The satisfaction of domestic tourists for cultural tourism in Bac Lieu province

- Conduct development research of typical souvenir products of the province and register the product copyright. - Review, promote investment in construction and upgrade routes connecting cultural tourism destinations to meet the travel needs of visitors by many types of transport vehicles with different loads. - Invest in propaganda and education of people and tourists in preserving environmental sanitation; strengthening the arrangement of garbage storage equipment and garbage collection and treatment at cultural tourism destinations. - Inventory and invest in the construction of car parks and toilets up to the standards of tourism activities that meet the needs of tourists. - Calling for investment in the field of tourism shopping and entertainment to extend the stay of tourists and create jobs, increase income for the people. - Strengthen tourism management to ensure order and security for tourists and improve the quality of destination image.

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AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol. 7 (2), 1 – 11 1 THE SATISFACTION OF DOMESTIC TOURISTS FOR CULTURAL TOURISM IN BAC LIEU PROVINCE Nguyen Trong Nhan1, Phan Viet Dua2 1Can Tho University 2Bac Lieu University Information: Received: 16/07/2019 Accepted:17/10/2019 Published: 11/2019 Keywords: Cultural tourism, tourist satisfaction, Bac Lieu province. ABSTRACT Tourist satisfaction is a vital measure for the successful development of tourist destinations in general and types of tourism in particular. This study was done to: (1) Determine factors affecting tourist satisfaction with cutural tourism in Bac Lieu province; (2) Consider the influence of these factors on cultural tourism in Bac Lieu province; (3) Recommend policy implications to enhance tourist satisfaction for cultural tourism in Bac Lieu province. The research results point out that 7 factors that influence tourist satisfaction in descending order are “cultural tourism resources”, “on-site tour guides”, “tourist facilities”, “infrastructure”, “tourist service prices”, “additional services”, “order and security”. Tourists are satisfied with the cultural tourism in Bac Lieu province. 1. INTRODUCTION Tourism is considered an important economic sector of most countries in general and localities in particular. The development of tourism will contribute to creating jobs; exporting goods on the spot, promoting development of production; obtaining foreign currencies, balancing the national balance of payments; promoting sustainable local development; etc. Considering the resources exploited for tourists, tourism is constituted by ecotourism and cultural tourism. Both of these two types of tourism have high growth rates and are considered the spearhead of many countries and localities. However, for Bac Lieu, ecotourism is not the province's major pull-factor advantage because the natural landscape has been greatly altered and biodiversity has also been seriously reduced due to population growth, development of economic sectors and infrastructure, etc. Instead, Bac Lieu is created by people with a variety of tangible and intangible cultural aspects. It is important for Bac Lieu to exploit and develop tourism based on its available cultural capital. However, in order to develop tourism in general and cultural tourism in particular, it is not enough to rely only on what the locality offers but to pay attention to what the market needs. One of the important measures of the market is visitor satisfaction. Many studies in the world and in Vietnam show that visitor satisfaction is important in the development of national and local tourism because it affects the loyalty of visitors and enhances the image of tourist destination, reduces the cost of promotion, etc. However, there has not AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol. 7 (2), 1 – 11 2 been any research on assessing the satisfaction of tourists for cultural tourism in Bac Lieu province as a basis for development decisions. The main purpose of this study is to: (1) Identify factors affecting visitor satisfaction with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu province; (2) Consider the influence of these factors on cultural tourism in Bac Lieu province; (3) Provide policy implications to improve visitor satisfaction for cultural tourism in Bac Lieu province. The results of the study are important for Bac Lieu as well as localities with cultural strengths in implementing solutions to promote the development of cultural tourism. 