The variation of sediment grain-size parameters from eight transects in the subaqueous Mekong Delta showed that a decreasing
trend of sediment grain size was observed
from seaward across the clinoform topset and
foreset. Coarser sediments were abruptly
dominant on the adjacent shelf, due to the less
influence of modern sediments from the Mekong River and contained a greater fraction of
carbonate shell fragments and early relict
Holocene sediments. Characteristics of surface sediments on the subaqueous delta varied
with sub-environments and were controlled by
the clinoform configuration and hydrodynamic regimes in different water depths, presenting of delta coastal erosion, and proximity to
Mekong distributaries. Generally, sediments
were dispersed southwestward on the Mekong
subaqueous delta that was well described in
the distribution maps of grain-size parameters
and sand content. This study demonstrated the
importance of the northeast monsoon in the
winter, which dominates over the southwest
monsoon in the summer time. Fine sediments
were transported from the Mekong River
mouths to the Ca Mau Pennisula as suspended
load during the northeast monsoon.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Surface sediment grain-Size distribution and sediment transport in the subaqueous Mekong Delta, Vietnam, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 193-209, DOI: 10.15625/0866-7187/39/3/10266
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
Surface sediment grain-size distribution and sediment
transport in the subaqueous Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Nguyen Trung Thanh*1, Karl Stattegger2, Daniel Unverricht2, Charles Nittrouer3, Phung Van
Phach1, Paul Liu4, David DeMaster4, Bui Viet Dung5, Le Duc Anh1, Mai Duc Dong1
1Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST, Vietnam
2University of Kiel, Germany
3School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
4North Carolina State University, USA
5Institute of Petroleum, Vietnam
Received 14 February 2017. Accepted 25 May 2017
The sediment transport around the Mekong delta was clarified by using geochemical data and modeling indicat-
ing the southwestward transport of re-suspended sediments under the influence of NE monsoon. However, the detail
pattern of grain-size distribution of the surface sediments in the subaqueous Mekong River delta has not been well
understood. This paper presents characteristics of grain-size parameters of the surface sediments in order to interpret
the sediment-transport pattern and the linkage to coastal erosion and deposition off the Mekong River delta. Surface
sediments collected in the coastal water of Mekong River delta (as far south as Ca Mau Peninsula) were analyzed to
determine the grain-size distribution and sediment transports in subaqueous Mekong delta. Results indicated that the
net sediment transport was southwestward to the Ca Mau peninsula and the sediments were finer from the delta topset
downward the delta foreset. In contrast, the sediment particles on the adjacent inner shelf were coarser and are more
poorly sorted due to the increase in carbonate shell fragments and the Early Holocene sediments. The sediment grain-
size parameters were variable in different sedimentary sub-environments of the subaqueous Mekong delta and con-
trolled by the distance of sediment transport, the hydrodynamic regime of each region and coastal erosion of the
delta coast.
Keywords: Mekong River delta, subaqueous delta, grain-size parameters.
©2017 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction1
The formation of the Mekong River delta
was suggested to initiate at ~8000 yr BP in
Phnom Penh, Cambodia because the rate of
*Corresponding author, Email:
the Holocene sea level rise decreased
(Tamuara et al., 2009). The progradation of
the Mekong River delta has led to form a
great flat plain of ~62,520 km2 during the re-
gression of relative sea level over the last
4550 yr BP (Nguyen et al., 2000), after the
Nguyen Trung Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
maximum highstand sea level was reached at
~ 2.0-2.5 m above the present sea level
(Stattegger et al., 2013). The Mekong River
delta was changed from tide-dominated delta
to tide-wave-dominated delta during the Late
Holocene (Ta et al., 2002a), and the delta
coast has migrated ~200 km seaward since
8000 yr BP (Tamuara et al 2007 and 2009).
