applying biochar combined with the first level of N
fertilization during the investigated period. CL in WSA significantly increased in all size fractions of
WSA and in all treatments (Table 4) during the investigated period. The dynamic of CL changes
significantly due to different soil management practices (Benbi et al., 2012). Therefore, the CL is used as a
sensitive indicator of changes in SOM (Benbi et al. 2015) and aggregate stability (Simansky, 2013). As a
result, the decomposition of the organic matter increases CL, eventually enhancing aggregation (Bronick
and Lal, 2005). 2-1 1-0.5 0.5-0.25 <0.25
ab a
a a
a a
a a
a a
Vladimir Simansky, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 40 (2018)
Water-stable aggregates are a significant
pool of SOM. The rising content of CL during
decomposition of biochar enhances the aggre-
gation processes. Our findings confirmed the
fact that biochar is responsible for carbon se-
questration within the WSA.
This study was partially supported by the
Slovak Research and Development Agency
under the project No. APVV-15-0160, and the
Scientific Grant Agency (VEGA) - project
No. 1/0604/16 and 1/0136/17.
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