2. RESEARCH METHODS 2.1 Theoretical basis and research model To date, many concepts of cultural tourism have been introduced and there conceptual content is constantly evolving, Smith (2009) argued that cultural tourism is the visitor's interaction with the culture and the community in an active or passive way, so that they gain new experiences in education, creativity or/and entertainment. According to the Vietnam Tourism Law (2017), cultural tourism is a type of tourism developed on the basis of exploiting cultural values, contributing to the conservation and promotion of traditional cultural values and honoring humanity's new cultural values. Tribe and Snaith (1998) suggested that “tourism satisfaction or satisfaction is the extent to which visitors' evaluation of destination attributes exceeds their expectations for those attributes”. Kozak (2001; cited by Chen et al., 2012) inventoryed 4 theoretical models of visitor satisfaction: expectation - performance model, importance - performance model, expectancy - disconfirmation model and performance - only model. Among the above models, the final model has the most advantages because: (1) The satisfaction of visitors depends on what they feel in reality (Churchill & Suprenant, 1982; Tse & Wilton, 1988; cited by Chen et al., 2012), (2) There is no expectation because this concept is quite vague for respondents, (3) The questionnaire is short and captivating. (4) For better results because visitors do not exaggerate their expectations for the aspects of the destination (Dao Xuan Khuong, 2017). Based on an overview of many domestic studies (Luu Thanh Duc Hai & Nguyen Hong Giang, 2011; Dinh Cong Thanh et al., 2011; Nguyen Trong Nhan, 2013; Phan Thi Dang, 2015; Hoang Trong Tuan, 2015) and in foreign countries (Parasuraman et al., 1988; Tribe & Snaith, 1998), the assumption model of factors affecting tourist satisfaction with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu includes 6 scales and 32 observed variables as follows: AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol. 7 (2), 1 – 11 3 Figure 1. Research model Source: Research team, 2018 2.2 Research Methods 2.2.1 Method of collecting and processing secondary data Secondary data is collected from textbooks and scientific journals. From the collected data, we analyzed and synthesized to inherit valuable and reliable information for the research model development, interpret primary data and comment on research results. 2.2.2 Method of collecting and processing primary data Primary data was collected through direct visitor interviews with questionnaires. The questionnaire is designed with 2 parts: part 1 includes questions related to tourism activities and visitor evaluation; part 2 is a set of questions aimed at gathering respondents' personal information. For the questions in part 1, we used the nominal, ordinal and interval scale; the questions in part 2 are measured by the nominal and ordinal scale. To measure visitor satisfaction with independent aspects of cultural tourism (cultural tourism resources, infrastructure, tourist facilities, on-site tour guides, order and security, tourist service prices), general satisfaction of travelers for the trip, interval scale used (1 = completely dissatisfied, 2 = unsatisfied, 3 = neither dissatisfied nor dissatisfied, 4 = satisfied, 5 = very satisfied). According to Saunders et al. (2010), the 4, 5, 6 and 7-point Likert scale commonly used for degree questions to capture more subtle opinions. To develop the questionnaire content, we used related measurement questions because this is the most effective way to develop the questionnaire (Le Cong Hoa, Nguyen Thanh Hieu et al., 2011). However, we added and adjusted a number of questions to suit the research purpose. Le Cong Hoa, Nguyen Thanh Hieu et al. (2011) suggested that reuse of other research questions also has certain problems: it is difficult to determine the value and reliability of those questions because they are used to investigate other situations; moreover, in new situations, new problems sometimes arise, so some questions should be left out and others to be added to suit the new research objectives. There are many different recommendations for sample size selection for quantitative research in Cultural tourism resources (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6) Infrastructure (X7, X8, X9, X10, X11, X12) Tourist facilities (X13, X14, X15, X16, X17, X18) On-site tour guides (X19, X20, X21, X22, X23) Order and security (X24, X25, X26, X27, X28) Tourist service