In Northwestern Vietnam, the movement
potential of major fault zones such as Son La,
Ma River, Lai Chau - Dien Bien, Da River
faults is assessed to be closely related to the
seismic activities. The calculated results of
FMP at 60 survey points along major faults in
Northwestern Vietnam show that the fault
movement potential is mainly from medium to
high (40/60 points with FMP = 0.6 - 0.9). At
the locations with high movement potential of
faults (FMP = 0.8 - 0.9, corresponding to the
movement potential of 80-90%), the seismic
activities occur frequently, e.g. Kim Tan
(Thanh Hoa), Tuan Giao (Dien Bien), Muong
Ang (Dien Bien), Tua Chua (Dien Bien),
Muong Nhe (Dien Bien) and the southwest of
Dien Bien Phu city. At the locations with low
movement potential of faults, weak earthquake
or even no earthquake occur, e.g. Than Uyen
(Lai Chau), Nghia Lo (Yen Bai), Mu Cang
Chai (Yen Bai), Moc Chau (Son La), Yen
Chau (Son La), Lang Chanh (Thanh Hoa)
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu The relation between fault movement potential and seismic activity of major faults in Northwestern Vietnam, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 240-255, DOI: 10.15625/0866-7187/39/3/10269
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
The relation between fault movement potential and
seismic activity of major faults in Northwestern Vietnam
Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Anh Duong*
Institute of Geophysics (VAST)
Received 23 February 2017. Accepted 5 June 2017
In this study, the method of Fault Movement Potential (FMP) proposed by Lee et al. (1997) is used to assess the
movement potential of some major faults and its relationship with the seismic activities in Northwestern Vietnam.
The fault movement potential is assessed by the magnitude of FMP (from 0 to 1) and calculated based on the rela-
tionship between kinematic characteristics of the faults and regional tectonic stress field. The maximum compressive
stress axis in Northwestern Vietnam has the nearly horizontal trend (7.4±4.0) and the direction of 170.2±6.7. The cal-
culated results of FMP at 60 geological survey points along major faults in Northwestern Vietnam show that the
movement potential of these faults is mainly from medium to high (40/60 points with FMP = 0.6 - 0.9). In particular,
the faults in Dien Bien Phu have the highest movement potential (FMP = 0.8 - 0.9). An earthquake catalog that con-
sists of 177 earthquakes with M = 4.0 - 6.8 occurring in the studied area from 1277 to 2016 is used to assess the rela-
tionship between seismic activities and fault movement potential. The research results indicate that at the locations on
the faults with high movement potential, seismic activities occur frequently. On the segment of Son La fault zone in
Tuan Giao, Tua Chua, the movement potential has the highest value (FMP = 0.9), corresponding to the occurrence of
Tuan Giao earthquake with M = 6.8 in 1983. On the contrary, weak earthquake or even no earthquake occur at the
locations with low movement potential such as the segment of Son La fault in Moc Chau, Yen Chau, the segment of
Ma River fault in Lang Chanh and the Than Uyen fault in Than Uyen. With the complete survey dataset on slip sur-
face attitude of faults in contemporary times, FMP is significant for assessing the level of seismic activities on each
part of the faults, serving the segmentation of faults, establishment of seismogenic regions, earthquake prediction and
seismic hazard assessment.
Keywords: Northwestern Vietnam, active fault, fault movement potential, tectonic stress field, earthquake, seis-
mic activity.
©2017 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction
Spatial and temporal manifestations of
intraplate earthquakes are often different from
those of the earthquakes occurring at the
*Corresponding author, Email:
boundaries of tectonic plates. At the plate
boundaries, after the large earthquakes, the
energy is rapidly accumulated in the tectonic
displacement to continue causing other earth-
quakes. Therefore, the locations of recent
earthquakes and the average time intervals be-
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 240-255
tween them are consistent with the evolution
of faults in terms of geology and seismology.
Meanwhile, intraplate earthquake activities
are often associated with intraplate faulting
activities (e.g. Tuttle et al., 2002; Nguyen
Dinh Xuyen et al., 2004a; Nguyen Ngoc Thuy
et al., 2005a). The occurrence of great earth-
quakes in the stable continental regions clear-
ly demonstrates that a significant amount of
elastic strain energy is accumulated and re-
leased within the geological structures far
from the plate boundaries.