The rapid progradation of the delta system at a
rate of 26 m/yr around the Ca Mau Cape
(~200 km downstream from the Mekong
River mouths) demonstrates that the wave in-
fluence has caused resuspended sediments to
be bypassed into the Gulf of Thailand by the
longshore current (Xue et al., 2010).
The subaqueous formation of the Mekong
River delta was separated from the underlying
Early Holocene transgressive sediments by
the maximum flooding surface (Dung et al.,
2013; Thanh et al., 2014). Numerous incised
valleys of Paleo-Mekong River on the adja-
cent shelf were infilled with sediments during
the transgression that followed the last glacial
maximum (Dung et al., 2013; Tjallingii et al.,
2010, Thanh et al., 2014). Shelf studies indi-
cate the sea level rose quickly in the period of
13.000 to 9,000 yr BP (Tjalingii et al., 2010)
causing rapid flooding on the shelf. The sedi-
ment transport in the region has been studied
using morphological characteristics of sand
waves (Kubiski, 2008; Dung et al., 2009).
These results indicated that northeast mon-
soon highly influenced the sand-wave mor-
phology and their movement. The sedimen-
tary deposition and geomorphological charac-
teristics of the subaqueous Mekong River del-
ta revealed a very high rate of sediment accu-
mulation around the Ca Mau Peninsula (Xue
et al., 2010; Unverricht et al., 2013). The sed-
iment transport around the Mekong delta was
successfully clarified using geochemical data
and modeling that indicated the southwest-
ward transport of re-suspended sediments un-
der the influence of NE monsoon (Xue et al.,
2010; 2011). However, the detailed grain-size
distribution pattern of the surface sediments in
the subaqueous Mekong River delta has not
been well understood. This paper presents
characteristics of grain-size parameters of the
surface sediments in order to interpret the sed-
iment-transport pattern and the linkage to
coastal erosion and deposition off the Mekong
River delta.
2. Regional setting
The Mekong River originates from south-
eastern Tibetan Plateau and flows through six
countries, consisting of China, Myanmar,
Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam prior
to discharge into the East Sea. The river runs
across ~4350 km in length and catchment area
is of ~795,000 km2, ranking as the 10th of
among the largest catchment in the world (Liu
et al., 2009), the 7th in water discharge (~470
km3/yr) and the 11th in sediment discharge
(~160 × 106 tons/yr) (Milliman and Meade,
1983; Milliman and Syvitski, 1992). River
discharge was ~144±36 tons/yr, being lightly
unchanged during the last three thousand
years (Ta et al., 2002b). The Mekong River
subdivides into two major distributaries that
are called Tien and Hau River within the Vi-
etnam territory. The Tien River flows into the
East Sea through six river mouths: Cung Hau,
Co Chien, Ham Luong, Ba Lai, Cua Dai and
Cua Tieu. The Hau River flows into the East
Sea through two river mouths: Dinh An and
Tran De.
Sediment discharge of the Mekong River
was recently estimated to be ~110 tons/yr
based on hydrological and sediment dynamics
in the lowermost part of the tidal-influenced
Hau distributary (Nowacki et al., 2015). Sea-
ward sediment export occurred during high
flow and landward sediment import occurred
during low flow due to the tidal and estuarine
influence (Nowacki et al., 2015; Wolanski et
al., 1996; 1998). Sediments deposited on the
Hau River bed was coarser during high flow
and finer during low flow (Nowacki et al.,
2015), indicating the export of sand to the sea
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 193-209
during the high-flow season of the southwest
The study area is the subaqueous Mekong
River delta, extending down to ~20-25 m of
water depth (Figure 1). The hydrodynamics of
the study area is driven by tide, river flow and
monsoon conditions. The tide in the region is
characterized by semidiurnal amplitude of
3-4 m in height in the Mekong river mouths
and decreases to 2 m in height in the Ca Mau
Peninsula. The river flow is high from August
to October annually. The monsoon consists of
northeast winter monsoon (November to
April), blows from the North and the North-
east at an average speed of 8 m/s while the
Summer monsoon blows from the South and
the Southwest at an average speed of 6 m/s
(Ninh 2003; Dung et al., 2009).