prices (X29, X30, X31, X32) Tourist satisfaction H1 (+) H2 (+) H3 (+) H4 (+) H5 (+) H6 (+) P er ce p ti o n o f to u ri st s AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol. 7 (2), 1 – 11 4 the formulation as well as empirical. Empirically, Hoyle (1995; cited by Li & Uysal, in Sirakaya- Turk et al., 2011) suggested that the sample size for a study should be at least 100 to 200. We interviewed 200 domestic tourists who were traveling in Bac Lieu using a convenient sampling technique. Sampling time is from May to June 2017. The sample was interviewed at Bac Lieu Prince’s ancient house, memorial area of traditional folk music of the South and late musician Cao Van Lau, Quan Wu ancient temple, Hung Vuong square, Tac Say church with the number of 40 each, respectively. Data collected by questionnaires were processed and analyzed on SPSS 16.0 software. With this software, the methods used in data analysis include: (1) Descriptive statistics are used to represent data as mean. For the mean, level 1 from 1.0 to 1.80 (completely disatisfied), level 2 from 1.81 to 2.60 (disatisfied), level 3 from 2.61 to 3.40 (neither dissatisfied nor dissatisfied), level 4 from 3.41 to 4.20 (satisfied), level 5 from 4.21 to 5.0 (very satisfied). (2) Assessing the reliability of the scale to make sure the measurement scales and variables are sufficiently reliable. As for the reliability of the scale, Dinh Phi Ho (2012) suggested that Cronbach's α coefficient for the overall of 0.6 or higher is a good measurement scale. For measurement variables to ensure reliability when there is corrected item-total correlation ≥ 0.3 (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994; cited by Nguyen Dinh Tho, 2011). (3) Exploratory factor analysis to shorten a set of many mutually dependent observation variables into less sets of item (called factors) so that they are more meaningful but still contain most information contents of the original set of variables (Le Van Huy & Truong Tran Tram Anh, 2012). To analyze the exploratory factor, the data needs to satisfy the following conditions: 0.5 ≤ KMO ≤ 1 (Le Van Huy & Truong Tran Tram Anh, 2012); Bartlett test has Sig. value. ≤ 0.05 (Hoang Trong & Chu Nguyen Mong Ngoc, 2008); The total variance explained is greater than 50% (Le Van Huy & Truong Tran Tram Anh, 2012). Measurement variables meet the criteria for each factor when the factor loading is ≥ 0.4 because the sample is 200 (Hair et al., 2009; cited by Le Van Huy & Truong Tran Tram Anh, 2012). (4) Multivariate linear regression analysis to determine which factors influence the dependent scale (dimension and degree). To assess the suitability of the model, most researchers use the adjusted R square (R2adj), the F test in the ANOVA table, the variance inflation factor (VIF), and the t-test in the coefficients table. The appropriate regression model if the test results: R2adj > 0.05 (Saunders et al., 2010), the significance level (Sig.) of the F test and the t-test ≤ 0.05 (Saunders et al., 2010), VIF < 10 (Dinh Phi Ho, 2012). The multivariate linear regression equation has the form: Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + ... + bnXn. In which, Y: score of dependent variable, a: intersection point, b: slope, X: score of independent variable (Le Minh Tien, 2003). 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Factors affecting tourist satisfaction with Bac Lieu cultural tourism The assumtion model of factors affecting tourist satisfaction with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu includes 6 independent scales and 32 observed variables. In addition to 6 independent scales, the model also has a dependent variable. To eliminate garbage variables from the model, the scale reliability assessment method was used. The results of assessing the reliability of 6 independent scales with the α coefficient of Cronbach from 0.76 to 0.90, the corrected item-total correlation of 32 variables from 0.41 to 0.78, can confirm good measurement scales and reliability assurance variables. AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol. 7 (2), 1 – 11 5 Table 1. Reliability of scales and observed variables Scale Featured variables Cronbach’ α Corrected item- total correlation Cultural tourism resources X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 0.80 0.51 → 0.64 infrastructure X7, X8, X9, X10, X11, X12 0.85 0.58 → 0.68 Tourist facilities X13, X14, X15, X16, X17, X18 0.76 0.41 → 0.57 On-site tour guides X19, X20, X21, X22, X23 0.90 0.71 → 0.78 Order and security X24, X25, X26, X27, X28 0.83 0.53 → 0.74 Tourist