The geological structure in Northwestern
Vietnam is complicated with the major fault
zones such as Son La fault, Ma River fault,
Lai Chau - Dien Bien fault, Da River fault and
Red River fault. These fault zones are likely
to generate the greatest earthquakes in
Vietnam. From 1900 until now, some large
earthquakes have occurred in the studied area,
particularly the Dien Bien earthquake with
M = 6.7 in the Fu May Tun fault zone in
1935, the Tuan Giao earthquake with M = 6.8
in the Son La fault zone in 1983. These two
earthquakes produced the strong shakings on a
large scale, caused the landslides, destroyed
the houses and made several dozen people
dead and injured (Nguyen Ngoc Thuy et al.,
In the geodynamic model of Southeast
Asia, the Red River fault is considered as the
northeast tectonic boundary between the
South China block and the Sunda block
(Simons et al., 2007). However, the greatest
earthquakes have not occurred at this bounda-
ry but on the faults such as Fu May Tun and
Son La in Northwestern Vietnam (Nguyen
Dinh Xuyen et al., 2004a; Phan Trong Trinh
et al., 2012). It may be because Northwestern
Vietnam is located in the transitional area be-
tween the South China block, Sunda block
and Baoshan sub-block (Findlay and Phan
Trong Trinh, 1997; Nguyen Anh Duong et al.,
Northwestern Vietnam is considered as the
most seismic active region in Vietnam; conse-
quently, many in-depth studies on active
faults and earthquakes have been conducted in
this region. The fault segmentation was first
studied in Vietnam in 1994 (Winter et al.,
1994). In 2013, Phan Trong Trinh and his col-
leagues conducted the fault segmentation
along the Red River and Ca River fault zones
in Hoa Binh, facilitating the maximum earth-
quake assessment (Phan Trong Trinh et al.,
2013). The comprehensive researches on tec-
tonic faults and geodynamics in Northwestern
Vietnam that use the methods of geomorphol-
ogy, geology, remote sensing, tectonophysics
and structural lineaments are typically
Nguyen Van Hung (2002) and Nguyen Van
Hung et al. (2016). In these researchers, the
major fault zones in Northwestern Vietnam
have been determined along with their charac-
teristics such as fault dynamics, geomorphol-
ogy, geology, structure, movement mecha-
nism, movement velocity, long-term historic
evolution, etc. In addition, some detailed stud-
ies on the specific fault zone or fault segments
in a small area have been carried out. Van
Duc Tung (2011) studied the tectonic - geo-
dynamic characteristics, segmentation and
tectonic evolution of Lai Chau - Dien Bien
fault zone. The author pointed out that this
fault zone has undergone 5 phases of tectonic
deformation since the Early - Middle Jurassic
and has 3 segments in Vietnam’s territory.
Ngo Van Liem et al. (2016) studied the ge-
omorphological processes and tectonic activi-
ties in the Red River and Chay River fault
zones. As a result, 44 basins in the Con Voi
mountain range have been categorized
into three typical shapes: straight-shaped,
S-shaped and concave.
The synthesis of research results of active
faults in many studies has allowed updating,
supplementing and detailing the catalog of ac-
tive fault systems in Northwestern Vietnam.
Accordingly, many studies on seismic hazard
Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Anh Duong/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
assessment have been conducted. Typically,
Nguyen Ngoc Thuy et al. (2005a) carried out
the detailed seismic zoning in Northwestern
Vietnam, concentrated on the seismic micro-
zoning for 7 urban areas in this region.