Figure 1. Location of the study area and sampling sites
The Holocene sediments unconformably
overlie on the late undivided Pleistocene faci-
es (Ta et al., 2002a). The change of Holocene
sediment facies reflected a rapid sea-level rise
since the last glacial episode (Ta et al., 2001).
The Holocene formation consists of incised
valley infilling and overlying deltaic sedi-
ments. The incised valley infilling sediments
range from estuarine channel/tidal river sandy
silt, muddy tidal flat/salt marsh, to estuarine
sand and finally to the open bay muddy facies
(Ta et al., 2001; 2002a). The deltaic sediments
have been formed since around 5.3 cal ka.BP
in association with the decrease of sea level
(Ta et al., 2001). The deltaic facies includes
bottom set, foreset, sub- to intertidal flat, fore-
shore, beach ridge/marsh and finally delta-
flood plain (Ta et al., 2002a).
3. Available data and methodology
In the present study, 238 surface sediment
samples were collected in coastal waters from
Co Chien River mouth to the Ca Mau Penin-
sula (Figure 1). Surface sediment samples (0-
Nguyen Trung Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
5 cm) were taken using the grab samplers dur-
ing three field trips in April of 2007, 2008 and
2014. Eight seismic profiles were measured
using the Boomer systems in 2007 and 2008
and used to support the interpretation of the
variation of sediment characteristics on the
cross-shelf transects.
The sediment grain size analysis was un-
dertaken for all samples, and 14 of total 238
samples were selected for carbonate and total
organic carbon (TOC) analysis. The sediment
grain sizes were analyzed using a Mastersizer
2000 laser analyzer at the University of Chris-
tian-Albrechts in Germany and the LS Particle
Size Analyzer at the Institute of Constructed
Materials in Vietnam. Grain-size parameters
(in metric units) were calculated. Mean was
calculated in equation (1) followed the meth-
od of Blott and Pye (2001) that is modified
from the method of Folk and Ward (1957).
Other grain-size parameters were calculated
from the cumulative curve as d90, d75, d50, d25
and d10 (Figure 2). Mode of grain size particles
was calculated from distribution curves
(Figure 2). In this study, box plots were used
to present the grain size parameters (d90, d75,
d50, d25, d10, mean, modes) across the eight
transects in the subaqueous Mekong delta.
Mean = eݔ ୪୬ௗభలା୪୬ୢఱబା୪୬ୢఴరଷ (1) Where d16, d50 and d84 were calculated from
the graphic accumulative curve.
Figure 2. (a) Distribution curve and cumulative curve of the sample DA-7 and (b) a box plot shows the grain size
parameters (d90, d75, d50, d25, d10, mean, modes)
We can subsequently compare the grain-
size parameters of sediment samples along
each transect and define the sediment sorting
degree, skewness, grain size distribution pat-
tern through the box plots. The well-sorted
sediment sample has quite similar mean,
mode and median values, unimode and a nar-
rower box plot (e.g., the sample DA-2 in
Figure 3). In contrast, the poorly sorted sedi-
ment sample has significantly difference in
mean, mode and median values, multiple
modes and a wider box plot (e.g., the sample
DA-7 in Figure 3).
The grain-size parameters (d50, mean,
mode 1), mode number and the fraction of
sand were used for interpolation. The results
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 193-209
from 16 sediment samples collected from the
adjacent shelf showed the strong influence by
multiple sources of marine shell fragments
and Holocene relict sediments that can cause
the serious error, and therefore, they were not
used for interpolation. Then inatural-neighbor
interpolation method introduced by Sibson
(1981) together with the anisotropy parame-
ters (radius = 1.4 and angle = 600) were used
to generate thematic maps to perform the
tendency of grain-size parameter distributions
by the basic equation as follow:
G(x,y) = ∑ ݓ݂ሺݔேୀଵ ݕሻ (2) Where G(x,y) is the estimate at the target
point (x,y) from the measured values f(xi,yi), i
= 1,2,...,N at points (xi, yi); and wi are the
TOC and carbonate contents were ana-
lyzed using a CHN-O Elemental Analyser of
Carlo Erba Instruments in the Institute of Ma-
rine Biogeochemistry at Hamburg University.