service prices X29, X30, X31, X32 0.84 0.63 → 0.72 Source: Tourist interview results of the study team, 2017 The data satisfies the three conditions of exploratory factor analysis: KMO = 0.87, Sig. value of Bartlett's test = 0.000, total variance explained = 66%. The main component analysis method is used in factor analysis for the purpose of reducing data (Le Van Huy & Truong Tran Tram Anh, 2012). The determination of the number of extracting factors with eigenvalue is greater than 1 because according to Le Van Huy & Truong Tran Tram Anh (2012), only factors with own value equal to or greater than 1 are considered meaningful. For factor rotation, we use varimax rotation or perpendicular rotation to minimize the number of variables with large coefficients at the same factor, making it easier to explain the observed variables closely related to a factor, moreover, it is also the most widely used rotation to indicate the clearest division of factors ( Le Van Huy & Truong Tran Tram Anh, 2012). The observed variables in each factor are retained when the factor loading is ≥ 0.4 because the sample size is 200 (Hair et al., 2009; cited by Le Van Huy & Truong Tran Tram Anh, 2012). Based on the rotated component matrix allow us to conclude, there are 7 factors affecting tourist satisfaction with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu. In principle, variables with the largest factor loading in rows and greater than or equal to 0.4 by columns will fall into that factor. However, the data analysis results show that the variables in each factor have factor loading from 0.48 to 0.86. Factor 1 (F1) may be named "on-site tour guides". This factor includes variables: attractiveness for presentation content of on-site tour guides (X19), presentation skills of on-site tour guides (X20), professional knowledge of on-site tour guides (X21), friendliness, courtesy and enthusiasm of on-site tour guides (X22), communication skills and conduct of on-site tour guides (X23). Factor 2 (F2) may be named "order and security". This factor includes variables: theft (X24), inviting tourist with insistence (X25), begging (X26), price challenge (X27), environmental pollution (X28). Factor 3 (F3) may be named "infrastructure". This factor includes variables such as the spaciousness of the road to the destination (X7), the quality of road surface to the destination (X8), the spaciousness of the parking lot at the destination (X9), the cleanliness of the parking lot at the destination (X10), the adequacy level of toilet at the destination (X11), the level of cleanliness of the toilet at the destination (X12). AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol. 7 (2), 1 – 11 6 Factor 4 (F4) may be named "cultural tourism resource". This factor includes variables: the uniqueness and attractiveness of historical, cultural relics and related values (X1), the attractiveness of festivals (X2), the attractiveness of dishes (X3 ), the characteristics of souvenirs (X4), the conservation of cultural tourism resources (X5), the favorable level of geographical location of cultural tourism sites (X6). Factor 5 (F5) may be named "tourist service prices". This factor includes variables such as the reasonableness of the entrance ticket price (X29), the reasonableness of the souvenir price (X30), the reasonableness of the accommodation price (X31), the reasonableness of the dining price (X32). Factor 6 (F6) may be named "tourist facilities". This factor includes variables: the comfort of the dining facility (X13), the cleanliness of the dining facility (X14), the comfort of the accommodation (X15), the cleanliness of the accommodation (X16). Factor 7 (F7) may be named "additional service". This factor includes variables: the abundance of souvenir shops (X17) and entertainment facilities (X18). Through methods of assessing the reliability of scale and exploratory factor analysis, we found 7 scales representing factors affecting tourist satisfaction with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu with 32 observed variables. To determine the intensity of the influence of each factor on tourist satisfaction with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu province, the method of multivariate linear regression analysis was used. The data test results show that R2adj in the model summary table = 0.47; Sig. value of test F in table ANOVA = 0,000; variance inflation factor (VIF) of factors in table coefficients = 1, which allows us to confirm the appropriate data for multivariate linear regression analysis. The research results point out