Tựa đề: Technology trends in wireless communications
Tác giả: Prasad, Ramjee
Ruggieri, Marina
Từ khóa: Digital
Ngày phát hành: 21-Aug-2010
Series/Report no.: 2003
329 Tr.
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eters and the systems performance.
9.8 Conclusions
A future vision on communications system cannot be complete without the
definition of the future application scenario. A good starting point from which
to draw trends for the future scenario is to look at our children who will be the
active population in 10 years’ time. The adventures of Tom Cruise in Mission
Impossible 1 and 2 are real for the kids that do take ubiquitous communication
for granted. Another way to look at the future is through the science fiction sto-
ries of Arthur C. Clarke. In his paper “Extra Terrestrial Relays,” published on
the Wireless World in 1945 [11], he envisaged the possibility of using repeaters
flying in space for wireless communications. With this revolutionary idea, he has
become the father of satellite communications. We have to be ready for radical
changes in the environment. In this context, the classical 10-year plan engineer-
ing approach of looking at the future should be abandoned to give room to an
evolutionary/chaotic approach where the user stands at the center. While this
book aims to provide the reader with a background on the existing and emerg-
ing technologies for future wireless communications systems, it is more and
more evident that concurrency of the classical electronic, communication, math,
and engineering disciplines, with other disciplines like business, sociology, and
psychology is needed to draw a fully successful application scenario.
[1] Huomo, H., E. Cianca, and R. Prasad, “A Lesson on Unpredictable Future,” Wireless Per-
sonal Communications, Vol. 22, No. 2, August 2002, pp. 331–336.
[2] Proceedings Fourth Strategic Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 6–7, 2002.
[3] Lillenberg, J., and R. Prasad, “Research Challenges for 3G and Paving the Way for Emerg-
ing New Generations,” Wireless Personal Communication, Vol. 17, June 2001, pp. 355–362.
280 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
[4] Mohr, W., (ed.), et al., “The Book of Visions 2000—Visions of the Wireless World,” Ver-
sion 1.0, Wireless Strategic Initiative, www.wireless-world-research.org, Nov. 2000.
[5] Zander, J., et al., “Telecom Scenario’s in 2010,” PCC, KTH, Sweden, 1999.
[6] ACM, “The Next 1000 Years,” Special Issue of Communications of the ACM, Vol. 44,
No. 3, March 2001.
[7] Niemegeers, I. G., and S. M. Heemstra De Groot, “From Personal Area Networks to Per-
sonal Networks: A User Oriented Approach,” Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 22,
No. 2, August 2002, pp. 175–186.
[8] Gupta, S. K., et al., “An Overview of Pervasive Computing,” Guest editorial, IEEE Per-
sonal Communications, Vol. 8, No. 4, Aug. 2001, pp. 8–9.
[9] Van Dam, K., S. Pitchers, and M. Barnard, “Body Area Networks—Towards a Wearable
Future,” WWRF Kick-off meeting, Munich, Germany, March 6–7, 2001.
[10] Hum, A. P. J., “Fabric Area Network—A New Wireless Communications Infrastructure
to Enable Ubiquitous Networking and Sensing on Intelligent Clothing,” Special issue on
Pervasive computing and computer networks (IBM), 2000.
[11] Clarke, A. C., “Extra Terrestrial Relays,” Wireless World, Oct. 1945, pp. 305–308.
Future Vision 281
List of Acronyms
1G first generation
2G second generation (2G)
3G third generation (3G)
AAA authentication, accounting, authorization
AAL5 ATM adaptation layer 5
ACK acknowledgment
AGC automatic gain control
ANSI American National Standard Institute
AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Services
ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Broadcasting
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ARQ automatic repeat request
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AWGN additive white Gaussian noise
BAN body area networks
BD Bandwidth * Delay product
BER bit error rate
B-PAN broadband-PAN
BPS bit per symbol
BRAN Broadband Radio Access Network
BS base station
BSC binary symmetric channel
BTMA busy tone multiple access
BTS base transceiver station
CA collision avoidance
CAC call admission control
CC congestion control
CD collision detection
CDMA code division multiple access
CDPD cellular digital packet access
CE controlled equalization
CIR carrier-to-noise ratio
CN core network
COA care-of address
CPC complementary punctured convolutional codes
CPRMA centralized-PRMA
CRC cyclic redundancy check
CS circuit switched
CSF contrast sensitivity function
CSI channel side information
CSMA carrier sense multiple access
CWDN congestion window
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting
DAMA demand assigned multiple access
DCA dynamic channel assignment
DCF Distributed Coordination Function
284 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
DCH dedicated channel
DCT discrete cosine transform
DFE decision feedback equalizer
DFT discrete Fourier transform
DHA dynamic home address
DiffServ differentiated services
DL downlink
DNS domain name system
DPCM differential pulse code modulation
DPDCH dedicated physical data channel
DPRMA dynamic packet reservation multiple access
DS-CDMA direct sequence CDMA
DSMA digital sense multiple access
DVB-T Digital Video Broadcasting
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
DVMRP Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
ELN explicit loss notification
ESN electronic serial number
ESP encapsulating security payload
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FA foreign agent
FCA fixed channel assignment
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCH forward access channel
FDD frequency division duplex
FEC forward error correction
FFT fast Fourier transform
FGS fine granularity scalability
List of Acronyms 285
FH frequency hopping
FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications System
GBN Go-back-N
GE Gilbert-Elliott
GEO geostationary Earth orbit
GGSN gateway GPRS support node
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning System
GRE generic routing encapsulation
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
GW gateway
HA home agent
HARQ hybrid ARQ
HAWAII Handoff-Aware Wireless Access Internet Infrastructure
HDAA Home Domain Allocation Agency
HIPERLAN High Performance Local Area Network
HLR home location register
HSCSD High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data
HTML hypertext markup language
HVS human visual system
IAS information access service
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IM intermodulation
IMT-2000 International Mobile Telecommunications-2000
IntServ integrated services
IP Internet Protocol
286 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISI intersymbol interference
ISMA inhibit sense multiple access
ISO/OSI International Standard Organization/Open Systems Interconnect
IXC interexchange carrier
JEIC joint multiple access interference canceler/equalizer
JND just-noticeable distortion
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
LAN local area network
LEO low-Earth orbit
LFN long fat network
LLC link layer control
LSP label switched path
LSR label-switching router
LTN long thin networks