Figure 3. Diagram (a) showing the grain-size characteristics through cumulative curve and distribution curve;
Diagram (b) showing the grain-size characteristics through box plots
Sediment samples were dried, crushed and
placed into two silver cartridges and weighed.
One received 10% HCl to entirely dissolve the
carbonate fraction of the sediment. The sam-
ples were then burned at 1021°C to generate
CO2-gas in a thermal conductivity detection
unit for measuring TOC. Acetanilid was used
as a standard. In a second procedure using an-
other tin cartridge without added HCl was an-
alyzed for the total carbon (TC). Then the
carbonate content was calculated following
the equation (3), assuming that all the car-
bonate was present as calcite or aragonite. In
this study, carbonate content and TOC were
used to support the interpretation of granulo-
metric characteristics of sediments and evalu-
ation of the influence of terrigenous sediments
from the Mekong River system.
CaCO3(%) = (TC-TOC) × 8.33 (3)
4. Results and Discussion
Sedimentary characteristics of surface sed-
iments in each transect:
Transect 01 (Figure 4) revealed well sorted
sand on the subaqueous delta topset, indicat-
ing energetic hydrodynamics (waves, cur-
rents). The muddy sediment on the subaque-
ous delta foreset was finer down the delta
Nguyen Trung Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
slope in general. The grain-size parameters of
fine sediment on the delta slope reflected low
impacts of hydrodynamic regimes (wave and
Figure 4. Variation of grain-size parameters along transect 01
Transect 02 was located southward of the
Tran De River mouth, a portion of the suba-
queous delta with thin Holocene sediment
thickness (Dung et al., 2013). The delta slope
approaches near the coast with a gentle gradi-
ent in comparison to the transect 01. All sur-
face sediment samples were collected on the
delta foreset and the adjacent shelf (Figure 5).
In general, the sediment was slightly finer
down the foreset, and revealed a single mode
of grain distribution, suggesting a simple
source of the sediment. Samples on the adja-
cent shelf demonstrated two or three distinc-
tive modes of the sediment distribution (Fig-
ure 5). On this transect, five samples were se-
lected for analysis on carbonate and TOC con-
tents. The coarser sediments on the adjacent
shelf contained shell fragments that were high
carbonate content (>25%) (Figure 5, Table 1).
Two or three distinctive modes suggested
multiple sediment sources: one from the
Mekong River (5-8 m), and the others come
from early Holocene relict sediments and car-
bonate shell fragments. TOC in sediments
from the adjacent inner shelf was lower than
that from the delta foreset (Figure 5, Table 1).
This evidence indicated the small influence of
terrigenous sediment from Mekong River to
the adjacent shelf.
Transect 03 was located at adjacent to the
Ganh Hao River mouth and had a complicated
variation of grain-size parameters due to mor-
phological complexity of the delta foreset pro-
file. Two successions of sediment deposits
were observed through the seismic profile
(Figure 6). The grain-size parameters varied
irregularly, partially indicating their relation-
ship to stratigraphic complications. The sedi-
ments were finer downwards on each delta
succession. The sediments in the transitional
part from the first succession to the second
succession or from the second succession to
the adjacent shelf were characterized by two
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 193-209
distribution modes; one mode showed very
fine sand (114 m) while the other mode was
close to fine silt (5-8 m). The distribution
modes could be generated by a combination
of bedload and suspended particle transport
from the Mekong River or a mixing of two
sediment sources. These granulometric char-
acteristics indicated that a considerable
amount of sand had been transported seaward
from the coast and deposited on the foreset.