that 7 factors that influence tourist satisfaction with Bac Lieu province cultural tourism in descending order are “cultural tourism resources”, “on-site tour guides”, “tourist facilities”, “infrastructure”, “tourist service prices”, “additional services”, “order and security” (Table 2). Multivariate linear regression equation: Y = 3,785 + 0,264 F4 + 0.174 F1 + 0.174 F6 + 0.146 F3 + 0.158 F5 + 0.173 F7 + 0.132 F2 Factor 4 (F4) has a coefficient of 0.264 and is positively related to visitor satisfaction. When visitors evaluate the factor "cultural tourism resources" by 1 point, the satisfaction of visitors in the study area increased by 0.264 points, corresponding to the non-standardized correlation coefficient of 0.261. Factor 1 (F1) has a coefficient of 0.174 and is positively related to visitor satisfaction. When visitors evaluate the factor "on-site tour guides" by 1 point, the satisfaction of visitors in the study area increased by 0.174 points, corresponding to the non-standardized correlation coefficient of 0.174. Factor 6 (F6) has a coefficient of 0.174 and is positively related to visitor satisfaction. When visitors evaluate the factor "tourist facilities" by 1 point, the satisfaction of visitors in the study area increased by 0.174 points, corresponding to the non-standardized correlation coefficient of 0.174. Factor 3 (F3) has a coefficient of 0.146 and is positively related to visitor satisfaction. When visitors evaluate the factor "infrastructure" by 1 point, the satisfaction of visitors in the study area increased by 0.146 points, corresponding to the non-standardized correlation coefficient of 0.146. Factor 5 (F5) has a coefficient of 0.138 and is positively related to visitor satisfaction. When visitors evaluate the factor "tourist service price" increased by 1 point, the satisfaction of visitors in the study area increased by 0.174 points, corresponding to the non-standardized correlation coefficient of 0.1138. AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol. 7 (2), 1 – 11 7 Factor 7 (F7) has a coefficient of 0.137 and is positively related to visitor satisfaction. When visitors evaluate the factor "additional services" by 1 point, the satisfaction of visitors in the study area increased by 0.137 points, corresponding to the non-standardized correlation coefficient of 0.137. Factor 2 (F2) has a coefficient of 0.132 and is positively related to visitor satisfaction. When visitors evaluate the factor "order and security" by 1 point, the satisfaction of visitors in the study area increased by 0.132 points, corresponding to the non-standardized correlation coefficient of 0.132. Table 2. Coefficients (n = 200) Model Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients t Sig. VIF B Std.Error Beta 1 Constant 3.785 Factor 1 0.174 0.033 0.268 5.200 0.000 1 Factor 2 0.132 0.033 0.204 3.958 0.000 1 Factor 3 0.146 0.033 0.224 4.356 0.000 1 Factor 4 0.264 0.033 0.407 7.901 0.000 1 Factor 5 0.138 0.033 0.213 4.126 0.000 1 Factor 6 0.174 0.033 0.267 5.192 0.000 1 Factor 7 0.137 0.033 0.212 4.106 0.000 1 Source: Tourist interview results of the study team, 2017 The total standardized coefficient for factors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is 1,795 (Table 2). Therefore, factor 4 contributes 22.6%, factor 1 contributes 14.9%, factor 6 contributes 14.9%, factor 3 contributes 12.5%, factor 5 contributes 11. 9%, factor 7 contributes 11.8%, factor 2 contributes 11.4% to visitor satisfaction. This means that "cultural tourism resources" plays the most important role for visitor satisfaction. The importance of other factors in descending order is "on-site tour guides", "tourist facilities", "infrastructure", "tourist service prices", "additional services ","order and security". 3.2 The level of tourist satisfaction with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu Through the perception of tourists, 7 factors affecting their satisfaction with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu are cultural tourism resources, on-site tour guides, tourist facilities, infrastructure, tourist service prices, additional services, order and security. According to the visitors' feedback, they feel satisfied with cultural tourism resources (M = 3.54), on-site tour guides (M = 3.91), tourist facilities (M = 3.63), tourist service prices (M = 3.63), meanwhile, the aspect of infrastructure (M = 3.26), additional services (M = 3.28), order and security (M = 2.99) is only evaluated by tourists as neither dissatisfied nor dissatisfied. In general, visitors feel satisfied with Bac Lieu cultural