All in all, the solid acid-base catalysts for carbonylation reaction from glycerol to glycerol
carbonate was employed in this study. The structure of the products was studied using XRD,
SEM. The products of glycerol conversion product was also tested by gas chromatography. As
the results, the Zn-Sn catalyst for conversion, selectivity and efficiency were significantly higher
than the Al-Sn catalyst in reaction conditions at 145 oC, 5 hours and 5 % wt catalyst. The
selectivity of the main product was highest when using the Zn-Sn catalyst of 5 % at 145 °C
during 5 hours. After carbonylation of both Zn-Sn and Al-Sn catalysts, respectively: efficiency
was 77.0 % and 61.3 %: conversion was 88.5 % and 78.8 %; the selection was 86.9 % and
74.1 %.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Synthesis of solid acid-Base catalysts based on zn-sn and al-sn used for carbonylation of glycerol with urea into glycerol carbonate - Ba Khiem Nguyen, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology 56 (3B) (2018) 235-243
Ba Khiem Nguyen
1, 2, *
, T-Que Phuong Phan
, Huu Thien Pham
Dinh Thanh Nguyen
2, 3
College of Construction No2, No 190 Vo Van Ngan, Binh Tho Ward, Thu Duc District,
Ho Chi Minh City
Graduate University of Science and Technology, No 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Street,
Nghia Do Ward , Cau Giay District, Ha Noi
Institute of Applied Materials Science - VAST, No 1A TL 29 Street, Thanh Loc Ward,
District 12, Ho Chi Minh City
Received: 24 July 2018; Accepted for publication: 8 September 2018
In this study, we successfully synthesized Zn-Sn and Al-Sn catalysts by the combination of
co-precipitation and hydrothermal methods. These catalysts were prepared by hydrothermal
method using ZnCl2, SnCl4 and AlCl3 precursors. Structure and physical properties of catalysts
were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The
products of glycerol conversion product was also tested by gas chromatography. The catalytic
activity of Zn-Sn and Al-Sn depends on reaction conditions (temperature and catalysts). The
main product formed after the carbonylation reaction was glycerol carbonate. The selectivity of
the main product was highest when using the Zn-Sn catalyst 5 % at a 145 °C during 5 hours, that
the yield was 77.0 %, the conversion degree was 88.5 % and the selectivity was 86.9 %. For Al-
Sn catalyst under the same reaction conditions, the efficiency was 61.3 % and the product
selectivity achieved up to 74.1 %.
Keywords: catalysts, co-precipitation method, glycerol, glycerol carbonate.
In biodiesel production, the amount of glycerol accounts for about 10% of the products,
along with the demand for biodiesel, a large amount of glycerol is produced, but the value is
relatively low. Thus derivatives of glycerol with potential values are a great interest of scientists
[1, 2].
Glycerol carbonate is one of the most common glycerol derivatives [3]. Glycerol carbonate
is a relatively new product in the chemical industry with great potential applications thanks to its
low toxicity, good biodegradability and high boiling point. Glycerol carbonate is the most
Ba Khiem Nguyen, T-Que Phuong Phan, Huu Thien Pham, Dinh Thanh Nguyen
important intermediates in the production of useful substances in the polymer industry and other
industries. Glycerol carbonate can be used to replace important compounds such as ethylene
carbonate or propylene carbonate with various applications in many industries. We are interested
in application of glycerol carbonate in the production of glycidol, a precursor widely used in
organic synthesis, textiles, plastics, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other industries [4-9].
The recent study of Judith Granados-Reyes et al. published in 2016 [10], indicate that
hydrocalumite (CaAl-LDHs) catalysts were tested in the reaction between glycerol and dimethyl
carbonate to produce glycerol carbonate. After 3 hours of reaction, the glycerol conversion
efficiency was as high as of 70-84 %, selectivity of glycerol carbonate was in the average range
of 52-65 %, and a small amount of glycidol (7-15 %) was formed. The continuous increase in
reaction time to 24 hours results in an increased selectivity of glycerol carbonate to 65-75 %.