The regional and Vietnam seismic station
networks have recorded several large earth-
quakes in Northwestern Vietnam along with
their aftershocks such as the Dien Bien earth-
quake with M = 5.3 on Lai Chau - Dien Bien
fault in 2001, the Bac Yen earthquake (Son
La) with M = 3.9 on Muong La - Bac Yen
fault in 2009, the Quan Son earthquake
(Thanh Hoa) with M = 4.2 on Son La fault in
2010, the Sop Cop earthquake (Son La) with
M = 4.8 on Ma River fault in 2010. The
determination of earthquake focal mecha-
nisms has contributed to clarifying the region-
al tectonic setting. A number of studies on the
earthquake focal mechanisms in the major
fault zones in Northwestern Vietnam have
been conducted based on the methods of mo-
ment tensor inversion according to broadband
seismic data (Ha Thi Giang, 2012), direction
of P-first motions observed at each station (Le
Tu Son, 2000; 2004) and macroseismic field
modeling (Nguyen Van Luong, 1996). The
study results show that the fault zones in
Northwestern Vietnam mostly have the strike-
one in studying contemporary tectonic stress
field. The centralization and systematism of
the orientation in focal mechanisms are the
basis for establishing the average stress field
in a region. Nguyen Van Luong and Bui Cong
Que (1997) used the methods of the direction
of P-first motions and macro seismic field
modeling to determine the focal mechanisms
of 81 earthquakes in Vietnam and adjacent re-
gions. The analysis of tectonic stress field in
Northwestern Vietnam shows that the com-
pressive and tensile stresses are nearly hori-
zontal in the north-south and east-west direc-
tions, respectively. Phan Trong Trinh (2012)
identified the contemporary tectonic stress
field in the East Vietnam Sea and adjacent ar-
eas through 1291 stress indicators, including
the data on borehole breakouts, drilling-
induced fractures, focal mechanisms and
young geological features. Also, the relation-
ships between the distribution of contempo-
rary tectonic stress field and the forces at tec-
tonic boundaries as well as the intraplate forc-
es induced by topography, geomorphology of
sedimentary basins and local structures were
analyzed. The results indicate that the maxi-
mum horizontal compression axis of the re-
gional stress field is in the north-northwest -
south-southeast to northwest - southeast
Although many in-depth studies on active
faults and earthquakes in Northwestern
Vietnam have been carried out, they have only
dealt with the qualitative relationship between
seismic activities and active faults. In this
article, the method of Lee et al. (1997) is used
to evaluate the movement potential along the
major fault zones in Northwestern Vietnam
and its relationship with the seismic activities
based on the correlation between kinematic
characteristics of faults and contemporary tec-
tonic stress field.
2. Method and Data
2.1. Method
According to Lee et al. (1997), the fault
movement potential (FMP) is considered to be
strongly correlated with the tectonic stress
field (), the geometry characteristics of faults
(G) and the physical properties of the medium
inside and on the faults (P). FMP is a function
of these parameters and expressed as follows:
FMP = f (, G, P) (1)
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 240-255
The geological medium is generally heter-
ogeneous and complicated; however, in terms
of statistics, in the theory of Lee et al. (1997),
he considered the medium within the faults to
be homogeneous, isotropic and elastic. There-
fore, the formula (1) is simplified as follows:
FMP = f (, G) (2)
To investigate the effect of tectonic stress
field (in terms of direction) and geometric
features of faults on seismic activities, Lo-
kajicek et al. (1988) conducted the experi-
ments using block models. The results show
that the changes in dip angle of faults lead to
the significant changes in the time interval
between the earthquakes and seismic energy.
Additionally, the seismic activities of faults
do not occur at some certain values of dip
angle. Subsequently, He (1989) performed
the theoretical analyses to demonstrate the
laboratory results and indicated that the
faults can slip when the angle between the
maximum principal compressive stress axis
and the strike of fault is from 20° to 70°.
However, these experimental models were
implemented in two-dimensional space, re-
sulting in a great difference from the actual
fault system. To overcome this limitation,
Lee et al. (1997) studied the problem in
three-dimensional space by using the theories
of Mohr’s stress circle and normalized FMP
to quantify the fault movement potential.
FMP is expressed as follows:
o o
ۓ0 θ∈[0 , 30 ሿ
θ-60o o o
FMP = ۔ 30
o θ∈(30 , 60 ሿ
o o
ە1- 30o
θ∈(60 , 90 ሿ
where θ is the angle between the direction of
maximum principal compressive stress axis
(1) and the normal of fault plane. θ is deter-
mined by the following expression:
cosθ = cosβ1 cosβ2 cos(γ1 - γ2) + sinβ1 sinβ2 (4)
γ1 - Direction of the normal of fault plane;
β1- Dip angle of the normal of fault plane;
γ2 - Direction of maximum principal com-
pressive stress axis; β2 - Dip angle of maxi-
mum principal compressive stress axis.