The largest modes of three sediment samples
(GH-9, GH-10, GH-11) showed a wide size
range from 138-169 m, reflecting a contribu-
tion of carbonate shell fragments and relict
Holocene sediments . The geochemical results
indicated that TOC was <1% and the car-
bonate content was higher for the samples lo-
cated seaward (Figure 6, Table 1).
Figure 5. Variation of grain-size parameters and carbonate, TOC along transect 02
Table 1. List of samples for TOC and carbonate analysis and analytical results
Sample Name Longtitude Latitude TOC [%] CaCO3 [%]
BL-1 105.837 9.218 0.693 0.562
BL-2 105.843 9.188 0.725 4.855
BL-3 105.871 9.142 1.010 0.714
BL-4 105.883 9.109 1.018 0.281
BL-5 105.892 9.084 0.316 28.166
GH -4 105.557 9.040 0.884 1.075
GH-6 105.573 9.010 0.356 1.199
GH-9 105.600 8.969 0.515 12.144
GH -11 105.609 8.939 0.409 11.675
BD-1 105.110 8.369 0.349 20.059
BD-6 105.105 8.418 0.707 6.857
BD-10 105.102 8.451 0.173 5.022
BD-15 105.090 8.539 0.793 2.511
BD-17 105.090 8.607 0.987 1.489
Nguyen Trung Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 6. Variation of grain-size parameters and carbonate, TOC contents along transect 03
Transect 04 was located adjacent to the
transect 03, crossed the subaqueous delta from
the Ganh Hao River mouth. A sandy top layer
was observed to overly the foreset strata (Fig-
ure 7). The distribution of a well sorted sandy
layer demonstrated the intensification of the
hydrodynamic regime. The sandy sediments
characterized by unimodal distribution; very
fine sand mode (114 m), being similar to the
transect 03. The presence of this sand layer in-
dicated that a considerable amount of very fine
sand could be transported seaward from the
coast to the delta slope (around Ganh Hao Riv-
er mouth) due to coastal erosion of this area.
Transect 05 was located across the suba-
queous delta southeastward of the Ca Mau
Peninsula from Bo De River mouth. The
bathymetric configuration of the transect 05
revealed sand ridges run parallel to the shore-
line (Figure 8).
The variation in sediment grain size pa-
rameters depends on the bathymetric configu-
ration. The sandy silt was found near the coast
and in the depressions. Silty sand and sand
deposits scattered on the upper part of the
ridges. The sediments on the upper parts of
sand ridges and in depressions demonstrated a
distribution mode of very fine sand (114 m)
and fine silt (5-8 m) respectively. The sedi-
ments on the transition from the lower parts to
the upper parts were distinguished by bio-
modal distribution: one was very fine sand
and another was fine silt. In addition, the sed-
iment on the adjacent shelf surface showed
two or three distribution modes. The most
coarse mode (>500 m) was distinctly larger
than the sandy mode found closely to shore.
Transect 06 was located southeastward of
the Ca Mau Peninsula towards the Hon Khoai
Island. The morphology of the transect 06 was
similar to the transect 05 (Figure 9), including
sand ridges. The grain-size variation of this
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 193-209
transect is quite similar to that of the transect
06. TOC was <1% and carbonate content was
significantly higher in the sample HK-1 on the
adjacent shelf in comparison to other samples
located landward on the subaqueous delta
(Figure 9, Table 1).