The multiple uses of catalysts can increase the glycidol content (30 %) while do not reduce the
selectivity of glycerol carbonate (~70 %). The research team of Maria J. Climent [11] studied the
use of oxides MgO and ZnO, and HT (Fe/Mg, Zn/Li) catalysts in converting glycerol to glycerol
carbonate at 145
C with the amount of catalyst used of 5 % wt, and reaction time for 5 hours.
Under this reaction condition, the average yield was over 50 % and glycerol conversion was
over 80 %. In 2016, Zati Ismah Ishak and his colleagues used liquid ion (LL) to convert glycerol
to glycerol carbonate. Catalysts such as MA [NO3], EA [NO3] [Cl] gave the reaction yield of
under 10 %, which is greater than that of the non-catalytic reaction, only 5 %. In addition, the
authors continue to use LL catalyst system such as HEA [Fmt], emim [DMP], bmim [Dca], with
the average conversion and efficiency of over 50 %, even the highest yield of 93 % with emim
[Ac] [12]. Therefore, the choice of a catalyst suitable for both reactions and high glycerol
conversion efficiency is our current interest. Among the catalysts, layered double hydroxide is
commonly referred to hydrotalcite (HT) based on the name of a natural mineral
Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3.4H2O. The general formula of HT is [M
]x/n.mH2O. With
such structure, the HT has the properties of absorption and ion exchange. Another special feature
of HT is that the product after heating is able to memorize its layer structure when being brought
back to the solution. Besides, by adding different M
and M
metals, different types of HT can
be created flexibly depending on the function and purpose of use.
For now, the other authors use co-precipitation method for preparing the catalysts. In our
research, we used a combination of co-precipitation and hydrothermal method to synthesize Zn-
Sn and Al-Sn. This is the first time the Al-Sn catalyst has been synthesized by this method with
the purpose of choosing the suitable acid-base sites balance catalysts for the carbonylation of
glycerol and urea. The combination of these two methods is a better way of aging for crystals.
We also investigated the effect of synthesis conditions on the physical properties of the Zn-Sn
and Al-Sn, and tested the activity of the catalysts particles as catalysts in synthesis of glycerol
2.1. Chemicals and method
The catalysts were synthesized by co-precipitation using zinc clorua (ZnCl2, 99 %, Merck),
tin chloride (SnCl2.5H2O, 98 %, China) and aluminium chloride AlCl3 with sodas (Na2CO3,
99 %, China) acting as a precipitant. Glycerol (C3H8O3, > 99.5 %, Merck) and urea (CO(NH2)2,
99.5 %, Merck) were used for cabonylation reactions. The catalysts were synthesized by
chemical co-precipitation method using zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and tin chloride (SnCl4.5H2O)
with Na2CO3 as a co-precipitant. The precipitate was stirred for 2 hrs at room temperature, then
Synthesis of solid acid-base catalysts based on Zn-Sn and Al-Sn used for carbonylation
transferred into autoclave at 180
C for 20 hrs via hydrothermal route. After that sthe ample
removed from autoclave was filtered and dried at 80 °C for 10 hrs.
2.2. Physical characterization
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of catalysts were recorded with SIEMENS-D5000 (Ho
Chi Minh City University of Technology) diffractometer using monochromatic high intensity
Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15418 nm) at the scanning rate of 0.03o/s and in the scanning angle from
10 to 80
. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was conducted using JSM-6500F, JEOL, whose
images are available at the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology.
2.3. Performance evaluation
The products were analyzed by gas chromatography, FID detector (Perkin Elmer Claus
680) and FFAP capillary column (30 m in length, 0.25 mm of the diameter). The temperature of
the system was programmed as follows: hold for 5 mins at 35 °C, then heated by 10 °C/min rate
from 35 °C to 60 °C and kept for 1 min at 60 °C, then heated with 15 °C/min from 60 °C to
230 °C and hold for 10 mins at 230 °C.
Conversion (%) =
× 100 (1)
Yield (%) = × 100 (2)
Selectivity (%) = . (3)
Figure. 1 XRD pattern of Zn-Sn catalyst.