The maximum principal compressive stress
axis (1) of regional tectonic stress field is
usually determined by the analysis result of
focal mechanism, while the normal of fault
plane is determined according to the attitude
of fault plane measured in the field. The faults
have the highest movement potential when
FMP = 1 and no movement potential when
FMP = 0.
2.2. Data
2.2.1. The normal of fault plane
Northwestern Vietnam has the differentiat-
ed topography with high mountains and is dis-
sected by many tectonic faults (Figure 1).
These faults have been studied in detail in the
previous studies and assessed to be active in
the neotectonic and contemporary tectonic
stages (e.g. Nguyen Van Hung, 2002; Nguyen
Van Hung and Hoang Quang Vinh, 2004;
Nguyen Van Vuong et al., 2004; Nguyen
Ngoc Thuy et al., 2005a, b; Nguyen Anh
Duong et al., 2011; Van Duc Tung, 2011;
Phan Trong Trinh et al., 2013; Ngo Van Liem
et al., 2016). These faults have developed on
the basis of ancient faults and acted as the
boundaries between tectonic-structural units
with different movement mechanisms. The
majority of major faults in the studied area
Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Anh Duong/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
extends in the northwest - southeast (NW-SE)
direction, only a small minority extends in the
northeast - southwest (NE-SW) and sub-
longitudinal directions. A common feature of
the movement mechanism of faults in the late
stage (Pliocene - present) is the dominance of
strike-slip mechanism for all major fault
zones, of which the Lai Chau - Dien Bien
fault zone is sinistral strike-slip and the NW-
SE fault zones are mainly dextral strike-slip.
Moreover, the sub-latitudinal extensional ac-
tivities of the sub-longitudinal neotectonic
fracture zones under normal mechanism in the
contemporary stage have occurred quite
strongly (Tran Van Thang et al., 2012).
Nguyen Van Hung et al. (2016) has suggested
that the common features of tectonic defor-
mation are the dextral strike-slip and differen-
tiated normal extensional movements which
are clearly demonstrated by the morphology
of faults in the studied area in contemporary
geodynamic conditions.
Figure 1. Active faults in Pliocene - present in Northwestern Vietnam
1- Phong Tho, 2- Than Uyen, 3 - Muong La - Bac Yen - Cho Bo, 4- Song Da, 5- Son La, 6- Ma River, 7a- Fu May
Tun, 7b- Quan Son, 8- Lai Chau - Dien Bien, 9- Upper Da River, 10- Muong Toong, 11- Muong Nhe, 12- Nghia Lo -
Hoa Binh, 13- Bung Lao - Da Bop, 14- Tuan Giao - Nam Ty, 15- Dien Bien - Pac Nua
To assess the movement potential on major
faults in the studied area under the effect of
contemporary tectonic stress field, we have
used a dataset on slip surface attitude of the
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 240-255
Than Uyen BC004 334 80 154 10 25 0.0
faults in the Pliocene - present at 60 survey
points in the studies of Nguyen Van Hung,
2002; Nguyen Dinh Xuyen et al., 2004b;
Nguyen Ngoc Thuy et al., 2006; 2008 and Bui
Van Duan, 2012. The locations of survey
points are shown in Figure 2. With these sur-
vey points, the normals of fault planes in the
studied area corresponding to each slip sur-
face attitude have been calculated and pre-
sented in Table 1.