Figure 7. Variation of grain-size parameters along transect 04
Figure 8. Variation of grain-size parameters along transect 05
Nguyen Trung Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 9. Variation of grain-size parameters along transect 06
Transect 7 was located southward of the
Ca Mau Peninsula. The sediment on the topset
ranged from medium silt to coarse silt. Some
areas showed bimodal distribution pattern, as
fine silt to very fine sand. The sediments were
finer down the foreset and the grain-size dis-
tribution was less skewed, better sorted, form-
ing single mode of fine silt (5-8 m). The sed-
iments on the adjacent shelf was poorly sorted
with major mode coarser than 400 m and
another fine mode of fine silt (5-8 m) that
are observed in the grain size distribution
curves. The coarser mode was suggested to be
resulted from carbonate materials or relict ma-
terials while the finer mode was likely gener-
ated by the Mekong River source (Figure 10).
Transect 08 was located westward of the
Ca Mau Peninsular. The sediments on this
transect were the finest in comparison to all
other transects (Figure 11). The sediments on
the foreset were uniform, commonly contain-
ing fine silt, indicating low hydrodynamic en-
ergy and steady conditions for sedimentation
and a further distance of over 300 km from
the sediment sources of the Mekong River
The data of all the samples in the study ar-
ea were used for interpolation to generate
the sediment distribution maps around the
Mekong River delta. The distribution map of
sand fraction and grain size parameters (mean,
median, mode 1) were generated to determine
the trend of sediment transport and deposition
in the subaqueous Mekong delta. This deter-
mination is applied for the sediment flow
from the Mekong River mouths. However, the
grain-size parameters revealed a number of
samples containing a considerable amount of
carbonate sediments and relict sediments on
the adjacent shelf that made a less distin-
guishable trend of sediment transport and
deposition. Therefore, 16 of total 238 samples
were excluded from the computation. The dis-
tribution pattern of sediment grain sizes
showed that: the mean sediment grain size
>60 m distributed in front of the Hau River
mouths and tended to be finer in the coastal
waters off Bac Lieu coast. The mean sediment
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 193-209
grain size >40 m distributed around Ganh
Hao River mouth and tended to be coarser in
the transitional area from pro-delta to the ad-
jacent shelf. The mean sediment grain size
was generally <60 m in the areas from
Bo De to Ca Mau Peninsula. The tendency of
mean sediment grain sizes showed that fine
sediments were dominant in southwestward
and western part of Ca Mau Peninsula
(Figure 12).
Figure 10. Variation of grain-size parameters along transect 07
Figure 11. Variation of grain-size parameters along transect 08
Nguyen Trung Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 12. Distribution of mean sediment grain size (µm)
The median sediment grain sizes were ap-
plied widely in calculations of sediment
transport. Therefore, the map of median sedi-
ment grain size distribution could use to inter-
pret hydrodynamics for the study area. The
median sediment grain size >90 m distribut-
ed in front of the Hau River mouths and was
finer toward the Ganh Hao River mouth (Fig-
ure 13). Around the Ganh Hao River mouth,
the median grain size varied between 30-90
m and tended to be finer in the southwest-
ward and western part of Ca Mau Peninsula.
Almost sediments were characterized by
two or three distribution modes in the transi-
tional zone from foreset to the adjacent inner
shelf or sometimes from topset to foreset re-
gions (Figure 14). Based on the distribution
map, we selected the mode 1 for interpolation,
because the mode 1 was dominant over mode
2 and mode 3 and half of sediment samples
had only one mode (mode 1). Mode 1 of sed-
iment grain sizes >45 m mainly distributed
in front of Hau River mouths and from Ganh
Hao toward the Hon Khoai Island, while
mode 1 of sediment grain sizes >25 m was
dominant in the western part of the Ca Mau
Peninsula and southeastern part of Bac Lieu
Province (Figure 15). The sand fraction was
dominant, being greater than 40-60% in the
front of the Hau River mouths (Figure 16).
The sand fraction >30% scatted in several
places from Ganh Hao River Mouth to the
Hon Khoai Island. In contrast, the sand frac-
tion was less than 30% or even <15% from
Hon Khoai to western part of the Ca Mau
Peninsula (Figure16).
