Truy xuất nguồn gốc không chỉ đáp ứng nhu cầu xã hội về minh bạch thông tin sản phẩm và củng
cố niềm tin của người tiêu dùng, mà còn đáp ứng nhu cầu của các doanh nghiệp để bảo vệ thương
hiệu và tăng cường cạnh tranh trên thị trường. Một hệ thống truy xuất nguồn gốc thu thập mọi
thông tin cần thiết ở mọi giai đoạn trong chuỗi cung ứng, nên nó cũng là một công cụ hiệu quả
để theo dõi và tối ưu hóa quy trình sản xuất. Áp dụng công nghệ thông tin để số hóa quy trình
nghiệp vụ là xu hướng tất yếu để nâng cao hiệu quả trong quản lý thông tin và đặc biệt là nhanh
chóng phát hiện các vấn đề gian lận. Tuy nhiên, với quy trình số hóa bởi một hệ thống phần mềm
máy tính, thách thức vẫn là liệu dữ liệu số hóa có thật hay không. Thực tế cho thấy việc thay đổi
dữ liệu kỹ thuật số dễ dàng hơn dữ liệu trên giấy. Do đó, cần có một quy trình số hóa và cơ chế
bảo mật nhằm đảm bảo tính minh bạch, chính xác và đồng nhất của dữ liệu để từ đó phát hiện
và theo dõi sự cố hiệu quả hơn. Blockchain là một công nghệ mới nổi đã thu hút nhiều sự chú ý
sau thành công rất lớn trong lĩnh vực tài chính bởi các tính năng vượt trội trong việc ngăn chặn
thay đổi dữ liệu kể cả từ phía bên trong hệ thống. Về mặt kỹ thuật, Blockchain là một sổ cái ghi lại
toàn bộ lịch sử giao dịch trên một mạng máy tính ngang hàng theo thời gian. Một sổ cái chung
sẽ được chia sẻ giữa tất cả các đối tương trong một hệ sinh thái để đảm bảo tính bất biến của dữ
liệu và chống chối bỏ trách nhiệm, từ đó tăng cường tính minh bạch của dữ liệu. Do đó, áp dụng
công nghệ Blockchain sẽ cải thiện quy trình truy xuất nguồn gốc hiện tại trong nông nghiệp bằng
cách tăng trách nhiệm của các đối tượng trong quy trình và minh bạch thông tin cho người tiêu
dùng. Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi sẽ đề xuất một khung sườn ứng dụng công nghệ Blockchain
để tăng cường cho các hệ thống truy xuất nguồn gốc. Ngoài ra, khung đề xuất của chúng tôi đáp
ứng tiêu chuẩn truy xuất nguồn gốc GS1 để đạt được độ tin cậy và khả năng tương thích cao với
các hệ thống truy xuất nguồn gốc trên phạm vi toàn cầu.
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Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 3(S1):SI10-SI16
Open Access Full Text Article Research Article
1Ho Chi Minh City University of
Technology, Vietnam
2Vietnam National University Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam
Hoang-Anh Pham, Ho Chi Minh City
University of Technology, Vietnam
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam
Email: anhpham@hcmut.edu.vn
Received: 27-7-2019
Accepted: 23-8-2019
Published: 17-10-2020
DOI :10.32508/stdjet.v3iSI1.514
© VNU-HCM Press. This is an open-
access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International license.
Towards a blockchain-based framework for traceability in
compliance with GS1
Hoai-NamNguyen1,2, Minh-Thinh Le1,2, Duc-Hiep Nguyen1,2, Thanh-Van Le1,2, Huynh-Tuong Nguyen1,2,
Hoang-Anh Pham1,2,*
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QR code and download this article
Traceability not onlymeets the social needs of product information transparency and reinforces the
trust of consumers, but also meets the needs of enterprises for brand protection and enhances the
competition in markets. Since a traceability system collects every necessary information at every
stage in a supply chain, it is also an efficient tool for monitoring and optimizing the production
procedure. Adopting information technology to digitalize the business process is an inevitable
trend to improve the efficiency in information management and especially quickly detect fraud
problems. However, with the digitized process via a computer software system, the challenge re-
mains as to whether digitized data is real. The reality shows that changing digital data is easier
than paper-based data. Thus, it is necessary to have a digitalized process and a secure mechanism
for ensuring transparency, correctness, and consistency of data leading to more efficiency in inci-
dents detection and trace problems tracing. An emerging technology, Blockchain, has attracted
more attention after its great success in finance due to various dominant features in preventing
data changes even from the internal system. Technically, Blockchain is a ledger that records the
entire transaction history publicly on a network of peer-to-peer computers of the time. One com-
mon ledger will be shared among all collaborative organizations in an ecosystem to ensure data
immutability and undeniable responsibility, thereby enhancing data transparency. Therefore, ap-
plying Blockchain technology in agriculture will improve the current traceability process, aiming to
increase the responsibility of the objects in the process and transparency of information for con-
sumers. In this paper, we propose a framework that utilizes Blockchain to robustize traceability
systems. Additionally, our proposed framework is compliant with the GS1 standard to achieve high
reliability and compatibility on a global scale.