MAC multiple access control
MAI multiple access interference
MANET Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
MAP multiple access protocols
MBM motion boundary marker
MC-CDMA multicarrier CDMA
MCER motion compensated error residual
MDC multiple description coding
MD-PRMA multidimensional PRMA
MIMO multiple input–multiple output
MMAC multimedia mobile access communications
MMSEC minimum mean square error combining
MN mobile node
MND minimally noticeable distortion
List of Acronyms 287
MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group
MPLS multi-protocol label switching
MRC maximum ratio combining
MSC mobile switching center
MT-CDMA multitone CDMA
MTE minimum transmission energy
MUD multiuser detection
MV motion vector
NACK negative-acknowledgment
NAI network access identifier
NO network operators
OBI observation interval
OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
ORC orthogonal restoring combining
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OVSF orthogonal variable spreading factor
PAM pulse amplitude modulation
PAN personal area network
PCF point coordination function
PDA personal digital assistant
PDC Personal Digital Cellular System
PDN packet data network
PDU packet data unit
PER packet error rate
PFGS progressive fine granularity scalability
PHB per-hop behavior
PHY physical layer
PIM protocol independent multicast
PKI public key infrastructure
288 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
PN pseudo noise sequences
POS personal operating space
PRMA packet reservation multiple access
PSK phase shift keying
PSNR peak signal-to-noise ratio
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
QAM quadrature amplitude modulation
QoS quality of service
RAB radio access bearer
RACH random access channel
RCC routing control center
RCPC rate-compatible convolutional codes
RF radio frequency
RIP Routing Information Protocol
RLC radio link control
RNS radio network subsystem
RRC radio resource control
RRM radio resource management
RSVP Reservation Protocol
RTCP Real-Time Control Protocol
RTO retransmission time-out
RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol
RTSP Real-Time Streaming Protocol
RTT round-trip time
Rx receiver
SA security association
SACK selective acknowledgements
SDP Service Discovery Protocol
SGSN service GPRS support node
List of Acronyms 289
SIP Session Initiation Protocol
SIR signal-to-interference ratio
SLA service level agreement
SLP Service Location Protocol
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
S/P serial-to-parallel
SQ scalar quantization
SR selective repeat
SRE source route entry
SSA secure scaleable authentication
SSL secure sockets layer
SSTHRESH slow start threshold
STP Satellite Transport Protocol
TBF temporary block flow
TCM trellis-coded modulation
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TDD time division duplex
TDMA time division multiple access
TF transmission formats
TFI temporary flow identity
TOS type of service
TTC Telecommunications Technology Council
TTL time-to-live
TTP trusted third parties
Tx transmitter
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UEP unequal error protection
UL uplink
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
290 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
UTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access
UTRAN UMTS Radio Access Network
UWB ultra wideband
VLR visitor location register
VLSI very large scale integration
VoIP voice over IP
VP/VC virtual path/virtual channel identifiers
VQ vector quantization
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WARC World Administrative Radio Conference
WCDMA wideband CDMA
WG working group
WH Walsh-Hadamard
WLAN wireless LAN
WPAN wireless personal area network
WWAN wireless wide area network
List of Acronyms 291
About the Authors
Ramjee Prasad received his B.Sc. (eng.) from the Bihar Institute of Technology,
Sindri, India, and his M.Sc. (eng.) and Ph.D. from Birla Institute of Technol-
ogy (BIT), Ranchi, India, in 1968, 1970, and 1979, respectively.
Professor Prasad joined BIT as a senior research fellow in 1970 and became
an associate professor in 1980. While he was with BIT, he supervised a number of
research projects in the area of microwave and plasma engineering. From 1983 to
1988, he was with the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Tanzania, where he
became a professor of telecommunications in the Department of Electrical Engi-
neering in 1986. At UDSM, he was responsible for the collaborative project Satel-
lite Communications for Rural Zones with Eindhoven University of Technology,
the Netherlands. From 1988 through 1999, he was with the Telecommunications
and Traffic Control Systems Group at Delft University of Technology (DUT),
where he was actively involved in the area of wireless personal and multimedia
communications (WPMC). He was the founding head and program director of
the Center for Wireless and Personal Communications (CEWPC) of Interna-
tional Research Center for Telecommunications—Transmission and Radar
(IRCTR). Since 1999, Professor Prasad has been with Aalborg University, as the
codirector of the Center for Person Kommunikation (CPK), and holds the chair
of wireless information and multimedia communications. He was involved in the
European ACTS project Future Radio Wideband Multiple Access Systems
(FRAMES) as a DUT project leader. He is a project leader of several interna-
tional, industrially funded projects. He has published more than 300 technical
papers, contributed to several books, and has authored, coauthored, and edited 12
books: CDMA for Wireless Personal Communications, Universal Wireless Personal
Communications, Wideband CDMA for Third Generation Mobile Communica-
tions, OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications, Third Generation Mobile
Communication Systems, WCDMA: Towards IP Mobility and Mobile Internet,
Towards a Global 3G System: Advanced Mobile Communications in Europe, Vol-
umes 1 & 2, IP/ATM Mobile Satellite Networks, Simulation and Software Radio for
Mobile Communications, Wireless IP and Building the Mobile Internet, and WLANs
and WPANs towards 4G Wireless, all published by Artech House. His current
research interests lie in wireless networks, packet communications, multiple-access
protocols, advanced radio techniques, and multimedia communications.
Professor Prasad has served as a member of the advisory and program com-
mittees of several IEEE international conferences. He has also presented keynote
speeches and delivered papers and tutorials on WPMC at various universities,
technical institutions, and IEEE conferences. He was also a member of the
European cooperation in the scientific and technical research (COST-231) proj-
ect dealing with the evolution of land mobile radio (including personal) com-
munications as an expert for the Netherlands, and he was a member of the
COST-259 project. He was the founder and chairman of the IEEE Vehicular
Technology/Communications Society Joint Chapter, Benelux Section, and is
now the honorary chairman. In addition, Professor Prasad is the founder of the
IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology (SCVT) in
the Benelux, and he was the symposium chairman of SCVT’93.