The XRD diagrams of catalyst samples prepared by hydrothermal method, recorded for
2 = 10-80
are showed in Figs 1, 2. The results of X-ray diffraction analysis of Zn-Sn samples
Ba Khiem Nguyen, T-Que Phuong Phan, Huu Thien Pham, Dinh Thanh Nguyen
compared with standard Zn-Sn spectra (JCPDS No. 20-1455) [13] showed that the diffraction
peaks appeared at 2 = 22.6, 32.5, 40.1, 46.7, 52.4, 57.8
are ascribed to (200), (220), (222),
(400), (420), and (422) crystal planes of the double layer structure of Zn-Sn hydrotalcite,
respectively. The peaks were not much sharp, showing the presence of a small amount of
impurities in the form of crystals. This diagram is similar to the XRD spectrum of ZnSn(OH)6
synthesized by Swetha Sandesh [14].
Figure 2. XRD pattern of Al-Sn catalyst.
Figure 2 shows the X-ray diffraction pattern of Al-Sn samples includes peaks of the
crystalline phase of the standard Al-Sn phases, SnO phase and AlO(OH) phase corresponding to
2 = 22.6, 29.9, 32.3, 38.9, 42.5, 43.9 and 56.2
. These peaks have high width, low intensity as
the signal of the baseline. The diffraction baseline of the Al-Sn samples is generally rough,
indicating low crystallization and the presence of impurities. The crystal sizes of Zn-Sn and Al-
Sn are 61.5 nm and 23.9 nm as estimated based on the Scherrer equation [15]:
dXRD = (4)
where: dXRD is the mean size of the ordered (crystalline) domains; K is a dimensionless shape
factor ~ 0.9; λ is the X-ray wavelength; β is the line broadening at half the maximum intensity;
θ is the Bragg angle.
The overall morphology of the Zn-Sn particles was monitored by SEM. As can be seen in
Figure 3a, a large amount of Zn-Sn particles have the cubic shape with a length of 80 to 100
nm, of relative uniformity and high dispersion. The comparison with the studies of Wang et al.
[16] shows the similarities in material morphology [16]. The SEM image of the Al-Sn samples
showed that the particles crystallittes were small in size, fairly uniform, dispersed, and of highly
homogeneous (Fig. 3b). In addition, Al-Sn has cylinder crystals with length of 60-80 nm,
stacked and look like columnar structure by the SEM image of Al-Sn-N (structure of sputter-
deposited Al-Sn-N thin film) in Lewin et al. studies [17]. The SEM image also shows the
formation of outer cavities, with outer capillary channels formed from a combination of primary
Synthesis of solid acid-base catalysts based on Zn-Sn and Al-Sn used for carbonylation
Figure 3. SEM image of catalysts Zn-Sn (a) and Al-Sn (b).
Figure 4. Effect of catalysts on glycerol conversion and glycerol
carbonate selectivity.
The reactions were performed in the absence of solvent, under inert atmosphere with a
molar glycerol/urea ratio of 1/1, at 145
C and 5 wt % of Zn-Sn and Al-Sn catalyst. The results
obtained are summarized in Table 1 and Figure 4. The study determined the best conditions as
follows: 145
C, in 5 hours, 5% catalyst for the conversion reaction from glycerol to glycerol
carbonate. Using the Zn-Sn and Al-Sn catalysts: the conversion degree was 88.5 % and 78.2 %;
the selectivity of glycerol carbonate was 86.9 % and 74.1 %; and the yield of carbonylation was
77 % and 58.4 %, respectively. The Zn-Sn gave performance values higher than the Al-Sn. The
reaction of Zn-Sn and Al-Sn with urea released Zn
and Al
, respectively in the liquid
environment. This complex acts as the mediator in reaction conversion of glycerol to glycerol
carbonate with urea. To explain the difference in activity of two catalysts, in our opinion the Zn-
Sn catalyst has amount of active sites more than Al-Sn, so that Zn-Sn catalyst has high catalytic
yield and glycerol carbonate selectivity. As seen via the results shown in Table 1, the selectivity
and yield of our catalysts were not as good like the results by Pandian et al. [18]. This can be
explained as follows, in [18] the authors used amount of 10 % wt catalyst and the catalyst is
calcined at 600 ° C. In the present study, we used 5 % catalysts and our catalyst is heated in
hydrothemal at 200 °C without calcining. The choice of 5 % wt catalysts used for carbonylation
(a) (b)
Ba Khiem Nguyen, T-Que Phuong Phan, Huu Thien Pham, Dinh Thanh Nguyen
has also been studied in a variety of other studies [17-20]. In the next time, we will study the
effect of catalysts mass on the efficiency of the reaction as well as optimizing of the reaction
Carbonylation of glycerol with urea into glycerol carbonate is based on the acid-base
catalyst system, so the presence of Sn in the catalyst serves supply as the amount of acid sites for
the Zn-Sn and Al-Sn catalysts. The balance between two acid sites (Sn) and base sites (Zn or Al)
keep important role in the glycerolysis and urea to glycerol carbonate.