Key words: Traceability, Blockchain, Trust, Transparency
Nowadays, a traceability system has great importance
in industries and social institutions, especially in the
food industry 1–6. The recent development of the
traceability system has revealed the benefits that it
could bring. It not only helps for traceability but
also assists in branding, product quality, optimizing
production processes, distributing, finding loopholes
or reaching more customers, and taking competitive
advantages depending on how the company utilizes
the traceability system. More specifically, based on
data collected by the traceability system, the parties
know and reduce the consequences of flawed prod-
ucts as well as the source company will reduce costs
andmeans of recovery in the event of defective. Man-
aging product traceability aims to promote the social-
ization of traceability to serve international integra-
tion and improve efficiency in management, ensuring
the quality and safety of products and goods. There-
fore, it is appropriate to develop effective technology
solutions applied in product traceability following the
global development trend.
In recent years, consumer confidence in products and
goods has been severely damaged by incidents of un-
known origin. Therefore, many companies and man-
ufacturers have developed plans to implement ”QR-
code” traceability for their products. However, ac-
cessing product information still faces many limita-
tions such as incomplete retrieval information for the
entire chain, no cross-checking of information and
connection between agents, no unique identification
system for products, no-verifying information, and
no interactions between users.
To tackle these limitations, our work aims to build
a decentralized, potential traceability solution across
the entire global chain by leveraging the advantages of
blockchain technology. The system has to ensure data
always being available whenever needed, quickly, and
accessible. Additionally, information can be verified
at anytime, anywhere in the supply chain (e.g., at the
Cite this article : Nguyen H, Le M, Nguyen D, Le T, Nguyen H, Pham H. Towards a blockchain-based
framework for traceability in compliance with GS1. Sci. Tech. Dev. J. – Engineering and Technology;
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 3(S1):SI10-SI16
distribution system, at the gate, at the seller, or the re-
ceiving place). Moreover, the last but not the least is
to ensure transparency in the source information.
Traceability System
Although being defined by various resources from in-
ternational standards, law, and universal dictionary,
traceability system is a model that has essential com-
ponents including:
• Traceable resource units: Components and
raw materials are grouped into units of similar
features. This resource unit can be any trace-
able object. There are basic types called trade
units (e.g., case, bottle, box, or bag) or logistic
unit (e.g., pallet or container) or production unit
(e.g., lot or batch).
• Identifier: Identifier code or key must be as-
signed to objects that exist within the retrieval
system. Ideally, these identifiers must be de-
fined in detail to a certain degree and globally
unique. The identifiers used in the traceability
system must be specified the type and structure
used, and the systemmust find out how to asso-
ciate identifiers with traceable resource units.
• Sharable data records: Product and process
characteristics must be recorded either directly
or indirectly associated with the identifier.
These data records generated concerning the life
cycle of a product will be shared among partners
within the product supply chain to fulfill the re-
trieval goal.
• Accessibility of end-users: End users do not
contribute too much to traceability data. How-
ever, they still play essential roles in confirming
and using the product traceability data as the fi-
nal link of a product supply chain. The goal of
the traceability system is to provide information
to end-users, to add value to their belief in trace-
able products.
• Two-way tracking: It will facilitate the trace-
ability in confirming the information and accu-
rate tracking, such as where the product comes
from, andwhere it will be forwarded. Each part-
ner in the product supply chain always needs
these capabilities individually.
Traceability brings information about the overall view
of a product’s lifecycle before it reaches consumers. It
must ensure that the recorded data is connected and
moved from place to place without loss of identity.