In addition, Professor Prasad is the coordinating editor and editor-in-chief
of the Kluwer International Journal on Wireless Personal Communications and a
member of the editorial board of other international journals, including the IEEE
Communications Magazine and IEE Electronics Communication Engineering Jour-
nal. He was the technical program chairman of the PIMRC’94 International
Symposium held in The Hague, the Netherlands, from September 19–23, 1994
and also of the Third Communication Theory Mini-Conference in Conjunction
with GLOBECOM’94, held in San Francisco, California, from November
27–30, 1994. He was the conference chairman of the 50th IEEE Vehicular
Technology Conference and the steering committee chairman of the second
International Symposium WPMC, both held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
from September 19–23, 1999. He was the general chairman of WPMC’01
which was held in Aalborg, Denmark, from September 9–12, 2001.
Professor Prasad is also the founding chairman of the European Center of
Excellence in Telecommunications, known as HERMES. He is a fellow of IEE,
a fellow of IETE, a senior member of IEEE, a member of the Netherlands Elec-
tronics and Radio Society (NERG), and a member of IDA (Engineering Society
in Denmark).
Marina Ruggieri graduated cum laude in electronics engineering in 1984 from
the University of Roma La Sapienza. She was with FACE-ITT in the high fre-
quency division from 1985–1986, during which time she was trained on GaAs
monolithic design and fabrication techniques at GTC-ITT (Roanoke, Virginia).
294 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
Professor Ruggieri was a research and teaching assistant at the University of
Roma Tor Vergata in the electronics engineering department (1986–1991). She
was an associate professor of signal theory at the University of L’Aquila (Depart-
ment of Electrical Engineering, 1991–1994) and of digital signal processing at
the University of Roma Tor Vergata (Department of Electronics Engineering,
1994–2000), also teaching radio communications systems (1994– 1999) and
telecommunications systems (1999–2000) at the University of L’Aquila.
Since 2000 she has been a full professor of telecommunications at the Uni-
versity of Roma Tor Vergata (department of electronics engineering). Her
teaching modules are digital signal processing, information and coding, and
telecommunications signals and systems.
She has participated in international committees for the assignment of
professor chair, Ph.D., and master’s degrees in various universities (Lund-
Sweden, Delft—the Netherlands, Toulouse-France, Trondheim-Norway,
In 1999 she was appointed to the board of governors of the IEEE Aerospace
and Electronics System Society (2000–2002) and reelected for 2003–2005.
Professor Ruggieri’s research mainly concerns space communications sys-
tems (in particular, satellites) as well as mobile and multimedia networks.
She is the principal investigator of a satellite scientific communications
mission [DAta and Video Interactive Distribution (DAVID)], of the Italian
Space Agency, to be launched in 2004.
She is also the principal investigator of a 2-year national research pro-
gram (CABIS) on CDMA integrated mobile systems, cofinanced by MIUR
She has participated in various ESA contracts on the study and design of
advanced configurations for satellite antennae at Ku-band, frequency scanning
array for satellite communication, robust modulation, and coding for personal
communication systems.
She is and has been involved in the organization of international confer-
ences and workshops: the Third Workshop on Mobile/Personal Satcoms—
EMPS 1998 (chair); the First Workshop on Strategic Research Plan for New
Millenium Wireless World—SW 2000 (cochair); EMPS 2002 (vice chair); SW
2002 (cochair); IEEE Aerospace Conference 2002 and 2003 (track cochair);
WPMC 2002, IEEE GLOBECOM 2002 Satellite Workshop; IEEE VTC Fall
2002 (TCP member) WPMC 2004 (TCP chair).
She is the editor of the IEEE Transactions on AES for “Space Systems.”
She is a member of the Editorial Board of wireless personal communications—an
International Journal (Kluwer).
Professor Ruggieri was awarded the 1990 Piero Fanti International Prize
and was nominated for the Harry M. Mimmo Award in 1996 and the Cristo-
foro Colombo Award in 2002.
About the Authors 295
She is an IEEE senior member (S’84-M’85-SM’94) and chair of the IEEE
AES Space Systems Panel.
She is the author of approximately 150 papers on international journals,
transactions, and proceedings of international conferences, book chapters, and
296 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
Access networks, 107, 108
Adaptive ARQ, 181–84
code rate adaptive error control, 184
defined, 181
reaction capability, 185
SR-ARQ, 181, 182, 184
throughput, 181, 182
See also Automatic repeat request (ARQ)
Adaptive error control, 176–84
adaptive ARQ, 181–84
adaptive FEC, 176–77
hybrid ARQ, 177–81
Adaptive FEC, 176–77
defined, 176
implementation, 177
perforation matrix, 176
See also Forward equivalence class (FEC)
Adaptive fragmentation, 263
Adaptive frequency hopping, 262
Adaptive global networks, 271
Adaptive modulation, 175–76, 187
channel prediction, 174
coding in, 175
level-controlled, 171
parameter estimation at receiver, 175
parameter selection, 170–74
requirements, 170
See also Modulation
Adaptive/scalable air interfaces, 271–72
Adaptive technologies, 163–88
behavior, 166
potential, 165
requirements, 164–65
Adaptive transmission model, 164
channel, 163
hardware/software implementations,
multilayer, 184–86
QoS, 163
Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN),
164, 175
Address autoconfiguration, 122
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 90–91
defined, 90
proxy, 91
Ad hoc networks, 14
PAN, 256, 260–61
routing in, 93–94
Admission control
call, 72, 201, 202, 206–7
IntServ, 97
policies, 70
radio, 10
Advanced Mobile Phone Services (AMPS), 3
Agent advertisements
defined, 85
format, 86
functions, 85
channel capacity, 38
p-ALOHA, 31–33
r-ALOHA, 44, 45
slotted-ALOHA, 33, 38
spread, 54–55
Amplitude modulation (AM), 166, 173
Anycast, 123
Arithmetic codes, 232
Asynchronous CDMA (A-CDMA), 49
Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), 10
Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5), 11
MPLS and, 98
header (AH), 110
messages accomplishing, 115
Mobile IP public key-based, 116
modes, 111
reconfigurable networks, 275
secure minimal public key-based, 116–17
secure scaleable (SSA), 116
as security goal, 109
See also Security
Authentication, authorization, accounting
(AAA), 110, 111
AAAF, 112
AAAH, 112
key distribution process, 113
Mobile IP extensions with, 111–13
server, 113
Automatic gain control (AGC), 174
Automatic repeat request (ARQ), 73, 136
adaptive, 181–84
data link layer, 149–53
delay introduction, 152
design parameters, 152–53