Table 1. Results of carbonylation of glycerol and urea in the presence of solid catalysts.
Catalyst Glycerol conversion
1 Blank 15.6 16.6 10.8
2 Zn-Sn 88.5 77.0 86.9
3 Al-Sn 78.8 58.4 74.1
4 ZnO* 66.4 65.1 98.1
5 SnO2* 39.6 39.2 99.0
6 Zn2Sn-600* 80.0 79.2 99.0
Reaction conditions: Glycerol/urea molar ratio = 1/1, 145
C, 5 wt% catalysts at 5 h of reaction time.
*Reaction conditions: Glycerol/ urea = 1/1.10 wt% catalysts, temperature = 155
C, time = 4 h [18].
Figure 5. Effect of reaction temperature on glycerol conversion, yield and glycerol
carbonate selectivity.
The results showed that glycerol conversion to glycerol carbonate on Al-Sn catalysts was
negligible at 175
C. At 145
C, 78.8 % of glycerol was converted and glycerol carbonate
accounted for 58.4 % of the products. The selectivity of glycerol carbonate was very high, up to
74.1 % at 145°C. There was no significant difference in glycerol conversion at 145
C and 175
C on Al-Sn catalysts. However, the selectivity of glycerol carbonate was higher at 145
C with
the yield of 77%. When the temperature rose to 175
C, the efficiency was only 68.4 %. It can be
Synthesis of solid acid-base catalysts based on Zn-Sn and Al-Sn used for carbonylation
explained that when the temperature increases from 145 to 175
C, amount of glycerol carbonate
is converted to another, which leads to a decrease in the selection of glycerol carbonate by
temperature. Therefore, we used 145
C for the conversion of glycerol to glycerol carbonate.
Table 1 and 2 show that, with other synthetic methods and different reaction conditions
compared with those reported in [14, 17-20], the results in this work are quite good. In the next
time, we will improve the conditions of carbonylation reaction to get better results.
Table 2. Results of carbonylation of glycerol and urea in the presence of solid catalysts at different
Reaction Temp (
C) Glycerol conversion
This work
145 88.5 77.0 86.9
175 89.1 68.4 61.0
This work
145 78.8 58.4 74.1
175 85.9 27.0 23.1
Sn-beta [11] 145 70.0 25.9 37.0
Zn1-TPA [19] 140 49.5 42.3 85.4
All in all, the solid acid-base catalysts for carbonylation reaction from glycerol to glycerol
carbonate was employed in this study. The structure of the products was studied using XRD,
SEM. The products of glycerol conversion product was also tested by gas chromatography. As
the results, the Zn-Sn catalyst for conversion, selectivity and efficiency were significantly higher
than the Al-Sn catalyst in reaction conditions at 145
C, 5 hours and 5 % wt catalyst. The
selectivity of the main product was highest when using the Zn-Sn catalyst of 5 % at 145 °C
during 5 hours. After carbonylation of both Zn-Sn and Al-Sn catalysts, respectively: efficiency
was 77.0 % and 61.3 %: conversion was 88.5 % and 78.8 %; the selection was 86.9 % and
74.1 %.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Institute of Applied Materials Science - Viet Nam
Academy of Science and Technology from April 2017.
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