Existing Domestic Traceability Solutions
In the past few years, several domestic traceability
solutions have been increasingly developed, such as
VNPT check, Agricheck, TraceVerified, iCheck, TE-
FOOD. These are current traceability solutions in
the market, applying information technology to pro-
vide information on origin and product origin to
consumers through stamps containing information
on the product. Depending on the different solu-
tions, the solution provider will use different types of
stamps such as barcode stamps, QR codes, double-
layer stamp stamps, color stamps.
However, in general, due to these solutions have not
been associated with Blockchain technology, there are
still potential risks as analyzed in the previous section
when the data center will be managed and controlled
by providers, not users in the supply chain. Besides,
depending on the designer, each solution will bring a
different information standard to consumers.
Blockchain and Its Potential Application in
The Traceability System
As mentioned above, the current traceability systems
still exist challenges that need to be overcome, such
as the possibility of a system being hacked to change
data, the ability of data manipulation, difficulties in
detecting bad products and identifying areas of influ-
ence, and standardizing traceability information not
according to general standards.
Blockchain is known as a technology that can rein-
force the value of trust in the world without mutual
trust or authenticity7,8. There are some advantages of
blockchain are as follows:
• Autonomy: It allows participants to have direct
ownership and control of their data without be-
ing controlled or relying on any other organiza-
tion or individual. Each owner has the right to
manage and share his data.
• Anti-denial: It ensures that the information
recorded is irrefutable. In other words, recorded
data are sure of their owner and exist perma-
• Brand protection ability: Blockchain system
will define a clear profile of all existing entities:
individuals, organizations, products, and data.
The information recorded on Blockchain con-
tributes to branding and reputation for manu-
• Increasing competitive advantage through the
transparency of origin: One of the character-
istics of Blockchain is the ability to transparent
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 3(S1):SI10-SI16
information without fear of information being
changed or deleted. Information from the time
of generating and sharing on the network is uni-
fied. Therefore, consumers can trust the above
Thus, Blockchain technology applied to traceability
tackles two current challenges: the ability of the sys-
tem to be compromised by data changes and the abil-
ity to manipulate data.
In addition, the deployment of the traceability system
in the supply chain requires all stakeholders to sys-
tematically connect the flow of materials, products,
and information. This requires a common language,
notably GS1 - the commercial language that is cur-
rently widespread across the world9,10. GS1 - GTS
standards define trade rules: rules for creating prod-
uct identification codes, identifying shipments, and
exchanging trade packets. This language is also ap-
plied to define minimum requirements when design-
ing and implementing a traceability system according
to a global, unified standard.
Based on the research results and surveys of projects
related to traceability, we propose a framework proto-
type of the traceability system as a general template in
the supply chain utilizing Blockchain technology and
compliance with GS1 standards. In the trial version,
this system will provide traceability for products that
are quantifiable and unmodified throughout its sup-
ply chain.
Basically, each entity in the supply chain (raw mate-
rial supplier, manufacturer, distributor, retailer, ex-
cluding consumers because this object does not act
as a data provider) has a digital identifier on the
Blockchain network. Identifiers are used by entities
to publicize the identity on the network, and use when
performing actions on the system.
Except for users, other entities in the system, includ-
ing products, goods, and assets (tokens) circulated
and exchanged in the supply chain, also have iden-
tifiers. The identity of a product will contain its in-
formation and related logs. Asset identification will
record property ownership on the blockchain.
In addition, there must be a connection between dig-
ital identifiers and global identifiers with respect to
GS1 by using a company number, product code, and
shipment code.
The Proposed Framework
The proposed framework is designed under layer-
based architecturemodel that consists of 3 typical lay-
ers as described in Figure 1.
The application layer provides web applications and
multi-platformmobile applications for a supply chain
ecosystem. The web application plays a manage-
ment role in user rights, information provider for
senior managers, individuals, and departments re-
sponsible for management in businesses and organi-
zations. Data is collected decentralized and ensures
the integrity of the entire network. Additionally, the
web application also supports searching information
when input is the product code (code can be directly
scanned or imported). This code (in QR code format)
is printed on the stamp and pasted on the product
or traceable unit when shipping. The mobile applica-
tions act as log entries for products from themanufac-
turing process, processing, transportation, and other
processes that take place in the supply chain. Besides,
the mobile application also supports lookup of trace-
ability information. The lookup function will exist on
all implemented applications.
Theprocessing core layer provides services to handle
requests sent from the client and plays an intermedi-
ary role between user requests and Blockchain classes.