efficiency of, 181
in end-to-end TCP performance, 155
frame size, 153
go-back-N, 149–50
high-persistent, 152
hybrid, 148–49, 177–81
persistency, 152
redundancy, 148
selective repeat (SR), 150–51
sliding-window schemes, 149
stop-and-wait, 149
time diversity, 155
Backbone networks, 107
adding QoS to, 108
DiffServ/MPLS in, 108
end users and, 109
Bandwidth Delay (BD) product, 140
Bayesian broadcast, 69
Bit error rates (BERs), 2, 74, 175, 182, 197
Block-based coders, 223
Bluetooth, 45, 254–55
defined, 15, 254
performance improvement, 262–63
SDP, 260
Body area networks (BANs), 270
Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH)
codes, 169
Boundary macroblocks, 234–35
Broadband PAN (B-PAN), 263
Broadband Radio Access Network (BRAN),
Broadcast channel (BCH), 208, 212
Busy Tone Multiple Access (BTMA), 36
Call admission control (CAC), 72, 201, 202
algorithm schematic, 201
as protection mechanism, 201
in UMTS, 206–7
See also Admission control
Capture effect, 36–39
Care-of address (COA), 84
foreign agent, 114
mobile node, 113, 114
registration, 87
as source address, 122
Carrier sense multiple access (CSMA), 33–36
CSMA/CD, 34–35
defined, 34
hidden/exposed terminals with, 35
nonpersistent, 34
p-persistent, 34
sensing, 36
subclasses, 34
Carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR), 37
Cascading TCP. See Splitting TCP
Cdma1x, 12–13
CdmaOne, 12
CDMA-oriented MAC, 69–72
CDMA protocols, 28, 46–64
advantage, 54
298 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
defined, 31
DS-CDMA, 46, 47–53
MC-CDMA, 60–62
MC-DS-CDMA, 62–64
MT-CDMA, 62–64
multicarrier, 57–64
spread ALOHA, 54–55
TD-CDMA, 55–57
TDMA/CDMA, 53–57
transmission bandwidth, 46
CDMA systems, 10
asynchronous (A-CDMA), 49
fading margin, 54
properties, 202
resource management, 52
reverse link, 52
synchronous (S-CDMA), 49
TPC in, 258
Cellular digital packet access (CDPD), 36
Cellular IP, 126–28
defined, 126
HAWAII vs., 127–28
illustrated, 127
local mobility, 126
Centralized-PRMA (CPRMA), 66–68
accuracy, 68
data/signaling channels, 67
defined, 66–67
See also Packet Reservation Multiple
Access (PRMA)
Central Limit Theorem, 49
Challenge/response, 116
Channelization codes, 9
adaptivity, 163
allocation, 56
assignments, 42–43
coding, 165, 169
Channel side information (CSI), 165, 166,
Clearinghouse, 108
Closed-loop power control, 52
Clusters, 42
Cochannel interference
effects of, 30
TDMA, 43
Code division multiple access. See CDMA
protocol; CDMA systems
Coded-OFDM (COFDM), 59
Common packet channel (CPCH), 208, 209
Common pilot channel (CPICH), 208
Common RRM (CRRM), 214
Complementary punctured convolutional
(CPC) codes, 179
Congestion avoidance, 139
Congestion control, 138–39
Constellation, 167
Contending state, 68
Contentionless protocols, 39–46
DAMA, 44–45
defined, 31
demand-based assignment, 43–46
FDMA, 39–41
fixed-based assignment, 39–43
PRMA, 45–46
Roll-Call Polling, 45
TDMA, 41–43
Token-Passing Protocol, 45
See also Multiple access protocols (MAPs)
Contention protocols, 30–31
Context-aware technologies, 278–80
Contrast sensitivity function (CSF), 225
Control packet overhead, 259
Convolutional codes, 170
Correspondent nodes (CNs), 83
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 149
Data confidentiality/integrity, 109
Data link layer, 148–53
approaches, 148–53
ARQ protocols, 149–53
Decision feedback equalizer (DFE), 64
Dedicated channel (DCH), 70, 208, 209
Deferring transmission, 35
Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA),
ALOHA state, 44
as explicit reservation scheme, 45
reserved state, 44
Demand-based assignment protocols, 43–46
centralized, 44
DAMA, 44–45
defined, 43–44
distributed, 44
PRMA, 45–46
Roll-Call Polling, 45
Token-Passing Protocol, 45
See also Contentionless protocols
Index 299
AAA servers, 119
Mobile IP extensions, 119
Differential pulse code modulation (DPCM),
Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol, 115
DiffServ, 98
in backbone network, 108
defined, 98
MPLS interworking, 99
work on, 98
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), 59
Digital Sense Multiple Access (DSMA), 36
Digital signal processing hardware (DSPH),
Direct sequence CDMA (DS-CDMA), 46,
multiuser detection, 51
obtaining, 47
power control, 51–53
Rake receiver, 50–51
See also CDMA protocols
Discovery mechanism, 85–87
Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 239
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 58, 59, 61
Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
(DVMRP), 236
Distance vector protocols, 92
Distributed coordination function (DCF),
213, 258
Distributed resource control, 277–78
Domain Name System (DNS), 84
Doppler shifts, 174
Downlink shared channel (DSCH), 208, 209
Dual-mode radio switching, 262
Dynamic channel assignment (DCA), 42–43
defined, 42–43
fast, 56
high-performance algorithms, 43
Dynamic packet reservation multiple access
(DPRMA), 65–66
characterization, 66
elements, 65
Dynamic transport channel switching,
Electronic serial number (ESN), 12
Embedded codes, 223
Encapsulating security payload (ESP), 111
End-to-end flow, 138–39
Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
(EDGE), 4, 163
incremental introduction, 7
modulation schemes, 7
Entropy encoding, 232
Error concealment encoding, 240
Error resilient encoding, 238–39
Explicit loss notification (ELN), 144
Explicit reservation, 45
Exposed terminals, 35
Fast DCA, 56
Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 58, 59
Fast recovery, 143–44
Fast retransmit, 143
Firewall-Aware Transparent Internet
Mobility Architecture (FATIMA),
gateway, 119
goal, 119
network entities, 120
support, 120
Fixed-based assignment protocols, 39–43
FDMA, 39–41
TDMA, 41–43
Fixed channel assignment (FCA), 42
Flexible channel assignment, 42
Flexible platforms, 279–80
Foreign agents (FAs), 84
COA, 114
hierarchical, 124
registration with, 86
sharing security association, 115
Foreign networks, 84
Forward access channel (FACH), 70, 208,
Forward equivalence class (FEC), 99
adaptive, 176–77
overhead in type 1 HARQ, 180
redundancy, 148
in video streaming, 238
Frame-differencing, 226–27
Frame error rate (FER), 154, 156
Frequency division duplex (FDD), 8, 17
defined, 40–41
WCDMA for, 202
Frequency division multiple access (FDMA),
cell planning, 43
component in real systems, 40–41
300 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
concept, 40
intermodulation (IM), 40
narrowband, 40
system bandwidth, 39
Frequency hopping (FH), 41, 43
Gateway GPRS support node (GGSN), 6
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), 4–7
capacity, 200
defined, 5
features, 199
minimum grade of service, 5
network architecture, 6
RRM in, 199–202
service, 5
SGSN, 6–7
terminals, 199
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
protocol, 90
Gilbert-Elliot channel, 184
Global mobility, 83
Global Positioning System (GPS), 12
Global System for Mobile communications.