Figure 2. Locations and values of FMP of 60 geological survey points in Northwestern Vietnam
Table 1. Results of movement potentials of major faults in Northwestern Vietnam
Attitude of fault Normal line of fault plane
Fault Survey point Azimuth of
dip direction
Dip angle
Azimuth of
normal line
Dip angle
(o) FMP
TD-59 40 75 220 15 53 0.7
TD141 50 50 230 40 72 0.6
Phong Tho BL168 40 80 220 10 51 0.7
BL534 225 68 45 22 53 0.8
TU389 70 80 250 10 80 0.3
Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Anh Duong/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
ML-09 40 80 220 10 51 0.7
ML973 40 70 220 20 55 0.8
Muong La - Bac Yen - BC124 60 75 240 15 71 0.6
Cho Bo
Song Da
Son La
Song Ma
BY438b 10 60 190 30 42 0.4
PY450 54 63 234 27 69 0.7
KB786 30 60 210 30 53 0.7
SH265 70 80 250 10 80 0.3
QN10 60 70 240 20 72 0.6
MC719 40 80 220 10 51 0.7
QN999 34 79 214 11 46 0.5
QN1007 60 60 240 30 75 0.5
SL7-8 10 70 190 20 33 0.1
SL981 30 80 210 10 42 0.4
MS692 240 80 60 10 67 0.8
MOC703 55 80 235 10 65 0.8
NQ817 36 81 216 9 47 0.6
TL774 54 60 234 30 71 0.7
NQ825 50 60 230 30 67 0.8
TC669 40 70 220 20 55 0.8
TC1016 40 80 220 10 51 0.7
MS40 200 80 20 10 28 0.0
TH907 240 79 60 11 67 0.8
TH937 236 68 56 22 63 0.9
TH941 40 75 220 15 53 0.7
TG587 50 90 230 0 58 0.9
MOC88 20 80 200 10 33 0.1
HN279 55 70 235 20 68 0.7
MA333 50 70 230 20 64 0.9
SM35 70 60 250 30 84 0.2
SM989 60 72 240 18 72 0.6
TH864 201 78 21 12 29 0.0
TH854 200 80 20 10 28 0.0
TH922 63 63 243 27 77 0.4
HN63 40 80 220 10 51 0.7
TH882 72 72 252 18 83 0.2
TH880 72 77 252 13 82 0.3
Fu May Tun DB603 40 80 220 10 51 0.7SC22 30 80 210 10 42 0.4
Pt564 270 72 90 18 85 0.2
LC596 275 80 95 10 79 0.4
Lai Chau - Dien Bien LC1023 305 80 125 10 50 0.7LC199 290 90 110 0 62 0.9
LC1029 290 90 110 0 62 0.9
LC558-316 90 85 270 5 81 0.3
Upper Da River MT114 40 80 220 10 51 0.7LC022b 220 90 40 0 49 0.6
Muong Nhe TvLC64 240 80 60 10 67 0.8
Muong Toong TvLC65 240 80 60 10 67 0.8
NT31 215 80 35 10 42 0.4
Nghia Lo - Hoa Binh NT02 210 80 30 10 38 0.3
C78 240 80 60 10 67 0.8
Tuan Giao - Nam Ty DH-56 53 85 233 5 62 0.9
Dien Bien - Pac Nua TT-30 298 75 118 15 58 0.9
Quan Son HN56 35 70 215 20 51 0.7
(*) θ is the angle between the direction of maximum principal compressive stress axis (1) and the normal line of
fault plane
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 240-255
2.2.2. Maximum principal compressive stress
axis in Northwestern Vietnam
The compressive or tensile stress field is
generated by the movement of lithospheric
plates in the convergence or divergence
forms, respectively. This movement induces a
tectonic force field that propagates in the
plates and is called the regional tectonic stress
field. It does not remain in a certain form but
changes according to time, space and
magnitude (Andeweg et al., 1999). The
contemporary tectonic stresses in geological
structural units at varied locations are
different; however, they still carry the typical
morphology of regional tectonic stress field.
The local force fields cause the local stresses
which can alter the regional stress field. The
local stresses possibly result from the
movement of magma in active volcanic areas
(Roman and Heron, 2007), the topography
and density heterogeneities in the Earth’s
crust (Mandal et al., 1997), the incremental
stresses due to the reservoir loading (Bui Van
Duan et al., 2015).
The methods of conjugate joint set and
superposition of compressive-tensile regions
on the chart were used to determine the
direction of maximum compressive stress axis
(Nguyen Trong Yem, 1996). Angelier et al.
(1982) calculated the stress tensor by
minimizing the difference between horizontal
stress and slip vectors observed on the fault
surface based on the principle of Bott (1959).
Bott (1959) established a mathematical model
to clarify all types of faults on the assumption
that the movement direction on the fault
surface corresponded to the direction of
maximum horizontal stress on this fault.
McKenzie (1969) identified the relationship
between earthquake focal mechanism and
stress tensor, essentially the same as the
correlation of Bott (1959); however, this is an
important finding for determining the tectonic
stress field based on earthquake focal
mechanisms. Phan Trong Trinh (1993) used
the inverse problem solution based on a set of
striations on the fault planes and focal mecha-
mechanisms in a specific region to determine
the most appropriate stress tensor. This
method can also be used to separate the
different tectonic phases.