The exchanged data format will comply with GS1
global standards. In order to interact with Blockchain
and record historical data logs, we make many in-
terconnected smart contracts to create high flexibility
and scalability for many different supply chains.
The Blockchain layer supports various Blockchain
platforms that are created for developers to build
applications or can build their own Blockchain for
network projects, depending on the purpose of use
and transaction processing performance of the sys-
tem. However, within the scope of the article, we
propose using the Ropsten Network of Ethereum
Blockchain11. This technology is one of the current
leading Blockchain application development plat-
forms, supporting the extremely powerful SmartCon-
tract12,13. It is easy to learn and convenient to build
Design of Smart Contracts
The smart contract used in the system is divided into
two main categories: one for identity and one for the
digital asset (token). The smart contract of identifiers
can be broken down into components that exist in a
supply chain, including people, batches of products,
and products. The one used to make digital assets ex-
changed online is broken down into two main cate-
gories, including fungible and non-fungible assets.
• Users participating in the system will be identi-
fied by ERC725 and ERC735.
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 3(S1):SI10-SI16
Figure 1: The proposed framwork for a traceability system
• The batch of products and products that exist in
the system will be identified by ERC721.
• Digital assets connected to product lots, physi-
cal products and other exchanged assets will be
implemented by ERC721 and ERC20.
• The origin data statements and logs will be
recorded by ERC735 and ERC721.
On-chain Data
Blockchain plays a role as a database that records his-
torical data, digital identity information, and owner-
ship information. All essential data will be stored on-
chain such as GS1 identifier, production process log,
shipping process log, asset exchange log, and product
sales log.
We have successfully implemented a trial version of
the traceability system named VieFarm, as shown in
Figure 2, using Blockchain that complies with GS1.
Additionally, our system is adjustable with various
processes and supply chain models. Each partner of
the systemwill use the web application tomanage and
lookup traceability information.
For tracking the origin and all related processing pro-
cesses of a product, consumers (end-users) can use
mobile phones to scan the QR-code directly on the
product and see the source information of the product
retrieved from Blockchain.
After being used in the trial by different users, our sys-
tem shows some advantages. Firstly, the information
transparency of VieFarm is a crucial factor in creat-
ing trust between businesses and consumers. Instead
of the previous belief value created by the brand, the
application of Blockchain technology gives a new as-
pect of bringing trust for product consumers. Fur-
thermore, shipments in the traceability system are as-
signed identifiers and associated with their traceabil-
ity information. The traceability system provides a
clear graph of a traceable shipment. Each node on the
graph determines the path to it, the previous point,
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 3(S1):SI10-SI16
Figure 2: Product lookup interface of retail agents
and the following point that the product has passed
through its life cycle. This will help products being
tracked and traced from the farm to the consumer.
Additionally, the statement made by the enterprise is
the information stored on the Blockchain. Because of
the data immutability of this technology, each enter-
prise must be responsible for its claims.
However, VieFarm also has some limitations that
need to be resolved in our future work. The system is
not tolerant of changes, which means that whenever
anyone wants to modify the traceability data that has
been stored on the Blockchain, the data creation ob-
ject must re-create the data and take a new expense.
Then, system privacy is no longer high. Therefore,
when participating in the traceability system, all par-
ties must agree to the trade-off between privacy and
prestige based on publicly available and transparent
For the society, the traceability system using
Blockchain and applying the global traceability GS1
standards helps to look up and verify the identity and
origin of a product quickly and accurately. Besides,
it also enhances the product value and improves
consumer confidence in the community. At the same
time, this solution can be widely applied in practice,
creating smart consumer habits in the period of 4.0
technology. Furthermore, for scientific research, this
paper also contributes and wishes to disseminate
knowledge of Blockchain technology in the field
of training and to build the Blockchain ecological
This research is funded by Ho Chi Minh City Uni-
versity of Technology (HCMUT), VNU-HCM un-
der grant number T-KHMT-2018-89. We acknowl-
edge the support of time and facilities from HCMUT,
VNU-HCM for this study.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Hoai -Nam Nguyen conceived the study, imple-
mented trial software, and wrote the manuscript.
Minh-Thinh Le implemented trial software and per-
formed experiments.
Duc-Hiep Nguyen designed the framework and
wrote the manuscript.
Thanh-Van Le conceived the study and wrote the
Nguyen Huynh-Tuong conceived the study and
wrote the manuscript.