Go-back-N (GBN) ARQ scheme, 149–50
Golay codes, 169
Gold sequences, 9
Grey encoding, 167
defined, 3
frame/time slot structure in, 42
network architecture, 6
slowness, 4
TDMA and, 41
hard, 82
intercell, 82
intracell, 82
intradomain, 121
management, 82
Mobile IP, signaling diagram, 95
scalable, 123–24
soft, 82
Handoff-Aware Wireless Access Internet
Infrastructure (HAWAII), 125
architecture illustration, 127
Cellular IP vs., 127–28
Handover control, 205
Hard handoff, 82
Hidden terminals, 29, 35
High Performance Local Area Network
(HIPERLAN), 14, 212
High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data
(HSCSD), 4
defined, 4
goal, 210–11
as transitional technology, 4
High-Speed Downlink Packet Access
(HSDPA), 210
High speed downlink shared channel
(HS-DSCH), 210–11
defined, 212
MAC frame structure, 212
physical layer, 212
Holding time, 71
Home address, 84
Home agents (HAs), 84
dynamic discovery, 89–90
notification, inefficient, 120
sharing security association, 115
Home Domain Allocation Agency
(HDAA), 117–18
Home/foreign proxies (HAP/FAP), 119
Home location register (HLR), 7
Huffman coding, 232
Human visual system (HVS), 225
Hybrid ARQ (HARQ), 148–49, 177–81
defined, 177
scheme comparison, 180
type I, 177
type II, 178–79
type III, 179–81
Idle listening, 259
IEEE 802.11, 13, 36, 59, 212, 213, 262
IEEE 802.15, 254, 255
IEEE 802.3, 35
IEEE 802.5, 45
i-mode, 4
Implicit reservation, 45, 46
IMT-2000, 8
Information Access Service (IAS), 260
Inhibit Sense Multiple Access (ISMA), 36
capacity, 38
unslotted np, 37–39
Integrated Services Digital Network
(ISDN), 2
Index 301
Intercell handoff, 82
Interference-limited systems, 52
Interleaving, 59
International Standardization Organization
(ISO), 233
International Telecommunications Union
(ITU), 8, 233
Internet Control Message Protocol
(ICMP), 85
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 14,
83, 110
MANET working group, 213
SLP, 260
Internet Group Management Protocol
(IGMP), 236
Inter-symbol interference (ISI), 30, 64
Intracell handoff, 82
IntServ, 96–97
admission control, 97
defined, 96
with mobile hosts, 105–6
packet classifier, 97
packet scheduler, 97
traffic-control functions, 96–97
Invertible encoding, 232
IP networks
issues, 81–131
Mobile IP, 84–91
mobility management, 82–83
QoS, 96–1096
routing, 91–96
security, 109–20
wireless architecture, 124–25
IP QoS, 96–109
DiffServ, 98
in heterogeneous networks, 106–9
IntServ, 96–97
in Mobile IP, 100–106
MPLS, 98–100
RSVP, 97
IP routing, 91–96
distance vector protocols, 92
link state protocols, 92–93
route optimization, 94–96
IPSec, 110–11
Mobile IPv4, 114
Mobile IPv6, 122
air interface design, 12
IS-95B, 12–13
pilot channel, 12
Joint detection, 56–57
Joint multiple access interference
canceler/equalizer (JEIC), 64
Joint Photographic Experts Group
(JPEG), 239
Joint source/channel coding, 240–41
Label swapping, 91–92
Label-switched paths (LSPs), 98–99
Label-switching routers (LSRs), 98–99
Lempel-Ziv, 232
Linear equalizer (LE), 64
Link gain matrix, 198
Link layer control (LLC), 6
Link layer schemes, 155–57
Link state protocols, 93
advantages, 93
networks, 92
Location management, 82
Long thin networks (LTNs), 140
Lossless encoding, 232
MAC enhanced temporal algorithm
(MEHTA), 262
defined, 83
extensions to Mobile IP, 125–28
management issues, 120–21
Markov chain, 183
Maximum ratio combining, 51
Maximum spectral efficiency, 172–73
defined, 83
issues, 121
local management of, 121
See also Mobility
Minimum mean square error combining
(MMSEC)-based MC-CDMA, 62
Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET),
14, 213
Mobile identification number (MIN), 118
Mobile IP, 84–91
AAA server tasks, 113
care-of address (COA), 84
challenge/response, 116
defined, 83, 84
DIAMETER extensions, 119
discovery mechanism, 85
302 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
evolution of, 120–28
extension for MPN, 114
extensions with AAA, 111–13
firewall support, 119–20
foreign agent (FA), 84
functions, 85
handoff signaling diagram, 95
handoff with binding update, 96
home address, 84
home agent (HA), 84
IPSec in, 114
IPv4, 85–91
local registration with hierarchical FAs,
macro/micromobility extensions to,
macromobility, 120–21
micromobility, 121
NAI extension, 117–18
public key-based authentication, 116
QoS in, 100–106
registration, 85, 87
reverse tunneling for, 113–14
route optimization, 94–96
RSVP and, 100
security issues in, 111–20
Telecommunication Enhanced
(TeleMIP), 124
tunneling, 85, 90
Mobile IPv6, 121–23
advantages, 121
advertisement interval option, 123
anycast, 123
bidirectional packet support, 122
control traffic, 123
defined, 121
deployment, 130
development, 121
encapsulation, 123
future, 129
IPsec, 122
issues, 130
Mobile IPv4 vs., 121–23
route optimization support, 121
routing header, 122
RSVP support for, 128
See also Mobile IP
Mobile networks
2G, 2–7
3G, 7–13
ad hoc, 14
evolution of, 2–15
WLANs, 13–14
WPANs, 15
Mobile proxies, 106
agents, 85
global, 83
macro, 83
micro, 83
pico, 82–83
SIP, 83
See also Mobile IP
Mobility management, 82–83
architectures, 83
handoff management, 82
in IP networks with real-time
services, 102
location management, 82
Modulation, 166–70
adaptive, 170–75
amplitude (AM), 166
bandwidth requirement, 168