tourism (M = 3.46). Regarding cultural tourism resources, visitors feel satisfied with the uniqueness and attractiveness of historical, cultural relics and related values; the AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol. 7 (2), 1 – 11 8 attractiveness of festivals; the attractiveness of dishes; the conservation of cultural tourism resources; the favorable level of geographical location of cultural tourism sites. Particularly for the typical level of souvenirs, visitors just feel neither dissatisfied nor dissatisfied. The on-site tour guide is highly evaluated by visitors and this is reflected in the visitor's satisfaction with all the properties such as attractiveness for presentation content, presentation skills, professional knowledge, friendliness, courtesy and enthusiasm, communication skills and conduct. In terms of tourist facilities, visitors feel satisfied with the comfort and cleanliness of the dining facility, the comfort and cleanliness of the accommodation. Aspects of the entrance ticket price, the souvenir price, the accommodation price and the dining price are evaluated by visitors as satisfied. In terms of infrastructure, visitors only feel satisfied with the spaciousness of the road to the destination; the remaining aspects such as the quality of road surface to the destination, the spaciousness and cleanliness of the parking lot at the destination, the adequacy and cleanliness level of toilet at the destination are evaluated by visitors as either dissatisfied or satisfied. For additional services, the abundance of souvenir shops and entertainment facilities is evaluated only by tourists as either dissatisfied or satisfied. Tourists underestimate the security and order in the cultural tourism of Bac Lieu province and this is shown by the attributes are either dissatisfied or satisfied for visitors. For instance, theft, badgering tourists, begging, price challenges and environmental pollution. 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1. Conclusions (1) Factors affecting tourist satisfaction with Bac Lieu province cultural tourism in descending order are cultural tourism resources, on-site tour guides, tourist facilities, infrastructure, tourist service prices, additional services, order and security. On the influence of cultural tourism resources. Culture has the ability to attract visitors by its tangible and intangible elements. These elements play the most important role in the tourism system because they attract tourists. Therefore, the attraction of how the destination completely depends on the diversity and uniqueness of cultural elements. Tribe and Snaith (1998), Smith (2009) said that many tourists enjoy the culture of other peoples in the world and the culture has a great influence on the satisfaction of visitors. Research by Dinh Cong Thanh et al. (2011) also show that cultural tourism resources influence visitor satisfaction. On the influence of on-site tour guides. On-site tour guides are an important part of the cultural tourism value chain because they regularly contact and support visitors in the process of organizing tourism activities. Not only provide information about the trip, the tour guide team is also a solid prop on the process of travelling, visiting, dining and shopping of visitors. Therefore, how the quality of tourism products and the image of the business in the destination depend a lot on the labor capacity of the tour guides. Research results of Luu Thanh Duc Hai and Nguyen Hong Giang (2011), Dinh Cong Thanh et al. (2011), Nguyen Trong Nhan (2013), Phan Thi Dang (2015), Hoang Trong Tuan (2015) show that tour guides are one of the factors affecting visitor satisfaction. On the influence of tourist facilities. Tourist facilities are a part of tourism products in general, cultural tourism products in particular so the enjoyment of tourism resources, comfort level, experiences and impressions of visitors for the trip largely depend on the quantity and quality of tourist facilities. Tribe and Snaith (1998) argued that tourist facilities are indispensable in the AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol. 7 (2), 1 – 11 9 model of visitor satisfaction and a factor affecting visitor satisfaction. This result is also consistent with the research of Luu Thanh Duc Hai and Nguyen Hong Giang (2011), Dinh Cong Thanh et al. (2011), Nguyen Trong Nhan (2013), Phan Thi Dang (2015), Hoang Trong Tuan (2015). On the influence of infrastructure. For tourism in general and cultural tourism in particular, infrastructure plays a very important role. Firstly, it