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 193-209
Figure 13. Distribution of median sediment grain size (µm)
Figure 14. Distribution of mode number
Nguyen Trung Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 15. Distribution of grain size mode 1 (µm)
Figure 16. Distribution of sand fraction (%)
Early studies on sediment grain-size re-
vealed that the mean grain size particles de-
creased in the direction of transport (Pettijohn
and Ridge, 1932; Mothersill, 1969). In this
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 193-209
case, if we assume the Mekong River was a
major source of the subaqueous sediments, the
sediment grain-sizes would decrease south-
westward due to the dominance of the north-
east monsoon in sediment transport (Xue et
al., 2012). However, this trend was not clear
from Hau River mouths to Ganh Hao, due to
the occurrence of finer sediments. This sug-
gested that the sand sediments transported
from the Mekong River distributaries to the
shallow coastal waters during high flow main-
ly deposited around their mouths. Therefore,
the shelf currents driven by waves and north-
east monsoon were only able to transport re-
suspended sediments toward the Southwest
from the Mekong River mouths to the Ca Mau
The sand sediments observed on the suba-
queous delta between the Ganh Hao River
mouth and the Hon Khoai Island could be re-
sulted from the process of coastal erosion.
Cross-shore currents (e.g., rip currents) and
tidal currents could deliver sediments sea-
ward. The morphological characteristics of
transects 03, 04, 05 and 06 showed an evi-
dence of seabed erosion in the subaqueous
delta. Besides, the coastal erosion from Ganh
Hao to the Ca Mau Cape has been observed
for over a decade with the highest intensity
along the coastline of the Mekong River Delta
(Anthony et al., 2015) and predicted from
modeling data (Hein et al., 2013). The sand
sediments were transported southwestward by
longshore currents to form two sand ridges
that run parallel to the shoreline. The sediment
grain size parameters showed that sediments
become finer with transport direction from the
Ganh Hao to the western area of the Ca Mau
Peninsula. The sediment dispersal pathways
are shown in Figure 17. Sand deposition oc-
curred mainly in front of the Mekong river
mouths while mud fraction mainly deposited
in the coastal water along the coast of Bac
Lieu Province and from Hon Khoai Island to
the west part of the Ca Mau Peninsular. Both
sand and mud depositions were found in the
area between Ganh Hao and Hon Khoai
Figure 17. Sediment deposition and transport pathways under the influence of northeast monsoon
Nguyen Trung Thanh, et al./Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
5. Conclusions
The variation of sediment grain-size pa-
rameters from eight transects in the subaque-
ous Mekong Delta showed that a decreasing
trend of sediment grain size was observed
from seaward across the clinoform topset and
foreset. Coarser sediments were abruptly
dominant on the adjacent shelf, due to the less
influence of modern sediments from the Me-
kong River and contained a greater fraction of
carbonate shell fragments and early relict
Holocene sediments. Characteristics of sur-
face sediments on the subaqueous delta varied
with sub-environments and were controlled by
the clinoform configuration and hydrodynam-
ic regimes in different water depths, present-
ing of delta coastal erosion, and proximity to
Mekong distributaries. Generally, sediments
were dispersed southwestward on the Mekong
subaqueous delta that was well described in
the distribution maps of grain-size parameters
and sand content. This study demonstrated the
importance of the northeast monsoon in the
winter, which dominates over the southwest
monsoon in the summer time. Fine sediments
were transported from the Mekong River
mouths to the Ca Mau Pennisula as suspended
load during the northeast monsoon.
The authors would like to thank to Minis-
try of Science and Technology (MOST) in
Vietnam and US Office of Research Navy
Global (ORNG) with the grant 12026593
for supporting Vietnam-US collaboration.
Nguyen Trung Thanh appreciates Vietnam
Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)
that supported this research with the grant
VAST0601/16-17. The authors would like to
thank crew and colleagues who participated in
the cruises in the coastal waters around the
Mekong River Delta.
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