binary, 168
BPSK, 173
differential pulse code (DPCM), 227
level selection, 171
phase (PM), 166
process, 166
pulse amplitude (PAM), 167
quadrature amplitude (QAM), 167
quaternary, 168
trellis-coded (TCM), 177
Motion boundary marker (MBM), 239
Motion compensated error residual
(MCER), 226
Motion compensation, 226–27
defined, 226
frame-differencing, 226–27
motion vector (MV), 227
principle illustration, 227
See also Redundancy removal; Video
Moving Pictures Experts Group. See MPEG
MPEG standards, 233–35
MPEG-1, 233, 234
MPEG-2, 233, 234
Index 303
MPEG standards (continued)
MPEG-3, 233
MPEG-4, 233, 234, 235
MPEG-7, 233
MPEG-21, 233
MPLS, 98–100
in ATM switching hardware, 98
in backbone network, 108
with “constraint-based routing,” 100
defined, 98
DiffServ interworking, 99
label-switched paths (LSPs), 98–99
label-switching routers (LSRs), 98–99
packet forwarding, 98
“shim” header, 99
for traffic aggregation/de-aggregation, 100
for traffic engineering functions, 99–100
Multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA),
60–62, 272
chip duration, 61
defined, 60
detection strategies, 62
MMSEC-based, 62
receiver, 61
transmitter, 60
See also CDMA protocols
Multicarrier direct-sequence CDMA
(MC-DS-CDMA), 63–64
defined, 63
receiver, 64
transmitter, 63
Multidimensional-PRMA (MD-PRMA),
contention access control, 69
defined, 68
frames, 68
slots, 68
See also Packet Reservation Multiple
Access (PRMA)
Multilayer adaptivity, 184–86
adaptation layer, 186
architecture illustration, 185
defined, 184
Multimedia user interfaces, 278–80
Multipath fading, 30
Multiple access control (MAC), 6
with channel-dependent resource
allocation, 73
design, 65, 73
energy-efficient, 259
layer design, 73
in PANs, 258–59
performance, 74
proposals, 9
WCDMA, 70–72
Multiple access protocols (MAPs), 27–74
CDMA, 31, 46–64
classification of, 30–31
contention, 30–31
contentionless, 31–32, 39–46
CPRMA, 66–68
CSMA, 33–36
DAMA, 44–45
defined, 27
desired properties, 29–30
DPRMA, 65–66
DS-CDMA, 47–53
evolution of, 28
FDMA, 39–41
general properties, 29
introduction to, 27–30
ISMA, 36
as MAC subsets, 27
MC-CDMA, 57–64, 60–62
MC-DS-CDMA, 62–64
MD-PRMA, 68–69
MT-CDMA, 62–64
p-ALOHA, 31–33
PRMA, 45–46
random access, 31–39
Roll-Call Polling, 45
slotted-ALOHA, 33
spread ALOHA, 54–55
TDMA, 41–43
TDMA/CDMA, 53–57
Token-Passing Protocol, 45
WCDMA MAC, 70–72
wireless communication, 29–30, 65–74
Multiple description coding (MDC), 239
Multiple input-multiple output (MIMO), 64
Multiresolution decomposition, 222
Multitone CDMA (MT-CDMA), 63–64
defined, 64
DS-CDMA comparison, 64
receiver, 64
transmitter, 63
See also CDMA protocols
Multiuser detection (MUD), 51, 54
304 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
Near-far effect, 30
Near-far problem, 50
Negative-acknowledgment (NACK),
138, 183
Neighbor discovery, 122
Network address identifier (NAI), 117
extension, 117–18
resolution scenario, 118
Nonpersistent CDMA, 34
Non-repudiation, 109
Observation interval (OBI), 182, 184
Open-loop power control, 52
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), 2
Optical network technologies, 276–78
Organization, this book, xiv–xv, 18–20
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
(OFDM), 57–60, 272
channel decoding, 59
coded (COFDM), 59
defined, 57
interleaving, 59
Orthogonal variable spreading factor
(OVSF), 9
Overhearing, 259
Packet data-serving node (PDSN), 125
Packet error rate (PER), 182, 212
Packet networks, 220–23
circuit-switched networks vs., 221
packet corruption, 221
packet loss, 221
Packet Reservation Multiple Access (PRMA),
Centralized (CPRMA), 66–68
defined, 45
Dynamic (DPRMA), 65–66
Multidimensional (MD-PRMA), 68–69
spectral efficiency, 46
Padding methods, 235
p-ALOHA, 31–33
efficiency, 33
principle of, 32
See also Random access protocols
Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), 225
Perceptual-based coding, 230–32
defined, 230–31
design, 231
perceptual lossless point, 231
See also Redundancy removal
Per-hop behavior (PHB), 98
Personal area networks (PANs), 249–64
ad hoc networks, 256, 260–61
applications, 252–53
architecture, 250–52
broadband, 263
techniques, 261–63
concept, 250–54
conclusions, 263–64
defined, 250
entertainment application example, 253
introduction to, 249–50
MAC protocols, 258–59
model, 251
multiple antenna systems, 256
possible devices, 253–54
power-aware routing, 257–58
power efficiency, 257–59
radio technologies, 254
security, 260
service discovery/selection, 259–60
stand-alone, 250
standardization, 251
standardization process, 255
state of the art, 254–55
technical challenges, 255–63
transmission power control, 258
wireless (WPANs), 249, 250
Personal Digital Cellular System (PDC), 3, 4
Personal operating space (POS), 250
Phase amplitude modulation (PAM), 167
Phase modulation (PM), 166
Phase shift keying (PSK), 167
Physical control channel (PDCH), 208
Picomobility, 82–83
Point coordination function (PCF), 213, 258
Power adaptive policy, 172
Power-aware routing, 257–58
Power control, 10, 204
bits, 53
closed-loop, 52, 155
DS-CDMA, 51–53
fading characteristics and, 204
fast, 12
open-loop, 52
scheme illustration, 53
strategy, 52
transmit, 262–63
Index 305
Power control (continued)
UL outer, 205
UMTS, 204
p-persistent CDMA, 34