The tectonic stress field in Northwestern
Vietnam from the Pliocene to present has the
nearly horizontal compressive stress axis (1)
in the sub-longitudinal direction (Nguyen
Trong Yem, 1996; Tingay et al., 2010). The
results of the paleostress analysis in Ma River
area in Findlay and Phan Trong Trinh (1997)
also show that the axis 1 orientated from the
north-northwest to the northeast is dominant.
The stress perturbation often occurs around
the major faults in a seismic cycle and affects
the change in direction of higher-order fault
zones (Maerten et al., 2002). In the modern
stage, the data on earthquake focal
mechanisms (the large earthquakes on major
faults) is a reliable indicator for evaluating the
regional tectonic stress field. The earthquake
focal mechanisms are mainly regulated by the
tectonic stress field; in other words, the
tectonic stress field is reflected in the picture
of earthquake focal mechanisms (Phan Trong
Trinh, 1993). One of the simplest methods for
determining the values of stress axes of
contemporary tectonic stress field is based on
the results of earthquake focal mechanism
analysis (Sorbi et al., 2009; Moghimi et al.,
2015). According to earthquake focal
mechanisms in the studied area (Table 2), the
direction and dip angle of average attitude of
the axis 1 in Northwestern Vietnam are
calculated as 170.26.7° and 7.44.0°
respectively (Figure 3). This result is
consistent with the previous studies. Tingay et
al. (2010) evaluated the contemporary tectonic
stress field in Southeast Asia, in which the
direction of maximum horizontal stress axis
has a value of 173° in Khorat (Thailand) that
does not change significantly in Northwestern
Vietnam. Phan Trong Trinh (1994) applied a
Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Anh Duong/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
variety of methods to study the Cenozoic
stress field in Northwestern Vietnam and indi-
indicated that the second tectonic phase
related to the tectonic stress field has a north -
south compressive axis. This axis is consistent
with the emission of stress originating in the
eastern Himalayas, which is the result of the
collision between Indian and Eurasian plates.
Table 2. Focal mechanism solutions of Northwestern Vietnam
Date Location Ms P T RemarkLat.(o) Lon.(o) Trend(o) Plunge(o) Trend(o) Plunge(o)
01/11/1935 21.08 103.25 6.8 336 10 67 27
13/8/1958 20.02 105.57 5.2 170 5 265 32 Nguyen Van
24/6/1983 21.29 106.31 6.7 166 10 74 11 Luong, 1996
22/5/1989 20.8 105.28 4.9 175 15 279 8
06/10/1991 21.38 104.16 4.9 178 2 91 29 Le Tu Son, 2000
19/02/2001 21.32 102.87 5.3 352 3 88 69 Le Tu Son, 2004
26/11/2009 21.32 104.15 3.9 167 6 257 8 Ha Thi Giang,19/9/2010 20.22 104.94 4.2 351 7 259 19 201230/12/2010 20.83 103.49 4.8 177 9 270 13
Figure 3. Rose diagrams of P-axis directions (a) and T-axis directions (b) from 9 focal mechanisms
in Northwestern Vietnam
The stress on each fault or in each small
area is the result of effects of not only
regional factors but also local factors (if any).
The local stress can change in a short period
of time when the local forces affecting the
stress field change. Meanwhile, the regional
stress is stable in the long period of time and
has the continuous effect. Then, the fault state
(with or without the effect of local stress) that
is determined through geological surveys will
be affected by the regional stress field.
Therefore, the movement potential at
geological survey points along major faults is
calculated by using the axis 1 of the regional
tectonic stress field.