Hoang-Anh Pham conceived the study, desgined the
framework, and finalized the manuscript.
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Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ – Kỹ thuật và Công nghệ, 3(S1):SI10-SI16
Open Access Full Text Article Bài Nghiên cứu
1Trường Đại học Bách Khoa TP.HCM
2Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí
Liên hệ
PhạmHoàng Anh, Trường Đại học Bách
Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Email: anhpham@hcmut.edu.vn
Lịch sử
Ngày nhận: 27-7-2019
Ngày chấp nhận: 23-8-2019
Ngày đăng: 17-10-2020
DOI :10.32508/stdjet.v3iSI1.514
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© ĐHQG Tp.HCM. Đây là bài báo công bố
mở được phát hành theo các điều khoản của
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International license.
Ứng dụng Blockchain cho truy xuất nguồn gốc tương thích với
chuẩn GS1
Nguyễn Hoài Nam1,2, Lê Minh Thịnh1,2, Nguyễn Đức Hiệp1,2, Lê Thanh Vân1,2, Huỳnh Tường Nguyên1,2,
PhạmHoàng Anh1,2,*
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QR code and download this article
Truy xuất nguồn gốc không chỉ đáp ứng nhu cầu xã hội về minh bạch thông tin sản phẩm và củng
cố niềm tin của người tiêu dùng, mà còn đáp ứng nhu cầu của các doanh nghiệp để bảo vệ thương
hiệu và tăng cường cạnh tranh trên thị trường. Một hệ thống truy xuất nguồn gốc thu thập mọi
thông tin cần thiết ở mọi giai đoạn trong chuỗi cung ứng, nên nó cũng là một công cụ hiệu quả
để theo dõi và tối ưu hóa quy trình sản xuất. Áp dụng công nghệ thông tin để số hóa quy trình
nghiệp vụ là xu hướng tất yếu để nâng cao hiệu quả trong quản lý thông tin và đặc biệt là nhanh
chóng phát hiện các vấn đề gian lận. Tuy nhiên, với quy trình số hóa bởi một hệ thống phần mềm
máy tính, thách thức vẫn là liệu dữ liệu số hóa có thật hay không. Thực tế cho thấy việc thay đổi
dữ liệu kỹ thuật số dễ dàng hơn dữ liệu trên giấy. Do đó, cần có một quy trình số hóa và cơ chế
bảo mật nhằm đảm bảo tính minh bạch, chính xác và đồng nhất của dữ liệu để từ đó phát hiện
và theo dõi sự cố hiệu quả hơn. Blockchain là một công nghệ mới nổi đã thu hút nhiều sự chú ý
sau thành công rất lớn trong lĩnh vực tài chính bởi các tính năng vượt trội trong việc ngăn chặn
thay đổi dữ liệu kể cả từ phía bên trong hệ thống. Về mặt kỹ thuật, Blockchain là một sổ cái ghi lại
toàn bộ lịch sử giao dịch trên một mạng máy tính ngang hàng theo thời gian. Một sổ cái chung
sẽ được chia sẻ giữa tất cả các đối tương trong một hệ sinh thái để đảm bảo tính bất biến của dữ
liệu và chống chối bỏ trách nhiệm, từ đó tăng cường tính minh bạch của dữ liệu. Do đó, áp dụng
công nghệ Blockchain sẽ cải thiện quy trình truy xuất nguồn gốc hiện tại trong nông nghiệp bằng
cách tăng trách nhiệm của các đối tượng trong quy trình và minh bạch thông tin cho người tiêu
dùng. Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi sẽ đề xuất một khung sườn ứng dụng công nghệ Blockchain
để tăng cường cho các hệ thống truy xuất nguồn gốc. Ngoài ra, khung đề xuất của chúng tôi đáp
ứng tiêu chuẩn truy xuất nguồn gốc GS1 để đạt được độ tin cậy và khả năng tương thích cao với
các hệ thống truy xuất nguồn gốc trên phạm vi toàn cầu.
Từ khoá: Truy xuất nguồn gốc, Blockchain, Độ tin cậy, Tính minh bạch
Trích dẫn bài báo này: Nam N H, Thịnh L M, Hiệp N D, Vân L T, Nguyên H T, Anh P H. Ứng dụng
Blockchain cho truy xuất nguồn gốc tương thích với chuẩn GS1. Sci. Tech. Dev. J. - Eng. Tech.; 3(S1):
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