Processing gain, 47
Projection on convex sets (POCS), 230
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM), 236
Public key infrastructure (PKI), 117
Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN), 11
Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN), 2
Pyramid coding, 228
adaptivity, 163
to backbone network, 108
classes, 7
domain definition, 104
guarantees in mobile networks, 102–5
IP, 96–109
as key requirement, 18
mapping, 99
parameters, mapping, 197
requirements, 196–98
routing, 130
video streaming mechanisms, 238–40
Quadrature amplitude modulation
(QAM), 167
64-QAM, 170
narrowband adaptive, 170
variable levels, 171
Quantization, 226
Quasi-orthogonal codes, 49
Radio access bearer (RAB), 197
characteristics, 198
dedicated, 198
shared, 198
Radio Access Networks (RANs), 274
Radio admission control, 10
Radio link control (RLC), 9
Radio Link Layer (RLL), 156, 157
Radio network controllers (RNCs), 11
Radio network subsystems (RNSs), 11
Radio resource control (RRC), 10, 152
future capacity support, 10
radio bearer allocation, 10
Radio Resource Management (RRM),
common (CRRM), 214
conclusions, 215
defined, 195
dynamic transport channel switching,
in future wireless systems, 212–14
in GPRS, 199–202
importance, 195
introduction to, 195–98
problem formulation, 198–99
in UMTS, 202–11
Rake receiver, 50–51
r-ALOHA, 44, 45
Random access channel (RACH), 208, 209
Random access protocols, 31–39
capture effect, 36–39
CSMA, 33–36
ISMA, 36
p-ALOHA, 31–33
slotted-ALOHA, 33
See also Multiple access protocols
Rate-compatible punctured convolutional
(RCPC) codes, 178, 222–23
in broadcast scenario, 223
defined, 222
Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP), 237
Real-time services, 219–42
all bits are not equal, 221
conclusions, 242
defined, 219
interactivity, 219
introduction to, 219–20
multiresolution decomposition, 222
packet networks for, 220–23
requirements, 219
scalability, 219
UEP, 222–23
video compression techniques, 223–32
video streaming, 232–41
VoIP, 241–42
Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), 237
Reconfigurable networks, 272–75
access to services, 275
intelligent layered resource management,
protocol adaptation, 274–75
research areas, 273
resource management, 274
security, 275
306 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
spectral efficiency, 274
Redundancy removal, 226–32
motion compensation, 226–27
perceptual-based coding, 230–32
pyramid coding, 228
spatial, 227
subband and wavelet coding, 230
transform coding, 228–30
See also Video compression
Reed Solomon codes, 169
Reference multisphere model, 270
Registration, 87
COA, 87
keys, 115
lifetime, 86
messages, 87
process, 87
reply, 89
request, 87–89
Reservation Protocol (RSVP), 97
in access networks, 108
end-to-end sessions, 101–2
flow mechanism, 128
Mobile IPv4 and, 100
Mobile IPv6 support, 128
mobility in, 102
modified, 105
operation, 97
operation in IP tunnels, 100–102
scalability, 97
trigger/objects, 128
tunnel sessions, 101
classes, 106
conventional, 106
passive, 104
predictive, 106
setup process, 103
temporary, 106
Resource reservation, 130
Resynchronization markers, 239
Retransmission time out (RTO), 138, 152
Reuse distance, 42
Reverse tunneling, 113–14
Roll-Call Polling, 45
Round trip time (RTT), 140, 142, 144, 145
Route optimization, 94–96
authentication mechanism, 94
defined, 9
Mobile IPv6 support, 121
registration keys for, 115
steps, 95
by address, 91, 92
in ad hoc networks, 93–94
algorithm characteristics, 91
asymmetric, 120
constraint-based, 100
direct, inefficient, 120
IP, 91–96
in mobile networks, 102–5
power-aware, 257–58
QoS, 130
tables, 93
techniques, 91
triangle, 94
Routing agents (RAs), 119
Routing control center (RCC), 92
Routing Information Protocol (RIP), 92
Satellite Transport Protocol (STP), 145
Scalability, 237–38
fine granularity (FGS), 237–38
progressive fine granularity (PFGS), 238
Scheduling algorithm, 67
Scientific approach, 271
Scrambling codes, 9
Second generation (2G) networks
defined, 2
evolved, 2–7
success, 2
Secure scaleable authentication (SSA), 116
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 110
Security, 109–20
AAA, 110, 111
IPSec, 110–11
management goals, 109
in Mobile IP, 111–20
PAN, 260
reconfigurable networks, 275
Security associations (SAs), 110
in basic Mobile IP/AAA model, 113
foreign agent/mobile node sharing, 115
home agent/foreign agent sharing, 115
Selective acknowledgments (SACKs), 145
Selective repeat (SR) ARQ, 150–51
complexity, 151
defined, 150–51, 181
illustrated, 151
Index 307
Selective repeat (continued)
throughput, 181, 182
See also Automatic repeat request (ARQ)
Self-decodability, 181
Separation principle, 240
Service Discovery Protocol (SDP), 260
Service discovery/selection, 259–60
Service GPRS support node (SGSN), 6–7
Service level agreement (SLA), 98
Service-level specifications (SLS), 108
Service Location Protocol (SLP), 260
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), 83, 241
Shadowing, 30
Shannon capacity, 172, 175
Shape adaptive transform, 235
Shortest path first, 93
Signal-to-interference + noise ratio
(SNIR), 199
Signal-to-interference radio (SIR), 49
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 164, 225
Signature sequence, 47