is the foundation to support activities of tourism potential exploitation. Second, the level of visitor satisfaction with the trip is related to the infrastructure. Therefore, infrastructure is considered as an important factor for the success of the tourism industry. Research by Luu Thanh Duc Hai and Nguyen Hong Giang (2011), Dinh Cong Thanh et al. (2011), Nguyen Trong Nhan (2013), Phan Thi Dang (2015), Hoang Trong Tuan (2015) show that infrastructure has an impact on tourist satisfaction with tourism destinations. On the effect of tourist service prices. One of the factors that strongly influence visitor satisfaction is the price of the service. Therefore, the higher the price of the service, the lower the satisfaction of visitors to the destination because they have a reverse relationship. If all other factors are equal between destinations, where there is a reasonable service price there will be a higher level of visitor satisfaction. Research by Nguyen Trong Nhan (2013), Phan Thi Dang (2015) also show similar results. On the influence of additional services. Additional services are a type of service that play an important role in the tourism industry because it contributes to the diversification of tourism products, enhances the attractiveness of the destination and especially for visitors to have something to do when doing nothing. Tribe and Snaith (1998) argued that entertainment services affect visitor satisfaction. On the influence of order and security. Not inviting tourist with insistence, begging, price challenge, pollution and theft in the destination are important factors for tourism development. Often, visitors tend to places where order and safety are guaranteed, while avoiding places that are likely to cause them nuisance and damage. Disordering and safety does not guarantee not only worsening the image of the destination, but also reducing the number of next-time visitors and potential tourism demand. Therefore, ensuring the order and safety of tourists will make tourism activities convenient because the destination does not have to pay much attention to solving obstacles and visitors also feel satisfied about the trip. Research by Dinh Cong Thanh et al. (2011), Nguyen Trong Nhan (2013), Phan Thi Dang (2015), Hoang Trong Tuan (2015) show that security and order affect visitors' satisfaction. (2) Tourists feel satisfied with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu but not at a high level because in addition to the aspects that tourists feel satisfied (cultural tourism resources, on-site tour guides, tourist facilities, prices of tourism services) still have aspects that tourists are not satisfied with (infrastructure, additional services, security and order). (3) The aspect of tourists not satisfied with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu is the typical level of souvenirs; the quality of the road surface, the level of spaciousness and cleanliness of the parking lots at the places to visit, the adequacy and cleanliness of the toilets; the abundance of souvenir shops and entertainment spots; the management of theft, pressing tourists, begging, challenges and environmental pollution. 4.2. Policy implications There are many factors that affect visitor satisfaction with cultural tourism in Bac Lieu. However, it is not possible to focus all resources on solving problems at once, so finding new bottlenecks to ensure feasibility. To improve visitor satisfaction, the locality can focus on the following policies: AGU International Journal of Sciences – 2019, Vol. 7 (2), 1 – 11 10 - Conduct development research of typical souvenir products of the province and register the product copyright. - Review, promote investment in construction and upgrade routes connecting cultural tourism destinations to meet the travel needs of visitors by many types of transport vehicles with different loads. - Invest in propaganda and education of people and tourists in preserving environmental sanitation; strengthening the arrangement of garbage storage equipment and garbage collection and treatment at cultural tourism destinations. - Inventory and invest in the construction of car parks and toilets up to the standards of tourism activities that meet the needs of tourists. - Calling for investment in the field of tourism shopping and entertainment to extend the stay of tourists and create jobs, increase income for the people. - Strengthen tourism management to ensure order and security for tourists and improve the quality of destination image. 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