3. Results
3.1. The movement potential on the faults
The elastic rebound theory was formulated
by Reid (1910, 1911) to explain the
movement of ground around the San Andreas
fault that was caused by the San Francisco
earthquake with Mw = 7.8 in 1906 (Reid
1910, 1911). From the measurements, Reid
concluded that the earthquake must have been
the result of the elastic rebound of previously
accumulated elastic strain energy in the rocks
on either side of the fault under the effect of
the regional tectonic stress field. Thus, the
condition for earthquake occurrence is the
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 240-255
simultaneous appearance of two factors which
are the fault with movement potential and the
stress accumulation under the effect of the
regional tectonic stress field. The locations in
which the fault surface is extremely rough,
rugged, undulating (horizontally or vertically)
and the lithological environment is stable
(highly mechanical properties in the rocks,
low level of tectonic fracture) must be the
ideal conditions for the stress accumulation of
faults. In this case, it is assumed that the
geological environment is homogeneous and
isotropic, which means that the potential of
stress accumulation of all faults is the same.
Then, only the fault movement potential
should be considered. Under the effect of
regional tectonic stress field, which locations
on the faults have the high movement
potential or the low movement potential? In
order to answer this question, the formula (3)
is applied to evaluate the movement potential
on major faults in Northwestern Vietnam. The
results of FMP are presented in Table 1 and
Figure 2.
The calculated results of FMP at survey
points along major faults in the studied area
show that the movement potential of these
faults is mainly from medium to high (40/60
points with FMP = 0.6 - 0.9). In particular, the
faults in Dien Bien Phu area (Son La, Lai
Chau - Dien Bien, Bung Lao - Da Bop, Tuan
Giao - Nam Ty, Ma River, Muong Nhe,
Muong Toong and Dien Bien - Pac Nua
faults) have the highest movement potential
(FMP = 0.8 - 0.9). In addition, there are some
locations with FMP = 0 such as the segment
of Son La fault in Moc Chau, Yen Chau, the
segment of Ma River fault in Lang Chanh and
Than Uyen fault in Than Uyen. By using the
geostatistical method of Kriging regression, the
FMP values distributed over the studied area
are expressed as the color spectrum (Figure 4).
3.2. The relationship between movement
potential and seismic activities of the faults
When evaluating the movement potential
of major faults in Hong Kong - China, Lee et
al. (1997) suggested that the faults with high
movement potential have been likely to
generate large earthquakes and strong seismic
activities. Thus, the seismic activities have a
close relationship with the movement
potential of faults. To examine this
relationship in Northwestern Vietnam, a
catalog of earthquakes in the period of 1277 -
2016 has been established, including 177
earthquakes with M = 4.0-6.8 (Appendix).
The epicenter locations of these earthquakes
have been represented on the color spectrum
map of calculated results of FMP in the
studied area (Figures 5a, b).
The results in Figures 5a, b show that at
the locations with high movement potential of
faults, the earthquakes occur frequently and
strongly (M = 5.0 - 6.8). Particularly, on the
segment of Son La fault zone in Tuan Giao,
Tua Chua, the movement potential has the
highest value (FMP = 0.9), corresponding to
the occurrence of Tuan Giao earthquake with
M = 6.8 in 1983. Similarly, in Bung Lao - Da
Bop and Tuan Giao - Nam Ty fault zones,
intersections with Son La fault zone and
Muong Ang area, the seismic activities occur
frequently. On Lai Chau - Dien Bien fault
zone, the earthquakes are mainly concentrated
from the southwest of Dien Bien Phu city to
the border with Laos and at the intersections
with Son La and Upper Da River fault zones.
The segment of Muong La - Bac Yen - Cho
Bo fault zone in Muong La and Hoa Binh city
has the relatively high movement potential
(FMP = 0.7) which is completely consistent
with recent seismic activities such as the Ta
Khoa earthquake with M = 4.9 in 1991 and
the induced earthquake related to the
water accumulation-discharge of Hoa Binh
hydropower reservoir with M = 4.9 in 1989.
On the contrary, there are weak earthquakes
or even no earthquakes at the locations with
low movement potential of faults (FMP < 0.3)
such as Than Uyen area on Than Uyen fault,
Nghia Lo area on Nghia Lo - Hoa Binh fault,
the areas near the border with Laos on Ma
Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Anh Duong/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
River and Son La faults and near the sea on
the segment of Ma River fault (Figure 5a).
Although the number of survey points in
this study is not large (60 survey points) and
their spatial distribution is uneven, the
calculated results of FMP demonstrate that the
fault movement potential is closely related to
the seismic activities in the studied area.