Sliding window mechanism, 136–38
defined, 137
example, 137–38
illustrated, 137
Slotted-ALOHA, 33
with Rician parameter, 39
throughput performance, 38
Slow start, 139
Snooping TCP, 135
advantages, 147–48
defined, 147
with encryption end-to-end
mechanisms, 148
illustrated, 147
See also Transport Control Protocol
Soft handoff, 82
Source route entry (SRE), 114
Spatial interpolation, 240
Spatial redundancy removal, 227
Splitting TCP, 135, 145–46
benefits, 145–46
defined, 145
drawbacks, 146
illustrated, 146
See also Transport Control Protocol
Spread ALOHA, 54–55
defined, 54
principle, 55
Spreading factor, 47
Subband coding, 230
Synchronization channel (SCH), 208
Synchronous CDMA (S-CDMA), 49
TCP/IP protocol, 136–42, 236–37
complexity, 136
congestion control, 138–39
end-to-end flow, 138–39
large bandwidth-delay product, 140–41
link with errors implication, 141–42
sliding window mechanism, 136–38
Telecommunications Industry Association
(TIA) TR45.6, 124–25
TeleMIP, 124
Temporary block flow (TBF), 5
Temporary flow identity (TFI), 5
Third generation (3G) networks, 2, 7–13
data rates, 7
evolution to, 3, 7
key concepts, 16
services, 7–8
Time diversity, 155, 157
Time division CDMA (TD-CDMA),
55–57, 202
channel allocation, 56
defined, 55
frame structure, 56
joint detection, 56–57
utilization, 55
See also CDMA protocols
Time division duplex (TDD), 8, 17, 41
Time division multiple access (TDMA), 3,
advantages, 41
bursts, 41
CDMA and, 53–57
cell planning, 43
channel assignments, 42–43
cochannel interference, 43
concept, 40
with FH, 41
with fixed access patterns, 41
interference and power management,
Time-to-live (TTL), 90
Token-Passing Protocol, 45
Transform coding, 228–30
308 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
DCT, 229
defined, 228
Transform coefficients, 228
Transmission power control (TPC), 258
Transparent macroblock, 234
Transport Control Protocol (TCP)
end-to-end performance, 141
enhancements, 135, 142–48
explicit loss notification (ELN), 144
fast retransmit/fast recovery, 143–44
large initial window, 144–45
large window size, 144
NewReno, 154
over wireless links, 135–57
performance, 135
selective acknowledgments, 145
slow start, 139
Snooping, 135, 147–48
Splitting, 135, 145–46
summary of recommendations, 142–45
throughput performance, 154
Trellis-coded modulation (TCM), 177
Trellis codes, 170
Triangle routing, 94
Trusted third parties (TTPs), 110
Tunneling, 90
defined, 85
reverse, 113–14
soft state, 123
RSVP operation over, 100–102
type 1, 101
type 2, 101
Turbo codes, 13, 179, 187
Ultra wideband (UWB) technology, 256–57
features, 257
for WPAN, 256–57
UMTS Forum, 15
UMTS Radio Access Network (UTRAN), 9
UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA),
8, 17
FDD mode, 8
TDD mode, 9, 55, 56
Unequal error protection (UEP), 174, 220,
defined, 222
embedded codes, 223
Universal Mobile Telecommunications
System (UMTS), 8–11
architecture illustration, 11
CAC role, 206–7
capacity, 204
carrier frequencies, 205
downlink logical, transport, physical
channels, 208
handover control, 205
power control, 204
QoS classes, 196, 197
RRA algorithms interaction, 206
RRM functions, 204
RRM in, 202–11
transport channel properties, 209
uplink logical, transport, physical
channels, 207
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), 260
User-centric scenario, 269–71
User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 87, 236–37
Verification and Key Management
Infrastructure, 116
Verification infrastructure, 116
Very large scale integration (VLSI)
technology, 59
Video compression, 223–32
defined, 223
lossless encoding, 232
operations, 224
performance metrics, 224–25
quantization, 226
redundancy removal, 226–32
standards, 233–35
See also Real-time services
Video streaming, 232–41
advantages, 232
applications-layer QoS mechanisms,
components, 232
defined, 232
error concealment encoding, 240
error resilient encoding, 238–39
joint source/channel coding, 240–41
requirement, 232
scalability, 237–38
standards, 233–37
See also Real-time services
Viterbi decoding, 179
Voice over IP (VoIP), 241–42
coders, 241–42
defined, 241
Index 309
Voice over IP (continued)
requirements, 241
SIP and, 241
Walsh codes, 12, 175
Walsh-Hadamard (WH) binary functions, 49
Wavelet decomposition, 230, 231
WCDMA MAC, 70–72
defined, 70
mixed services, 72
packet data services, 70–72
real-time services, 72
rescheduling, 71
state diagram, 71
See also Multiple access control (MAC)
Wideband CDMA (W-CDMA), 8, 198
asynchronous mode support, 9
capacity, 203
for FDD mode, 202
radio interface protocol architecture, 10
soft capacity, 203
Window size, 144
Wireless Applications Protocol (WAP), 142
Wireless communication MAPs, 65–74
CPRMA, 66–68
DPRMA, 65–66
MD-PRMA, 68–69
trends, 72–74
WCDMA MAC, 70–72
See also Multiple access protocols (MAPs)
Wireless local area networks (WLANs),
defined, 13
interworking between, 280
standards, 13
Wireless networks
CRRM and, 214
design trends, 153–57
Wireless PANs (WPANs), 15, 249
coexistence, 276
defined, 250
service discovery/selection, 259–60
technical challenges, 256
technology, 250
UWB for, 256–57
Wireless wide area networks (WWANs), 15
310 Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
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