Figure 4. Map of fault movement potential in Northwestern Vietnam
4. Discussion
In Figure 5b, along Lai Chau - Dien Bien
fault zone and some areas, the direction of
fault is almost unchanged; however, FMP is
very high at some locations (the area
between Muong Lay and Muong Cha) and
very low at other locations (Sin Ho area or
the south of Muong Cha). It is because FMP
depends not only on the direction of fault but
also on its slip surface attitude. Therefore,
even if the fault segments have the same
direction but different slip surface attitudes,
the FMP values will be different. In addition,
on the small-scale map (Figure 5a), it can be
seen that the fault extends and its direction is
almost unchanged. Nevertheless, at the
survey points on various fault segments, the
directions of these segments are actually
different. It indicates that the calculated
result of FMP is the useful information
for fault segmentation in the stage of
contemporary tectonic activity.
On the color spectrum map of FMP and
earthquake epicenters in Figures 5a, b, the
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 240-255
difference between the fault movement poten-
potential and seismic activities can be seen at
some locations. It may be due to the effects of
the following factors:
- There is a lack of survey points and they
are unevenly distributed on the faults. This
leads to errors in the data interpolation when
representing the FMP distribution by color
spectrum. In particular, there is no survey point
on Fu May Tun fault near the Dien Bien
earthquake in 1935 (M = 6.7); however, the
interpolation value shows that the movement
potential of this fault zone is approximately
0.6. The FMP value is quite small compared to
the magnitude of this earthquake. In the east of
Hoa Binh city, the FMP value is relatively high
according to the result of data interpolation that
is affected by the high values of FMP at survey
points in Nghia Lo - Hoa Binh fault zone, Da
River fault and Son La fault (Figure 2).
Figure 5. (a) Relationship between the movement potential of faults and the seismic activity in Northwestern
Vietnam. Small rectangle bordering the Dien Bien Phu and Tuan Giao areas is depicted in Figure 5b; (b) Detail map
of the movement potential of faults and the seismic activity in Dien Bien Phu and Tuan Giao areas
- The period of time in the catalog of
earthquakes is not long enough; in addition,
not all the earthquakes have been observed by
instruments, several felt earthquakes have
been recorded in the historical document
and surveyed in public. Therefore, the
determination of epicenter locations of these
earthquakes is not highly accurate.
Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Anh Duong/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 5b. Detail map of the movement potential of faults and the seismic activity in Dien Bien Phu and Tuan Giao areas
Despite these limitations, the calculated
results of FMP in this study provide
the information on the morphological
characteristics of faults, the direction of
contemporary compressive stress field and the
medium (homogeneous, isotropic, elastic)
inside and on the faults. The movement
potential on various fault segments is
different. This feature is due to the
morphology of faults and the regional tectonic
stress field. With the complete survey dataset
on slip surface attitude of faults, the
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(3), 240-255
determination of FMP is significant for as-
assessing the level of seismic activities on
each part of the faults, serving the fault
segmentation, establishment of seismogenic
regions in the studied area, maximum
earthquake prediction and seismic hazard
5. Conclusions
In Northwestern Vietnam, the movement
potential of major fault zones such as Son La,
Ma River, Lai Chau - Dien Bien, Da River
faults is assessed to be closely related to the
seismic activities. The calculated results of
FMP at 60 survey points along major faults in
Northwestern Vietnam show that the fault
movement potential is mainly from medium to
high (40/60 points with FMP = 0.6 - 0.9). At
the locations with high movement potential of
faults (FMP = 0.8 - 0.9, corresponding to the
movement potential of 80-90%), the seismic
activities occur frequently, e.g. Kim Tan
(Thanh Hoa), Tuan Giao (Dien Bien), Muong
Ang (Dien Bien), Tua Chua (Dien Bien),
Muong Nhe (Dien Bien) and the southwest of
Dien Bien Phu city. At the locations with low
movement potential of faults, weak earthquake
or even no earthquake occur, e.g. Than Uyen
(Lai Chau), Nghia Lo (Yen Bai), Mu Cang
Chai (Yen Bai), Moc Chau (Son La), Yen
Chau (Son La), Lang Chanh (Thanh Hoa).
We appreciate constructive criticism from
two anonymous reviewers. This study has
been financially supported by Vietnam
Academy of Science and Technology under
the research grant VAST.DLT 10/15-16.
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